Separation of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Separation of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Separation of Magnetic Nanoparticles
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Magnetic particles (MPs) and magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are appealing candidates for biomedical
Available online 2 March 2019 and analytical applications due to their unique physical and chemical properties. Given that magnetic
fields can be readily used to control the motion and properties of M(N)Ps, their integration in analytical
Keywords: methods opens new avenues for sensing and quantitative analysis. There is a large body of literature
Capillary electrophoresis related to their synthesis, with a relatively small number of methods reporting the analysis of M(N)Ps
Field flow fractionation
using separation methods, which provide information on their purity and monodispersity. This review
Magnetic (nano)particles
discusses analytical separation methods of M(N)Ps published between 2013 and June 2018. The analytical
Microfluidic chip
separation methods evaluated in this work include (i) field flow fractionation, (ii) capillary electropho-
Separation resis, (iii) macroscale magnetophoresis and (iv) microchip magnetophoresis. Among the trends in
analytical separations of M(N)Ps an inclination towards miniaturization is moving from conventional
benchtop methods to rapid and low-cost methods based on microfluidic devices.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0165-9936/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
90 M.N. Alves et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 89e97
A search in Elsevier's database Scopus shows that only ca. 12% of the of polydisperse M(N)Ps by simply controlling the flow rate. How-
total publications on M(N)Ps address analytical separation tech- ever, broad size distributions were obtained. Thus, further optimi-
niques. Yet, the separation and analysis of M(N)Ps is critically sation of the system is crucial to allow for specific applications such
important to obtain information on their size, shape and chemistry as in biomedicine.
surface, enabling their practical use for many applications.
In 2012, Stephens et al. [18] reviewed 58 papers describing Magnetic quadrupole field flow fractionation. The first pro-
separation of M(N)Ps by means of applied magnetic fields and field totype of a magnetic quadrupole field flow fractionation (MQFFF)
gradients for improved purification and analysis [18]. The main goal was developed and evaluated by Zborowski et al. [26] for contin-
of this review is to pinpoint separation techniques of M(N)Ps for the uous separation of human peripherical lymphocytes labeled with
period between 2013 and June 2018, by employing three distinct magnetic colloids. It consisted of a quadrupole electromagnet as-
types of field-flow fractionation (FFF) (magnetic FFF, asymmetrical sembly of four steel pole tips with two of them opposed the
FFF and cyclical electrical FFF), capillary electrophoresis (CE), magnetic north poles and the other two opposed the magnetic
macroscale magnetophoresis (high/low gradient magnetic separa- south poles. The electromagnet assembly was radially symmetric.
tion), and microchip magnetophoresis. Analytical separation and The steel was magnetized by an electric current in the coils wrap-
sample preparation approaches using M(N)Ps are deemed outside ped around the poles. This configuration creates a magnetic field
the scope of our review, for which there is a large body of literature, whose magnitude increases linearly with the radial distance from
including recent comprehensive reviews [1e3,19e23]. All the the axis. This methodology is well described by Carpino et al. [27].
studies discussed and critically analyzed are summarized in Table 1 The results showed that the separation process was close to the
in terms of particle composition and size, magnetic field applied, predicted behavior of an ideal quadrupole magnetic field [26]. Later
separation principle, separation time and complexity of the in- on, Orita et al. [28] developed a simple on-off field MQFFF to
frastructures used. separate and quantify two distinct sub micrometer commercial
M(N)Ps (90 and 200 nm) at specific magnetic field and flow con-
2. Separations of magnetic (nano)particles ditions [28]. This on-off field MQFFF system was inspired by the
system previously developed by Zborowski et al. [26]. It consisted
2.1. Field flow fractionation of a separation channel volume of 0.94 mL fitted into a stainless-
steel cylinder that was implemented in a flow injection setup
FFF is a separation technique that uses an external field applied with downstream optical detection (Fig. 1). The fractograms
perpendicular to the direction of flow causing differential migra- exhibited improved retention (98.6% vs. 53.3%) for the larger M(N)
tion of M(N)Ps. Typically, the flow profile in a FFF channel is Ps (200 nm vs.90 nm) at higher flow rates (0.05 mL/min vs. 0.01 mL/
laminar, so particles which interact more strongly with the field are min) [28]. Thus, for given field and flow conditions, the on-off field
found closer to the channel walls and will move more slowly due to MQFFF system can be used for the quantification of retained and
slower flow streams. Analytes can be separated by different unretained fractions. This is useful for the separation of unwanted
mechanisms of FFF according to the type of the field applied. weakly magnetic particulate contaminants from M(N)P suspen-
Typical fields include centrifugal and gravitational forces, cross flow sions. Compared to the magnetic coil setup previously described,
of solvent, and thermal, electrical and magnetic gradients [24]. the on-off field MQFFF system requires less handling.
