Refractory ITP
Refractory ITP
Refractory ITP
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Oriana Miltiadous,1,2 Ming Hou,3 and James B. Bussel1
Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY; 2Department of Pediatrics, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center, New York, NY; and 3Department of Hematology, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is the most common refractory cases of ITP. The reported combinations are
acquired thrombocytopenia after chemotherapy-induced divided into the era before thrombopoietin (TPO) and
thrombocytopenia. Existing guidelines describe the man- rituximab and the current era. Current therapy appears
agement and treatment of most patients who, overall, do to have increased effectiveness. However, the definition
well, even if they present with chronic disease, and they of refractory, if it includes insufficient response to TPO
are usually not at a high risk for bleeding; however, a agents, describes a group with more severe and difficult-
small percentage of patients is refractory and difficult to to-treat disease. The biology of refractory ITP is largely
manage. Patients classified as refractory have a diagnosis unexplored and includes oligoclonality, lymphocyte pumps,
that is not really ITP or have disease that is difficult to and other possibilities. Newer treatments, especially
manage. ITP is a diagnosis of exclusion; no specific tests rapamycin, fostamatinib, FcRn, and BTK inhibitors, may
exist to confirm the diagnosis. Response to treatment is be useful components of future therapy given their mech-
the only affirmative confirmation of diagnosis. However, anisms of action; however, TPO agents, notwithstanding
refractory patients do not respond to front-line or other failure as monotherapy, appear to be critical components.
treatments; thus, no confirmation of diagnosis exists. The In summary, refractory ITP is a complicated entity in which
first section of this review carefully evaluates the diag- a precise specific diagnosis is as important as the de-
nostic considerations in patients with refractory ITP. velopment of effective combination treatments. (Blood.
The second section describes combination treatment for 2020;135(7):472-490)
Introduction mofetil, and others). There are no guidelines to specify the order in
which second-line agents should be used. The American Society
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune bleeding
of Hematology guidelines suggest TPO-RAs be used as the first
disorder with thrombocytopenia resulting from increased platelet
second-line agent in patients with persistent disease. In patients
destruction and inhibition of platelet production.1-4 Most chil-
with refractory disease, a number of agents are likely to have been
dren with ITP have good outcomes with a substantial rate of
used, including steroids, IVIG, TPO-RAs, rituximab, and/or others,
spontaneous improvement, and those who require intervention
whereas splenectomy will not necessarily have been performed.
or progress to chronic disease usually respond well to treatment.
Adults with ITP do not improve as often as children, but they
have a higher rate of improvement than generally recognized, Refractory ITP
perhaps as much as 40% over 1 year and 60% over 3 years.5 Most Defining refractory as “no response to treatment” is subjective.8
patients can usually be managed with conventional treatment.1,6 We will use the definition of response as outlined by Rodeghiero
However, small groups of patients exist who are very difficult to et al, achieving a platelet count of 30 000/mL and doubling
manage and do not respond to any treatment (ie, have refractory baseline platelet counts.9 Ideally the treatment would be re-
disease). peated to enhance validity of the lack of response. Failure to
respond to splenectomy is included in the definition of “re-
Current treatment of ITP is not strictly regimented.7 First-line fractory” according to Rodeghiero et al, although this is disputed
therapy usually consists of steroids (high-dose dexamethasone in children. Currently, there is increasing reluctance to undergo
or prednisone) or IV immunoglobulin (IVIG), or even a combi- or recommend splenectomy among patients and physicians,10
nation of both for certain patients. Second-line treatment primar- such that refractory needs to be defined without reference
ily includes thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RAs) and to splenectomy. Furthermore, there is a reluctance to pursue
rituximab, with splenectomy deferred until $1 y from diagnosis. splenectomy when other treatments have been ineffective,
Additional second-line agents include fostamatinib and immuno- based on the not well-documented but widely believed con-
suppressive agents (eg, azathioprine, cyclosporine, mycophenolate sensus that splenectomy will likely not be effective in such a
472 blood® 13 FEBRUARY 2020 | VOLUME 135, NUMBER 7 © 2020 by The American Society of Hematology
circumstance.11 Thus, splenectomy may not be performed in the only criterion allowing diagnosis of ITP with a high degree of
otherwise refractory patients. Therefore, we reserve the de- certainty (however, the degree of response required to have a
scription of “refractory” for patients whose platelet counts do high degree of certainty remains ill defined). In contrast, there is
not respond to $2 treatments, there is no single medication to no reliable way to confidently diagnose patients with refractory
which they respond, and their platelet counts are very low and ITP, because (by definition) the patient does not respond to
accompanied by bleeding. These refractory patients have not standard ITP treatment. Figure 2 provides a flowchart of the
necessarily undergone splenectomy. Unlike the great majority identification and then the diagnosis of refractory ITP.
of patients with ITP, refractory patients do not do well; they
respond poorly to a variety of treatments, they develop Numerous patients with inherited thrombocytopenia have been
worsening disease and medication-induced toxicities, they reported to be initially diagnosed with “ITP” and subsequently
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have markedly reduced quality of life, and they have a higher received inappropriate and ineffective treatments, including
hemorrhagic and infectious morbidity and mortality. The most cyclophosphamide and splenectomy. Furthermore, an estimate,
common reason for medication toxicities in these patients is based on the incidence of each disease, is that for every 10 cases
using steroids at a very high dose or for a very prolonged of apparent ITP, there should be 1 case of inherited thrombo-
course. cytopenia. This ratio confirms that we substantially under-
diagnose inherited thrombocytopenia cases.
Very low platelet counts can predispose patients to serious
bleeding; however, typical patients with ITP rarely manifest with Bone marrow failure syndromes may present primarily with throm-
serious bleeding, even with very low platelet counts.12 A manual bocytopenia. However, these patients often provide subtle clues,
count of the platelets in patients with severe thrombocytopenia such as a high mean corpuscular volume in a CBC or a dysmorphic
is typically required, especially with older autoanalyzers, which feature, such as hypoplasia of the thenar eminence.
