Dra34 FrozenOfferings
Dra34 FrozenOfferings
Dra34 FrozenOfferings
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
shorter quest, it is more linear than those adventures,
Introduction which generally provide several possible paths. Still,
Welcome to Frozen Offerings, a solo (DM free) adventure your choices affect the outcomes of situations and can
written especially for issue 34 of Dragon+. This solo increase your chances of victory, including such things as
adventure is played just like a game book: you read befriending a crucial ally, succeeding on an ability check,
through text entries, make decisions, and are then or gleaning vital information. At times, your successes
directed to further text entries, and occasional combat might grant you codewords that will be activated later
encounters. in the adventure, granting you advantage during an
Frozen Offerings is set in Icewind Dale, and is encounter or other challenge.
designed for a character of 7th to 10th level and a You can take actions as you desire to cast spells, use
premade sidekick. This sidekick, Thalgar, is introduced features and traits, heal your characters, and do anything
during the backstory, and his stat block is located at the as normally allowed within the D&D rules. You do not
end of the adventure text. During combat, you control need to be prompted by the text, in or out of combat, to
your character, Thalgar, and any monsters you encounter, do such things. However, you may not take a rest unless
making the rolls for all of them. Custom combat sheets prompted by the text.
at the back of the adventure direct you in how to manage This adventure makes use of Sidekicks Essentials
the encounters. If Thalgar becomes unconscious during by Paul Metzger, which is available on the Dungeon
combat, rather than making death saves, he simply drops Master’s Guild.
to zero hit points. After the encounter finishes (if your Your Dungeon Master might give you this quest as a
character is still alive), Thalgar gains 1 hit point and can side adventure to complete between larger quests, or it
heal. If both your character and Thalgar are reduced to 0 can be inserted into a larger solo campaign.
hit points, the quest is lost and you must roll up another If you wish to embark on this quest with two characters
character and try again! in addition to the provided sidekick, then create those
characters at 3rd or 4th level. If you wish to use three
Your Character characters, make them 2nd or 3rd level. Decide between
To start, create a character of 7th to 10th level, equipping those levels based on how much of a challenge you want
them with regular starting gear according to class and the quest to be. However, be aware that because the
background. When considering what level to make adventure is designed for a single higher-level character,
your character, think about how much of a challenge playing it with multiple characters might create some
you would like this adventure to be. Level 7 presents balance issues.
a very tough challenge but is certainly possible—and Good luck! And may the gods be on your side as you
perhaps fun for those who revel in tactics and testing journey through the frozen landscape of Icewind Dale!
the effectiveness of various character builds. Choose a
higher level (9th or 10th) if you simply want to enjoy the Frozen Offerings
story without your character’s fate always teetering on a Flurries of snow swirl around you and your traveling
knife edge. companions as your cart rumbles toward the walled city
The author recommends that you create an 8th-level of Targos, which stands defiant against the relentless
character. This makes for a solid challenge, but not an cold of Icewind Dale. The driver half-turns his head back
overwhelming one. toward his passengers. “Wolf’s Pelt Inn is where you’ll be
Regardless of level, your character starts with 500 gp wanting to stay. My cousin Yertram runs it, and he makes
+ (1d10 × 25 gp) and one uncommon magic item of your the best fish stew in all Ten-Towns. Knucklehead trout.
choice from the Dungeon Master’s Guide. If you do not You won’t get it fresher anywhere else!”
possess the Dungeon Master’s Guide, use the System The gates are quickly opened for the cart and you find
Reference Document or the D&D Basic Rules, both yourself in a surprisingly busy little city. The streets
of which are available from the Wizards of the Coast of Targos, sheltered by high walls from the relentless
website. You can also use your gold to buy anything you winds of Icewind Dale, are home to merchants of every
wish from the equipment lists in chapter 5 of the Player’s kind plying their trade—fishmongers, blacksmiths,
Handbook. Take the opportunity to pick up some potions weaponsmiths, tailors, tinkers, makers of survival
of healing, as you’re going to need them. A few additional gear, and more.
items are listed for purchase at the start of the adventure. The driver drops you at the Wolf’s Pelt Inn, and you
Use point buy or the standard array for your character’s and several others make your way inside, where a fire pit
ability scores. If you wish to make this quest slightly keeps the interior cozily warm. Starving after a whole
easier on them (and it has been written to be a significant
challenge, with death a very real possibility), you can use
the optional rule for taking maximum hit points for your Playtesters
character at each level. Frozen Offerings was playtested by the following brave
And that’s all you need to prepare for this adventure. adventurers: Randall Right, Jemma Kline, Simon Henry,
Garth Jones, Jessica Laurent, Christopher Logue, Austin
Playing a Solo Adventure Butcher, and Bob Von Gruenigen. A huge thanks to
those players for their time and input in making sure
Frozen Offerings is similar to many of the author’s this adventure was properly balanced. If you enjoy Frozen
other adventures, such as The Tortured Land and Offerings, please check out the author’s other products on
Drums at Daggerford. However, because this is a much the DMs Guild.
Frozen Offerings
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
day’s travel, you tuck into a bowl of Yertram’s legendary The woman coughs. “Not likely,” she mumbles under
fish stew, and are soon feeling much happier with warm her breath, drawing a scowl from Thalgar.
feet and a full belly. “I can offer my life savings,” Thalgar says. “Close to five
It is not long, however, before curiosity gets the better hundred gold. Will that do the trick?”
of you, and you head back onto the streets of Targos for a You smile at the warrior. He seems desperate, and
look around. you don’t doubt he’ll pay you the gold to help him rescue
While browsing in a weaponsmith’s shop, you overhear his brother. There are no wealthy nobles offering large
a conversation between the shopkeeper and a burly bounties for quests up in these parts. Just simple people
looking bearded northerner clad head to toe in thick furs. living their simple lives. But lately, you’ve been itching
A huge greataxe is strapped across his back. for a chance to test your adventuring prowess, and there
“Surely you can spare me one son, Rhia!” the warrior might be loot to be had in a quest against a dragon—
says in a pleading tone. “What about Osrick?” even over and above what Thalgar and his brother can
“I need him here,” the middle-aged shopkeeper says offer you.
flatly. “With Killian dead, I’ve no one else to help me You treat Thalgar to a wide grin, then clap the warrior
run the forge and make repairs. You know this. He’s on the shoulder. “When do we leave?”
sharpened your axe countless times!” Now go to entry 1 to begin your quest!
“Rodrick, then. You can spare him.”
“He’s his own master now, Thalgar! He doesn’t live Adventure Entries
under this roof any more. Runs a boat of his own, and This section contains the individual entries that will
he’s out on the lake every day. I doubt he’ll be willing to shape your adventure. Each entry narrates the story for
come with you on your fool’s errand!” your character, and often presents choices and challenges
“Fool’s errand?” the warrior growls. “That’s my brother that you undertake. The end of each entry tells you which
you’re talking about.” entry to read next, often sending you to different entries
The shopkeeper is quiet for a long moment. Then, in a depending on your character’s choices.
softer tone, she says. “We both know, Thalgar … Malgar
is probably dead already.” 1. Shopping Expedition
The warrior doesn’t reply. He merely turns and slumps Before you depart on your quest to rescue Thalgar’s
toward the door, looking utterly dejected. brother from the Brukka barbarians, you might want
“Wait,” you say, stepping into his path. The warrior to pick up some special items in Targos. Peruse the list
stops, regarding you with a glimmer of hope in his eye. below and consider what you might like to take with you
“What’s this about your brother?” you ask. on your quest. As your time is limited, you will only be
A smile flickers over his face. “My brother Malgar. able to inspect and purchase three of the following items.
He’s a fisher. Went on an expedition four days ago with
• Snowshoes, two pairs (10 gp)
a friend. Only the friend returned. And the tale he had
• Climber’s kit (25 gp)
to tell …”
• Snow glasses (5 gp)
“What happened to him?”
Thalgar sighs deeply, looking at the ground and
shaking his head. “Malgar was caught by the Brukka
tribe. Savage barbarians. They live on the western shore
of Maer Dualdon.”
“Everyone knows of the Brukka tribe,” the shopkeeper
chimes in. “They live under the shadow of a white dragon
who’s been terrorizing their village for years. Cowards,
the lot of them. If enough of them got together, they could
defeat the thing I reckon, but they’re superstitious, those
Brukka. They offer one of their old or infirm every month
to appease the dragon. But lately … they’ve been running
low on offerings.”
Thalgar nods, confirming the story. “So they’ve
taken Malgar. They justified it by saying he was taking
more than his quota of knucklehead. But they’ve never
complained about it before!”
“And you want to rescue him, eh?” you ask.
“I do,” Thalgar says fervently.
“And you need help.”
“Aye, I do.”
There’s a pause. Then you shrug. “Well? What’s in it for
me?” you ask jovially, breaking the silence.
