Fundamentals of Criminal Investigatio1.1
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigatio1.1
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigatio1.1
Objectives : 1. At the end of this module students will know the historical background of
5th Century - B.C. Rome created the first specialized investigative unit. It was
name as QUESTOR/TRACKERS/MURDERERS due to their cruel treatment to
suspects in investigating crimes.
9th Century - England King Alfred the Great, established a system of mutual
pledge (social control) which organized for the security of the country into
several levels.
Ten Tithing - One hundred persons were group into one under the charged of
high constable. Hue and cry is employed. The constable who is considered the
first form of English police deals with more serious breaches of the law.
Tithing - ten persons are grouped together to protect one another and to
assume responsibility for the acts of the groups members.
1. Praetorian guard - this was considered the first police officers, their job is to protect the
palace and the emperor.
2. Praefectus urbi - their functions is to protect the city. They have both executive and
judicial power.
3. Vigiles of Rome - began as firefighters, they were eventually also given law
enforcement responsibilities. They were considered quitebrutal and it is from them that the
word VIGILANTE came from.
INVESTIGATION - an inquiry, judicial or otherwise for the discovery and collection of facts concerning
matters involved ;
= it is the process of inquiring, eliciting, soliciting and getting vital information, facts,
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR - A public safety officer who is tasked to conduct the investigation of all
criminal cases as provided for and embodied under the Revised Penal Coce, criminal laws, and social
laws which are criminal in nature, = a well trained, disciplined and experienced professional in the
field of criminal investigation.
CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION - Investigation conducted by law enforcement officers after a person has
been arrested or deprived of his freedom of action.
EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY - The narration of facts by the person who really witnessed how the crime
was committed by the suspect to the victim or to the property stolen or taken.
CHAIN OF CUSTODY = a process by which evidence collected is handed, transferred and accounted
for from the time of discovery until the disposition of the case.
NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTIGATION = One of the most crucial steps in kidnap for ransom cases which is
often overlooked. The objective is to identify and interview in person all individuals in the area where
the victim was kidnapped or last known sighting area during the window of opportunity or last time
seen until the time discovered missing.
CRIME SCENE - a venue or place where the alleged crime, incident, event has been committed.
CORPUS DELICTI - (Latin for the body of crime) used to described the physical or material evidence
that a crime has been committed. (example: corpse of a murder victim).
MIRANDA VS ARIZONA = Ernesto Miranda had confessed to rape and kidnapping, after two hour
interrogation, because the interrogator failed to inform Miranda of his right to counsel and remain
silent, his conviction was overturned.
WATERBOARDING = refers to the practice of strapping a suspect to a board with his/her head
lowered than the face is covered and water is poured over, it causing the suspect to gag and experience
the sensation of drowning.
CHINESE WATER TORTURE = interrogation technique repeatedly dripping water on the forehead of
the suspect. The goal is to drive the suspect to near insanity thereby obtaining a confession.
SERIAL KILLER - is someone who murders 3 or more people with “cooling off” periods in between.
ALLAN PINKERTON - a Scottish American detective who created the Pinkerton National Detective
Agency, the first detective agency in the U.S. He foiled a plot to assassinate President Lincoln.
WESTON AND WELLS - defined criminal investigation as lawful search for people and things useful in
reconstructing the circumstances of an illegal act or omission and the state accompanying it
ROUGES GALLERY = is a police collection pictures or photographs of criminals and suspects kept
for identification purposes/ A compilation of description, methods of operation having places
and names of criminal and their associates.
It is the collection of facts in order to accomplish the three (3) fold aims
1. Establish rapport
2. Forcefulness of Personality
3. Breadth of interest
WHAT IS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION - Criminal investigation came from Latin word INVEST which mean
to inquire or to discover during the 5 th century.
It is a legal inquiry by the virtue of a complaint to follow-up, examine, trace, track and search
step by step by patient and meticulous observation, the fact of the commission of the crime , their
identity of the suspects and the circumstances affendant thereto, by careful evaluation of all available
evidence to the end that violators of law be brought to the bar of justice, and innocent be relieved
1. IT IS AN ART - because it is governed by rigid rules or fixed legal procedures but most ofter
based on intuition.
2. IT ISA SCIENCE - because it involves the application of knowledge’s of forensic science in
the process of identifying, locating, collecting physical evidence.
- Police line
- Video camera
- Voice recorder
- Camera
- Measuring device gloves
- Flashlight
- Fingerprint kit
- Evidence bag
- Evidence tag
- Evidence bottle/vials
- Investigator tickler
- Evidence tong
- Evidence record book