could be less accurate. Modern autoanalyzers, although not
perfect, are more accurate in these cases. Risk factors associ- Secondary ITP requires specific testing because patients often
ated with a high incidence of bleeding are older age, certain do not exhibit overt evidence of their underlying disease. Ex-
comorbidities, need for antiplatelet agents or anticoagulation,13 amples include common variable immune deficiency (CVID)
polypharmacy, and refractory ITP (ie, patients not responsive to without a history of infections, autoimmune lymphoproliferative
many different treatments with very low platelet counts).14 Pa- syndrome (ALPS) without substantial lymphadenopathy,25 and
tients with refractory ITP require vigilant care because of their cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection26 with only mild transaminitis or
substantial risk for serious hemorrhage, especially in older age. atypical lymphocytes on smear. These are all “game changers”
One hypothesis for the aging effect on the incidence and se- in that the specific diagnosis dramatically alters management;
verity of bleeding is the absence of tonic growth factor nour- however, without the specific diagnosis, the ITP would be dif-
ishment from platelets to aging endothelial cells (eg, VEGF); ficult, if not impossible, to manage. CVID is treated with
thus, the endothelium becomes fragile, permitting hemorrhage.13,15,16 maintenance IVIG replacement and rituximab if needed.27 ALPS
responds to sirolimus (and mycophenolate mofetil),28 and pa-
These uncommon and very difficult to manage patients are the tients with CMV infection worsen with immunosuppression and
focus of this review. They are variously described as severe, require direct treatment of CMV.26 Although all of these are very
chronic, refractory, or very-difficult-to-treat patients with ITP. important to identify, altogether they represent ,5% of patients
There are 2 parts to the discussion. The first explains the with ITP. Other causes of secondary ITP are also important, and
identification and diagnosis of refractory ITP, which is much the initial estimate by Cines et al (20% of cases of apparent
more complicated than the diagnosis of “common” cases of ITP. primary ITP are secondary) has been confirmed by 2 studies in
The second part describes combination treatments that have France.14,20,29 Drug-induced thrombocytopenia is rarely diag-
been tried in refractory patients. These 2 seemingly disparate nosed directly by testing.24 Instead, the diagnosis is confirmed
topics are united here because they represent the 2 primary when thrombocytopenia resolves after stopping the offending
considerations for the diagnosis and management of refractory agent. Interestingly, in clinical practice, this change infrequently
ITP: either the thrombocytopenia is not actually ITP or it is in- affects the platelet count. Also, if a patient has been on the same
deed a very-difficult-to-manage refractory ITP. medication for years, it may be essential to other aspects of the
patient’s health or it may be difficult to discontinue because of
Diagnosis acquired dependence.
ITP is a diagnosis of exclusion because no specific test defines its
presence.17,18 At diagnosis, recommended laboratory testing is a When a previously healthy patient presents with isolated throm-
complete blood cell count (CBC) with differential and review of bocytopenia, one often suspects ITP. As discussed, the rule of
the smear plus/minus immunoglobulin levels, as well as hepatitis thumb is to do as limited an amount of testing as possible if a
C and HIV testing. The general practice of performing only a patient has isolated thrombocytopenia, there are no findings on
limited number of tests creates a higher likelihood of an incorrect history or physical examination suggestive of another process,
diagnosis. In a large series of cases seen by experienced he- and examination of the peripheral smear reveals blood cells with
matologists, the 2 leading misdiagnoses were secondary ITP and normal morphology. To exclude all other etiologies by labora-
myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).19,20 Other misdiagnoses in- tory testing can be an exhaustive task, highly expensive, and
cluded inherited thrombocytopenia, drug-induced thrombocy- hugely unnecessary for the typical ITP patient. However, for
topenia, and presentation of bone marrow failure with primarily difficult cases, as seen in Tables 1 through 3, there is a long
thrombocytopenia (Tables 1-3).21-24 Figure 1 presents an esti- list of differential diagnoses to consider, including inherited
mate of primary ITP vs other diagnoses in patients thought to thrombocytopenia, secondary ITP, and bone marrow failure
have “refractory ITP.” Response to treatments, especially IVIG, is syndromes. Therefore, one needs to choose which diagnoses to
Age at Any age, more Teenagers and Mostly adults Can present at Young adults .70 years, rarely Any, common at 30-49 years, Any, common at Any Children and Any
presentation common at older any age younger. age 20-40 y. rare in age . 60 y. young adults
age . 65 y. younger.
Incidence 1.6-3:100 000 1-10:100 000 1:80 000 Rare 1-25 000-50 000 4.9:100 000 10:100 000 1:100 000 3-14:100 Rare Rare Rare
Distinguishing Isolated Multisystem Usually not Splenomegaly/ 10% ITP, 10% Suspect if Flulike illness, Arthralgias, Nausea/vomiting, History of History of Variable -
features thrombo- involvement, concurrent lymphadenopathy AIHA, 5% increased lymphadenopathy, paresthesias, abdominal new drug recent depending on
cytopenia common hemolysis- may resolve when Evans number of opportunistic myalgias, pain; variable treatment; vaccination; the infection.
with arthralgias/ thrombocytopenia; child gets older syndrome; not small mature infections; pruritus, correlation with difficult to most commonly Typically
petechiae/ arthritis and hepatosplenomegaly/ necessarily lymphocytes thrombocytopenia neuropathy; thrombocytopenia - diagnose. ,6 wk after and constitutional
Diagnostic tests CBC, peripheral CBC: ↓Hb ↓Plt 6↓WBCs ↓IgG 1 ↓IgM Peripheral blood p24 by ELISA, HIV HCV IgM/IgG, Urea breath test, Stopping None PCR, serum
blood smear. or ↓IgA smear: large IgM/IgG by HCV RNA, fecal H pylori offending antibodies -
↓↓Plt: normal or CRP, ESR, ↓ANC; ↑reticulocytes, Flow cytometry: atypical western blot, HIV HCV antigen, agent depending on
increased in dsDNA1, ↑bilirubin; a-b CD42CD82 immature cells, DNA PCR. Flow genotyping, histological should infection.
size. Normal ANA1. ↓haptoglobins, T cells ↑lymphocytes. cytometry: liver function confirmation - increase
RBC and Coombs1, ↓IgG; Flow cytometry: CD4 , 200/mL. tests. rapid urease test. plt within a
WBC. Rule BM: normal. ↑lymphocytes. few days
other causes.
Molecular None identified None identified None identified Defect in FAS ,10% various Possible chr abnl: None None None None None None
characteristics gene genetic 11q del, 13q identified
defects del, 17p del, 12
identified copy.
Clinical Standard first- Treat IVIG, rituximab, IVIG/steroids IVIG/SCIG, Chemotherapy, HAART, TPO-RA, Antivirals, Eradicate Stop Likely mild and Treat underlying
approach and second- underlying sirolimus, MMF. acutely, MMF, rituximab (very rituximab. anti-D. limited infection offending not requiring cause,
line treatment disease, sirolimus long- effective but TPO-RA. agent treatment, TPO-RA.
caution for term, rituximab. requires expected to
thrombosis lifelong IVIG). resolve.
↓ indicates a decrease in value; ↓↓ indicates a significant decrease in value; ↑ indicates an increase in value.
abnl, abnormalities; AIHA, autoimmune hemolytic anemia; ALPS, autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome; ANA, anti-nuclear antibody; ANC, absolute neutrophil count; BM, bone marrow; chr, chromosome; CRP, C-reactive protein; CVID, common
variable immune deficiency; del, deletion; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; H pylori, Helicobacter pylori; HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; Hb, hemoglobin; HCV, hepatitis
C virus; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Plt/plt, platelets; RBC, red blood cells; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SCIG, subcutaneous immunoglobulin G; WBC, white blood cells.
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Table 2. Primary ITP and inherited thrombocytopenia
Primary gray plt Gray plt Disorders of Plt-type RUNX1108,*
ITP3,78 WAS35,95,* XLT96,97,* BSS98,99,* TAR100,101 syndrome102,* syndrome103,* filamen A104 MYH9-RD105,* vWF type IIb106,* VWD107,* heterozygous
Incidence 1-6.4:100 000 1-4:1 million 1:10 million males ,1:1 million 0.4:100 000 Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare
Distinguishing Isolated Male with Isolated Very large plt, Missing radii, Variable thrombocytopenia, “invisible” Variable: bleeding, Döhle bodies, Variable plt count that falls dramatically Mild thrombo-
features thrombo- eczema, thrombocytopenia, falsely other skeletal platelets missing a granules, CNS dysplasia, genotype/ with stress, plt clumping on smear; vWF cytopenia
cytopenia petechiae, very small plt, and decreased abnormalities, myelofibrosis due to “leakage” of a deafness, phenotype type IIb 10-fold more common than plt- with plt
with and possibly milk number, and spontaneous granule contents (TGF-b and PDGF) skeletal correlation: type vWF. dysfunction,
petechiae/ infections. allergy–related GI epistaxis improvement into the marrow. dysplasia. May Hegglin 50% risk of
bruising in a bleeding. (homozygous of counts within anomaly, malignancy
healthy- worse pheno- first year of life. Fechtner (2/3 leukemia,
looking type than syndrome, 1/3 solid
patient heterozygous). Ebstein tumors).
syndrome, etc.