Thalgar frowns, looking at the ground again. “Well, I
don’t have much gold. But I bet Malgar would be pretty
grateful. Probably enough to offer you a share in his
business, which is worth something.”
Frozen Offerings
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
• Llama wool undershirt (15 gp) “We have no way of tracking the party that’s taken my
• Knucklehead oil (15 gp) friend’s brother to the dragon’s lair.”
Your new ally smiles softly. “It is simple,” she whispers.
As you peruse these items, you start a back-and-forth
“Whitetooth is the name of the peak where the dragon
with one merchant, which seems to irk Thalgar.
Angnath has her lair. Keep that peak in your sights at
“Come on!” Thalgar says. “There is no time to waste
all times, and you will be following the party. And do not
shopping. Get the items you need and let’s get to the
make for the Trident Peak. That will lead you astray.”
docks! Utrirr’s boat is leaving soon, and we must not miss
Thanking the warrior for this vital information, you
it. There might not be another boat leaving today!”
return to your bedroll and an expectant Thalgar, quietly
You are eager to take a little time to consider your
relating to him all that you have learned.
purchases or haggle with the merchant so that you
To wait until nightfall and then leave the village, turn
can get a better price, but Thalgar isn’t helping by
to entry 69.
rushing you.
To stay the night (taking a long rest) and leave early
To ignore Thalgar’s impatience and haggle with the
the next morning, go to entry 14.
merchants, turn to entry 30.
To heed Thalgar’s words and depart for the docks, 5. Mystery Figure
turn to entry 15.
“What is it?” you ask.
2. Reluctant Mounts The woman frowns. “The survivor in that boat … I think
I know him. He looks like Thrayn. But no, it can’t be.”
Despite your best efforts, these horses will not be ridden
“Why not?”
right now—at least not by you. You abandon this plan and
“Well, Thrayn went missing years ago. He was thought
quickly make your way toward the village gate, and out
to have drowned. No one ever found his body, though.”
onto the plain.
That is odd, without a doubt!
Go to entry 65.
To relay this information to Utrirr, go to entry 63.
3. Cold Comfort To hail the craft, go to entry 31.
As the sun heats the tundra, you begin to hear a cracking,
creaking noise. Too late, you look ahead to where
6. Thalgar’s Legacy
Thalgar is and watch as the ice gives way beneath him, Malgar runs to the prone form of his brother. “No!” he
the warrior plunging through it. cries, wrapping Thalgar in an embrace, and trying to lift
Keeping your tread as light as possible, you rush to the his limp body from the floor.
hole where Thalgar fell. He’s clinging on to the edge of You go to the poor fisher’s side and console him. “He
the ice but is already shaking, his teeth chattering loudly. died with honor, Malgar,” you say softly. “Let that be a
You need to get him out of the numbingly cold water consolation to you.”
quickly, then get him warm if he is to survive. “He died because of me!” Malgar sobs, and it is clear
The first task is achieved fairly easily. You haul Thalgar that he is inconsolable.
out of the water and the two of you carefully make your You too feel Thalgar’s passing keenly, even after
way off the ice sheet to the relative safety of the snow. only having known him for two days. Eventually, you
Then you quickly get to work. leave Malgar to grieve his brother’s passing and begin
Do you possess knucklehead oil or a llama wool exploring the rest of the cave.
undershirt? In the far corner of the dragon’s lair, you find something
If you possess either or both of these items, go incredible. Beneath a thick sheet of ice, as if encased
to entry 26. in glass, is a hoard of sorts. It makes sense that a white
If you possess neither, go to entry 49. dragon would store treasure this way.
While you begin chipping away at the ice, Malgar
4. Unexpected Aid manages to set aside his grief for a time. He gets a fire
You watch and wait, noticing one warrior who seems to started, collecting flammable material from around the
always linger on the periphery of the hall. Paying close cave: old clubs, a wagon wheel, discarded clothes, and
attention to her facial features, you see that she does not other detritus. He sits, staring gloomily into the fire while
laugh when the others do, nor does she always voice her you work at uncovering the hoard. This task makes you
agreement. She seems to have a mind of her own—or at sweat, but as the temperature within the lair rises, the ice
least that’s what you hope. begins to melt, making your job easier.
Slowly, things begin to quiet down in the longhouse, Finally, you reach the treasure, and can claim the
and many of the warriors depart. The one you’ve been following: 785 cp, 420 sp, 2,088 gp, 105 pp, eleven 100
watching seems to be sleeping within the longhouse, gp gems, a potion of stone giant strength, and a necklace
however, and she beds down nearby. of fireballs.
Cautiously, quietly, you come near, gently grasping (You can take this hoard if you wish, or you can roll
her arm. She turns her head toward you, and her eyes for your own custom hoard on the Treasure Hoard:
immediately go wide with recognition, as if she had been Challenge 5–10 table in chapter 7 of the Dungeon
expecting this contact. Master’s Guide. If you decide to roll for your own
“I don’t agree with this superstition. This sacrifice,” she hoard, you must accept the result of your rolls and take
says. “ Just so you know.” that hoard).
You nod urgently, glancing around to make sure your You cremate Thalgar there on the ledge above the
conversation isn’t overheard. “We need help,” you say. plain, on Whitetooth Mountain. It takes two days for you
Frozen Offerings
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
and Malgar to return to Targos, giving the Brukka village “Or,” you reply darkly, “maybe the dragon took Malgar
a wide berth. Malgar offers you the 500 gold Thalgar straight to her lair.”
promised you, and bids you well on your travels. Thalgar fixes you with a hard gaze, then turns
“How can I ever repay you?” Malgar asks as you stand southward toward the mountains.
in the main street of Targos. “Even if that is so,” he states firmly, “we cannot just
“Thalgar gave his life to rescue you, Malgar,” you say. leave. What if he is still alive somehow? We must try.”
“Be sure to make his sacrifice worth it. Live the rest of You put a hand on Thalgar’s shoulder. “I’m with you.”
your life well, and live long.” And indeed, over the course of this journey, you’ve
You depart Malgar’s company and set out on your own become quite fond of the warrior, and genuinely want to
once more, wondering what further adventures Icewind help him. Besides, you don’t abandon your word lightly,
Dale has in store for you … especially not after coming this far.
Experience. If your Dungeon Master sent you on this With renewed determination, you both press on,
quest, talk to them about whether they want to award you moving toward the two hulking mountains that rise to
experience for this solo adventure or have you advance the south. The light is beginning to fade, and you must
a level. In lieu of a DM decision, you can grant your act quickly.
character 5,000 XP (or divide that same amount among But which mountain holds the dragon’s lair?
multiple characters). If you are feeling generous, you can To make your way toward the fang-shaped mountain,
instead decide to have each character advance one level. go to entry 66.
Congratulations on successfully completing Frozen To approach the mountain with three peaks like a
Offerings. Your adventure ends here! trident, go to entry 42.
Frozen Offerings
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
You glance at Thalgar. His eyes are wide, his face set only humans I have ever talked to. And they are so very
in grim determination. Looking back at you, he gives a dull. Tell me of the lands beyond this plain, and this lake,
nod, and the two of you move quietly forward toward the and I may let you live a little longer. Who knows? I may
cave mouth. It is dark inside the cave, as night has almost even spare you! Although in truth, that is not very likely.
completely descended, but a sound comes from within, And then I shall leave this cursed place! All Icewind Dale
echoing in the cavernous space beyond. The dragon’s will fear the mighty Xakkrath!”
voice rasps and crackles like the sound of ice fracturing So the young white dragon Xakkrath, spawn of
on the side of a mountain. But it strikes you as … less Angnath, has let Malgar live in order to learn more of
impressive than you’d expected. the lands beyond this plain. But how long can Malgar
You both stop and listen, pressing yourself against the keep talking? How extensive is his knowledge? A glance
rock beside the entrance. at Thalgar’s face tells you he is thinking the exact
“Yes, she lies in the frozen wastes, the great Angnath! same thing.
My tyrant of a mother, may she rot in the Nine Hells!” “He’s never even left Targos,” Thalgar whispers
A young dragon? Angnath is gone? Perhaps this fight urgently. “Come on.” The warrior motions you to follow
won’t be as deadly as you were expecting! him inside the cave, as stealthily as you can. (Glowing
And then another voice speaks. “You killed her?” it lichen creates enough light to see inside the cave, so don’t
asks meekly. be concerned if your character doesn’t have darkvision.)
