IMRAD-Aspergillus Niger
IMRAD-Aspergillus Niger
IMRAD-Aspergillus Niger
The extracts were obtained by separately soaking 30 grams of dried stem and
leaves in 150 ml of 80% ethanol for 48 hours then filtered and the filtrates were allowed
to evaporate manually to obtain pure extracts of Nauclea orientalis stem, and leaves.
Treatment 1 being the pure stem extract, Treatment 2 being the pure leaves extract,
and Treatment 3 being the combined stem and leaves extract while Treatment 4 being
the Itraconazole (positive control) were tested against Aspergillus niger by single plug
Results showed that the pure (stem and leaves) extracts and combined extracts
exhibited significant antifungal effect on the culture media with mean colonization of
0mm. Data Analysis also shows that the different extracts are comparable to the
commercially used antifungal medicine, Itraconazole.
The findings confirmed that the ethanolic extracts of stem, leaves, and combined
stem and leaves of Nauclea orientalis showed antifungal activity against Aspergillus
Antifungal Activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) Stem and Leaves Extracts against Aspergillus niger2
The Kingdom Fungi plays some important roles on ecological and economic on
organisms. They break down dead organic materials to continue the cycle of nutrients
through ecosystems. Other fungi provide numerous drugs like penicillin, foods, truffles,
and many more. Fungi can also cause plant and animal diseases; in humans, ringworm,
athlete’s foot, and several more diseases. Fungal diseases are extremely hard to treat
because fungi are more chemically and genetically similar to animals than other
organisms (Speer, 2006).
A member of the genus Aspergillus which contains a set of fungi that are usually
considered asexual, although perfect forms (forms that reproduce sexually) have been
found is called Aspergillus niger. Aspergilli are omnipresent in nature. They are
geographically widely distributed, and have been noticed in a wide range of habitats
because they can populate a broad variety of substrates. A. niger is generally found as
a saprophyte growing on dead leaves, kept grain, compost piles, and other
decomposting vegetation. The spores are widespread, and are frequently associated
with organic substance and soil (Corrigan, 2009). A. niger is not one of those that are so
fatal, but can certainly spawn illness and allergic reactions. A. niger is a very
thermotolerant fungus that can thrive in freezing conditions and very hot weather
(Metzger 2008). This kind of fungi has various toxins, some safe and others dangerous
to specific people. The main toxins it contains are malformin C, and ochratoxin A.
Through fermentation, Aspergillus niger can manufacture useful enzymes that
can be used in the creation of corn syrup, Beano, wine and cider (Rajkumar 2008). It
contains toxins that can make people with weak immune systems become very ill and
can occasionally result in death. These toxins can be inhaled by humans, most often
people who work with plants or peat on their surroundings, and can trigger a lung
disease called Aspergillosis, which has contaminated over 300,000 people worldwide
(Keir, 2013).
` One of the countries blessed with plentiful natural wealth is Philippines. These
plants are useful to all the people of the country providing them source of their
fundamental needs and other necessities. Aside from providing, food, plants have a
special role in drug creation. Drugs are frequently obtained from plants and animals
which are very helpful as treatment for human illnesses. Diverse plants have
determined their values as sources of possible drugs (Ballada & Domondon, 2011).
According to Hiromitsu, Mariko, Noriyuki, (2005) a large tree distributed in India
and is indigenous to north Australia is Nauclea orientalis. Some can also be found here
on Philippines. The concoction from seed pulp is used to cure cough, cold, stomach
pain, vomiting and diarrhea. While the leaves and bark can be medicinally used to treat
abdominal pain, animal bites and wounds (Orwa et al., 2009).
Chemicals produced by plants, in strict sense, can be defined as Phytocemicals.
However, the term is generally used to describe chemicals from plants that may affect
health, but are not essential nutrients. While there is ample evidence to support the
health benefits of diets rich in fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts,
evidence that these effects are due to specific nutrients or phytochemicals is limited.