Diagnostic tests CBC, Peripheral Peripheral blood Peripheral blood XR forearm ↓plt count, large- ↓plt count, Clinical Macrothrombo- vWD panel: ↓VWF: Abnormal vWD CBC: mild
peripheral blood smear: smear: small plt; smear: giant plt. Fetal US (missing sized gray large-sized gray characteristics, cytopenia, RCo/VWF:Ag panel: thrombo-
blood small plt. genetic panel and No platelet radii, ulna, platelets. Hb platelets. BM radiologic Döhle-like ratio; increased aggregation cytopenia. Plt
smear. ↓↓plt: Decreased WES. aggregation in humerus, tibia, electrophoresis: shows studies, family bodies. Hearing affinity of vWF with low-dose aggregation:
normal number/ response to etc.). If plt don’t mild myelofibrosis; history, X-linked screen: to plt, aggregation ristocetin, with impaired to
or increased function of ristocetin. Flow normalize, b-thalassemia– genetic testing inheritance; sensorineural with low-dose normal ADP; genetic
in size. T cells. ↓IgG, cytometry; they may like phenotype and WES. genetic testing hearing loss; ristocetin, loss of monomers; testing and
Normal ↓IgM, ↑IgE, genetic panel deteriorate; (↓HbA2); genetic and WES. genetic testing high-molecular variable WES.
RBCs and ↑IgA; genetic and WES. genetic panel testing and WES. and WES. monomers with thrombo-
WBCs. panel and and WES. variable cytopenia;
Rule out other WES. thrombocytopenia; genetic panel
causes. genetic panel and and WES.
Molecular None Mutations of WAS gene on X Mutation of Mutations in Mutation in NBEAL2 or FLNA gene Mutations in Mutations in vWF GP1BA RUNX1
characteristics identified chromosome GP1BA gene, RBM8A gene. GATA1 gene GFI1B mutation mutations MYH9 gene gene mutations mutations
resulting in lack
of GP1b
Clinical approach Standard first- HSCT. Future: TPO-RA, Transfusions, Plt transfusions, HSCT HSCT Supportive Usually not Infuse vWF Plt transfusions Supportive
and second- gene tx. splenectomy, desmopressin, antifibrinolytics requiring care, plt
line HSCT. Future: antifibrinolytics. until treatment; plt transfusions for
treatment. gene tx. improvement. transfusions procedures
and TPO-RAs, if and surgeries.
↓ indicates a decrease in value; ↓↓ indicates a significant decrease in value; ↑ indicates an increase in value.
ADP, adenosine diphosphate; BM, bone marrow; CNS, central nervous system; GI, gastrointestinal; Hb, hemoglobin; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; Plt/plt, platelets; RBC, red blood cells; RUNX1, RUNT-related
transcription factor 1; TAR, thrombocytopenia absent radii syndrome; TGF, transforming growth factor; tx, therapy; US, ultrasound; vWD, von Willebrand disease; vWF, von Willebrand factor; VWF:RCo/VWF:Ag ratio, ratio of von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor
activity/von Willebrand antigen; WAS, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; WBC, white blood cells; WES, whole-exome sequencing; XLT, X-linked thrombocytopenia; XR, X-ray.
*In these diseases, a patient with a mild phenotype may go undiagnosed until screening is initiated upon a relative’s positive diagnosis.
Age at Any age, more common after Young children (6-9 y), but up Type I: newborn. Type II: 3-6 y. Young children (,5 y) and Infancy/early childhood Most common in older
presentation age 65 y to 40 y of age up to 40 y of age and up to 30 y of age adults
Incidence 1-6.4:100 000 1:1 million Rare ,1:1 million Rare 1-4:1 million
Distinguishing Isolated thrombocytopenia Could present as isolated Isolated severe Skin/nail abnormalities Exocrine pancreas Other abnormalities on
Diagnostic tests CBC, peripheral blood smear. BM evaluation, DEB, MMC. BM evaluation: reduced/ BM evaluation. Telomere Pancytopenia, BM, fecal BM evaluation.
↓↓plt: normal or increased Genetic panel and WES. absent megakaryocytes; length. Genetic panel studies: elastase, Cytogenetics: 5q del,
in size. Normal RBCs and genetic panel and WES. and WES. trypsinogen; serum 7 del, trisomy 8; genetic
WBCs. Rule out other trypsinogen, isoamylase; panel and WES.
causes. genetic panel and WES.
Rule out viral infections: PCR/IgM/IgG of CMV, hepatitis, EBV, HIV, parvovirus. Rule out drugs/toxins. Rule out renal, hepatic, thyroid dysfunction.
Molecular None identified Mutations in FANCA, Mutation in c-Mpl gene 11 gene mutations Mutations in SBDS gene Monosomy 7, trisomy 8 or
characteristics FANCC, FANG genes. 21.
Clinical approach Standard first- and second- Transfusions, androgens, Transfusions, HSCT. Transfusions, androgens, Supportive. HSCT. Plt Chemotherapy. HSCT.
line treatment HSCT, TPO-RA, G-CSF. HSCT, TPO-RA, G-CSF transfusions. TPO-RA (controversial).
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examination findings do not allow diagnosis of ITP; they can only
Drug induced be compatible with it. If the bone marrow is normal, WES or
~5% whole-genome sequencing is a reasonable next step. Tables 1
through 3 list many entities and their diagnostic modalities.
Given the mantra that large platelets mean ITP and not leukemia,
MDS myosin heavy chain 9–related disorders (MYH9-RDs), Bernard-
~10% Soulier syndrome (BSS), and other macrothrombocytopenias are
often misdiagnosed as ITP, especially if they have falsely low
platelet counts (ie, if the platelets are too large to be accurately
BMF ~50%
counted).31,32 As already indicated, inherited thrombocytope-
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~10% nias are commonly underdiagnosed. If a TPO-RA is used and
responses are only seen to this agent, it may not be helpful
diagnostically, because many forms of inherited thrombocyto-
Inherited penia, as well as certain bone marrow failure states, might
~15% respond.33,34 Table 3 refers to bone marrow failure states with
predominant thrombocytopenia at presentation. Although
these are traditionally thought of as pediatric diseases, a
number of cases present in adults. The current practice, not to
Secondary perform routine bone marrow examinations in patients with
~10% newly diagnosed suspected ITP, may delay the diagnosis of these
diseases, such as FA, acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocyto-
penia, and telomeropathies (Table 3). Other diagnoses may
Figure 1. An estimate of the incidence of primary ITP vs other diagnoses in
resemble ITP more closely, including DC (Table 3), chronic
patients defined as having “refractory ITP.” These percentages may vary con- lymphocytic leukemia (CLL; if the lymphocyte count is not high)
siderably depending on the clinical setting and geographical location. BMF, bone (Table 1), the X-linked thrombocytopenia form (thrombocyto-
marrow failure syndromes. penia only) of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome35 (Table 2), and asymp-
tomatic HIV (Table 1). MDS may be confused with ITP because it
explore first, and this is often not straightforward. Table 4 lists has a similar combination of hypercellular marrow and increased
many diagnostic tests that can be used to identify other un- megakaryocytes; signs of dyspoiesis may not be overt, and
derlying etiologies. progression may be required to clarify the diagnosis. Observing
a response to IVIG would exclude some of these cases but not
If several ITP treatments are administered with minimal or no secondary ITP; however, a patient who responds to IVIG would
response, it becomes less likely that the patient has ITP (Tables not be considered refractory.
