Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Guide
Version 6 Release 3
Troubleshooting Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page
This edition applies to version 6, release 3 of IBM Z NetView (product number 5697-NV6 ) and to all subsequent
versions, releases, and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
This edition replaces GC27-2865-04.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 2019.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
Figures.............................................................................................................. xvii
About this publication......................................................................................... xxi
Intended audience.................................................................................................................................... xxi
Publications............................................................................................................................................... xxi
IBM Z NetView library.......................................................................................................................... xxi
Related publications ..........................................................................................................................xxiii
Terminology in this Library.................................................................................................................xxiii
Using IBM Z NetView online help...................................................................................................... xxiii
Accessing publications online............................................................................................................xxiv
Ordering publications ........................................................................................................................ xxiv
Accessibility ............................................................................................................................................ xxiv
Tivoli user groups.....................................................................................................................................xxiv
Support information.................................................................................................................................xxiv
Conventions used in this publication....................................................................................................... xxv
Typeface conventions ........................................................................................................................ xxv
Operating system-dependent variables and paths............................................................................xxv
Syntax diagrams.................................................................................................................................. xxv
Documenting ABEND problems........................................................................................................... 27
Dump of a NetView ABEND............................................................................................................ 28
Dump of an FLBTOPO ABEND........................................................................................................ 32
Documenting DOC problems................................................................................................................33
Documenting INCORROUT problems.................................................................................................. 34
Documenting LOOP problems..............................................................................................................35
Documenting PERFM problems........................................................................................................... 37
Documenting WAIT problems..............................................................................................................38
Capturing Message Log Data................................................................................................................40
Chapter 6. Diagnostic tools for the NetView program.............................................................................. 75
Interactive Problem Control System................................................................................................... 75
Installation...................................................................................................................................... 75
Operation........................................................................................................................................ 76
Summary of VERBX CNMIPCS verbs.............................................................................................. 78
Options for some CNMIPCS verbs..................................................................................................79
Options for the CNMIPCS TRACE verb........................................................................................... 79
Examples of option selections....................................................................................................... 80
IPCS command output................................................................................................................... 81
Network log with CMDMON, TASKUTIL or TASKMON command output ...........................................96
Network log data format.................................................................................................................98
Using MSGMODID to identify message origin................................................................................98
Identifying message origin when printing Canzlog data................................................................99
SMF Log Record 38 Subtype 2 task utilization data............................................................................99
SMF Log Record 38 Subtype 4 command statistics data....................................................................99
NetView trace..................................................................................................................................... 100
Using NetView trace..................................................................................................................... 100
Locating the trace when MODE=INT is specified........................................................................ 100
Printing the trace when MODE=EXT is specified......................................................................... 103
Describing NetView trace records displayed with the TRACE command MONOPER keyword..106
Trace record descriptions............................................................................................................ 108
IP Services trace records............................................................................................................. 117
Status Monitor internal trace records.......................................................................................... 138
Security Authorization Facility trace record.................................................................................140
SNA Topology Manager NetView trace entries............................................................................148
First failure data capture trace.......................................................................................................... 150
Program-to-Program Interface (PPI) trace facility........................................................................... 151
Understanding the PPI Trace Anchor Block and the PPI Trace Table........................................ 151
Understanding the Program-to-Program Interface Trace Record.............................................. 152
Locating the Program-to-Program Interface (PPI) Trace Table..................................................155
Locating the Oldest Program-to-Program Interface Trace Record.............................................155
Generalized Trace Facility (GTF) Output Files............................................................................. 156
Chapter 9. Diagnosing NetView problems related to the GDPS Active/Active Continuous
Availability solution............................................................................................................................ 167
Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the GDPS Continuous Availability solution..................... 167
Multi-site Workload Lifeline product not receiving EIF updates.................................................167
Enterprise master processing problems......................................................................................168
Problems related to automation.................................................................................................. 169
Diagnostic tools to use with the GDPS Continuous Availability solution..........................................169
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS.... 183
Alert and Alert History problems....................................................................................................... 186
Alerts are not listed in the Event Viewer at the NetView Management Console Workstation... 186
Alerts are not listed in the Hardware Monitor Alerts History panel............................................ 186
Alerts do not change status..........................................................................................................186
Command problems...........................................................................................................................188
Cannot initiate an IP Session using NETCONV............................................................................ 188
Cannot initiate an LU 6.2 Session using NETCONV..................................................................... 189
Command results are unexpected from Network Management Gateways................................190
Commands failed to run because of COS Gateway errors.......................................................... 190
Commands failed to run because of OST errors..........................................................................191
Commands failed to run because of PPI Gateway errors........................................................... 191
Commands failed to run because of RODM Attribute errors.......................................................191
Commands failed to run because of Service Point errors........................................................... 191
Commands failed to run because of Time-out errors..................................................................191
Commands failed with IHS2069W message, Command Exit not installed................................192
GMFHS problems............................................................................................................................... 192
Errors are received during GMFHS Configuration initialization...................................................193
GMFHS Status Solicitation fails....................................................................................................193
Instrumentation (z/OS-based only) problems.................................................................................. 193
Events are not received from z/OS Instrumentation...................................................................194
Component or Connection Status is not properly reflected on the Topology Console.............. 194
Status problems................................................................................................................................. 194
Resource status is incorrect.........................................................................................................194
The resource exists but the status is not updated...................................................................... 195
Multiple Init_Accept Flows received........................................................................................... 196
Status Update performance decreases....................................................................................... 196
Status changes to resources are not reflected in views..............................................................196
Topology Console problems.............................................................................................................. 197
Unable to connect to the Topology Server from the Topology Console..................................... 197
Topology Console hangs during Sign-on......................................................................................198
Topology Console hangs when accessing a view........................................................................ 198
There Is a duplicate GMFHS resource on the Topology Console................................................198
Problems occur with minimized Windows...................................................................................198
Property changes are lost.............................................................................................................199
Topology Server problems.................................................................................................................199
Server does not start and is not found.................................................................. 199
Setup_sh.cmd is found but BINDIR is not set............................................................................. 199
Topology Server starts but then closes (Windows) .................................................................... 199
Topology Server starts but then closes (all platforms) .............................................................. 200
Topology Server does not complete initialization on AIX........................................................... 200
Server windows disappear on AIX platform................................................................................ 200
Incorrect timestamps if the Topology Server is on the Windows platform................................ 200
View problems....................................................................................................................................202
Expected configuration or more detail view is missing............................................................... 202
Resource icon is missing from view............................................................................................. 204
Tree View list is incorrect............................................................................................................. 204
View Layout is incorrect............................................................................................................... 205
Unable to open view..................................................................................................................... 206
Unable to monitor views of your network.................................................................................... 207
View does not show correct connectivity.................................................................................... 207
View does not contain resource................................................................................................... 208
Multiple correlated aggregate objects contain the same object.................................................210
Real resource is not shown as a member of a Correlated Aggregate object.............................. 211
Information displayed for Correlated Aggregate object changes............................................... 211
Cannot navigate between Correlated Aggregate object and Contained Resources...................212
Pop-up Menu in the Business Tree is not displayed on AIX platform.........................................213
Preview Image partially painted in View Properties Notebook...................................................213
The Topology Display Subsystem view is not complete............................................................. 213
Chapter 13. Diagnostic tools for NetView Management Console and GMFHS...................................... 215
Diagnostic tools for the NetView Management Console...................................................................215
Log files......................................................................................................................................... 215
Access to Online Help without the console................................................................................. 215
Topology Console Environment Information Window.................................................................216
Message help for the Topology Server.........................................................................................216
Diagnostic tools for GMFHS............................................................................................................... 216
GMFHS message logs.........................................................................................................................216
GMFHS output logs.......................................................................................................................216
Console log window........................................................................................................................... 219
GMFHS Trace......................................................................................................................................219
Starting and stopping the GMFHS trace.......................................................................................220
Viewing the GMFHS trace online..................................................................................................221
Using the GMFHS internal trace................................................................................................... 222
IPC task tracing.............................................................................................................................223
Event Manager task tracing.......................................................................................................... 223
Chapter 15. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView REST Server........................................231
Debugging methods........................................................................................................................... 231
Status code 400................................................................................................................................. 232
Status code 401................................................................................................................................. 232
Status code 424................................................................................................................................. 232
Status code 500................................................................................................................................. 232
Keytool fails........................................................................................................................................232
Browser does not trust the website's certificate.............................................................................. 232
NetView REST Server fails to authenticate valid credentials........................................................... 232
NetView REST Server can't start........................................................................................................233
Return Code 12 with Reason Code 212 received........................................................................254
Return Code 12 with Reason Code 213 received........................................................................254
Abend 0C8 is received at RODM initialization................................................................................... 255
Abend 9C5 is received....................................................................................................................... 256
Abend 9C5 with Reason Code 0...................................................................................................256
Abend 9C5 with Reason Code 33.................................................................................................256
RODM abends when SNA Topology Manager is starting...................................................................256
User application looping.................................................................................................................... 257
Asynchronous method looping.......................................................................................................... 257
User API does not return from EKGWAIT..........................................................................................257
Incorrect output is in the EKGPRINT Data Set..................................................................................258
RODM fails to complete Checkpoint Processing............................................................................... 258
Abnormal reaction from RODM..........................................................................................................259
Slow response from RODM................................................................................................................ 260
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM)......................................261
The RODM log.....................................................................................................................................261
Defining the RODM log (EKGSI101)............................................................................................. 261
Components that output data to RODM log files......................................................................... 262
Log-Level values........................................................................................................................... 262
The RODM log formatter...............................................................................................................265
The RODM Internal Trace.................................................................................................................. 301
Dumping dataspaces allocated by RODM......................................................................................... 302
RODM memory dump utility...............................................................................................................302
Starting the memory dump utility................................................................................................ 303
Coding the control parameters.................................................................................................... 304
Class listing report........................................................................................................................ 305
Class Index report........................................................................................................................ 308
Object Listing report..................................................................................................................... 308
Object Index report...................................................................................................................... 309
Statistical report........................................................................................................................... 310
Informational messages for the RODM memory dump utility.................................................... 311
RODM load function error listing....................................................................................................... 312
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager.............................. 323
Problems during initialization............................................................................................................ 325
Wrong autotask error....................................................................................................................326
Insufficient storage for Topology Manager initialization.............................................................326
Error reading initialization file FLBSYSD...................................................................................... 326
Error reading customization table FLBOSIDS, FLBSRT, or FLBEXV............................................ 327
Cannot connect to VTAM CMIP services......................................................................................328
Cannot connect to RODM............................................................................................................. 329
FLBTOPO task abends....................................................................................................................... 331
Abend during initialization............................................................................................................331
Abend after initialization.............................................................................................................. 332
User abend....................................................................................................................................332
Abend error conditions.................................................................................................................332
Topology Manager unexpectedly shuts down...................................................................................333
Topology Manager reinitializes unexpectedly...................................................................................335
Topology Manager seems to be suspended......................................................................................335
Automatic Monitoring is failing.......................................................................................................... 336
SNA Topology Manager cannot receive Agent Node Topology Data................................................ 337
RODM Object missing some attribute values....................................................................................339
Resources are not shown in the Views..............................................................................................340
Monitor Operation unexpectedly ends.............................................................................................. 342
Monitor Operation ended normally.............................................................................................. 345
Topology Manager or VTAM CMIP Services was ended by an operator..................................... 345
Topology Manager or VTAM CMIP Services unexpectedly ended.............................................. 345
An active VTAM path or session became inactive....................................................................... 345
Monitor operation stopped because of a Network Problem....................................................... 345
Blank status history for a Topology Manager resource.....................................................................346
A Locate Resource request does not find the resource.................................................................... 346
Cannot activate, deactivate, or recycle a resource........................................................................... 347
Network problems........................................................................................................................ 347
Generic commands fail.................................................................................................................347
Incorrect NetView Management Console command profiles...........................................................347
Objects are not purged...................................................................................................................... 347
Objects unexpectedly purged............................................................................................................350
The resource status is unknown........................................................................................................354
The Resource Is a node other than an APPN network node....................................................... 354
Resource is an APPN network node.............................................................................................355
Resource is a TG that does not connect two network nodes...................................................... 355
Resource is a TG that connects two network nodes................................................................... 355
Resource is a TG circuit................................................................................................................ 356
Resource is a link..........................................................................................................................356
Resource is a port......................................................................................................................... 356
Resource is an interchange node or a migration data host......................................................... 356
Resource is a t5Node................................................................................................................... 357
Resource status incorrect or not being updated...............................................................................357
Aggregate resource status incorrect or not being updated.............................................................. 361
Status of the Aggregate Resource Is unknown........................................................................... 362
Status of the Aggregate Resource Is known but incorrect..........................................................362
View of Topology Objects is not available for display....................................................................... 362
InterDomainNetworkCircuit view................................................................................................ 363
NnDomainNetwork view...............................................................................................................363
InterDomainCircuit view...............................................................................................................364
NnDomain view.............................................................................................................................364
SnaLocalTopology view................................................................................................................ 365
Link-Port view............................................................................................................................... 365
Real resource views......................................................................................................................365
Subnetworks shown in the same nnDomainNetwork view.............................................................. 366
Class of Node Object does not match node type.............................................................................. 367
Unexpected resources are displayed................................................................................................ 368
Resources reported by the agent nodes......................................................................................369
Status of the resource Is shown as unknown..............................................................................370
Status of an existing resource is not unknown............................................................................ 370
Status of a nonexistent resource is not unknown....................................................................... 371
Unexpected aggregate resources in views.................................................................................. 371
Exception view resource displays are incorrect................................................................................372
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager................................................................ 375
SNA Topology Manager messages.................................................................................................... 375
SNA Topology Manager log entries....................................................................................................376
SNA Topology Manager log record formats................................................................................. 376
System Interface log entries-Major Code 22...............................................................................378
SNA Topology Manager log entries—Major Code 78................................................................... 385
Common log entries-Major Code 79............................................................................................ 413
SNA topology manager traces........................................................................................................... 415
External tracing (GTF)...................................................................................................................415
Tracing internally.......................................................................................................................... 418
Trace events................................................................................................................................. 420
Recovery from Trace Errors..........................................................................................................429
TOPOSNA LISTxxxx Requests......................................................................................................429
Chapter 24. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the MultiSystem Manager program..................437
Routing messages.............................................................................................................................. 438
Improving INITTOPO processing...................................................................................................... 438
RODM errors - FLC070E and FLC076E.............................................................................................. 439
RODM errors - Return Code 12 and Reason Code 122.....................................................................439
Issuing commands that contain case-sensitive text........................................................................ 439
Command support failures................................................................................................................ 439
GETTOPO command failures............................................................................................................. 440
Tracing GETTOPO command processing..................................................................................... 440
GMFHS is unavailable during GETTOPO command processing.................................................. 440
Failures in the IP environment..................................................................................................... 440
Command failures in the SNA environment.................................................................................441
Object status update failures.............................................................................................................442
Missing IP Objects from NetView Management Console Views....................................................... 443
Aggregate Object contains identical Real Objects............................................................................ 443
Wait problems...............................................................................................................................449
Incorrect output problems........................................................................................................... 450
Performance problems.................................................................................................................450
Documentation problems.............................................................................................................450
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service......................... 469
Event/Automation Service abends.................................................................................................... 474
Event/Automation Service task might be suspended....................................................................... 475
START, STOP, or RECYCLE commands do not function properly..................................................... 475
A service does not complete initialization.........................................................................................475
Event/Automation Service fails to initialize.......................................................................................475
Alert adapter fails to initialize............................................................................................................476
Confirmed alert adapter fails to initialize.......................................................................................... 476
Message adapter fails to initialize..................................................................................................... 477
Confirmed message adapter fails to initialize................................................................................... 477
Event Receiver fails to initialize......................................................................................................... 478
Trap-to-Alert service fails to initialize............................................................................................... 478
Alert-to-trap service fails to initialize................................................................................................ 479
Unwanted services are starting......................................................................................................... 479
Alerts are not forwarded to the expected event server.................................................................... 480
Alerts are not converted to the expected Event Integration Facility events....................................481
An Alert is continuously forwarded................................................................................................... 482
An Alert is incorrectly cached............................................................................................................ 483
Messages are not forwarded to the designated event server...........................................................483
Messages are not converted to Event Integration Facility events....................................................485
A message is incorrectly cached....................................................................................................... 485
Event Integration Facility events are not forwarded to the hardware monitor................................486
Event Integration Facility events are not converted to alerts...........................................................487
No reply from an event server to which an Event Integration Facility event was sent.................... 487
Negative response from an event server to which an Event Integration Facility event was sent... 488
SNMP traps are not forwarded to the Hardware Monitor................................................................. 488
SNMP traps are not converted to Alerts............................................................................................ 489
Recycling the NetView PPI................................................................................................................ 490
Recycling the Event Receiver for IP Connectivity problems.............................................................490
Recycling the Trap-to-alert service for IP Connectivity problems................................................... 490
Chapter 31. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 507
NetView agent is not displayed in the Navigator view...................................................................... 508
Active/Active Sites subnode is not displayed in the physical Navigator view..................................509
NetView agent node unexpectedly goes offline ...............................................................................509
Z NetView subnode unexpectedly goes offline ................................................................................ 509
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server becomes inactive while the NetView agent is running............510
NetView agent workspace has no data............................................................................................. 510
A GDPS Continuous Availability solution workspace has no data.................................................... 512
NetView agent workspace has partial data or incomplete data....................................................... 514
Message "KFWITM081E The link target cannot be found" when attempting to link to the
workspace of another product..................................................................................................... 514
No NetView agent workspaces available.......................................................................................... 515
Workspace names displayed in navigation tree are unreadable......................................................515
NACMD fails with BNH805I during initialization...............................................................................515
No commands available from the Take Action window....................................................................515
No NetView agent situations available..............................................................................................516
Incorrect results when using the icons in the NetView Command Response Summary view to
find or sort data.............................................................................................................................516
Cross-Product links missing from link list......................................................................................... 516
Problems with cross-product linking when linking to an OMEGAMON workspace......................... 516
Security problems.............................................................................................................................. 517
NetView agent workspaces have no column headings for the table views......................................517
Cannot start the NetView agent.........................................................................................................517
Missing NetView data when hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is active on both
controllers..................................................................................................................................... 518
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent...................................519
Using NetView online message and command help for the NetView agent.................................... 519
Using the CNMTRACE function for NetView host components of the NetView agent function.......519
Using the NACTL command to troubleshoot the NetView agent......................................................521
Using the DISPPI command to troubleshoot a PPI connection between NetView and the
NetView agent............................................................................................................................... 521
Problem determination for a NetView agent.....................................................................................521
Problem determination flow for the NetView agent....................................................................521
Determining if the problem was caused by the NetView agent.................................................. 522
NetView agent communication layer messages and tracing...................................................... 527
Using the KDC_DEBUG environment variable............................................................................. 528
Setting up RAS1 tracing................................................................................................................529
Understanding and using RAS1 logs............................................................................................ 533
Capturing z/OS logs to send to software support........................................................................534
Release level data (RECFMS 05)....................................................................................................... 603
IBM System/38.................................................................................................................................. 603
IBM 3104............................................................................................................................................604
RECFMS 05, 3174 configuration information....................................................................................604
RECFMS 05 for the 3174: RPQ, patch, and DFT information............................................................619
Programming Interfaces..........................................................................................................................652
Privacy policy considerations.................................................................................................................. 652
Index................................................................................................................ 655
24. Example of Output from IPCS TBLUSECT Command.............................................................................. 94
25. Example of Output from IPCS TRACE Command Using a Select Option.................................................94
26. Example of Output from IPCS TRACE Command Using a Trace Option..................................................95
36. Example of the Output from the CNMS4501 Installation Exit.............................................................. 156
38. Example of Current Trace Settings Displayed by the GMFHS TRACE Command................................. 221
49. Unformatted Log Record Type 3............................................................................................................ 278
60. Formatted RODM Log Record Type 8 for Segment and Window Statistics...........................................292
61. Formatted RODM Log Record Type 8 for API Statistics........................................................................ 294
74. Example output of IP tracing for the alert adapter service................................................................... 494
79. RU Flow Diagram for Starting a Cross-Domain Session to support session monitor conversations
for Continuous or Persistent Sessions.................................................................................................... 574
About this publication
The IBM Z® NetView® product provides advanced capabilities that you can use to maintain the highest
degree of availability of your complex, multi-platform, multi-vendor networks and systems from a single
point of control. This publication, the IBM Z NetView Troubleshooting Guide, provides information for use
in diagnosing and solving network problems that occur in the NetView product. This includes support for
the following functions:
• NetView program
• Graphic Monitor Facility host subsystem (GMFHS)
• NetView management console
• Resource Object Data Manager (RODM)
• Systems network architecture (SNA) topology manager
• MultiSystem Manager
• Automated Operations Network (AON)
• Event/Automation Service (E/AS)
Intended audience
This publication is for system programmers and operators who need to diagnose, document, and report
software and hardware problems.
This section lists publications in the IBM Z NetView library and related documents. It also describes how
to access NetView publications online and how to order NetView publications.
Related publications
You can find additional product information on the IBM Z NetView web site at
For information about the NetView Bridge function, see Tivoli NetView for OS/390® Bridge Implementation,
SC31-8238-03 (available only in the V1R4 library).
Ordering publications
You can order many Tivoli publications online at
You can also order by telephone by calling one of these numbers:
• In the United States: 800-426-4968
• In Canada: 800-879-2755
In other countries, contact your software account representative to order Tivoli publications. To locate
the telephone number of your local representative, perform the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Select your country from the list and click the grey arrow button beside the list.
3. Click About this site to see an information page that includes the telephone number of your local
Accessibility features help users with a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to
use software products successfully. Standard shortcut and accelerator keys are used by the product and
are documented by the operating system. Refer to the documentation provided by your operating system
for more information.
For additional information, see the Accessibility appendix in the User's Guide: NetView.
Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want to resolve it quickly. IBM provides the following
ways for you to obtain the support you need:
Please follow the instructions located in the support guide entry:
Troubleshooting information
For more information about resolving problems with the IBM Z NetView product, start with Chapter 1,
“Diagnosing problems,” on page 3. You can also discuss technical issues about the IBM Z NetView
Typeface conventions
This publication uses the following typeface conventions:
• Lowercase commands and mixed case commands that are otherwise difficult to distinguish from
surrounding text
• Interface controls (check boxes, push buttons, radio buttons, spin buttons, fields, folders, icons, list
boxes, items inside list boxes, multicolumn lists, containers, menu choices, menu names, tabs,
property sheets), labels (such as Tip:, and Operating system considerations:)
• Keywords and parameters in text
• Citations (examples: titles of publications, diskettes, and CDs
• Words defined in text (example: a nonswitched line is called a point-to-point line)
• Emphasis of words and letters (words as words example: "Use the word that to introduce a
restrictive clause."; letters as letters example: "The LUN address must start with the letter L.")
• New terms in text (except in a definition list): a view is a frame in a workspace that contains data.
• Variables and values you must provide: ... where myname represents...
• Examples and code examples
• File names, programming keywords, and other elements that are difficult to distinguish from
surrounding text
• Message text and prompts addressed to the user
• Text that the user must type
• Values for arguments or command options
Syntax diagrams
The following syntax elements are shown in syntax diagrams. Read syntax diagrams from left-to-right,
top-to-bottom, following the horizontal line (the main path).
• “Symbols” on page xxvi
The following symbols are used in syntax diagrams:
The following types of parameters are used in syntax diagrams:
Required parameters are shown on the main path.
Optional parameters are shown below the main path.
Default parameters are shown above the main path. In parameter descriptions, default parameters
are underlined.
Syntax diagrams do not rely on highlighting, brackets, or braces. In syntax diagrams, the position of the
elements relative to the main syntax line indicates whether an element is required, optional, or the
default value.
When you issue a command, spaces are required between the parameters unless a different separator,
such as a comma, is specified in the syntax.
Parameters are classified as keywords or variables. Keywords are shown in uppercase letters. Variables,
which represent names or values that you supply, are shown in lowercase letters and are either italicized
or, in NetView help, displayed in a differentiating color.
In the following example, the USER command is a keyword, the user_id parameter is a required variable,
and the password parameter is an optional variable.
USER user_id
COMMAND_NAME opt_variable_1,,opt_variable_3
You do not need to specify the trailing positional commas. Trailing positional and non-positional commas
either are ignored or cause a command to be rejected. Restrictions for each command state whether
trailing commas cause the command to be rejected.
Command and keyword abbreviations are listed in synonym tables after each command description.
Syntax examples
The following examples show the different uses of syntax elements:
• “Required syntax elements” on page xxvii
• “Optional syntax elements” on page xxvii
• “Default keywords and values” on page xxvii
• “Multiple operands or values” on page xxviii
• “Syntax that is longer than one line” on page xxviii
• “Syntax fragments” on page xxviii
A required choice (two or more items) is shown in a vertical stack on the main path. The items are shown
in alphanumeric order.
A required choice (two or more items) is shown in a vertical stack below the main path. The items are
shown in alphanumeric order.
value_n )
Syntax fragments
Some syntax diagrams contain syntax fragments, which are used for lengthy, complex, or repeated
sections of syntax. Syntax fragments follow the main diagram. Each syntax fragment name is mixed case
and is shown in the main diagram and in the heading of the fragment. The following syntax example
shows a syntax diagram with two fragments that are identified as Fragment1 and Fragment2.
To begin diagnostic procedures for problems that might occur in the NetView program or any of its
components, you must first understand the methods that can help you define and solve a problem or
document and report the problem to IBM Software Support.
Finding solutions
RETAIN database
If you have the IBM Information/Access program, you can search the RETAIN database, based on a
keyword string, to find similar problems and their solutions.
Submitting problems
You can submit your problem to IBM Software Support in one of two ways:
Go to the IBM Software Support website at and follow the
By phone
For the phone number to call in your country, go to the contacts page of the IBM Software Support
Handbook at and click the name of your
geographic region.
If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM
Software Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the
problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Software Support provides a workaround that you can
implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the
Software Support website daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from
the same resolution.
Using keywords
Each problem type has an associated keyword. The keyword is used as a general identifier and to search
the RETAIN database. If you have access to the RETAIN database, you can search it. Otherwise, you can
provide IBM Software Support with the keyword and they do the search. In searching the RETAIN
database, you can determine whether:
• Your particular problem has already been reported
• There is a bypass for your problem
• Your problem has been solved
• A solution exists for your problem
An accurate and precise search string produces usable results. A string search contains the following:
• The keyword that represents your problem type
• The level of the NetView product and, if applicable, the load level of the NetView management console
you are using
• Additional symptoms of the problem
If you proceed through all seven classifications and cannot match your problem to any of those problems
described, see “Documenting any problem” on page 23.
Symptom Details about the failure. Refine your search BNJyyyyy identifies the
gradually (combining the name of the NetView
symptom keywords in module that issued the
various ways) so that abend.
you receive all problem
descriptions that might
match your problem.
Dependency Program or device- Help reduce the number APPN
dependent keywords of problem descriptions
that define the you must examine.
environment in which
the problem occurred.
Component ID for the program
Type of problem
Abend code number
NetView module that issued the abend failure message.
Obtaining fixes
A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. To determine what fixes are available for your
IBM software product, follow these steps:
1. Go to the IBM Software Support website at
2. Under Find product support, click All IBM software (A–Z). This opens a software product list.
3. In the software product list, click IBM Z NetView. This opens the IBM Z NetView support site.
4. Under Solve a problem, click APARs to go to a list of fixes, fix packs, and other service updates for
IBM Z NetView.
5. Click the name of a fix to read the description and optionally download the fix. You can also search for
a specific fix; for tips on refining your search, click Search tips.
For more information about the types of fixes that are available, see the IBM Software Support Handbook
To download files from Z NetView Support:
• Use FTP to connect to the site that your Z NetView technical-support representative provided and log in
as anonymous.
• Use your email address as the password.
• Change to the appropriate directory:
cd fromibm
cd nameofdirectory
get filename.extension
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With My Notifications, you can subscribe to Support updates for any IBM product. You can specify that
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To subscribe to Support updates:
1. Subscribe to the IBM Z NetView feed located at
netview-zos/, which enables you to stay informed of regular updates to the information. To set up
your RSS feed, go to link to information center RSS feed setup page.
2. To subscribe to My Notifications, begin by going to the IBM Support Portal at
software/support/ and clicking My Notifications in the Notifications portlet. If you have already
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3. Click Edit profile.
4. Click Add products and choose a product category; for example, Software. A second list is displayed.
5. In the second list, select a product segment; for example, Data & Information Management. A third
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6. In the third list, select a product sub-segment, for example, Databases. A list of applicable products
is displayed.
7. Select a product (for example, IBM Z NetView) for which you want to receive updates.
8. Click Add products.
9. After selecting all products that are of interest to you, click Subscribe to email on the Edit profile tab.
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13. Select the types of documents for which you want to receive information.
14. Click Update.
Until you modify your RSS feeds and My Notifications preferences, you receive notifications of updates
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one product and begin using another product).
When a problem occurs in a NetView component, look at the symptoms described in this chapter to
decide which type of problem has occurred. The symptoms for each of seven problem types have a name
that is synonymous with its keyword. Keywords are described in Chapter 1, “Diagnosing problems,” on
page 3.
When you decide what the problem keyword is, you can use it to develop a keyword string. See Chapter 1,
“Diagnosing problems,” on page 3 for information about the keyword string.
In the following topics, the symptoms are described for ABEND, DOC, INCORROUT, LOOP, MSG, PERFM,
and WAIT problems.
Identifying symptoms
The symptoms described in this section can apply to any NetView component.
Note: For problem determination, keep the internal NetView trace active or use the default size of 4000.
The ABEND symptoms apply to the NetView program, GMFHS, RODM, SNA topology manager, and Event/
Automation Service (E/AS).
If, after reading about abends, you categorize your problem as an abend, see “Documenting ABEND
problems” on page 27.
NetView program
Choose the ABEND keyword when one or more of the following symptoms occur:
• An MVS ABEND message is displayed at the system operator console. The message that contains the
abend code is found in the system console log.
• The DSI172I message is displayed.
Abend problems are classified as follows:
User abend codes
NetView user abend codes originate in the NetView program. Some abend failures can be caused by
incorrect job control language (JCL) or definition statements, such as references to an incorrect
library. An abend problem can also result from a VSAM or VTAM error. Check allocation of VSAM or
VTAM parameters in this case. Some NetView user abend codes result from commands in which the
abend is an intended form of error recovery.
System abend codes
System abend codes result from such actions as issuing a system supervisor call instruction (SVC) in a
program with an incorrect event control block (ECB) address.
Program check abend problems are hardware-detected error conditions, such as a branch or store to
an address that is incorrect, or an attempt to run an instruction that is incorrect (ABENDS0C4 or
Name of the GMFHS task that caused the abend
Abend completion code
SDUMP return code
SDUMP reason code
Additional diagnostic information, including the function traceback is available in the GMFHS job output
under the CEEDUMP data set.
If RODM, one of its components, or an application fails, RODM writes a return code and reason code to the
RODM log. The return code and reason code might also be returned to your application. You might not see
an external symptom of the failure (unless the return code with reason code is returned to the application
to signal the failure).
For RODM, choose the ABEND keyword when one or more of the following symptoms occur:
• An MVS ABEND message for the RODM address space is displayed at the system operator console.
• One of the following RODM messages is received:
– EKG5010E
– EKG1981E
– EKG1982E
– EKG1983E
– EKG1984I
– EKG1985I
– EKG1986I
– EKG1987E
– EKG1988E
– EKG1989E
– EKG1996E
• The user application receives a return code of 12 and a reason code of either 20 or 194.
• The RODM log contains a type 7 log record.
Choose the DOC keyword when one or more of the following symptoms is true for the documentation or
online help panels:
• They contain incomplete or inaccurate information about installation, operation, customization,
messages, or diagnosis.
• They are inconsistent in describing the use of a program function.
Report these problems to IBM Software Support only if the documentation problem affects the operation
or use of the NetView program.
If you have categorized your problem as a documentation problem, see “Documenting DOC problems” on
page 33.
Choose the INCORROUT keyword when you receive one of the following symptoms:
• You receive unexpected output such as a garbled message, and the problem does not seem to be a
• When displaying the view, the resource information contains strange or garbled characters.
• The view displayed does not show a resource that is part of your network.
• The view displayed does not show the expected relationships between resources.
• The view displayed does not show the expected status of resources.
• Incorrect data is written to the NetView database, RODM checkpoint data sets, the RODM log, or the
RODM job input.
• You issue a NetView command and receive unexpected results.
• The data received by your RODM application is not what you expect.
• You receive a reason code that is not expected.
If you suspect that the SNA topology manager component is producing incorrect output, verify that all
required functions are working. For example, if the status of an object is not being updated, verify that the
following items are true:
• NetView management console is active and communicating with your mainframe server system.
Choose the LOOP keyword when one or more of the following symptoms occur:
• Part of the program repeats itself as seen in a system or NetView trace. A repeating program is
indicated when the same message or set of messages is being repeatedly displayed or logged.
• The same message or set of messages is being repeatedly displayed on the workstation.
• A command has not completed after the expected time period, and the processor is used more
frequently than usual.
• There is high processor use, console (operator terminal) lockout, or high channel activity to a NetView
• System commands are not accepted after issuing a RODM subsystem command or a NetView RODM
component command.
• The TASKUTIL, TASKMON, or TASKURPT command display shows increased processor use by a
particular NetView task that cannot be explained.
• The CMDMON DISPLAY command shows increased processor use by a particular NetView command or
set of commands that cannot be explained.
Loops have two forms:
Enabled loop
A loop is enabled if system commands can be run and responses are returned to the console.
Disabled loop
Disabled loop symptoms are similar to symptoms of an enabled loop, but system commands are not
accepted. You cannot interrupt the system from the operator console.
The SNA topology manager has a command (TOPOSNA QUERYDEF) that queries local settings and does
not require a significant amount of time to process. You can use this command to determine whether the
manager task is looping.
A problem can cause a message to be displayed at the system console or at an operator terminal. Choose
the MSG keyword when one or more of the following symptoms occur:
• The message received is not the expected response or indicates an error condition.
• The message is issued with an incorrect format (misspelled words or unprintable characters in the
message), or the message is not displayed as it is documented in the NetView online help.
Use the HELP command for an online explanation of a message. For example, for more information about
RODM message EKG3100E, enter the following:
When you are using NetView management console and a problem originates at the mainframe server, a
message is displayed at the system console or at the workstation.
RODM messages can be issued from any of following sources:
• NetView messages issued while accessing RODM
• The RODM data cache manager
• The RODM load utility
Each source has a range of messages:
Each message issued by the NetView program is displayed in the form xxxn…ny, where:
Is a prefix identifier, such as DSI, BNJ, AAU.
• If the message associated with your problem does not have a prefix of AAU, AQN, BNH, BNJ, CNM,
DFI, DSI, DUI, DWO, EZL, FKV, FKX, FLB, FLC, and IHS, the problem is probably not with the
NetView program.
• IHS and EGV prefixed messages are issued from the NetView management console for
programmable workstations.
• EKG prefixed messages are from RODM.
• FLB prefixed messages are from the SNA topology manager.
Is a message number. The message number is component-unique. For informational messages
displayed at the workstation, the prefix and message number might not be displayed. However, for
Presentation Manager type messages, online help is available by pressing the F1 key.
Is a suffix defining the type. This suffix is not displayed for VIO pop-up messages. The types are as
Is an information message
Signals that an action must be taken
Signals that a decision is required immediately
Is a warning message
Indicates an error condition
Indicates a severe error condition
Figure 2 on page 18 is an example of a message.
Informational messages do not require user response or interaction. Decision messages require a
response from the operator for the program to continue processing. Warning messages inform you of a
possible problem. Investigate warning messages to ensure that the operation of the product is not
Choose the PERFM keyword if performance is not as expected. Performance problems can occur because
one or more of the following conditions exist:
• NetView commands (including VTAM commands and system commands entered from a terminal logged
on to the NetView program) take an excessive time to complete.
• NetView performance characteristics are below expectations.
• System response is slow.
• CPU initialization is increased.
Use the TASKUTIL or TASKMON command to measure CPU utilization.
• Many status updates are being forwarded to the graphic data server.
• Resource definitions at the mainframe server or workstation, or both, are not correct.
• Communication errors exist between the mainframe server and the workstation.
• RODM API requests take an excessive amount of time or CPU resources to complete.
• Updates to the NetView external log take an excessive amount of time or CPU resources to complete.
• Updates to NetView management console views take an excessive amount of time to be displayed.
The multitasking features of the workstation operating system enable you to process many tasks at the
same time. A virtual memory management technique in the workstation operating system, called
swapping, enables more active program code and data to be stored concurrently than the amount of
memory that is physically installed on your system. The workstation operating system places inactive
portions of running programs in a swap file on a disk when a program does not fit into available memory.
If there is not enough storage available on the disk, the program that is running cannot continue.
If all available disk storage is used, the workstation cannot perform the specified request and you receive
an error message. You can receive either of the following:
• A message stating that no disk storage is available.
This message includes the cause of the error, the time the error occurred, and instructions on how to
increase your storage space.
• A message stating that a resource cannot be allocated.
This message is received when the specified maximum number of resource definitions is reached.
Determine whether the number of resource definition specifications can be increased.
The SNA topology manager at times must process a large amount of incoming data. There can be periods
of peak activity where the performance of the topology manager is degraded. This is usually a temporary
condition, depending on the frequency and amount of data being received from the agent nodes.
Host and workstation methods for controlling and IBM Z NetView Tuning Guide
improving the performance of NetView
management console
The TRACE, TASKUTIL, and TASKMON commands The IBM Z NetView Command Reference Volume 1
(A-N) or the NetView online help
Use the WAIT keyword when processing stops for a NetView task with no abnormal completion (ABEND)
codes and no increased processor use. For example, use WAIT if you enter a NetView command and
receive no response, but the processor and all other jobs start and end normally.
Choose the WAIT keyword when one or more of the following symptoms occur:
• The operator cannot enter commands or communicate with the NetView program, and the system does
not seem to be in a loop. Using several TASKUTIL commands from another task should not show an
increase in the CPU time for the operator task in question.
• There is no response to commands.
• The workstation does not respond to keyboard or mouse commands, and the system does not seem to
be in a loop.
• There is no response from a graphical workstation.
• RODM has not ended abnormally.
• The SNA topology manager-related views at the graphical workstation are not receiving the expected
• There is no excessive processor use.
• The processor and all other jobs are starting and ending normally.
A message from the NetView program that indicates you are waiting for some data, such as one of the
following messages, is not necessarily evidence of a problem:
Workstation specifics:
When there is no response from NetView management console at the workstation, the workstation
operating system might be swapping because of the increased demand on the memory resources for the
workstation operating system. This condition is indicated to you by increased disk light activity on your
system disk drive.
SNA topology manager specifics:
IBM Software Support is the first point of contact for NetView customers who need help with a program
problem after installation is complete. Contact the local marketing systems engineer for assistance on
problems encountered during installation.
At the time the abend occurred, the NetView program did not have addressability to the SDWA. The
NetView program is unable to provide any information concerning the reason for the memory dump or
the load module that contains the error.
Specifies the name of the error recovery module.
Specifies the NetView domain where the abend occurred.
Figure 3 on page 29 shows a sample NetView memory dump:
Specifies the NetView component ID number
Specifies the type of problem
Specifies the abend code
Specifies the module containing the ABEND
If the abend is from a failure, the keyword is ABENDxxx, where xxx is the abend code in hexadecimal
(such as ABEND0C4, ABEND604 or ABEND13E).