“Malgar!” Thalgar whispers, a glimmer of hope But as you follow, you find yourself thinking that creating
entering his eyes. The dragon has kept Malgar alive for a diversion might be useful.
some reason. To creep stealthily inside the cave and try to surprise
“Of course. It is the way in our family. When the child the dragon, go to entry 13.
comes of age, the older parent is killed off, and the To try to create a diversion to lure the dragon out, go
tradition is maintained. The Brukka bring their monthly to entry 39.
sacrifice, and in return we spare their pitiful little village To simply stride in and confront the dragon, go
from our breath’s devastation.” Then the dragon gives to entry 73.
a chilling laugh. “But I care nothing for this … empty
tradition! I want to travel the dale, far and wide, to see 11. The Dragon Slayers
what is beyond this sad little plain. So after I eat you You are escorted into the center of the village by the
and raze the Brukka village, I shall fly on. Perhaps to mounted warriors, led to a long wooden building
the human town that I know sits nearby … but what is its decorated with the skulls of all sorts of beasts. Mounting
name? Tell me of it, little one, for these tribesfolk are the a set of stairs, you enter through the open doorway into
Frozen Offerings
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
an interior lit by a large central fire pit. The Brukka through the night. You will lose no advantage by
tribesfolk, young and old, watch as you enter the resting here.”
longhouse, their distrust clear in their eyes. Some laugh You sense that the chief doesn’t speak entirely truly.
openly, as if you and Thalgar are a couple of errant But still, you weigh his words carefully. Bowing your
youths unaware of how foolish they appear. “Chief head once more, you step away.
Ghudvil!” one of the warriors in your escort bellows out. The Brukka tribesfolk regard you differently now.
“Visitors, from the town across the lake.” When you pass, they move back a step, as if not certain
“Ah!” a voice booms from the far end of the room. what to make of you. Glancing at Thalgar, you see he is
“Come to barter for the life of the poacher, eh? Well, overcome with emotion, and you lead him away, sitting
you’re too late!” him down by a pair of bedrolls on the far wall of the
Slowly, your eyes adjust to the firelight, and you see longhouse.
that the voice belongs to a hulking warrior whose great “Calm yourself, Thalgar,” you say. “I have a plan.”
beard has a blue tint. “The prisoner has already been To wait until nightfall and then leave the Brukka
taken to Angnath’s lair …” village, turn to entry 69.
“Murderer!” Thalgar yells, starting toward the chief. To rest the night (taking a long rest) and leave early
“You condemn my brother to death, all for your cursed the next morning, go to entry 14.
superstitions!” You grab Thalgar’s arm, managing to To search for possible allies, go to entry 54.
restrain him. Flanking the barbarian chief, two warriors
take a step forward, hands on the hilts of greatswords. 12. Making for Shore
“There’s no point in arguing,” you say under your breath. “They’ll have to manage on their own,” you tell Utrirr and
“We must gain information.” Thalgar. “We can’t waste any time.”
“Do not think of following,” the chief warns. “You’ll Utrirr gives a short nod. Thalgar comes near and
never catch them anyway. They are Brukka. They have grasps your hand firmly. “Thank you, friend,” he says.
lived their lives on these plains, and can navigate the “You’re right, there’s no time to lose. Utrirr can see to
ice as well as any native creature. You had best give up that craft after he’s dropped us off anyway.”
this foolishness, and scurry back to your home across Turning Aurora to port, Utrirr begins sailing for
the water.” the western shore of Maer Dualdon, the crew rowing
Thalgar visibly rankles at the words, his eyes furiously to aid the ship’s progress. You fancy you can see
narrowing. Your grip on his arm tightens. “We will figure smoke plumes rising from the distant shore.
this out, Thalgar. Control your anger.” “The village of the Brukka tribe,” Thalgar mutters.
“And you should be proud!” the chief goes on. “The “That’s where Malgar is.” He looks at you, brow furrowed
poacher gives his life for the noblest of causes. Keeping with worry. “I hope.”
this village safe. Keeping disease at bay. For the wyrm Utrirr mutters darkly, and you quickly see the reason.
must be appeased.” Thick gray clouds dominate the eastern sky, rolling over
You take a step forward, bowing your head slightly. the town of Lonelywood on the far shore and quickly
“Thank you for welcoming us into your longhouse, great advancing across Maer Dualdon toward you. “Shelter,” he
chief,” you say. “I have a question … what if we were mumbles thickly. “Western cove.”
to pursue?” “Should we be worried?” you ask Thalgar.
The chief laughs. “I suppose you are welcome to try. The warrior shakes his head. “We’ll beat it to shore.
But it is pointless. You’ll never catch my warrior party.” Utrirr will drop us near the Brukka village. Then he’ll
You pause for effect—and then ask another question. shelter in Knucklehook Cove and wait the storm out.”
“And what if we were to … perhaps … slay this dragon?” Turn to entry 70.
There is silence—then shock at your audacity. Around
the chief, warriors murmur among themselves. You do 13. Stealthy Approach
not know the Brukka dialect, and so you have no idea As quietly as you can, you creep inside the
what they are saying, but you fancy you hear notes of cavern entrance.
incredulity. “Targos is one of the Ten-Towns,” Malgar says, his
“Impossible,” the chief says dismissively. “The dread voice quavering. “There’s also Lonelywood, Bremen,
Angnath cannot be slain. The gods protect her. You will Easthaven …”
simply be eaten, no more, no less.” “But which is the biggest?” Xakkrath asks eagerly.
“But if we did,” you say, persistent. “Imagine for a “Which has the most people?”
minute that we did slay Angnath. What then?” There is a silence as Malgar considers this. Keep
The chief blows out a breath, frowning. “Then … you talking, you think, eager for noise to cover the sound of
would free this village from a bondage that has lasted your footsteps.
centuries. But I tell you, it cannot be done!” “Well … it might be Bryn Shander, perhaps … or maybe
You bow your head. “We thank you, chief,” you say Targos … I … I’m not sure …”
deferentially. “If you will allow it, we will make camp in You stand within an antechamber, not yet within the
your village. We won’t be a bother.” cavern proper. You risk a glance around a rocky outcrop,
The chief waves a hand. “Stay in my longhouse,” he trying to get a bead on the dragon’s position.
says. “It is warm, and the night is cold. There are many Make a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
bedrolls here, so sleep where you want. Dark is falling. If successful, go to entry 60.
I can tell you now, your quarry will not be journeying If unsuccessful, go to entry 22.
Frozen Offerings
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
14. Troubled Rest
Gradually the Brukka village quiets down as the
tribesfolk all head to their respective sleeping places.
A bone-white moon hangs in the sky outside, visible
through a small window. Every once in a while, you turn
your head to track its slow progress, and each time you
do so, the village has become quieter. The fire pit keeps
the longhouse warm, and it seems that many of Ghudvil’s
warriors sleep here. Thalgar slumbers beside you, but
the warrior’s sleep is fitful and he tosses and turns,
mumbling in his dreams.
Soon, the air is heavy with the sounds of snoring,
but this doesn’t keep you awake, and you too fall into a
strangely deep sleep. In your dreams, you are haunted by
visions of white wyrms and barren, empty plains, where
you are lost and cannot seem to find a single landmark or
feature to orient yourself.
(While you sleep, your character and Thalgar take a
long rest.)
You awake just before dawn, as one of Ghudvil’s
warriors enters the longhouse to stoke the fire. After
shaking Thalgar awake, the two of you are soon up and
out the door, your breath frosting before you in the frigid
air. No one notices as you slink through the Brukka
village, headed for the west gate. At one stage, you notice
two horses and consider stealing them—but then you
notice a stablehand fetching their feed. She would surely
raise the alarm, and who knows how these tribesfolk
would react to your attempted theft?
You are soon out on the plain, breaking into a jog to
keep the cold at bay.
“We’ll make good time out of the wind,” you say, trying
to buoy Thalgar’s spirits. craft out of the port and onto the lake. Looking back, you
He nods, fixing you with a hard gaze. “Let’s go get my see the walls of Targos receding atop the cliffs.
brother,” he says. A short while later, a stiff breeze catches the sails
“That’s the spirit!” Then the two of you put your heads and the oars are shipped. Utrirr barks commands
down and surge forth across the frozen plain. that you have difficulty understanding. Sometimes the
Go to entry 65. words sound like Common. But at other times, you
think it might be some sort of local dialect, or a special
15. On Board sailor’s language.
Following Thalgar, you make your way down to the docks Aurora plies its way northwest across Maer Dualdon.
of Targos, descending a pathway that zigzags down a “Good fishing up this way,” Thalgar remarks morosely,
high cliff face. As you reach the bottom, you see that the sitting huddled with you on a bench by the port side of
cliff shelters the docks from the relentless winds blowing the boat. “It’s where Malgar was when he was kidnapped.
from the south. It is quite serene down here, but the path Utrirr will put us ashore once we get there.”
is slippery—causing you to almost lose your footing more If you have the codeword TARDY, go to entry 58.
than once! Otherwise, turn to entry 36.
Finally, you reach the bottom and survey the scene
before you. Most of the boats that you see have their sails 16. Safe and Sound
rolled up, oars shipped, and all equipment tied down Without pausing to think about it, you hurl yourself
and secured. However, a vessel displaying the name out of the path of the falling mast, landing awkwardly
Aurora on her bow and crewed by twenty or so sailors is but avoiding any serious damage. Quickly, you get up,
preparing to depart. pushing the section of the mast out of the way before
“There’s Utrirr’s boat!” Thalgar says, waving returning to your oar, to several shouts of approval from
you onward. the crew. You gain inspiration for this hearty effort!
