sms كارت ايطالي
sms كارت ايطالي
sms كارت ايطالي
Another feature of ELESYS system is multiplex operation, that is supported in either Serial or Parallel
In multiplex operation two or more lifts are coupled to optimize the traffic, and no additional expansion boards
are required. At the moment ELESYS supports Duplex, Triplex and Quadruplex operation.
3.1 - ELESYS System General Specifications
Application Software installed on the micro controller, can be upgraded via PC and USB cable.
System configuration and faults diagnostic with on board LCD display interface (16 characters on 2 rows)
and 6 buttons keyboard.
The parameters are stored permanently in E2PROM memory, even in absence of the supply voltage.
Ź Door Types
- Manual
- Semiautomatic (automatic car door and manual landing doors)
- Automatic
- Open or Closed Door Parking
- 1 Entrance or 2 Entrances with Serial car connection.
Ź Operations
- Automatic Reset at Top or Bottom Floor at Start Up
- Inspection
- Manual Control (for testing and adjustments)
- Releveling
- Automatic Return at Selected Floor
- Emergency
- VIP call
- Fire-Fighters operation EN81-72 or EN81-73
Automatic Service
This is the regular service of the system.
It completely manages the operating logic of the lift, which can be: Automatic Push Button (APB), Down
Collective, Full Collective or Home Lift.
At starting, the board checks, via the RC input, that none of the contactors involved in car travel is stuck.
The starting sequence is then initiated by activating the closing of any automatic doors.
Door closing is allowed only if all reopening devices (photocell, safety edge, door opening button) are not
The board is informed when doors are closed by the closing of the car door contact (safety chain input SC4);
there is no input for the door closing limit switch, which must be connected, if present, in series with the closing
contactor coil.
When doors are closed, with a small adjustable delay to allow the complete mechanical closing (see function
F52 ), the CAM output is enabled to activate any retiring cam; subsequently, after the landing door locked contact
closing (safety chain input SC5), the actual starting is commanded and, except for special cases, it always occur
at high speed, i.e. with the activation of the outputs Up (AU) or Down (AD), and High Speed (HS) at the same
The lift slows down by activating the Low Speed output (LS) and de-activating High Speed (HS).
The stop at floor takes place by opening LS. The opening of AU/AD may be simultaneous with LS (for 2-speeds
or hydraulic systems), or it can be appropriately delayed for systems with VVVF drive.
The delay can be programmed through an internal timer F17, or as an alternative, if VVVF has an output to
control contactors, this can be used by connecting it to TDC input, with the condition that it must be on during
the travel and has to go off at floor stop after a delay. When motor contactors are switched off, if the car is in
the door zone, i.e. if at least one of the two switches USS and DSS is engaged, the opening of the automatic
doors is executed.
Emergency Operation
The emergency operation for bringing the car to the floor in the absence of mains voltage, is activated by the
FORVLQJRIWKH³HPHUJHQF\´LQSXWROP and the operation differs on the basis of the programming of Function
F36 - Emergency Floor (See 8.2 - Functions)
a) F36 = Next Floor ± Recommended setting for traction lifts
5 seconds after activating ROP, the board commands the car to go down at low speed (even if the
direction of travel is unknown as it depends on the load in the car).
The car stops at the first stop zone (i.e. when USS and DSS are both engaged), the automatic doors
open and any further operation is prevented.
b) F36 = Bottom floor ± Recommended setting for hydraulic lifts
5 seconds after activating ROP, the car goes down at high speed to the bottom floor. On arriving at the
down limit switch (DLS) it slows and stops at the floor, the automatic doors open and any further
operation is prevented.
In both cases, the system returns to service, having carried out a Reset Operation, when the ROP input returns
to OFF.
VIP Call Operation
The VIP call floor is provided with a key switch (VIC input).
When the key is inserted VIC = ON, all commands and the existing calls are cancelled, and it is no longer
possible to enable other commands.
The car reaches as fast as possible the preset VIP call floor, namely:
a) if the car is stopped, it immediately moves to the VIP call floor.
b) if the car is moving in the same direction as that required by VIP call, it keeps on moving until reaching
the VIP call floor.
c) if the car is running in the opposite direction to that requested by VIP call, it slows down and stops at the
first floor reached, without opening the doors and, after 2 seconds, it starts moving in the opposite direction
to serve the VIP call.