Moore et al. [29] used MQFFF for red blood cell (RBC, with mean
2.1.1. Magnetic field flow fractionation diameter of 8 mm) separation as an alternative to centrifugal sepa-
Magnetic field flow fractionation (MFFF) has been shown to be ration. A quadrupole field was designed having a maximum field of
an effective method for the separation of polydisperse suspensions 1.68 T at the magnet pole tips, zero field at the aperture axis, and a
of M(N)Ps when an external magnetic field is applied along a nearly constant radial field gradient of 1.75 T mm1 inside a cylin-
flowing channel. Rogers et al. [25] used MATLAB to simulate the drical aperture. A light-scattering detector downstream of the mag-
separation of fluidMAG-D (starch-coated magnetite (Fe3O4)) M(N) net measured light attenuation caused by the cells eluting from the
Ps of sizes between 50 and 400 nm by simulating particle trajec- magnet as a function of time. The cell samples were composed of
tories and magnetic forces. The results obtained from the simula- high spin RBC (obtained by chemical conversion of hemoglobin to
tion showed that M(N)Ps within the size range of interest could be methemoglobin - met RBC - or exposure to anoxic conditions - deoxy
separated and collected in a size dependent manner in fraction 1 RBC), low spin RBC (obtained by exposure to ambient air e oxy RBC),
(smaller sized) and fraction 2 (larger sized). To validate this model, and mixtures of deoxy RBC and white blood cells (WBC). Cell tracking
the simulated conditions were replicated experimentally. However, velocimetry was used to measure the magnetophoretic mobility of
the theoretical and experimental results did not agree. This the RBC and the results showed that the mobility depended on the
inconsistency could be due to the fact that particle-particle in- presence of high-spin hemoglobin. Only high spin RBC were attrac-
teractions are not taken into consideration into the model. Due to ted by the magnet, while low-spin RBC demonstrated magnetic
the failure of the initial experiments, the same authors changed the susceptibility comparable to WBC. It was also found that RBC did not
approach to a simple magnetic coil setup composed of a tubing elute within 15 min from the channel at flow rate 0.05 mL/min but
wrapped around a Grade N42 diametrically magnetized neodymi- as would be expected rapidly eluted at a higher flow rate of 2.0 mL/
um cylinder [25]. An inlet for both the M(N)Ps suspension and the min. These results agreed with earlier studies on the magnetic
mobile phase was inserted at the top of the magnetic coil and a properties of hemoglobin using other techniques [30,31]. The frac-
single outlet at the bottom was used for the collection of magnetic tionation experiments of RBC and a RBC/WBC mixture showed that a
particle fractions. The tubing was filled with M(N)Ps suspension. As 5 107/mL cell suspension pumped at 0.1 mL/min through a mag-
soon as a steady state level of accumulation of M(N)Ps across the netic field of 1.5T and gradient of 1000 T m1 is depleted to less than
inner wall of the tubing was achieved, an initial flow rate of 5% of the initial RBC number concentration. The 5% residual
0.25 mL/min was applied to wash out the M(N)Ps remaining sus- contamination was comparable to that typically seen in WBC ob-
pended. Then, the flow rate was increased up to 50 mL/min. DLS tained by blood centrifugation. One advantage over blood centrifu-
measurements and TEM showed that the particles collected at gation, is that MQFFF RBC separation can be scaled to microliter
lower flow rates were smaller than particles collected at higher devices for RBC debulking, which can be portable and operated
flow rates. This approach was low cost and allowed the separation immediately after donation with minimal human labor.
M.N. Alves et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 89e97 91
Table 1
Particle composition and size, magnetic field applied, separation principle, separation time and complexity of the infrastructure used for M(N)Ps and magnetically susceptible
RBCs between 2013 and 2018.