Utrirr, a weathered, hard-looking sailor with a thick Finally, Aurora rights herself and Utrirr regains control
beard, comes across as curt, communicating only in of the vessel, navigating into the calmer waters of a
grunts. But he grants Thalgar and you passage with a sheltered cove.
simple shrug. It seems that Utrirr is willing to take any “Knucklehook Cove,” Thalgar says, nodding toward the
local who boards his boat without question. shore. “The Brukka village is just inland from here.”
Before long, Aurora casts off from the jetty, and a dozen Go to entry 37.
oars dip into the water. The crew, all hardened-looking
folk of Icewind Dale, expertly navigate the little fishing
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17. Well-Timed Attack 21. Ocean Ambush
You hear an enraged roar and the flapping of wings. Aurora comes alongside the beleaguered fishing boat,
Soaring down from its perch high in the cavern, the heaving to. Watching the supposedly distressed figures in
dragon flies straight toward the wide entrance. Watching the vessel, you are surprised to see the figure previously
Thalgar, you see him subtly lift a finger, as if to signal that huddled on the deck smoothly get to her feet, battleaxe
you hold your attack. And then … in hand! Now that you are close, you see that these
“Now!” Thalgar yells, diving out of the way, and you two tricksters have morphed into fish-like creatures.
unleash your attack just as the dragon flashes into view. Malicious grins spread over their faces, as the axe
Make your ranged attack against AC 17, or consult fighter prepares to leap up onto Aurora’s rail and the
the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at the end of the other throws their head back and emits an ear-splitting
adventure for the dragon’s statistics if you need him to screech! From the water around you, other figures
make a saving throw. suddenly appear, clambering up onto Aurora. But you and
If your attack hits or the dragon fails his save, go Thalgar are already leaping into the fishing boat, ready to
to entry 32. take on the leaders of this monstrous crew!
If your attack misses or the dragon succeeds on his Go to the “Deep Scion Combat Sheet” section at the
save, go to entry 41. back of the adventure and do battle with these fishy
fraudsters! The outcome of that combat tells you which
18. Icy Escape entry to go to next.
Thalgar gets clear just in time, throwing himself
prone onto the ice beside the hole that has opened 22. Revealed
underneath him. Taking a step, your foot slips on a patch of ice that you
“Quick,” you say, going to his side with as light a tread had not seen! As you stop yourself from falling, your
as possible. “We have to get off this ice!” movement is just loud enough to be heard. Malgar turns
The two of you move fast and low, keeping your and sees you, crying out in surprise despite himself! Fool!
weight as even as you can. Eventually, you feel the snow “Ach!” Xakkrath spits. “What is this? Intruders in my
underfoot thicken, and the noise of the cracking ice lair? Deceivers! Usurpers! You shall taste the ice of my
subsides. The sun shines overhead, but you eye it with breath!” The dragon leaps into the air and swoops down
suspicion now. It seems the elements are conspiring toward you, the cavern resonating with the intake of
against you! his breath.
Now proceed to entry 72. “Die, wyrm!” Thalgar roars, emerging from the
shadows. He runs straight into the beast’s path, bringing
19. Cold Pursuit his greataxe arcing up toward the dragon’s trajectory.
With renewed vigor, you and Thalgar make your way Malgar watches, mouth agape, as you and his brother
quickly across the plain, determined to catch the party of enter combat with his sadistic captor!
warriors who are escorting Malgar to his death—a blood Go to the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at the
sacrifice to a white dragon. back of the adventure and end either this quest or your
Roll a d20 to determine which entry you go to next. If life! The outcome of that combat tells you which entry
you have the codeword HASTE, add 4 to the roll. If you to go to next.
have the codeword MOUNT, add 8 to the roll. If you have
both of these, add 12 to the roll. 23. Thalgar Weakened
1–8: Go to entry 52. As soon as the fire is lit, you remove Thalgar’s wet
9–16: Go to entry 40. clothes and set about trying to get the warrior warm. The
17+: Go to entry 7. sun comes out as you do, and you whisper a silent prayer
of thanks.
20. Knocked Down Still, the ordeal takes a toll on poor Thalgar. For the
You move as quickly as you can, but even as you dive, rest of the quest, Thalgar has two levels of exhaustion
the mast strikes your back, smashing you to the deck (see appendix A of the Player’s Handbook). He has
painfully and knocking the wind out of you. You take 2d6 disadvantage on ability checks and his speed is halved.
bludgeoning damage. As best as you can, you prepare yourselves to
Propping yourself against the side of the boat and continue on.
catching your breath, you watch as a burly deckhand Proceed to entry 72.
quickly takes your place. Digging the oar into the surging
waves, she gives you a wink and a smile. Although you 24. Final Fight
are in pain, you can’t help but laugh at her tenacity. Your attack catches the dragon just as you intended, and
Eventually, you are able to get yourself back on the you hear Thalgar bellow out a mighty battle cry! The
bench and pulling on the oar as best you can. The smiling wyrm roars in pain and immediately drops from the
crew member returns to her more urgent duties. ledge, spreading his wings and swooping down into the
Finally, Aurora rights herself and Utrirr regains control cavern below.
of the vessel, navigating into the less turbulent waters of Time to end this!
a sheltered cove. Go to the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at
“Knucklehook Cove,” Thalgar says, nodding toward the the back of the adventure and face off against this
shore. “The Brukka village is just inland from here.” malevolent wyrm! The outcome of that combat tells
Go to entry 37. you which entry to go to next.
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25. Jump to It 29. Easy Climb
Busy as you are heaving on the oar, you don’t hear the To climb the mountain with a climber’s kit, make three
warning at first. DC 10 Strength (Athletics) checks, with disadvantage if
“Look out!” a deckhand yells, diving out of the way. You you have the codeword WANDERED. Every time you fail
hear a cracking, splintering sound above you—and see a a check, you slip on the mountainside and must make a
piece of the mast break off to quickly pivot down toward DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw to determine
you! You must act quickly and dive out of the way. how quickly you can grab hold of something and stop
Make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. your fall. On a success, you take 2d6 bludgeoning
If successful, go to entry 16. damage. On a failure, you take 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
If unsuccessful, go to entry 20. For Thalgar’s climb, make a single DC 14 Strength
(Athletics) check. If he succeeds, he ascends the
26. Warmth of Life mountain without trouble. If he fails, he takes 8d6
In the shelter of a low ridge, you remove Thalgar’s furs bludgeoning damage.
and jerkin, which are soaked through. Thankfully, the Once you have completed the ability checks and
warrior prefers to go without armor, or he might have any required saving throws, the cave mouth stands
been beyond saving. But you must still act fast, as he is before you.
beginning to shake uncontrollably, and you know that If you have not perished on the mountainside, turn
succumbing to the cold is as dangerous as any beast you to entry 10.
might encounter out here.
You succeed in getting his top layer off, doing what 30. Haggling
you can to help Thalgar stave off the cold and come To haggle and get a better price on the items you wish
back from the brink. Thankfully, the sun comes out, and to purchase, make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion)
you whisper a silent prayer of thanks. If you have the check. On a success, you can subtract 20 percent of the
knucklehead oil, you can use the life-saving substance purchase price from each item. Alternatively, you can use
on Thalgar. the extra time to purchase a fourth item, but all items are
The warrior laughs weakly as you rub his torso and at full price.
back to improve his circulation. “Some people pay big Thalgar waits patiently, but you can tell from the
money for this sort of thing in Waterdeep, I’m told.” expression on his face that he is not happy. Finally, you
You chuckle to yourself, amazed at his ability to crack gather your purchases and the two of you depart for
jokes even at death’s door. “Shut up and help me get the docks.
you covered.” Take the codeword TARDY.
If you have the llama wool undershirt, you can pull Go to entry 15.
that over Thalgar’s chest. Llama wool is an excellent
insulator, and draws moisture away from the skin. Then 31. Timely Rescue
you cover the warrior up with his furs again. You raise your hand to the fishing boat, hailing those
Have Thalgar make three DC 12 Constitution saving on board. The figure who was waving to you realizes he
throws. If you have the oil or the llama wool undershirt, has been seen, and immediately crouches to wake up his
roll the saving throws as normal. If you have both the friend who was huddled in the bottom of the boat.
oil and the undershirt, Thalgar makes the saves with As you come near, you yell out to the pair. “What
advantage. happened to the others?”
If two or three saves are successful, go to entry 67. “We were attacked by the Brukka!” they yell back.
Otherwise, go to entry 46. “They came out in longboats and murdered them.” The
fisher points to the bodies.