1-3). Ideally, a work-up is initiated and continued until another
diagnosis is made or ITP is confirmed. The following findings are Another category is drug-induced thrombocytopenias. Certain
some that may focus the work-up: (1) a history of recurrent medications are known to cause thrombocytopenia.36,37 As men-
infections suggests immunodeficiency, (2) a first-degree rel- tioned earlier, there is not readily available testing for this entity,
ative with low platelet counts suggests an inherited throm- and certain cases (ie, quinine in tonic water) can be overlooked.24
bocytopenia, which may also be supported by examination of Liver disease can cause thrombocytopenia by a number of
the peripheral smear, and (3) mild mental retardation, hypo- mechanisms and resemble ITP 38; however, typically throm-
calcemia, and a right-sided aortic arch suggest DiGeorge bocytopenia is moderate, and patients usually do not present
syndrome. There are many other possible examples and not as having refractory ITP. The incidence of silent hepatic
all are listed in the tables. disease can vary enormously depending on geography
and the type of population served. Splenomegaly (with/
It is tempting to perform whole-exome sequencing (WES) or without hepatomegaly) may suggest a body computed to-
even whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Although this would mography scan, which may uncover lymphoma or another
identify mutations, especially those responsible for bone marrow malignancy.
failure syndromes, inherited thrombocytopenias, and possibly
MDSs, it is far from perfect. A 335-patient series of inherited A work-up needs to be age (and gender) oriented: for example,
thrombocytopenias identified definite and probable gene CLL and MDS are primarily diseases of the elderly and lupus has
findings in less than half of the cases.22 Among bone marrow a ninefold greater incidence in females, with a distinct peak in
failure cases, chromosome fragility (diepoxybutane breakage early adulthood.39-41 CVID can be seen at any age, but it primarily
test) can identify Fanconi anemia (FA), and telomere length occurs in patients who are 20 to 50 years old. Studies have
can identify dyskeratosis congenita (DC); these are often the emphasized that gain-of-function immune defects can manifest
initial tests done.30 as autoimmunity, presenting as refractory ITP at any age.42 High
thrombopoietin (TPO) levels might support bone marrow failure
In refractory patients, a poor response to platelet transfusion syndromes.43 If a work-up has been completed and does not
is not as helpful diagnostically as a good durable response, reveal secondary ITP (Table 1), inherited thrombocytopenia
because many causes of thrombocytopenia can result in a (Table 2), or bone marrow failure (Table 3), this does not ensure
suboptimal response to platelets. Refractory patients should that the patient has primary ITP. Each category requires thor-
undergo bone marrow examination, including aspirate and bi- ough investigation with a wide range of testing, including ex-
opsy, cytogenetics, and flow cytometry. However, bone marrow tensive genomic analyses. Furthermore, certain diagnoses do
Evaluation History
Physical exam
CBC with differential and platelets
Review of the smear
Optional tests: liver function tests, Evaluation & Treatment
immunoglobulin levels
Individualized work up guided by
Not supporting for ITP
High suspicion for ITP? positive findings
Supporting ITP, plt >30,000
Plt<30,000 Observation
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IVIG (if not given before) Not Refractory • Immunoglobulin levels (IgG, IgM, IgA); if no
No Response recent IVIG
Evaluation & Treatment • Fe, TIBC, Ferritin
Repeat initial evaluation and consider
• Rituximab
• Immunosuppressives Use combination therapies:
• Fostamatinib Evaluation • TPO-RA + immunosuppresive agents
• Splenectomy • TPO-RA + FcR blocking agents
Extended work up* as (eg IVIG, fastamatinib)
Response REFRACTORY ITP outlined above and • TPO-RA + immunosuppresive agent
guided by tables 1-3 + FcR blocking agents
Not Refractory
Figure 2. Flowchart for the identification and treatment of patients with refractory ITP. Ag, antigen; ANA, anti-nuclear antibodies; CMP, comprehensive metabolic
panel; CRP; C-reactive protein; CMV, cytomegalovirus; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Eval, evaluation; HCV, hepatitis C virus; H pylori, Helicobacter pylori; plt/Plt,
platelets; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; TIBC, total iron binding capacity; Tx, treatment.
not have specific testing available that will identify all cases. In step. These have been explored in ITP but have not been well
summary, it is impossible to unequivocally eliminate all possible reviewed.
etiologies of thrombocytopenia.
Currently, refractory ITP would include lack of response to
With these considerations, if an extensive work-up is nega- rituximab and TPO agents. This is not as uncommon as some-
tive, it remains very difficult to distinguish “world’s worst ITP” times assumed. The lack of response to these leading second-
from “not ITP at all.” Ideally, a bone marrow examination line agents is what necessitates the use of combination treatment
would exclude MDS and other bone marrow failure condi- in many patients.
tions; however, this is not infallible and, in certain patients,
repeated bone marrow examinations with up-to-date ge- Table 5 lists combination therapies identified for inclusion. The
nomic analyses may be required before specific diagnoses first group of therapies antedates the availability of TPO agents
can be clarified. and are no longer used extensively, but they deserve mention.
The first combination treatment of which we are aware was
CHOP (cyclophosphamide [initially nitrogen mustard], vincris-
Combination treatment to manage tine [Oncovin], procarbazine, and prednisone), a well-known
regimen for patients with Hodgkin disease. CHOP was used
refractory patients with ITP in a woman with ITP in 1981 who had relapsed Hodgkin disease
If a case truly appears to be refractory ITP, the authors’ expe- and developed refractory ITP. When treated with CHOP for the
riences suggest that, in 50% of cases, it may still be another Hodgkin disease, the ITP improved and, 10 years later, she was
diagnosis, depending upon the experience of the hematol- still in remission. A further trial of CHOP in 8 refractory patients
ogist and the extent of the work-up. However, if it appears to found 4 complete responses (CRs) and 1 partial response (PR).
