Senate of Serampore College (University)
Senate of Serampore College (University)
Senate of Serampore College (University)
SECTION – A (3x5=15)
Answer any three questions from the following (Maximum 200 Words or Two Pages for each
1. Discuss the importance of the attitude of Respect in a counselling relationship.
2. What are the steps and ways by which you can effectively facilitate the exploration of the issues that
the counselee would want to share with a counsellor?
3. When and how will you use Prayer in a counselling relationship? Explain the importance of Prayer
in a counselling relationship.
4. When does a counsellor confront a counselee in a therapeutic relationship? Discuss the effectiveness
of confrontation in a therapeutic relationship.
5. Discuss the difference between primary empathy and advanced empathy.
SECTION – B (3x15=45)
Answer any three of the following questions (Maximum 800 Words or Five Pages for each
6. How has the study of counselling and psychotherapy helped to have a better understanding of you as
a person and as a counsellor? What is that one particular branch of psychotherapy that has
influenced you and why?
7. Who are the reluctant and resistant clients? Discuss how we can effectively deal with such types of
clients to have a meaningful termination of the counselling relationship.
8. Explain the wholeness. Elucidate the different dimensions of wholeness and its relevance today for
a person to function effectively and holistically.
9. How do you understand Personalizing? What are the steps involved in Personalizing and explain
why the stage of personalizing is important in a counselling relationship? Discuss.
10. How can facilitative self disclosure by the counsellor become a block to the counselee in the context
of a counselling relationship? Explain the importance of Facilitative Self Disclosure in the
therapeutic relationship.