27. Fallen Yeti “Why were you spared?” a crew member yells to them.
The two yetis lie dead, their bodies steaming in the cold “We had to hide under the boat,” the fisher responds.
air. Between ragged breaths, Thalgar urges you to flee “Please hurry.” He desperately indicates his partner. “My
quickly. “The smell of the kill will attract wolves. Many friend is at death’s door. The cold has got into her bones!”
wolves. Let’s go!” “Throw us a rope!” Thalgar yells, leaning over
That’s definitely motivation to get moving, but perhaps the gunwale.
you have other ideas? Make a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check.
If you wish to harvest the yeti pelts (which you know If successful, go to entry 59.
are worth around 100 gp each), go to entry 48. If unsuccessful, go to entry 21.
If you begin moving south once more, turn
to entry 72. 32. Successful Feint
Your attack catches the dragon just as you intended. He
28. Glasses On shrieks in rage as he flies out beyond the ledge, having
If you’re not wearing them already, you quickly get the been drawn into your trap and missing his attempt to
snow glasses out of your pack. Although the sleet stings grasp Thalgar in his claws!
your face, your eyes are spared. “Quick, get inside!” Thalgar yells, getting to his feet as
Eventually the storm subsides, and you set off once the dragon wheels above the plain, preparing to return.
more toward the south. Knowing that if you stay on the ledge, you both risk
Continue to entry 72. taking the full brunt of the dragon’s breath or being
hurled off the cliff, it’s hard to argue with that advice. The
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two of you rush inside the cave, and prepare to face off barren, nearly featureless plain, with only a few boulders
against the malevolent wyrm! and some low hills and gullies to break up the icy
Proceed to the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at expanse. Everything is white and frozen.
the back of the adventure and end either this quest or The only other visible feature lies about half a mile
your life! The outcome of that combat tells you which inland from the stony beach. You see a small settlement,
entry to go to next. protected from the winds by a well-constructed fence
made of upright logs. You wonder where the villagers
33. On Horseback might have gotten those, but as your eye wanders
You get the horses ready quickly and quietly, then ride out north, you see a mountainside covered in pine. Forests
of the village gate at a gentle canter, onto the plain. can be found out here, after all. But they are few and
Take the codeword MOUNT. far between.
Turn to entry 65. Behind you, Utrirr orders his crew to prepare Aurora to
relaunch back out into Maer Dualdon.
34. Ice Breaker “That’s the Brukka village,” Thalgar says quietly,
The cracking, creaking noise of the ice underfoot alerts looking toward the settlement.
you to an unexpected predicament. “What’s the best way to proceed here?” you ask. “Creep
“Thalgar!” you yell to your companion, a little way up on them?”
ahead of you. “We’re standing on a lake!” Thalgar shakes his head. “No point,” he replies. “You
Thalgar’s eyes go wide and he looks down. Time seems can rest assured they already know we’re here. They
to slow as you hear the ice beneath his feet give way. know all that goes on. And if you hadn’t noticed, there’s
Desperately, Thalgar lurches sideways, trying to avoid no cover. Nothing to conceal us if we wanted to sneak
falling into the frigid water. up on them.”
Make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw for Thalgar (d20 “So what’s the plan?”
+ 3). If you are mounted, Thalgar automatically fails this Thalgar takes a breath, considering, then exhales. “The
saving throw. way I see it,” he says, “we have three options. Fighting
If successful, go to entry 18. is not one of them. We can either negotiate with the
If unsuccessful, go to entry 71. Brukka for Malgar’s release, trying to come up with some
compromise. We can offer gold for Malgar, attempt to pay
35. Dragon in the Dark for my brother’s life.”
You peer up into the blackness but see nothing! The
“And the third option?” you ask?
dragon is hidden somewhere up there, curse him. What
“Deception,” Thalgar replies. “We trick them some …”
to do now?
Thalgar pauses midsentence. You look toward the
To create a diversion, go to entry 39.
village and see that three figures are quickly approaching
To emerge from your location and confront the
on horseback, clad in furs and heavily armed. It takes
dragon, go to entry 73.
only a few moments for the skilled riders to cover the
36. Distress Call distance. They rear up before you, their leader coming to
Suddenly a shout goes up from one of the crew. “To the fore, not bothering to dismount.
starboard!” she yells. Turning in that direction, you see “Chief Ghudvil welcomes you, southerners, and
a craft, much smaller than Aurora, adrift with its sails invites you to join him in his longhouse.” His tone
in tatters. Inside the boat, you see four fishers: two makes it sound less like an invitation than a demand,
slumped dead over the bow, one huddled on the deck, and and your eyes pass over the other two tribesfolk who sit
another standing and shouting, trying to get the attention impassively astride their mounts, silently gazing into the
of Aurora. middle distance.
Utrirr turns to you and Thalgar. “Your call,” he Thalgar turns to you. “Looks like negotiations have
says gruffly. begun,” he says.
Thalgar, desperate as he is to save his brother, is Proceed to entry 11.
still not without compassion. “What do you think?”
38. Arrival
he asks you.
Working hard at your oar, heaving at the surging
You survey the boat once more. Will you go to
waves, you keep one eye on Utrirr and discern that he
their rescue?
is a master sailor. Judging the rhythm and the subtle
If so, go to entry 51.
indications of the waves, he expertly maneuvers Aurora
If you decide to continue on your course, go
through the churning waters of the lake. Your case of
to entry 12.
nerves begins to subside, and it’s not long before the
37. Warriors’ Welcome stony shore comes into sight. “Knucklehook Cove,”
You disembark upon the western shore of Maer Dualdon Thalgar says, nodding toward the shore. “The Brukka
as dark-gray storm clouds roll in overhead, casting village is just inland from here.”
an ominous shadow over an already bleak landscape. Go to entry 37.
The choppy waves of the lake break against the shore,
39. Deceiving the Dragon
pounding down and then draining through the stones
You quickly confer with Thalgar, and devise a simple
with a hiss. In the distance, to the southwest, mountains
diversion to try and lure the dragon out. The plan is for
line the horizon. Between you and them spreads a
Thalgar to stand just outside the entrance and taunt the
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creature, while you wait beside the entrance and attack Knowing that if you stay on the ledge, you both risk
as he flies out. taking the full brunt of the dragon’s breath or being
Approaching the cave mouth, Thalgar yells into the hurled off the cliff, it’s hard to argue with that advice. The
darkness beyond. “Does the feeble lizard, the spawn of two of you rush inside the cave, and prepare to face off
the pitiful Angnath, dwell in this miserable cave? If so, let against the malevolent wyrm!
the cowardly wyrm come forth and meet his maker!” Proceed to the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at
You crouch off to the side of the cave mouth, preparing the back of the adventure and end either this quest or
an attack. your life! The outcome of that combat tells you which
White dragons are not particularly intelligent. Have entry to go to next.
Thalgar make a DC 11 Charisma (Persuasion) check
(d20 + 0). If you are a magic user and can use some sort 42. Wrong Destination
of spell to enhance Thalgar’s already loud and booming You head toward the three-peaked mountain, determined
voice, he makes the check with advantage. to locate the dragon’s lair and rescue Malgar if he is still
If successful, go to entry 17. alive. But the light is fading quickly.
If unsuccessful, go to entry 56. When you have almost reached the mountain, you hear
a monstrous sound that seems to rend the air itself—
40. Warming Up coming from the other peak! It’s the roar of a dragon!
As the day wears on, the sun makes a welcome “This is the wrong mountain!” Thalgar cries in dismay.
appearance, coming out from behind the clouds to cast “Quickly, we must head east!”
its warming rays over your tired bodies. Changing your course, you make for the other peak,
Make a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check. cursing your judgment. You have lost valuable time in
If successful, go to entry 34. making the wrong choice, and night is fast approaching.
If unsuccessful, go to entry 3. The mountain will be that much harder to climb in the
fading light.
41. Failed Feint Take the codeword WANDERED.
The dragon avoids your attack, but still shrieks in rage Proceed to entry 66.
as he flies out into the night and beyond the ledge, having
missed grasping Thalgar in his claws.
“Quick, get inside!” Thalgar yells, getting to his feet as
the dragon wheels above the plain, preparing to return.
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43. Snow Blind “We might be lucky,” Thalgar says, glancing toward the
Sleet drives into your face as if some unseen tormentor mountains. “Perhaps it couldn’t track our scent.”
is flaying you with an icy whip. You try to cover your face, A while later, you slacken your pace a little, convinced
but the damage has already been done. Finally, the storm that you are out of danger. Resting for a short time, you
subsides, and you slowly open your eyes. But you are in stare out toward the east, where glacial valleys formed
pain and your vision is blurred. For the remainder of the over eons snake down to the plain like great ice serpents.
quest, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) Proceed to entry 72.
checks that rely on sight.
Now that the blizzard has abated, you catch sight of
48. Fur Trader
Make two DC 16 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom
Thalgar once more. The two of you set out again toward
(Survival) checks. For each successful check, you claim
the south.
one yeti pelt (worth 100 gp). These can be sold in any
Continue to entry 72.
settlement in Icewind Dale.