Typical user abends are documented by ABENDUxxxx, where xxxx is the abend code in decimal. Refer to
the NetView abend codes. A NetView user abend can be caused by circumstances in the system. If you
have no information about how to recover from or prevent the abend, continue gathering documentation.
• Each task has a public and private message queue that can build up if you do not process the message
event control block (ECB). This might happen if you have AUTOWRAP turned off. You can use the IPCS
RUNCHAIN command to find out how many elements exist. The message queues point to an internal
function request (IFR) that contains a normal BUFHDR and are chained together at X'18'. To determine
how many messages are queued, run the entire chain.
The NetView program monitors the message queue, counts the number of messages, and places the
count in the public queue. You can determine the number of messages on the public queue by checking
the TVB X'CC' for 4 bytes. The TVB characters begin with X'F2'.
The operator station task (OST), NetView-to-NetView task (NNT), and the primary POI task (PPT) have
three public and three private queues, as follows:
– The normal public and private message queues are chained off the TVB, TVB X'24', and X'28'.
– The high private and public message queues are chained off the TVB, TVB X'DC', and X'D4'.
– The low private and public message queues are chained off the TVB, TVB X'D8', and X'D0'.
The optional task (OPT) has one public and one private message queue. The normal public and private
message queues are chained off the TVB, TVB X'24', and X'28'.
The data services task (DST) has one public message queue, one private message queue, and two
internal queues. The normal public and private message queues are chained off the TVB, TVB X'24', and
X'28'. For DSTs, you can check two internal queues to determine if they are backed up and possibly
using more storage. You can find the internal queues in the TID control block. The TID is pointed to by
TIB X'70' and begins with F4.
Using the sample memory dump data shown in Figure 4 on page 32 as an illustration, use the following
procedure to collect information for an SNA topology manager abend:
1. Locate the address of the failed instruction in the PSW.
Use the existing NetView procedures to locate the value of the PSW and the address of the instruction
that failed.
The contents of the second word of the PSW (not shown in the sample data) is X'8E29E870'. Ignoring
the high-order bit gives the address of the failed instruction: X'0E29E870' ( 1 ).
2. Find the name of the failing module.
• Copies of related views from the NetView management console workstation (if applicable)
This information is necessary for SNA topology manager problems.
Capture NetView management console views that are related to the problem. Explain the information in
the view that relates to the problem.
Also include views that are incorrect, describing in detail objects that are missing or are incorrect in the
After the trace has run at least one minute, request a console memory dump of the NetView address
space and the NetView internal trace address space (see “Locating the trace when MODE=INT is
specified” on page 100 for additional information about the trace records).
Check the following in the NetView trace:
– Examine the MVS trace entry types to determine whether there is a pattern. The PSW address always
points to service routine modules DSIGMN and DSIFMN because they process these requests. These
entries do not necessarily indicate a loop and do not prevent you from searching for more
– After locating the loop, record some of the PSW addresses within the loop, and use the memory
dump to determine what modules and offsets are involved. If the addresses are for VSAM or VTAM
modules, you might need a map of the link pack area (LPAMAP).
Determine the module in which the wait occurred by locating the address of the last instruction run
under the problem task. The last instruction run is WAIT SVC (0A01). If this is not true, do further
analysis to determine whether the program is in a loop or the code is running as expected.
If the module issuing the wait is DSIWAIT, you can find the issuer of the wait routine (command facility
DSIWAT macro) by finding register 13 in the current save area (the save area at the time of the SVC 1)
and backing up one save area. This save area is that of the issuer of the NetView DSIWAT macro. Record
the following:
1. The name and the compilation date of the module.
2. The hexadecimal offset into the module.
Find the file whose name (suffix to the HLQ) is NV.CANZLOG.INDEX. Always copy this file.
Further files are named after the oldest record referred to in that file. You can determine the most recent
record (for practical purposes) by looking at the name of the next sequential file of the same type.
If the incident is in the recent past (consider 800,000 messages as "recent"), then the data for the event
might not have been archived yet. You can force most of this recent data to be written earlier than normal
by issuing the CANZLOG CUE command.
Information about the data set naming convention can be found in IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring
Additional Components in a section entitled "Defining Canzlog Archive Data Sets."
All this data can be packaged, compressed, or encrypted (or any combination of these actions) by any of
the common procedures that can be reversed when received. The recipient of the data can choose a new
HLQ, then install the data under that name, make the local (non-archiving) NetView program use the new
HLQ, and can then browse the data exactly as if it were produced locally.
In case you do not archive Canzlog data, substitute the following two steps:
• Locate and save a copy of the network log that includes entries recorded before and during the
problem. The network log is a sequential record of operator station activity, including commands
entered and messages received. For automation command execution problems, the CNM493I
parameter on the DEFAULTS or OVERRIDE command has been set to YES, so that indications of
automation are included in the network log.
• Locate and save a copy of the system log that was generated from the time before and during the error.
The system log is the data set that stores job-related information, operational data, descriptions of
unusual occurrences, commands, and messages.
NVINFO filter_spec
The Canzlog messages requested together with other information will be stored in the OUTDSN data set if
both OUTDSN and CZ.PRINT.OUTPUT in CNMSTYLE are specified. They will be stored in the data set that
is specified by CZ.PRINT.OUTPUT in CNMSTYLE when OUTDSN is not specified. See the online help for
This chapter contains the worksheet you can use to gather the information required in determining the
cause of failures within the NetView licensed program.
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
The following information is required for all problems.
General information
Record the following general information:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Component ID:
4. Recommended service update (RSU) level:
5. Installation Option:
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. Operating system and RSU level:
2. Access method and maintenance level:
3. Other products and their maintenance levels:
Problem description
Describe your problem by answering the following questions:
1. What are the symptoms of the problem?
2. What were you trying to do?
3. What should have happened?
4. What actually did happen?
5. Has the function worked before?
Problem classification
Check one of the appropriate problem categories below that matches the symptoms associated with your
Abend problems
For abends or processor exception problems, complete the following:
1. What is the abend code?
2. What processes were taking place at the time of the abend?
3. Online help facility (type HELP ABEND and use the scroll function to locate the abend code).
4. Gather the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the network log containing the output of several TASKMON, TASKUTIL, or TASKURPT
commands. See “Network log with CMDMON, TASKUTIL or TASKMON command output ” on page
• A copy of the trace log. See “NetView trace” on page 100.
• The first unformatted memory dump of the abend.
• A completed NetView problem worksheet.
5. Gather the following information from the memory dump:
a. What is the program status word (PSW) at the time of the abend?
b. In what module did the abend occur?
c. What was the module compiled?
d. What is the PTF level of the module pointed to by the abend?
e. What is the offset into the module pointed to by the PSW at the time of the abend?
f. List the registers at the time of the abend.
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• Does the message contain any return codes, feedback codes, error codes, or sense information? List
the codes or information.
2. Check the message in the NetView online help to determine user action.
3. What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
• Commands:
• Other:
4. If the message was unexpected and cannot be corrected by following the actions in the NetView
online help, gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
Loop problems
For loop problems, complete the following:
1. What events led up to the loop?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. If this is an enabled loop (see “Documenting LOOP problems” on page 35), obtain the following
• After obtaining a console memory dump, cancel the NetView program with a memory dump.
Note: If the loop is still occurring after the NetView program has been canceled, look for a problem
with a different program.
5. If this is a disabled loop (see “Documenting LOOP problems” on page 35), obtain the following
• A document describing the scenario leading to the problem.
• A hardcopy of the system log.
• A hardcopy of the network log containing the output of several TASKMON, TASKUTIL, or TASKURPT
commands, and optionally, at least one CMDMON DISPLAY invocation as close to the time of the
problem as possible. See “Network log with CMDMON, TASKUTIL or TASKMON command output ”
on page 96.
• A hardcopy of the trace log. See “NetView trace” on page 100.
• The addresses of instructions within the loop.
• A memory dump obtained by using the CPU RESTART function.
Note: If ABEND071 does not occur in the NetView program and normal processing resumes, this is
not a NetView problem.
6. What are the modules involved in the loop?
7. What are the dates that the modules were compiled?
8. What are the PTF levels of the modules involved in the loop?
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following:
1. What is the scenario leading to the problem?
2. What data was being displayed?
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the network log containing the output of several TASKMON, TASKUTIL, or TASKURPT
commands, and optionally, at least one CMDMON DISPLAY invocation as close to the time of the
problem as possible. See “Network log with CMDMON, TASKUTIL or TASKMON command output ”
on page 96.
• A copy of the NetView trace. See “NetView trace” on page 100.
• A dump of NetView SMF record type 38 subtype 4 across the performance issue period. See “SMF
Log Record 38 Subtype 4 command statistics data” on page 99.
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual or the number of the online help
panel involved.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the NetView program, call IBM Software Support.
5. If the problem is with an online help panel, call IBM Software Support.
Use Table 4 on page 51 to locate examples of problems you might encounter when using the NetView
program. To use the table:
1. Locate your problem scenario using the first two columns.
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you cannot solve your problem by using the examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, “Classifying
problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23 before
contacting IBM Software Support.
The following table indicates where to find information about a particular problem (category):
Is the name of the logical unit.
Is the operator identifier.
Is the code used for problem classification. The abend code has 6 alphanumeric characters, yyyzzz,
Is the system completion code.
Is the application program (the NetView program and your application) completion code.
The subtask identified by luname/operatorid has ended with the indicated abend code. If the subtask is
an operator station task (OST), this message is displayed on the screen when the task is reinstated. For
any other type of task, this message is queued to the authorized receiver.
The DSI819I message is issued:
Is the name of the task for which the NetView ESTAE/ESTAI exit (DSIMSX) is driven.
• For the NetView main task, it is SYSOP.
• For an operator station task (OST), it is the ID of the operator that is logged on.
• For a data services task (DST), it is the task name defined in CNMSTASK.
• For any task name that cannot be determined, UNKNOWN is used.
Is the hexadecimal completion code. The first three digits are the system completion code and the
last three digits are the user completion code.
If the first three digits are non-zero, this is a system completion code. If the last three digits are non-
zero, this is a user completion code.
If both sets of three digits are non-zero, it usually means that a subtask module ended and passed
trash in register 15.
An abend occurred. The NetView ESTAE/ESTAI exit gets control and performs a supervisor call (SVC)
dump. The routing code for this message is 2 (master console information), 10 (system error/
maintenance), or 11 (programmer information).
1. Save the memory dump data set.
2. See “Documenting ABEND problems” on page 27.
DSI625I message
The DSI625I message is not issued when the RPL is not valid because the contents of the RPL are not
reliable or do not pertain to the request causing the abend.
At the time of the abend, register 0 does not contain the return code passed to DSISYN or DSISYNX
because register 0 is used as an abend work register.
In either a TAF or non-TAF environment, if a valid RPL is received (register 0 is not X'018') and a should-
not-occur (SNO) logic error is encountered, you receive abend U0269 or abend U0258, and the following
Specifies the ID of the task issuing the macro
Specifies the LU issuing the macro
Specifies the name of the macro
Specifies the should-not-occur code
Table 5. Return Codes for User Abend U0258 (X'102') and U0269 ('10D')
Return Code Explanation
2 The request type (RPLREQ) field is outside the range expected by DSISYN, or the
macro is not issued by the command facility. Some macros have request type codes
within the numeric range of DSISYN tables, but the command facility does not use
6 The communication identifier (CID) in the receive-any RPL does not match any CID in
RPLs pointed to by DSINAT. The command facility does not recognize the session.
7 A CID that is not valid was passed to or received from VTAM (no abend occurs in the
TAF environment).
In a non-TAF environment, if a valid RPL is received and an SNO physical error is encountered, no memory
dump occurs, but you receive user abend U0268 (X'10C') and the DSI625I message.
Any error messages and applicable return codes that are issued are listed in the network log. In the
NetView memory dump, register 13 points to the save area of the module that issued the RPL CHECK
macro before the abend occurred. In the memory dump, use register 14 from the save area to find the
module that called module DSISYN or DSISYNX.
This type of problem might be caused by the transmission of the buffer across the network, such as in
RMTCMD processing. To diagnose transmission problems if you use LU 6.2 sessions, consult with the
VTAM support group to determine what documentation to gather, such as buffer traces and a VTAM
internal trace. To diagnose transmission problems if you use TCP/IP sessions, consult with the TCP/IP
support group to determine what documentation to gather, such as an IP packet trace and a SYSTCPIP
component trace.
Note: The task under which DSIADLIN is running when it dumps storage (for RMTCMD, this is the
DSIUDST task) suppresses the creation of dumps for subsequent errors detected by DSIADLIN while the
task is active. Thus, to create another dump for this type of problem, restart the task.
Required keyword that starts or stops a diagnostic storage accounting mechanism for all tasks or the
tasks whose names match the task name, LU name, or opid pattern.
Turns on the specified accounting.
Turns off the specified accounting.
Enables or disables the accounting for all tasks.
task/LU or name/opid
Identifier of up to 8 characters which can include "?" or "*" wildcard characters.
1. Using an asterisk (*) or other general task name patterns causes higher than normal CPU utilization.
Use these only when the severity of the problem requires them.
2. Commands are cumulative, and more than one pattern can be used by using the command over to
add more patterns.
3. DSIDIAGG STORAGE with no other operands causes the active settings to be displayed.
4. If you want to diagnose a BNH160I message condition, enter a DSIDIAGG command using the LU
name, task ID, or operator ID for the task named in the BNH160I message. Then, start the task and
rerun the scenario that causes BNH160I. BNH160I contains additional data about the storage in
question. The DSIFRE service also issues diagnostic messages if discrepancies are found in the use
of DSIGET and DSIFRE for the specified task.
5. When BNH160I messages are being diagnosed, it is best to issue the DSIDIAGG command to set ON
each task indicated by a BNH160I message. This command provides information about which
program issued DSIGET and which program issued DSIFRE.
6. Diagnostics are issued by DSIFRE using the message IDs TRACEFMN, TRACEGMN, and TRACEDIA.
7. While a task is running, you can use the RID stop command to stop a task during a storage
discrepancy. The RID stop command is shown here:
RID stop provides additional information and stops a task during various DSIGET and DSIFRE
discrepancies. If it does not stop, information is written to the log and the operator. These
diagnostics are useful for testing new applications running on the NetView program.
8. DSIDIAGG STORAGE OFF * removes the diagnostic command, and eliminates the diagnostic CPU
9. Take note of the additional data produced by the BNH160I messages produced when a task ends,
and any TRACEFMN data. IBM Software Support might ask you to send a NetView log containing the
data if the modules seem to be Tivoli programs.
This message is issued when a task exceeds criteria based on the DEFAULTS or OVERRIDE command
settings. You can review the cause of BNH161I messages and take the following actions:
• Add automation to suppress the BNH161I messages that are a result of limits you want to enforce.
• Add automation to take corrective action in the event of excessive CPU, storage, or other excessive
This message indicates that the NetView region below the 16 MB line is depleted. This can be caused by
the following situations:
• Starting the NetView program with a region that is too small. MVS starts using storage below the 16 MB
line after the above 16 MB area is depleted.
• Problems in programs using below-the-line storage. Use the TASKMON command to review task
storage use.
This message indicates that the NetView region above the 16 MB line is depleted. This can mean that the
region is too small for the workload, or a task is looping or has other storage management problems. Use
the TASKMON and TASKURPT commands to review the storage usage. Consider increasing the NetView
region size the next time the NetView program is started. Use the OVERRIDE command to set limits for
the storage a task uses if a loop is suspected.
If the Dump Title indicates the error occurred during a DSIGET service request, see “DWO049W
message is received for a DSIGET request” on page 61.
3. From the IPCS Browse Option Pointer panel or IPCS Storage panel, issue the IPCS SUMMARY
subcommand to display the general purpose registers at the time the data was dumped. For example,
enter the following command:
FIND 0033
The FIND subcommand displays the problem request block (PRB) with WLIC field 0033. See reference
1 in Figure 6 on page 61.
The general purpose registers at the time the data was dumped are pointed to by the supervisor
request block (SVRB), the request block before the problem request block in the chain. See reference
2 in Figure 6 on page 61.
5. Use the general purpose registers pointed to by the SVRB to find the program that caused the storage
overlay. Record the contents of these registers by writing them down or printing the IPCS panel.
The following list shows the general-purpose registers that contain diagnostic information; they are
circled in Figure 6 on page 61 for easy reference:
Register 2
The return address of the program that issued the NetView DSIFRE service macro to free the
Register 3
The length of the storage specified on the DSIFRE macro.
Register 4
The address of the storage being freed by the NetView DSIFRE service macro.
Register 5
A pointer to the return address of the program that issued the NetView service macro DSIGET to
get the storage.
This return address might be incorrect if the program overlaid more than 4 bytes of storage. In this
case, use the NetView internal trace entry for this storage address and find the return address
after the DSIGET call.
3. If the Dump Title indicates the error occurred during a DSIFRE service request, see “DWO049W
message is received for a DSIFRE request” on page 60.
4. If the Dump Title indicates that the error occurred during DSIGET, perform the following steps:
a. Review the sequence of events before the failure.
b. Review the NetView log to determine the active commands and tasks.
c. Review the NetView trace data for DSIGET/DSIFRE activity that might point out the failing program.
d. Review any recently changed user-written programs for storage overlay problems. The problem
detected during DSIGET generally indicates that NetView Storage Management control blocks and
maps were overlaid. For example, a program owns an area of storage adjacent to NetView storage.
The program writes beyond the end of its storage and overlays NetView storage.
5. From the IPCS Browse Option Pointer panel or IPCS Storage panel, issue the IPCS SUMMARY
REGISTERS subcommand to display the general purpose registers at the time the data was dumped.
The SUMMARY subcommand displays the summary output panel. Capture the contents of these
registers by writing them down or by printing the IPCS panel.
The following list shows the general purpose registers containing diagnostic information for a NetView
DSIGET service macro failure:
Register 2
The return address (GPR 14) of the program that issued the NetView DSIGET service macro to get
the storage.
If the program did not issue a DSIGET macro, it might have called a common service routine that
issued a DSIGET on its behalf.
Register 3
The length of the storage requested by the DSIGET macro.
Register 4
The address of the fullword that the beginning address of the obtained storage is returned.
Register 5
Register 7
NetView internal failure code, reported as an odd number greater than 100. This return code is
also put into the return code field of the DSIGET trace record to identify the trace request that
Register 8
The address of the task vector block (TVB) of the program that issued the NetView DSIGET service
macro to get the storage.
6. Contact IBM Software Support if the error is persistent or seems to be caused by the NetView
Additional messages can be issued by the NetView program or other components, such as DFSMSdfp or a
security product (such as RACF®), to provide more information about the nature of the problem, as well as
the type of Canzlog archive data set (index or message) to which the error applies.
Reasons for which the NetView program would issue message DWO090A, along with some actions that
can be taken, include the following:
• Insufficient available space on the volume on which a data set is being allocated or extended. Check the
volume(s) upon which allocation was requested and either supply another volume with sufficient space
or delete data from a volume so that there is sufficient space for the data set the next time that the
NetView program attempts to allocate a Canzlog archive data set. If the data sets created by the
Canzlog archive function are managed by the Storage Management Subsystem (SMS), then it may be
necessary to examine and change a storage class or storage group selected when the Canzlog archive
data sets are allocated. If statements that can affect volume selection are changed in the NetView style
sheet, then a NetView operator can run the RESTYLE ARCHIVE command to put the changes into effect.
Examples of statements that can affect volume selection include:
– For index data sets:
– For message data sets:
These and other statements related to the Canzlog archive function are described in the sample
NetView style sheet, CNMSTYLE, as well as in the IBM Z NetView Administration Reference.
• Insufficient space defined for the data set to which the NetView program attempted to write data. The
NetView program writes up to 4096 80-byte records to an archive index data set (other than the
primary archive index data set) and writes 8192 1024-byte records to an archive message data set.
Consider the characteristics of the devices upon which the data sets are written (primary and secondary
allocation sizes, space units, and block sizes) and determine whether these devices can accommodate
these amounts of data.
If SMS is used to provide the characteristics of the data sets created by the Canzlog archive function,
then it might be necessary to change a data class or management class selected when the Canzlog
archive data sets are allocated. If a data management configuration results in the release of unused
FIND 0033
The FIND subcommand displays the Problem Request Block (PRB) with WLIC field 0033. See Figure 7
on page 66 for an example of the display.
The general purpose registers at the time the data was dumped are pointed to by the supervisor
request block (SVRB). The SVRB is the request block before the problem request block in the chain. To
display the SVRB, use the UP PF key.
3. Use the following general purpose registers pointed to by the SVRB to find the program that caused
the control block overwrite condition.
• Register 2 contains the base register (GPR 12) of the caller of the program that issued the NetView
service macro DSILCS to free the command work block (CWB) or service work block (SWB).
• Register 6 points to the work block being freed by the NetView service macro DSILCS.
• Record the contents of these registers.
4. From the IPCS Browse Option Pointer panel, select the pointer to see the IPCS Storage panel.
5. Locate the program that issued the NetView service macro DSILCS to free the work block.
• If the program that issued the NetView service macro DSILCS is a NetView module, contact IBM
Software Support.
• If the program that issued the NetView service macro DSILCS is not a NetView module, determine
why the work block freed by the DSILCS macro has been overwritten. Do this by looking at the
program that freed the work block.
a. Locate the work block that DSILCS was trying to free.
1) Look at the first word at the work block address. It is structured in the following way:
Problem Request Block (PRB) with WLIC field 0033
Supervisor Request Block (SVRB) points to the save area
Base Register (GPR 12) of the program issued the NV DSILCS free macro
Address of the NV control block DSISWB or DSICWB being freed
and possibly
which would indicate that the ARCHIVE.HLQ statement does not have a valid value. Note that the
sample CNMSTYLE shipped with the NetView program specifies ARCHIVE.WRITE = YES and has no
(uncommented) ARCHIVE.HLQ statement.
• Determine whether this instance of the NetView program was able to access the Canzlog.
When an instance of the NetView program gains access to the Canzlog, it issues this message:
If this message was not issued, the most likely reason is that there was no subsystem initialized for that
instance of the NetView program. Ensure that a statement like this:
appears in the IEFSSNxx member of PARMLIB, where xxxx is the subsystem name and matches the
corresponding characters at the beginning of the name of the start procedure for that instance of the
NetView program.
• If there was another instance of the NetView program running in the same logical partition, check its
The following display indicates that no instance of the NetView program on the logical partition can be
archiving Canzlog data:
If an MVS installation exit (for example, ISGNQXIT) changes the name of the resource that represents
archiving, specify that resource name in the RES keyword on the D GRS command.
If the service point B0488LAA resides under LU B02NV instead of under B01NV, the RUNCMD can get to
B0488LAA but the response might not be returned to A01NV. The RMTCMD logs on the operator issuing
the command. If OPER1 is logged on to A01NV and sends the RMTCMD to B01NV, OPER1 is logged on to
B01NV. If the RMTCMD finds B0488LAA on B02NV, OPER1 might not be logged on to B02NV. Therefore, if
the NetView program does not have an authorized receiver, the response is returned to its MVS console.
This problem might occur when you issue log commands that direct the responses of the commands to a
service point.
If responses are not being returned to the NetView program that issued the command, verify that the
service point specified in the RUNCMD is under the LU specified in the RMTCMD.
The NetView IPCS code is installed in the data set defined with the CNMLINK qualifier. The default for this
is NETVIEW.V6R3M0.CNMLINK; however, your data set can be different.
The NetView program provides a verb exit routine, CNMIPCS, that functions similarly to any standard
IPCS verb exit routine. The output from CNMIPCS is written to both the terminal and the IPCS print file.
All numeric values displayed in error messages are in hexadecimal.
When you run the CNMIPCS verb exit routine, the routine reads the IPCS symbols CNMASID and MVT.
If CNMASID is found, CNMIPCS uses this variable as the address space identifier (ASID) for running the
command entered.
If the MVT symbol is found and contains the same ASID as CNMASID, the symbol MVT is used as the
pointer to the NetView main vector table (MVT) control block. If CNMASID is not found, the ASID portion
of CNMASID is set to the MVT ASID.
If both symbols are not found, CNMIPCS searches for the NetView MVT control block in the default ASID
passed from IPCS. If this search is unsuccessful, CNMIPCS continues searching for the control block in
the remaining ASIDs.
If the NetView MVT control block is found, the IPCS symbol CNMASID and MVT are set and CNMIPCS runs
the requested command. Otherwise, CNMASID is set to the default ASID, a message is issued indicating
the MVT was not found, and (if it is a non-NetView specific command) the command is run.
If CNMIPCS cannot find the NetView MVT control block and you are able to locate it, you can set the MVT
symbol manually using the IPCS LITERAL command.
Note: You can modify the address space against which CNMIPCS runs (including a non-NetView address
space) by specifying the ASID verb.
By default or if you specify MENU, CNMIPCS runs the panel interface. The actions on the main panel
correspond to the verbs listed in the syntax. Some verbs do not have a corresponding selection in the
panel interface, and some functions that are available in the panel interface are not available in the verb
1. If you start CNMIPCS either with the MENU option or without any options and if an ISPF environment is
not active or the main panel is not available to TSO, CNMIPCS runs using the SUMMARY verb.
2. If you specify a verb other than MENU, the output for the specified verb is displayed and the menu is
not displayed.
3. When you specify the MENU option, a single formatting action is performed, after which CNMIPCS
ends. To perform another formatting action, run CNMIPCS again.
The syntax for the CNMIPCS routine is shown in Figure 8 on page 77.
TRTVB ( SelOp )
Chapter 6. Diagnostic tools for the NetView program 77
Summary of VERBX CNMIPCS verbs
The following list shows the verbs that can be specified on the CNMIPCS command. Unless indicated
otherwise, a selection on the main menu in the panel interface provides the same information as the verb.
Displays the main menu for the panel interface if CNMIPCS is run in an ISPF environment and the
CNMIPCS panels are available to TSO. From the main menu, you can select an action to perform. The
selections on the main menu correspond to other verbs that are available. Any information that can be
retrieved using a verb other than MENU can be retrieved using the panel interface. MENU is the
default verb.
Note: If ISPF panels cannot be displayed, SUMMARY is used as the default verb.
Changes the address space identifier (ASID) number. The CNMASID symbol is set to this address
space. If the MVT is found, the MVT symbol is also set to point to the main vector table.
For either the panel or the command-line interface, CNMIPCS formatting is performed on the
specified ASID number, until the ASID number is changed again with the ASID verb.
Displays the CPOOL storage allocation by task, subpool, and CPOOL size. This command is specific to
the NetView program.
Displays storage with offsets. As an alternative to the D verb, the panel interface provides a more
powerful storage display facility. It enables multiple storage area definitions (each with its own static
or dynamic length) and chaining of similar and dissimilar blocks of storage.
Displays summary information about task vector blocks (TVBs). This command is specific to the
NetView program.
Displays LMOD and CSECT information.
Displays the TCB and RB structure.
Displays the NetView IPCS verb exit level. The panel interface does not provide a selection that
corresponds to this verb; instead, the NetView IPCS verb exit level is always displayed near the top of
the main menu.
Displays the LRCE chain for TVBs. This command is specific to the NetView program.
Displays storage usage.
Displays status information for the session monitor. This command is specific to the NetView
Displays status information for hardware monitor. This command is specific to the NetView program.
Displays the number of messages on the queues for TVBs, and others. This command is specific to the
NetView program.
Displays the SAVEAREA trace.
Displays storage counters for TVBs. This command is specific to the NetView program.
…'DISPLAY(TVB())' Null
…'DISPLAY(TVB(0))' Zero
…'DISPLAY(TVB(100))' Decimal value
…'DISPLAY(TVB(X''64''))' Hexadecimal value
Example 2
Displaying a summary of a task with a task name of BNJDSERV:
Example 3
Using DISPLAY to read the TVB symbol and display a summary of the task with one of the following
Summary Output
Figure 9 on page 82 shows an example of the IPCS output when you issue the SUMMARY command
(VERBX CNMIPCS 'SUMMARY') or select Summary on the main menu. In the example, the IPCS symbol
MVT is defined if the main vector table (MVT) is found. IPCS symbols TVB, TIB, and TCB are defined for
the last abending NetView task found.
The following list shows the field descriptions:
Control block name
Offset of address into control block
CSECT name
Date of CSECT
Offset of address into CSECT
PTF level of CSECT
TVB 40250 IND1-4 00008100 TIB 1179A0 TCB 8D5BB0 OPT 5 DSIQTSK DSIQTSK
REG 0 06BA2610
REG 1 00000000 a b
REG 2 0000AB90 DSIMVT +0000
REG 4 06D10030
REG 5 06BDE030
REG 6 00114F74
REG 7 00114F74
REG 8 06BA2100
REG 9 00114F74 c d e f
REG A 06560D7E DSIQTSKI 2009.096 +1FFE TIVNV63
REG B 0655FD7F DSIQTSKI 2009.096 +0FFF TIVNV63
REG C 0655ED80 DSIQTSKI 2009.096 +0000 TIVNV63
REG D 06BA2580
REG E 8655FBC8 DSIQTSKI 2009.096 +0E48 TIVNV63
REG F 00000001
NetView IPCS version NV63 PTF level TIVNV63 Time-Date 08.32 05/18/19
If the MVT is found in the specified ASID, the SUMMARY command is run. If the MVT is not found in the
specified ASID, a warning message is issued and the SUMMARY command is run.
NetView IPCS version NV63 PTF level TIVNV63 Time-Date 17.41 03/20/19
CPOOL output
Issuing the CPOOL command or selecting Task CPOOL information on the main menu displays CPOOL
storage allocation by task, subpool, and CPOOL size.
Figure 11 on page 83 shows an example of the output when you run the CNMIPCS routine with the
CPOOL command using the default option of ACTIVE:
See “Options for some CNMIPCS verbs” on page 79 for other options that can be specified. The following
list shows the field descriptions:
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
000000 00 8 5 3B 5 50 1B0 0 0
000000 00 18 5 9 6 A0 60 0 0
000000 00 30 4 4 5 E8 0 0 0
000000 00 60 3C8B 3CDE 3C8B 16EDF0 F60 28 FC0
Note: The D command displays storage only in 4-word multiples; therefore, it truncates X''33'' to X''30''.
The following list shows the field descriptions:
Storage address
Storage in hexadecimal
a b c d
00007CD0 - 0000 - F1000D90 D5E5F6F2 00000000 05845230 | 1...NV63.....d.. |
00007CE0 - 0010 - 858B3610 858B86B0 05720150 05720158 | e...e.f....&.... |
00007CF0 - 0020 - 000419F8 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ...8............ |
Instead, you can select Task summary on the main menu; when you do that, the Task Selection panel is
displayed so that you can select the active TVBs or any subset of tasks.
The example shows the output produced when you run the CNMIPCS routine with the DISPLAY command
using the default option of ACTIVE. See “Options for some CNMIPCS verbs” on page 79 for other options
that can be specified. The following list shows the field descriptions:
The TVB address.
Flags from TVB (TVBIND1 — TVBIND4).
The TIB address.
The TCB address.
The task type.
The TVB task priority. For MVS dispatching priority, subtract this number from 255.
The LU name of the task.
The operator ID or task name of the task.
Figure 13. Example for Output from the IPCS DISPLAY Command
DISPMOD output
Figure 14 on page 86 shows an example of the LMOD and CSECT information displayed when you run
CNMIPCS with the DISPMOD command:
Instead, you can select Load module/CSECT (DISPMOD) on the main menu.
The following list shows the field descriptions:
Load module name
Starting address of load module
Ending address of load module
CSECT name.
Starting address of CSECT
Offset of CSECT into load module
Date in CSECT
PTF level in CSECT.
1. If no CSECT name is found in the load module, the CSECT column entry contains the load module
name; the ADDRESS column entry is zero and the DATE column entry contains LMOD.
2. The DISPMOD command uses a best guess algorithm and therefore might display erroneous
information for some CSECTs or load modules.
Instead, you can select TCB and RB structure on the main menu. If you do that, the Task Selection panel
is displayed so that you can select the active TVBs or any subset of tasks, as long as the NetView program
is the target address space. If the NetView program is not the target address space, you must specify the
address of a TCB on the Task Selection panel.
The following example shows the output when you use the LEVEL command to run the CNMIPCS routine:
NetView IPCS version NV63 PTF level TIVNV63 Time-Date 08.32 8/18/19
Note: Because the level information is displayed on the main menu, a corresponding selection is not
available on the main menu.
Instead, you can select Task LRCE information on the main menu. If you do that, the Task Selection
panel is displayed so that you can select the active TVBs or any subset of tasks.
See “Options for some CNMIPCS verbs” on page 79 for other options that can be specified on the LRCE
command. The following list shows the field descriptions:
The TVB address
The flags from TVB (TVBIND1 - TVBIND4)
The TIB address
The TCB address
The task type
The task priority
The LU name of the task
The operator ID or task name of the task
The LRCE address
The name associated with LRCE
The command list block address
The address of the first of a chain of blocks containing the command procedure in storage
The name of the procedure represented by this CLIST block (CLB)
The type (CLIST or REXX)
The load mode (LOCAL if loaded for this execution, or GLOBAL if loaded with LOADCL)
a b c d e f g h
TVB 39440 IND1-4 80089400 TIB CB338 TCB BC6510 OST 0 ALEXF KATIEF
i j
k l m n o
Figure 17 on page 88 shows an example of the output when you run the CNMIPCS routine using the MAP
Figure 18 on page 88 is an example of the output when you run the CNMIPCS routine using the
MAP(sum) command:
No of ASB control blocks AD0 ASB cnt blk highwater mark AE5
No of SESS being filtered 0 SESS filter highwater mark 0
No of SESS with host endpt AC9 No SESS keeping RTM data 1F
No of SESS keep-g XNET dat 0 No of SESS keep-g DOM dat 95C
No of SSCP-SSCP sessions 4 SSCP-SSCP highwater mark 4
No of SSCP-PU sessions 5 SSCP-PU highwater mark 5
No of SSCP-LU sessions F3 SSCP-LU highwater mark F5
No of LU-LU sessions 9CD LU-LU highwater mark 9E0
No of SESS wait-g for VSAM 6 Record queue h-water mark 17
No of SESS KEEP-G acnt dat AD0
No of ARB control blocks 88C ARB cnt blk highwater mark 8A4
No of SSCP ARBS 5 SSCP ARB highwater mark 5
No of PU ARBS 5 PU ARB highwater mark 5
No of LU ARBS 869 LU ARB highwater mark 881
No of LINK ARBS 19 LINK ARB highwater mark 19
No of bytes for RTM data 9B0 No of bytes for SESS parms 3C8CA
No of bytes for TRACE data 6758C2 No of bytes for ACCT data 22000
No of bytes ASB cnt blk B6000 No of bytes ARB cnt blk 3D000
NPDA output
Figure 20 on page 91 shows an example of the hardware monitor output from IPCS when you run the
CNMIPCS routine with the NPDA command:
Instead, you can select Task message queue information on the main menu. If you do that, the Task
Selection panel is displayed so that you can select the active TVBs or any subset of tasks.
See “Options for some CNMIPCS verbs” on page 79 for other options that can be specified. The following
list shows the field descriptions:
The TVB address.
The operator ID (task name) of the task.
TVBMPUBQ - The number of messages on the TVB public message queue.
TVBMPUBH - The number of messages on the TVB high priority public queue. The data services tasks
(DSTs) high priority message queue is the TIDOSTQ. TVBMPUBH is not used by DSTs.
TVBMPUBL - The number of messages on the TVB low priority public queue. The data services tasks
(DSTs) low priority message queue is the TIDPPTQ. TVBMPUBL is not used by DSTs.
TVBMPRIQ - The number of messages on the TVB private message queue.
TVBMPRQH - The number of messages on the TVB high priority private queue.
TVBMPRQL - The number of messages on the TVB low priority private queue.
Note: Some queues apply only to certain tasks. These special queues are displayed under the task to
which they apply if they have any items on the queues.
S/A 06BA2580
R14= DSIQTSKI 2009.096 +0E48 TIVNV63 R15=
00000000 BAC 06BA2060 FOR 06A54938 R14 8655FBC8
R15 00000000 R0 06BA2610 R1 06A548F8 R2 00000000
R3 00000000 R4 06A54A4C R5 00114F08 R6 00040250
R7 00006DC8 R8 06BA2100 R9 000060C8 R10 06560D7E
R11 0655FD7F R12 0655ED80
S/A 06BA2060
R14= DSIQTSK 2009.096 +0258 TIVNV63 R15=DSIQTSKI 2009.096 +0000 TIVNV63
00000000 BAC 000372B0 FOR 06BA2580 R14 8655AB40
R15 0655ED80 R0 06BA2466 R1 06BA20F0 R2 00000001
R3 00040250 R4 00000000 R5 000060C8 R6 00040250
R7 00006DC8 R8 00000000 R9 06BA2100 R10 06BA2108
R11 0655B8E7 R12 8655A8E8
Instead, you can select Task storage counters on the main menu. If you do that, the Task Selection panel
is displayed so that you can select the active TVBs or any subset of tasks.
See “Options for some CNMIPCS verbs” on page 79 for other options that can be specified. The following
list shows the field descriptions:
The TVB address.
The operator ID or task name of the task.
TVBCUPOL is the amount of queued cell-pool storage in use by this task.
The amount of queued non-cell pool storage in use by this task.
a b c d e f
TVB 5968 SYSOP 6FFA 0 10A20D 0
TVB 4B918 C01NVPPT 10FF3 E828 B9C0 1
TVB 21E00 DSIDCBMT 0 0 C00 0
TVB 21C00 DSIHLLMT 0 0 C00 0
TVB 21A00 DSISTMMT 0 0 C00 0
TVB 21800 SYSOP 0 0 C00 0
TVB 21600 C01NV 0 0 276C 0
TVB 21400 DSILOGMT 0 9C CA8 0
TVB 4BB10 DSILOG 4FFB 1F28 1800 0
TVB 4BD08 DSICRTR 3FFC 284A 18C8 0
TVB 4BF00 DSITRACE 2FFD 1F28 1800 0
TVB 4C4E8 DSISVRT 7FF9 12DE6 1800 0
TVB 4C6E0 DSIGDS 8FF8 284A 1800 0
TVB 4CCC8 BNJMNPDA 0 6000 C00 0
TVB 4CEC0 C01NVLUC 4FFB 2ED4 9281 0
TVB 4D0B8 C01NVVMT 6FF9 3355 17419 0
TVB 4D2B0 C01NVBRW 1FFE 0 C00 0
TVB 4D4A8 DSIUDST 2FFD 2E12 1800 0
TVB 4D6A0 CNMTAMEL 31FE3 54A04 1E566 B
TVB 4D898 DSI6DST 6FF9 4E12 5FE0 0
TVB 4DA90 DSIHPDST 3FFC 4E12 1800 0
TVB 4E270 DSIROVS 1FFE 247A 1800 0
TVB 4E468 DSIELTSK FFF 2C2A 1800 0
TVB 4E660 AAUTSKLP 14FF3 13523A 8214 0
TVB 4E858 AAUTCNMI 7FF9 1F3A6 1800 0
TVB 4EC48 DSIKREM 1FFE 3956 1800 0
TVB 4F038 DSIQTSK 4FFC 1000 2A00 0
TVB 4F230 DUIFSSCO 2FFD 0 3146 0
TVB 74010 KATHI2 19FF1 10038 CA51 0
TVB 21200 AUTO1 13FF3 E848 4934 0
TVB 21000 AUTO2 7FF9 0 D24 0
TVB 22080 DUIFEAUT 6FFA 0 9282 0
TVB 25080 DUIFCSGW BFF5 0 F53 0
TVB 5B080 DBAUTO1 FFF4 E828 4AD8 0
TVB 5C010 DBAUTO2 FFF4 E828 47F4 0
TVB 5D010 SSMMON 13FF3 28B5C 299A 0
TVB 60010 AUTONET 17FF2 FFB8 2504 0
TVB 646D0 KATIE EFF5 E828 D24 0
TVB 644D0 ALEX 7FF9 0 D24 0
TVB 642D0 ROB 7FF9 0 D24 0
TVB 640D0 MARYANNE 7FF9 0 D24 0
TVB 67010 SADIE 7FF9 0 D24 0
TVB 736D0 THOMAS AFF6 E828 D24 0
Instead, you can select Auto table usage on the main menu.