When the car reaches the floor, if the VIC input stays ON, the car calls can be used on one at a time basis: in
During this operation, the doors park open.
The normal operation of the lift is restored when the key is removed and the VIC input turns OFF.
If the operation is type EN81-72 or if the F47 value is set on No, this function is not active and at the end
of Phase 1 the doors remain open.
The status of the input must be ON in case of non activated push button, as for the normal operation (N.C.
In case of return of the activation inputs to normal conditions, the system can return to normal operation only
if it has been brought back to the firefighter floor from which the operation started (Point 5.8.8 m of the
Home Lift Operation
This operation is for managing commands on the load support and landing calls according to EN81-41
The buttons located on the platform, which are used to control the movement from the platform, are
The landing call buttons, which are used to control the movement from the floorsDUHQRW³KROGWRUXQ´WKH
call is memorized like APB Operation.
Calls cannot be registered from floors if the platform is not at a defined floor.
During the operation, the display shows a status page, which shows the operating status of the system.
In the status page is always displayed:
x The floor where the car is:
The number of the floor displayed depends on the main floor setting: this is normally displayed as 00, the
upper floors from 01 up, while the lower floors as -1, -2, etc. It shows -- during reset.
By setting F54 it is possible to change the main floor appearance (See 8.2 - Functions)
x The state of the lift, for example:
- Normal Operation AUTO
- Manual Service Control MAN
- Reset RES
- Inspection INS
- Emergency EME
x The sub-state, namely the current operation of the lift such as:
- Direction and Speed Level HS, LS, Up, Down
- Door Status Door Open, Opening, Closed, Closing
- Other information Releveling
ŹKey Functions
Enters the Programming / Diagnostics mode
OK or
Confirm the value of the newly modified function.
Selection Menu
The selection menu shows a numeric index and a description of the corresponding option.
Menu, options 1 and 2 Menu, options 3 and 4
By scrolling through the menu using the keys Ð and Ï, the index will flash, with the OK button you can select
the desired option.
When accessing the menus Counters, Access, Functions, Settings and Test, on the display appears the
message A01:Access Code 1 and on the bottom row is proposed the 8-digit code flashing 00000000.
To proceed, you must enter the correct numeric access code, consisting of 8 decimal digits, each one can
assume a value from 0 to 9 .
SMS supplies the ELEMPU boards programmed with Access Code = 00000000. The user can choose to
modify it as needed after the first access (See 3.3.5 - Access).
To enter the code, use keys Í,Î,Ð,Ï as described in the preceding Table "Key )XQFWLRQV´
If the code is not correct, after you have confirmed with OK, the value entered keeps on flashing on display
until the correct code is entered. To return to normal operation, press ESC.
If the code is correct, menu access is enabled.
Total Alarms
If there are one or more alarms, press OK to display the numeric code of the first alarm E--, followed by a
brief description, the Date and Time when the alarm was triggered.
E16:Ext. Trip 1
18.01.17 15:09
By pressing key Î it is possible to see the number of registration and the total number of errors.
18.01.17 15:09
Alarms are displayed in the order in which they took place, starting from the most recent, with a maximum of
32 events: the 33rd alarm onwards deletes the oldest occurrence.
Press Ï to skip to the next alarm. If there is no other alarm, the first alarm will be displayed.
To clear all the alarms press the keys Í and Î simultaneously.
To exit the Diagnostic mode, press ESC.
If an alarm occurs, causing the lift to go Out of Service, the display automatically shows the alarm code,
that flashes until normal operation is restored:
Press OK on this page and then both keys Í and Î to
E15: Thermistors clear the alarm and restore the operation of the lift system.
<OK> To View
As indicated above the Í and Î buttons delete all the alarms present, so it is recommended to check them
all before returning the lift to service following an out of order alarm.
C02:Down travels
By selecting for example C02, you will display the number of down travels carried out by the lift:
The number is incremented every 100 travels and for this reason the value displayed is always a multiple of
To reset the count, press both buttons Í and Î simultaneously.
Be careful to keep the access code, if you change the default factory setting.
A01:AccessCode 1 To change the code, use the keys Í,Î,Ð,Ï as described in the
00000000 Table Key Functions and confirm with OK
To change the language, from the previous screen press Ð. The display shows:
Now press the Î, then Ð to select the desired language and
A02:LanguageSel. confirm with OK.
This menu allows configuring the ELEMPU board, i.e. to insert the specific data of the lift, choose the desired
options among those available, and modify the preset times, if needed.
