Science 6 Q3 W4 LAS 3
Science 6 Q3 W4 LAS 3
Science 6 Q3 W4 LAS 3
Any source or object which emits its own light is a source of light. The sun is the main source of light
energy. Energy from the Sun reaches the Earth in the form of light or radiant energy that travels by
electromagnetic waves. The Sun’s energy travels as visible light, the only electromagnetic wave that can be
seen by the naked eye. The Sun also give off other types of electromagnetic waves such as ultraviolet rays and
infrared rays. Light or radiant energy also comes from different sources. These are the following:
Natural Sources: Sun, Stars, Lightning, Fireflies, Glowworms, jellyfish, Bush fire
Artificial Sources: Light bulbs, Torches, Lamps, Flame by matches, Candlelight, Lighter Fire, Lasers, Fireworks,
When televisions and mobile phones are turned on.
Light Transformation
According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, energy is neither created nor destroyed; it just changes
forms. A flashlight doesn't create light and the Sun doesn't create heat. These are examples of energy changing
forms. Sometimes these are changes that happen routinely in the natural world, and sometimes these are
"makeovers" where human creations transform the energy into a specific form that serves a specific need. Either
way, we call these changes energy transformations. Light energy cannot move objects on its own. But it can be
converted to another form of energy, like electrical energy, to make objects move and functions.
Radiant Energy Electrical Energy
Solar panels covert light energy into
electricity which is then used to make the motor
run. Solar panels are also installed in some homes
as an alternative energy provider.
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