PN10969 00000000 00000076
PN10969 00000000 00000076
04410IMS 00000000 00000076
PN10969 00000000 00000076
Trace output
The following symbols are set if the NetView internal trace is found:
Contains the address of the trace table header.
Contains the address of the first trace table entry.
Contains the address of the next available entry in the trace table.
Contains the address of the last trace table entry.
Figure 25 on page 94 shows an example of the output you receive from the CNMIPCS routine when you
run IPCS with a select option as in the following TRACE command, which can narrow your selection to a
specific TVB:
Instead, you can select NetView Internal Trace on the main menu. If you do that, the Trace Option
Selection panel is displayed where you must choose one or more trace options, and then the Task
Selection panel is displayed so that you can select the active TVBs or any subset of tasks.
Figure 25. Example of Output from IPCS TRACE Command Using a Select Option
Figure 26 on page 95 shows the output from the CNMIPCS routine when you run IPCS with this TRACE
command using a trace option:
Figure 26. Example of Output from IPCS TRACE Command Using a Trace Option
Instead, you can select the Find module/control block name on the main menu.
a b c d e f g h
DSIZVINT 00010E20 00018FFF DSIZVEDS 00011A60 +0008 09.102 TIVNV63
Operators can enable the NetView program to write command statistics data into z/OS SMF records.
These records give you many resource usage statistics of each NetView command or procedure, such as
command name, CPU, storage, I/O, etc. These records contain SMF records type 38 subtype 4, and can
be viewed with a standard SMF reporting tool. Use these statistics when a loop condition, storage outage,
or other performance problems are evident. You can figure out how the resource is consumed by every
NetView command and procedure at time interval basis. Furthermore, you can check them along with
other SMF or RMF data to discover system activities with performance issues. For more information, see
IBM Z NetView Command Reference Volume 1 (A-N) and the CMDMON command in the IBM Z NetView
Administration Reference.
You can dynamically specify the events to be traced using the TRACE command. Use the trace with
available service aids, such as the network log and a memory dump, to assist in resolving a problem.
DSILOG 08/18/19 NCAB 12:48:55 L MENT D4C5D5E3 81F216C8 00069BD8 0009ED14 0009ED24 81F2B3FE C4E2C9C7
L 12:48:55 L GET. C7C5E300 81F2B3FE 00069BD8 00000000 02297410 00000070 00000000
12:48:55 L MXIT D4E7C9E3 81F21CA4 00069BD8 00000000 0009ED24 81F2B3FE C4E2C9C7
M 12:48:55 L MQS D4D8E240 81F04EEC 00069BD8 02297410 C4E2C9D3 D6C74040 E5C1D340
004C0070 00C90024 1248550C D5C3C1C2 40404040 00000000 00000000
.<...I......NCAP ........VAL
40404040 00100086 086F1248 550C0000 00000000 00000032 404ED5C3
...F.?.............. +NCAB00
N 12:48:55 L MENT D4C5D5E3 81F32518 00069BD8 0009ED14 0009ED24 81F28FD8 C4E2C9D7
DSILOG 12:48:55 L DISP C4C9E2D7 82D80618 00067270 80067290 40000000 00000000 C4D2C9D3
DISPB........... .......DSILOG
12:48:55 L MXIT D4E7C9E3 81F49906 00067270 806D96D8 0001075C 82080618 C4E2C9E6
12:48:55 L MENT D4C5D5E3 81F21058 00067270 0001D74C 0001075C 80072EDE C4E2C9C6
O 12:48:55 L FRE. C6D9C500 80072EDE 00067270 00000000 0005F8B0 000000F4 8007299C
12:48:55 L MXIT D4E7C9E3 81F2165C 00067270 00000000 0001D75C 80072EDE C4E2C9C6
12:48:55 L MXIT D4E7C9E3 82084854 00067270 00000000 0001D40C 82080AB8 C4E2C9E6
12:48:55 L MENT D4C5D5E3 81F497B0 00067270 0001D74C 0001D75C 82080618 C4E2C9E6
P 12:48:55 L WAT E6C1E340 82080618 00067270 00016A70 00000000 00000000 C4E2C9D3
WAT B...................DSILOG
12:48:55 L DISP C4C9E2D7 82080618 00067270 000169D0 40000000 00000000 C4E2C9D3
DISP............ .......DSILOG
DWO083I R13 0EB00748 R14 8D95C608
DWO083I R13 0EB00748 R14 8D95C608
For comparison, here are module entry and exit trace entries as they are displayed when formatted in a
memory dump by the NetView CNMIPCS IPCS verb exit routine.
Comparison notes:
• The address preceding the MENT and MXIT in the CNMIPCS verb exit trace entries is the address of the
NetView internal trace entry in the internal trace table. The MONOPER tracing is independent of the
type of trace (MODE=INT, EXT, or GTF) that is active, so this address is not displayed in the MONOPER
trace entries.
• The CNMIPCS verb exit trace entries often display a module name, compilation date, and offset that are
not displayed in the MONOPER trace entries.
DWO083I POS ECB 000766F0 COMP 00000000 RET 8D59BD04 TVB 0007C080
DWO083I WAT ECB 0EF1D158 COMP 00000000 RET 8D5D0CD8 TVB 0007C080
DWO083I DISP ECB 800766F0 COMP 40000000 RET 8EB35292 TVB 000766D0
DWO083I BFR 0DD38568 First 64 bytes of buffer:
DWO083I 0000 - 01010128 00C90024 1612280C D5E3E5C4 |**** I *****NTVD|
DWO083I 0010 - F5404040 00000000 00000000 D5C5E3D6 |5 NETO|
DWO083I 0020 - D7F14040 0003C2D5 D1E4D5E2 D6D34069 |P1 *BNJUNSOL |
DWO083I 0030 - 03003E26 D9E50000 0000C2D5 D1C3D5D7 |* **RV BNJCNP|
DWO083I PSS BFR 0DA66268 TYPE 02000000 REPLY 000000 OPER NETOP1
DWO083I RET 8D773AD4 TVB 0007C080 First 64 bytes of buffer:
DWO083I 0000 - 00DC0100 00C90024 1613570C D5E3E5C4 | * I *** *NTVD|
DWO083I 0010 - F5404040 00000000 00000000 D5C5E3D6 |5 NETO|
DWO083I 0020 - D7F14040 00170000 00000000 00000000 |P1 * |
DWO083I 0030 - 00000000 0DA6B5C8 0DA6B5C8 00000000 | *w H*w H |
DWO083I RET 0D7A2108 TVB 0007C080 First 64 bytes of buffer:
DWO083I 0000 - 00540082 00D8002E 1623440C D5E3E5C4 | b Q *** *NTVD|
DWO083I 0010 - F5404040 0000000E 00000000 D5E3E5C4 |5 * NTVD|
DWO083I 0020 - F5D7D7E3 00000000 00000000 0000C9E2 |5PPT IS|
DWO083I 0030 - E3F5F2F6 C94040D9 D6E4E3C5 40C6C1C9 |T526I ROUTE FAI|
DWO089I TASL not currently decoded. The trace record follows:
DWO083I 0000 - E3C1E2D3 8D6A586C 000706D0 00000001 |TASL % **} *|
DWO083I 0010 - 00000000 0DDD396C 00000000 00000000 | * *% |
DWO083I 0020 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | |
DWO083I 0030 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | |
Description: See:
DISPATCH trace record “DSIWAT/DSIPOS/DISPATCH trace record” on
page 114
DSIFRE trace record “DSIGET/DSIFRE trace record” on page 114
DSIGET trace record “DSIGET/DSIFRE trace record” on page 114
DSIMQS trace record “Message Queuing Service (MQS) trace record” on
page 111
DSIPOS trace record “DSIWAT/DSIPOS/DISPATCH trace record” on
page 114
DSIPSS trace record “DSIPSS trace record” on page 115
DSIWAT trace record “DSIWAT/DSIPOS/DISPATCH trace record” on
page 114
Installation exit trace record “Installation Exit (UX) trace record” on page 112
Internal trace dataspace information “Internal trace dataspace information” on page
LUC macro invocation trace record “LUC macro invocation trace record” on page 110
LUC receive exit trace record “LUC receive exit trace records” on page 110
Module entry trace record “Module entry and module exit trace record” on
page 113
Module exit trace record “Module entry and module exit trace record” on
page 113
NetView trace table header record “NetView trace table header record” on page 109
SAF trace record “Security Authorization Facility trace record” on
page 140
SNA topology storage request trace record “SNA Topology Manager NetView trace entries” on
page 148
Status monitor internal trace record “Status Monitor internal trace records” on page
TCP/IP related trace record “IP Services trace records” on page 117
TIME trace record “TIME trace record” on page 117
VPDTASK trace record “VPDTASK trace record” on page 112
X'04' Resource ID
X'08' Return address of invoking module
8-byte target transaction program name if request is ALLOCATE
X'04' SRCD
= Receive async completed
= Before sending
= Send async failed
= Receive async failed
= Check for send failed
= Check for receive failed
X'08' RPL
= An RPL is being snapped
= An RU is being snapped
The exit number is designated in hexadecimal X'01' to X'15' for DSIEX01 through DSIEX21 (DSIEX02A is
traced with X'02'). For data services task (DST) exits, this field is designated in hexadecimal as follows:
• XITDI (DST initialization exit)=X'E9'
• XITVN (VSAM initialization exit)=X'EA'
• XITVI (VSAM input exit)=X'EB'
• XITVO (VSAM output exit)=X'EC'
• XITCI (CNM interface input exit)=X'ED'
• XITCO (CNM interface output exit)=X'EE'
• XITXL (External log exit)=X'F0'
• XITBN (Sequential log initialization installation exit)=X'F1'
• XITBO (Sequential log output installation exit)=X'F2'
Note: The last byte in this group indicates the DSIGET or DSIFRE reason code. If the value is an odd
number greater than 100, it indicates an internal failure code for a DSIGET. If the value is an odd number
less than 100, it indicates an internal failure code for a DSIFRE.
Additional Data (64 bytes) that varies according to the type code:
Type Code
Additional Data Description
INPUT (X'01')
64 bytes of data formatted as follows:
4-byte length of input area
4-byte length of input received
1-56 bytes of input data
OUTPUT (X'02')
First 64 bytes of NetView buffer.
First 64 bytes of NetView buffer.
First 64 bytes of NetView buffer.
64 bytes of data formatted as follows:
First 20 bytes of ASYPANEL parameter list
4 bytes of data that have no meaning
0-40 bytes of the data to be sent to the terminal
The following IOCTL REQARG tables map to the REQARG Details entry (offset X'34') in the IOCTL Trace
Table 44 on page 126 is the REQARG mapping for SIOCGHOMEIF6:
Table 46 on page 126 is the REQARG mapping for SIOCGIFADDR, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, and
The following SETSOCKOPT option value tables map to the option value entry (X'34') in the SETSOCKOPT
trace record.
The following SETSOCKOPT option value mapping is for the following options:
The following SETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following SETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following SETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following SETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following SETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following SETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following GETSOCKOPT option value tables map to the Option Value entry (offset X'18') in the
GETSOCKOPT trace record.
The following GETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following GETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following GETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following GETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following GETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following GETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following GETSOCKOPT Option Value Mapping is for the following options:
The following IOCTL RETARG tables map to the RETARG Details entry (offset X'1C') in the IOCTL trace
The following table shows the RETARG Mapping for FIONREAD:
The following table shows the RETARG Mapping for SIOCGIFADDR, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, and
The output trace record field names for this mapping are the field names defined by the EZBZTLSP macro.
For more information, see the z/OS Communications Server library.
Note: Multiple type-3 records might be required if the value is greater than 80 bytes. For the RMTOPS
class, the POST record does not contain profile information.
Note: Multiple type-2 records might be required if the value is greater than 80 bytes.
Note: Multiple type-3 records might be required if the value is greater than 80 bytes.
Note: Multiple type-3 records might be required if the value is greater than 80 bytes.
In Figure 34 on page 150, message CNM998E indicates that the abend occurred in the command
procedure TEST that has an entry point address 02522BA8. Message CNM983E indicates that the
command procedure successfully entered and exited subroutine SR01 and then entered subroutine
SR03, but did not exit it. This indicates that the abend occurred in subroutine SR03.
Message CNM999E indicates that the ID of the last HLL service routine entered is X'001'. The final entry
in the last CNM999E message is only for use by IBM Software Support. See Table 115 on page 151 to
correlate the ID (X'001') with the service routine CNMCMD. This is the service routine that the TEST
command procedure was running at the time of the abend. The return address from the service routine is
82522F4E. From the return address, you can compute the offset in the user code from which the service
was run.
Note: HLL service routine TIMEP is for IBM Software Support use only.
Understanding the PPI Trace Anchor Block and the PPI Trace Table
The PPI trace table resides in the subsystem interface (SSI) address space and is anchored by the PPI
trace anchor block. The PPI trace anchor block:
• Resides in the common storage area in MVS
• Contains the following pointers:
– The first pointer points to the address of the PPI trace table.
– The second pointer points to the last PPI trace record written to the trace table.
• Contains information about the status of the PPI trace
To run CNMS4501 as an IPCS GTF formatter exit, link edit the CNMS4501 sample as IMDUSRDB into the
system link library, then go to the IPCS command line and enter the following command:
GTF DSNAME(gtf_data_set_name)
Figure 36 on page 156 is an example of the output from the CNMS4501 installation exit.
Figure 36. Example of the Output from the CNMS4501 Installation Exit
Use Table 116 on page 157 to locate examples of problems you might encounter in the sysplex. To use
the table, do the following steps:
1. Locate your problem scenario using the first two columns.
• Problem Category
Arranged alphabetically
• Problem Scenario
– Arranged (first) according to where the symptom shows
– (Then) arranged alphabetically
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you are unable to solve your problem by using the examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2,
“Classifying problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23
before contacting IBM Software Support.
Make sure that the z/OS Communications Server profile includes the NETMONITOR statement so that
profile updates are sent to the NetView program.
2. If real-time sysplex updates are not being received, make sure the z/OS Communications Server
NETMONITOR SMFSERVICE DVIPA statement is configured in the TCP/IP profile.
For information about configuring the NetView program to receive and process configuration updates
from the z/OS Communications Server, see IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring Additional
The first check should be the status of data collection for the zERT function. It can be checked by issuing
LIST CONNSEC and examining the returned status. If the status is INACTIVE, there are several possible
• Ensure that the CONNSEC subtower under TCPIPCOLLECT is enabled.
• Ensure that the CONNSEC-related statements in the CNMSTYLE concatenation that require a TCP/IP
stack name are using the correct stack name. The major statements are CONNSEC.KEEP and the
function.autotask.CONNSEC statements. By default, NetView program supports one TCP/IP stack with a
name of TCPIP. The default statements must be updated with the correct TCPIP name and additional
statements added for additional stacks.
• A CONNSEC START command has not been issued. Unless INIT.CONNSEC = YES is specified in the
CNMSTYLE statement or an included member, the CONNSEC command must be issued manually.
• CONNSEC START is failing. A common reason for this failure is misconfiguration in the TCPIP profile. If
the NETMONITOR and GLOBALCONFIG statement do not specify zERT support, the CONNSEC
command will fail with messages BNH601 and DSI416 indicating an AF/UNIX socket connection failure.
If this occurs, correct the TCPIP profile configuration and refresh TCPIP.
• The autotask needed for zERT may not be defined. The default autotask is AUTOCSEC for zERT.
If zERT data collection is active but data is missing, make sure that CONNSEC.KEEP statements are coded
that will collect the desired data. LIST CONNSEC will display the KEEP values in effect.
If zERT data collection is active, but data is not showing up in the TEP:
• Make sure that the required CONNSEC subtower under the TEMA tower is active.
• zERT data in the TEP also requires TCP connection data. Make sure that active TCP connection data
collection is enabled and active.
• Make sure NetView has an active connection with the TEMA.
3. Check the log during NetView initialization for errors relating to the DSIXCFMT task or the START
XCFGROUP command.
4. Make sure the XCF.RANK CNMSTYLE statement is set to a value other than -1.
This chapter provides information about the various tools and commands available to assist the diagnosis
and debugging of problems with sysplex and IP management commands and functions.
CNMTRACE provides tracing information for host commands that are related to Z NetView Enterprise
Management Agent (NetView agent) functions, for 3270 DVIPA commands, and for some sysplex data
processing execs.
To see the DVIPA event (z/OS Communications Server DVIPA SNMP trap, DVIPA TCP/IP profile update, or
sysplex monitoring message) that you received and for which the NetView program is to rediscover DVIPA
information, enable the CNMTRACE.DVIPEVNT or CNMTRACE.DVIPEVNT.opid DEBUG option.
The following REXX exec can be used to control the CNMTRACE function:
/* This exec starts debug tracing for EMA-related and DVIPA host
commands. */
/* Input is as
follows: */
/* command , option,
opid */
/* The following commands are currently
supported: */
/* The following options are
valid: */
/* YES or ON : provides information upon entry and exit of the
exec */
/* DEBUG : provides YES-level information plus additional
debugging */
/* information such as data returned from data collector
execs. */
/* OFF or NO : turns off
tracing */
/* The opid parameter is optional; if omitted, all operator IDs will be traced.
If */
/* provided, only the opid provided will be
traced. */
arg input
parse var input cmd ‘,’ debugopt ‘,’ operid
if operid <> ‘’ then
operid = ‘.’||strip(operid)
'pipe lit /’debugopt’/ | var (common) cnmtrace.’cmd||operid
exit 0
RXTRACE provides entry/exit and program trace capability for REXX execs and command lists. This
support is shipped in most IP management commands, as well as in other base NetView commands.
Tracing can be set for a single operator, all operators, or for a series of operators.
Workspace issues
There are log and trace functions available on the workstation for issues related to the workspace.
For additional diagnostic commands, see Appendix A, “Diagnostic command summary,” on page 539.
This section provides information that you can use to diagnose and debug problems related to the GDPS
Continuous Availability solution.
If the NetView program is unable to become the enterprise master for Active/Active data, it logs message
AQN015E. This problem is typically caused by configuration errors, but can also occur when the NetView
program is not in the master role in its XCF group, or when another NetView instance has taken over as
enterprise master. These errors occur during NetView initialization or processing of a RESTYLE ENT
To verify that the NetView program is in the master role, issue the LIST STATUS=XCFGRPS command, and
confirm that the ROLE column in the command output specifies M or EM.
If another NetView program is the enterprise master, BNH907I messages appear in the log.
The AQN015E message is typically caused by configuration errors. If the ACTIVEACTIVE tower and the
ACTIVEACTIVE.LIFELINE subtower are not enabled, the DSI047E message appears in the log.
Configuration errors can occur when the ACTIVEACTIVE tower and ACTIVEACTIVE.LIFELINE are coded,
but the required ENT statements are not valid or are missing.
Chapter 9. Diagnosing NetView problems related to the GDPS Active/Active Continuous Availability solution 169
Displays information that was sent to the Multi-site Workload Lifeline product from an EIF event. The
EIF event was sent from a replication product.
Displays information that was sent to the Multi-site Workload Lifeline product and to the GDPS
product from an EIF event. The EIF event was sent from a replication product.
Turns off debug tracing
Use the worksheet in this chapter to collect the information required to determine the cause of failures
within the NetView management console topology server and console.
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If more information is required, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
The following information is required for all problems:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Host
• Component ID:
• Recommended service update (RSU) level:
4. Workstation Service Level:
a. To determine the service level for NetView management console, see Environment Information in
the NetView management console online help.
b. To determine the service level for the topology console, refer to file TDS\client\bin
c. To determine the service level for the topology server, refer to file TDS\server\bin
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. The platform and level you are using:
2. The personal computer you are using:
3. How much memory is installed on your personal computer?
4. How many bytes of free disk space do you have for each drive being used?
5. Have you recently changed the system? If so, have you:
• Changed or added hardware?
• Applied software maintenance?
• Added user written code (plug-ins or Java™ applications)?
• Other changes?
6. The speed of the computer you are using:
Rename and save available workstation log files for later diagnosis.
Problem classification
This section addresses the following problem classifications:
• Processor traps
• Message problems
• Loop problems
• Wait problems
• Incorrect output problems
• Performance problems
• Documentation problems
Look at the problem classification that matches the symptoms associated with your problem.
Processor traps
For abends or processor exception problems, respond to the following questions or tasks and, if
appropriate, record the answers:
1. What is the trap code?
2. What processes were taking place at the time of the abend or trap?
3. For the topology console, what is the Java stack trace for exceptions? Recreate the problem by setting
the TCONSOLE_JAVAOPTS environment variable to -Djava.compiler=NONE.
Message problems
For message problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• Error codes:
2. Review the message in the NetView management console online help to determine user action.
• What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
– Commands:
– Other:
• If the message was unexpected and cannot be corrected by following the actions in the NetView
management console online help, collect the following documentation before calling IBM Software
– A copy of the appropriate workstation error logs. For the server, these files are in the %BINDIR
%/TDS/Server/log directory.
tserver utility -f
Wait problems
For wait problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. What is the scenario leading to the problem?
Performance problems
For performance problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Obtain a copy of the appropriate workstation error logs.
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual.
2. Identify the location (chapter and section name) of the error in the manual.
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the NetView program, call IBM Software Support.
For help panel problems, perform the following tasks:
1. Identify the location of the panel.
2. Describe the problem the error caused.
3. If the problem affects the operation or use of the NetView management console, call IBM Software
This chapter contains the worksheet you can use to collect the information required to determine the
cause of failures within the Graphic Monitor Facility host subsystem (GMFHS).
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
The following information is required for all problems:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Component ID:
4. Recommended service update (RSU) level:
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. Operating system and RSU level:
2. Access method and maintenance level:
3. Other products and their maintenance level:
GMFHS information
1. Did the GMFHS data model load successfully?
2. Have you modified the GMFHS data model? If so, what was added or changed?
3. Did you receive a GMFHS message at the system console?
GMFHS messages are in the range between DUI3900-DUI4099 and DUI4200-DUI4499.
RODM applications
1. Are you running any other RODM applications?
2. Can you remove one or more RODM applications and re-create the problem?
RODM methods
1. Are you running any user-written methods with RODM? If so, which ones?
2. Can you bypass these and successfully run the function you are attempting?
Problem classification
This section addresses the following problem classifications:
• Abend problems (processor exception/trap/fault)
• Message Problems
• Loop Problems
• Wait Problems
• Incorrect Output Problems
• Performance Problems
• Documentation Problems
Look at the problem classification that matches the symptoms associated with your problem:
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• Does the message contain any return codes, reason codes, feedback codes, error codes, or sense
information? List the codes or information.
2. Check the message in the online help to determine user action.
3. What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
• Methods:
• RODM Load Utility:
• Other:
4. If the message was unexpected and cannot be corrected by following the actions in the online help,
collect the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A hardcopy of the network log
• The message ID:
• The exact text of the message on the log
• A completed GMFHS problem worksheet
• A copy of the GMFHS job output
• The GMFHS initialization member (DSIPARM member DUIGINIT)
• A copy of the RODM log
• The RODM checkpoint data sets (if applicable)
• The RODM loader input data sets and output listing (if applicable)
• The customization member (EKGCUST)
5. Did you follow the actions in the NetView online help? If so:
• What occurred?
• Is this what was expected?
• If not, what was expected?
6. Did the message text differ from what was published?
• Has local modification been made to change the message text?
• Has an update been made to the system that might have changed the message?
Loop problems
For loop problems, complete the following:
1. What events led up to the loop?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. If this is a method loop (see “Documenting LOOP problems” on page 35), obtain the following
Chapter 11. Graphic Monitor Facility Host Subsystem problem worksheet 179
• A document describing the scenario leading to the problem
• A hardcopy of the system log
• The addresses of instructions within the loop:
• A memory dump obtained by using the CPU RESTART function
• The GMFHS initialization member (DSIPARM member DUIGINIT)
• A copy of the RODM log
• The RODM checkpoint data sets (if applicable)
• The RODM loader input data sets and output listing (if applicable)
• The customization member (EKGCUST)
5. What are the modules involved in the loop?
6. What are the dates that the modules were compiled?
7. What are the PTF levels of the modules involved in the loop?
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following:
1. What is the scenario leading to the problem?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. Collect the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the system console log
• A copy of the system console memory dump
• A completed GMFHS problem worksheet
• A copy of the GMFHS job output
• The GMFHS initialization member (DSIPARM member DUIGINIT)
• A copy of any GMFHS trace output
• A copy of the RODM log
• The RODM checkpoint data sets (if applicable)
• The RODM loader input data sets and output listing (if applicable)
• The customization member (EKGCUST)
5. What is the name of the module in which the wait occurred?
6. What is the date that the module was compiled?
7. What is the PTF level of the module involved?
8. What is the offset into the module where the wait occurred?
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Collect the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the GMFHS job output
• The GMFHS initialization member (DSIPARM member DUIGINIT)
• A copy of the RODM trace
• The customization member (EKGCUST)
• A copy of the RODM log containing log record type 8 lock and storage statistics
• The RODM checkpoint data sets (if applicable)
• The RODM loader input data sets and output listing (if applicable)
• Information describing your RODM operating environment
• Descriptions of any modifications to your system
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual or the number of the online help
panel involved.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the NetView program, call IBM Software Support.
5. If the problem is with an online help panel, call IBM Software Support.
Chapter 11. Graphic Monitor Facility Host Subsystem problem worksheet 181
182 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for
NetView management console and GMFHS
This section provides problem scenarios and resolutions that you can use to locate examples of problems
you might encounter when using the NetView management console.
To use Table 118 on page 183, perform the following steps:
1. Locate your problem scenario by using the first two columns.
• Problem Category – Arranged alphabetically
• Problem Scenario – Arranged (first) according to where the symptom shows (then) arranged
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you are unable to solve your problem by using the examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2,
“Classifying problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23
before contacting IBM Software Support.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 185
Table 118. NetView management console and GMFHS Problem Scenarios (continued)
Category Problem Scenario Page
Information displayed for correlated “Information displayed for Correlated Aggregate
aggregate object changes. object changes” on page 211
Cannot navigate between correlated “Cannot navigate between Correlated Aggregate
aggregate object and contained object and Contained Resources” on page 212
Alerts are not listed in the Event Viewer at the NetView Management Console
If alerts are not listed in the Event Viewer at the NetView management console workstation, perform the
following steps:
1. Check the hardware monitor Alerts History panel to determine whether the alerts are logged.
If the alerts are logged, verify that the resource hierarchy correctly maps to an ObjectID in RODM.
2. If the alerts correctly map to an ObjectID in RODM:
• Look to see if alerts might have been lost because of a high volume of alert traffic.
See “Alerts do not change status” on page 186.
• Look at the GMFALERT wrap count in the BNJMBDST DSIPARM member.
3. Ensure that the scope checker (DUIFSSCO) and hardware monitor (BNJDSERV) tasks are active.
Check the NetView log for messages related to these tasks.
Alerts are not listed in the Hardware Monitor Alerts History panel
Alerts are not listed in hardware monitor Alerts History panel.
1. Use the DFILTER (DF) command to display the hardware monitor alert recording filters. Alerts might
be filtered from being saved in the standard alert database. The alert filter table probably contains this
group of alerts.
2. Examine these filters to determine which alerts are being blocked. If necessary, you can use the
SRFILTER command to change the alert recording filters.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 187
Use the GMFHS TASK command to determine which GMFHS task is causing the problem (the one with
the high queue depth). Use the GMFHS LISTINIT command to determine the current maximum queue
value for that task. Adjust the corresponding DUIGINIT parameter and recycle GMFHS.
7. Verify that dispatching priorities for the NetView program, GMFHS, and RODM address spaces are
defined so that the GMFHS address space has adequate processor cycles.
Command problems
The following sections describe problem scenarios and their resolutions for command problems.
Potential problems can include the following:
• “Cannot initiate an IP Session using NETCONV” on page 188
• “Cannot initiate an LU 6.2 Session using NETCONV” on page 189
• “Command results are unexpected from Network Management Gateways” on page 190
• “Commands failed to run because of Service Point errors” on page 191
• “Commands failed to run because of RODM Attribute errors” on page 191
• “Commands failed to run because of COS Gateway errors” on page 190
• “Commands failed to run because of OST errors” on page 191
• “Commands failed to run because of PPI Gateway errors” on page 191
• “Commands failed to run because of Time-out errors” on page 191
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 189
If you replace the logmode table, replace it on the mainframe server that owns the physical unit. The
mainframe server that owns the physical unit is not necessarily the mainframe server issuing the
NETCONV command. If you updated the logmode table, ensure that VTAM has been restarted to
include the changes that were made.
10. If you are using an NCP to establish an LU 6.2 session, verify that you have a sufficient number of
independent logical units defined in the logical unit pool.
To define the number of independent logical units, use the NUMILU keyword on the LUDRPOOL
To create an LU 6.2 session, you might need to change the VTAM and NCP definitions. Verify that
these changes were made correctly.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 191
For information about: Refer to:
Timeout values specified in SERVER.PROPERTIES IBM Z NetView User's Guide: NetView Management
GMFHS problems
The following sections describe problem scenarios and their resolutions for command problems.
Potential problems can include the following:
• “Errors are received during GMFHS Configuration initialization” on page 193
• “GMFHS Status Solicitation fails” on page 193
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 193
Events are not received from z/OS Instrumentation
The topology server does not receive events from instrumentation forwarded through the NETCONV
connection for the Topology Display Subsystem view. This can happen when the NETCONV connection is
not active or the Event/Automation Service is not configured.
To resolve this problem:
1. Verify that the NETCONV connection is active. Enter the following command at the NetView command
Status problems
The following sections describe problem scenarios and their resolutions for status problems:
• “Resource status is incorrect” on page 194
• “ The resource exists but the status is not updated” on page 195
• “ Multiple Init_Accept Flows received” on page 196
• “ Status Update performance decreases” on page 196
• “ Status changes to resources are not reflected in views” on page 196
• “Alerts do not change status” on page 186
• “GMFHS Status Solicitation fails” on page 193
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 195
For information about: Refer to:
Adjusting subtask queue sizes IBM Z NetView Administration Reference
4. Verify the server port used for topology console communication. Look in the services file in one of the
following directories:
• Windows: %windir%\system32\drivers\etc
• UNIX: /etc
If the port number for topology console communication has been changed from the default setting,
4000, you must specify the port number on the NetView management console Sign On window each
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 197
time you sign on. Refer to the IBM Z NetView User's Guide: NetView Management Console for more
• Neither of the server DOS, AIX, or Linux command prompt boxes is displayed
• No updates are placed into ihsmessage.log
To resolve this problem, make sure that the path is correct in the BINDIR variable
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 199
• The following message is placed in the ihsmessage.log file:
IHS2133I: The server must be run under a user ID that has 'Act as
part of the operating system' user right. The server is ending.
This can happen if interprocess communications (IPC) resources have not been cleaned up.
To resolve this problem:
1. Stop the server processes.
Enter the following in a command prompt in the $BINDIR\TDS\server\bin directory:
tserver stop
tserver stop -f
tserver stop -f
tserver start
4. If the server still fails to complete initialization, stop the server processes.
Enter the following:
tserver stop
Is any three-letter time zone acronym (for example, EST for Eastern Standard Time, CST for Central
Standard Time, or PST for Pacific Standard Time).
Is a one- or two-digit number that is the difference in hours between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
and the local time. If the local time is west of GMT, this number is unsigned. For example, the
following statement sets the time zone variable, TZ, for central standard time (CST), which is 6 hours
west of GMT.
Example for setting TZ to central standard time:
If the local time is east of GMT, this number has a preceding minus (-) sign. For example, the following
statement sets the time zone variable, TZ, for Germany, 1 hour east of GMT.
Example for setting the TZ variable for Germany:
Use a negative (-) sign for the negative numbers, but do not use a positive (+) sign for the positive
When you set this field, remember to take into account the setting of the time and time zone offset on
your NetView host. If you run your NetView host using the local time (instead of GMT) and a time zone
offset of 0, code a 0 for the offset on the workstation. If you do not code 0, the status timestamps are
correct. Set this value to the offset from GMT on your workstation only if you use GMT and a time zone
offset on your host.
To check the GMT setting on your host (and whether the local time is different) enter the MVS display
time command from a NetView operator screen, as shown below.
Example for checking the GMT setting on the host:
In the preceding example, the host is set for local time and the GMT time is 5 hours ahead of the local
time. You are on the East Coast of the United States and have your host set to local time with a time
zone offset of 0 (instead of using GMT with a time zone offset of 5). If you enter SET TZ=EST5 on the
workstation, to match GMT, your status timestamps are off by 5 hours because your host is set to
local time.
Is any 3-letter daylight saving time acronym. For example, Pacific Daylight Time is PDT. This is an
optional parameter. If you enter zzz, daylight saving time is calculated. If you are in a location that
does not have daylight saving time, do not use this parameter.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 201
Note: When you set this field, remember to take into account whether your NetView host is always set
to the local time (with a time zone offset of 0), or if you are using GMT. If you do not use GMT (with a
time zone offset) on your host, do not use the daylight saving time acronym (if you adjust your host
time to take into account daylight saving time). For example, you are on the East Coast of the United
States and have your host set to local time with a time zone offset of 0 (instead of using GMT with a
time zone offset of 5). If you use SET TZ=EST0EDT, the status timestamps are off by 1 hour during
daylight saving time because the EDT setting causes an additional adjustment for daylight saving
time. In this situation, use SET TZ=EST0.
View problems
The following sections describe problem scenarios and their resolutions for problems with views:
• “Expected configuration or more detail view is missing” on page 202
• “Resource icon is missing from view” on page 204
• “Tree View list is incorrect” on page 204
• “View Layout is incorrect” on page 205
• “Unable to open view” on page 206
• “Unable to monitor views of your network” on page 207
• “View does not show correct connectivity” on page 207
• “View does not contain resource” on page 208
• “Multiple correlated aggregate objects contain the same object” on page 210
• “Real resource is not shown as a member of a Correlated Aggregate object” on page 211
• “Information displayed for Correlated Aggregate object changes” on page 211
• “Cannot navigate between Correlated Aggregate object and Contained Resources” on page 212
• “Pop-up Menu in the Business Tree is not displayed on AIX platform” on page 213
• “View problems” on page 202
• “The Topology Display Subsystem view is not complete” on page 213
The status area can indicate a change in the view without an actual change occurring. This can occur for
one of the following reasons:
• A customized view in the NetView management console server is customized and saved without any
actual changes occurring.
All consoles monitoring this view receive a message in their status area indicating the view definition
has changed.
• A change is made in RODM to alter a view followed by a change which restores the view to its previous
If this occurs, the status area indicates that multiple changes have been made to the view. The view
remains the same when refreshed.
• A session between the mainframe and NetView management console server is temporarily
disconnected while non-customized views are opened.
When the session is restored, the status area of each non-customized view indicates a change whether
the view has changed.
• A change is made in RODM to a GMFHS presentation data model attribute which changes the definition
of a view without modifying the view display.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 203
• For configuration views:
– ParentAccess
– ChildAccess
– PhysicalConnPP
– PhysicalConnUpstream
– PhysicalConnDownstream
– LogicalConnPP
– LogicalConnUpstream
– LogicalConnDownstream
Finding the exact field to check depends on the exact view type requested. However, you must define at
least one of these fields for the resource. These are the resolution steps for views created in RODM by the
SNA topology manager:
1. Verify that the SNA topology manager autotask named FLBTOPO has started.
2. Verify that the SNA topology manager is monitoring the relevant topology in your network.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 205
For example, you might have specified a layout parameter list that contains the correct layout parameters
for the resource in question, but you might have linked the layout parameter list to the wrong view object.
If this happens, RODM loads with a return code of 0, but the layout parameters apply to the wrong view.
Note: A displayable object might be linked to several layout objects.
GMFHS uses only the one layout object that is common between the layout object list associated with the
displayable object and the layout object list associated with the view. In general, a displayable object
might link to any layout object as long as only one of the layout objects are linked to any given view
object. Default layout parameters are used if more than one layout object is found.
If you follow the resolution steps and both of the following statements are true, you might have
incorrectly specified optional layout parameters:
• The view still does not lay out correctly.
• There are no additional error messages.
To resolve the situation,
1. Perform the action specified by the error panels.
2. Ensure that the layout parameters are coded correctly.
3. Ensure that layout parameters are correctly linked to the view object.
To resolve problems with views generated by GMFHS, perform the following steps:
1. Did the RODM definition file load with a return code of 0?
2. See “Incorrect output problems” on page 48.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 207
For information about: Refer to:
Loading RODM view definitions IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and
GMFHS Programmer's Guide
To resolve problems with views generated by GMFHS, perform the following steps:
1. Did the RODM definition file load with a return code of 0?
2. See “Incorrect output problems” on page 48.
To solve problems with GMFHS views, including views that were created with the RODM Collection
Manager facility of GMFHS, follow these steps:
1. Verify that all required tasks are active.
2. Did the RODM definition file load with a return code of 0?
If RODM view definitions did not load with a return code of 0, refer to the IBM Z NetView Resource
Object Data Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide.
3. Determine whether you have correctly defined the view in the RODM definition file.
Look at the following fields in the RODM definition file:
• For More Detail views, review the following:
– ComposedOfLogical
– ComposedOfPhysical
• For configuration views, review the following:
– ParentAccess
– ChildAccess
– PhysicalConnPP
– PhysicalConnUpstream
– PhysicalConnDownstream
– LogicalConnPP
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 209
If communicating with a topology manager, ensure that the manager is available.
3. Look for the following conditions:
• The ExceptionViewList field on the resource object matches the ExceptionViewName field on the
view object.
• The ResourceTraits field on the resource object contains values that map to the ExceptionViewFilter
field on the view object.
To determine if either the ExceptionViewList or the ExceptionViewFilter field is incorrect, change the
ExceptionViewFilter field on the view object to X'0000'.
• If the resource object is now displayed in the view, your previous ExceptionViewFilter field was
filtering the object out of the view.
Ensure that the DisplayStatus, UserStatus, and ResourceTraits fields of the resource object are as
you expected.
• If the resource object is still not displayed in the view, compare the values in the ExceptionViewList
field on the resource object to the ExceptionViewName field on the view object.
Most likely, there is not a match.
4. Changing the ExceptionViewList at the class level does not trigger updates to exception views, even
though the change is made.
A message is written to the RODM log to inform you of this situation. Close and reopen the view to see
if a class level change caused any updates.
5. Ensure that the DisplayResourceType field for this resource object is defined correctly.
If the DisplayResourceType field is incorrect, the resource object cannot be displayed in the view.
Different results are received, depending on the view being open or closed.
For example, assume that you have an exception view with an ExceptionViewName value of FAILURE.
You create a resource object and change the ExceptionViewList field of the resource object to
FAILURE, but the DisplayResourceType of this resource object is defined incorrectly and cannot be
displayed in the view:
• If the exception view is open, a message is written to the RODM log indicating the failure of the
• If the exception view is closed when the view is opened, a message is written to the RODM log and
the workstation issues message DUI1700I stating the view is not complete.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 211
correlated aggregate objects can change. The aggregate object learns more about its contained resources
and connectivity with each additional correlation.