Particle composition Particle size (nm) Magnetic field applied Separation Separation Complexity of the infrastructure Ref
principle time
Starch-coated magnetite (nano) 50e400 51 mm length Grade N42 MFFF <1 h Basic laboratory equipment [25]
particles diametrically magnetized
NdFeB cylinder
Dextran-coated magnetite 90 and 200 Quadrupole electromagnet MQFFF 50 min Stainless-steel cylinder within a [28]
nano(particles) quadrupole electromagnet
implemented into a flow injection setup
with downstream optical detection
RBCs 8000 Quadrupole magnet MQFFF 25 min Cylindrical flow channel centred inside [29]
of a quadrupole magnet with
downstream light scattering detection
Carboxydextran-coated 6e60 n.a. AF4 15 min AF4 instrument connected to MALLS [32]
maghemite nanoparticles detection
Hybrid polymer magnetic 54 n.a. AF4 15 min AF4 instrument connected to UV and [33]
micelles MALLS detection
Lipid and polystyrene 50 and 100 n.a. CyEFFF 30 min HPLC pump connected to an EFFF [34]
sulfonate-coated magnetite channel with downstream UV
nanoparticles detection; ac and dc voltages induced
by a signal generator and a dc power
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)- 127 0.56 T permanent magnetic HGMS 1h HGMS instrument [45]
coated magnetic particles assembly consisting of two 2
4 0.5 inch NdFeB blocks with
a minimum gap of 5/8 inch
Poly (diallyl 50 NdFeB permanent magnet LGMS 6 min Basic laboratory equipment [46]
chloride) (PDDA) and
chitosan (Chi)-coated
magnetic nanoparticles
Poly(diallyldimethylamonium 50 nm (spherical) Cylindrical shaped N50-graded LGMS 6h Basic laboratory equipment [48]
chloride) (PDDA)-coated iron and 20 300 nm NdBFe (1.20 T) and Alnico
oxide nanoparticles (rod-like) permanent magnet (1.45 T)
with 14 mm in diameter and
15 mm in length
Bare and carboxylated iron 7 - 13 (bare iron n.a. CE 12 min CE instrument [39]
oxide nanoparticles oxide
and 10
iron oxide
Carboxylated iron oxide 75 n.a. CE 5 min CE instrument [41]
Polydisperse magnetic particles 150 and 500 Permanent NbFeB magnet Microchip 15 s Microchip fabricated in PDMS with a [49]
(6 mm length, 4 mm width, and magnetophoresis side permanent magnet, a Gaussmeter,
3 mm thickness) and DIC detection
Iron oxide magnetic beads 5000 Soft magnetic microstructures Microchip <2 s Microchip fabricated in PDMS mounted [50]
made of a mixture of iron magnetophoresis in an inverted microscope connected to
powder and PDMS into a a high-speed camera, placed in the
prefabricated channel center of parallel permanent magnets
Polystyrene (5000 and 5000, 11000, and Permanent NbFeB N42 grade Microchip 15 min Microchip fabricated in PDMS with a [51]
11000 nm) and polyethylene 35000 cuboid magnet magnetophoresis side permanent magnet mounted in an
(35000 nm) magnetic beads inverted microscope connected to a
high-speed camera
Microspheres composed of 2000, 6000 and Octupolar array of permanent Microchip 10 s Microchip fabricated in PDMS with a [52]
styrene-maleic acid 12000 magnets magnetophoresis spiral channel centred with respect to
copolymer matrix the octupolar magnetic array
encapsulating 50% by mass
magnetite cores
Magnetite nanoparticles 10 Permanent NbFeB magnet Microchip >1 h Microchip fabricated in PDMS with [53]
magnetophoresis permanent magnet mounted in an
inverted microscope connected to a
high-speed camera
Magnetite-doped and uncross- 7000 Halbach array Microchip <2 s Microchip fabricated in PDMS placed in [54]
linked polystyrene particles magnetophoresis the center of the Halbach array
with spherical and elliptical mounted in an inverted microscope
shapes connected to a high-speed camera
AF4: Asymmetrical field flow fractionation; CE: Capillary electrophoresis; CyEFFF: Cyclical electrical field flow fractionation; HGMS: High gradient magnetic separation; LGMS:
Low gradient magnetic separation; MALLS: Multi-angle laser light scattering; MFFF: Magnetic field flow fractionation; MQFFF: Magnetic quadrupole field flow fractionation;
RBCs: Red blood cells.