be ITP and multiple single agents have failed to stably in- These patients had failed splenectomy and steroids.44 A follow-
crease the platelet count, combination treatments are the next up letter emphasized that responders remained in remission and
Smear review WAS, XLT, BSS, X-linked gray plt syndrome, gray plt syndrome, MYH9-
RD, RUNX1 heterozygous, leukemia
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Immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgA) CVID, WAS
Genetic testing: whole-genome sequencing vs specific panels WAS, XLT, BSS, TAR, X-linked gray plt syndrome, disorders of filamin A,
MYH9-RD, vWF type IIb, plt-type vWD, RUNX1 heterozygous, FA,
Telomere length DC
Plt aggregation BSS, vWF type IIb, plt-type vWD, RUNX1 heterozygous
ANA, anti-nuclear antibody; BSS, CAMT, congenital amegakaryotic thrombocytopenia; CRP; C-reactive protein; DEB, diepoxybutane test; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; ESR, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate; MMC, mitomycin C; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Plt/plt, platelets; RUNX1, RUNT-related transcription factor 1; SDS, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome; SLE, systemic
lupus erythematosus; TAR, thrombocytopenia absent radii syndrome; vWD, von Willebrand disease; vWF, von Willebrand factor; WAS, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; XLT, X-linked
included 4 additional patients, 3 with no response and 1 with functional definition of “refractory” has shifted to patients with
a PR.45 ITP that is harder to treat in the era of TPO-RA and rituximab
In 2009, a trial of R-CVP (rituximab, vincristine, cyclophospha-
mide, and prednisone; a version of R-CHOP without pro- One attempted approach, combining agents that inhibit dif-
carbazine) was initiated with disappointing results: of 8 patients ferent T-cell pathways, was administering, at lower-than-maximal
treated, only 4 responded, and they were the same ones who dose, azathioprine, cyclosporine, and mycophenolate mofetil
had responded previously to rituximab alone (CR or PR).46 in 19 ITP patients with a range of disease severity. The rea-
Furthermore, time to relapse was approximately the same com- soning behind combining these drugs at lower doses was to
pared with when patients received rituximab alone. In addition, increase efficacy while reducing toxicity.48 In the pre-TPO era,
patients with no response to rituximab did not respond to R-CVP. they demonstrated a 74% response rate without infections;
however, long-term follow-up showed that only 2 patients had
In 2007, in the prerituximab era and pre-TPO era, patients who sustained off-treatment remission.48
failed to respond to steroids and/or IVIG received induction
therapy, followed by combination maintenance therapy. In- Another pre-TPO era approach was triple therapy in newly
duction was IVIG, steroids, and IV anti-D and/or vinca alkaloids. diagnosed (40%) and “refractory” (chronic) ITP (60%) patients
The 18 patients needing maintenance therapy received a (N 5 20), including 5 with secondary ITP (25%). Triple therapy
combination of danazol and azathioprine, with 13 responses.47 was dexamethasone (4 days at 40 mg/d), low-dose rituximab
More recently, our anecdotal experience in 5 patients found (4 weekly doses of 100 mg), and low-dose cyclosporine (2.5-3 mg/kg
this combination to be ineffective in patients who failed for 28 days) to complete therapy within 1 month. Four of 12
rituximab and/or a TPO agent. This illustrates that the current refractory cases responded and maintained their response for
Arms, Patients,
References n Medication Dosing Cycles n Reported response 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo
Pre–TPO-RA era
Figueroa et al44 1 Cyclophosphamide 400-650 mg/m2 IV, days 3-8 10 CR, 60% (.4, 9, 11, 30, 53, CR, CR, 70%; CR, 60%; CR, 40%; CR, 40%;
1 and 8 and 126 mo); PR, 20% (.2, 70%; PR, PR, PR, 0% PR, 0%
Prednisone 40 mg/m2 PO, days 1 .9 mo) PR, 10% 10%
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
and 14 20%
Choudhry et al113 1 Vinblastine 4 mg/m2 IV, weekly and 8 mo 16 CR, 38%; PR, 25% after CR, CR, 19%;
then monthly induction 38%; PR, 6%
Danazol 2-3 mg/kg PO, daily Remission in 25% during PR,
f/u (6-10 mo) 25%
McMillan45 1 Cyclophosphamide 400-650 mg/m2 IV, days 3-8 12 CR 42%; PR 8% CR, CR, 58%; CR, 50%; CR, 50%; CR, 50%;
1 and 8 58%; PR, 8% PR, 8% PR, 8% PR, 0%
Prednisone 40 mg/m2 PO, days 1, PR,
and 14 17%
Kappers-Klunne and 1 Cyclosporine tapered by 3 mg/kg PO, BID .4 wk 10 CR, 30%; PR, 20% CR, CR, 30%; CR, 20%; CR, 20%; CR, 20%;
van’t Veer114 50 mg/d every 2 wk 30%; PR, PR, PR, 0% PR, 0%
Dosing below 3 mg/kg PR, 20% 10%
PO, BID 20%
2 CSA 2.5 mg/kg PO BID ,4.5 mo 10 CR, 20% (.2 y, .4 y); PR, 40% CR, 20%; CR, 20% CR, 20%
Prednisone 0.4 mg/kg/d 40% Unclear length of
Williams & Boxer115 1 Vincristine 1.5 mg/m2 IV, weekly 2-4 doses 10 80% had PR or CR. Treated pts CR, CR, 70%; CR, 70%; CR, 50%; CR, 20%;
Methylprednisone 100 mg/m2 IV, weekly 2-4 doses have been off therapy for a 70%; PR, PR, PR, 10% PR, 0%
median of 13 mo. PR, 10% 10%
CSA 5 mg/kg PO, BID 3-6 mo
Hasan et al46 1 Second-dose rituximab* 375 mg/m2 IV, weekly 4 wk 20 None with benefit over CR, 50%; CR, 45%; CR, 40%; CR, 5%;
34 weeks standard-dose rituximab; PR, PR, PR, 5% PR, 0%
38% responded to R-CVP but 20% 20%
2 Rituximab 375 mg/m2 IV, weeks 1, 4 infusions 8 short duration; 63% CR 38% CR 38% CR 13% CR 0%
2, 5, and 8 responded to DDR, 4 pts with PR 0% PR 0% PR 0% PR 0%
longer response compared
Cyclophosphamide 750 mg/m2 IV, every 3
with initial treatment. No pt
4 wk
with NR to initial rituximab
Vincristine 1.4 mg/m2 IV, every 4 wk 3 responded to DDR.
Prednisone 100 mg PO, days 1-5, 3
every 4 wk
3 DDR 750 mg/m2 IV, weekly 4 wk 8 CR, 50%; CR, 50%; CR. 38%; CR, 0%;
PR, PR, PR, 13% PR, 0%
13% 13%
Gómez-Almaguer 1 Rituximab 100 mg IV, weekly 4 wk 11 45% achieved CR, 55% CR, CR, 36%; CR, 36%; CR, 18%; PR, 0%;
et al116 Alemtuzumab 10 mg SQ, days 1-3 achieved PR. Median 27%; PR, PR, PR, 27% CR, 0%
duration of CR was 46 wk. PR, 64% 55%
Long-term follow-up may be low because patients relapsed or because of the small number of patients at the specific time point.
AKI, acute kidney injury; ATRA, all-trans retinoic acid; BID, twice a day; CSA, cyclosporine A; DDR, double the standard dose rituximab; f/u, follow-up; GI, gastrointestinal; HA, headache;
HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; HSV, herpes simplex virus; HTN, hypertension; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; MI, myocardial infarction; min, minimum; MMF, mycophenolate
mofetil; MRR, major response rate; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OR, overall response; plt, platelets; PO, by mouth; pt/pts, patient/patients; R-CVP, rituximab,
cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone; RFS, relapse-free survival; rhTPO, recombinant human TPO; SQ, subcutaneous; SR, sustained response; TID, 3 times a day; TRR, total response
rate; tx, treatment; UTI, urinary tract infection.