This new or learned information can add to the information displayed in the Data2 field. Based upon
default settings, it can also change the name or type of the aggregate objects. You can change some of
these defaults.
Refer to the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide for more
Changes to this data occur in the following manner:
1. New information is appended as it is discovered.
The displayed Data2 does not lose information. Even if a newly correlated resource provides a
different value, initial values for a text field (for example, Address=2.78.326.73) do not change.
Note: The only way to alter the displayed additional information in Data2 is to have your systems
administrator stop loading the topology correlation function.
2. The Resource Type of the correlated aggregate can change, based upon the field used to correlate
objects to the aggregate.
• If the first field used for correlation is LAN MAC address, the initial Type is LAN workstation
• If the field used is IP address, the initial Type is IP System Aggregate.
• If correlation is by the (free-form) Correlator field, the Type is Open System Aggregate.
• If resources that are monitored by different agents are correlated (a cross-correlation), the Type is
Open System Aggregate.
• To alter the Resource Type displayed, change the sequence in which GETTOPO or TOPOSNA
commands are issued. For more information, see IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring Graphical
3. The Resource Name (on-screen name) of the correlated aggregate can change as new objects are
correlated to it.
Name changes are determined in one of the following ways:
• Based upon naming preference
• Defined by your systems administrator
• Left to the default preferences
This behavior can be customized to meet your needs.
Refer to the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide or the
FLCSDM8 customization file for more information.
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS 213
214 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 13. Diagnostic tools for NetView
Management Console and GMFHS
Log files
The following table lists where to look for messages related to the:
• Topology server
• Topology console
topology console The topology console log displays the messages received, the commands that
have been entered, and the responses to the commands. To display the log in the
topology console window, from the topology console menu bar, select Options —
Show Log. The log can be saved in a file at the server or on the console. For more
information, refer to the online help or to the IBM Z NetView User's Guide: NetView
Management Console.
Chapter 13. Diagnostic tools for NetView Management Console and GMFHS 217
Output Data Sets
Logging of PDU38 data to an output data set can be enabled by specifying the FILE or YES option on the
PRINTPDU38 parameter, or by specifying the FILE or YES option on the PRINT keyword on the TRACE
command. The log data sets used with this type of logging are defined by DD statements in the GMFHS
startup procedure (CNMSJH10). Each GMFHS component uses its own DD statement to specify the data
set. The GMFHS components and corresponding DD statements are as follows:
Network command manager (NETCMD)
Database server (DBSERVER)
Event manager (EVENTMGR)
Network configuration manager (NETCON)
Inter-processor communication (IPC)
GMFHS main (control) task (MAINTASK)
RODM Collection Manager (RCMGR)
Operator interface manager (OPERIF)
IPC-RODM event manager (IRMGR)
Resource traits manager (RTMGR)
View status manager (VSTATMGR)
CNMT trace data set
View manager (VIEWMGR)
By default, each of these DD statements uses a job SYSOUT data set. Unlike the internal trace log, output
data sets are not wrapped. They continue to grow until GMFHS is stopped. When GMFHS is started, the
output data sets are cleared of previous data and logging begins at the beginning of the data set.
If you are using this type of output logging to the default SYSOUT data set, be aware that you are using
spool space for each of the PDU38s logged. PDU38 error information cannot be disabled, and over an
extended period of execution GMFHS can log many error messages (including informational messages). If
tracing is enabled, the amount of PDU38 information that is logged in a short amount of time can be large.
In general, do not enable output data set logging to SYSOUT data sets with tracing enabled.
The internal trace log uses the SYSOUT data set CNMT, and the GMFHS automatically flushes data to this
data set when stopping. The TRACEPAGES value is set to a default of 100. If you do not have tracing
enabled, the internal trace log does not fill up unless many console messages are issued by GMFHS. Only
console messages are sent to the internal trace log if tracing is not enabled. To keep GMFHS from
automatically flushing the internal trace log to the CNMT data set when GMFHS stops, set the
TRACEPAGES value to a value other than 100.
Instead of changing the component DD statements in the GMFHS startup procedure to point to data sets
other than the job SYSOUT data set, you can substitute sequential data set names for any combination of
the GMFHS components. If you do specify a sequential data set name for any component, ensure that it is
being used only by that component. Do not specify the same sequential data set name for more than one
The GMFHS TRACE command controls the type and level of tracing done by GMFHS subtasks. Trace
entries are written to the task trace-print data sets or to the generalized trace facility (GTF), depending on
the setting of the PRINTPDU38 parameter in DUIGINIT.
If trace entries are being issued to the task trace-print data sets, they are written to each subtask output
DD member. The entries are written in time sequence within each DD member.
If trace entries are being issued to the GTF, the trace entries are written in time sequence.
Chapter 13. Diagnostic tools for NetView Management Console and GMFHS 219
Use the GMFHS TRACE command PRINT parameter to control whether trace entries are made to the
internal trace log, the task trace-print data sets, or to the generalized trace facility (GTF). Although the
PRINT parameter is listed as a trace parameter, it also controls where error information is written for a
specific subtask, regardless of whether tracing for the subtask is enabled. Both error and trace
information flows to the location indicated by the PRINT parameter. The difference is that you cannot
stop the flow of error messages, but you can stop the tracing.
For example, if you set tracing off for the interprocess communication (IPC) subtask and specify
PRINT=FILE, and if console message DUI4024A is issued for the IPC subtask, the error information
associated with that message is written to the task trace-print data set. Specify PRINT=GTF to send the
error information to the GTF, if it is active. To see the output, browse the GTF data set. You can also
format the GTF data set with the event identifier (EID) X'5E2'. Specify PRINT=INTERNAL to send the
information to the internal trace log.
See “Viewing the GMFHS trace online” on page 221 for more information about the GMFHS TRACE
command PRINT parameter and subtask output DD member names.
The LEVEL parameter specifies the level of tracing detail to be performed on the specified tasks. A valid
level is in the range of 0–99, where 99 provides the highest and most-detailed trace.
• To stop tracing of all tasks, enter the command:
Figure 38 on page 221 is an example of the output produced if you enter the GMFHS TRACE command.
Note: Tracing the view manager task (VIEWMGR) with a LEVEL value greater than 50 generates large
amounts of data and can severely degrade system performance.
Figure 38. Example of Current Trace Settings Displayed by the GMFHS TRACE Command
Chapter 13. Diagnostic tools for NetView Management Console and GMFHS 221
Interprocess communication (IPC)
Main task (MAINTASK)
RODM Collection Manager (RCMGR)
Operator interface (OPERIF)
IPC-RODM manager subtask (IRMGR)
Resource traits manager
CNMS status manager (VSTATMGR)
CNMT trace data set
View manager (VIEWMGR)
For example, if you are tracing NETCON and NETCMD, and CNMC and CNMF are displayed after you
enter a question mark next to the GMFHS job, you can browse the CNMC and CNMF files.
The TRACEPAGES parameter indicates the number of 4 KB pages to be allocated for the in-storage trace
table. The TRACEBYTES parameter indicates the number of bytes from each trace entry that is to be
written to the in-storage trace table.
The number of TRACEPAGES allocated depends on the amount of tracing you expect to do. If you are
tracing at high levels, the in-storage trace table fills up more quickly and the entries eventually wrap.
To dump the contents of the in-storage trace table, issue the GMFHS TRACE FLUSH command. The
GMFHS TRACE FLUSH command writes the contents of the trace table in the data set specified in the
CNMT DDNAME in the GMFHS JCL and reinitializes the in-storage trace table. To prevent data loss when
you issue a GMFHS TRACE FLUSH command, a new in-storage trace table of n pages is allocated before
printing and releasing the current table.
Chapter 13. Diagnostic tools for NetView Management Console and GMFHS 223
224 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Part 4. Diagnosing NetView REST Server problems
This chapter contains the worksheet you can use to gather the information required in determining the
cause of failures within the NetView REST Server.
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
System-related information
Problem description
Problem classification
Message problems
For message problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• Error codes:
2. Review the Swagger Documentation to determine user action.
• What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
– Commands:
– Other:
• If the message was unexpected and cannot be corrected by following the actions in the
troubleshooting guide, collect the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support:
– A copy of the appropriate workstation error logs. For the server, these files are in the
$NVRESTCONFIG directory.
– The message ID:
– The exact text of the message as it is written in the log:
– A completed NetView REST Server problem worksheet.
3. Did you follow the actions in the NetView REST Server online help? If so, document the following
• What occurred?
• Is this what was expected?
• If not, what was expected?
For loop or wait problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. What events led up to the loop?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. Obtain the following documentation:
• The scenario leading to the problem.
• A copy of the appropriate workstation error logs.
5. If something hangs, stop and restart the rest server, if the loop can be recreated please report steps
and avoid those steps after the next restart.
For HTTP Status Code problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the
1. Which API is in error?
2. What is the expected HTTP Status Code?
3. What is the HTTP Status Code that is being retrieved?
4. What data is being supplied to the API?
5. What data (if any) is being returned?
6. Obtain a copy of the appropriate server logs from the server while it is running in DEBUG mode.
For incorrect output problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. What data (for example, a message or display) is in error?
2. How does the output differ from what is expected?
Performance problems
For performance problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Obtain a copy of the appropriate workstation error logs.
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, record the answers:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual.
Use Table 120 on page 231 to locate examples of problems you might encounter when using the NetView
To use the table, perform the following steps:
1. Locate your problem scenario using the first two columns.
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem. If you cannot solve your problem by using the
examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, “Classifying problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3,
“Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23 before contacting IBM Software Support.
Debugging methods
If the NetView REST Server is encountering an error, these are the steps you should follow:
1. Verify that the steps that you are taking to encounter the error are reproduceable.
2. Shut the REST Server down, modify the application.yml file to set the logging level to DEBUG.
3. Restart the REST Server and run through the steps that you verified previously.
4. Inspect the server log located in the $NVRESTCONFIG/logs directory for a better idea of what the
server is retrieving from the NetView program and where the error is occurring.
5. Modify your request to determine whether the error is with the request or with the REST Server itself.
This status represents an error in the JSON that you are sending with your request. The easiest method to
debug this is to plug your JSON into an online JSON Parser with a which can tell you where the syntax
error is occurring.
This status means that you need to authenticate with the server using valid NetView credentials.
This status represents an error or unexpected result from the NetView program, see the Swagger
Documentation for further details based on the API. Swagger documentation can be reached at:
This status represents an internal server error and should not occur. Contact NetView support with error
Keytool fails
If keytool fails, make sure Java is configured. You can add the following 2 lines to the /etc/profile
directory to configure your Java:
Check the server log that mentions any directories that are not program-controlled, and then make them
program-controlled. For more information, see Java Security on z/OS
Check to ensure the port that the server is starting under is not already in use by using the NETSTAT
command from Unix System Services. Check the application.yml file to make sure the keystore
information is correct for both the keystore and truststore. If starting from the NetView program,
additional logs can be found in the job log in ISPF as well as in the server log if the job was able to reach
the startup procedure.
Chapter 15. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView REST Server 233
234 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 16. Diagnostic tools for NetView REST Server
This chapter describes how to use the NetView REST Server log to diagnose problems with the NetView
REST Server, which includes the following procedure:
1. Setting the log to the DEBUG mode.
2. Reading the log to determine what is causing a problem with the Server.
The NetView REST Server provides a log of all server activity located in the $NVRESTCONFIG/logs
directory. If the server is started from the NetView program, you can find the log in the
ejnerest.stdout file. If you wish to maximize the information you receive in your log, you can set the
log to the DEBUG mode instead of the INFO mode.
From Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF), go to 2. Edit, under the name field enter
<NVRESTCONFIG>/application.yml (where <NVRESTCONFIG> is the directory you’ve put your
application.yml file), and select 1. Under Data Encoding for ASCII. This should open up your
application.yml file. Once you have it open, scroll to the bottom of the file where you should see
something similar to:
root: INFO
file: ${NVRESTCONFIG}/logs/debug.log
To change your mode to DEBUG, replace the word “INFO” with “DEBUG” as follows:
root: DEBUG
file: ${NVRESTCONFIG}/logs/debug.log
This will enable the server to log details and exactly what is being sent to and received from the NetView
program. Note that while the INFO mode does not send back DEBUG-level messages, INFO-level
messages are still sent when the server is in the DEBUG mode.
Reading the log to determine what is causing a problem with the Server
There is a lot of data in the log to sort through, which can make searching for specific information a
difficult task. There are a few key steps that can make searching easier.
1. Open the log right after running and receiving a response from the API that you are attempting to
2. Scroll to the bottom of the file.
This chapter contains the worksheet you can use to gather the information required in determining the
cause of failures within the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM).
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
The following information is required for all problems:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Component ID:
4. Recommended service update (RSU) level:
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. Operating system and RSU level:
2. Access method and maintenance level:
3. Other products and their maintenance level:
RODM applications
Record the following information:
1. Are you running GMFHS with RODM?
2. Are you running any other RODM applications?
3. Can you remove one or more RODM applications and re-create the problem?
RODM methods
1. Are you running any user-written methods with RODM? If so, which ones?
2. Can you bypass these and successfully run the function you are attempting?
Problem description
Describe your problem by answering the following questions:
1. What are the symptoms of the problem?
2. What were you trying to do?
3. What should have happened?
Problem classification
Complete the following problem category that matches the symptoms associated with your problem:
Abend problems
For abends or processor exception problems, complete the following:
1. What is the abend code?
2. What processes were taking place at the time of the abend?
3. Gather the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the network log
• A copy of the trace log
• The first unformatted memory dump of the abend
• A completed RODM problem worksheet
• A copy of the RODM log
• The RODM checkpoint data sets (if applicable)
• The RODM loader input data sets and output listing (if applicable)
• The customization member (EKGCUST)
4. Gather the following information from the memory dump:
a. What was the program status word (PSW) at the time of the abend?
b. In what module did the abend occur?
c. What date was the module compiled?
d. What is the PTF level of the module pointed to by the abend?
e. What is the offset into the module pointed to by the PSW at the time of the abend?
f. List the registers at the time of the abend.
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• Does the message contain any return codes, reason codes, feedback codes, error codes, or sense
information? List the codes or information.
2. Use NetView online help for the message to determine user action.
3. What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
• Methods:
Loop problems
For loop problems, complete the following:
1. What events led up to the loop?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. If this is a method loop (see “Documenting LOOP problems” on page 35), obtain the following
• A document describing the scenario leading to the problem
• A hardcopy of the system log
• A hardcopy of the network log
• A hardcopy of the trace log
• The addresses of instructions within the loop
• A memory dump obtained by using the processor RESTART function
• A copy of the RODM log
• The RODM checkpoint data sets (if applicable)
• The RODM loader input data sets and output listing (if applicable)
• The customization member (EKGCUST)
5. What are the modules involved in the loop?
6. What are the dates that the modules were compiled?
7. What are the PTF levels of the modules involved in the loop?
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following:
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual or the number of the online help
panel involved.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the NetView program, call IBM Software Support.
5. If the problem is with an online help panel, call IBM Software Support.
Before proceeding with Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) tasks, ensure that you have applied all
authorized problem analysis report (APAR) fixes and all program temporary fixes (PTFs) that are listed in
the program directory.
If RODM or one of its components abends, or if an application fails, RODM sends a return code with the
reason code to the application. This return code with the reason code can also be written to the RODM
log, depending on log-level settings. You might not see an external symptom of the failure, unless the
application that receives the error displays the return code and reason code, the application displays an
appropriate error message, or the application reacts unexpectedly.
The return code with the reason codes that are described in this chapter are provided on the assumption
that you know that the application failed and at least one of the following problems has occurred:
• The application issues an error message.
• You receive incorrect output.
• The application abends.
• You discover a return code with reason code in the RODM log.
• The application reacts unexpectedly.
Note: The method return/reason codes (set using EKG_SETRETURNCODE) might not display the success
or failure of the API call initiated by the application program. Usually, the success or failure of the
processing performed by the methods triggered as a result of that call is displayed. For example, if
multiple notification methods exist for a specific field, the method return/reason codes display the
highest return code, and the corresponding reason code, that was set by all of the methods that were
If you cannot solve an abend problem, or if your abend code is not addressed in this chapter, follow the
general abends guideline for system abends.
To use Table 121 on page 246 to locate examples of problems you might encounter when using RODM,
take the following steps:
1. Locate your problem scenario using the first two columns.
• Problem Category
Arranged alphabetically
• Problem Scenario
– Arranged (first) according to where the symptom shows
– (Then) arranged alphabetically
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
problem. These steps might include the use of specific RODM diagnostic tools or might refer you to
other documentation.
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you are unable to solve your problem by using the examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2,
“Classifying problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23
before contacting IBM Software Support .
Use the following table to locate examples of problems:
Debugging methods
If you know that you have a problem with a user-written method, follow these steps:
1. Unit-test the method. Create a dummy PL/I or C main procedure to call the method and a dummy
EKGMAPI module to dump all of the data that is passed to RODM. Verify that the data you received or
passed is correct.
2. If the method is intended to run synchronously, ensure that it does not violate MVS cross-memory
restrictions by issuing supervisor calls (SVCs).
3. If the method is intended to run asynchronously, use WTO instructions by way of an assembler routine
to examine program flow in the method.
4. Use the Output to Log (2008) MAPI function to write user-provided data to the RODM log file. You can
use log record types 1, 9, and 10 in the RODM log file to trace your method execution.
5. Enable method tracing by setting log-level values as described under “Log-Level values” on page 262.
6. Code the method to set return and reason codes that indicate the execution result.
If you receive messages that indicate a method (that you know is installed correctly) is not installed,
ensure that all methods, that the indicated method invokes, are also installed.
Table 122. RODM Return Codes with Reason Codes Troubleshooting Reference
Return code with reason code Page
Return code 12 with reason code 20 “Return Code
12 with
Reason Code
20 received”
on page 250
Return code 12 with reason code 121 “Return Code
12 with
Reason Code
received” on
page 251
Return code 12 with reason code 122 “Return Code
12 with
Reason Code
received” on
page 251
Return code 12 with reason code 194 “Return Code
12 with
Reason Code
received” on
page 252
Return code 12 with reason code 211 “Return Code
12 with
Reason Code
received” on
page 254
2. If you have specified more than the valid amount of storage, specify a larger region size.
3. If you must reduce the amount of storage specified in member EKGCUST, reduce the PLI_ISA value
4. If you cannot solve your problem, go to “Documenting ABEND problems” on page 27.
Even though you choose '3' to cancel the request, RODM and possibly the SNA topology manager and
GMFHS abend.
If an application triggers RODM methods supplied by the NetView product, these methods might access
storage in the GMFHS address space. It is important that you do not end GMFHS or RODM while these
methods are running. If GMFHS or RODM is ended while the methods are accessing this storage,
unpredictable results might occur, such as an abend.
As an example, during a SNA topology manager warm start, the ExceptionViewList field is changed, which
triggers a NetView RODM change method. If GMFHS is active, the change method attempts to access
storage in the GMFHS address space. If GMFHS has ended, the access is no longer valid.
1. Check the RODM log for errors.
2. Start RODM again if necessary.
3. Start GMFHS again if necessary.
Attention: When you cold-start RODM, the checkpoint data sets are reinitialized and RODM
starts with an empty data cache.
7. If you cannot solve your problem, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, “Classifying problems,” on page
13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23 before contacting IBM Software
Support .
Attention: When you cold-start RODM, the checkpoint data sets are reinitialized and RODM
starts with an empty data cache.
6. If you cannot solve your problem, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, “Classifying problems,” on page
13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23 before contacting IBM Software
This chapter describes the following tools you can use to diagnose problems with the Resource Object
Data Manager (RODM):
• The RODM log, including:
– Components that output data to RODM log files
– Log-level values
– The RODM log formatter
– Individual log records including unformatted and formatted log records and their field descriptions
• The RODM internal trace
• Dumping dataspaces allocated by RODM
• The memory dump utility, including sample reports and their field descriptions
• The RODM load function listing
Log-Level values
When an error occurs within RODM, you can review the RODM log for records associated with the
transaction in error. Depending on the severity of the error, you might need to modify the value of the log-
level parameters in the RODM customization member EKGCUST to specify when RODM is to generate a
log record.
Note: If you pass a FAIB, EAIB, FIELD NAME, CLASS NAME, or OBJECT NAME pointer that is not valid, the
pointer that is not valid is often logged as X'FFFFFFFF' and the API receives a return/reason code of
If this occurs, subsequent pointers are also logged as X'FFFFFFFF' because RODM discontinues validating
If you receive a return/reason code of 12/213, look for the first pointer that was logged as X'FFFFFFFF', or
look for an address that is not valid.
Your application can also update log-level values. The default values are the values of the log-level
parameters specified in RODM customization member EKGCUST.
If the transaction return code is greater than or equal to the value of a log-level parameter, RODM writes a
log record. You can specify the following values:
Log Level
Log Record Written for Transaction Codes
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 263
• EKG_MTraceFlag in the associated method object is ON.
• One of the following bits corresponding to the method type is ON in EKG_MTraceType:
Method Type
Note: For the EKG_MTraceType field, bits are numbered 0-31 from left to right, where bit 0 is the leftmost
bit and bit 31 is the rightmost bit.
EKG_MTraceType is a field on each user object. Its default value is the value of the MTRACE_TYPE
parameter specified in the RODM customization member EKGCUST. EKG_MTraceFlag is a field on each
method object. Its default is 0 (method tracing disabled).
Log record type 10 (method entry and exit) is sent to the RODM log when a method is entered, the entry
trace bit (bit 31) in EKG_MTraceType is ON, and one of the following conditions exists:
• EKG_MTraceFlag in the associated method object is ON.
• One of the following bits corresponding to the method type is ON in EKG_MTraceType:
Method Type
Log record type 10 (method entry and exit) is also sent to the RODM log when a method is exited, the exit
trace bit (bit 30) in EKG_MTraceType is ON, and one of the following conditions exists:
• EKG_MTraceFlag in the associated method object is ON.
• One of the following bits corresponding to the method type is ON in EKG_MTraceType:
Method Type
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 265
Specifies the start date and time of log records.
Records logged at and after this time are included in the formatted log output. The time the records
are logged is local time.
The operands of the STIME keyword are specified using the following format:
Starting month
Starting day
Starting year. The short form of YY is also supported.
Starting hour
Starting minute
Starting second
If the STIME keyword is not specified, all log records are formatted based on the keywords that are
Some operands of the STIME keyword can be omitted. See Table 123 on page 267 for a list of
operands that can be omitted and the default value used.
Specifies the end date and time of log records.
Records logged at and before this time are included in the formatted log output. The time the records
are logged is local time.
The operands of the ETIME keyword are specified using the following format:
Ending month
Ending day
Starting year. The short form of YY is also supported.
Ending hour
Ending minute
Ending second
If the ETIME keyword is omitted, all log records are formatted based on the keywords that are specified.
Some operands of the ETIME keyword can be omitted. Table 123 on page 267 lists the operands that can
be omitted and the default values:
EKGLG000 is the load module for the log formatter program. The STEPLIB data sets contain EKGLG000
and the necessary runtime libraries that are related to Language Environment for z/OS. The EKGLOG data
set contains the unformatted RODM log used as input to this program.
The SYSPRINT data set contains the formatted log along with the program output (messages, return
codes, and so on). This data set defaults to the DCB operands of LRECL=132 and RECFM=FBA.
When you have the required data sets, do the following steps:
1. Specify your input parameters under the STEP1 EXEC statement.
2. Specify the input log file under the EKGLOG DD name in the JCL.
3. Specify the output file under the SYSPRINT DD name in the JCL.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 267
contains error messages that might contain VSAM return and reason codes, C runtime messages, or both.
For some errors, MVS issues a system message to the console.
The log formatter issues the following return codes:
Return Code
Format was successful.
No log records printed that match the PARMs specified.
Log type 0 is still printed out in this case.
Closing of the RODM log failed.
The following messages are issued. (_amrc is defined at the bottom of the section.)
Opening of the RODM log failed.
The following messages are issued. (_amrc is defined at the bottom of the section.)
Reading of the RODM log failed.
The following messages are issued. (_amrc is defined at the bottom of the section.)
The specified PARM is not valid.
The date or time specified by the ETIME operand is earlier than the date or time specified by the
STIME operand.
When failing return codes are received from VSAM I/O functions, the _amrc structure is accessed to help
diagnose these errors. The _amrc structure, defined in the C standard I/O header file, contains diagnostic
information returned by VSAM. Some important fields are _amrc._code._rc and
_amrc._code._feedback. The _rc field contains the VSAM R15, and the _fdbk field contains the VSAM
error code or reason code.
The following messages are issued when an unrecognized log type is encountered:
The following messages are issued when an unrecognized Log_type_flag in log type 8 is encountered:
Following are descriptions of the fields in the formatted log record header:
Specifies the record number in the log file.
RECORD NUMBER is generated by the RODM log formatter and does not map to an unformatted log
Specifies the relative byte address (RBA) of the unformatted log type in VSAM.
RBA is generated by the RODM log formatter and does not map to an unformatted log record.
Specifies the log record type, as follows:
Log Type
Log Record Name
Log version record
Write-to-log MAPI log record
UAPI trace log record
Object-specific method log record
Object-independent method log record
RODM system services (SS) log record
Operator request log record
Abend log record
Statistics log record
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 269
MAPI trace log record
Method entry and exit log record
Specifies the length of the log entry.
Specifies the hexadecimal transaction ID generating this log record.
Specifies when the log record was written to the RODM log.
Specifies the user application ID used to connect to RODM.
This field can be blank for log record types 0, 6, and 8.
Specifies the RODM application programming interface (API) version level.
If the log type record is generated on behalf of a transaction, the API version in log type records 1, 2,
3, 4, 6, 9, and 10 is set by the application. For log records type 0, 5, 7, and 8, RODM provides the
highest valid API version.
000000 00000078 00000000 4BC40028 70168000 00000000 00000000 40404040 40404040
*.........D.............. *
000020 00000001 00000000 D9D6C4D4 D5C1D4C5 00000006 00000002 00000000 C5D2C7D3
000040 D6C7E240 E5E2C1D4 C3F6F1F0 4BC5D2C7 D3D6C7E2 00000000 00000000 00000000 *OGS
000060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFFC FFFFC7C0
*......................G{ *
Table 124 on page 271 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 0.
1. The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the number
of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
2. The time conversion fields indicate the time difference between local time and Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT). For example, for a time zone 4 hours west of GMT, the time conversion in hours value is
X'FFFFFFFC' and the time conversion in seconds value is X'FFFFC7C0'
Each time field is a 4-byte signed integer. A positive value indicates a local time zone east of
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), while a negative value indicates a local time zone west of GMT.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 271
DATE: 08/07/2019 N e t V i e w
TIME: 17:31 Resource Object Data Manager
Log Print Utility
Log_type : 0 (Log Version Record) RBA : 0
Record number : 1 Record Length : 120
Transaction ID: 0000000000000000x Timestamp : Fri Aug 08 17:30:42 2014
User Appl ID :
API Version : 1
RODM Version : 6
RODM Release : 2
RODM Point Rel: 1
RODM GMT Value: -4
Table 125 on page 273 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 1:
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 273
– User error
Figure 45 on page 274 is an example of log record type 1 that has been formatted by the RODM log
*..1402 - SLPARMS(1)MTHDC001 - LL *
Table 126 on page 275 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 2.
Secondary Header:
Return code Integer 040 X'28'
Reason code Integer 044 X'2C'
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 275
TRANSACTION ID: 0000000000000003x TIMESTAMP : WED APR 14 16:17:57 2009
0000 | 00063618 00063640 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000005 0000000A
* ................................ *
0020 | 0001720B 00010005 3B5A14D2 0000000A 0001720B C5D2C76D E2A8A2A3 8594C5D2
* ...........K........EKG_SYSTEMEK *
0040 | C76DE2A8 A2A38594 00000000 00000001 00000017 0000000D 000171F2 C5D2C76D *
G_SYSTEM...................2EKG_ *
0060 | D9859385 81A285C9 C4 *
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 277
000000 00000082 00030000 4BBC3630 8E292000 00000000 0000001B E4E2C5D9 F4404040
*........................USER4 *
000020 00000001 00000000 00000000 0000C3DE 000007D6 00000009 00010009 A342FCAD
000040 00000028 0003D4E3 C8C4C3F0 F0F10016 00040011 F1F4F0F2 406040E2 D3D78199
*......MTHDC001......1402 - SLP..*
000060 94A24DF1 5D00001A 00040015 D4E3C8C4 C3F0F0F1 406040D3 D3D78199 94A24DF1 *..(1).......MTHDC001 -
000080 5D00
*). *
Table 127 on page 278 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 3:
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 279
An object-independent method can issue an MAPI call to set return and reason codes. This causes the
program to pass the return and reason codes back to the caller. If the specified return code is greater
than or equal to EKG_LogLevel, a record is placed in the RODM Log.
Figure 51 on page 280 is an example of an unformatted log record type 4.
Table 128 on page 280 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 4:
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Table 129 on page 282 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 5:
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 281
Table 129. Information in Unformatted Log Record Type 5
Field Description Data Type Decimal Hex Offset
Primary Header:
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Table 130 on page 283 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 6.
Table 130. Information in Unformatted Log Record Type 6
Field Description Data Type Decimal Hex
Offset Offset
Primary Header:
Total record length Integer 000 X'0'
Log type Smallint 004 X'4'
Reserved Smallint 006 X'6'
Time stamp TimeStamp 008 X'8'
Transaction ID TransID 016 X'10'
User application ID ApplicationID 024 X'18'
API version Integer 032 X'20'
Reserved Integer 036 X'24'
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 283
Formatted Log Record Type 6
Log Record Type 6 is the operator request log record. It is written to the log file after the operator has
completed a successful action, such as starting RODM or using the MODIFY command.
Figure 56 on page 284 shows an example of log record type 6 that has been formatted by the RODM log
Table 131 on page 285 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 7.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 285
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 287
000000 00000D58 00080000 4BC40028 72F4F000 00000000 00000000 40404040 40404040
*.........D...40......... *
000020 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001 00000038 00000008 00000001
000040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000C 00000001 00000000
000080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0000A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000001 00000000 00000000
0000C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0000E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000014 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
000100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000120 00000000 00000000 00000018 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000140 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000160 00000000 0000001C 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000180 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0001A0 00000020 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0001C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000024
0001E0 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000200 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000028 00000002
000220 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000240 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000030 00000002 00000000
000260 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000280 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000034 00000002 00000000 00000000
0002A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0002C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000038 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000
0002E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000300 00000000 00000000 0000003C 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000320 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000340 00000000 00000040 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
*....... ........................*
000360 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000380 00000044 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0003A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000048
0003C0 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0003E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000050 00000003
000400 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000420 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000058 00000003 00000000
000440 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000460 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000064 00000003 00000015 00000000
000480 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000002
0004A0 00000008 00000003 00000006 00000068 00000003 00000030 00000000 00000002
0004C0 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000017
0004E0 00000000 00000013 00000070 00000003 000001B2 00000000 00000012 0000000E
000500 00000000 0000000A 00000012 00000029 00000027 00000021 00000072 0000005F
000C00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
000C20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00004000 00000080 00000004 00000000 00000000
*.............. .................*
000C40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
288 IBM Z NetView:
000C60 Troubleshooting
00000000 Guide
00000004 00006000 000000C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *..........-....
000C80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Table 132 on page 289 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 8.
Primary Header:
Total record length Integer 000 X'0'
Log type Smallint 004 X'4'
Reserved Smallint 006 X'6'
Time stamp TimeStamp 008 X'8'
Transaction ID TransID 016 X'10'
User application ID ApplicationID 024 X'18'
API version Integer 032 X'20'
Reserved Integer 036 X'24'
Table 133. Log_type_flag=0 or 1: Cell Pool Usage Information for Segments and Windows
Field Description Data Type Decimal Offset Hex Offset
Current pocket count Integer 044 X'2C'
Available pocket active count Integer 048 X'30'
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 289
Table 133. Log_type_flag=0 or 1: Cell Pool Usage Information for Segments and Windows (continued)
Field Description Data Type Decimal Offset Hex Offset
Number of entries
Table 134 on page 290 provides descriptions of API statistics found in the unformatted log record type 8.
1. Calculating Decimal Offsets for API Statistics:
To determine the value of the Regular function call identifier field (and other regular function ID fields
with the N2 and x values):
a. Calculate the decimal offset of the Successful calls for the permanent function ID through the user
API field. This value is x in the equation.
b. If N2 is 4 and x is 152, calculate the decimal offset as shown in this example:
2. To determine the hexadecimal offset for this field, calculate the decimal offset and convert the value
to hexadecimal.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 291
Log_type : 8 (Statistics) RBA :
Record number : 2 Record Length :
Transaction ID: 0000000000000000x Timestamp : Fri Aug 07 17:30:54
User Appl
ID :
API Version :
Stat Type : 0 (Segment
Current pocket:
Avail. pocket :
No. of Entries:
Cell Size ( 0): 8 Pool Size :
No. in Use : 0 High Water Mrk:
In Use Percent: 0 Total Inuse % :
High Water % :
Data :
( 0) 0 ( 1) 0 ( 2) 0 ( 3)
( 4) 0 ( 5) 0 ( 6) 0 ( 7)
Cell Size ( 1): 12 Pool Size :
No. in Use : 0 High Water Mrk:
In Use Percent: 0 Total Inuse % :
High Water % :
Histogram Data :
( 0) 0 ( 1) 0 ( 2) 0 ( 3)
( 4) 0 ( 5) 0 ( 6) 0 ( 7)
Figure 60. Formatted RODM Log Record Type 8 for Segment and Window Statistics
API Statistics
Figure 61 on page 294 is an example of the output from the RODM log formatter for log record type 8 API
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 293
DATE: 04/12/2019 N E T V I E W PAGE: 1
TRANSACTION ID: 0000000000000000X TIMESTAMP : WED APR 12 17:50:28 2009
OUTPUT TIMESTAMP : WED APR 12 17:50:28 2009
PERM UAPI COUNT : 000000000000001EX
PERM UAPI COUNT : 0000000000000078X
PERM UAPI COUNT : 000000000000020BX
PERM UAPI COUNT : 0000000000000C78X
PERM UAPI COUNT : 0000000000000205X
Figure 61. Formatted RODM Log Record Type 8 for API Statistics
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 295
Specifies the number of calls through the user API with a return code greater than zero (0) for the
function ID. Unauthorized calls to functions are not counted.
Specifies the number of calls through the method API with a return code of zero (0) for the
function ID.
Specifies the number of calls through the method API with a return code greater than zero (0) for
the function ID. Unauthorized calls to functions are not counted.
Table 135 on page 296 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 9.
Primary Header:
Total record length Integer 000 X'0'
Log type Smallint 004 X'4'
Reserved Smallint 006 X'6'
Time stamp TimeStamp 008 X'8'
Transaction ID TransID 016 X'10'
User application ID ApplicationID 024 X'18'
API version Integer 032 X'20'
Reserved Integer 036 X'24'
Specifies change
Specifies object-
independent method
Specifies named method
Specifies object-deletion
Specifies query method
Specifies notification
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 297
The following are descriptions of the fields in log record type 9:
Specifies the name of the method issuing the MAPI call.
Specifies the return code of the MAPI call.
Specifies the reason code of the MAPI call.
Specifies the type of method, as follows:
Change method
Object-independent method
Named method
Object-deletion method
Query method
Notification method
Specifies the function block information of the transaction generating this log record. Function block
information includes the function ID and data for the function.
The output for the function block is based on the expansion of the function block. Figure 48 on page
277 shows how the data in the function block is expanded.
The data for the function is dependent on the function for which RODM created this log record.
Table 136 on page 299 provides descriptions of the fields, data types, and offsets in log record type 10:
Primary Header:
Total record length Integer 000 X'0'
Log type Smallint 004 X'4'
Reserved Smallint 006 X'6'
Time stamp TimeStamp 008 X'8'
Transaction ID TransID 016 X'10'
User application ID ApplicationID 024 X'18'
API version Integer 032 X'20'
Reserved Integer 036 X'24'
Specifies change
Specifies object-
independent method
Specifies named method
Specifies query method
Specifies notification
Note: The time stamp is in modified Lilian time format. It is a 64-bit floating point number that is the
number of milliseconds since midnight October 14, 1582.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 299
For information about: Refer to:
Debugging a method “Debugging methods” on page 248
Setting log-levels, EKG_MTraceType, and “Log-Level values” on page 262
An example of a log record type 10 that has been Figure 65 on page 300
formatted by the RODM log formatter
The following are descriptions of the fields in log record type 10:
Specifies the name of the method issuing the MAPI.
Specifies the return code of the MAPI.
Specifies the reason code of the MAPI.
Specifies the type of method, as follows:
Change method
Object-independent method
Named method
Query method
Notification method
For entry and exit, this record was written when the method entered or exited. You can use this field
to determine when the method began and when it completed.
For storage, this record indicates that a method acquired storage, but did not release the storage
when the method ended.
Where rodmname is the name of the RODM to be traced, as determined by the PARM string in the RODM
JCL procedure.
By default, the amount of virtual storage which is used to contain the trace data is 256K. More storage
can be allocated (up to 1 gigabyte) by specifying the size on the TRACE command in place of the ON
operand. For example, to allocate one megabyte for the trace data, enter:
TRACE CT,1M,COMP=rodmname
The size of the trace area cannot be altered when the trace has been started. You must stop and restart
the trace in order to change the size of the trace area.
After issuing the TRACE command to start the RODM internal trace, MVS will issue a write-to-operator
with reply (WTOR) message ITT006A to solicit trace parameters:
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 301
Console communications (commands received from the console and messages issued to the console)
RODM module flow
All implemented trace events
For example, if all trace events are to be enabled, enter:
Note: The CF trace option has a severe performance impact on RODM and RODM applications. Avoid
activating a CF trace on a production RODM unless necessary for problem diagnosis.
To deactivate the RODM internal trace, use the TRACE command with the OFF operand:
When the trace is stopped, all recorded trace data is discarded. The trace is automatically stopped when
RODM ends.
The trace dataspace (EKGTRDSP) is automatically included in any memory dumps which are taken by
RODM, providing the trace is active at the time of the memory dump.
If the MVS DUMP command is used to dump RODM and the trace data is required, you must include the
name of the trace dataspace in the list of dataspaces to be dumped. You can spool the trace data to a
data set.
EKGDUMP is the compiled and link-edited memory dump utility program. The STEPLIB data set contains
the load modules of the RODM memory dump utility and the EKGUAPI module. The SYSIN data set
contains the control statement input.
The CLASSES, CLASSNDX, OBJECTS, and OBJECNDX data sets are the reports produced by the utility.
These data sets contain the DCB operands of LRECL=133 and RECFM=FBA. BLKSIZE can be provided on
the DD statements or in the SYSOUT data sets and is handled by JES.
The SYSPRINT data set contains a statistical report indicating the number and type of user API calls made
while the memory dump utility is running. This data set contains the DCB operands of LRECL=80 and
When you have the required data sets, do the following actions:
• Specify your input parameters under the SYSIN DD * in the JCL.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 303
• Specify the output report files.
• Specify your message output file under the SYSPRINT DD name in the JCL.
– If you do not specify this DD name, the messages are written to the JES log in your MVS system.
– If you use a SYSOUT file under this DD name, the SYSOUT file is kept in the held output queue in the
MVS system where RODM is active.
Following each of the subfield types is a 2-byte value. This value specifies the data type in a hexadecimal
format. To determine the data type, convert the hexadecimal value to decimal.