92 M.N. Alves et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 89e97
Fig. 1. Schematic of the MQFFF system. The mobile phase was driven by a pump. The sample is introduced through a separate port. The flow of the mobile phase pushes the sample
from the injector into the separation channel fitted into a quadrupole electromagnet connected to a UVevisible detector. Reprinted from Ref. [28] with permission.
2.1.2. Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation electrophoretic analysis of lipid and polystyrene sulfonate-coated
Asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation (AF4) is a separation MNPs [34].
technique based on the theory of FFF. The cross flow is induced by
flowing liquid constantly exiting through a semi-permeable wall on 2.2. Capillary electrophoresis
the bottom of the channel. The lower size M(N)Ps, which can be
fractioned, are restricted by the molecular weight cut off mem- CE is a powerful separation method which has the advantages of
brane. The suitability of AF4 has been shown for the fractionation of minimal requirement of sample and buffer volumes, and lack of
magneto polyplexes (with mean diameter of 54 nm) [32] and generation of organic waste. Further, the use of narrow capillaries
carboxydextran-coated maghemite dispersions (with diameter of in CE with high electrical resistance, allows the application of high
6e60 nm) [33] by connecting the AF4 instrument to UV [33] and electrical fields with minimal heat generation. The use of high
multi-angle laser light scattering (MALLS) [32,33] detectors. AF4 electrical fields together with the conventional plug-type flow from
can be a simple, fast and reliable tool for quality control in com- electrically driven systems results in short analysis times and high
mercial production of M(N)Ps, while providing complementary efficiency and resolution for almost any type of ionic analytes. Yet, a
information related to nonmagnetic sample components. remarkable limitation of bare iron oxide M(N)P separations by CE
that has been previously reported [35e38] is their high tendency to
2.1.3. Cyclical electrical field flow fractionation spontaneously agglomerate to minimize surface energies, which is
Cyclical electrical field flow fractionation (CyEFFF) consists of an observed in electropherograms as spurious spikes that in turn
oscillating square voltage applied between a top and bottom elec- prevent the accurate determination of the electrophoretic mobil-
trode inside the channel. As result, M(N)Ps move back and forth ities of M(N)Ps. This limitation has been recently overcome by Alves
between the electrodes in agreement with their sizes and electro- et al. [39], who achieved symmetrical and smooth peaks of bare
phoretic mobilities. M(N)Ps with high electrophoretic mobilities iron oxide nanoparticles. This was accomplished through electro-
move further into the center of the channel and they spend more static stabilisation using complexing electrolyte anions such as
time at the faster fluid regions thus eluting earlier than the lower citrate and phosphate, and the additive tetramethylammonium
mobility M(N)Ps. One of the limitations of this technique is the hydroxide (TMAOH) within the background electrolyte (BGE), an
band broadening of the resulting UV fractograms and low resolu- ionic solution of desired concentration, co-ion and counter-ion
tion. To address and solve the diffusion issue, Tasci et al. [34] re- mobilities, and usually also providing pH-buffering capacity.
ported the separation of MNPs by CyEFFF applying square wave TMAOH is a peptizing agent (an electrolyte that converts aggre-
voltages with higher duty cycles instead of DC offset voltages gated particles into a colloidal sol) [40] used for more than two
(Fig. 2). Thus, particle diffusion was suppressed, which allowed decades in the synthesis of well-dispersed iron oxide M(N)P solu-
separations of MNPs with mean diameter of 50 and 100 nm. This tions, however never utilised for effective CE separations of M(N)Ps.
