Bloomingfields Academy Foundation, Inc. Buensuceso Arayat, Pampanga
Bloomingfields Academy Foundation, Inc. Buensuceso Arayat, Pampanga
Bloomingfields Academy Foundation, Inc. Buensuceso Arayat, Pampanga
Grade Level Standards: At the end of grade 11, adopt an active life for fitness and lifelong health. The knowledge, skills and understanding which include
physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions; enhancing and
advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health. This course on exercise for fitness enables the learner to set goal, monitor one’s participation in
aerobic and muscle-and bone-strengthening activities and constantly evaluate how well one has integrated this into one’s personal lifestyle. It consists of an
array of offerings which learners can choose from.
Quarter Topic/Context
Content Performance
1st Semester The learner… The learner… Health-optimizing P.E.
(H.O.P.E.) 1
Demonstrates understanding of fitness and Leads fitness events with proficiency and
exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as confidence resulting in independent pursuit and Exercise for Fitness
requisite for physical activity assessment in influencing others positively. a.Aerobic activities
performance, and as a career opportunity.
b.Muscle-and bone
activities (resistance
2nd The learner… The learner… Health-optimizing P.E.
Semester (H.O.P.E.) 2
Demonstrates understanding of fitness and Leads fitness events with proficiency and
exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as confidence resulting in independent pursuit and Sports
requisite for physical activity assessment in influencing others positively. a.Individual and
performance, and as a career opportunity. Dual sports
b.Team sport
Elements UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4
The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of fitness understanding of fitness understanding of fitness understanding of fitness
and exercise in and exercise in and exercise in and exercise in
optimizing one’s health optimizing one’s health optimizing one’s health optimizing one’s health
Content as a habit; as requisite as a habit; as requisite as a habit; as requisite as a habit; as requisite
for physical activity for physical activity for physical activity for physical activity
assessment performance, assessment performance, assessment performance, assessment performance,
and as a career opportunity. and as a career opportunity. and as a career opportunity. and as a career opportunity.
Leads fitness events with Leads fitness events with Leads fitness events with Leads fitness events with
proficiency and confidence proficiency and confidence proficiency and confidence proficiency and confidence
Performance resulting in independent resulting in independent resulting in independent resulting in independent
pursuit and in influencing pursuit and in influencing pursuit and in influencing pursuit and in influencing
others positively others positively others positively others positively.
Learning Self-assesses health-related Analyzes physiological Demonstrates proper Recognizes the value of
Competencies based fitness (HRF). status, barriers indicators such as heart etiquette and safety in optimizing one’s health
tophysicalactivity assessment rate, rate of perceived the use of facilities and through participation in
on MELCs
participation and one’s diet. exertion and pacing equipment. physical activity
Sets Frequency Intensity associated with MVPAs t Participates in an assessments.
Time Type (FITT) goals based to monitor and/or adjust organized event that Organizes fitness event
on training principles to participation or effort. addresses health/fitness for a target health issue
achieve and/or maintain Analyzes physiological issues and concerns or concern
health-related fitness (HRF). indicators such as heart
Engages in moderate to rate, rate of perceived
vigorous physical activities exertion and pacing
(MVPAs) for at least 60 associated with MVPAs
minutes most days of the to monitor and/or adjust
week in a variety of settings participation or effort.
in- and out of school. Observes personal safety
protocol to avoid
overexertion, hypo- and
hyperthermia during
MVPA participation.
Culminating Activity Portfolio (Video Performance and Exercise Logs )
Introduction: Physical Fitness Content 1: Exercise Program Content 2: Proper Etiquette Summary & Conclusion:
A. Content: A. Content: and safety Enhancement Physical
- Health-optimizing P.E. - Aerobic activities A. Content Fitness
- Health-Related Physical Fitness - Personal Safety protocol - Facilities and sport A. Content:
- F.I.T.T Principle (Dehydration,overexertion,hy Equipment -Muscle-and bone
-Exercise program po and hyperthermia) - Proper Etiquette and safety strengthening
B. Resources/Materials: B. Resources/Materials: - Events that promote activities (resistance
Unit Mini and
- Internet - Internet health/fitness issue training)
Enabling Tasks - Power point -Power point Resources/Materials: B. Resources/Materials:
- Video about the content - Video about the content - Internet - internet
C. Output Presentation: C. Output Presentation: - Power point - Power point
- Exercise Log(Pre-assessment) - Virtual Aerobic Dance - Video about the content C. Output Presentation:
competition (Performance B. Output Presentation: - Exercise Log(Post-
Activity) - Video Presentation assessment)
(Performance Activity)
15-Item Table Completion 15-Item Identification 15-Item Multiple Choice 15-Item Identification
Elements UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4
Sta Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
nd understanding of sports understanding of sports understanding of sports understanding of sports
in optimizing one’s health in optimizing one’s health in optimizing one’s health in optimizing one’s health
Content as a habit; as requisite as a habit; as requisite as a habit; as requisite as a habit; as requisite
s for physical activity for physical activity for physical activity for physical activity
assessment performance, assessment performance, assessment performance, assessment performance,
and as a career opportunity and as a career opportunity and as a career opportunity and as a career opportunity
Leads fitness events with Leads fitness events with Leads fitness events with Leads fitness events with
proficiency and confidence proficiency and confidence proficiency and confidence proficiency and confidence
Performance resulting in independent resulting in independent resulting in independent resulting in independent
pursuit and in influencing pursuit and in influencing pursuit and in influencing pursuit and in influencing
others positively others positively others positively others positively
Discusses the nature of the Illustrates the Describes the role of Organizes sports event
different sports activities relationship of health physical activity for a target health issue
Explains how to optimize the behaviors (eating habits, assessments in managing or concerns
energy systems for safe and sleep and stress one’s stress
improved performance management) to health Displays initiative,
Learning risks factors and physical responsibility and
activity assessment leadership in sports
Competencies based performance activities
on MELCs Differentiates types of
eating (fueling for
performance, emotional
eating, social eating,
eating while watching tv
or sports events)
Culminating Activity Creating your own home-based work out and sports strategies (Video Performance)
Unit Mini and Introduction: Nature of different Content 1: Health behaviors Content 2: The role of Summary &
Enabling Tasks sports A. Content: Physical activities in one’s Conclusion: Enhancement
A. Content: - Different types of eating health Physical Fitness
- Health-optimizing P.E. -Health risks factors and A. Content A. Content:
(H.O.P.E.) 2 physical activity assessment - The role of Physical activity B. Resources/Materials:
- Individual Sports and Dual performance assessment in managing - Internet
Sports B. Resources/Materials: one’s health. - Power point
B. Resources/Materials: - Internet - Team sports C. Output Presentation:
- Internet -Power point B. Resources/Materials: - culminating activity
- Power point - Video about the content -Internet
C. Output Presentation: C. Output Presentation: - Video about the content
Research (Sports history and - Self-assessment C. Output Presentation:
myths) (questionnaire) -watch a team sport video
(Reaction paper)
15-Points Multiple choice 15-Points Identification 15-Points Essay Culminating activity