All the FUNCTIONS, with the available settings and the default values are listed in 8.2 - Functions.
Example F01: Top Floor
F01:Top floor
11 Sets the number of lift stops (Top Floor - 11).
The functions can be selected by scrolling through the menu using the keys Ð and Ï .
The selected function can be changed as follows:
- Press Î , the current value of the function flashes on the bottom line of the display.
- Use keys Ð or Ï to increase or decrease the value of the function.
- Use keys Í or Î to go to the next or previous digit of the function,
if it is a function of a numeric type.
- When the function assumes the desired value, press OK to save it or press Í to exit without saving the
This menu allows the setting of the current date and time, in order to manage alarm history:
To change the settings, use the keys Í,Î,Ð,Ï as indicated in the
S01:Date & Time table Key Functions
17.01.17 18:15
The data set is saved even without power, thanks to a backup battery on the ELEMPU board.
Also it is possible to set ELEMPU Programmable Outputs by setting S02-S08 (See 5.6 - Programmable
The user can add ELEXP boards to expand ELEMPU I/O to support installation with higher stop number, as
shown on the table, up to 32 floors.
The boards are connected via CAN Bus, and every ELEXP board should be programmed with the correct
address by operating the SW2 dipswitch: see 8.5.2 - Board Address for more information.
In the next pages there are some tables that shows how to connect Landing Calls and Car Calls for every
combination of ELEMPU and ELEXP.
Each Car or Landing Call terminal is linked to a board input and an output signal, that assumes two different
x Car Incoming at n-th floor in APB operation
x Call Registered in case of Collective operation.
These signals must be connected to the same terminals provided for the buttons, as shown in Figure 1 (only
one wire for the connection of button/signal to the board):
Figure 1
Landing Call
Car Call
Landing Call
Car Call
Car Call
With Serial Car connection ELEMPU board is in the Control Panel, and ELEPLUS in the Car Box
Door control
Serial Connection
Car calls and
Mode ELEXP Max stops BOX
APB 12
Power supply
1 24
3 32
2 18 Landing
Full Collective FLOOR
3 24 calls
In the next pages there are some tables that shows how to connect Landing Calls and Car Calls for every
combination of ELEMPU, ELEPLUS and ELEXP.
In Down Collective and Full Collective, ELEXP board can be added until the correct number of stops is
supported. For example in a 20 floors installation only 1 ELEXP is needed, programmed with address 1.
Each Car or Landing Call terminal is linked to a board input and an output signal, that assumes two different
x Car Incoming at n-th floor in APB operation
x Call Registered in case of Collective operation.
These signals must be connected to the same terminals provided for the buttons, as shown in Figure 2 (only
one wire for the connection of button/lamp to the board):
Figure 2
Car Call
Car Call
Car Call
Car Call
Up Stop
Bottom Floor
Limit Switch
Inspection Enable Inspection Operation. It must be CLOSED with the system in NORMAL
Box Contact service, and OPEN in INSPECTION state.
3.2.3 -
Inspection Up
URI NO Inspection
Inspection Box Directions
Down Button
5.5.3 -
Photocell and safety edge contact.
P NC PE1 Automatic
(CLOSED with beam free, and OPEN with beam interrupted)
Door Control
S - - - -
3.2.1 -
Car Overload Switch (load > 110% loading capacity), contact CLOSED with car
IP2 NO OCI Automatic
Contactor Active input for VVVF drive only. Connect the output of the VVVF dedicated to 3.2.1 -
TDC NO Drop-out the control of the contactors. If not connected, the drop-out of the contactors in Automatic
Delay VVVF drive mode is controlled with a programmable delay. Service, F17
Connect to the auxiliary contacts of contactors that control the motor, where an
RC C Contactors F37, F38
It is possible to program if the input must be active during RUN (contacts N. A.