Following are descriptions of the fields in the Class Listing report:
Specifies the year and the day of the year, where YY is the last two digits of the year and DDD is a
count of the number of days past.
Specifies the time the report was generated, where:
Specifies the hour
Specifies minutes
Specifies seconds
Specifies the class identification number.
Specifies the class name (for example, UniversalClass).
Specifies the name of the field. This user-supplied name is provided in the name field for create name.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 305
Specifies the field identifier. The ID is assigned by RODM and returned in the response block on a
create field (X'1304').
Specifies a 2-byte Smallint to indicate whether the field is public or private and whether locally
defined or inherited. Only the first two high-order bits are used. The remaining 14 bits are reserved.
The first bit is the private/public flag and indicates the following information:
Bit Value
Specifies that the field is public
Specifies that the field is private
The second bit is the local/inherited flag and indicates the following information:
Bit Value
Specifies that the field is locally defined
Specifies that the field is inherited
Specifies a 2-byte field to indicate whether a value is defined locally or inherited from a parent class.
The only valid value is X'0001', indicating that the field is inherited from a parent class.
Specifies a bitmap of subfields that are created for this field. Valid values for the bitmap are as
Specifies the value subfield
Specifies the query subfield
Specifies the change subfield
Specifies the notification subfield
Specifies the previous value subfield
Specifies the TimeStamp subfield
Not used
Only the first 6 bits of the subfield map are used.
Specifies a bitmap that indicates which of the subfields in the SUBFIELD bitmap have been locally
defined and which have not.
RODM sets a local copy map bit in an output block to 1. This indicates that the corresponding subfield
contains locally defined data.
Specifies the hour.
Specifies the minutes.
Specifies the number of seconds followed by decimal fractions of a second.
This field is converted from modified Lilian time by the RODM log formatter.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 307
For information about: Refer to:
Decimal values, the corresponding data types, and IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and
their descriptions GMFHS Programmer's Guide
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 309
Specifies minutes
Specifies seconds
(Object ID)
Specifies the object identification number.
(Object Name)
Specifies the object name (for example, EKG_SYSTEM).
Specifies the Object Listing report page number where this object is described.
Statistical report
The statistical report describes the types and number of user API queries issued against RODM during
execution of the memory dump utility. Figure 72 on page 310 is the expected output from the RODM
memory dump utility each time you request a report:
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 311
The memory dump utility attempted to find, through a RODM API request, an object you specified on the
input parameter. EKGDP009 follows this message with the return and reason codes from RODM.
This message is issued from module EKGDP110.
The memory dump utility attempted a RODM API Query Structure of Entity request and failed. Message
EKGDP009 follows this message with the return and reason codes from RODM.
This message is issued from module EKGDP110.
The memory dump utility attempted a RODM API Query Field for Class Children request and failed.
EKGDP009 follows this message with the return and reason codes from RODM.
This message is issued from module EKGDP110.
The memory dump utility attempted a RODM API Query Field for Object Children request and failed.
Message EKGDP009 follows this message with the return and reason codes from RODM.
This message is issued from module EKGDP110.
The memory dump utility attempted a RODM API Query Field for Name of Entity request and failed.
Message EKGDP009 follows this message with the return and reason codes from RODM.
This message is issued from module EKGDP120.
The memory dump utility attempted a RODM API Query Structure of a Field request and failed. Message
EKGDP009 follows this message with the return and reason codes from RODM.
This message is issued from module EKGDP120.
The memory dump utility attempted a RODM API Query Subfield request and failed. Message EKGDP009
follows this message with the return and reason codes from RODM.
This message is issued from module EKGDP120.
Chapter 19. Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) 313
314 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Part 6. Diagnosing SNA Topology Manager problems
This section contains information that you can use in determining the cause of failures within the SNA
topology manager.
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions. Some SNA topology manager problems can be caused by
communications problems. Use the diagnosis procedures described in the VTAM library to gather
information about problems with VTAM CMIP services.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
The following information is required for all problems:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Component ID:
4. NetView Version and Release:
5. Recommended service update (RSU) level:
6. NetView function modifier ID (FMID):
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. Operating system and RSU level:
2. Access method and maintenance level:
3. Other products and their maintenance levels:
Problem description
Describe your problem by answering the following questions:
1. What are the symptoms of the problem?
2. What were you trying to do?
Problem information
Gather the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support. Use the diagnosis
procedures described in the z/OS Communications Server SNA Diagnosis manuals to gather information
about problems with VTAM CMIP services. For information about VTAM CMIP services, see the z/OS
Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide.
• A copy of the network log containing the output of several TASKMON, TASKUTIL, or TASKURPT
commands. See Chapter 6, “Diagnostic tools for the NetView program,” on page 75.
• A copy of the system log.
• A copy of the NetView HLL remote interactive debugger (RID) trace logs. See the IBM Z NetView
Programming: PL/I and C for more information about using RID.
• A completed SNA topology manager problem worksheet.
• The RODM START job control language.
• The customization file used to start RODM.
• The GMFHS data model and resource definition files. Refer to the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data
Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide for information about the definitions and their associated
• The SNA topology manager data model and resource definition files. Refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA
Topology Manager Implementation Guide for information about the definitions and their associated files.
• The customization file used to start the SNA topology manager.
• The IHSERROR.LOG and IHSERROR.BAK files. See Chapter 13, “Diagnostic tools for NetView
Management Console and GMFHS,” on page 215.
• The application trace log.
• RODM log records. See Chapter 19, “Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM),”
on page 261 on how to capture this data.
• A memory dump of the RODM dataspaces. See Chapter 19, “Diagnostic tools for the Resource Object
Data Manager (RODM),” on page 261 for information about capturing this data.
• The GMFHS output log and trace print data set. See Chapter 12, “Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis
for NetView management console and GMFHS,” on page 183.
• Copy of any trace information created using the TOPOSNA TRACE command. See “SNA topology
manager traces” on page 415 for more information about the trace information provided by the SNA
topology manager.
For many SNA topology manager problems, especially problems related to incorrect output, gathering
NetView management console, GMFHS, and RODM information helps in locating and resolving problems.
Some of this information is already listed on this worksheet. You might want to fill out the problem
worksheets for these components and provide the information requested by the worksheets.
Abend problems
For abends or processor exception problems, complete the following questions:
1. What is the abend code?
2. What processes were taking place at the time of the abend?
3. The user abend codes are described in the online help facility (type HELP ABEND and use the scroll
function to locate the abend code). The system abend codes are documented in the IBM z/OS library.
4. Gather the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support:
• The first unformatted memory dump of the abend.
5. Gather the following information from the memory dump:
a. What is the program status word (PSW) at the time of the abend?
b. In which module did the abend occur? See “SNA Topology Manager” on page 15.
c. When was the module compiled?
d. What is the PTF level of the module pointed to by the abend?
e. What is the offset into the module pointed to by the PSW at the time of the abend?
f. List the registers at the time of the abend.
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following items:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• The exact text of the message on the log.
• Does the message contain any return codes, feedback codes, error codes, or sense information? List
the codes or information.
2. Check the message in the NetView online help to determine user action.
3. What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
• Commands:
• NetView management console commands:
• Other:
4. Did you follow the actions in the NetView online help? If so:
• What occurred?
• Is this what was expected?
• If not, what was expected?
5. Did the message text differ from what was published?
• Has local modification been made to change the message text?
• Has an update been made to the system that might have changed the message?
Loop problems
For loop problems, complete the following questions:
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following questions:
1. What is the scenario leading to the problem?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of your VTAM resource definitions. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server SNA Resource
Definition Reference for information about where these definitions are located.
• A copy of the system console memory dump.
5. What is the name of the module in which the wait occurred?
6. What is the date that the module was compiled?
7. What is the PTF level of the module involved?
8. What is the offset into the module where the wait occurred?
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following questions:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of your VTAM resource definitions. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server SNA Resource
Definition Reference for information about the location of these definitions.
• Copies of the agent node configurations.
• Copies of the agent node topology data.
• Descriptions of any modifications to your system.
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following items:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual or the number of the online help
panel involved.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the SNA topology manager, call IBM Software Support
5. If the problem is with an online help panel, call IBM Software Support.
Use Table 137 on page 323 to locate examples of problems you might encounter when using the SNA
topology manager. To use the table:
1. Locate your problem scenario using the first two columns.
• Problem Category
Arranged alphabetically
• Problem Scenario
– Arranged (first) according to where the symptom shows
– (Then) arranged alphabetically
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you are unable to solve your problem by using the examples in this chapter, refer to the examples in the
following documents:
• For the NetView program, some examples are described in Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting and initial
diagnosis for the NetView program,” on page 51.
• For the Graphic Monitor Facility host subsystem (GMFHS), some examples are described in Chapter 12,
“Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for NetView management console and GMFHS,” on page 183.
• For the Resource Object Data Manager (RODM), some examples are described in Chapter 18,
“Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for RODM,” on page 245.
For additional reference information about topology manager, see the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology
Manager Implementation Guide.
If you are still unable to solve your problem by using the references previously listed, follow the
instructions in Chapter 2, “Classifying problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting
problems,” on page 23 before contacting IBM Software Support.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 325
Table 138. Topology Manager Problems (continued)
Initialization Problem Page
Cannot connect to RODM “Cannot
connect to
RODM” on page
To solve the problem, correct the autotask start-up procedure, or if initializing the autotask from the
command line, re-specify the commands using the required name of FLBTOPO.
Followed by messages:
If a keyword is missing, a log entry is created with a major code of 78 and a minor code of 36. A common
reason for this is that FLBSYSD is down-level and therefore can be missing new required keywords.
To solve the problem, do the following steps:
Followed by messages:
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 327
The following messages are logged when the VTAM CMIP services are active, but the attempt to connect
Log entries are also created that provide more information about the exact error.
Log entries are also created that provide more detail on the exact error.
To solve the problem, do the following steps:
1. Verify that RODM is started and is active as follows:
• Use TSO ISPF to check the system log to determine whether RODM was started, successfully.
For example, if RODM was started using the job EKGXRODM and the name RODMNAME, the
following message is issued:
• Use TSO ISPF to determine whether the RODM job (address space) is still active. For example, if
RODM was started using the job EKGXRODM and the name RODMNAME, you see the following
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 329
The sample procedure, which is supplied with NetView, that starts RODM is EKGXRODM.
• If you cold-start RODM, proceed to step “3” on page 330 to verify that the SNA topology manager
has authorization to use RODM, and then proceed to step “4” on page 330.
• If you warm-start RODM using a checkpoint data set that does not include GMFHS class definitions,
proceed to step “3” on page 330 to verify that the SNA topology manager has authorization to use
RODM, and then proceed to step “4” on page 330.
• If you warm-start RODM using a checkpoint data set that includes GMFHS class definitions, but not
the SNA topology data model, proceed to step “3” on page 330 to verify that the SNA topology
manager has authorization to use RODM, and then proceed to step “5” on page 330.
• If you warm-start RODM using a checkpoint data set that includes GMFHS class definitions and the
SNA topology data model, proceed to step “3” on page 330 to verify that the SNA topology manager
has authorization to use RODM, and then proceed to step “6” on page 330.
3. Verify that you have authorized the SNA topology manager to use RODM.
If you have a software security system, such as RACF, active on your system you must define the
topology manager user ID APPNTM and authorize that ID to use RODM with an access authority level
of 5.
If the SNA topology manager is not authorized to use RODM, issue the commands necessary to
authorize access to RODM and restart the topology manager.
4. Verify that the GMFHS data model has been loaded into the RODM data cache.
The sample procedure, which is supplied with NetView, that loads the data model is EKGLOADP.
If you cold-started RODM, or warm-started RODM using a checkpoint data set that does not include
GMFHS class definitions, load the GMFHS data model. After loading the GMFHS data model, proceed
to step “5” on page 330 to load the SNA topology data model.
5. Verify that the SNA topology data model has been loaded into the RODM data cache.
• If the entire data model has not been loaded, the SNA topology manager goes into retry and the
following messages are issued:
The SNA topology manager checks for the existence of the Topology_Manager class in the RODM
data cache to determine whether the entire data model has been loaded. This class is defined in
loader file FLBTRDMZ, which is loaded last.
When the entire data model has been loaded, the topology manager continues with its initialization.
• If you started RODM and reloaded the GMFHS data model, you must load the SNA topology data
In addition, if you warm-started RODM using a checkpoint data set that included GMFHS class
definitions, but not the SNA topology data model, load the SNA topology data model.
The sample procedure, which is supplied with the SNA topology manager, that loads the SNA
topology data model is CNMSJH12.
6. Verify that the name of the Network_View_Class object is correct.
This object is created in the RODM data cache by the SNA topology manager loader file FLBTRDMA.
The default name is SuperclusterView. The SNA topology manager uses the name defined by the
SUPER_CLUSTER_VIEW_NAME keyword in the FLBSYSD initialization file to reference this object.
The name in the FLBSYSD file must match the name of the object in the RODM data cache.
If the names do not match, change the names defined in files FLBTRDMA and FLBSYSD so that they
An abend occurred in the SNA topology manager. The NetView program performs an SVC memory dump.
Usually, this indicates a software problem within the SNA topology manager or an interface problem
between the SNA topology manager and another task.
There can be incorrect (or incomplete) objects in the RODM data cache. The SNA topology manager is
dependent on the objects that it references in the RODM data cache and related objects being created
Abends Page
Abend during initialization “Abend during
on page 331
Abend after initialization “Abend after
on page 332
User abend “User abend”
on page 332
Abend error conditions “Abend error
conditions” on
page 332
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 331
User abend
For enhanced serviceability of the SNA topology manager, a user abend can be initiated to dump the
FLBTOPO autotask for diagnostic purposes. Whether this user abend is taken depends on the setting of
the ABEND_AND_DUMP parameter in the FLBSYSD initialization file. The default setting is YES.
When the SNA topology manager detects a severe processing error condition, it checks the setting of the
• If it is set to YES, the following message is issued:
The NetView address space is dumped and the SNA topology manager abends with a user abend. Use
the online help facility (type HELP ABEND and use the scroll function to locate the abend code).
• If set to NO, the following message is issued:
The user abend is not initiated; the SNA topology manager initiates shutdown and logoff.
Attention: Cold-starting the SNA topology manager purges all data in the RODM data cache
created by the SNA topology manager. If you want to keep this data, checkpoint the existing
data in the RODM data cache before restarting the SNA topology manager.
3. Perform the following actions:
• Cold-start RODM
Attention: Cold-starting RODM purges all data in the RODM data cache. If you want to keep
this data, checkpoint the existing data in the RODM data cache before cold-starting RODM.
• Reload the GMFHS and SNA topology data models
• Restart the SNA topology manager
If the SNA topology manager successfully starts, restart any required monitor operations.
4. If the abend does not occur again, the abend might have been caused by incorrect data stored in the
RODM data cache.
Report the abend to IBM Software Support. Provide the RODM dataspaces when reporting the
problem. Continue by performing all required operations to rebuild your topology information within
the RODM data cache.
Note: The most nondisruptive recovery mechanism is to warm-start RODM with a valid copy of checkpoint
data and then warm-start the SNA topology manager.
When you have verified that the topology data is valid, it is a good idea to archive previous versions of your
checkpoint data sets.
If the SNA topology manager is not processing updates that require the creation or deletion of objects
within the RODM data cache, try to checkpoint the RODM data cache. Updates that only change the status
of an object do not usually cause problems.
Wait until the network is stable (no other resources are being added to, or removed from, the network) or
temporarily stop all monitor operations.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 333
One or more messages or log entries describing the error are placed in the network log. Scan the
network log, searching for SNA topology manager or VTAM CMIP services messages and log entries
directly preceding or following message FLB442E. These messages and log entries describe the error.
• One probable cause is that the SNA topology manager encountered an unrecoverable error while
trying to send or receive data using VTAM CMIP services.
For example, if the VTAM CMIP services tasks unexpectedly end while the SNA topology manager is
active, the following messages are logged:
In this case, VTAM CMIP services logged a message indicating that it had ended. The SNA topology
manager also ended when it detected that VTAM CMIP services was no longer available. Refer to the
z/OS Communications Server SNA Diagnosis manuals for more information about diagnosing VTAM
CMIP services problems. For information about VTAM CMIP services, see the z/OS Communications
Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide.
• Another probable cause is RODM termination.
When the SNA topology manager discovers that RODM is terminating, the SNA topology manager
task logs the following messages and ends:
Review the NetView and system log. If an operator has ended the RODM task, warm-start the RODM
again and then start the SNA topology manager FLBTOPO task to resume the previous SNA topology
manager state.
• Another probable cause is that the SNA topology manager encountered an unrecoverable error while
referring to data in the RODM data cache.
Usually, the SNA topology manager creates one or more log entries describing the error and logs the
following messages:
Use the information in the associated log entries to diagnose and correct the problem. Log entries
are described in “SNA Topology Manager log record formats” on page 376.
• A fourth probable cause is the SNA topology manager cannot allocate enough storage.
In this case, the SNA topology manager creates a log entry (78-0) indicating the storage allocation
Use the information in the associated log entries to diagnose and correct the problem. The log
entries are described in “SNA Topology Manager log record formats” on page 376.
If the cause is not one of the above, the information provided in the log entry, along with the
description of the log entries, enables you to determine the cause of the error and provide solutions.
The log entries are described in “SNA Topology Manager log record formats” on page 376.
In this case, VTAM CMIP services logged a message indicating that it ended. When the SNA
topology manager detected that VTAM CMIP services were no longer available, it reinitialized and
attempted to connect to VTAM CMIP services. The connect failed and retries began. Refer to the
z/OS Communications Server SNA Diagnosis manuals for more information about diagnosing VTAM
CMIP services problems. For information about VTAM CMIP services, see the z/OS Communications
Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide.
b. If RODM has ended, the following message sequence is received:
Use the information in the associated log entries to determine why RODM ended and correct the
problem. The log entries are described in “SNA Topology Manager log record formats” on page 376.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 335
The SNA topology manager, if it detects a checkpoint operation in progress, continues to retry updating
the RODM data cache. It does not process new commands or updates until the checkpoint operation is
complete and it finishes processing the existing update.
The SNA topology manager logs the following message when it begins the wait for the RODM checkpoint
to complete:
• If message FLB464I has been logged, the automatic topology function is not active because a null
value as the first entry in the SNA_NETID list cancels the automatic collection of topology
• If message FLB464I has not been logged, do the following steps:
a. Verify that the NetID for the node for which automatic topology is expected has been specified in
the SNA_NETID list in the FLBSYSD initialization file.
Refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager Implementation Guide for more information
about the FLBSYSD initialization file.
b. Verify that the TOPOSNA SETDEFS,AUTOMON command was correct.
Refer to the NetView online help facility for information about the command and the correct
2. Correct the problem.
3. If the SNA_NETID list in FLBSYSD has been updated, stop and restart the SNA topology manager.
• For LU collection:
Most of these problems result in associated VTAM CMIP services log entries being created or SNA
topology manager messages being issued. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server SNA Diagnosis
manuals for more information about diagnosing VTAM CMIP services problems. For information about
VTAM CMIP services, see the z/OS Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide.
To solve the problem, take the following actions:
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 337
1. Verify that you specified the correct node name when you issued the TOPOSNA MONITOR command.
The SNA topology manager retries monitor operations to unknown nodes. The retry procedures are the
same as those for communication problems.
If the wrong node name was specified, issue a TOPOSNA STOP command for the unknown node, and
issue the TOPOSNA MONITOR command again using a valid node name.
2. Verify that the VTAM topology agent is installed on this node and that the VTAM CMIP services are
active on this node.
Refer to the z/OS Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide for information
about installing the VTAM topology agent.
From VTAM you can enter the following commands:
The expected message is IST1189I, indicating that the OSIMGMT option is YES or NO. If NO, you can
turn it on by entering:
For more information about VTAMOPTS, refer to z/OS Communications Server SNA Operation.
3. Verify that the topology agent is active.
If not active, start the topology agent and CMIP services, and then proceed to step “7” on page 339.
Refer to the z/OS Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide for information
about starting the VTAM topology agent.
4. Verify that the mainframe server can establish a session with the agent node.
If you are using the APPN function of VTAM, verify that the agent node can be located by VTAM. This
• The agent node must be in the same APPN subnetwork as your VTAM node.
• The agent node must be in a subnetwork adjacent to the VTAM subnetwork and the two
subnetworks are connected by peripheral border nodes or extended border nodes.
• The agent node must be in a subnetwork that is not adjacent to the VTAM subnetwork and the
subnetworks between the agent node subnetworks and the VTAM subnetwork are connected by
extended border nodes.
If the APPN function of VTAM is enabled and the agent node is explicitly defined to VTAM, the
definition requirements are the same as those in effect when not using the APPN function of VTAM.
The SNA topology manager logs the sense code returned from VTAM when a session cannot be
established with the agent node. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server SNA Diagnosis manuals for
more information about diagnosing VTAM problems. Also, see the z/OS Communications Server CMIP
Services and Topology Agent Guide.
Solve the network problem and proceed to step “7” on page 339.
5. Verify that you are not trying to obtain network topology data from an APPN end node.
The topology agent at an end node rejects requests for network topology. If network topology
information was requested from an end node, issue a TOPOSNA STOP,NETWORK command for the
end node.
If local topology data from an APPN end node has been collected, the SNA topology manager has
information about the type of this node. When the network topology request is issued for this APPN
end node, the SNA topology manager cancels the network topology request and issues the following
error message:
6. If all of the previous conditions are satisfied, a network failure can be preventing the delivery of the
request to the agent node.
The SNA topology manager logs the sense code returned from VTAM when a session cannot be
established with the agent node. Locate and correct the network error.
Refer to the z/OS Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide for more
Solve the communications problem and proceed to step “7” on page 339.
7. Issue the TOPOSNA MONITOR command again.
If the SNA topology manager is still retrying the command, it sends the request to the agent node
immediately, without waiting for the retry interval to expire.
3. Verify that an active path exists between the node owning the resource and a node being monitored by
the SNA topology manager.
The SNA topology manager ignores updates for a resource if an active path does not exist between the
node and any of the nodes being monitored by the SNA topology manager. “The resource status is
unknown” on page 354 describes how the SNA topology manager determines if an active path exists
for each class of resource.
Refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager Implementation Guide for more information.
4. Verify that the SNA topology manager supports the missing attribute.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 339
The resources and attributes supported by the SNA topology manager are described in the IBM Z
NetView Data Model Reference.
The SNA topology manager discards all attributes it does not support. The first time the SNA topology
manager receives an unsupported attribute from an agent, it creates an informational log entry in the
network log, with a major code of 78 and a minor code of 25.
See “SNA Topology Manager log record formats” on page 376 for more information about this log
5. Verify that the topology agent reports the missing attribute.
All topology agents must report all mandatory attributes; otherwise, VTAM CMIP services rejects the
data received from the agent node and creates a log entry identifying the data being discarded.
Some of the attributes supported by the SNA topology manager are optional, and might not be
reported by the installed topology agent. Refer to the documentation for the topology agent installed
at the agent node to determine what attributes it reports.
The VTAM topology agent is described in the z/OS Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology
Agent Guide.
Another way to determine whether the topology agent is reporting the attribute is to trace the
information being received by the SNA topology manager from the agent node. To trace the
information, perform the following steps:
a. Enable the CMIP trace category, using the TOPOSNA TRACE command, to trace all CMIP data
received by the SNA topology manager.
b. Locate the replies received from the node reporting the resource with the missing attribute to
determine whether the attribute is being reported by the agent node.
The NetView online help facility describes how to use the TOPOSNA TRACE command. The format of
the trace records is described in “GTF trace record format” on page 415. The format of the CMIP-
linked replies received by the SNA topology manager is described in the IBM SystemView library.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 341
6. Resources obtained from monitoring the local topology of a node might not be displayed in any views
to which the NetView management console operator can navigate.
The navigation views display all network nodes obtained from monitoring network topology, along with
all nodes adjacent to the network nodes. When a node can be displayed, all resources owned by that
node can also be displayed.
A problem results when the node owning the resource (including the node itself) is not displayed. The
resource might not be displayed if you request the local topology of a node and you are not monitoring
the network topology of the subnetwork the node belongs to, or if the node is not adjacent to a
network node reported by the network topology. In either case, the node is created in the RODM data
cache, and can be found and displayed by using the locate resource function.
To locate a resource, specify the DisplayResourceName of the resource. Use the configuration parents
option. The Any View with the Resource option does not find the resource because it does not search
the SNA topology manager views.
Using the locate resource function and formatting of the display resource names for all resources
(objects) created by the SNA topology manager are described in the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology
Manager Implementation Guide. Also, refer to the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference for more
information about display resource names.
• For LU collection:
See “Monitor Operation ended normally” on page 345 to solve the problem.
2. If the monitor operation stopped because the time specified in the MONTIME parameter on the
TOPOSNA MONITOR command expired, the operator who issued the TOPOSNA MONITOR command
receives the following message (this message is also placed in the network log):
• For network topology:
• For LU collection:
See “Monitor Operation ended normally” on page 345 to solve the problem.
3. If the monitor operation stopped because the SNA topology manager ended, the network log contains
messages indicating that the SNA topology manager has stopped.
• If an operator request ended the SNA topology manager, see “Topology Manager or VTAM CMIP
Services was ended by an operator” on page 345 to solve the problem.
• If an unrecoverable error caused the SNA topology manager to unexpectedly end, see “Topology
Manager or VTAM CMIP Services unexpectedly ended” on page 345 to solve the problem.
4. If the monitor operation stopped because VTAM CMIP services ended, the network log contains
messages indicating that VTAM CMIP services has stopped.
The SNA topology manager also ends, placing messages in the network log indicating it has also
• If an operator request ended VTAM CMIP services, see “Topology Manager or VTAM CMIP Services
was ended by an operator” on page 345 to solve the problem.
• If an unrecoverable error caused VTAM CMIP services to unexpectedly end, see “Topology Manager
or VTAM CMIP Services unexpectedly ended” on page 345 to solve the problem.
5. If the monitor operation stopped because an active VTAM path or session became inactive, the
operator who issued the TOPOSNA MONITOR command receives the following message (this can
happen if the monitor request is to a remote VTAM):
See “An active VTAM path or session became inactive” on page 345 to solve the problem.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 343
6. If the monitor operation stopped because of a network error, the SNA topology manager sends the
following messages to the operator that started the monitor operation (the message is also placed in
the network log):
7. • For network topology:
• For LU collection:
See “Monitor operation stopped because of a Network Problem” on page 345 to solve the problem.
8. If the monitor operation stopped because the topology agent, the agent CMIP services, or the agent
communications support ended, the SNA topology manager sends a message to the operator that
started the monitor operation.
The message is also placed in the network log. The messages used are the same as those used when a
network error is detected.
Also, the following message might be logged:
Is the name of the resource that was the target of the request.
Is the return code provided by CMIP services.
Is the internal indicator used to map the CMIP error.
Is the processing failure error code.
Use the descriptions of the messages and log entries to diagnose and correct the problem. Restart the
SNA topology manager, and VTAM CMIP services if necessary, and restart the monitor operation.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 345
If the SNA topology manager has exhausted its retries before the problem is solved, the monitor
operation is ended. Issue the TOPOSNA MONITOR command again to restart the monitor operation. The
SNA topology manager sends the following message to the operator that started the monitor operation,
and logs it in the network log, when the retries for a monitor operation are exhausted:
• For network topology:
• For LU collection:
If the error is an unrecoverable error, the SNA topology manager does not retry the operation and the
monitor operation is ended. Issue the TOPOSNA MONITOR command again to restart the monitor
The SNA topology manager commands are described in the NetView online help facility. Refer to the IBM
Z NetView SNA Topology Manager Implementation Guide for more information about monitoring topology
Network problems
Most of the problems are related to communications problems or setup problems at the agent node.
Refer to the z/OS Communications Server SNA Diagnosis manuals for more information about diagnosing
VTAM CMIP services problems. For information about VTAM CMIP services, see the z/OS Communications
Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 347
• An update is received for a node that specifies a new node type (class) for a node. The old node in the
RODM data cache is deleted and replaced with a new node object in the correct class.
To solve the problem, do the following steps:
1. Verify that the object was created by the SNA topology manager.
The SNA topology manager deletes only those objects that it creates. All other objects must be
explicitly deleted by an operator or program.
The SNA topology manager sets the FLB_CREATOR attribute in every object it creates to FLB. Objects
that do not have this attribute or have the attribute set to a different value are not deleted by the SNA
topology manager, unless the object is a node object and the SNA topology manager learns that the
class of the object does not match the type of the node in the network.
2. Verify that the status of the object is unknown.
If the status of the object is not unknown, the object is being updated by one or more existing monitor
The SNA topology manager does not purge objects that are still being reported by topology agents.
To purge these objects, the monitor operations that are providing updates for the resource must be
“The resource status is unknown” on page 354 describes which monitor operations provide
information about a resource.
For more information about how the status of resources is reported, when the SNA topology manager
considers the information reliable, and when objects are purged, refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA
Topology Manager Implementation Guide.
After stopping the appropriate monitor operations, the status of the resource changes to unknown.
Issue a TOPOSNA PURGE,PURGDAYS=0 command to purge the resource. Zero is specified for
PURGDAYS because the status of the resource was just updated to unknown.
After purging the resource, restart any desired monitor operations. If the resource is created again, it
still exists in the network and must not be purged.
Note: When a TOPOSNA PURGE command is issued, the SNA topology manager purges all objects that
have not been updated within the specified time period and are not currently being monitored. A
TOPOSNA PURGE,PURGDAYS=0 command purges all resources that are not currently being
monitored. These resources are created again when the appropriate monitor operations are started, if
the resources still exist.
Objects are purged during initialization of the SNA topology manager regardless of their displayed
status. No monitors are active; therefore, the SNA topology manager does not check the status of each
object before purging it. In fact, after initialization the status of all objects not purged is set to
If the SNA topology manager is warm-started, this status might be changed by the SNA topology
manager soon after because of updates received from the monitor operations it auto-started.
3. Verify that object is not being monitored, even though status of the object is unknown.
Examples of objects to verify include:
• The SNA topology manager might still be monitoring the status of the object, even though its status
is unknown.
In addition to when the resource is not being monitored, the SNA topology manager marks the status
of resources as unknown when an active path does not exist between the resource and the nodes
being monitored. (If an active path does not exist, the topology agent cannot report reliable
information about the resource and the SNA topology manager sets the status of the object to
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 349
If the definition of the SNA topology manager object class definitions in the SNA topology data model
is modified to include extra OBJECTLINK or OBJECTLINKLIST attributes, the SNA topology manager is
not able to delete any of the objects of that class.
Modifying the object class definitions of the SNA topology manager objects will probably cause other
problems and is not supported by the SNA topology manager. If the class definitions have been
modified, do the following steps:
a. Stop the SNA topology manager and RODM.
b. Restore the NetView SNA topology manager object class definitions.
c. Cold-start RODM, or warm-start with a version of checkpoint data that does not include the SNA
topology data model.
d. Reload the GMFHS data model (if necessary) and the SNA topology data model into the RODM data
e. Start the SNA topology manager and start all required monitor operations.
• If the missing resource is a node, it might have been deleted because the SNA topology manager
received an update from a topology agent that changed the class of the object.
The SNA topology manager deletes the existing object and creates a new object, under the new class, to
represent the node. The new object might need to be removed from certain views it is in because it is
incorrect for an object of the new class to be in that view. Proceed to step “4” on page 352.
• If the missing resource is a node, it might have been deleted because the SNA topology manager
received an update from the topology agent that changed the name of the object.
This might happen for t4Nodes and t5Nodes.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 351
Refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager Implementation Guide for more information about
purging objects.
If the SNA topology manager was cold-started, all objects created by the SNA topology manager are
deleted. The only SNA topology manager objects left in the RODM data cache are those created by
other means (such as customer-created objects using the RODM loader files).
If the object still exists in the network and if you want to restore it to your NetView management
console views, proceed to step “7” on page 353. Otherwise, no action is required.
4. A node was deleted by the SNA topology manager and created again using a different node class.
One of the following messages is issued:
• The SNA topology manager changes the class of node objects as more accurate information is
learned about the type of the node.
The SNA topology manager tries to maintain the object in all its existing views, but sometimes the
new object is not valid in a view. For example, if a node was changed from an end node to a network
node, the node is no longer displayed in the network node domain view (the nnDomain object) of the
previously serving network node.
Likewise, if a node is changed from a network node to an end node, the nnDomain object associated
with the network node is deleted.
See the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager Implementation Guide for more information about
how and why the class of node objects is also changed in the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference.
• The resource still exists in the RODM data cache, but is defined under a different object class.
Open the NetView management console views containing the resource or use Locate Resource pull-
down menu selection to display the resource.
To locate the new node, specify the DisplayResourceName of the resource (the network-qualified
name of the node).
Use the Configuration Parents option. The Any View with the Resource option does not find the
resource because it does not search the SNA topology manager views.
Information about how to use the Locate Resource function and format the display resource names for
all resources (objects) created by the SNA topology manager is described in the IBM Z NetView SNA
Topology Manager Implementation Guide. Also, refer to the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference for
more information about displaying resource names.
5. A node was deleted by the SNA topology manager and created again using a different node name.
If the missing resource is a node, it might have been deleted because the SNA topology manager
received an update from a topology agent that changed the name of the object. This might happen for
t4Nodes and t5Nodes.
The following message is issued:
This happens when a back-level NCP (t4Node) is known to a VTAM host contact only, meaning the NCP
has never been activated but VTAM knows about the NCP.
VTAM reports this NCP by its subarea number (NETA.00000097), and the SNA topology manager
creates this t4Node in RODM as NETA.00000097.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 353
Attention: Starting RODM with checkpoint data removes all data created by the SNA topology
manager since the checkpoint data set was created from the RODM data cache. To rebuild
this data, issue monitor operations for all missing resources. User-created objects and
objects that no longer exist in the network that are not in the checkpoint data cannot be
restored without the objects being explicitly created by the user.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 355
TGs between network nodes can also be reported by monitoring the network topology of any other
network node in the subnetwork because APPN propagates the status of all TGs between network nodes
in a subnetwork to all other network nodes in that subnetwork.
An active path of CP-CP sessions must exist between the node owning the TG and the network node being
monitored because the network nodes use CP-CP sessions to propagate the status of the TGs throughout
the network.
If an active path does not exist, the information being reported for the TG is not considered reliable
because more recent updates are not being received by the network node reporting the status.
To solve the problem, monitor the local topology of the node owning the TG or the network topology of
one or more network nodes in the same subnetwork as the node owning the TG.
The status of the TG remains unknown if all of the following are true:
• The local topology of the node owning the TG is not monitored.
• A path of active CP-CP sessions does not exist between the node owning the TG and any of the network
nodes in the subnetwork whose network topology is being monitored.
Note: All TGs between network nodes are placed in the network topology database. This includes TGs
that do not support CP-CP sessions. Some TGs that are defined to connect two network nodes might not
be defined in the network topology database until the link associated with the TG is activated.
Resource is a TG circuit
The status of TG circuits is derived from the status of the underlying TGs. If the status of both TGs is
unknown, the status of the TG circuit is also unknown.
If the SNA topology manager knows only about one of the TGs associated with the TG circuit, the status of
the TG circuit matches the status of the TG.
Refer to “Resource is a TG that does not connect two network nodes” on page 355 and “Resource is a TG
that connects two network nodes” on page 355 for information about obtaining the status of the TGs
associated with the TG circuit. Obtaining the status of a TG associated with a TG circuit updates the status
of the circuit.
Resource is a link
Links are reported only by monitoring the local topology of the node owning the link.
To solve the problem, monitor the local topology of the node owning the link.
Resource is a port
Ports are reported only by monitoring the local topology of the node owning the port.
To solve this problem, monitor the local topology of the node owning the port.
When combining the subarea status and APPN status of an interchangeNode or migrationDataHost object
and BEST status is specified, the status of the node is satisfactory if either the subarea or APPN side of
the node is active.
Resource is a t5Node
When only network topology is collected from a VTAM topology agent, only CDRM information is reported
by the VTAM topology agent. When an active CDRM is reported with a realSSCPname, the SNA topology
• Creates the CDRM in the RODM data cache
• Creates a t5Node object in the RODM data cache with the realSSCPname
• Sets the t5Node object status to satisfactory
If this active CDRM is deactivated or becomes inactive because of a network problem, the VTAM topology
agent reports this CDRM as an inactive node. The SNA topology manager updates the status of this CDRM
to inactive and the status of the t5Node object created with the realSSCPname to unknown.
When only LUCOL topology is requested, the node is created as an snaNode, and the status is set to
To solve the problem, do the following steps:
1. Activate the CDRM, if deactivated by an operator, or investigate why the CDRM became inactive,
2. If a network problem caused this condition, correct the problem.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 357
• Mapping of the OSI status and states to the DisplayStatus of a resource is incorrect in the FLBOSIDS
• Mapping of OSI status for the resolved status of a multiply-owned resource is incorrect in FLBSRT table.
For more information about processing updates and the interpretation of the status of resources, refer to
the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager Implementation Guide.
The following are resolutions to various status inconsistencies:
1. The status of the resource is shown as unknown.
• If the status of the resource is unknown, the SNA topology manager is not receiving status updates
for the resource.
The SNA topology manager does not receive status updates for resources it is not currently
monitoring. It also does not receive status updates when network conditions prevent the receipt of
the update by an agent node or the delivery of the update to the SNA topology manager.
See “The resource status is unknown” on page 354 for more information about these possible
problems and suggested resolutions.
• When the OSI status received cannot be mapped using the FLBOSIDS or FLBSRT customization
tables, the SNA topology manager defaults the status of the resource to unknown and the following
message is issued:
If the status was not found in the FLBOSIDS table, the DisplayStatus is set to unknown. If the status
was not found in the FLBSRT table, the resolved status that was calculated might not be the correct
status. See the NetView online help facility for more information.
2. The status of the transmission group or TG circuit is satisfactory or intermediate and the status of the
underlying link is unsatisfactory.
Transmission groups might not change status, even when their underlying link is deactivated, if the
underlying link is demand-activated. In addition, transmission group circuits do not change status if
their underlying transmission groups do not change status.
Transmission groups with underlying demand-activated links remain active (in APPN terms) because
they are still available for use. Therefore, the topology agents do not generate updates for these
transmission groups when their underlying links are inactive.
The SNA topology manager attempts to reflect a status change by changing the status of the
transmission group to intermediate if it is active but its underlying link is inactive.
If you are not monitoring the local topology of the node owning the transmission group, the SNA
topology manager cannot determine the status of the underlying link. The status of the transmission
group remains satisfactory.
Ignore the perceived status inconsistency. For more information, refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA
Topology Manager Implementation Guide.
3. The status of the transmission group is unknown and the status of the underlying link is unsatisfactory.
The configuration of the node was changed so that the link is now associated with another
transmission group (for example, the link is adjusted to connect to a different adjacent node).
If you stop monitoring the local topology of the node, and then start it again, the status of the old
transmission group (the one previously associated with the link) might be shown as unknown although
the underlying link is shown as unsatisfactory.
The reason this inconsistency exists is that the topology agent does not report the transmission group
status when the new copy of local topology is obtained; therefore, the SNA topology manager leaves
its status marked as unknown.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 359
transmission group is deleted when the TOPOSNA PURGE command is issued, but only if APPN has
purged the TG from the network topology databases in the network.
Refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager Implementation Guide for more information about
purging resources.
6. The customized status of a resource is incorrect.
Check the NetView log for the following messages:
If any of these messages are found in the log, use the NetView online help facility for the message to
find more information about how to correct the problem.
