Spring Index C
inner side
T FD / 2
Tr F 16FD / 2 4 F 8 FD 4 F
max 2 2
J A d 3
d d 3
Shear Stress in spring
8 FD 4 F 8 FD d 8FD 1
max 1 1
d 3 d 2 d 3 2 D d 3 2C
8 FD
max Ks
d 3
Where Ks is called as the “shear stress correction factor” and serves to
correct the shear stress estimated from the torsion alone for the direct
shear. Here Ks is 2C 1
Curvature effect in fatigue loading
• Due to curvature, the shear stress is not equally
distributed. Many factors have been suggested for
correction. Prominent are Wahl factor (Kw) and
Bergstrasser factor (KB).
• As the surface is smooth, and there is no size transition,
there is no other correction factor to be incorporated
4C 1 0.615 4C 2
Kw or KB
4C 4 C 4C 3
Check for critical frequency
Energy Stored:
Table 10–1
Tempered high-carbon steel,
• Music wire, Oil-tempered wire, Hard drawn wire,
Chrome-vanadium wire and Chrome-silicon wire
Minimum tensile strength, Sut m Use Table 10-4 for “A” and “m”.
Table 10–4
Presetting of Compression Spring (static loading)
• Is a process used in the manufacturing of compression
springs to induce useful residual stresses
• The spring is made to a longer free length than required and
then is compressed beyond the elastic limit by 30% of the
• Residual stress sets up that are opposite in direction to the
working stresses
• Hence the springs behave stronger in service
Table 10–6
Since the load to be supported is not very large, a soft spring with large coil
diameter to be selected, Assume C = 10 => D = 20 mm =>D-d = 18 mm > 16mm
K = F/ = d4G / 8D3Na => Na = 3.86 Assume hole number 4 active coil
Q. A concentric spring consists of two helical compression springs one inside the
other. The free length of the outer spring is 15 mm greater than that of the inner
spring. The wire diameter and mean coil diameter of the inner spring are 5 and
30 mm respectively. Also, the wire diameter and mean coil diameter of the outer
spring are 6 and 36 mm respectively. The number of active coils in the inner
and outer springs are 8 and 10 respectively. Assume same material for both with
G=81.37 GPa. The composite spring is subjected axial load 1 kN. Find:
(a) deflection of each spring (b) the load borne by each spring (c) maximum
torsional shear stress induced in each spring.
Design for Fatigue Load:
Unpeened :
S sa 241 MPa S sm 379 MPa
Peened :
S sa 398 MPa S sm 534 MPa
Then find the endurance limit Ssa and Ssm are from
Zimmerli’s data.
S sa S sm S sa
1 S se
S se S su S sm Ssu= 0.67Sut
S su
Inter sec tion cordinate for given load line
rS se S su
S sa Refer Table 6-6 ; page 307
rS su S se
a Fa
m Fm
S sa
Factor of Safety, n f
Zimmerli’s Data (ASME- Elliptic criteria)
Then find the endurance limit Ssa and Ssm are from
2 Zimmerli’s data.
S sm
S sa S sa
1 S se 0.35Sut S sy 0.557Sut
S se
sy S sm
Inter sec tion cordinate for given load line
r 2S 2 S 2
S sa Refer Table 6-8 ; page 308
se sy
S 2
r 2 2
S sy
a Fa
m Fm
S sa
Factor of Safety, n f
Q. 10.26) A compression spring is needed to fit over a 12 mm dia rod with a
clearance of 1.5mm all round.Use spring index 10. The spring is compressed from
free length 125mm through a stroke of 75mm to its solid length. Find
a) Wire diameter b) coil diameter c) spring constant
d) Static factor of safety when compressed to solid length
e) Fatigue factor of safety when repeatedly cycled from free length to solid length.
Use Gerber-Zimmerli fatigue criteria.
