37 Material Storage
37 Material Storage
37 Material Storage
task/operation being Task Carried assessment: Ongoing
Statement Action by
Sajimon KK assessed: out by? 15 January 09
by When?
Ref No: Rev – 02 – RA – 2009 - Depa Cross reference to N.B. Residual risk:
SSOW/method Other on site The risk left
statement: (Highlight SSOW/Method statement control measures after all control
one below) Ref No: may be required measures have
Page No: due to weather been put in
YES NO M/S 001 conditions/other place – see
Risk Persons at risk reasons at time risk matrix at
severity of footer:
E C P Oth
(before task/operation:
Activity/ Significant ers
controls Control measures Work must not
Operation hazard
are in required: start until the
place) risks have
been assessed:
Fire and HIGH YES YES YES Prior to Carry-out Risk Project
37 Explosion commencement assessments for any Manager
of the activity material storage
activities which Construction
MATERIAL creates potential Manager
STORAGE hazards.
Site Manager
Adequate and
suitable training and Project
education shall be Engineer
given to operatives
involved in handling HSE Manager
and storing of
hazardous and
flammable materials,
procedure, Basic first
aid and Basic fire
Provide good
housekeeping to
ensure that storage
area is free from
materials that cause
tripping, fires or
explosions; or that
may contribute to the
harboring of rats and
other pest.
Storage of material
shall not create any
hazard; bags,
containers, bundle,
etc shall be stacked,
blocked, interlocked
and limited in height
Musculoskel Medium YES YES (2 meter high max.)
etal Disorder so that they are
stable and secure
against sliding or
collapse. Paint walls
or post with stripes
to indicate maximum
stacking heights for
quick reference.
shall be strictly
followed in the
material storage
In adhering to fire
safety precautions,
All flammable and
materials shall be
stored according to
their fire
Adequate signage
shall be
conspicuously posted
inside and outside
the storage area.
Adequate numbers of
Fire point and Exit
routes shall be
permanently marked,
signed and free from
any obstructions.
Flammable liquids
must be separated
from other materials
by a fire wall.
All hazardous
materials shall be
adequately LABELLED
and Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS)
for all hazardous
materials shall be
readily available and
communicated to all
Physical separation
should be provided
for reactive
Suitable type of
Personal protective
equipment should be Low
used and workers
must be trained in
their proper use and
Provision for
Emergency Rescue
Plan shall be in place.
All operatives shall
Arrangement of
Welfare facilities
should be provided in
case of any accident.
At least one first aid
kit shall be readily
available at the
material storage
Maintain adequate
clearance between
materials and wall,
partition ( no closer
than 18 inches ).