If the status is other than unknown, determine whether the OSI to DisplayStatus mapping specified in
the FLBOSIDS and FLBSRT tables is correct for the resource or the class of the resource.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 361
Table 140. Aggregate Resource Status
Aggregate resource status is not being updated because Page
Status of the aggregate resource is unknown. “Status of the Aggregate Resource Is unknown” on
page 362
Status of the aggregate resource is known, but incorrect. “Status of the Aggregate Resource Is known but
incorrect” on page 362
InterDomainNetworkCircuit view
An interDomainNetworkCircuit view is generated by requesting more detail of an
interDomainNetworkCircuit object. The interDomainNetworkCircuit object is used to represent an
intersubnetwork link between two APPN subnetworks.
Intersubnetwork links are TG circuits used to connect border nodes in one subnetwork to a network node
or border node in another subnetwork. They are used to route session requests between subnetworks.
They are not TG circuits used to provide APPN casual connections between a network node in one
subnetwork and an end node in another subnetwork. Also, they are not TG circuits used for LEN
connections between nodes in two subnetworks.
The resources that are shown in this view are all the interDomainCircuit objects that connect nnDomain
objects in different subnetworks.
This view is not displayed if all the interDomainCircuit objects shown in the view are purged. See “Objects
unexpectedly purged” on page 350 for more information about purging and recovering objects.
NnDomainNetwork view
An nnDomainNetwork view is generated by requesting more detail of an nnDomainNetwork object. The
nnDomainNetwork object is used to represent the status of the session routing capability of the APPN
subnetwork. The resources that are shown in its view are:
• All nnDomain objects in the APPN subnetwork
• All interDomainCircuit objects used to connect the nnDomain objects in the subnetwork
The view might no longer be displayed for one of the following reasons.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 363
• All the resources shown in the view are purged.
To create the view again, monitor the network topology of the subnetwork and request more detail of
the nnDomainNetwork object.
See “Objects unexpectedly purged” on page 350 for more information about purging and recovering
• The SNA topology manager detected that it was using two nnDomainNetwork objects to represent the
same subnetwork and merged the resources contained in the views into a single view.
As the SNA topology manager monitors the network topology of network nodes, it assumes each
network node being monitored is in a unique subnetwork and creates an nnDomainNetwork object to
represent the subnetwork. When the SNA topology manager discovers that two network nodes being
monitored are a part of the same subnetwork, it merges the nnDomainNetwork objects into a single
nnDomainNetwork object containing all the resources that were contained in both views. It might take
the SNA topology manager a noticeable amount of time to recognize the connection. The links providing
the connection might be inactive, or other links in the subnetwork might be inactive such that the
connected node information is considered unreliable by the SNA topology manager.
Locate the nnDomainNetwork object containing the merged network information and request more
detail to build the view if the view is not already open. The network ID in the DisplayResourceName
attribute of the merged nnDomainNetwork object is the same as the network ID of the deleted
nnDomainNetwork object.
InterDomainCircuit view
The interDomainCircuit view is generated by requesting more detail of an interDomainCircuit object. The
interDomainCircuit object is used to represent the status of the connection between network nodes. The
resources that are shown in an interDomainCircuit view are all the TG circuits used to connect the two
network nodes. The network nodes can be in the same subnetwork or different subnetworks.
The interDomainCircuit view is no longer displayed if all TG circuits shown in the view are purged or if the
class of any network node connected by the TG circuits was changed from a network node to another
node type.
Unless a connection between the two network nodes no longer exists or one of the nodes is no longer a
network node, monitoring the network topology of the subnetwork containing the network node and
requesting more detail of the interDomain Circuit object will create the view again. See “Objects
unexpectedly purged” on page 350 for more information about purging and recovering objects.
NnDomain view
An nnDomain view is generated by requesting more detail of an nnDomain object. The nnDomain object is
used to represent the status of the network node and the resources in its domain. The resources that are
shown in an nnDomain view are:
• The network node whose domain is represented by the nnDomain object
• All TG circuits that support CP-CP sessions used to connect the network node to its served end nodes
• All end nodes for which the network node provides network node services
The nnDomain view is no longer displayed if one of the following is true:
• All resources shown in the view are purged.
• The network node is purged.
• The class of the network node was changed from a network node to another node type.
See “Objects unexpectedly purged” on page 350 for more information purging and recovering objects.
Unless the node no longer exists or is no longer a network node, monitoring the network topology of the
subnetwork containing the network node and requesting more detail of the nnDomain object creates the
view again.
Link-Port view
A Link-Port view is generated by requesting more detail of a node object. The Link-Port view shows all
links and ports owned by the node (obtained from the local topology of the node).
The resources that are shown in its view are:
• All ports owned by the node
• All links owned by the node
The node, its associated TG circuits, and adjacent nodes are shown in the snaLocalTopology view.
Requesting more detail of a node creates both these views.
This view is not displayed if all links and ports associated with the node are purged or if the node is
purged. Also, this view might not be displayed if the class of the node was changed.
See “Objects unexpectedly purged” on page 350 for more information about purging and recovering
objects. Usually, monitoring the local topology of the node and requesting more detail of the node object
creates the view again.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 365
A link view is generated by requesting more detail of a link. The link view shows the port associated
with the link. This view is no longer displayed if the port associated with the link is purged or if the link
is purged.
See “Objects unexpectedly purged” on page 350 for more information about purging and recovering
Attention: Cold-starting the SNA topology manager purges all data in the RODM data cache
created by the SNA topology manager. All resources created by the SNA topology manager
are removed from the NetView management console views and must be discovered or
learned again.
4. Purge all resources in the subnetwork.
Issue a TOPOSNA PURGE,PURGDAYS=0 command to purge the resources. Zero is specified for
PURGDAYS because the status of the resources was just updated to unknown. The nnDomainNetwork
object representing the subnetwork must be deleted as a result of the command. If the object has not
purged, not all of the required monitor operations have been stopped.
Return to step “3” on page 366 and stop the required monitor operations.
a. When a TOPOSNA PURGE command is issued, the SNA topology manager purges all objects that
have not been updated within the specified time period and are not currently being monitored.
b. A TOPOSNA PURGE,PURGDAYS=0 command purges all resources that are not currently being
monitored, including resources in other subnetworks. These resources are created again when the
appropriate monitor operations are started, if the resources still exist.
5. Issue the monitor operations required to relearn the topology of the network.
After purging the nnDomainNetwork, issue the appropriate TOPOSNA MONITOR commands to
rediscover or learn all the resources that were purged. The SNA topology manager builds separate
nnDomainNetwork objects to represent the separate subnetworks. If the SNA topology manager
builds a single subnetwork again, the disjointed sections are part of the same subnetwork.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 367
The SNA topology manager displays a node using the last reliable information it received about the
node. If the configuration of the node was changed, the node must be monitored (either directly or
indirectly) for the SNA topology manager to learn of the change
• The network topology of a subnetwork is erroneously reporting a node as a network node.
Even after a node has been changed from a network node to another node type, the network topology
databases of the network nodes in the subnetwork might still represent the node as a network node and
report the node as a network node in the network topology of the node.
See “Status of a nonexistent resource is not unknown” on page 371 for more information.
• The network topology from a migrationDataHost node created as a t5Node object
The VTAM agent on the migrationDataHost node reports only the CDRMs during network topology, and
does not report the type of this node. The SNA topology manager creates this node as a t5Node object.
The SNA topology manager also creates a t5Node for each active CDRM reported with a realSSCPname,
the class of these nodes might not be accurate.
Collect the local topology to reflect the correct class of these nodes.
• The LUCOL monitor from a VTAM agent is created as an snaNode
The SNA topology manager creates a snaNode for the VTAM agent during the monitoring of the LU
collection if it is not monitoring local or network topology from this VTAM agent.
Collect the local topology to reflect the correct class of this node.
To correct this problem, perform the following steps:
1. Monitor the local topology of the node that is incorrect.
This local topology monitor updates the class of the node to the correct node type.
Of course, if the node does not have the topology agent installed, the SNA topology manager cannot
monitor the local topology of the node. For most incorrect node type problems, when the correct node
type is learned, the local topology monitor can be stopped.
2. Monitor the local topology of a node adjacent to the incorrect node.
This local topology monitor might solve the problem, depending on how the node is defined by the
node being monitored.
In addition, a link between the node being monitored and the incorrect node must be active so that the
monitored node receives the most up-to-date information about the node. As with monitoring the
node, when the correct node type is known, the local topology monitor can be stopped.
3. Remove the erroneous node definition from the network topology databases of the network nodes in
the subnetwork.
Perform this step only if the node is being shown as a network node because it is being reported as
such in the network topology of one or more of the network nodes in the subnetwork.
First, attempt to correct the problem using the previous steps. If those steps do not solve the problem,
see “Status of a nonexistent resource is not unknown” on page 371.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 369
– LU groups
To summarize:
• Links and ports are reported only as part of the local topology of the owning node.
• All nodes are reported as part of their local topology and as part of the local topology of any of their
adjacent nodes. Network nodes are also reported in the network topology of any network node in the
same subnetwork.
• All TGs are reported as part of the local topology of the owning node. TGs between network nodes are
also reported in the network topology of any network node in the same subnetwork.
• LU topology can only be collected from VTAM topology agents.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 371
A common problem is that unexpected nnDomainNetwork objects are displayed. These objects are
created to represent the objects obtained by monitoring the network topology of the nodes in a
subnetwork. Network topology can report resources that no longer exist, which can cause the creation of
extraneous nnDomainNetwork objects.
See “Status of a nonexistent resource is not unknown” on page 371 for information about network
topology that contains incorrect data.
Network topology can also report old information for resources. For example, if a network node was
changed to an end node, the network topology databases of the network nodes in the subnetwork will
probably continue to represent the node as a network node. The SNA topology manager shows the node
as a network node unless it discovers that the node is really an end node (by monitoring the local
topology of the node). The SNA topology manager might create extraneous nnDomainNetwork objects to
represent a separate subnetwork containing the incorrectly represented node. The node is not a network
node, so the network topology does not contain any active connections to the node with active CP-CP
sessions; the SNA topology manager assumes that the node is in a separate subnetwork.
1. See “Status of a nonexistent resource is not unknown” on page 371 for suggested ways to eliminate
extraneous information from the network topology databases of the network nodes in the subnetwork.
2. If a node is incorrectly being shown as a network node, monitor the local topology of the node or the
serving network node of the node.
The SNA topology manager detects that the node is no longer a network node and updates the node in
the RODM data cache. It deletes the extraneous nnDomain and nnDomainNetwork objects if they do
not contain any other resources.
See “Class of Node Object does not match node type” on page 367 for more information.
If any of these messages are found in the log, use the NetView online help facility for the message to find
more information about how to correct the problem. Refer to the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager
Implementation Guide for information.
Chapter 21. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the SNA Topology Manager 373
374 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology
This chapter describes the diagnostic tools that can be used to isolate and identify problems detected
and possibly caused by the SNA topology manager. The following is a list of the diagnostic tools described
in this chapter. These diagnostic tools are specific to the topology manager or have special usage
• Messages
• Log Entries
• Traces
• TOPOSNA LISTxxxx requests
Other diagnostic tools that can be used to help diagnose problems with the topology manager include:
• The interactive problem control system (IPCS)
• The network log
• The TASKMON command
• The TASKUTIL command
• The NetView internal trace
• VTAM CMIP traces
• The program-to-program interface (PPI) trace facility for NetView
These tools are described in Chapter 6, “Diagnostic tools for the NetView program,” on page 75.
For any topology manager log entry containing a major-minor code that is not described in this
section, contact IBM Software Support.
Each log entry contains a probe ID, major code, minor code, and log data size as follows:
Probe ID
This identifies which specific section of code created the log entry. This ID is used mostly by IBM
Software Support when diagnosing problems with the topology manager program. It can also be used
by customers to identify and correlate multiple occurrences of the same event. The same event can
• Log entries with 1–32 bytes of additional data are created using two messages. The first message
(FLB600E, FLB601W, or FLB602I), identifies the event being logged, and the amount of additional data.
The last message (FLB604I) provides the additional data. Both messages use the same probe ID:
FLB604I PROBEID 0B520247 DATA 0000: 0001005340B90EA0000700B3
• Log entries with greater than 32 bytes of additional data are created using multiple messages, with the
number of messages dependent on the amount of additional data. The first message (FLB600E,
FLB601W, or FLB602I), identifies the event being logged, and the amount of additional data. This
message is followed by one or more FLB603I messages, which provide 32 bytes of additional data
each. As many FLB603I messages are logged as needed to provide all but the last 1–32 bytes of
additional data associated with the log entry. The last message (FLB604I) provides the last 1–32 bytes
of additional data, and signifies the end of messages associated with the log entry. All messages use the
same probe ID. Following is an example of a log entry:
FLB603I PROBEID 0B510514 DATA 0000: 00000005D5C5E3C14BC1F5F7D4000000
FLB603I PROBEID 0B510514 DATA 0010: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 377
FLB603I PROBEID 0B510514 DATA 0020: 00000000000000000000000000000000
FLB604I PROBEID 0B510514 DATA 0030: 00000005046BD50020000000
FLB604I PROBEID 0B51C0CD DATA 0000: USIBMNT.NT81I046000000000000000000000331
The example below demonstrates padding character data with a period to align to a byte boundary.
Although no other data follows the character data in the log data, the period is added to make the total
number of characters in the field even (18). The size of the data is shown in bytes, where the size of the
18 character string data is 9 bytes.
FLB604I PROBEID 0B300701 DATA 0000: (result-code 817).
For any topology manager log entry containing a major-minor code that is not described in this
chapter, contact IBM Software Support.
These log entries are created whenever a component of the topology manager receives an unexpected
result from a system function. A system function is a function provided by the NetView program or the
MVS system (for example the generalized trace facility (GTF)). These log entries can be created by any
component of the topology manager. Usually, there are associated log entries that describe the
consequences of the failure. In most cases, the task that detects the problem ends.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 379
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths Hex Decim Description
are specified in decimal. Offset al
Hex Decim Description
Offset al log entry and contact IBM
Length Software Support.
0000 4 Return code from the CNMSMSG 0014+ m For IBM Software Support use
function n
0004 n For IBM Software Support use
Explanation An unexpected return code was received from the
NetView high-level language (HLL) function CNMGETD.
An unexpected return code was received from the
The additional data contains the return code from the
NetView high-level language (HLL) function CNMVARS.
CNMGETD function. These return codes are described
The additional data contains the return code from the
in IBM Z NetView Programming: PL/I and C.
CNMVARS function. These return codes are described
in IBM Z NetView Programming: PL/I and C. The CNMGETD function is used to read and manipulate
the data on the inbound data queues of the task. The
The CNMVARS function is used to set or retrieve the
data on these queues is sent to the receiving task by
value of a global variable. Global variables are used by
other topology manager tasks and command
the topology manager to preserve information when a
processors. The additional data identifies the type of
task ends, and to exchange information between
operation. It might also identify the origin of the data
tasks. The additional data identifies the global variable
and the contents of the data, depending on the error.
being read, or set, and the type of operation.
User response
User response
Check for related log entries or messages that provide
Check for related log entries or messages that provide
more information about the consequences of this
more information about the consequences of this
failure. In most cases, the task that called this function
failure. In most cases, the task that called this function
ends. Use the return code description and the data
ends. Use the return code description and the data
contained in the additional data associated with this
contained in the additional data associated with this
log entry to determine the cause of the problem. Use
log entry to determine the cause of the problem. Use
this information and the information from related log
this information, and the information from related log
entries, to correct the problem.
entries, to correct the problem.
Trace Data
Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log
The format of the additional data provided in the log
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal.
are specified in decimal.
Hex Decim Description
Hex Decim Description
Offset al
Offset al
0000 4 Return code from the CNMGETD
0000 4 Return code from the CNMVARS
0004 n For IBM Software Support use
0004 16 For IBM Software Support use
0014 n The name of the variable. The 22-27
name is formatted as a NetView
high-level language (HLL) varying Explanation
length field. Record the
information associated with this An unexpected return code was received from the
NetView high-level language (HLL) function CNMSMU.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 381
Explanation User response
An unexpected return code was received from the Check for related log entries or messages that provide
NetView high-level language (HLL) function CNMLK. more information about the consequences of this
The additional data contains the return code from the failure. In most cases, the task that called this function
CNMLK function. These return codes are described in ends. Use the return code description and the data
IBM Z NetView Programming: PL/I and C. contained in the additional data associated with this
log entry to determine the cause of the problem. Use
The CNMLK function is used to request, release, or
this information, and information from related log
query the status of a named lock.
entries, to correct the problem.
User response
Trace Data
Check for related log entries or messages that provide
The format of the additional data provided in the log
more information about the consequences of this
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
failure. In most cases, the task that called this function
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
ends. Use the return code description and the data
are specified in decimal.
contained in the additional data associated with this
log entry to determine the cause of the problem. Use Hex Decim
this information, and the information from related log Offset al
entries, to correct the problem. Length Description
0000 4 Return code from the CNMSUBS
Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log
0004 n Data passed to CNMSUBS for
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
substitution of system symbolics.
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal.
Hex Decim Description
Offset al Explanation
A failure occurred while attempting to issue a NetView
0000 4 Return code from the CNMLK command.
0004 8 For IBM Software Support use User response
000C 8 The name of the lock. The name is Record the information associated with this log entry
formatted as a NetView high-level and contact IBM Software Support.
language (HLL) varying length field.
A varying length field consists of a Trace Data
two-byte integer containing the
size of the data in the field, The format of the additional data provided in the log
followed by the data within the entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
field. based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal.
0014 n For IBM Software Support use
Hex Decim Description
22-32 Offset al
Explanation 0000 4 An error code used to identify the
An unexpected return code was received from the
NetView high-level language (HLL) function CNMSUBS.
The additional data contains the return code from the
CNMSUBS function. These return codes are described
in IBM Z NetView Programming: PL/I and C.
The CNMSUBS function is used to request substitution
of symbolics in a data string.
Check for related log entries or messages that provide The EKGUAPI function is used to access the RODM
more information about the consequences of this data cache.
failure. In most cases, the task that issued this macro
ends. Use the return code description and the data User response
contained in the additional data associated with this Check for related log entries or messages that provide
log entry to determine the cause of the problem. Use more information about the consequences of this
this information, and the information from related log failure. In most cases, the task that called this function
entries, to correct the problem. ends. Use the return code description and the data
22-40 contained in the additional data associated with this
log entry to determine the cause of the problem. Use
this information, and the information from related log
entries, to correct the problem.
An unexpected return code was received from the
assembler macro DSIPUSH. The additional data Trace Data
contains the return code from the DSIPUSH macro.
These return codes are described in IBM Z NetView The format of the additional data provided in the log
Programming: Assembler. entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 383
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths Code
are specified in decimal. Description
Hex Decim Description
Offset al Software problem with a component of the
Length topology manager. Record the information
associated with this log entry and contact IBM
0000 4 The RODM function ID. This Software Support.
identifies the RODM function being X'00000088'
invoked. The required GTF trace category is not active.
0004 4 Return code from the EKGUAPI Either the GTF or the indicated GTF trace category
function was stopped after the topology manager traces
were started. The task that created this log entry
0008 4 Reason code from the EKGUAPI continues to try to trace information, but does not
function create another of these log entries until it
successfully stores some trace information. To
22-56 resolve the problem, stop the topology manager
traces or restart the indicated GTF trace category.
Explanation X'00000099'
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to Software problem with the topology manager;
store a topology manager trace record in GTF. The record the information associated with this log
additional data contains the GTF category of the trace entry and contact IBM Software Support.
record, and an internal error code. All others
Message FLB637E is also logged. An internal GTF error occurred. The error code
provided is the one received from the MVS GTRACE
DATA macro. Refer to the MVS library for more
User response information about the macro and its return codes.
The information in the trace record is lost. Use the Following is a list of the most frequently received
error code description and the data contained in the return codes:
additional data associated with this log entry to 0
determine the cause of the problem. Use this The data was recorded in GTF trace buffers.
information to correct the problem.
Note: This minor code might not provide sufficient GTF is not active. No data was recorded.
information to resolve the problem. It is anticipated Activate GTF and enable the appropriate GTF
that some additional initial problem determination and event IDs.
diagnosis will be done by the user. If the problem
cannot be resolved, record the information associated
Incorrect parameter. Record the information
with this log entry and contact IBM Software Support.
associated with this log entry and contact IBM
Software Support.
Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log Incorrect parameter. Record the information
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are associated with this log entry and contact IBM
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths Software Support.
are specified in decimal. 16
Hex Decim Description Incorrect parameter. Record the information
Offset al associated with this log entry and contact IBM
Length Software Support.
0000 2 The GTF event ID of the trace
All GTF buffers are full. No data was recorded.
record. The GTF event ID used by
The topology manager traces are overflowing
the topology manager is X'05E8'.
the GTF trace buffers. Increase the size of the
0002 4 An internal error code. trace buffers or decrease the amount of data
being captured by turning off some of the
Internal error codes are as follows: topology manager trace categories.
Contact IBM Software Support for any SNA topology manager log entry containing a major-minor
code that is not described in this chapter.
78-0 Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log
Explanation entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
The topology manager cannot allocate enough based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
memory to successfully complete a function. are specified in decimal.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 385
The storage estimates for the topology manager are Explanation
described in the IBM Z NetView SNA Topology Manager
The topology manager received an incorrectly
Implementation Guide.
formatted message from VTAM CMIP services. The
78-23 header portion of the message contains incorrect data.
The topology manager discards the message and
Explanation continues processing.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 387
error occurred while the topology manager was manager continues to process other requests. If the
ending. The topology manager continues shutdown function was initiated by an operator command, the
processing by releasing all allocated resources and operator receives an error message.
then ending.
User response
User response
Use the VTAM CMIP services error code to determine
Use the VTAM CMIP services error code to determine the cause of the error. Refer to the z/OS
the cause of the error. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology
Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide for more information. Correct the problem
Agent Guide for more information. The most probable and retry the operation.
cause of this error is that VTAM CMIP services are not
Note: This minor code might not provide sufficient
active. In most cases, this error can be ignored
information to resolve the problem. It is anticipated
because the topology manager is already ending.
that some additional initial problem determination and
Note: This minor code might not provide sufficient diagnosis will be done by the user. If the problem
information to resolve the problem. It is anticipated cannot be resolved, record the information associated
that some additional initial problem determination and with this log entry and contact IBM Software Support.
diagnosis will be done by the user. If the problem
cannot be resolved, record the information associated Trace Data
with this log entry and contact IBM Software Support.
The format of the additional data provided in the log
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
Trace Data
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
The format of the additional data provided in the log are specified in decimal.
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths Hex Decim Description
are specified in decimal. Offset al
Hex Decim Description
0000 4 The VTAM CMIP services error
Offset al
code. Refer to the z/OS
Communications Server CMIP
0000 4 The VTAM CMIP services error Services and Topology Agent Guide
code. Refer to the z/OS for more information.
Communications Server SNA
0004 4 Size of the message data. The
Diagnosis manuals for more
message data is shown in
information about diagnosing
character format (not hexadecimal
VTAM CMIP services problems. For
format). This is the number of
information about VTAM CMIP
characters in the message.
services, see the z/OS
Communications Server CMIP 0008 k The message being sent. The
Services and Topology Agent Guide. message is shown in character (not
hexadecimal) format. The entire
0004 4 The VTAM CMIP services error
message is shown, including the
field value. Refer to the z/OS
routing information at the
Communications Server CMIP
beginning of the message (the
Services and Topology Agent Guide
message starts with src-type, dest-
for more information.
type, or msg).
An unexpected error occurred when the topology
An unexpected error occurred when the topology
manager attempted to send a CMIP message to an
manager attempted to receive a CMIP message from
agent node. The topology manager sends CMIP
the agent node or VTAM CMIP services. The topology
messages to begin a monitor operation, end a monitor
manager receives CMIP messages containing the
operation, or activate, deactivate, or recycle a
results of monitor operations or resource control
resource. The requested function fails. The topology
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 389
The message might be formatted correctly but out of Hex Decim Description
sequence. In this case, there is a software problem in Offset al
the interface between the topology manager and Length
VTAM CMIP services. Record the information
associated with this log entry and contact IBM 0000 k Name of the initialization file
Software Support. (FLBSYSD). This name is shown in
character, not hexadecimal,
Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log 78-36
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths Explanation
are specified in decimal.
The topology manager encountered an error while
Hex Decim Description reading the initialization file FLBSYSD. Initialization of
Offset al the topology manager fails.
0000 4 Size of the message data. The User response
message data is shown in Use the internal error indicator supplied in the log
character format (not hexadecimal entry to determine the cause of the problem.
format). This is the number of Disregarding I/O errors, the problem is caused by an
characters in the message. incorrectly formatted FLBSYSD file. Correct the syntax
0004 k The message received from VTAM error, and restart the topology manager. Modifying the
CMIP services. The message is initialization file is described in the IBM Z NetView SNA
shown in character (not Topology Manager Implementation Guide.
hexadecimal) format. Note: This minor code might not provide sufficient
information to resolve the problem. It is anticipated
78-35 that some additional initial problem determination and
diagnosis will be done by the user. If the problem
Explanation cannot be resolved, record the information associated
with this log entry and contact IBM Software Support.
The topology manager cannot open the initialization
file FLBSYSD. Initialization of the topology manager
fails. Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log
User response entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
Determine why the topology manager cannot open the
are specified in decimal.
initialization file. The file is installed in the data set
NETVIEW.V6R3M0.DSIPARM. A modified copy might
be in a user DSIPARM data set. Place the file in the
correct data set, and restart the topology manager.
Note: This minor code might not provide sufficient
information to resolve the problem. It is anticipated
that some additional initial problem determination and
diagnosis will be done by the user. If the problem
cannot be resolved, record the information associated
with this log entry and contact IBM Software Support.
Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 391
the update indicates that the management extension Trace Data
information is significant (the significance attribute is
The format of the additional data provided in the log
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
User response are specified in decimal.
The topology manager ignores the data in the
Hex Decim Description
management extension and continues processing the
Offset al
other data in the update.
The data contained in the management extension is
0000 4 The RODM return code
not stored in the RODM data cache by the topology
manager. You can choose to ignore this log entry,
because the topology manager continues to process 78-41
the received updates. This does warn you that some of
the data being reported by the agent node is not Explanation
stored in the RODM data cache. RODM indicated that the response block used by
Note: This minor code might not provide sufficient RODM was not large enough to hold all of the data
information to resolve the problem. It is anticipated related to a query function issued by the topology
that some additional initial problem determination and manager. The topology manager allocates a RODM
diagnosis will be done by the user. If the problem response block large enough to hold the data and
cannot be resolved, record the information associated issues the RODM function again. After the RODM
with this log entry and contact IBM Software Support. function is completed, the topology manager releases
the allocated response block.
Trace Data
User response
The format of the additional data provided in the log
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are This log entry is for information only. No action is
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths required.
are specified in decimal.
Trace Data
Hex Decim Description
Offset al The format of the additional data provided in the log
Length entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
0000 2 Number of characters in the object are specified in decimal.
0002 k The object identifier of the Hex Decim Description
attribute in the management Offset al
extension marked as significant. Length
The identifier is shown in character 0000 4 The size of the existing RODM
(not hexadecimal) format. response block.
0004 4 The size of the RODM response
block needed to hold the data.
A software problem has been detected by the topology
manager. A RODM function completed with an Explanation
unknown RODM return code. The topology manager
expects the RODM return code to be 0, 4, 8, or 12. The The topology manager encountered an unexpected
topology manager ends. RODM error while trying to access the topology
manager defaults object. The topology manager
defaults object (class FLB_DEFAULTS, object name
User response FLBDEF) is used to store the default settings defined
Record the information associated with this log entry using the TOPOSNA SETDEFS command.
and contact IBM Software Support. The provided RODM error code indicator is an internal
indicator used to map the error codes received from
The topology manager encountered an unexpected
RODM error while trying to create an aggregate object.
The RODM error code indicator provided is an internal
indicator used to map the error codes received from
RODM into a contiguous set of values. See “Internal
RODM Error Code Indicator” on page 408 for the table
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 393
Hex Decim Description Hex Decim Description
Offset al Offset al
Length Length
0000 2 The type of aggregate object: 12
Value NN domain (for virtual nodes).
Description RODM class
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1
1 object identifier and RODM
NN domain. RODM class class name
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1 (, graph
object identifier and RODM type nnDomain.
class name
(, graph 0002 2 The internal RODM error code
type nnDomain. indicator used by the topology
2 manager to map the RODM return
NN domain network. RODM and reason codes.
class aggregateGraph2, 0004 k The name of the aggregate object
ASN.1 object identifier and that cannot be created. This is the
RODM class name value of the MyName field for the
(, graph object in the RODM data cache.
type nnDomain. The format of this name for the
3 topology manager RODM objects is
NN domain network cluster. described in the IBM Z NetView
RODM class Data Model Reference. The name is
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1 shown in character (not
object identifier and RODM hexadecimal) format.
class name
(, graph 78-44
type nnDomain.
4 Explanation
SNA local topology. RODM
The topology manager encountered an unexpected
class snaLocalTopo, ASN.1
RODM error while trying to initialize the attributes of
object identifier and RODM
an aggregate object. The RODM error code indicator
class name
provided is an internal indicator used to map the error
(, graph ID
codes received from RODM into a contiguous set of
values. See “Internal RODM Error Code Indicator” on
5 page 408 for the table showing the mapping of the
Super cluster view. RODM RODM return codes and reason codes to this internal
class Network_View_Class error indication.
RODM class name
(Network_View_Class). The object that cannot be initialized is identified by its
RODM object ID and its graph type. These objects are
6 created and initialized when topology information is
Interdomain circuit. RODM received from the agent nodes. The topology manager
class circuit2, ASN.1 object ends when this error occurs.
identifier and RODM class
name (
User response
Interdomain network circuit. Use the mapping of the internal error indicator and the
RODM class circuit2, ASN.1 RODM function ID to determine the probable RODM
object identifier and RODM return and reason codes. If the internal error indicator
class name is an unrecoverable error, two other log entries are
( created. The first (22-47) provides the actual RODM
return code and reason code. The second (78-76 or
78-77) identifies the targeted object (and possibly the
field) within the RODM data cache.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 395
operation based on the ERRLIMIT value. The showing the mapping of the RODM return codes and
ERRLIMIT value can be changed by the TOPOSNA reason codes to this internal error indication.
The aggregate object and the object it was being
linked to or unlinked from are identified by their RODM
User response object IDs. The aggregation links for these objects are
Use the mapping of the internal error indicator and the set or reset when topology information is received
RODM function ID to determine the probable RODM from the agent nodes and when the objects are
return and reason codes. If the internal error indicator purged. Depending upon the severity of the error, the
is an unrecoverable error, two other log entries are topology manager ends or retries the related monitor
created. The first (22-47) provides the actual RODM operation based on the ERRLIMIT value. The
return code and reason code. The second (78-76 or ERRLIMIT value can be changed by the TOPOSNA
78-77) identifies the targeted object (and possibly the SETDEFS,ERRLIMIT command.
field) within the RODM data cache.
User response
The RODM return codes, reason codes, function IDs,
and other API information are described in the IBM Z Use the mapping of the internal error indicator and the
NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS RODM function ID to determine the probable RODM
Programmer's Guide. Refer to the topology data model, return and reason codes. If the internal error indicator
which describes the topology manager RODM objects is an unrecoverable error, two other log entries are
in the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference. Use this created. The first (22-47) provides the actual RODM
information to diagnose and correct the problem. return code and reason code. The second (78-76 or
78-77) identifies the targeted object (and possibly the
Trace Data field) within the RODM data cache.
The format of the additional data provided in the log The RODM return codes, reason codes, function IDs,
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are and other API information are described in the IBM Z
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
are specified in decimal. Programmer's Guide. Refer to the topology data model,
which describes the topology manager RODM objects
Hex Decim Description in the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference. Use this
Offset al information to diagnose and correct the problem.
0000 2 The RODM function ID. This Trace Data
identifies the RODM function being The format of the additional data provided in the log
invoked. entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
0002 8 The RODM object ID of the first based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
object. are specified in decimal.
The topology manager encountered an unexpected
RODM error while trying to read or update the
DisplayResourceOtherData attribute of an
aggregate object. The RODM error code indicator
provided is an internal indicator used to map the error
codes received from RODM into a contiguous set of
values. See “Internal RODM Error Code Indicator” on
page 408 for the table showing the mapping of the
RODM return codes and reason codes to this internal
error indication.
The object that cannot be read or updated is identified
by its RODM object ID and its graph type. These
objects are updated when topology information is
received from the agent nodes. Depending upon the
severity of the error, the topology manager ends or
retries the related monitor operation based on the
ERRLIMIT value. The ERRLIMIT value can be changed
User response
Use the mapping of the internal error indicator and the
RODM function ID to determine the probable RODM
return and reason codes. If the internal error indicator
is an unrecoverable error, two other log entries are
created. The first (22-47) provides the actual RODM
return code and reason code. The second (78-76 or
78-77) identifies the targeted object (and possibly the
field) within the RODM data cache.
The RODM return codes, reason codes, function IDs,
and other API information are described in the IBM Z
NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
Programmer's Guide. Refer to the topology data model,
which describes the topology manager RODM objects
in the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference. Use this
information to diagnose and correct the problem.
Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 397
Hex Decim Description Hex Decim Description
Offset al Offset al
Length Length
0000 2 The type of aggregate object. 12
Value NN domain (for virtual nodes).
Description RODM class
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1
1 object identifier and RODM
NN domain. RODM class class name
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1 (, graph
object identifier and RODM type nnDomain.
class name
(, graph 0002 8 The RODM object ID of the
type nnDomain. aggregate object.
2 000A 2 The internal RODM error code
NN domain network. RODM indicator used by the topology
class aggregateGraph2, manager to map the RODM return
ASN.1 object identifier and and reason codes.
RODM class name
(, graph 000C k The data to be added or removed
type nnDomain. from the
3 attribute. The format of this
NN domain network cluster. attribute for the topology manager
RODM class
RODM objects is described in the
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1
IBM Z NetView Data Model
object identifier and RODM
Reference. The data is shown in
class name
character (not hexadecimal)
(, graph
type nnDomain.
4 78-56
SNA local topology. RODM
class snaLocalTopo, ASN.1
object identifier and RODM
class name A problem occurred while creating and initializing the
(, graph ID topology manager aggregate objects. The topology
SnaLocalTopo. manager, during initialization, attempts to locate the
5 Network_View_Class object identified in the
Super cluster view. RODM FLBSYSD initialization file by the label
class Network_View_Class SUPER_CLUSTER_VIEW_NAME. The value of that label
RODM class name is used as the MyName attribute of the
(Network_View_Class). Network_View_Class object used by the topology
Interdomain circuit. RODM The topology manager also tries to locate the
class circuit2, ASN.1 object aggregateGraph2 object identified in the FLBSYSD
identifier and RODM class initialization file by the label
that label is used as the DisplayResourceName
attribute of the nnDomainNetworkCluster object used
Interdomain network circuit.
by the topology manager. If the object exists in the
RODM class circuit2, ASN.1
RODM data cache, the topology manager uses the
object identifier and RODM
existing object. When the object is located or created,
class name
the object is linked to the Network_View_Class
If any of these operations fail, initialization of the
topology manager fails.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 399
ended. Otherwise, the topology manager recovered User response
and no further action is required.
Use the mapping of the internal error indicator and the
78-65 RODM function ID to determine the probable RODM
return and reason codes. If the internal error indicator
Explanation is an unrecoverable error, two other log entries are
created. The first (22-47) provides the actual RODM
The topology manager encountered a problem trying return code and reason code. The second (78-76 or
to link the nnDomainNetwork and 78-77) identifies the targeted object (and possibly the
nnDomainNetworkCluster objects to create the views field) within the RODM data cache.
seen at the workstation. Depending upon the severity
of the error, the topology manager ends or retries the The RODM return codes, reason codes, function IDs,
related monitor operation based on the ERRLIMIT and other API information are described in the IBM Z
value. The ERRLIMIT value can be changed by the NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
TOPOSNA SETDEFS,ERRLIMIT command. Programmer's Guide. Refer to the topology data model,
which describes the topology manager RODM objects
in the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference. Use this
User response information to diagnose and correct the problem.
Other log entries are created describing the error in Restart the topology manager.
more detail. Use the information and description of
these log entries to resolve the problem.
Trace Data
The format of the additional data provided in the log
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
Explanation based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
The number used to uniquely identify each are specified in decimal.
nnDomainNetwork object has wrapped. This probably
Hex Decim Description
should not happen because the number is a very large
number and is recalculated when the topology Offset al
manager is started. The topology manager ends. Length
0000 2 The internal RODM error code
User response indicator used by the topology
manager to map the RODM return
This number is combined with the SNA network ID to and reason codes.
form the DisplayResourceName of the
nnDomainNetwork objects in the RODM data cache. 0002 2 The RODM function ID.
This number is set during topology manager 0004 2 The internal class indicator used
initialization to the highest existing value currently in by the topology manager to
the RODM data cache, and is incremented each time a represent the RODM object
new nnDomainNetwork object is created. The classes. See “Internal RODM Class
maximum value is 231-1. Purge or renumber the Indicator” on page 411 for the
nnDomainNetwork objects in the RODM data cache, table showing the mapping of the
and then restart the topology manager. RODM object classes to this
78-69 internal indication.
Explanation 78-71
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 401
User response Trace Data
The incorrectly formatted object is identified by the The format of the additional data provided in the log
value of the MyName attribute. Correct the value for the entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
attribute, or delete the object. Restart the topology based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
manager. are specified in decimal.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 403
topology manager. Otherwise, restart the monitor The RODM return codes, reason codes, function IDs,
operation that ended. and other API information are described in the IBM Z
NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
Trace Data Programmer's Guide. Refer to the topology data model,
which describes the topology manager RODM objects
The format of the additional data provided in the log in the IBM Z NetView Data Model Reference. Use this
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are information to diagnose and correct the problem.
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal. If the topology manager ended, restart the topology
manager and the monitor operations for the agent
Hex Decim Description nodes. If you warm-start the topology manager, the
Offset al existing monitor operations are restarted by the
Length topology manager. Otherwise, restart the monitor
operation that ended.
0000 8 The RODM object ID of the link or
port object.
Trace Data
0008 2 The internal RODM error code
indicator used by the topology The format of the additional data provided in the log
manager to map the RODM return entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
and reason codes. based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal.
78-79 Hex Decim Description
Offset al
Explanation Length
The topology manager encountered an unexpected 0000 2 The internal RODM error code
RODM error while trying to create an object. The indicator used by the topology
failure occurred while the topology manager was manager to map the RODM return
creating the object in the RODM data cache, updating and reason codes.
the DisplayResourceOtherData field, or setting
the initial values of the object attributes. The RODM 0002 k The name of the object that cannot
error code indicator provided is an internal indicator be created. This is the value of the
used to map the error codes received from RODM into MyName field in the RODM data
a contiguous set of values. See “Internal RODM Error cache. The format of this name for
Code Indicator” on page 408 for the table showing the the topology manager RODM
mapping of the RODM return codes and reason codes objects is described in the IBM Z
to this internal error indication. NetView Data Model Reference. The
name is shown in character (not
The object that cannot be created is identified by its hexadecimal) format.
name. These objects are created when topology
information is received from the agent nodes. 78-80
Depending upon the severity of the error, the topology
manager ends or retries the related monitor operation
based on the ERRLIMIT value. The ERRLIMIT value
can be changed by the TOPOSNA SETDEFS,ERRLIMIT The topology manager encountered an unexpected
command. RODM error while trying to update the
DisplayResourceOtherData attribute of a logical
User response link or port object.