*With the addition of immunosuppressive therapy.
Pre–TPO-RA era
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
0 0 0 0 No No No 1 pt had ICH. CR, plt . 150 000; PR, less than
twofold increase in plt and .50 000/mL
30% HTN; severe muscle pain, CR, plt . 110 000/mL for 12 wk; PR, plt . 40 000/mL
10 HA, nausea, gum hyperplasia. for 8 wk. 1 pt required longer CSA to retain CR.
0 0 0 30% peripheral neuropathy, Many pts on concomitant tx No No 40% Evans syndrome.CR, normal plt after cessation of
30% constipation, 30% jaw pain, CSA; PR, plt 80 000-120 000/mL for $3 mo while off
20% alopecia, 40% nausea CSA.
0 0 0 0 13% allergy No Yes No CR, plt . 150 000/mL for $3 mo; PR, plt . 50 000/mL
No Yes No for $3 mo.
No Yes No
0 0 0 32 16%, gum hypertrophy and No No No Response: more than twofold and plt . 30 000/mL for 4 wk.
tremors. Infections reported to be unrelated to tx.
0 0 0 18%, HSV; 9% died from unclear cause Patients should have Evans syndrome. CR, plt . 150 000/
mL; PR, plt . 50 000/mL on 2 consecutive occasions.
36%, UTI
Long-term follow-up may be low because patients relapsed or because of the small number of patients at the specific time point.
AKI, acute kidney injury; ATRA, all-trans retinoic acid; BID, twice a day; CSA, cyclosporine A; DDR, double the standard dose rituximab; f/u, follow-up; GI, gastrointestinal; HA, headache;
HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; HSV, herpes simplex virus; HTN, hypertension; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; MI, myocardial infarction; min, minimum; MMF, mycophenolate
mofetil; MRR, major response rate; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OR, overall response; plt, platelets; PO, by mouth; pt/pts, patient/patients; R-CVP, rituximab,
cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone; RFS, relapse-free survival; rhTPO, recombinant human TPO; SQ, subcutaneous; SR, sustained response; TID, 3 times a day; TRR, total response
rate; tx, treatment; UTI, urinary tract infection.
*With the addition of immunosuppressive therapy.
Arms, Patients,
References n Medication Dosing Cycles n Reported response 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo
Post–TPO-RA era
Wang et al117 1 rhTPO 1 mg/kg SQ, daily for 73 MRR, 38%; TRR, 60%
15 d
Danazol 200 mg PO, TID
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
2 Danazol 200 mg PO, TID 19 MRR, 8%; TRR, 37%
Cui et al118 1 rhTPO 1 mg/kg SQ daily 14 d 19 Relapse rate: 17.7% at 1 mo, Response, Response,
CSA 1.5-2 mg/kg PO, BID 3 mo 29.4% at 2 mo, and 29.4% 82% 71%
at 3 mo.
2b rhTPO 1 mg/kg SQ, daily 14 d 17 Relapse rate: 50% at 1 mo, Response, Response,
68.8% at 2 mo, and 87.5% 50% 13%
at 3 mo.
Li et al119 1 CSA 3 mg/kg PO, BID 3-6 mo 45 SR, 37% (59% in CR group
Prednisone 10-20 mg PO, daily and 9% in PR group); 39%
relapsed after stopping tx.
2 Rapamycin 6 mg PO, then 2 mg 3-6 mo 43 SR, 68% (80% in CR group,
PO, daily 50% in PR group); 24%
Prednisone 10-20 mg PO, daily relapsed after stopping tx.
Choi et al49 1 Dexamethasone 40 mg PO, days 1-4 20 Response, 60% at 6 mo. Response,
CSA 2.5-3 mg/kg PO, Responders had RFS of 55%; CR,
days 1-28 92% at 12 mo and 76% at 30%
24 mo.
Rituximab 100 mg IV, days 7,
14, 21, and 28
Zhou et al52 1 Rituximab 100 mg IV, weekly 4 wk 77 CR, 45%; OR, 79%; SR, 44% Response, Response, Response,
rhTPO 400 U/kg SQ, initially 67% 44% 25%
daily and then
depending on plt
2 Rituximab 100 mg IV, weekly 4 wk 38 CR, 23%; OR, 71%; SR, 30% Response, Response, Response,
54% 30% 19%
Li et al120 1 Rituximab 100 mg IV, weekly 4 wk 14 CR, 50%; PR, 43%. Median CR, 50%; CR, 50%; CR, 43%; CR, 43%; PR, CR, 36%;
rhTPO 300 mg/kg/d 14 d follow-up 17 mo (range, PR, 43% PR, 43% PR, 43% 43% PR, 43%
3-44 mo).
Feng et al54 1 Danazol 200 mg PO, BID 16 wk 45 OR, 82% (CR, 38%); 24% Response, Response,
ATRA 10 mg PO, BID relapsed 47% 62%
2 Danazol 200 mg PO, BID 48 OR, 44% (CR, 8%); 43% Response, Response,
relapsed 15% 25%
Wang et al121 1 Rituximab 100 mg IV, weekly 4 wk 79 CR, 33%; PR, 25%; MR, 14%
2 Cyclophosphamide 0.8 g IV weekly; 3 mo 86 CR, 13%; PR, 36%; MR, 13%
2 mg/kg/d PO
3 Rituximab 100 mg IV, weekly. 4 wk 84 CR, 58%; PR, 17%; MR, 7%
Cyclophosphamide 0.8 g IV weekly, 3 mo
2 mg/kg/d PO
Long-term follow-up may be low because patients relapsed or because of the small number of patients at the specific time point.
AKI, acute kidney injury; ATRA, all-trans retinoic acid; BID, twice a day; CSA, cyclosporine A; DDR, double the standard dose rituximab; f/u, follow-up; GI, gastrointestinal; HA, headache;
HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; HSV, herpes simplex virus; HTN, hypertension; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; MI, myocardial infarction; min, minimum; MMF, mycophenolate
mofetil; MRR, major response rate; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OR, overall response; plt, platelets; PO, by mouth; pt/pts, patient/patients; R-CVP, rituximab,
cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone; RFS, relapse-free survival; rhTPO, recombinant human TPO; SQ, subcutaneous; SR, sustained response; TID, 3 times a day; TRR, total response
rate; tx, treatment; UTI, urinary tract infection.
*With the addition of immunosuppressive therapy.
Post–TPO-RA era
0 0 0 0 9% visual field defect Antifibrinolytics No No 1 pt had ICH. MRR, plt . 100 000/mL; TRR, plt . 50 000/mL;
OR, increase in plt of 30 000/mL and no bleeding.
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
0 0 0 0 No No Response, twofold increase in plt, .30 000/mL and no
bleeding. Long-term follow-up 3 mo.
0 0 0 0 11% bleeding No No No CR, plt . 100 000/mL; PR, plt . 30 000/mL and doubled from
0 0 0 0 7% bleeding No No 2% baseline; SR, plt . 50 000/mL in follow-up. Mean
observation period 18 mo.
