Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
Objective 3, KRA 1 Objective 3, KRA 1 To constantly seek To attend LAC Year-round Learning and
Applied range of Applied range of instructional advise session Development Team
teaching strategies to teaching strategies to and assistance from Supervisors
develop critical and develop critical and the school head and To seek assistance School Heads
creative thinking, as well creative thinking, as master teachers. through coaching Local Funds for
as other higher-order well as other higher- and mentoring from trainings and
thinking skills order thinking skills department heads workshops
To observe teaching
strategies from
Master teachers and
fellow teachers
Objective 10, KRA 4 Objective 7, KRA 3 To promptly register Apply new learning Year-round School Head
Participated in Selected, developed, in trainings and avail from attending Mathematics teachers
professional networks to organized and used the offerings that courses/seminars/ Books on
share knowledge and to appropriate teaching would help me Workshops or Monitoring/Evaluating
enhance practice and learning resources, improve the specified readings from Learners’ progress
including ICT, to objectives. internet.
address learning goals Use feedback to try a
new approach to an
old practice of
monitoring and
evaluating learners’
Objective 12, KRA 5 Objective 5, KRA 2 To actively participate Attend seminars Year-round
Performed various Planned and delivered in specified trainings Reading books on School Head
related works/activities teaching strategies that and workshops to various teaching Internet connection
that contribute to the are responsive to the address the needs of strategies Colleagues
teaching/learning special educational learners in difficult Mathematics teachers
process needs of learners in circumstances. Partaking in
difficult circumstances discussions or
including: geographic activities
isolation; chronic contributing to
illness; displacement teaching-learning
due to armed conflict, practice
urban resettlement or Benchmarking
disasters; child abuse
and child labor
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
Professional and Ethics: Results Focus To apply feedbacking To seek assistance Year-round Local Fund
Makes personal Delivers error-free by producing through coaching Supervisors/
sacrifices to meet the outputs cost of the excellent outputs. and mentoring from School Heads
organization’s needs. time by conforming to department heads Master Teachers
the standard operating and Master teachers
procedures correctly Internet surfing on
and consistently. To attend INSET on sample of innovation
Able to produce very DepEd matters on
satisfactory quality innovation
work in terms of
acceptability and
completeness with no
supervision required.
This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and
Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.