Use the mapping of the internal error indicator and the The object that cannot be read or updated is identified
RODM function ID to determine the probable RODM by its RODM object ID. These objects are updated
return and reason codes. If the internal error indicator when topology information is received from the agent
is an unrecoverable error, two other log entries are nodes. Depending upon the severity of the error, the
created. The first (22-47) provides the actual RODM topology manager ends or retries the related monitor
return code and reason code. The second (78-76 or operation based on the ERRLIMIT value. The
78-77) identifies the targeted object (and possibly the ERRLIMIT value can be changed by the TOPOSNA
field) within the RODM data cache. SETDEFS,ERRLIMIT command.
The topology manager encountered an unexpected
RODM error while trying to read the FLB_Creator
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 405
Hex Decim Description Hex Decim Description
Offset al Offset al
Length Length
0000 2 The type of aggregate object. 12
Value NN domain (for virtual nodes).
Description RODM class
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1
1 object identifier and RODM
NN domain. RODM class class name
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1 (, graph
object identifier and RODM type nnDomain.
class name
(, graph 0002 k The name of the aggregate object
type nnDomain. that cannot be created. This is the
2 value of the MyName field in the
NN domain network. RODM RODM data cache. The format of
class aggregateGraph2, this name for the topology
ASN.1 object identifier and manager RODM objects is
RODM class name described in the IBM Z NetView
(, graph Data Model Reference. The name is
type nnDomain. shown in character (not
hexadecimal) format.
NN domain network cluster.
RODM class 78-82
aggregateGraph2, ASN.1
object identifier and RODM Explanation
class name The topology manager encountered an error
(, graph processing an update for an intersubnetwork TG.
type nnDomain. Possible causes are as follows:
• The network IDs of the nodes connected by the
SNA local topology. RODM
intersubnetwork TG are the same. APPN enables a
class snaLocalTopo, ASN.1
network to be divided into subnetworks based on
object identifier and RODM
network IDs. APPN also enables the network to be
class name
divided into subnetworks where the nodes in the
(, graph ID
subnetworks have the same network ID. This feature
is called clustering. Clusters are connected by
5 extended border nodes, and do not share topology
Super cluster view. RODM information. The topology manager supports this
class Network_View_Class feature of APPN, but requires topology agents on the
RODM class name extended border node nodes to actually divide the
(Network_View_Class). network. The topology manager does not provide
6 agents for any nodes that can be extended border
Interdomain circuit. RODM nodes.
class circuit2, ASN.1 object • The topology manager encountered an internal error
identifier and RODM class while processing the update for the intersubnetwork
name ( TG.
7 • The topology manager encountered a RODM error
Interdomain network circuit. while processing the update for the intersubnetwork
RODM class circuit2, ASN.1 TG.
object identifier and RODM
class name Associated log entries are created to identify the
( specific cause of the error. Refer to the description of
these log entries to determine what actions the
topology manager takes when this error occurs.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 407
Hex Decim Description 78-191
Offset al
Length Explanation
0008 k The name of the node object that During initialization, the SNA topology manager was
cannot be deleted. This is the unable to read a required class or field from RODM
value of the MyName field in the (this implies that the data model is not entirely
RODM data cache. The format of loaded). The name of the class or field is logged.
this name for the topology
manager RODM objects is User response
described in the IBM Z NetView
Data Model Reference. The name is Load the GMFHS data model, then load the SNA
shown in character (not topology data model or wait until the data model is
hexadecimal) format. entirely loaded before starting the SNA topology
manager. When this error is detected, message
78-173 FLB686E is also issued, and the SNA topology
manager tries to read the RODM data model based on
the RODM retry and the retry limit values specified in
Explanation FLBSYSD or with the SETDEFS command.
When creating an object in RODM, the topology
manager discovered more than one object in RODM Trace Data
with the same DisplayResourceName. This condition
occurs if a user-created object in RODM has the same The format of the additional data provided in the log
DisplayResourceName as the topology manager entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
created object. The RODM object identifier is logged based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
with this log entry. are specified in decimal.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 409
RODM function
EKG_QueryField, EKG_QuerySubfield
Object or object link exists. Set when the following reason codes are returned:
RODM function
Retryable error. Set when the RODM return code is 4, or when the following reason codes are
RODM function
All functions
All functions
EKG_ChangeField, EKG_LinkTrigger, EKG_CreateObject
EKG_ChangeField, EKG_LinkTrigger, EKG_UnlinkTrigger
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 411
9 (netIDSubNetwork)
10 (system)
11 (managerApplication)
12 (snaNode)
13 (t2_1Node)
14 (appnEN)
15 (appnNN)
16 (lenNode)
17 (interchangeNode)
18 (migrationDataHost)
19 (virtualRoutingNode)
20 (aggregateGraph2)
21 (snaLocalTopo)
22 (appnTransmissionGroup)
23 (appnTransmissionGroupCircuit)
24 (circuit2)
25 (logicalLink)
26 (port)
27 (t5Node)
28 (t4Node)
For any topology manager log entry containing a major-minor code that is not described in this
chapter, contact IBM Software Support.
These log entries are created whenever a component of the topology manager detects an error. These log
entries can be created by any of the components of the topology manager. Usually, there are associated
log entries or messages that describe the consequences of the failure. In most cases the task that
detected the problem ends.
79-0 Explanation
An unexpected error occurred using the C Program
Explanation library functions.
The task cannot allocate enough memory to
successfully complete a function. The task stops User response
processing the current request, and possibly ends. Record the information associated with this log entry
and contact IBM Software Support.
User response
Release any allocated memory that is not in use within
the NetView program address space. Some
suggestions are to stop any unneeded tasks or to
release any data storage not in use. If this problem A software problem has been detected in one of the
persists, restart the NetView program in a larger components of the topology manager.
address space. If you suspect that the memory
shortage is caused by a software problem, such as a User response
NetView task not freeing unused memory, dump the
NetView address space, and follow the instructions in Record the information associated with this log entry
Chapter 2, “Classifying problems,” on page 13 and and contact IBM Software Support.
Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on 79-3
page 23 before contacting IBM Software Support. The
storage estimates for the components of the topology
manager are described in the IBM Z NetView SNA Explanation
Topology Manager Implementation Guide. A software problem has been detected in one of the
components of the topology manager.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 413
User response Hex Decim Description
Record the information associated with this log entry Offset al
and contact IBM Software Support. Length
A software problem has been detected in one of the Explanation
components of the topology manager.
An unexpected error occurred when a topology
manager task attempted to send the CMIP message to
User response
an agent node. The CMIP message that failed was
Record the information associated with this log entry being sent to cancel an existing CMIP operation. This
and contact IBM Software Support. error occurred while the task was ending. The task
continues shutdown processing by releasing all
allocated resources and then ending.
User response
An error occurred when a topology manager task tried
Use the VTAM CMIP services error code to determine
to end its association with VTAM CMIP services. This
the cause of the error. Refer to the z/OS
error occurred while the task was ending. The task
Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology
continues shutdown processing by releasing all
Agent Guide for more information.
allocated resources and then ending.
The most probable cause of this error is that VTAM
User response CMIP services are not active. In most cases, this error
can be ignored because the task is already ending.
Use the VTAM CMIP services error code to determine
the cause of the error. Refer to the z/OS
Trace Data
Communications Server CMIP Services and Topology
Agent Guide for more information. The most probable The format of the additional data provided in the log
cause of this error is VTAM CMIP services are not entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
active. In most cases, this error can be ignored based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
because the task is already ending. are specified in decimal.
The task might have a problem establishing an Hex Decim Description
association with VTAM CMIP services when the task is Offset al
restarted and VTAM CMIP services remains active. Length
When this happens, stop and restart VTAM CMIP
services. Record the information associated with this 0000 4 The VTAM CMIP services error
log entry and contact IBM Software Support. code. Refer to the z/OS
Communications Server CMIP
Services and Topology Agent Guide
Trace Data
for more information.
The format of the additional data provided in the log
0004 k For IBM Software Support use
entry. The offsets are specified in hexadecimal and are
based from the beginning of the log data. The lengths
are specified in decimal.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 415
associated trace category is turned on, and the topology manager GTF event ID (X'05E8') is enabled
within GTF.
Trace data
The data associated with the event being traced. The format of this data is unique for each event
traced (see “Trace events” on page 420). The GTF record format of the data is identified by the
combination of the trace category with the event ID. All GTF trace data is shown in hexadecimal as
well as character format, providing the hexadecimal value represents a valid EBCDIC character.
The topology manager and VTAM CMIP services cooperate when setting the trace event number. Each
traced event has a unique trace event number, unless the number wraps.
1 2
GMT-01/14/2019 15:58:11.341367 LOC-01/14/2019 10:58:11.341367
3 4
5 6
+0000 00FB6B80 E2F5F4F0 C5C5D5E5 0000003D | ..,.S540EENV.... |
7 8 9 10
+0010 00010001 4003000E E2D5C160 E3D44040 | .... ...SNA-TM |
11 12
+0020 E3C4D4D5 40404040 00000399 00100F90 | TDMN ...r.... |
+0030 0000 | .. |
record 1 of 10
1 2
GMT-01/14/2019 15:58:12.530275 LOC-01/14/2019 10:58:12.530275
3 4
5 6
+0000 00FB6B80 E2F5F4F0 C5C5D5E5 0000003E | ..,.S540EENV.... |
7 8 9 10
+0010 0001000A 4003000E E2D5C160 E3D44040 | .... ...SNA-TM |
11 12
+0020 E3C4D4D5 40404040 00000000 00100F90 | TDMN ........ |
+0030 00200000 00000006 00070000 00060000 | ................ |
+0040 00013C43 00130000 00000000 00000ED8 | ...............Q |
+0050 9384A299 8360A3A8 978540F1 6B40A299 | ldsrc-type 1, sr |
+0060 834081F1 6B4094A2 8740C3D4 C9D760F1 | c a1, msg CMIP-1 |
+0070 4BD9D6C9 E5819784 A4404D89 95A59692 | .ROIVapdu (invok |
+0080 85C9C440 F1F3F1F1 F7F26B40 93899592 | eID 131172, link |
+0090 858460C9 C440F3F9 F3F2F2F3 6B409697 | ed-ID 393223, op |
+00A0 859981A3 89969560 A58193A4 8540F26B | eration-value 2, |
+00B0 40819987 A4948595 A3404D81 83A38996 | argument (actio |
+00C0 95D985A2 A493A340 4D948195 81878584 | nResult (managed |
+00D0 D6829185 83A3C393 81A2A240 F14BF34B | ObjectClass 1.3. |
+00E0 F1F84BF0 4BF04BF2 F2F9F16B 40948195 |, man |
+00F0 81878584 D6829185 83A3C995 A2A38195 | agedObjectInstan |
+0100 8385404D 8489A2A3 899587A4 | ce (distingu |
record 2 of 10
1 2
GMT-01/14/2019 15:58:12.530743 LOC-01/14/2019 10:58:12.530743
When the event occurred, in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
When the event occurred, in local time.
The GTF format ID of the record.
The GTF event ID of the record. This specifies the format of the data in the trace record. Ignore the
high-order nibble (half-byte).
Twelve bytes of GTF information.
The trace event number. All the trace records used to capture the trace data for an event have the
same record number. Each event traced is assigned a unique trace event number.
The multiple record trace data information. The first two bytes are the record number (x) within a
traced event and the next two bytes are the total number of records (y) used to capture the data
associated with the event. The value can be read as record x of y. The beginning of the data for a
traced event is indicated by a value of one for the record number (x) and the end of the data is
reached when the record number equals the total number of records (x=y).
The trace category of the traced event. Only present in the first trace record of a multiple record
The event ID of the traced event. Only present in the first trace record of a multiple record event.
The 8-character name of the component within topology manager that generated the record:
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 417
The trace data starts at X'28' within the first trace record created for an event. The data starts at X'14'
in all other records.
Tracing internally
The topology manager can trace events to an internal wrap-buffer by using the TOPOSNA
TRACE,MODE=INT command. A SIZE parameter is also available to specify the size of this buffer in 4096-
byte page increments. Although the traced event contains the same data, the internal trace format differs
from the external (GTF) trace.
Table 143. SNA Topology Manager Internal Trace Buffer Header Format
Hexadecimal Description
0000 Topology manager internal trace table identifier 'INTTRACE'
0008 The number of 4096-byte pages allocated to the topology manager internal trace table
(values range 10 - 999)
000C Current size of table (in bytes) not including this header
0010 Maximum size in bytes that the internal trace table has reached
0014 Timestamp of most recent wrap
0018 Timestamp of previous wrap
001C Pointer to start of next trace entry to be written
0020 Reserved 16 characters
0030 Start of first internal trace record
0004 The length of the internal trace record, including this header
0008 The 4-byte subcomponent ID
000C Start of trace event data for this record
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 419
Trace events
These are the events that are traced by the topology manager and can be used to diagnose problems. The
events are identified by the associated trace category and event ID, followed by the internal trace eye-
catcher that is enclosed in parenthesis.
The trace data offsets are specified in hexadecimal from the start of the trace event data. An offset of zero
actually starts at X'0028' in the GTF trace record and at X'000C' in the internal buffer trace record.
4000-0002 (CENT)
Event Description
Traces processing signals between internal topology manager objects. Traces the entry point for a
particular signal.
If you trace using the TOPOSNA ON=SIGNALS command, you trace a large amount of data. You can
specify the CLASS keyword on the TOPOSNA TRACE command to control the object classes that are
4000-0003 (CEXT)
Event Description
Traces processing signals between internal topology manager objects. Traces the exit point for a
particular signal.
If you trace using the TOPOSNA ON=SIGNALS command, you trace a large amount of data. You can
specify the CLASS keyword on the TOPOSNA TRACE command to control the object classes that are
Event Description
Traces topology manager log entries. This event is traced using the TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=LOG command.
4002-0007 (MSGS)
Event Description
Traces topology manager messages. This event is traced using the TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=MESSAGES
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 421
Table 148. Trace Data for Event 4002-0007 (MSGS) (continued)
Hexadecimal Description
001C Length of sixth message insert
001E Length of seventh message insert
0020 Length of eighth message insert
0022 Length of ninth message insert
0024 Message inserts according to above lengths
4003-000E (CMIP)
Event Description
The topology manager received data from VTAM CMIP services or received a command from the topology
manager command processor. This event is also triggered when the time period expires for a pending
operation. The topology manager processes the received data and any pending operations that have
timed out. This event is traced using TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=CMIP.
This trace record shows the received data, which can be:
• A TOPOSNA command to be processed.
The first byte of the received data is X'7F'. The issued command is converted into the internal command
buffer shown in this trace record by the topology manager command processor. The command buffer is
reserved for the use of IBM Software Support. The occurrence of these records indicates the occurrence
of a command. The network log contains the actual command issued.
• An inbound CMIP message.
The entire message is shown, including the internal routing information at the beginning of the string.
The actual CMIP message begins:
The message is a response to a previous request sent by the topology manager. The invokeID field
in the message identifies the invoke ID of the transaction. This is the final response for the
The message is a linked reply to a previous request sent by the topology manager. The linked-ID
field in the message identifies the invoke ID of the transaction started by the request. Other
responses will be forthcoming.
• A VTAM CMIP services message.
The entire message is shown, including the internal routing information at the beginning of the string.
The actual message begins with:
A requested operation successfully completed.
VTAM CMIP services encountered an error processing a topology manager request.
If the received data is a CMIP message, the offset of the start of the message in the received data is
specified by the preceding field in the trace data. The format of the CMIP response is described in the IBM
SystemView library.
The response is an ASN.1 string. The received ASN.1 string is EBCDIC character data. The trace record
shows the hexadecimal representation of this data. The actual character information is usually also
shown in the formatted trace information.
4004-0019 (RTIB)
Event Description
The results from a RODM function invoked by the topology manager. This event is traced using the
The RODM function IDs, return codes, and reason codes are described in the IBM Z NetView Resource
Object Data Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide. The RODM return codes and reason codes are also
described in NetView online help.
4004-001A (RARY)
Event Description
The topology manager invoked to perform a number of functions in a RODM ExecuteFunctionList.
This trace record, which is traced using the TOPOSNA TRACE, ON=RODM command, contains the results
from one of the functions in the list. All functions in the list are traced by creating multiple trace entries.
The RODM function IDs, return codes, and reason codes are described in the IBM Z NetView Resource
Object Data Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide . The RODM return codes and reason codes are also
described in the NetView online help.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 423
Table 151. Trace Data for Event 4004-001A (RARY)
Hexadecimal Description
0000 The RODM function ID. This identifies the invoked RODM function.
0002 The RODM return code.
0006 The RODM reason code.
4005-0015 (RCLS)
Event Description
The topology manager is preparing to invoke a RODM function. This trace event, along with the
corresponding events 4005-0016, 4005-0017, and 4005-0018, identify the RODM object class, object
instances, and object attributes specified in the function. This trace record, which is traced using the
TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=RODMDUMP command, identifies the class of the objects.
The RODM function IDs are described in the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
Programmer's Guide.
4005-0016 (RON)
Event Description
The topology manager is preparing to invoke a RODM function. This trace event, along with the
corresponding events 4005-0015, 4005-0017, and 4005-0018, identify the RODM object class, object
instances, and object attributes specified in the function. This trace record which is traced using the
TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=RODMDUMP command, along with 4005-0017, identifies the object instances. This
record is created when the topology manager specifies the object using the name of the object (the
contents of the MyName field).
The RODM function IDs are described in the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
Programmer's Guide.
4005-0017 (ROBJ)
Event Description
The topology manager is preparing to invoke a RODM function. This trace event, along with the
corresponding events 4005-0015, 4005-0016, and 4005-0018, identify the RODM object class, object
instances, and object attributes specified in the function. This trace record which is traced using the
TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=RODMDUMP command, along with 4005-0016, identifies the object instances. This
record is created when the topology manager specifies the object using the RODM object ID of the object.
The RODM function IDs are described in the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
Programmer's Guide.
4005-0018 (RATR)
Event Description
The topology manager is preparing to invoke a RODM function. This trace event, along with the
corresponding events 4005-0015, 4005-0016, and 4005-0017, identify the RODM object class, object
instances, and object attributes specified in the function. This trace record which is traced using the
TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=RODMDUMP command identifies the object attributes.
The RODM function IDs are described in the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS
Programmer's Guide.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 425
Table 155. Trace Data for Event 4005-0018 (RATR) (continued)
Hexadecimal Description
0002 Some RODM functions operate on two objects (such as LinkTrigger and UnlinkTrigger).
This field identifies which object class is being traced. A value of one indicates this
trace record is related to the first object and a value of two indicates information about
the second object is being traced.
0004 An internal indicator used by the topology manager to identify the object attribute. For
IBM Software Support use
0006 A 4-byte value that indicates the RODM field ID (also called the RODM attribute ID).
Every attribute in RODM is assigned an ID after RODM is started and the attribute is
defined. This value can change if an attribute is added or deleted.
4007-001E (UPDT)
Event Description
Traces a status flow. This event is traced using the TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=UPDATE command. Note that
the update tracing can be limited to particular classes using the CLASS keyword of the TOPOSNA TRACE
4008-0000 (GET)
Event Description
An internal topology manager storage allocation request directed to the C runtime heap or the topology
manager internal storage pool manager. This trace event is traced using the TOPOSNA
4008-0001 (FREE)
Event Description
An internal topology manager storage free request directed to the C runtime heap or the topology
manager internal storage pool manager. Trace using TOPOSNA TRACE,ON=STORAGE.
4009-0006 (FSM)
Event Description
Traces Finite State Machine state changes of internal topology manager objects. This event is traced using
400A-0004 (NEW)
Event Description
Traces the allocation of an internal topology manager object. This event is always traced.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 427
Table 160. Trace Data for Event 400A-0004 (NEW)
Hexadecimal Description
0000 ProbeID of invoker
0004 Timestamp
0008 Name of allocated object
0036 Class identifier
0038 48 bytes of reserved data
0068 Address of allocated object
006C Variable-length parameter list
400A-0005 (DEL)
Event Description
Traces the deletion of an internal topology manager object. This event is always traced.
400A-001B (CBEG)
Event Description
Traces the start of a topology manager command. This event is always traced.
400A-001C (CEND)
Event Description
Traces the end of a topology manager command. This event is always traced.
400A-001D (XMOG)
Event Description
Traces the transformation of a node from one class to another. This event is always traced.
Enable the indicated GTF event IDs, and then issue the trace command again.
The second error is that a problem occurs while you are collecting trace data. A failure occurs while a
topology manager task is storing data in GTF. The following message is issued:
A log entry is created when this message is issued. Use the information in this log entry (major code 22,
minor code 56) to resolve the problem. The task continues to trace information, but does not display this
message again until it has successfully stored trace information.
Chapter 22. Diagnostic tools for the SNA Topology Manager 429
Using the TOPOSNA LISTREQS, you can determine:
• All nodes being monitored for network topology
• All nodes being monitored for local topology
• All nodes being monitored for LU topology.
The TOPOSNA LISTRODM command lists RODM activity and object counts, including the number of
calls issued against an object type for:
Also listed is the number of times the FLBTRST method was invoked for the object type (status
change), and a count of the current number of object instances of the object type currently or
previously known to the topology manager.
The TOPOSNA LISTSTOR command lists internal topology manager storage usage by resource type,
including the total amount of storage currently used by the resource type and the maximum amount
of storage that the resource type has used (the high-water mark).
These TOPOSNA LISTxxxx commands have no optional keywords or parameters. Refer to NetView online
help for the command syntax, complete description, and output example of each of these TOPOSNA
LISTxxxx requests.
This section contains information that you can use in determining the cause of failures within the
MultiSystem Manager.
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
The following information is required for all problems:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Component ID:
4. NetView Version and Release:
5. Recommended service update (RSU) level:
6. NetView function modifier ID (FMID):
7. What MultiSystem Manager features are being run:
8. On which MultiSystem Manager features does the problem occur:
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. Operating system and RSU level:
2. Access method and maintenance level:
3. Other products and their maintenance levels:
Problem description
Describe your problem by answering the following questions:
1. What are the symptoms of the problem?
2. What were you trying to do?
3. What should have happened?
4. What actually did happen?
5. Has the function worked before?
Problem classification
Check one of the following appropriate problem categories that matches the symptoms associated with
your problem.
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following items:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• The exact text of the message on the log.
• Does the message contain any return codes, feedback codes, error codes, or sense information? List
the codes or information.
2. Check the message in the NetView online help to determine user action.
3. What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
• Commands:
• NetView management console commands:
• Other:
4. Did you follow the actions in the NetView online help? If so:
• What occurred?
• Is this what was expected?
• If not, what was expected?
5. Did the message text differ from what was published?
• Has local modification been made to change the message text?
• Has an update been made to the system that might have changed the message?
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following questions:
1. What is the scenario leading to the problem?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. What is the name of the module in which the wait occurred?
5. What is the date that the module was compiled?
6. What is the PTF level of the module involved?
7. What is the offset into the module where the wait occurred?
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following questions:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following items:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual or the number of the online help
panel involved.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the MultiSystem Manager, call IBM Software Support.
5. If the problem is with an online help panel, call IBM Software Support.
Use Table 165 on page 437 to locate examples of problems you might encounter when using the
MultiSystem Manager. To use the table, do the following steps:
1. Locate your problem scenario using the first two columns.
• Problem Category
Arranged alphabetically
• Problem Scenario
– Arranged (first) according to where the symptom shows
– (Then) arranged alphabetically
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you are unable to solve your problem by using the examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2,
“Classifying problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23
before contacting IBM Software Support.
Routing messages
Before beginning problem determination, ensure that all messages are routed from the autotask that is
processing the GETTOPO command to your operator station task (OST). Most MultiSystem Manager
processing, by default, is done under an autotask. This works well under normal operating conditions, but
when problems occur, the resulting messages are useful for problem determination. If you route all
messages from the autotask that is processing the GETTOPO command to your OST, you can use the
messages to identify the problem.
To route all messages issued by the AUTOMSM and AUTOIPA tasks to another OST, add the following
statement to your automation table, and ensure that the operator ID for that OST has been added to the
+GRPNAME group:
This example statement routes all messages issued under tasks AUTOMSM and AUTOIPA to the first
logged on operator in the specified group of operators. Modify the example automation statement by
providing values for OPID that are specific to your environment.
If the automated actions are not working, the AUTOMSM or AUTOIPA autotask is not active. A log
message is generated, for example:
Explanation: The NetView automation process attempted to route an automation action to the task or
tasks listed in the message. The task or tasks specified were not active.
For more information, see the IBM Z NetView Automation Guide.
FLC076E FLCARODM:2000,x,y
2000 means RODM error
x is the RODM return code
y is the RODM reason code
RODM return codes and reason codes can be found in the IBM Z NetView Resource Object Data Manager
and GMFHS Programmer's Guide. If the problem is a class, attribute, or link type unknown to RODM, this
can indicate an error occurred while loading the MultiSystem Manager data model. Ensure that the
MultiSystem Manager data model has been loaded correctly.
The message
FLC076E FLCARODM:2000,8,13
can mean that the currently active RODM name is not the name specified in the
COMMON.FLC_RODMNAME statement in the CNMSTYLE member. However, if the value specified for
RODM name in CNMSTYLE is correct, then the RODM name specified in the procedure is not active.
If you receive an FLCARODM return code other than 2000, contact IBM Software Support.
Chapter 24. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the MultiSystem Manager program 439
problems can occur if you use common NetView domain names across your networks. For example, a
problem can arise if the following GETTOPO commands are issued:
In the preceding examples, both service points have the same domain name (DOM1) even though they
reside in different networks (NETA and NETB). If you want to use the NetView management console to
issue commands to your service points, use unique domain names across all your networks.
Then issue:
If TCP/IP connectivity exists between your NetView host and the service point, but alerts are not being
received, check the following items:
This message might indicate that your RUNCMD timeout value is too small.
Refer to the Command Reference Volume 2 (O-Z) or online help for more information about setting the
RUNCMD timeout value.
Chapter 24. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the MultiSystem Manager program 441
Object status update failures
If you have objects in your views for which the status is not being updated:
1. Verify that expected alerts are being sent to the NetView program. If the alerts are not being sent and
IP is being used to communicate, verify the following conditions:
a. Verify that the MultiSystem Manager IBM Tivoli Network Manager agent was run in Configure mode.
This is done by starting that agent with the -Configure option. For example, on Linux, issue
./ -Configure
b. Verify that the SNMP trap gateway files were updated on the workstation. Three files control the
nco_g_snmp processes that are created during the agent configuration:
c. Verify that the nco_g_snmp task is active and started using the MSM_GATE.conf configuration file.
d. Verify that an SNMP gateway, nco_g_snmp, is active and listening on the expected port.
e. Ensure that an SNMP trap automation task is configured and active.
2. Verify that the expected alerts show in the hardware monitor:
a. Determine whether the alerts from the topology agent are being processed by the automation
• Examine the automation table to see if it has been correctly modified with the statements from
sample FLCSTBL.
Uncomment the existing statement in the automation table that processes alerts and resolutions
for GMFHS if it has not already been uncommented.
• Determine if the alerts are being filtered from being logged in GMFHS.
Comment out the filtering statements if you want these alerts to be logged in the NetView
hardware monitor and the alert history file.
Refer to the IBM Z NetView Automation Guide for more information about the automation table.
b. Determine whether the alerts are being logged in the alert history file in the NetView management
c. Display alert history for the topology agent object.
If alerts are being forwarded to NetView and are being logged in the hardware monitor but they do
not show in alert history and do not change the status of the object, check to see if NetView task
DUIFEAUT is active.
d. Check the alert forwarding path. The NetView where MultiSystem Manager resides must be either
the alert focal point for the service point where the topology agent resides, or be configured to
receive forwarded alerts from the NetView which is the focal point.
3. Verify that topology alerts are causing the appropriate GETTOPO commands to be run. Some alerts
provide information regarding topology changes.
These types of alerts cause GETTOPO commands to be issued. If these commands are not being
driven, it might indicate that the autotask you have assigned for such commands is not active or that
the command to be driven is not a valid NetView command. Verify that the task listed for the ROUTE
keyword in the automation table for the MultiSystem Manager statements is active (you can do this by
issuing the LIST autotask command).
4. Verify that MultiSystem Manager has not lost contact with the service point.
Contact can be lost, for example, if the service point loses power and disappears from the network
without the opportunity to send an alert.
Chapter 24. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the MultiSystem Manager program 443
444 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Part 8. Diagnosing Automated Operations Network
This chapter contains the worksheet you can use to gather the information required in determining the
cause of failures within the Automated Operations Network (AON).
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
The following information is required for all problems.
General information
Record the following general information:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Component ID:
4. Recommended service update (RSU) level:
5. Installation Option:
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. Operating system and RSU level:
2. Access method and maintenance level:
3. Other products and their maintenance levels:
Problem description
Describe your problem by answering the following questions:
1. What are the symptoms of the problem?
2. What were you trying to do?
3. What should have happened?
4. What actually did happen?
5. Has the function worked before?
Problem classification
Check one of the appropriate problem categories below that matches the symptoms associated with your
Abend problems
For abends or processor exception problems, complete the following items:
1. What is the abend code?
2. What processes were taking place at the time of the abend?
3. Use the online help facility (type HELP ABEND and use the scroll function to locate the abend code).
4. Gather the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the network log containing the output of several TASKMON, TASKUTIL, or TASKURPT
commands. See “Network log with CMDMON, TASKUTIL or TASKMON command output ” on page
• A copy of the trace log. See “NetView trace” on page 100.
• The first unformatted memory dump of the abend.
• A completed AON problem worksheet.
5. Gather the following information from the memory dump:
a. What is the program status word (PSW) at the time of the abend?
b. In what module did the abend occur?
c. What was the module compiled?
d. What is the PTF level of the module pointed to by the abend?
e. What is the offset into the module pointed to by the PSW at the time of the abend?
f. List the registers at the time of the abend.
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following items:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID:
• Does the message contain any return codes, feedback codes, error codes, or sense information? List
the codes or information.
2. Check the message in the NetView online help to determine user action.
3. What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
• Commands:
• Other:
4. If the message was unexpected and cannot be corrected by following the actions in the NetView
online help, gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A hardcopy of the network log containing the message.
Loop problems
For loop problems, complete the following items:
1. What events led up to the loop?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. If this is an enabled loop (see “Documenting LOOP problems” on page 35), obtain the following
• After obtaining a console memory dump, cancel AON with a memory dump.
Note: If the loop is still occurring after AON has been canceled, look for a problem other than AON.
5. If this is a disabled loop (see “Documenting LOOP problems” on page 35), obtain the following
• A document describing the scenario leading to the problem.
• A hardcopy of the system log.
• A hardcopy of the network log containing the output of several TASKMON, TASKUTIL, or TASKURPT
commands. See “Network log with CMDMON, TASKUTIL or TASKMON command output ” on page
• A hardcopy of the trace log. See “NetView trace” on page 100.
• The addresses of instructions within the loop.
• A memory dump obtained by using the processor RESTART function.
Note: If ABEND071 does not occur in AON and normal processing resumes, this is not an AON
6. What are the modules involved in the loop?
7. What are the dates that the modules were compiled?
8. What are the PTF levels of the modules involved in the loop?
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following items:
1. What is the scenario leading to the problem?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the system console log.
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following items:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the network log containing the output of several TASKMON, TASKUTIL, or TASKURPT
commands. See “Network log with CMDMON, TASKUTIL or TASKMON command output ” on page
• A copy of the AON Entry/Exit trace.
• Information describing your operating environment:
• Descriptions of any modifications to your system:
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following items:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual or the number of the online help
panel involved.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
This chapter describes how the Automated Operations Network (AON) automates network tasks. AON
automation focuses on the following tasks:
• AON initialization
• AON recovery of automated resources
The following sections explain AON initialization and recovery to help you in diagnosing and solving
network problems. Extensions to AON automation are described in the IBM Z NetView User's Guide:
Automated Operations Network.
EZLEFAIL routine
AON calls the EZLEFAIL routine when it receives a message or MSU indicating that a resource has failed
(using the NetView automation table), or from any program run by an operator or timer. The EZLEFAIL
routine does the following actions:
• Confirms that the resource is to be recovered
• Issues a message indicating the resource is unavailable
• Issues a notification describing the failure
• Runs any failure-specific programs
• Initiates recovery for the resource
• Marks the resource with Automation in Progress (AIP) status
You can omit any of these steps by specifying the appropriate value in the SKIP parameter of the
EZLEFAIL routine. For more information about the syntax and parameters for the EZLEFAIL routine, refer
to the IBM Z NetView User's Guide: Automated Operations Network.
The EZLEFAIL routine retrieves resource information by running the RESINFO program defined in the
option definition tables. This program returns all required data in keyword=value list format. The
EZLEFAIL routine assigns values to keyword variables for use by messages and other programs called by
the routine.
Next, the EZLEFAIL routine gets any optional processing values from the TBLKEY parameter. If you do not
specify the TBLKEY parameter for the EZLEFAIL routine, no optional processing or notification occurs. The
values on the TBLKEY parameter specify keywords found in the option definition tables. In the option
definition table, the keywords define the actual processing values used for optional processing. AON
saves the TBLKEY values in the outmsgid and spec_function variables. Message EZL509I is the default
outmsgid. The value of TBLKEY is in the following format:
The EZLEFAIL routine gets the values specified on the IST105I keyword in the option definition table. In
the option definition table, you can see the values on the IST105I keyword as follows:
IST105I=(EZL531,FKVEAIDA(resname restype))
In this example, the EZLEFAIL routine issues the EZL531I message and runs FKVEAIDA as a function
sending the current value of resname (resource name) and restype (resource type) for optional
processing. An optional processing program performs any automation or processing unique to the
resource or failure. No optional processing is done and no message is issued if SKIP=(0) is specified on
the EZLEFAIL call.
Error thresholding
The EZLEFAIL routine runs the CHKTHR program from the option definition table to determine whether
error thresholds for this resource have been exceeded. The EZLEFAIL routine omits this step if SKIP=(T) is
The EZLEFAIL routine returns one of the following return codes from this check:
EZLEFAIL processing continues.
An infrequent error threshold has been exceeded. The INFRACT program from the option definition
table is run. If the return code from this program is not zero (0), EZLEFAIL stops with a return code of
A frequent error threshold has been exceeded. The FREQACT program from the option definition table
is run. If the return code from this program is not 0, EZLEFAIL stops with a return code of 22.
A critical error threshold has been exceeded. The CRITACT program from the option definition table is
run. If the return code from this program is not 0, EZLEFAIL stops with a return code of 23.
Optional processing
This step enables the unique processing requirements of different resource types and network types to
be met. For example, LAN bridge recovery has different information gathering requirements than TCP/IP
EZLERECV routine
The EZLERECV routine is called as a result of a message or MSU indicating that a resource has become
active (automation table) or from a program run by an operator or timer. The EZLERECV routine does the
following actions:
• Confirms that the resource is to be tracked
• Issues a message indicating the resource is available
• Issues a notification describing the recovery
• Runs any event-specific programs
• Stops any recovery processing for the resource
• Starts active monitoring, if it has been defined in the control file
• Unmarks the resource by resetting the AIP operator status
Any of these steps can be omitted by specifying the appropriate value in the SKIP parameter of the
EZLEFAIL routine.
When the EZLERECV routine initializes, it checks the ENABLE flag for the specified option. If the ENABLE
flag is not set to Y, the EZLERECV routine stops with a return code of 11. If ENABLE is set to Y, the
EZLERECV routine gets the resource information by starting the RESINFO program from the option
definition table. The EZLERECV routine then gets the optional processing values from the TBLKEY field of
the option definition table. If TBLKEY is not specified, no optional processing or notification is performed.
The TBLKEY values are saved in the outmsgid and spec_function variables. Message EZL504I is the
default outmsgid.
Optional processing
The EZLERECV routine starts the program specified in the second TBLKEY parameter, if one is defined. If
the return code from this program is not 0, the EZLERECV routine stops with a return code of 30. The
EZLERECV routine omits this step if SKIP=(O) is specified.
This chapter contains the worksheet you can use to gather the information required in determining the
cause of failures within the Event/Automation Service (E/AS).
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
The following information is required for all problems:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Component ID:
4. Recommended service update (RSU) level:
System-Related information
Record the following system-related information:
1. Operating system and RSU level:
2. Access method and maintenance level:
3. TCP/IP stack and maintenance level:
4. Event server level (if applicable):
5. Portmapper service level (if applicable; not necessary if you are using the Portmapper service that was
provided with your TCP/IP stack):
Problem classification
Complete the problem category below that matches the symptoms associated with your problem:
Abend problems
For abends or processor exception problems, complete the following items:
1. What is the abend code?
2. What processes were taking place at the time of the abend?
3. Gather the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the network log
• A copy of the trace log
• The first unformatted memory dump of the abend
• A completed E/AS problem worksheet
• A copy of any E/AS trace output
• A copy of the E/AS output log
• A copy of the MVS system log
• The configuration files for the services that are failing. Include your start-up procedure and global
initialization file (IHSAINIT).
4. Gather the following information from the memory dump:
a. What was the program status word (PSW) at the time of the abend?
b. In what module did the abend occur?
c. What date was the module compiled?
d. What is the PTF level of the module pointed to by the abend?
e. What is the offset into the module pointed to by the PSW at the time of the abend?
f. List the registers at the time of the abend.
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following items:
Loop problems
For loop problems, complete the following items:
1. Are TECROUTE and TRAPROUT filters set to PASS?
2. What events led up to the loop?
3. What data was being displayed?
4. What was the last command entered?
5. What are the modules involved in the loop?
6. What are the dates that the modules were compiled?
7. What are the PTF levels of the modules involved in the loop?
8. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the network log
• A copy of the NetView trace log
• A completed E/AS problem worksheet
• A copy of any E/AS trace output
• A copy of the E/AS output log
• A copy of the MVS system log
• The configuration files for the services that are failing. Include your start-up procedure and global
initialization file (IHSAINIT).
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following items:
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following items:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. Gather the following documentation before calling IBM Software Support:
• A copy of the NetView network log
• A copy of the NetView trace log
• A completed E/AS problem worksheet
• A copy of the E/AS output log
• A copy of the MVS system log
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following items:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, and title of the manual or the number of the online help
panel involved.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the NetView program, call IBM Software Support.
5. If the problem is with an online help panel, call IBM Software Support.
Use Table 166 on page 469 to locate examples of problems you might encounter when using the Event/
Automation Service. To use the table, do the following steps:
1. Locate your problem scenario using the first two columns.
• Problem Category
Arranged alphabetically
• Problem Scenario
– Arranged (first) according to where the symptom shows
– Then arranged alphabetically
2. Go to the indicated page for a description of the problem and resolution steps for correcting the
3. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you are unable to solve your problem by using the examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2,
“Classifying problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23
before contacting IBM Software Support.
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 471
Table 166. Event/Automation Service Problem Scenarios (continued)
Problem Category Problem Scenario Page
Message Problems Messages are not forwarded to the designated event server “Messages
are not
to the
server” on
page 483
Messages are not converted to Event Integration Facility events “Messages
are not
to Event
events” on
page 485
A Message Is Not Cached Correctly “A
message is
cached” on
page 485
Event Problems Event Integration Facility events are not forwarded to the “Event
hardware monitor Integration
events are
to the
on page
Event Integration Facility events are not converted to alerts “Event
events are
to alerts”
on page
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 473
Table 166. Event/Automation Service Problem Scenarios (continued)
Problem Category Problem Scenario Page
Recycling the Event Receiver “Recycling
the Event
for IP
on page
Recycling the Trap-to-Alert service “Recycling
the Trap-
service for
on page
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 475
• The global configuration file contains incorrect statements. If you are providing a customized
configuration file, make sure that all of the statements in the file are correct.