44. Hard Climb Proceed to entry 72.
To climb the mountain without a climber’s kit,
make three DC 14 Strength (Athletics) checks, with
49. Fire Starter
With no supplies at hand to stave off the cold, Thalgar
disadvantage if you have the codeword WANDERED.
quickly goes downhill. Do you have anything made of
Every time you fail a check, you slip on the mountainside
wood in your inventory (such as a quarterstaff) and a
and must make a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving
tinderbox? If so, make a DC 16 Wisdom (Survival) check
throw to determine how quickly you can grab hold of
to see if you can light a fire on this frozen tundra.
something and stop your fall. On a success, you take
If successful, go to entry 23.
2d6 bludgeoning damage. On a failure, you take 4d6
If unsuccessful, go to entry 64.
bludgeoning damage.
For Thalgar’s climb, make a single DC 16 Strength 50. On the Run
(Athletics) check. If he succeeds, he ascends the
You and Thalgar are soon out on the plain, breaking into
mountain without trouble. If he fails, he takes 8d6
a jog to keep the cold at bay.
bludgeoning damage.
“We’ll make good time out of the wind,” you say, trying
Once you have completed the ability checks and
to buoy Thalgar’s spirits.
any required saving throws, the cave mouth stands
He nods, fixing you with a hard gaze. “Let’s go get my
before you.
brother,” he says.
If you have not perished on the mountainside, turn
“That’s the spirit!” Then the two of you put your heads
to entry 10.
down and surge forth across the frozen plain.
45. No Aid Go to entry 65.
Despite watching for some time, you can see no 51. To the Rescue
indication that any of these warriors are likely to help you
At your direction, Utrirr turns the boat to starboard,
in your cause.
making for the fishing vessel. The boom swings rapidly
To wait until nightfall and then leave the Brukka
across the deck, those crew in its way effortlessly
village, turn to entry 69.
ducking out of its path.
To stay the night (taking a long rest) and leave early
You are soon nearing the fishing boat, and can hear
the next morning, go to entry 14.
the voice of the figure who was hailing you. “Help! We’ve
46. Thalgar Exhausted been attacked! They’re still around here somewhere!”
A crew member standing near you frowns in confusion.
You have succeeded in bringing Thalgar back from the
“Thrayn?” she mutters.
brink of death, but the ordeal takes a toll on the warrior.
To ask the crew member what the matter is, go
If Thalgar succeeded on one saving throw, he has one
to entry 5.
level of exhaustion (see appendix A of the Player’s
To hail the beleaguered craft, go to entry 31.
Handbook), giving him disadvantage on ability checks. If
he failed all three saves, he has two levels of exhaustion, 52. Foreboding Tracks
giving him disadvantage on ability checks and halving his
Thalgar stops dead, staring down at something. You
speed. This exhaustion lasts for the rest of the quest.
come to his side to see what has caught his attention:
As best as you can, you prepare yourselves to
tracks. Huge footprints in the snow, at least three times
continue on.
the size of a human’s.
Proceed to entry 72.
“Another yeti,” Thalgar murmurs. “It might be tracking
47. Rushed Escape us … we should—”
His words are interrupted by a loud, bellowing roar,
“Faster,” Thalgar urges. The two of you stride as quickly
coming from the mountain valleys about a half mile to
as you can across the inhospitable tundra, legs aching.
your east.
You cover a good amount of ground, even though the
“It has its lair over there,” Thalgar says. “Quickly. We
thick snow is tough going without snowshoes. Clouds of
should get moving before it catches our scent!”
white puff into the air as you push your body to its limits.
Make a DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) or Wisdom (Survival)
You hear another roar, which seems farther away.
check. If you possess snowshoes, make the check with
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advantage. If you are mounted, make the check with If your attack misses or the dragon succeeds on his
disadvantage. save, go to entry 62.
If successful, go to entry 47.
If unsuccessful, go to entry 74. 56. Dismissive Dragon
“Fool!” the dragon cackles. “You’ll not lure me out there
53. Getting Underway with your goading words! I think it is on you to prove
As you and Thalgar finish your fight, the crew of Aurora your bravery—or your lack of it! Pitiful … miserable …
drive off the last of their own attackers. If you were pulled cowardly. Let’s see who such qualities truly belong to,
into the water by the deep scions, the sailors on Aurora shall we, little imp?”
quickly help you get warm and dry. A quick search of the The only option left to you now is to stride in and
fishing boat and the bodies of the strange creatures turns confront this evil wyrm!
up fishing tackle and a light crossbow, but nothing else Turn to entry 73.
of interest.
“Toss all the bodies over,” Utrirr yells. “And get back to 57. Restless Horses
your oars, you useless dogs!” The horses softly stamp their feet as you attempt to
The crew quickly obey, and you soon see the reason for prepare them for riding. Either you or Thalgar must
Utrirr’s urgency. Thick gray clouds dominate the eastern make a DC 12 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
sky, rolling over the town of Lonelywood on the far shore If successful, go to entry 33.
and quickly advancing across Maer Dualdon toward you. If unsuccessful, go to entry 2.
Turning Aurora to port, Utrirr begins sailing for
the western shore of Maer Dualdon, the crew rowing 58. Storm Warning
furiously to aid the ship’s progress. You fancy you can see Utrirr grimaces, nodding toward the east. “Storm front,”
smoke plumes rising from the distant shore. he grunts, in what are possibly the first intelligible words
“The Village of the Brukka tribe,” Thalgar mutters. you’ve heard from him. “We could have beat it if we’d
“That’s where Malgar is.” He looks at you, brow furrowed departed a bit earlier.”
with worry. “I hope.” Thalgar looks at you darkly. “Hear that?” he says.
Utrirr mutters darkly, eying the approaching storm The clouds are thick, slate gray, and rolling in fast. On
front. “Shelter,” he mumbles thickly. “Western cove.” the far eastern shore, you see the storm pass over the
“Should we be worried?” you ask Thalgar. town of Lonelywood, an ominous wave of shadow that
The warrior shakes his head. “We’ll beat it to shore. rolls across the lake. The ship’s sail begins flapping in the
Utrirr will drop us near the Brukka village. Then he’ll stiff breeze, and soon Utrirr is shouting orders, directing
shelter in Knucklehook Cove and wait the storm out.” his crew to secure anything not already tied down.
Turn to entry 70. “This will be rough,” Thalgar warns. “Be
prepared to work.”
54. Seeking Allies Sure enough, moments later Utrirr directs you and
You settle down with Thalgar along the wall of the Thalgar to work the oars as the rest of the crew busy
longhouse to talk. Several pairs of eyes watch you, but themselves with other jobs. The swell is now a meter
you keep your voices low. Eventually, even these loyal high, and growing fast.
Brukka warriors lose interest. “Hard to port!” Utrirr yells as he turns the boat
“If we could find an ally among them,” you whisper, “it toward the western shore of Maer Dualdon. The waves
might help us track the warrior party on the plains.” are now behind the boat and speeding it toward your
Thalgar nods, breathing heavily to help keep his anger destination, but the going is hard. You pull at the oar for
at bay. “Yes,” he says, “an ally. But who?” all you’re worth.
“Patience,” you say. “And keep your eyes open.” Roll a d20.
As casually as possible, you watch the interactions If the roll is 1–7, go to entry 25.
between Chief Ghudvil and his inner circle of warriors If the roll is 8–15, go to entry 61.
as you pretend to bed down for the night. Make a DC 14 If the roll is 16–20, go to entry 38.
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight) check.
If successful, go to entry 4. 59. Something Fishy
If unsuccessful, go to entry 45. Something about these fishers seems off to you. The way
the dead bodies are positioned over the side, the way one
55. Perfect Shot of them huddles in the bottom of the boat while the other
There, in the upper vault of the cavern! Perched on a high signals to you—it all seems wrong. You give Thalgar a
ledge, about a hundred feet away, a white dragon surveys nudge as Aurora pulls up beside the beleaguered craft.
the floor below, the front half of his body exposed and his “What is it?” Thalgar asks.
long neck craning downward. You could definitely target “Something’s going on here,” you say. “Be ready.”
the creature at this angle! The warrior’s eyes go wide, and he gives you a pointed
Make your ranged attack against AC 17, or consult nod. Take the codeword WARNED.
the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at the end of the Aurora comes alongside the beleaguered fishing
adventure for the dragon’s statistics if you need him to boat, heaving to. Watching the supposedly distressed
make a saving throw. figures in the boat, you are not surprised to see the
If your attack hits or the dragon fails his save, go figure previously huddled on the deck smoothly get to
to entry 24. her feet, battleaxe in hand! Now that you are close, you
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see that these two tricksters have morphed into fish-like Utrirr growls, immediately turning the craft into the
creatures. Malicious grins spread over their faces, as the oncoming swell. However, his reaction comes too late,
axe fighter prepares to leap up onto Aurora’s rail and the and the wave catches the ship on a diagonal. Aurora
other throws their head back and emits an ear-splitting lurches dangerously to the side and multiple crew
screech! From the water around you, other figures members go flying, yourself included. Make a DC 18
suddenly appear, clambering up onto Aurora. But you and Dexterity saving throw.