0 0 5 15% HTN No Not clear Not clear Response defined by Rodeghiero et al.9 5 pts had secondary
ITP; 1 pt had AKI 18 mo after tx due to NSAIDs.
0 0 0 7 1 pt died from interstitial pneumonitis. No No No CR, plt $ 100 000 and no bleeding; response, plt . 30 000/mL
1 pt died from Aspergillus and 2 occurrences of increased plt compared with baseline
lower respiratory infection and no bleeding.
and ICH.
24 40 infection, No Yes Yes Response, plt . 100 000/mL or .30 000/mL and doubled from
3 sepsis baseline. Pts crossed over from 1 group to the other. No.
of pts here represents total no. of pts treated in a specific
arm. 7 patients had ICH, 2 pts had HSCT, and 5 pts died.
0 0 0 2% serious bleeding, 36% 7% 9% PR, plt . 30 000/mL and at least doubled from baseline; CR,
64% dry skin, 20% HA, plt . 100 000/mL and no bleeding, without rescue
20% GI disorders, medication at 12-mo follow-up.
7% HTN
0 2 0 8% serious bleeding, 35% 6% 10%
6% dry skin, 17% HA,
19% GI disorders, 6% HTN.
3 3 1% 10% dizziness/HA, 15% vomiting CR, plt . 100 000/mL for 2 mo and no bleeding; PR,
6 6 3% 14% dizziness/HA, 17% vomiting plt . 50 000/mL for 2 mo and no bleeding; minimal
effective, plt . 20 000/mL for 2 mo and improved
1 1 0% 6% dizziness/HA, 7% vomiting
Long-term follow-up may be low because patients relapsed or because of the small number of patients at the specific time point.
AKI, acute kidney injury; ATRA, all-trans retinoic acid; BID, twice a day; CSA, cyclosporine A; DDR, double the standard dose rituximab; f/u, follow-up; GI, gastrointestinal; HA, headache;
HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; HSV, herpes simplex virus; HTN, hypertension; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; MI, myocardial infarction; min, minimum; MMF, mycophenolate
mofetil; MRR, major response rate; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OR, overall response; plt, platelets; PO, by mouth; pt/pts, patient/patients; R-CVP, rituximab,
cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone; RFS, relapse-free survival; rhTPO, recombinant human TPO; SQ, subcutaneous; SR, sustained response; TID, 3 times a day; TRR, total response
rate; tx, treatment; UTI, urinary tract infection.
*With the addition of immunosuppressive therapy.
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
pressants and TPO agents achieved on-treatment responses in 7
of 10 patients (50% CR, 20% PR). This emphasizes the impor- Biology of refractoriness
tance of including TPO agents in combination treatments, even Patients with very difficult cases of chronic ITP may lose re-
if there has not been a response to them as single treatment.51 sponsiveness to treatment over time; 1 reason could be evo-
lution to MDS. Another possible mechanism is antigen/epitope
A trial performed in China explored 2:1 randomization of spread, generating antiplatelet antibodies directed at new
4 low-dose rituximab infusions with the recombinant human TPO platelet antigens.6 Upregulation of “pumps” that expel treat-
(300 mg; 3SBio) administered subcutaneously daily for 14 days ment molecules from inside cells has been reported in refractory
vs rituximab alone in a total of 105 patients who were refractory patients, demonstrating another way in which resistance to
to or relapsing on steroid therapy.52 TPO was used to obtain an treatment could develop.62 Treatment with cyclosporine repo-
immediate effect until rituximab achieved a lasting effect. The larizes the membrane and can reverse the activity of certain
combination increased the platelet count earlier and reduced lymphocyte pumps.63 If ITP converts from primarily antibody
bleeding (45% vs 24% in the first 2 months, P 5 .03); however, driven to T-cell driven, it may become harder to treat. The study
there was no difference in sustained response. by Chapin et al performed in patients during their follow up
visits, elucidated a mechanism of rituximab resistance which
Another combination treatment was explored in 18 patients might be associated with oligo/monoclonal expansion of Vb
refractory to IVIG and TPO agents alone, using a combination of T-cell receptor (VBTCR).59 Among long-term responders, only 1
romiplostim or eltrombopag to increase platelet production, an of 10 had oligo/monoclonal VBTCR expansion, whereas oligo/
immunosuppressant (cyclosporine [n 5 14] or mycophenolate monoclonal populations were seen in 13 of 26 nonresponders.64
mofetil [n 5 4] at standard doses) to inhibit T-cell effects, and Clonal expansions have been reported in other small series of
IVIG as needed to inhibit platelet destruction.53 The combina- patients with ITP who are unresponsive to different treatments:
tions resulted in very good responses in 72% of these patients splenectomy, rituximab, and TPO agents.65,66 The utility of pro-
with chronic ITP who had failed a median of 6.5 previous spective testing for clonality as a marker of refractoriness, the
treatments. This study emphasized using agents with different mechanism of refractoriness in oligo/monoclonal patients, and the
mechanisms of action, including a TPO agent, to achieve best appropriate approach to these patients remain to be determined.
effects. There were minimal side effects, and no severe/serious Other possible mechanisms accounting for rituximab resistance in
infection was reported; however, the follow-up was limited. ITP include expansion of long-lived plasma cells in spleen.67,68 The
latter has therapeutic implications (eg, antiplasma cell therapies,
One randomized trial compared danazol plus all-trans retinoic such as bortezomib, might be useful).69 Focusing on rituximab,
acid (n 5 45 patients) with danazol alone (n 5 48 patients). At studies have suggested that identifying anti-platelet glycoprotein
1-year of follow-up, 63% of patients on all-trans retinoic acid antibodies pretreatment may predict good responses, consistent
plus danazol showed a sustained response, whereas only 26% with a mechanism of reducing/eliminating anti-platelet antibodies.70
of patients receiving danazol monotherapy were relapse free. Similar findings exist for fostamatinib.71 The absence of these
This population was not very refractory (ie, they had failed antibodies might predict failure of treatment if antibody-negative
steroids but had not undergone splenectomy), and one third cases are not antiplatelet-antibody mediated. The presence of
of the patients were taking concomitant medications at platelet glycoprotein Ib antibodies as markers of drug resistance
baseline. This combination needs to be explored in more (eg, to IVIG and steroids) remains controversial.72,73
refractory patients.54
Combination treatments have been explored in ITP patients
Given the long-term effects of rituximab alone (40%-60% re- closer to diagnosis (Table 6). They are not considered here,
sponse lasting 1 year with 20%-30% apparent cure, in typical, not despite promising results, because they were used at or very
refractory, patients with ITP),55,56 the search for the optimal soon after diagnosis; thus, their efficacy in refractory patients is
agent(s) to combine with rituximab continues. Several studies unknown. These include dexamethasone, eltrombopag, ritux-
explored the addition of dexamethasone to rituximab. Two imab, and/or alemtuzumab.
studies of patients with ITP at diagnosis (or never treated) by Zaja
et al57 and Gudbrandsdottir et al58 initially delivered 4 days of Finally, other components of combination therapy may be in-
high-dose dexamethasone, followed by 4 infusions of standard- cluded in the future. The role of rapamycin in blocking the mTOR
dose rituximab. Initial results combining dexamethasone and pathway has been documented in ALPS-related multiple auto-
rituximab demonstrated higher response rates (50% to 70%) immune cytopenias.74 Recently approved or encouraging ITP
compared with dexamethasone alone (20%-35%), but long- therapies include fostamatinib (an inhibitor of SYK); demethy-
term follow-up was not reported. A set of studies in adults59 lating agents, such as decitabine75; FcRn inhibitors; and BTK
and children60 combined 3 (4-day) cycles of dexamethasone and inhibitors. These agents have novel mechanisms of action, and
Follow-up Serious treatment complications
Zaja et al57 1 Dexamethasone 40 mg PO, 1 52 SR 63% in the 46% 36% 0% 0% 0 0% SR, plt . 50 000/mL
daily, combination at 6 mo.
days 1-4 arm vs Hematologic
2 Dexamethasone 40 mg PO, 49 36% in the 37% 63% 0% 4% 0 4% 2% response, plt .
daily, dexamethasone bleeding 100 000/mL.
days 1-4 arm Patients on
Rituximab 375 mg/m2 4% SVT, 2%
IV, days 7, seizure
with NR
14, 21,
and 28
with 56% SR.