in parallel) or active with car STOPPED (contacts N.C. in series)
Emergency 3.2.7 -
ROP NO Operation Activates Emergency Operation. Emergency
Enable Operation
5.5.1 -
M5 Releveling Connect to an auxiliary contact of the SAFETY CIRCUIT which enables
REL NO Positioning
Enable releveling with open doors and that provides the door contact by-pass
and Releveling
5.5.3 -
P NC DOL Door Open Limit switch Automatic
Door Control
S - - - -
3.2.1 -
EC - Occupied Car (load > 1 person) in Automatic Push Button operation
BK NO EC / FC Automatic
FC - Full Car (load > 80% loading capacity) in Collective operation
The opening of this input causes the OUT OF SERVICE with immediate stop of
the car. It can be connected, for example at the contact of the MAINS PHASE
External E16
EA1 NC CONTROL device or at FAULT contact of the VVVF. When the input closes
Alarm 1
again after an opening, the lift automatically returns to service with a reset
= Mandatory wiring
= If not used leave open
= If not used connect to 24V
P = Only in Parallel Car connection
S = Only in Serial Car connection
NC = Normally Closed input
NO = Normally Open input
C = Configurable input (NC or NO)
- = Not used
External The opening of this input causes the car to stop at the end of the current travel. E17
Alarm 2 It can be connected for example to the contact of the oil thermostat
3.2.8 - VIP
VIC NO VIP CALL Activates VIP Call Operation
Call Operation
S - - - -
Connect to a PTC thermistor: if the thermistor resistance increases an error
NC occurs. F12, F33, E15
Make a jumper between TH1 and TH2 if not used.
Safety Chain
SCC NC Voltage reference of Safety Circuits. Grounded on Control Panel.
= Mandatory wiring
= If not used leave open
= If not used connect to 24V
P = Only in Parallel Car connection
S = Only in Serial Car connection
NC = Normally Closed input
NO = Normally Open input
C = Configurable input (NC or NO)
- = Not used
3.2.9 - Fire-
Fire-Fighters Fighter
IPA S NC Operation Fire-Fighter Inputs Operation
Enable EN81-72 /
IPB S NO FC Full Car (load > 80% loading capacity) in Collective operation
3.2.3 -
IPC S NO ODI Open door in inspection mode Inspection
Inspection Up
3.2.3 -
Inspection Inspection
IDC S NO Inspection box at the car top Operation
Down Button
Box contact
5.5.3 -
PE2 S NC PE2 Photocell and safety edge contact. Side 2 Automatic
Door Control
IFC S - - -
Car Overload Switch (load > 110% loading capacity), contact CLOSED with car
3.2.9 - Fire-
IKF S NO Fire-Fighter Inputs Operation
car key switch
EN81-72 /
NC TH Door motor thermistors
= Mandatory wiring
= If not used leave open
= If not used connect to 24V
P = Only in Parallel Car connection
S = Only in Serial Car connection
NC = Normally Closed input
NO = Normally Open input
C = Configurable input (NC or NO)
- = Not used
5.5.3 - Automatic
DC R Door Closing Control NO relay contacts for automatic and semiautomatic door control
Door Control
M10 Safety chain Common Internal connection for safety reasons, leave unconnected
AU R Up Control
X = Unconnected
T = Transistor Output
O = Optoisolated Output
R = Relay Output
- = Voltage reference
= Programmable Output
= Mandatory Connection
For M7 Outputs the function can be changed. See 5.6 - Programmable Outputs.
EMV O Emergency
AUV O Up Run
X = Unconnected
T = Transistor Output
O = Optoisolated Output
R = Relay Output
- = Voltage reference
= Programmable Output
= Mandatory Connection
OA1 *
M8 CAM Retiring CAM control
OB1 *
M9 LC Car Light/Fan control
OPC T - - -
OPD T - - -
OPE T - - -
X = Unconnected
T = Transistor Output
O = Optoisolated Output
R = Relay Output
- = Voltage reference
= Programmable Output
= Mandatory Connection
Figure 3
If necessary, for example due to the speed of the system or to the distance between the floors, the magnets
that control the slowdown can "cross", i.e. the magnet, which controls the slowdown to the next floor may be
positioned immediately after the magnets of floor zone (stop/door zone). No programming is required for the
board in this case, as software adjusts automatically.
It is however required to provide a distance of a few centimetres between the floor zone magnets and the
slow down on, to allow the correct reading of the input (this distance depends on the system speed); usually
5 cm are sufficient, and therefore the minimum distance between floors allowed is equal to the slowdown
space + door unlock space + 5 cm.
ULS, DLS switches are used for reset operation and to slow the car at the upper and lower floors.
The switches ULS and DLS must be of type NC and driven at end floors by a magnet with a length equal to
slowdown distance minus 2 cm, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4
ŹMagnets position for installation without releveling
If releveling is not needed, the magnets scheme to follow is the one in Figure 5.
