ROL Eclampsia
ROL Eclampsia
ROL Eclampsia
and even before that. The syndrome of pre-eclamptic toxemia is known for the
last 200 years. Still, the disease continues to haunt the obstetrician with
considerable severity.
Oldest source for eclampsia literature starts from 22,00 BC, when Kahun
Papyrus mentioned - the use of a wooden stick to prevent the mother from
mother at her 8th month of pregnancy for warding off convulsions during child
the womb of a dead mother, who had just expired from convulsions, should be
sign of eclampsia.
Mauriceau (1668) stated that the danger to the mother and fetus is more,
termination of pregnancy.
section at one time as immediate means for the patient recovery. The prime
as a cause of convulsion.
Demanet (1797) was the first to relate convulsions with oedema. Rayer
convulsions were attributed to ureamia. When this was disproved, new theories
proliferated. Some authors hypothesised that eclampsia was due to compression of ureters, others to a
summation of external irritants and a few
eclampsia is not due to nephritis. Lever also observed that eclampsia was more
common organism Proteus vulgaris. Then the idea took hold that the disorder
was due to the existence of specific toxins of pregnancy which were produced
lay his hands on, and concluded with a touch of exasperation “you all know the
had more and more proved to me as I waded through the oceans of literature..
Titus and Givens (1992), are credited with introduction of I.V. glucose
1906, Horn first reported parentral use of MgSO4 which was given
In 1954, Taylor, Tillman and Blanchard compared the rates of still birth
week by week, with the rates of neonatal death to be expected if the infants had
been delivered in each given week. Taylor concluded that the degree of
proteinuria is more critical than the level of blood pressure in determining the
fetal death.
In 1968 Lean, Ratnam and Sivasamban reported perinatal mortality of
11% with immediate caesarean section and prompt induction of labor. The
the eclampsia medically and ignore the pregnancy’ since then almost every