03 Presentation and Output Device
03 Presentation and Output Device
03 Presentation and Output Device
N- bit plane Frame buffer
Choice of the number of gray scales and colors depend on the value of N (bit plane size)
two colors (B&W)
8 gray scales or colors
–N = 8
256 gray scales or colors
–N = 24
16 million colours
Increase in number of bits per pixel increases the amount of memory required for the
frame buffer
Display device
There are two ways (Random scan display and Raster scan display) by which we can display an
object on the screen.
Raster scan display
In raster scan approach, the viewing screen is divided into a large number of discrete phosphor picture elements, called
pixels.The matrix of pixels constitutes the raster.The number of separate pixles in the raster display might typically range
from 256x256 to 1024 to 1024 Each pixel on the screen can be made to glow with a different brightness.
➢In a raster scan system, the electron beam is swept across the screen, one row at a time from top to bottom. As the
electron beam moves across each row, the beam intensity is turned on and off to create a pattern of illuminated spots.
➢Picture definition is stored in memory area called the Refresh Buffer or Frame Buffer. This memory area holds the set
of intensity values for all the screen points. Stored intensity values are then retrieved from the refresh buffer and “painted”
on the screen one row (scan line) at a time as shown in the following illustration.
Raster scan
In Raster scan the electron beam sweep the entire screen from left to right and top to bottom in same way
writing in Notebook
Raster scan
❑On some raster-scan systems (and in TV sets), each frame is displayed in two passes using an
interlaced refresh procedure.
❑ In the first pass, the beam sweeps across every other scan line from top to bottom. At the end of
each scan line, the electron beam returns to the left side of the screen to begin displaying the next
scan line. The return to the left of the screen, after refreshing each scan line, is called the
horizontal retrace of the electron beam.
❑ And at the end of each frame the electron beam returns to the top left corner of the screen to
begin the next frame. This is called vertical retrace
❑Then after the vertical retrace, the beam sweeps out the remaining scan lines(fig.below).
Interlacing of the scan lines in this way allows us to see the entire screen displayed in one-half
the time it would have taken to sweep across all the lines at once from top to bottom.
Random scan
❑In this technique, the electron beam is directed only to the part of the screen where the
picture is to be drawn rather than scanning from left to right and top to bottom as in raster
scan. It is also called vector display, stroke-writing display, or calligraphic display.
❑Picture definition is stored as a set of line-drawing commands in an area of memory referred
to as the refresh display file.
❑ To display a specified picture, the system cycles through the set of commands in the display
file, drawing each component line in turn. After all the line-drawing commands are processed,
the system cycles back to the first line command in the list.
❑Random-scan displays are designed to draw all the component lines of a picture 30 to 60
times each second.
Random scan display
In Random scan display the electronic beam is directed straightway to the particular point on screen like pencil
to create a line image
Raster scan Random scan
it has poor or less Resolution because picture it has High Resolution because it stores picture
definition is stored as a intensity value. definition as a set of line commands.
Electron Beam is directed from top to bottom Electron Beam is directed to only that part of
and one row at a time on screen, but electron screen where picture is required to be drawn,
beam is directed to whole screen. one line at a time so also called Vector Display.
It is less expensive than Random Scan System It is Costlier than Raster Scan System.
Refresh rate is 60 to 80 frame per second. Refresh Rate depends on the number of lines to
be displayed i.e 30 to 60 times per second.
It Stores picture definition in Refresh It Stores picture definition as a set of line
Buffer also called Frame Buffer. commands called Refresh Display File.
Zig – Zag line is produced because plotted Smooth line is produced because directly the
value are discrete. line path is followed by electron beam .
It uses Pixels along scan lines for drawing an It is designed for line drawing applications and
image. uses various mathematical function to draw.
Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)
Different kinds of phosphors are used in a CRT. The difference is based upon the time for how
long the phosphor continues to emit light after the CRT beam has been removed. This property is
referred to as Persistence
Aspect Ratio
The Aspect ratio of picture is the ratio of its width to its height. It is normally shown by two
numbers separated by colon, as in 4:3. Here, the primary number tells that the picture is 4
units wide and the subsequent number tells that the picture is 3 units high.
Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)
There are two different techniques for producing colour display with CRT
1.Only four colors are possible
2.Quality of pictures is not as good as with another method.
Shadow-Mask Method:
•Shadow Mask Method is commonly used in Raster-Scan System because they produce a
much wider range of colors than the beam-penetration method.
•It is used in the majority of color TV sets and monitors.
Construction: A shadow mask CRT has 3 phosphor color dots at each pixel position.
Printer is the most important output device, which is used to print data on paper.
Types of Printers: There are many types of printers which are classified on various criteria
1. Impact Printers: The printers that print the characters by striking against the ribbon and onto
the papers are known as Impact Printers.
These Printers are of two types:
1.Character Printers
2.Line Printers
2. Non-Impact Printers: The printers that print the characters without striking against the ribbon
and onto the papers are called Non-Impact Printers. These printers print a complete page at a time,
therefore, also known as Page Printers.
Page Printers are of two types:
1.Laser Printers
2.Inkjet Printers
Plotters are a special type of output device. It is suitable for applications:
1.Architectural plan of the building.
2.CAD applications like the design of mechanical components of aircraft.
3.Many engineering applications.
1.It can produce high-quality output on large sheets.
2.It is used to provide the high precision drawing.
3.It can produce graphics of various sizes.
4.The speed of producing output is high.
Drum Plotter:
It consists of a drum. Paper on which design is made is kept on the drum. The drum can rotate in
both directions. Plotters comprised of one or more pen and penholders. The holders are mounted
perpendicular to drum surface. The pens are kept in the holder, which can move left to the right as
well as right to the left. The graph plotting program controls the movement of pen and drum.
Flatbed plotter:
it is used to draw complex design and graphs, charts. The Flatbed plotter can be kept over the table.
The plotter consists of pen and holder. The pen can draw characters of various sizes. There can be
one or more pens and pen holding mechanism. Each pen has ink of different color. Different colors
help to produce multicolor design of document. The area of plotting is also variable. It can vary A4 to