MF Module 4
MF Module 4
MF Module 4
The micro finance practices of these institutions revolve around five basic
a. These institutions primarily have women as their target group.
b. They adopt group approach for achieving their targets.
c. Savings are an essential precondition in all these MFI’s for availing credit
from them.
d. The officials of the Bangladesh MFI’s remain present in the weekly
meetings of the groups and collect the savings and even disburse the
e. The systems and procedures of the MFI’s are quite simple.
What is Self Help Group?
a. Self help groups also known as mutual help, are groups of people who
provide mutual support for each other.
b. A self help group is defined as a group consisting of people who have
personal experience of a similar issue or life situation, either directly or
through their family and friends.
c. Self help groups are small informal association of the poor created at the
grass root level for the purpose of enabling members to reap economic
benefits out of mutual help solidarity and joint responsibility.
d. A self help group is defined as a “self governed, peer controlled
information group of people with similar socio economic background and
having a desire to collectively perform common purpose.
Features of Self Help Group
• An SHG normally consists of not less than five persons(with max of
twenty)of similar economic outlook and social status.
• It promotes objectives like economic improvement and raising resources for
development and freedom from exploitation.
• It has its own byelaws for the proper functioning of the group as well as for
the observance of certain rules by the group members and regulations
concerning membership.
• The form of such a group could be mostly on an informal basis
• Periodical meetings of members are held for solving their problems and they
collect fixed savings of the members.
• The savings of members are kept with a bank in the name of group and
authorized representative of the group operates the bank account.
• Sources of funds are the contribution of members savings, entrance fee,
interest from loans.
• Loaning is mainly on the basis of mutual need and trust with minimum
documentation and without any tangible security.
• The amounts loaned are small, frequent and for short duration.
• Rates of interest vary from group to group depending upon the purpose of
loans and are often higher than those of banks but lower than those of
money lenders.
• At periodical meetings, besides collecting money, emerging rural, social and
economic issues are discussed.
• Defaulters are rare dur to group pressure and intimate knowledge of the
end use of the credit as also the borrowers economic resources.
Objectives of Self Help Group
1. To build mutual trust and confidence between the bankers and the rural
2. To create a habit of savings small amount of money regularly.
3. To mobilize the resources of the individual members for their collective
economic development.
4. To meet the emergency financial needs of its members
5. To uplift the living conditions of the poor.
6. To mobilize the individual skills for group’s interest.
7. To encourage entrepreneurial spirit among its members.
8. To identify the problems, analyzing and finding solution in the groups
9. To act as a media for socio economic development of villages.
10.To develop linkage with institution of NGO’s
11.To organize training for promoting skill development
12.To help in the recovery of loans
13. To encourage collective decision making
14. To build team work
15. To solve conflicts among its members through collective leadership
16. To provide collateral free loan with terms decided by the group at the
market driven rates.
Principles of SHG
1. Interaction/meetings/Reflection/Analysis and action
2. Regular savings
3. Trust in one’s self and among members in the group.
4. Consensus
5. Records
6. Access to funds
7. Team Management of Resources.
Advantages of Self Help Groups
1. Channel of Financial Inclusion
2. Resource Mobilization
3. Promote savings and Banking habit
4. Improve the living conditions of the poor
5. Women empowerment
6. Promote Socio Economic justice
7. Community Actions
8. Develop Individual Skill of Group Members
9. Employment Generation
10.Reduce Influence of Unorganised Sector
11.Beneficial to the Financial Sector
Functions of Self Help Groups
1. The major function of self help groups is to make the members more self
reliant or self independent.
2. It is platform which enables its members to discuss their social and
economic problems
3. By providing the financial help it aids in elevating the economic and social
status of the members of the group.
4. It provides the forum for the members for the exchange of ideas
5. Through the exchange of ideas, it enhances the decision making capacity
of its members.
6. It fosters the spirit of mutual help and cooperation among members.
7. It boosts the confidence level of its members
8. Provides Organisational strength to its members
9. It promotes Financial literacy among its members.
Problems Faced By SHGS
1. Regional Imbalance
2. Poor Management
3. Problem of Micro enterprises
4. Dropouts
5. Lack of Business Attitude
6. Regulations
7. Lack of Political Support
8. Sustainability
Structure of SHG’s
a. Size of the group
b. SHG Leaders
c. SHG members
d. Functions of SHG
e. Meetings
f. Saving
g. Interloaning