Simple Past Perfect Tense
Simple Past Perfect Tense
Simple Past Perfect Tense
- Pekerjaan yang telah terjadi dimasa lalu dan 2 kejadian dimasa lalu
- Conditional Type III x Past Future Tense
- Reported speech ( said, told, asked, thought, wondered )
- Apa yang ingin kita katakan/harapakan namun faktanya bertentangan
- After, as soon as (segera sesudah), before, when, by the time
- After + past perfect dan before + past tense
- S + had + V3 dan S + had + been
Dia sudah menonton filmnya saat gurunya menyuruh mereka untuk menulis resensi
She had watched the movie when the teacher asked them to write a review
Rina telah belajar tata bahasa sebelum dia mengikuti tes TOEFL
Rina had studied grammar before she took the TOEFL test
Saya sudah membeli sekotak Pizza sebelum kamu memberitahu saya apa yang kamu inginkan
untuk makan malam semalam
I had bought a box of Pizza before you told me what you want for dinner last night
Jensen sudah pergi ke pasar ketika kedua orang tuanya bangun tidur pagi ini
Jensen had gone to the market when his parents woke up this morning
Fira dan Ardita telah kembali ke kantor mereka pada saat Cassandra menyelesaikan laporannya
Fira and Ardita had returned to their office by the time Cassandra finished her report
Reita tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk bertemu idolanya karena idolanya telah terbang kembali ke
Reita didn’t get a chance to meet her idol because her idol had flown back to Korea
Marno dan Joko sudah menonton setengah dari film itu ketika Rendi datang tadi malam
Marno and Joko had watched half of the movie when Rendi came last night
Kereta itu sudah berangkat pada saat ayah saya dan saya tiba di stasiun
The train had departed by the time my father and I arrived at the station
Kiara telah berada di Jakarta selama dua tahun pada saat dia menyelesaikan penelitiannya
Kiara had been in Jakarta for two years by the time she completed her research
Ridho dan Sodik telah mengikuti tes TOEFL sebelum mereka melamar beasiswa ke USA
Ridho and Sodik had taken TOEFL test before they applied for scholarship to USA
Julio belum membaca buku panduan ketika dia mengoperasikan mesin itu
Julio had not read the manual when he operated the machine
Valko belum makan apapun selama berhari-hari ketika kami menemukannya di hutan
Valko had not eaten anything for days when we found him in the woods
Kepala kantor menjadi marah karena Feon dan Bagyo belum menyerahkan laporan tahunan mereka
The office chief got angry because Feon and Bagyo had not submitted their annual report
Apakah Arsinta sudah sarapan pada saat bis sekolah tiba di rumahnya?
Had Arsinta had breakfast by the time the school bus arrived at her house?
Apakah kamu sudah memberi makan kucing itu sebelum kamu pergi ke luar kota?
Had you fed the cat before you went out of town?
Apakah Anatoly sudah mencari beberapa data pendukung sebelum dia menampilkan hasil
percobaannya itu?
Had Anatoly searched some supporting data before he presented the result of his experiment?
Guru saya telah menjelaskan materi pada saat saya tiba di kelas
My teacher had explained the material by the time I arrived at the classroom
Mr Derio dan istrinya sudah menemui puluhan dokter sebelum akhirnya istrinya hamil
Mr Derio and his wife had seen tens of doctors before his wife finally got pregnant
Ayahnya Zaki sudah terlanjur menjual rumahnya ketika dia menerima pinjaman dari bank
Zaki’s father had already sold the house when he received the loan from the bank
Frisca sudah mencuci tangannya ketika Iis memintanya untuk memegang bayi itu
Frisca had washed her hands when Iis asked her to hold the baby
Toni telah menyempurnakan desainnya sebelum dia melempar desain itu ke pasaran
Toni had perfected his design before he threw it to the market
Ranji sudah belajar memasak sebelum dia bekerja di hotel bintang lima itu
Ranji had learned how to cook before he worked at the five-star hotel.