A = 160mm
D = 20mm
R = 100mm
Figure 5
A = 160mm
D = 20mm
R = 100mm
Figure 6
When the lift is not in High Speed and within the Door Zone, Safety Module activate REL input of ELEMPU board,
than ELEMPU activates LEV output, and its relay enables the by-pass of the doors contacts.
Figure 8
For more information about the connection of Safety Chain see 5.5.2 - Safety Chain .
Safety chain connection is different for every door configuration, as shown in the concept schematic in
Figure 9.
In the hydraulic systems with semi-automatic doors, to enable releveling with doors open, the safety chain SC3
shall not be interrupted by the landing door closed switches. SC3 must be connected upstream, but to
prevent the automatic car doors from closing with the landing doors open, it is required to connect a relay after
the previous contacts, connecting a dedicated NO contact in series to the photocell input (IP1 on ELEMPU).
F08.n Behaviour
Side 1 ELEPLUS open and close only side 1
Side 2 ELEPLUS open and close only side 2
Simultaneous ELEPLUS open and close both sides simultaneously.
Selective Every side has its own floor and car call, see also 6.2 - Selective Door Opening
None No open or close command are activated
Figure 10
Start F57
Slowdown Stop zone
Figure 11
OA3-2nd Valve A3 -
0V 0V 0V
0V 0V 0V
F39 = 3 Lifts
F39 = 3 Lifts F39 = 3 Lifts
F40 = 0
F40 = 1 F40 = 2
0 o U00 0 o C00
1 o U01 1 o C01
2 ± side1 o U02 2 ± side1 o C02
3 o U03 3 o C03
4 ± side1 o U04 4 ± side1 o C04
5 o U05 5 o C05
6 ± side2 o C00 ELEXP N°2 6 ± side2 o C06 ELEXP N°2 6 ± side2 o C00 ELEXP N°1
The ELEXP Board provides 12 outputs to control a display with 1 Input per floor, and NEGATIVE COMMON.
,QWKHVDPHZD\LW¶Vpossible to control car position signals by lamps.
In this case it is enabled only one board if the lift stop number i(F) is 12,
2 boards if F > 13 and 24, 3 boards ifF > 24 and 32.
The car and landing calls remain recorded
and 5 attempts will be performed: if the
problem persists, all calls are cancelled
and the car remains in service, waiting for
E 07 CAR DOORS FAIL TO The doors do not complete the closing new calls.
CLOSE (SC4 = ON) within the time set in F23.
The calls are not cancelled but are
transferred to the other cars.
If the timer intervenes in the CLOSING
FOR PARKING or RESET procedure, 5
closing attempts will be performed, after
which the car will park with the doors open.
E 08 CAR DOORS FAIL TO The doors do not complete the opening Door motor control is disabled and the lift
OPEN within the time set in F22. normally remains in service.
HIGH SPEED The car is moving at high speed without Out of Service
E 09 MAXIMUM TRAVEL reaching the next floor within the time set
Manual Error Reset required
E 13 FLOOR COUNT Car position indicates an end floor but no A call is made to the opposite end floor to
ERROR limit switch is active. reset the car position.
ŹOut of service
In this condition the lift doesn't register any call and this state is not reversible, even if the power goes off and
on again. If the lift is at door zone and the car has automatic doors, they are opened to make eventual people
exit the car, then are closed again.
Eventual OS programmable output turns off in this condition.
The lift returns to normal operation after the error source is fixed and a Manual Error Reset is performed:
1. Pressing Í and Î buttons in Diagnostic menu (see 3.3.2 - Diagnostics).
In this case all the alarms are deleted from the Diagnostic menu.
1 ÷ MAX F.
F 01 TOP FLOOR Set this function to the maximum floor number, according to the operation mode 11
and the number of expansion boards connected to the system.
0 ÷ MAX F.
F 02 MAIN FLOOR It is used to properly manage calls from floors in case of Down Collective 0
operation, when the main floor does not coincide with the bottom floor.
- A.P.B. Automatic Push-Button Operation
- MANUAL manual car and landing doors
F 05 DOOR TYPE - SEMIAUTOMATIC automatic car doors and manual landing doors AUTOMAT.
- AUTOMATIC automatic car and landing doors
1 ÷ 60 sec.
F 26 START DEL. TIME Valid only for COLLECTIVE operation. It is the stop time of the car at floor with 2
the doors open before the next leaving due to a command or existing call.