Thalgar are already leaping into the fishing boat, ready to If successful, you manage to twist in such a way that
take on the leaders of this monstrous crew! you avoid the worst of the fall. Take 1d6 bludgeoning
Go to the “Deep Scion Combat Sheet” section at the damage. If you fail, heads collide and a handful of crew
back of the adventure and do battle with these fishy land together awkwardly, with several people sustaining
fraudsters! The outcome of that combat tells you which minor injuries. Take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
entry to go to next. Finally, Aurora rights herself and Utrirr regains control
of the vessel, navigating into the less turbulent waters of
60. Entering the Cavern a sheltered cove.
With slow, measured steps, barely daring to breathe, you “Knucklehook Cove,” Thalgar says, nodding toward the
enter the cavern, using the nooks and crannies in the shore. “The Brukka village is just inland from here.”
rock walls to conceal your presence. Large patches of Go to entry 37.
ice spread across the floor (perhaps from the dragon’s
breath?), and you take care to avoid these so as not to 62. Dragon Defiant
slip and give away your position. Malgar is nearby, but he Your attack goes wide of the dragon, who cackles
hasn’t seen you yet, so quiet has your entrance been. With mockingly. “You’ll have to do better than that, imp!” he
the slightest of movements, you turn your head, trying to chides. “Let us see how well you fare against the dread
locate the dragon. But the upper reaches of the cavern, Xakkrath!”
from where the dragon’s voice seems to originate, are “You have not earned such a title yet, little lizard!”
dark, and feature many ledges and outcroppings where Thalgar bellows, stepping out from the shadows and
the creature might be hiding. drawing his greataxe. “Come meet your doom!”
Make a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. If you have Letting out an enraged roar that echoes around the
darkvision, you make the check with advantage. If you cavernous chamber, the dragon drops from the ledge,
were left snow blind from the blizzard earlier, you make spreading his wings and swooping into the cavern below!
the check with disadvantage. Time to end this!
If successful, go to entry 55. Go to the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at
If unsuccessful, go to entry 35. the back of the adventure and face off against this
malevolent wyrm! The outcome of that combat tells
61. Rogue Wave you which entry to go to next.
Focused on your job working the oars, you don’t notice it
at first. But then a shout goes up: “Rogue wave!” A solid
wall of water is bearing down on Aurora!
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63. Message for the Captain “But not without taking wounds themselves.” Thalgar
You approach Utrirr, leaving your post at the oars. Seeing points to more blood on the snow, leading south. “That
you, the hardened captain bellows in rage. “Get back to will slow them down!”
your oar, lubber!” You shake your head, holding his gaze With renewed enthusiasm, the warrior jumps up and
as you step close and relate what you’ve just heard from immediately sets off, following the blood trail. Sighing
the crew member. But the captain is fuming, and not and shaking your head, you go after him, dreaming of a
ready to listen to a disobedient passenger! warm inn and a glass of mulled wine.
Make a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Proceed to entry 19.
If successful, go to entry 9.
If unsuccessful, go to entry 68.
66. Whitetooth Peak
With the light fading, you make your way quickly toward
64. Thalgar Holds On the fang-shaped mountain. Surely this is the one that
Although you cannot get the fire lit, Thalgar is made holds the lair of the dreaded Angnath, molded as it is like
of hardy stuff, as are most folk of the north. It seems a white fang piercing the wintry sky. Thundery clouds
clear that the thought of succumbing to the cold before soar overhead, and a stiff wind picks up as you near the
rescuing his brother is too much for the warrior to bear. ominous peak.
Through sheer force of will, he gets himself warm. As you get closer, you see a waterfall that should
Shaking uncontrollably, he takes a few bites of food and pour from the lower part of the mountain, frozen as if
rubs his arms and chest. suspended in time. Now the wind is really picking up, and
You’re concerned for him. He doesn’t appear fully you can see that climbing this frosty slope will take all
recovered, and some of his speech is slurred. But there is your determination and strength.
little else you can do but carry on. “Look!” Thalgar shouts above the wind. “There, about
For the rest of the quest, Thalgar has three levels of halfway up!” You look to where Thalgar is pointing and
exhaustion (see appendix A of the Player’s Handbook). see a yawning cave mouth. “That’s the lair, surely!”
He has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls and You agree that if a dragon were to lair anywhere in this
saving throws, and his speed is halved. frozen domain, that would be the place.
As best as you can, you prepare yourselves to Surveying the steep slope, you realize it is going to be a
continue on. challenge to reach that cave mouth, especially with night
Proceed to entry 72. fast approaching.
Do you possess a climber’s kit?
65. Signs of Struggle If yes, go to entry 29.
By the time the sun climbs into the sky, you have already If not, go to entry 44.
covered many miles, and fatigue and the cold are
beginning to set in. Still, you are in awe of the frozen 67. Recovered Warrior
beauty of this inhospitable landscape. To your east, Your efforts have paid off. Thalgar has warmed up and
between you and the lake of Maer Dualdon, a mountain is soon smiling and thanking you for your quick action.
range rises from the plain. As the sun heats the snow The two of you have a bite to eat, which Thalgar insists
on the precipitous slopes, you hear the cracking of ice is essential. “Food helps you keep warm, especially out
echoing across the landscape. At midmorning, a distant here,” he says, insisting that you take some of his rations.
rumble reaches you from the east. Turning that way once Crisis averted, the two of you pack up and set out south
more, you see thick, opaque clouds of snow billowing once more.
down a mountain valley. Proceed to entry 72.
“Avalanche,” Thalgar remarks. Slowly, the
noise subsides.
68. Ready and Waiting
“Silence!” Utrirr roars. “And back to your oar, lubber! You
Few words are exchanged between you and the warrior
dare desert your post?” The captain is in a rage, and you
as you trudge southward, searching for signs of the
can see it’s hopeless trying to reason with him.
Brukka party who were taking Malgar to be sacrificed to
Fearing some undead trickery, or worse, you coldly
the dragon Angnath.
turn back toward the fishing boat, giving Thalgar a sly
At about midday, you stumble across your first
nod. The warrior’s eyes go narrow with recognition, and
indication that you are on the right path. Ahead, you see
you see his hand slowly go to the hilt of his greataxe.
three wolves feeding on some unknown creature lying
Take the codeword WARNED.
dead on the snow. Thalgar shoos them away and you
Aurora comes alongside the beleaguered craft, heaving
move closer to inspect the corpse. It is a Brukka warrior,
to. Watching the supposedly distressed figures in the
their body rent by claws, the gashes too long and deep to
boat, you are not surprised to see the figure previously
have been inflicted by any wolf.
huddled on the deck smoothly get to her feet, battleaxe
“Yeti,” Thalgar says, immediately looking up and
in hand! Now that you are close, you see that these
scanning the surrounding landscape. You do the same.
two tricksters have morphed into fish-like creatures.
“Look,” you say, pointing to a blood trail.
Malicious grins spread over their faces, as the axe
Following this a little way to the east, you find the body
fighter prepares to leap up onto Aurora’s rail and the
of a huge yeti, twelve feet tall at least, its arm hewn off
other throws their head back and emits an ear-splitting
and a deep wound at the base of its neck. “They managed
screech! From the water around you, other figures
to slay the thing,” you say grimly.
suddenly appear, clambering up onto Aurora. But you and
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Thalgar are already leaping into the fishing boat, ready to
take on the leaders of this monstrous crew!
Go to the “Deep Scion Combat Sheet” section at the
back of the adventure and do battle with these fishy
fraudsters! The outcome of that combat tells you which
entry to go to next.
70. Arrival
It isn’t long before Aurora, under Utrirr’s expert guidance,
enters the more sheltered waters of Knucklehook Cove.
Go to entry 37.
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thunderhead shaped like a castle slowly moves toward “Ach!” Xakkrath spits. “What is this? Intruders in my
you, passing between the two peaks. lair? Deceivers! Usurpers! You shall taste the ice of my
“One of those mountains is surely the dragon’s lair,” breath!” The dragon leaps into the air and swoops down
Thalgar says darkly. “But which?” toward you, the cavern resonating with the intake of
You study the two peaks closely. The one to the right his breath.
appears to be a cluster of three smaller peaks, almost “Die, wyrm!” Thalgar roars, emerging from the
like a trident. The left-hand mountain is slightly curved, shadows. He runs straight into the beast’s path, bringing
like the elongated fang of a gargantuan beast. his greataxe arcing up toward the dragon’s trajectory.