Tension/ Extension springs: end preparation
Combined axial tension and bending stress at A
Only torsion at B
Improved design
Side view
Inherent safety concern with tension spring Spring testing
Analysis of stresses in tension springs
The maximum tensile stress at A due to combined axial tension bending moment
16D 4
A F K A 3 2
d d
K A Bending strss correction factor for curvature, given by
4C12 C1 1 2r
KA , C1 1
4C1 C1 1 d
• When extension springs are made with coils in contact with one
another, they are said to be close-wound.
• Spring manufacturers prefer some initial tension in close-wound
springs in order to hold the free length more accurately.
F Fi ky
Free length : Lo 2D d N b 1d 2C 1 N b d
Active number of coils, N a N b No of body coils
• The initial tension in an extension spring is created in the
winding process by twisting the wire as it is wound onto
the mandrel.
• When the spring is completed and
removed from the mandrel, the
initial tension is locked in because
the spring cannot get any shorter.
6.9 4
C 3 MPa
e 0.105C 6.5
Angular rotation,
proportional to Fl
Free end
location angle
Fixed End
End deflection :
y Fl 2 Fl 2 64Ml
l 3EI 4
3E d / 64
3d 4 E
e radians
3d 4 E
Torsional stiffness
I d 4 / 64
64 FlDN b 64MDN b
c 4
d E d 4E
Torsional stiffness
l1 l2 64MD
Ne , N a Nb N e ; t Na
3D 4
d E
d 4E
M M d 4E M 3d 4 E
ks kc ke
t 64DN a c 64DN b e 64l1 l2
Tests show that the effect of friction between the coils is such that the constant
10.186 (i.e 64/2π) should be increased to 10.8
d 4E
M M d 4E 3d 4 E
k '
k '
k '
t 10.8DN a c
c 10.8DN b e
e 10.8l1 l2
Torsion spring supported on round bar or pin:
When the load is applied to a torsion spring, the spring winds up, causing
a decrease in the inside diameter of the coil body.
Ensure that the inside diameter of the coil never becomes equal to or less
than the diameter of the pin,
The helix diameter of the coil D′ becomes
Nb D
D' , from volume balance before and after deformation
Nb c
A πD' N b
θc' A πD N b
The new inside diameter D′i = D′ − d makes the diametral clearance Δ
between the body coil and the pin of diameter Dp
Nb D
Di' D pin D ' d D pin d D pin
N b c1
c' d D pin
D d D pin
Design of Torsion Springs for Strength:
•Static strength
S ut m
Table 10–6
First column entries in Table 10–6 can be divided by 0.577 (from distortion-energy
theory) to give
Design of Torsion Springs for Strength:
• Dynamic strength
– The dynamic design can not be based on Zimmerli’s data (which
was used for compression/tension springs) because the nature of
loading and stresses are due to bending rather than torsion.
– We have to use the repeated bending stress data provided by
‘Associated Spring’ data for repeated bending fatigue strength (Sr)
D = 1.5mm & for A313 stainless steel, m = 0.146, A=1867, E=193 GPa, G=69 GPa
Applied Moment = 25x5 = 100 Nmm
C=D/d=18/1.5 = 12 Sut = A/dm = 1759.68 MPa
Sy = 0.61 Sut = 1073.4 MPa
allowable = Sy / fs = 536.7 MPa
The multi-leaf spring shown and the single
triangular section beam both have the same stress
and deflection characteristics with the exceptions
that the multi-leaf spring is subject to additional
damping due to friction between the leaves
• The bending stress in the plate which is uniform throughout is given
F L h / 2
Mc 6 FL
( ng b)h
I 1 3 n g bh
Where “ng” is no. of graduated leaves including master leaf
• The deflection at load point is given by (deflection of a triangular
F L3 F L3 6 FL3
1 3 E ng b h 3
( ng b)h
2 EI
The Spring rate is given by F En g bh 3
• A truck spring has 6 no of leaves. The supports are 1.5 m
apart and maximum central load is to be 5.4 kN. The
permissible stress for spring material is 280 MPa.
Determine the thickness and width of the spring, if ratio of
total width to depth of the spring is 4. Also find the
deflection of the spring.