1 ÷ 60 sec.
In the APB operation this is the classic delay that controls the "OCCUPIED" signal
OCCUPIED TIME and disables calls from landing control stations. 5
F 27 In COLLECTIVE operation, this is the stop time of the car at floor with the doors
open before reversing direction to serve calls in the opposite direction. It must be
greater than the time set in F26.
1 ÷ 15 minutes
Valid for both traction and hydraulic lifts.
0.1 ÷ 3.0 sec.
F 29 GONG TIME It is the time during which is active the acoustic signal of car coming at floor, at the 0,5
beginning of door opening, or after the stop in the case of manual doors.
1 ÷ 255 sec.
F 30 CAR LIGHT TIME Controls the LC output and determines how long this output must remain active 10
F 31 - UNUSED 0
F 48 CAR LIGHT UNIT It allows you to change the unit of measurement for the time set in F 30 SECONDS
(1÷255 sec.), because turning car light off and on too frequently is not correct and
255 seconds could not be enough.
0 ÷ 255 minutes
F 49 STAND-BY TIME Allows controlling system's stand-by state, which is activated setting in this 0
function a time different from 0.
0 ÷ 255 sec.
F 50 RE-LEVEL TIME If releveling duration exceed this time an error E11 is triggered
MAIN FL. DISP. -1 Main floor is 1 and the floors below are negative 0
F 54 (0 doesn't exist)
- A, B, C... As "0" case but main floor is displayed as a letter
0,0 ÷ 3,0 sec.
F 56 STAR DELTA T. Set time for Star-delta hydraulic drives. 0
See 5.5.5 - Star-delta start for Hydraulic drives
0,0 ÷ 5,0 sec.
F 57 SOFT STOP T. Set time for Soft stop function for hydraulic drives. If not used set to 0. 0
See 5.5.7 - Soft stop for Hydraulic drives
ŹF45 ± F46
Function F45 is the designated fire-fighters floor N.1, activated by the FO input, prior compared to IPA, which
is instead relative to the F46 function, designated fire-fighters floor no.2.
The programmable value in F45 and F46 goes from 0 to the top floor, but 0 defines the "not leaving" of the
car during Phase 1, meaning the opening of the doors directly at the floor in which the lift is stopped.
This means that if you want to bring the lift to floor 0, actually you need to set for example F45 = 1.
More generally, when the lift needs to be brought to a specific floor, the value of F45 and F46 must be set at
the floor number plus 1.
DO NOT use any power source with voltage different from specifications
General Specifications
Relay coil
Figure 12 INPUT
Figure 13
contactors coils, electromagnets, or other similar magnetic devices, to protect the board against surges:
- Diodes for DC voltage loads
- Varistors or RC Filters for AC voltage loads, or when it is important to quickly de-energize the
ELEXP Board Outputs are all relay based dry contact.
To use this board as a call expansion, connect 24X to relay common CC, as shown in Figure 14; also in this
case make sure that all SW1 switches are set to ON.
CC 24X Cn 0V
Floor n
Floor n Button
Figure 14
On ELEXP and ELEPLUS board two indication led can be used for debug purpose:
On ELEMPU board, only from M3BASE4 version, there are also two indication led:
Board 1 Board 2
Figure 15
Board Address
In CAN BUS systems every board has an unique address.
You can set a board address through some hardware switches:
- For ELEXP SW2 Dipswitch, JP3 and JP4 Jumpers
- For ELEPLUS SW1 Dipswitch
In ELEXP boards the address is set according to this table:
JP4 Function
A Normal call expansion
B Display Driver (see 6.3 - ELEXP As Display Driver)
In ELEPLUS Board SW1 dipswitch behaves as SW2 in ELEXP board; there is no JP3 though, so only address
numbers from 0 to 3 are available for this board.
In multiplex operation set every board dipswitch according to the lift group that it is assigned.
For ELEMPU the lift group is set by F40 function (see 6.1 - Multiplex Operation).
For ELEXP is set by the last two switches of SW2.
SW2:3 SW2:4
The above mentioned products are in conformity to the requirements of the following
European Directives:
2014/33/UE LIFTS
Date: 20/04/2016
Phone: +39 051 969037 Fax : +39 051 969303 Technical Support: +39 051 6720710
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ELESYS System User's Manual - Version 02 - 16/02/2017 89