study demonstrated the capability of CyEFFF for size and The same study also showed the successful separation of bare (with
diameter between 7 and 13 nm) and carboxylated (10 nm) iron
oxide nanoparticles in 12 min using Tris-nitrate containing 20 mM
TMAOH as BGE. The electrophoretic mobilities for bare and
carboxylated iron oxide nanoparticles were 3.3E-08 m2 V1 s1 (0.9
%RSD) and 4.1E-08 m2 V1 s1 (0.4 %RSD), respectively. These
findings demonstrate that simple and rapid CE experiments are
excellent tools to characterise and monitor properties and in-
teractions of iron oxide nanoparticles with other molecules for
potential surface modification purposes [39]. Baron et al. [41]
studied the online stacking of carboxylated core-shell magnetite
Fig. 2. Schematic of the CyEFFF system. The dashed line shows the particle trajectory nanoparticles in CE. By monitoring the ionic strength of the BGE
that results from the cyclical electrical field. Reprinted from Ref. [34] with permission. and the sample zone, it was observed that stacking occurred
M.N. Alves et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 89e97 93
optimally when MNPs were dispersed in 10 mM borate/NaOH (pH were eliminated. The continuous use of this HGMS system over 7 h
9.5) and injected to the BGE composed of 100 mM borate/NaOH (pH allowed the treatment of 17 L oil water mixture with no reduction
9.5). The decrease of the electric double layer thickness with of the oil and MPs removal capacity [45]. Although this study in-
increasing ionic strength could induce MNP aggregation and led to troduces a new application of HGMS for oil remediation, it has the
the restructuring of the MNPs zone due to the decrease of distance disadvantages of being tedious and time-consuming.
between nanoparticles [41]. The Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-
Overbeek (DLVO) theory, which describes van-der-Waals and 2.3.2. Low gradient magnetic separation
electrostatic interactions between charged surfaces within a liquid In contrast to conventional practice where HGMS is normally
medium [42], was suggested as a cause of peak sharpening in CE. employed, LGMS is still poorly explored and understood. Toh et al.
[46,47] showed the reliability of LGMS for magnetophoretic sepa-
2.3. Macroscale magnetophoresis ration of microalgal biomass that interacted electrostatically with
cationic polymer functionalised MNPs [46,47]. Poly (diallyl dime-
Magnetophoresis refers to the motion of magnetic particles or thylammonium chloride) (PDDA) and chitosan (Chi) (with mean
magnetizable material through a fluid under the influence of a diameter of 50 nm) worked as binding agents to promote rapid
magnetic field [43]. For almost all the M(N)Ps applications, separation of the negatively charged Chlorella sp. through LGMS at
manipulation, recovery, and collection rates using external mag- field gradient lower than 80 T m1. The obtained results indicated
nets should be done quickly. Rapid magnetophoretic separation can cell separation efficiency of about 98% for PDDA and 99% for Chi.
be attained under both high gradient (HGMS, VB/ > 1000 T m1) Though, from a practical point of view, PDDA was preferable as
and low gradient magnetic separation (LGMS, VB < 100 T m1).
polymer binder since the attachment mechanism involved was pH
independent [47]. Because almost all the magnetophoretic studies
2.3.1. High gradient magnetic separation have been dedicated to the behavior of spherical MNPs, and poor
HGMS is commonly employed in conventional industry practice attention has been paid to rod-like MNPs, Lim et al. [48] compared
to separate magnetic materials from non-magnetic aqueous solu- the magnetophoretic behavior of spherical and rod-like iron oxide
tions, such as for wastewater treatment of bacteria and solids. nanoparticles under LGMS. Both effects of particle concentration
Typically, HGMS is used to separate microscale or bigger particles, and magnetic field gradient on the separation kinetics were eval-
or microscale aggregates of nanoparticles, or nanoparticles uated. It was shown that at low particle concentration, the mag-
encapsulated in larger polymer beads. However, the application of netophoresis of MNPs at low magnetic gradient is significantly
HGMS to suspensions of individually dispersed M(N)Ps has been enhanced by particle anisotropy (non-spherical shape), with rod-
poorly explored so far. HGMS systems generally consist of a column like MNPs taking significantly less time than spherical MNPs to
packed with magnetically susceptible wires placed inside an elec- be separated [48]. New approaches for the separation of M(N)Ps
tromagnet. Through application of a magnetic field across the col- according to their shape, size, and coatings, along with their unique
umn, the wires dehomogenise the magnetic field in the column magnetic properties will open new opportunities for M(N)Ps.