Gómez- 1 Dexamethasone 40 mg PO, 1 12 CR, 83%; response, Response, RFS, No 0% 0% 0 0% Response, plt:
Almaguer daily, 17%; 33% 17%; CR, 67% 30 000-100 000/mL;
et al122 days 1-4 relapsed; RFS, 83% CR, plt
Eltrombopag 50 mg PO, 67% at 1 y; CR2, .100 000/mL at
daily 50%; response day 33. Response
for 28 d 2, 25% 2 and CR2 same as
response and CR
but at 6 mo
75% grade 2 bleeding.
Wang et al123 1 Dexamethasone 40 mg PO, 100 At 14 d: CR 1 CR, 46%; 1 2% ICH but not
daily, days response 89% in response, deemed
1-4 6 days the combination 19% to be treatment
11-14 arms vs 67% in the related. If plt ,
rhTPO 300 U/kg dexamethasone 10 000/mL, rescue
SQ, arm; CR, 75% medications, plt
daily for vs 43%. At transfusions, and
14 d 6 mo: CR 1 hemostatic agents
response were allowed.
2 Dexamethasone 40 mg PO, 96 CR, 32%;
65% in the Response, plt
daily, days response,
combination between
1-4 6 days 5%
arm vs 37% in the 30 000-100 000/mL
dexamethasone and twofold increase
arm; CR, 46% of baseline plt and no
vs 32%. bleeding; CR, plt
100 000/mL.
ASH, American Society of Hematology; Gr3, grade 3; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; NR, no response; plt, platelets; PO, by mouth; rhTPO, recombinant human TPO; RFS, relapse-free survival; SQ, subcutaneously; SR, sustained response, SVT, supraventricular
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
Fc Cyclophosphamide
Dendritic cell
Fostamatinib Bortezomib
Rituximab B cell
stress induced
apoptosis Megakaryocyte
their role in single-agent treatment of ITP remains to be de- combination therapy, including which agents to use and at
termined. How to use them in combination treatment will be an what dose, how long to give them, and to which patients to
important determination, especially if one espouses the view give them. Nonetheless, compared with single-agent ther-
suggested here that using agents with different mechanisms of apy, combination therapies are more effective in patients with
action is important for combination treatment (note: combining challenging disease. Therapies may have tolerable toxicities,
IVIG and IV anti-D, even though they appear redundant, may potentially as a result of the ability to use them at slightly
work because they interact with different Fc receptors). Furthermore, lower effective doses. Based on the studies described, we
as described above, IVIG has been used with TPO agents and propose the following tenets. First, refractory ITP is even
immunosuppressive agents. The mechanism of IVIG in blocking harder to treat in patients unresponsive to TPO agents and
platelet destruction might be simulated by fostamatinib, which rituximab than it was before the advent of these treatments.
blocks FcR signaling. Finally, anecdotal evidence suggests that Second, when choosing agents to combine, select agents
there may be an enhanced effect by adding romiplostim and with different mechanisms of effect and different primary
eltrombopag to a combination regimen, based on their different toxicities (despite the latter not being discussed here); agents
binding sites on the TPO receptor, different effects on mega- active in different parts of the same pathway may have ad-
karyocytes and their precursors, and the observation that 50% of ditive or synergistic effects. TPO-RAs appear to be uniquely
patients not responding to 1 drug may respond to the other.76,77 useful. Third, if a treatment is not effective, instead of
Figure 3 illustrates the different mechanisms of action of med- stopping it and starting another treatment, it may be better to
ications used for ITP. add the new treatment to the one already being given (ie,
initiate combination therapy, despite the lack of effect of the
In summary, the pathogenesis of ITP is heterogenous. The in- initial treatment). Fourth, based on small studies, oligoclonal/
ability to identify critical pathobiologic differences between monoclonal T-cell populations may be important biomarkers,
patients is a major factor limiting the optimization of diagnosis indicating a higher likelihood of refractory disease. Finally, pa-
and treatment, which leaves us in a “trial and error” mode to tients with the most difficult to treat disease are reasonably likely
determine effective therapy. The immune state in a patient may not to have ITP. MDS and inherited thrombocytopenias would
change with time and/or treatment. Thus, diversified and in- be the most likely “misdiagnoses,”19 but many other possibilities
dividualized therapeutic methods are needed, which include exist; multiple examples have been included. We believe that
combination treatments to better treat patients with refractory the identification of a specific cause of thrombocytopenia often
ITP. For these refractory ITP patients, we believe that combi- results in a specific treatment approach. Ideally, for all cases of
nation therapy works better than single-agent therapy. Suc- ITP, this will be the path forward in the future. Ideally, identification
cessful combination therapies appear to include a TPO agent of the pathophysiology in each patient would precede initiation
and medication(s) with different mechanisms of action that inhibit of treatment. Furthermore, because chronic ITP sometimes in-
platelet destruction. The latter may contribute to increased volves more than just accelerated platelet destruction, $2 agents
platelet production by ameliorating immune attack on mega- may be required for combination therapy to provide optimal
karyocytes. There are many unanswered questions regarding effective management.
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
3SBio and is a member of the Advisory Board for Novartis and 3SBio. online on Blood First Edition 22 November 2019. DOI 10.1182/blood.
J.B.B. is a member of the Advisory Board for Dova Pharmaceuticals, 2019003599.
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM -USD ACCOUNT user on 14 April 2020
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bopag’s promotion of human mega- of regulatory T-cell changes in patients with
37. Aster RH, Bougie DW. Drug-induced im- karyopoiesis through AKT/ERK-dependent idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura re-
mune thrombocytopenia. N Engl J Med. pathway activation. Haematologica. 2016; ceiving B cell-depleting therapy with ritux-
2007;357(6):580-587. 101(12):1479-1488. imab. Blood. 2008;112(4):1147-1150.
38. Rajan SK, Espina BM, Liebman HA. Hepatitis 52. Zhou H, Xu M, Qin P, et al. A multicenter 65. Zhang H, Zhang BM, Guo X, et al. Blood
C virus-related thrombocytopenia: clinical randomized open-label study of rituximab transcriptome and clonal T cell correlates of
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effects of rituximab combined with human thrombopoietin (rhTPO) and high- 2018;132(suppl 1):733.