Not wanting to linger too long, you get going again Malgar watches, mouth agape, as you and his brother
across the merciless landscape toward the two enter combat with his sadistic captor!
mountains. Go to the “Xakkrath Combat Sheet” section at the
Thalgar points out some odd-shaped mounds of ice back of the adventure and end either this quest or your
ahead. “Strange formations,” he remarks as you continue life! The outcome of that combat tells you which entry
toward them. to go to next.
Rounding a large rock formation, you cry out in alarm!
Before you, a huge insect-like creature rears up, its long, 74. Yeti Attack
sectioned body flanked by small wings, and its large, Try as you might to move quickly through the thick snow,
glossy black eyes regarding you greedily. This is no the wind is not in your favor. The roar comes again, and
dragon, but a creature known as a remorhaz! You quickly soon you see the great beast lumbering toward you.
prepare for battle! Wait … there’s two of them!
Turn to entry 8. “Prepare yourself for a dread battle, friend,” Thalgar
growls, drawing his greataxe. Then he adds a last piece
73. Facing the Dragon of advice: “They’re afraid of fire.”
Thalgar grasps you by the shoulder, and a grim smile Battle with these great ice creatures is imminent!
spreads across his weathered face. “You’ve come all this Go to the “Yeti Combat Sheet” section at the back
way with me, friend. Let’s finish this!” of the adventure and defend yourself against this
“For death and glory,” you affirm, reaching up and abominable threat! The outcome of that combat tells
grabbing his arm. you which entry to go to next.
Preparing yourselves for battle, you stride boldly into
the dragon’s lair.
“Present yourself, foul lizard!” Thalgar roars. “Come
meet a deserved death under the steely glint of my
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75. Victory?
The dragon’s corpse lies wrecked on the floor of Thalgar
the cavern.
To run Thalgar as a sidekick, use the following
If Thalgar was killed in the combat, go to entry 6.
stat block.
If Thalgar is still alive, go to entry 76.
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Deep Scion Combat Sheet
Use the following notes when running the deep scion
combat encounter: Deep Scion
• Use the Maer Dualdon battle map. The map is 25 Medium humanoid (shapechanger), neutral evil
× 25 squares.
• This fight takes place on the smaller fishing boat, with Armor Class 11
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
you and Thalgar taking on the deep scion leaders while
Speed 30 ft., walk 20 ft. (in hybrid form), swim 40 ft. (in
the crew of Aurora take care of the other threats. hybrid form)
• Place your token and Thalgar’s on the boat, along with
two deep scions. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
• Roll for initiative. 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
• You are surprised in the first round unless you have
the codeword WARNED. If you have the codeword Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +4
PREPARED, the scions are surprised in the Skills Deception +6, Insight +3, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3
first round. Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
• In round 1, one scion uses its Psychic Screech. The Languages Aquan, Common, Thieves’ Cant
other scion moves into melee and uses Multiattack in Challenge 3 (700 XP)
its hybrid form.
• In round 2, the scion that used Psychic Screech in Shapechanger. The deep scion can use its action to
the last round enters melee and attacks in its hybrid polymorph into a humanoid-piscine hybrid form, or back into
form using Multiattack, while the other scion uses its true form. Its statistics, other than its speed, are the same
its Psychic Screech. Each scion has only one use of in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
Psychic Screech. transformed. The deep scion reverts to its true form if it dies.
• On the scions’ subsequent turns, roll a d6 for each
Amphibious (Hybrid Form Only). The deep scion can breathe
scion. On a 1–4, the scion uses Multiattack. On a 5–6,
air and water.
they attempt to drag a character or Thalgar over the
side of the boat and into the water with a contested Actions
Strength (Athletics) check. If the first scion gets a
Multiattack. In humanoid form, the deep scion makes two
5–6, the second does not roll, but uses Multiattack
melee attacks. In hybrid form, the deep scion makes three
regardless of who won the contested check.
attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
• If a character or Thalgar is in the water, they can either
attack the scion who just dragged them in (making Battleaxe (Humanoid Form Only). Melee Weapon
attack rolls with disadvantage), or they can use their Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
action to get back into the boat with a successful DC 8 slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used
Strength (Athletics) check. On a failure, they remain in with two hands.
the water. Any attacks on a character or Thalgar who Bite (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
is in the water are made with advantage unless the reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
character has a swim speed (Thalgar does not).
Claw (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
If you defeat the scions, go to entry 53. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Psychic Screech (Hybrid Form Only; Recharges after a
Short or Long Rest). The deep scion emits a terrible scream
audible within 300 feet. Creatures within 30 feet of the deep
scion must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be
stunned until the end of the deep scion’s next turn.
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Yeti Combat Sheet
Use the following notes when running the yeti
combat encounter: Yeti
• Use the Yeti Encounter battle map. The map is 25 Large monstrosity, chaotic evil
× 25 squares.
• Place your token and Thalgar’s token anywhere near Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18)
the bottom of the battle map, then roll a d20. Place one
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
yeti that many squares away, then roll again for the
second yeti. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
• Roll for initiative. 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) 12 (+1) 7 (−2)
• Unless you are wearing snowshoes, the encounter area
is difficult terrain for you, but not for the yeti. Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3
• Whenever you need to determine which character a Damage Immunities cold
yeti is targeting, roll a d4. On a 1–2, your character Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
is targeted. On a 3–4, Thalgar is targeted. (If you Languages Yeti
are playing multiple characters, repeat the same Challenge 3 (700 XP)
process for them.)
• Whenever a yeti takes a turn, roll a d4. If the roll is Fear of Fire. If the yeti takes fire damage, it has disadvantage
1–2, the yeti shoves the nearest character, making a on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn.
Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Keen Smell. The yeti has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
If the yeti wins the contest, it knocks the target prone. checks that rely on smell.
If the roll is 3–4, the yeti uses Multiattack. It focuses Snow Camouflage. The yeti has advantage on Dexterity
its claw attacks on paralyzed or prone targets, and (Stealth) checks made to hide in snowy terrain.
does not bother using its Chilling Gaze if all potential
targets are immune. Actions
• Note the creature’s Fear of Fire trait, which can Multiattack. The yeti can use its Chilling Gaze and makes two
be a huge boon to characters who can deal fire claw attacks.
damage to a yeti.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
If you defeat the yetis, go to entry 27. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) cold damage.
Chilling Gaze. The yeti targets one creature it can see within
30 feet of it. If the target can see the yeti, the target must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw against this
magic or take 10 (3d6) cold damage and then be paralyzed
for 1 minute, unless it is immune to cold damage. The target
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success. If the target’s saving
throw is successful, or if the effect ends on it, the target is
immune to the Chilling Gaze of all yetis (but not abominable
yetis) for 1 hour.
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Xakkrath Combat Sheet
Use the following notes when running the white dragon
combat encounter: Young White Dragon
• Use the Dragon’s Lair battle map. The map is 25 Large dragon, chaotic evil
× 25 squares.
• Place your token and Thalgar’s token near the cavern Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56)
entrance. Roll a d10, and place Xakkrath’s token on
Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.
the map that many squares away, either within the
cavern or behind the characters in the entrance, as STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
appropriate. Remember that the dragon is a large 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 6 (−2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
creature, requiring a token that is two squares
on each side. Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +7, Wis +3, Cha +4
• Roll for initiative. Skills Perception +6, Stealth +3
• “Recharge 5–6” on Xakkrath’s Cold Breath means Damage Immunities cold
the dragon can use that action once, after which it has Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
a random chance of recharging each round. At the Perception 16
start of each of Xakkrath’s turns, roll a d6. On a 5–6, Languages Common, Draconic
Xakkrath’s Cold Breath recharges and he can use it Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
again that turn.
• Xakkrath uses his Cold Breath in the first round, then Ice Walk. The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces
flies past the characters. He stays in the air until the without needing to make an ability check. Additionally,
start of his next turn, so that he can be targeted only difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it
by ranged attacks while he waits to see if Cold Breath extra moment.
recharges. If that attack does not recharge, the dragon
lands adjacent to the nearest character (or randomly Actions
determine which character he targets) and uses Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its
Multiattack on that foe. bite and two with its claws.
• If Xakkrath successfully recharges his Cold Breath,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
rather than instantly using it, he instead uses an
Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.
action to disengage, then flies away 20 feet. On his
following turn, he flies back toward the characters, Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
encompassing as many characters (including Thalgar) Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
as he can with that attack. Cold Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales an icy blast
• The boulders on the map provide half cover (+2 AC). in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC
If a character is within 5 feet of a boulder that is 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage
between the character and Xakkrath, the DC for the on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Constitution save against the dragon’s Cold Breath is
reduced to 13.
• Numerous ice patches dot the map, marked in
blue. These areas are difficult terrain for you and
Thalgar, but not for Xakkrath with his Ice Walk trait.
Alternatively, you can choose to move across areas of
ice at normal speed, but you must succeed on a DC 10
Dexterity check for each 5 feet of movement. If you fail
a check, you fall prone.
If you are victorious, go to entry 75.
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Frozen Offerings
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