producing high field gradients around the wires to enable the
capture of M(N)Ps onto their surfaces. The attraction of M(N)Ps 2.4. Microchip magnetophoresis
depends on the magnetic field gradients generated, particle size
and magnetic properties [44]. A study conducted by Mir- The field of microfluidics is continuously evolving as miniaturized
shahghassemi et al. [45] describes the application of HGMS for oil platforms provide quick analysis with high resolution at low cost,
remediation using polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-coated MPs (mean foster portability and make use of exceptionally minute amounts of
size diameter of 127 nm) in a continuous and large volume flow reagents. Zhang et al. [49] developed a microchip based on magne-
system. This technique was analyzed as a function of magnetic field tophoresis with differential interference contrast (DIC) detection
strength, mixing time and stainless-steel wool content. Fluores- (Fig. 3A, B). The real-time moving trajectories and velocities of the
cence and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrom- MPs at different magnetic field strengths (depending on the distance
eter (ICP-OES) data indicated that ca. 85% of oil and 95% of MNP to the permanent magnet) were measured based on consecutive DIC
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram (A) and photography (B) of the experimental setup of the microchip magnetophoresis. (C) Representative magnetopherograms of the MPs by microchip
magnetophoresis with the DIC detection system. (D) Magnetophoretic velocities of the MPs at different permanent magnet distances obtained using a DIC microscope. Reprinted
from Ref. [49] with permission.
94 M.N. Alves et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 89e97
Fig. 4. Fabrication process of the microfluidic device for efficient separation of magnetic particles based on deflection in flowing streams. Reprinted from Ref. [50] with permission.
images. The results indicated that shorter distances to the magnet MPs that deflected them perpendicularly to the pressure-driven
caused higher magnetophoretic velocities of MPs, and enhanced flow. Thus, the separation depended on the magnetic forces. In
magnetophoretic velocity differences between dissimilar particle turn, magnetic forces are affected by the shape of the iron-PDMS
sizes (Fig. 3D) [49]. This study allowed the successful separation and microstructures and the mass ratio of the iron-PDMS composite.
detection of a polydisperse mixture of MPs (500 nm and 160 nm) at a Also, the flow rate in the fluid channel affects the time that MPs are
single-particle level in only about 15 s (Fig. 3C). subjected to the magnetic field, and consequently their vertical
The microfluidic separation of iron oxide beads (5 mm diameter) deflection. Numerical simulations were developed to predict the
with soft magnetic microstructures was demonstrated by Zhou particle trajectories showing good agreement with experimental
et al. [50]. The fabrication process of the microfluidic device is data. Finally, systematic experiments and simulations were con-
represented in Fig. 4. This microfluidic device consisted of two ducted to study the effect of several relevant factors on the sepa-
channels - fluidic and structural e made in polydimethylsiloxane ration of MPs: microstructure shape, mass ratio of the ironePDMS,
(PDMS). The fluidic channel contained two inlets and two outlets. A microfluidic channel width and average flow velocity. The results
mixture of iron powder and PDMS was injected into the structural demonstrated that (i) half circular ironePDMS microstructure
channel located between two external permanent magnets. Three caused greater deflections, (ii) larger mass ratio of the ironePDMS
microstructure shapes were studied: (i) half circle, (ii) 60 isosceles composite provided higher magnetic forces, and (iii) wider chan-
triangle and (iii) 120 isosceles triangle. The soft magnetic micro- nels separate MPs less efficiently than narrow microfluidic chan-
structures provided localized and strong magnetic forces on the nels when operating at the same flow rate [50]. Based on the
Fig. 5. MIMF scheme of the particle separation. The device (scale bar 25 mm) consisted of an inertio-magnetic zone (IMZ) with a side permanent magnet and an expansion zone
(EZ). The schematic representation of MIMF device shows three red-colored magnetic particles (MP) of varied sizes and a black-colored non-magnetic particle (NMP). Reprinted
from Ref. [51] with permission.
M.N. Alves et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 89e97 95
Fig. 7. Schematic of the optimized microfluidic system. Fluid A: cleaning solution; Fluid B: synthesis solution with MNPs; Fluid C: waste; Fluid D: cleaned MNPs. Channel widths (a)
600 mm; (b) 400 mm; (c) 600 mm; (d) 400 mm; diffusion channel length (e) 10 mm. Reprinted from Ref. [53] with permission.
96 M.N. Alves et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 114 (2019) 89e97
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