Because plant-based foods are complex mixtures of bioactive compounds, information
Antifungal Activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) Stem and Leaves Extracts against Aspergillus niger3
A substance that the body creates actually or that can be made as a medication
to treat ailment and wounds is called steroids. Steroids are some of the time utilized
wrongfully by individuals doing games to enhance their execution (Longman Dictionary).
This study entitled “Anti-fungal activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) stem
and leaves in Aspergillus niger “focuses on finding out the potency of Bangkal stem
and leaves extracts as a substitute for eradicating Aspergillus niger. It aims to: 1.)
Measure the susceptibility of Aspergillus niger to the following treatments in terms of
zone of colonization: (a) 100% stem extract of Nauclea orientalis (b) 100% leaves
extract of Nauclea orientalis (c) 50% stem extract and 50% leaves extract of Nauclea
orientalis 2.) Determine the significant difference among the different treatments. 3.
Determine the significant difference between the antifungal efficacy of Nauclea
orientalis and Itraconazole.
The null hypothesis of this study is that “The stem and fruit extracts of Nauclea
orientalis will not exhibit antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger in terms of zone of
Collection of Materials
The following materials were gathered for the conduction of this investigatory
project: mortar and pestle, blender, 240 ml of 95% ethanol, 60 ml of distilled water,
and 30 grams of Nauclea orientalis stem and leaves.
The collected stem and leaves were air-dried for four weeks in order to reduce
damage from mould and other microbial infestation (Youngken, 2003). Mortar, pestle,
and blender were used for crushing the dried Nauclea orientalis stems and leaves.
The 95% Ethanol was diluted to 80% by adding 20mL distilled water every 80mL
of the Ethanol then 30 grams of Nauclea orientalis stems and leaves were soaked in
separate 150ml 80% ethanol in a vial for 48 hours. The extracts with ethanol were
filtered to remove the solid residues. The filtrates were subjected to manual evaporation
process to remove the presence of alcohol and obtain the pure extracts.
T1 100% Stem extract
T2 100% Leaves extract
50% Stem extract
50% Leaves extract
T4(+) Itraconazole
Table 1. Different Treatments
Pure culture of Aspergillus niger was obtained from the Microbial Culture
Collection and Testing Laboratory, Central Luzon State University. In this study, eight
petri dishes and the PDA were sterilized in an autoclave at 15 psi for 15 minutes. The
Antifungal Activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) Stem and Leaves Extracts against Aspergillus niger6
PDA was poured in eight petri plates until in covers the whole area of plate. After the
solidification of PDA, each treatment was pipetted and spread evenly into separate petri
dishes. Each treatment was replicated twice to ensure the reliability of the results.
A plug of fungi Aspergillus niger was placed in the middle of impregnated petri
dish. The growth in media was determined and measured at the nearest mm using a
ruler after 24 hours of incubation. If the media shows no growth of fungi then the
treatment proved to be effective and has inhibiting property against the test organism
(Breslin, et al., 2011). Ruler was used in measuring the diameter of zones of
colonization of the treatments.
The experiments were laid out using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This tool
was used in order to determine if there is a significant difference among the different
treatments used, in terms of zone of colonization of Aspergillus niger.
The effectiveness of the Nauclea orientalis leaves and stem was obtained by
measuring the zone of colonization of the treatment extracts against Aspergillus niger.
The obtained data gives initial results of the in-vitro to determine whether treatments
have active component to control the growth of the fungi.
Antifungal Activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) Stem and Leaves Extracts against Aspergillus niger7
The figure shows the comparison of the mean zone of colonization of the test
organism to the different treatments. No growth in the media was observed among all
the treatments. This reveals that all the treatments, exhibit a high antifungal activity
because they show no growth in the media.
Antifungal Activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) Stem and Leaves Extracts against Aspergillus niger8
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Antifungal Activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) Stem and Leaves Extracts against Aspergillus niger9
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Antifungal Activity of Bangkal (Nauclea orientalis) Stem and Leaves Extracts against Aspergillus niger11
Photo Documentation
Statistical Analysis
Different Extracts