Nania belum pernah melihat makhluk yang begitu cantik hingga dia melihat seekor burung merak di
Nania had never seen such a beautiful creature before she saw a Peacock at my house
Apakah Rizal sudah pernah mencoba karaoke sebelum dia bertemu dengan kita?
Had Rizal ever tried karaoke before he met us?
Saya sudah mengunjungi Thailand tiga kali sebelum aku bertemu denganmu
I had visited Thailand three times before I met you.
Brian sudah menerbitkan lima belas buku ketika dia berusia lima belas tahun
Brian had published fifteen books when he was 15 years old
Mr Broto belum membuat janji temu sebelum dia datang ke kantor saya
Mr Broto had not made an appointment before he came to my office
Clarisha sudah terlanjur memesan makanan untuk makan malam pada saat kamu menawarkan
untuk mengajaknya makan malam di luar.
Clarisha had ordered some food for dinner by the time you offered to take her out
Chicka sudah memesan dua kursi di bioskop saat kekasihnya membatalkan kencan mereka
Chicka had booked two seats at the cinema when her boyfriend cancelled the date
saay sudah mengirim lamaran untuk beasiswa saya ketika saya menyadari bahwa satu file belum
dilampirkan di sana
I had sent the application for my scholarship when I realized that one file hadn’t attached to it yet
Saya tidak hadir ke pestamu karena saya telah membuat janji pada putri saya
I didn’t come to your party because I had made a promise to my daughter
Florisha sudah memulai sebuah channel YouTube sebelum kamu memutuskan untuk bergabung
Florisha had started a YouTube channel before you decided to join
Claire telah mendokumentasikan kehidupan macan tutul Afrika sebelum dia dipindahkan ke
Claire had documented the life of African leopard before she was relocated to Antarctica
Perusahaan Foxter telah menciptakan baterai kecil sebelum perusahaan itu memproduksi
Foxter company had created small batteries before it produced Hoverboard
Kami telah mencapai lokasi tujuan kami ketika internet itu kembali menyala
We had reached our destination when the internet got back online
Jimmy sudah meminum dua kaleng soda ketika aku tiba di apartemen nya
Jimmy had drunk two cans of soda when I arrived at his apartment
Rena telah selesai mengepel lantai pada saat orang tuanya pulang
Rena had mopped the floor by the time her parents came home
Semua teman mengirimi aku pesan karena aku belum mengunggah foto-foto kami
All my friends texted me because I had not uploaded our photos
Jenita sudah mengikuti kelas pertahanan diri sebelum dia pergi ke Jakarta
Jenita had taken a self-defense class before she went to Jakarta
Ferin telah kehilangan tas nya ketika dia turun dari kereta
Ferin had lost her purse by the time she got off the train.
Saya telah selesai menulis sebuah surat untuk kedua orang tua saya pada saat Triska masuk ke
kamar itu
I had written a letter for my parents by the time Triska entered the room
Kakak laki-lakiku tidak mempunyai sebuah kartu identitas karena dia telah kehilangannya
bersama dengan dompetnya
My brother did not have an ID card because he had lost it together with his wallet
Aku belum pernah melihat sebuah pantai yang menakjubkan sebelum Aku pergi ke pantai
Kuta di Bali
I had never seen such an amazing beach before I went to Kuta Beach in Bali
Apakah Dina tahu setiap jengkal Jakarta dengan baik karena dia belum pernah mengunjungi
kota tersebut?
Did Dina knew every edges of Jakarta so well because she had never visited the city?
Aku tidak tahu siapa dia. Aku belum pernah melihat dia sebelumnya
I didn’t know who he was. I had never seen him before.
Dion sudah memiliki mobil itu selama 10 tahun sebelum ayahnya menjualnya
Dion had had that car for ten years before his father sold it.
Pada saat Tio lulus dari Universitasnya, dia belum pernah berada di Australia selama lebih
dari 4 tahun
By the time Tio was graduated from this University, she had not been in London for over four
orang tuaku sudah pergi bekerja pada saat aku pulang ke rumah
My parents had already gone to work by the time I got home
Pernahkah kamu berada di Bali sebelum kamu pergi kesana tahun lalu?
Had you ever been to Bali before you went there last year?