• The PPI mailbox identifier used by the Event/Automation Service is in use. The likely cause is that there
is another copy of the Event/Automation Service that has been started with the same PPI mailbox
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 477
The default is IHSANFMT. If you are providing a customized FMT file, verify that you specified it
correctly on the AdapterFmtFile statement in the configuration file.
The confirmed message adapter FMT file contains incorrect statements. If you are providing a
customized FMT file, make sure that all of the statements in the file are correct. Additional information
in the message adapter output log will indicate the line number and line character position where the
error was detected.
Note: The first character position is position 0. The actual error can be ahead of the character position
referenced. The character position is the first place on the line that was found to be syntactically
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 479
The sample global initialization file contains NOSTART statements for the alert-to-trap service and the
trap-to-alert service. If you do not plan to use one or more of the alert adapter, message adapter, or event
receiver services, add NOSTART statements for these services to the global initialization file. You can
receive unexpected error message if you allow a service to start without correctly configuring the service.
You can start a service after the Event/Automation Service has started without affecting the operation of
currently running services using the Event/Automation Service START command.
Where date is the date string trace header and line is a number. Note that if the confirmed alert
adapter service had been used, the message would contain ALERTC.
date ALERTA :IHSAACOM:line IP: The event was discarded due to filtering;
filtering mode is mode
Where date is the date string trace header, line is a number, and mode is either IN or OUT. Note that if
the confirmed alert adapter service had been used, the message would contain ALERTC. Check the
filter statements and the corresponding FilterMode setting to verify that you have specified the
correct filter criteria.
9. Has the converted alert been discarded or cached because of event server connection problems? The
IHS0192I message IHS0192I Alert Adapter: Server connections are suspended is
sent to the system console whenever an event cannot be sent to any of the event servers listed on
the ServerLocation statement. Any event sent after IHS0192I (including the event that caused the
message) is displayed , and before the IHS0193I Alert Adapter: Server connections
have been resumed message is received, is either discarded or cached. Note that if the confirmed
alert adapter service issued messages IHS0192I and IHS0193I, the Confirmed Alert Adapter would
be indicated in the message text.
Use the IP trace option of the adapter service to determine why a connection cannot be made to an
event server. These are some possible causes of connection problems:
• TCP/IP is not active on the local host or at the event server.
• The portmapper is not active at the designated event server. This is required only if the ServerPort
that corresponds to the designated event server on the ServerLocation statement is zero (0). The
confirmed alert adapter does not interact with the portmapper.
• The location on the ServerLocation statement or the port on the ServerPort statement is incorrect.
• The event server application is not running.
10. The converted alert was sent to one of the event servers specified on the ServerLocation statement.
If the event is not showing at the expected event server, check the following items:
• If you have more than one event server specified on the ServerLocation statement, is the order
correct? The alert adapter service or the confirmed alert adapter service forwards a converted alert
to the first event server to which it can connect.
• Have you installed and activated the .baroc and .rls files at the designated event server that are
required for the server to recognize converted alert events?
Note: This item applies only to the alert adapter service.
• Does your event server user logon have access to the event group that contains the NetView alert
Alerts are not converted to the expected Event Integration Facility events
Use the following steps to determine why an Event Integration Facility (EIF) event, which was created
from an alert and sent to an event server, did not contain the correct information. As an example, this
could be an EIF event that is displayed at the designated event server, but the EIF event contains
incorrect information.
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 481
1. Are you using a customized CDS file? If so, verify the following items:
• Have you specified the correct criteria in the SELECT segment of the class definition statement that
you expect to match the incoming alert data?
• Are the slot and value pairs correct in the MAP segment of the class definition statement?
• Before the class definition statement that you expect to match, is there another class definition
statement that matches the criteria in the SELECT segment? Matches are searched in order from the
first statement in the CDS file until the first SELECT segment is matched.
• Have you changed the designated event server .baroc file to match the customization in the CDS file?
The designated event server discards events that have slot and value pairs that cannot be associated
with the class of event that it receives. It also discards events that have class names that are not
defined in the .baroc file.
Note: The user1 through user5 slots are preconfigured into the alert adapters .baroc file for all
events that are subclasses of the SNA_Event class. All classes defined in the default CDS file for the
alert adapter are subclasses of the SNA_Event class. If you changed the CDS file to use these slots
with the predefined classes in the CDS file, or with any newly defined class that is a subclass of the
SNA_Event class, no modifications are necessary to the .baroc file for these slots.
2. Have you bound additional names and values to the alert data using the NetView automation table
which are not showing in the EIF event? If so, check the following in addition to the suggestions in the
previous step:
• Make sure the command list that performs the name bindings is being called from the automation
table when the alert is driven.
• If possible, dump the alert buffer from the PPI PIPE stage with the TECROUTE keyword (used to
route message data to the message adapter) or the TECRTCFM keyword (used to route message
data to the confirmed adapter), whichever applies.
Where date is the date string trace header and line is a number. If the event was discarded because of
event buffer filtering, the adapter service output log contains the message:
Note that if the confirmed alert adapter service issued the message, then ALERTC would be indicated in
the message text. You see either of these messages if the alert was processed by the adapter service and
cannot be sent to any of the event servers from the ServerLocation statement. Use the IP trace output to
verify that the alert was processed and not sent.
To determine why the event is either cached or not cached, check the following items:
• Is the BufferEvents statement set to the correct value?
• Is the BufEvtPath statement set to the correct value?
• If you have FilterCache statements, are they correctly specified?
• Is the FilterMode statement set to the correct value?
• Did you see any console messages that indicated a problem with accessing the cache file?
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 483
FMT file processing converts the message to an Event Integration Facility (EIF) event. If none of the
message matching criteria is met, the message can be discarded. This should not happen unless you
have customized the FMT file. The default FMT file does not discard the message.
To determine whether a message has been discarded, enable tracing for the message adapter service
or the confirmed message adapter service with LEVEL=NORMAL. After sending the message, examine
the output log for the adapter for the following message:
Where date is the date string trace header and line is a number. Note that if the confirmed message
adapter service issued the message, then MESSAGEC would be indicated in the message text.
If the message has been discarded, verify the changes that were made to the message adapter FMT
7. Has the converted message been discarded because of a Filter or FilterMode statement setting? The
default configuration file does not contain any filter statements, so the message is not filtered unless
you added these statements to the message adapter or the confirmed message adapter configuration
file. If you have added one or more of these statements, you can determine whether an event has
passed the filtering conditions by turning on the IP trace option for the adapter service and generating
the message. Examine the adapter output log for the message:
Where date is the date string trace header, line is a number, and mode is either IN or OUT. Note that if
the confirmed message adapter service issued the message, then MESSAGEC would be indicated in the
message text.
Check the Filter statements and the corresponding FilterMode setting to verify that you specified the
correct filter criteria.
8. Has the converted message been discarded or cached because of event server connection problems?
Message IHS0192I Message Adapter: Server connections are suspended is sent to the
system console whenever an event cannot be sent to any of the event servers listed on the
ServerLocation statement. Any event sent after IHS0192I shows (including the event that caused the
message), and before message IHS0193I Message Adapter: Server connections have
been resumed is received, is either discarded or cached. Note that if the confirmed message adapter
service issued the message, then Confirmed Message Adapter would be indicated in the message
Use the IP trace option of the adapter service to determine why a connection cannot be made to an
event server. These are some possible causes of connection problems:
• TCP/IP is not active on the local host or at the event server.
• The portmapper is not active at the designated event server. This is only required if the ServerPort
that corresponds to the designated event server on the ServerLocation statement is zero (0). The
portmapper function is not used by the confirmed message adapter.
• The location on the ServerLocation statement or the port on the ServerPort statement is incorrect.
• The Event Server application is not running.
9. The converted message was sent to one of the event servers specified on the ServerLocation
statement. If the event is not showing at the expected event server, check the following items:
• If you have more than one event server specified on the ServerLocation statement, is the order
correct? The message adapter service or the confirmed message adapter service forwards a
converted message to the first event server to which it can connect.
• Have you installed and activated the .baroc and .rls files at the designated event server that are
required for the server to recognize converted message events?
Note: This item applies only to the message adapter service.
Where date is the date string trace header and line is a number. If the event was discarded because of
event buffer filtering, the adapter service output log contains the message:
Note that if the confirmed message adapter service issued the message, then MESSAGEC would be
indicated in the message text.
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 485
You see either of these messages if the message was processed by the message adapter or confirmed
message adapter service and cannot be sent to any of the event servers from the ServerLocation
statement. Use the IP trace output to verify that the message was processed and not sent.
To determine why the event is either cached or not cached, check the following items:
• Is the BufferEvents statement set to the correct value?
• Is the BufEvtPath statement set to the correct value?
• If you have FilterCache statements, are they correctly specified?
• Is the FilterMode statement set to the correct value?
• Did you see any console messages that indicated a problem with accessing the cache file?
• For a confirmed alert adapter or confirmed message adapter, did the IP trace show that a complete
response Event Integration Facility (EIF) event was received? Was it a positive or negative response or
was the data not valid?
Event Integration Facility events are not forwarded to the hardware monitor
Use the following steps to determine why an Event Integration Facility (EIF) event that you expect to be
forwarded to the hardware monitor is not showing there.
1. Is the event sender that generates the event set up to forward the event to the event receiver? For
example, the event sender might not be a designated event server or a user of the EIF tool kit code
that emits EIF events.
Note: The event receiver receives events in a similar manner to the designated event server.
2. Is the event receiver service active?
Use the DISPLAY STATUS command to verify that the service is UP.
3. If the event sender must resolve the event receiver port using the Portmapper, is the UsePortMapper
statement value set to YES?
If not, the event sender is unable to determine the port to use to connect to the event receiver.
4. Is TCP/IP active on the local host? Use the DISPLAY STATUS command to check the status of TCP/IP
(UP or DOWN).
5. If the Portmapper service is required, is it active on the local host?
6. If the event sender specifies a fixed port for the event receiver, is that same port specified on the
ServerPort statement?
Use the DISPLAY STATUS command to verify the setting of the event receiver port.
7. Has the event been received by the event receiver?
Temporarily turn tracing on for the event receiver at the LOW level and then turn tracing on for the
EIF event. Browse the event receiver output log to verify that trace entries have been added to the
output log.
Note: After the event receiver initializes, it does not create trace entries unless it has received an EIF
8. Has the event been discarded by CDS file processing?
CDS file processing converts the EIF event into an alert. If none of the event matching criteria is met,
the event is discarded. This should not happen unless the CDS file has been customized. The default
CDS file does not discard the event.
To determine whether an EIF event has been discarded, turn tracing on for the event receiver service
at the NORMAL level. After sending the event, browse the event receiver output log for the following
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 487
Note: All offsets are in hexadecimal. Note also that the Msg. length value includes the length of everything
after the header, meaning from offset x'24' to the end of the event, including the x'0A01' sequence.
0 <START>>
8 Msg. ID (0)
C Msg. from (0)
10 Msg. to (0)
14 Msg. type (0)
18 IPC msg. type (0)
1C Msg. length (x'26')
20 Header data length (specify any value, because the confirmed adapter
ignores this specification)
24 Class name (IHS+;)
29 IHSeventID=C45902AB73920A58;
45 END
48 x'0A01'
If the event server wants the sending adapter to immediately enter retry processing for or caching of an
EIF event, the event server can send a negative response EIF event with this format:
Note: All offsets are in hexadecimal. Note also that the Msg. length value includes the length of everything
after the header, meaning from offset x'24' to the end of the event, including the X'0A01' sequence.
0 <START>>
8 Msg. ID (0)
C Msg. from (0)
10 Msg. to (0)
14 Msg. type (0)
18 IPC msg. type (0)
1C Msg. length (x'26'
20 Header data length (specify any value, because the confirmed adapter
ignores this specification)
24 Class name (IHS-;)
29 IHSeventID=C45902AB73920A58;
45 END
48 x'0A01'
In either case, the character data in the response EIF event (the <START>>, END, class name, and the
IHSeventID=value; slot should be ASCII.
Chapter 28. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Event/Automation Service 489
Recycling the NetView PPI
The Event/Automation Service detects when the NetView PPI is inactive and enters a recycle loop to re-
register with the PPI when the PPI becomes active. The following message appears at the system console
every 30 seconds while the Event/Automation Service attempts to re-register with the PPI :
If the PPI is inactive when the Event/Automation Service is started, none of the requested services will be
started until the PPI becomes active.
If the PPI becomes inactive after the Event/Automation Service has started, the started services will
remain active. However, any data forwarded to the PPI from the event receiver and trap-to-alert services
is discarded.
This is the last console message that the event receiver issues until the socket can be defined. Further
messages are sent only to the event receiver output log. The recycle period is 60 seconds.
Note: Although the recycle period is 60 seconds, the recycle period might be longer if the problem is
because of the Portmapper service. The Portmapper functions are blocking functions that can have time-
out periods up to 2 to 3 minutes. This time is in addition to the 60 second recycle period.
To determine whether the event receiver is recycling after the initial console message is issued, issue the
DISPLAY STATUS command. While the event receiver is recycling, the status of the event receiver is
This is the last console message that the trap-to-alert service issues until the socket can be defined.
Further messages are sent only to the trap-to-alert service output log. The recycle period is 60 seconds.
To determine whether the trap-to-alert service is recycling after the initial console message is issued,
issue the DISPLAY STATUS command. While the trap-to-alert service is recycling, the status of the trap-
to-alert service is IPCYCLE.
This chapter describes the diagnostic tools that are used to isolate and identify the source of a problem
for the Event/Automation Service. This chapter also describes how to access error logs and run traces
using the following resources:
• Output log files
• Trace files
• Online help support
This chapter also provides information for using diagnostic tools to collect problem determination
information such as the following information:
• Event/Automation Service output logs
• Online help for Event/Automation Service commands and error messages
• Event/Automation Service DISPLAY STATUS and DISPLAY QSTATS command
• Event/Automation Service TRACE command
• GENALERT command
• RPCINFO command (TCP/IP services)
• TestMode statement
• Looping the alert adapter and message adapter directly into the event receiver
• Looping the alert-to-trap service directly into the trap-to-alert service
Output log
The Event/Automation Service produces messages for errors, warnings, and information. Error messages
and other types of messages are written to the output log. The output log provides information that is
helpful in resolving problems.
For information about the format of the output log, refer to the IBM Z NetView Customization Guide.
Using commands
The following Event/Automation Service commands are helpful for diagnosing Event/Automation Service
Use the Event/Automation Service DISPLAY STATUS command to help determine:
• Whether a service is active, inactive, or recycling
• Whether the alert adapter, confirmed alert adapter, message adapter, or confirmed message adapter
services are experiencing delays using TCP/IP connection services
Use the Event/Automation Service DISPLAY QSTATS command to help determine whether an event, such
as an alert, message, SNMP trap, or Event Integration Facility (EIF) event, was received and forwarded
within the E/AS. These events are counted as follows:
• The TOTAL SENT count for the CONTROL task represents the total of all alerts and messages delivered
across the PPI for the alert adapter, confirmed alert adapter, alert-to-trap, message adapter, and
confirmed message adapter services.
• The TOTAL RCVD count for the CONTROL task represents the total of all converted EIF events and
SNMP traps forwarded from the trap-to-alert service and the event receiver to the NetView alert
receiver task.
• The TOTAL RCVD count for the alert adapter or confirmed alert adapter represents the number of alerts
that have been forwarded for translation to EIF events.
• The TOTAL RCVD count for the alert-to-trap service represents the number of alerts that have been
forwarded for translation to SNMP traps.
• The TOTAL RCVD count for the message adapter or confirmed message adapter represents the number
of messages that have been forwarded for translation to EIF events.
• The TOTAL SENT count for the trap-to-alert service represents the number of SNMP traps that have
been translated and forwarded to the NetView alert receiver task.
• The TOTAL SENT count for the event receiver represents the number of EIF events that have been
translated and forwarded to the NetView alert receiver task.
• All other counts will remain at zero (0).
General tracing for the Event/Automation Service is not described in detail in this document. Tracing the
Event/Automation Service using the LEVEL parameter provides diagnostic information that is to be used
by an IBM Software Support representative to resolve problems that cannot be diagnosed using other
The IP tracing option for the alert adapter, confirmed alert adapter, message adapter, and confirmed
message adapter services is described in the following section. Although this option is not described in
detail, you can use it to provide more information about why an event might not have been sent to its
expected destination.
This option generates a much smaller amount of tracing output per event as compared to the amount of
tracing output generated using the LEVEL parameter for the same event. IP tracing output for an event
begins when the event is ready to be sent through TCP/IP (in the case of the alert adapter, message
Where taskname is the name of the service task. To disable tracing, issue the command with IP=OFF.
Note: This tracing option does not provide any output if the event is discarded by filtering before it is
ready to be sent.
The output log sample in Figure 74 on page 494 displays the result of IP tracing for the alert adapter
service. For the format of messages sent to the Event/Automation Service output log, refer to the IBM Z
NetView Customization Guide. The messages presented here refer to the specific data portion of the
output message. The message type (msgtype) is IP for all IP trace messages.
Figure 74. Example output of IP tracing for the alert adapter service
Note: The numbers preceding each line are not a part of the output log. They are inserted for reference
purposes. The module line numbers following the module name in this example might be different on
your system.
In Figure 74 on page 494, a single alert was sent through the alert adapter service. The configuration file
for the alert adapter service contains the following statements:
Is a system console message that is issued by the alert adapter service when it has completed
initialization. All console messages issued by any service of the Event/Automation Service are sent to
the output log.
Displays the event that is to be sent. This is the full Event Integration Facility (EIF) event. The newline
character and the event separator which end every event have been replaced by the text <NL> and
<SEP>, respectively, so they can display properly in the output log. If this line shows in your output
log, then the alert has been successfully converted to an event by CDS processing and is sent to a
designated event server. This line also signifies the beginning of IP tracing for this event. All IP trace
entries that follow this entry relate to this event.
Indicates that the event passed the event filtering described by the Filter and FilterMode statements.
In this example, the FilterMode is IN. This FilterMode indicates that events are only passed if they
match one of the Filter statements in the service configuration file. The single Filter statement in the
configuration file in this example does match the event and the event passes event filtering.
If the FilterMode had been OUT, this line states that the event was discarded and is the last line of
output for this event. If there were no Filter statements in the service configuration file, or if the event
did not match any of the Filter statements, the statement number is 0 (zero). Use the SETTINGS
command to display the Filter statements from the service configuration file.
Indicates that the designated event server port has been discovered. The ServerPort statement in the
service configuration file contains a port of 0, which indicates that the actual server port is discovered
using the portmapper program of the server. This is the port in which the designated event server is
listening to receive events. If the portmapper is not active or there is any other problem in discovering
the port, an output similar to the following is displayed:
Indicates that the remote port cannot be retrieved. The message that follows the IP address is
variable, and is based on the actual error that occurred while retrieving the port. In this example,
the error was a portmapper failure because of a portmapper timeout. A portmapper timeout
usually indicates that the remote portmapper is not active.
Indicate that the ServerLocation resolves to an IP address. This occurs only if the location was not
already in the form of an address. This is done to account for the possibility that the IP address
associated with the name might have changed since the last time the alert adapter service
resolved the location to an IP address. After resolving the IP address, another attempt is made to
Use the GENALERT command to drive test alerts through the hardware monitor to the Event/Automation
Service. You can verify that the path from the hardware monitor to the designated event server and the
SNMP agent is active using these test alerts.
RPCINFO is a TCP/IP services command that enables you to query information about active portmappers.
Use this command to help you determine the following:
• Whether the portmapper is active on a host anywhere in your IP network.
• The ports that have been defined to the portmapper, and which program number and program version is
associated with each port.
The alert adapter and message adapter expect designated event servers to be registered as program
number 100033057. The designated event servers are registered with version number 1. Likewise, the
event receiver attempts to register with portmapper with the same program number and version number
to emulate a designated event server.
For information about using the RPCINFO command, see the TCP/IP library.
This chapter contains information that you can use to help determine the cause of failures within the Z
NetView Enterprise Management Agent (NetView agent).
Not all of these questions apply to your situation, but knowing specific background information makes it
easier to report problems and find solutions.
If you need additional information, an IBM Software Support representative can assist you in gathering it.
Copying of these data sheets is permitted without payment of royalty if each reproduction is done without
General information
Record the following general information:
1. Date:
2. Problem Number:
3. Host:
• Component ID
• IBM Z NetView operating system and level
• Recommended service update (RSU) level
• NetView agent build level. This can be found in RKLVLOG. The KLVST045 BASIC SERVICES DRIVER:
message (for example, KLVST045 BASIC SERVICES DRIVER: tms_ctbs630fp3:d4191a) should be
recorded, and the level of the KDS component. The KDS component level can be found by searching
for Component: kds in the log. The line below this line contains the driver level. For example:
Component: kds
Driver: tms630fp3:d4204a/4455505.5
4. The NetView agent data files version, located in the following locations:
Version information about UNIX/Linux is stored in the $install_dir/registry directory:
• The nat*.ver files are the application support version files
– The natms.ver file is for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
– The natps.ver file is for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
– The natpw.ver file is for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client
– The natpd.ver file is for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client
System-related information
Record the following system-related information:
• Host
Problem description
Describe your problem by answering the following questions:
1. What are the symptoms of the problem?
2. What were you trying to do?
3. What should have happened?
4. What actually did happen?
5. Has the function worked before?
6. Other?
7. If the problem seems to be at the NetView host, can you recreate the problem with the NetView trace
running default options?
8. If you have more than one Tivoli Enterprise Portal workstation, does the problem occur consistently on
all workstations?
Problem classification
Check the appropriate problem category that matches the symptoms associated with your problem.
Abend problems
For abend problems or processor exception problems, complete the following items:
1. What is the abend code?
2. What processes were taking place at the time of the abend?
3. If a NetView user abend occurred, use the online help facility (type HELP ABEND and use the scroll
function to locate the abend code).
Processor Traps
For processor exception problems, respond to the following questions:
1. What is the trap code?
2. Is there any other information related to the exception that can be provided?
3. What processes were occurring at the time of the abend or trap?
4. Gather the logs for the components that failed. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination
Guide, GC32-8458, for information about where logs are located for Tivoli Management Services
Message problems
For message problems, complete the following items:
1. Record the message ID and any error codes displayed.
• Message ID.
• The exact text of the message on the log.
• Does the message contain any return codes, feedback codes, error codes, or sense information? List
the codes or information.
2. Check the message in the NetView online help to determine user action.
3. What processes were taking place when the message occurred?
• Commands
• Other
4. Did you follow the actions prescribed in the NetView online help? If so:
• What occurred?
• Is this what was expected?
• If not, what was expected?
Wait problems
For wait problems, complete the following items:
1. What events led up to the wait?
2. What data was being displayed?
3. What was the last command entered?
4. If the wait appears to be in the NetView address space, follow the problem classification instructions
for wait problems in Chapter 4, “NetView program problem worksheet,” on page 45.
5. If the wait appears to be in the NetView agent address space, obtain the following documentation:
• The scenario leading to the problem
• A system log
• NetView agent RKLVLOG
• A memory dump of the NetView agent address space and the NetView agent data space or data
spaces. The NetView agent data space is titled CNMEMnnn, where nnn is a number.
6. What is the name of the module in which the wait occurred?
7. What is the date that the module was compiled?
8. What is the PTF level of the module involved?
9. What is the offset into the module where the wait occurred?
Table 167. NetView program data type and DISPLAY TCPIP,,NETSTAT commands
NetView Data Type DISPLAY TCPIP,,NETSTAT parameter
DVIPA Definition and Status VIPADCFG
Distributed DVIPA VDPT
Distributed DVIPA Connection Routing VCRT
For more information about the DISPLAY TCPIP,,NETSTAT command, see the z/OS Communications
Server: IP System Administrator’s Commands manual.
Performance problems
For performance problems, complete the following items:
1. What were the events that led to the problem?
2. What is the actual performance?
3. What was the expected performance?
4. What are the data collection intervals for the enabled TEMA subtowers?
5. What are the row values for the enabled TEMA subtowers?
6. How many Tivoli Enterprise Portal users are sending commands to the same NetView host?
7. Gather the following documentation before contacting IBM Software Support:
Documentation problems
For documentation problems, complete the following items:
1. Identify the order number, revision level, title of the manual, the number of the online help panel
involved, the panel identifier of the Configuration Tool help panel, or the section in the NetView agent
online help.
2. Identify the location of the error in the manual or panel. For manuals, provide the chapter and section
3. Describe the problem the error caused.
4. If the problem affects the operation or use of the NetView program or the NetView agent, contact IBM
Software Support.
5. If the problem is with an online help panel, contact IBM Software Support.
Use Table 168 on page 507 to locate examples of problems when using the Z NetView Enterprise
Management Agent (NetView agent). To use the table, do these steps:
1. Locate your problem scenario in the first column and go to the indicated page for a description of the
problem and resolution steps for correcting the problem.
2. Follow the resolution steps to correct your problem.
If you cannot solve your problem by using the examples, follow the instructions in Chapter 2, “Classifying
problems,” on page 13 and Chapter 3, “Documenting and reporting problems,” on page 23 before
contacting IBM Software Support.
• Verify communication between the NetView agent and the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
In the RKLVLOG data set for the agent, look for a message that indicates a successful connection to a
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server such as the following message for a runtime environment that is
If the RKLVLOG data set contains several log entries that indicate that the endpoint is not available,
check the following items:
Chapter 31. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 509
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server becomes inactive while the NetView
agent is running
If the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server becomes inactive while the NetView agent is running, the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server can no longer communicate with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the
KFWIFM007 message is displayed in a pop-up window. The NetView agent continues to run.
As the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server recovers, communication should be re-established between the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal and the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. When the Tivoli Enterprise Portal is
again able to communicate with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, that server again becomes
available. No operator interaction is required.
Depending on the length of time that the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is unavailable, some
situational and historical data might be lost. The default heartbeat timer between the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server and the NetView agent is 10 minutes. Therefore, it might take as long as 10 minutes
before the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server recovers and you can again see data from the NetView
See the IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring the NetView Enterprise Management Agent for additional
• Verify that the related towers and subtowers are enabled for the workspace in the CNMSTYLE member.
• Verify that the ROWSxxxx value (where xxxx represents the workspace) specified in the CNMSTYLE
member for the display tower or subtower is not zero.
• Verify that the AUTOTASK associated with the data collector is active and running data collection
• For workspaces that have a different data collector than display tower or subtower, issue the COLLCTL
LISTINFO command and inspect the status of the data collector. If the data collector is inactive, issue
COLLCTL START with the appropriate value.
• For workspaces that have the same data collector and display tower or subtower, issue the NACTL
LISTINFO command and inspect the status of the data collectors. If the data collector is inactive, issue
NACTL START with the appropriate value.
• Look for message BNH881I in the NetView log. If this message is present, use the IBM Z NetView
message help facility to find more information about the cause of the failure.
• Check the NetView log for errors on the data collection autotasks. See Table 169 on page 510 above.
• Do these steps if the OSA workspace has no data:
– Verify that RODM is started.
– Verify that the SNMP agent (OSNMPD) and the OSA SNMP subagent (IOBSNMP) are configured and
– If the DSI047E message is present in the NetView log, ensure that the appropriate towers and
subtowers are enabled in the CNMSTYLE member. For more information about the towers and
subtowers, see IBM Z NetView Administration Reference.
• Do these steps if the HiperSockets workspace has no data:
– Verify that RODM is started.
– Verify that the SNMP agent is configured and running.
– If the DSI047E message is present in the NetView log, ensure that the appropriate towers and
subtowers are enabled in the CNMSTYLE member. For more information about the towers and
subtowers, see IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring the NetView Enterprise Management Agent.
• If you click Cancel from a filter window, the target workspace is displayed without any data. In this
scenario, you have clicked a link to a filtered workspace, and a filter window is displayed. In the filter
window, specify or change values for one or more of the fields and click OK to display the filtered data in
the target workspace. When you click OK, the values you specified are saved, and the target workspace
is displayed using the specified values. If you click Cancel, any changes that you made are discarded
Chapter 31. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 511
and the target workspace is displayed with no data. A filter window is displayed when clicking the
following links:
– Filtered DVIPA Connections
– Filtered Inactive TCPIP Connection Data
– Filtered Session Data
– Filtered TCPIP Connection Data
• Filter settings might prevent or delay data display. In this scenario, you have clicked a navigation item
or you have clicked a link and the workspace either displays no data or does not show all the data that
you expect. Many of the workspaces that are provided by the NetView agent are defined with filters.
Each view in the workspace can have filters defined. These filters restrict the data that is displayed to
the rows that might be interesting to the user. To view the filters that are defined to a workspace, right-
click in the view and select Properties... .
There are two kinds of filters to check: view filters and query filters.
1. Check the view filters first by selecting the Filters tab in the Properties... view. The view
filters determine which attributes are displayed in the views and are also used to filter out rows of
data returned by queries.
2. If modifying the view filters does not produce the results you want, click Select a Query to view
or change the filters that are defined in the Specification view of the query editor. Adjust the filters to
meet the needs of your enterprise. Some queries are used by multiple views and workspaces;
changing the query filter changes the behavior of all views and workspaces that use the query.
See the IBM Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent online help for information about the filters that
are defined for the product-provided workspaces. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Tivoli Enterprise Portal
User’s Guide for information about defining and customizing workspaces and views.
Table 170. Data collection and display towers and subtowers for GDPS Continuous Availability solution
Default Data
Collection Display tower or
Workspace Data Collection tower or subtower Autotask subtower
for Workload
Workload Server Details
• Verify that the related towers and subtowers are enabled for the workspaces in the CNMSTYLE member.
• Verify that the ROWS xxxx value (where xxxx represents the workspace) that is specified in the
CNMSTYLE member for the display tower or subtower is not zero.
• Verify that the AUTOTASK that is associated with the data collector is active and is running data
collection commands.
• Verify that the autotask identified by the ACTDATA function (AUTOADAT by default) is active.
• Issue the ACTVCTL LISTINFO command and inspect the status of a data collector. If the data collector
is inactive, issue the ACTVCTL START command to start it.
Data collection for workspaces requiring the ACTIVEACTIVE.LIFELINE subtower is done on controller
systems. Data collection for workspaces requiring the ACTIVEACTIVE.REPLICATION subtower is done
on production systems.
• Look for the BNH881I message in the NetView log. If this message is present, use NetView message
help to find more information about the cause of the failure.
• For GDPS Continuous Availability solution workspaces with no data, check the NetView log for errors
issued as a result of the ACTVCTL collector command as shown in Table 171 on page 513.
Table 171. Commands that collect GDPS Continuous Availability solution data
Command Type of data collected
ACTVCTL START=LIFELINE Workload Lifeline Advisor
ACTVCTL START=DB2 DB2 (Q replication)
Chapter 31. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 513
Table 171. Commands that collect GDPS Continuous Availability solution data (continued)
Command Type of data collected
• Administrators control which users can access the individual workspaces. If an operator cannot see
data for a particular workspace, the operator might not be permitted to access this type of data. For
information about permitting and restricting operator access to workspaces, see the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring: Administrator’s Guide.
You receive this message if a query is specified that returns many rows of data, causing an out-of-data
condition. The message source, KNATCI, varies depending on the workspace that fails. To resolve this
problem, change the LIMIT and MINIMUM values. You can also change the parameters on the RKLVIN DD
statement or the EXEC PARM field in the JCL. Additional information on this methodology can be found in
the IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring the NetView Enterprise Management Agent.
Chapter 31. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 515
z/OS environment, refer to IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring the NetView Enterprise Management
Note: Take action commands that are used with the GDPS Continuous Availability solution are only
available from workspaces defined to the Active/Active Sites subnode in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
navigator. These commands are not accessible from workspaces defined to the NetView subnode in the
portal navigator. Similarly, the take action commands that are available from workspaces defined to the
NetView subnode are not available from workspaces defined to the Active/Active Sites subnode.
Incorrect results when using the icons in the NetView Command Response
Summary view to find or sort data
Find and sort capabilities are available for the data shown in the NetView Command Response Summary
view. The default view-level page size for this view is 100 rows. Find and Sort is limited to the data
displayed on the current page. For example, if you are viewing page 6 of 10 pages, the Sort or Find that
you issue spans only the 100 rows on page 6. If you must Find or Sort more than 100 rows, you can right-
click on the view, select Properties, and change the View-level Page Size to “Return all rows” or else you
can increase the “Number of rows to return” per page.
Security problems
If you encounter problems with take action security for the z/OS product that uses the Tivoli Management
Services infrastructure, first ensure that you have configured the NetView agent or the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server to support this function. For additional information about the take action security, see
the IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring the NetView Enterprise Management Agent.
Review these logs for error messages:
• RKLVLOG files for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the NetView agent
• NetView log
If you see one of the following symptoms, the NetView CNMLINK data set was not concatenated as part
of the Tivoli enterprise management server or NetView agent RKANMODL DD statement in the startup
• RC=17 in the Action Status window after a command is issued
• The following message in RKLVLOG: NetView interface module unavailable: CNMCNETV
If you see any of the following symptoms, the NetView APSERV command is not running:
• This message in RKLVLOG: NetView PPI send buffer rejected: 26
• RC=9 in the Action Status window after a take action command is issued
• Message KRAIRA002 in RKLVLOG, as in this example:
In RKLVLOG, if you see the NetView PPI send buffer rejected: 24 message, the Z NetView
subsystem interface is not active.
NetView agent workspaces have no column headings for the table views
When no column headings are in the table views for NetView agent workspaces, the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services is missing data for the agent. This could occur in an environment where a z/OS Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services is already running.
Copy the KNADOC, KNAATR, and KNACAT files from the &rhilev.&rte.RKANDATV data set to the
equivalent data set where the column headings are in the table views for NetView agent workspaces.
Recycle the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services to pick up the changes.
Chapter 31. Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 517
• Ensure that you performed the Load step using the Configuration Tool for the NetView agent.
For additional information, refer to IBM Z NetView Installation: Configuring the NetView Enterprise
Management Agent.
Missing NetView data when hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is active
on both controllers
This scenario is applicable when running the GDPS Continuous Availability solution and the hub Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server (monitoring server) is running on the controller systems. If the monitoring
server is active on both controllers, then data in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (portal) could show data for
only one NetView domain. This scenario is based on the monitoring server and Z NetView Enterprise
Management Agent (NetView agent) being configured as documented in IBM Z NetView for Continuous
Availability Configuring and Using the GDPS Continuous Availability Solution.
This is the sequence of events that can cause this problem:
1. Hub monitoring server and NetView agent are active on the primary controller.
3. A value of Yes is specified on the ACTACT.BKTEMS.Enable statement in the CNMSTLIF CNMSTYLE
member. The user is prompted to reply to the AQN016A message.
4. The user replies Yes before the hub monitoring server is stopped on the primary controller, and the
hub monitoring server is started on the backup controller.
5. The NetView agent is started on the backup controller, and connects to the hub monitoring server
running on the backup controller.
6. Data in the portal only shows information for the NetView domain running on the primary controller.
To resolve the problem, these are the steps that you should follow:
1. Stop the monitoring server on the primary controller. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (portal server)
connectivity to the hub monitoring server now moves to the monitoring server on the backup
2. Recycle the portal server to synchronize event and situation data with the new hub monitoring server.
These are some diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent (NetView agent). These
topics are covered:
• NetView online message and command help, described in “Using NetView online message and
command help for the NetView agent” on page 519
• NetView CNMTRACE command, described in “Using the CNMTRACE function for NetView host
components of the NetView agent function” on page 519
• The NACTL command, described in “Using the NACTL command to troubleshoot the NetView agent” on
page 521.
• The DISPPI command, described in “Using the DISPPI command to troubleshoot a PPI connection
between NetView and the NetView agent” on page 521.
• General problem determination for the NetView agent, described in “Problem determination for a
NetView agent” on page 521.
Using NetView online message and command help for the NetView agent
• When NACMD terminates, it issues message BNH805I message accompanied by message DWO050I.
Message DWO050I should not be issued on normal termination. Use the online Help facility to find
more information about the failure.
• When data collection stops due to any abnormal cause, BNH881I messages are logged to the NetView
log. Message DWO050I can provide additional details.
Using the CNMTRACE function for NetView host components of the NetView
agent function
The CNMTRACE function provides tracing for the NetView host components of the NetView agent. Tracing
can be started or ended by using common global variables. There are two versions of the global variables:
This is the global trace control.
This is the task-specific trace control. The opid is the operator ID of the task that is running a NetView
agent REXX executable file. If the task-specific common global variable has a valid value, it takes
precedence over the global trace control.
Note: The NACMD command is the function designated for all REXX files associated with the NetView
agent. The following values are valid for the common global variables:
This value shows the entry and exit, the commands to be issued, and the command responses, if
any. This includes any commands issued indirectly.
This value specifies that no tracing is to be performed.
This value shows tracing provided by the YES or ON value and more detailed data and flows.
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 521
By default, the NetView agent has minimal tracing enabled. The setting RAS1=ERROR means that only
error messages are captured. When you report a problem, IBM Software Support might ask you to enable
a more in-depth and detailed form of tracing.
IBM Software Support uses the information captured by trace logging to trace a problem to its source or
to determine why an error occurred. The default configuration for trace logging, such as the level of trace
logging, depends on the source of the trace logging. Trace logging is always enabled.
Attention: There is CPU and I/O overhead associated with detailed RAS1 tracing that might
degrade performance of the monitoring agent. You must restore RAS1 tracing to the minimal
KBB_RAS1=ERROR after problem diagnosis is completed.
The plugin1.4.2.trace file contains the RAS1 tracing for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client and
any Java exceptions. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client logs contain environmental information, such as
the version and build level of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client. The log also contains the host and port
of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server that the client is connecting to.
• The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server log might also be useful. It can be found in one of the locations in
Table 173 on page 524:
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 523
Table 173. Log locations for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
ponent Windows UNIX-based
In addition, collect the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server log. While this problem might be reported as a
Tivoli Enterprise Portal client problem, the client might be having difficulties because of a server failure.
• For the location of logs for a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS, see “Problems reported as
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server problems” on page 525.
• Table 174 on page 525 shows the location of logs for a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server logs on
distributed platforms:
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 525
Log files and trace information are provided in a common fashion across z/OS monitoring agents,
including the NetView agent, and the z/OS components of the Tivoli Management Services. Table 175 on
page 526 explains the location of log and trace files for the NetView agent and Tivoli Management
Services z/OS components. See Chapter 31, “Troubleshooting and initial diagnosis for the Z NetView
Enterprise Management Agent,” on page 507 for typical problems with the NetView agent.
Table 175. Locations of log and trace information for z/OS components
Header Header
The NetView agent RKLVLOG for the monitoring agent started task is the single most helpful
piece of service information for the NetView agent. The RKLVLOG (R =
runtime, KLV = the prefix associated with IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services or ITMS:Engine) is the sysout data set or spool file that contains
log and trace messages. Instructions on how to save the contents of this
log to a data set are provided under “Capturing z/OS logs to send to
software support” on page 534.
These additional zSeries log files (if available) are also useful:
• The RKLVSNAP sysout data set or spool file contains formatted dump
• The RKPDLOG sysout data set or spool file contains the information and
error messages related to the handling of persistent data stores.
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Because the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS runs under
on z/OS TMS:Engine just as an OMEGAMON XE monitoring agent on z/OS does, all
logging under TMS:Engine is handled the same way; that is, log and trace
data are written to RKLVLOGs and RKPDLOGs.
ETE ETE is a base component and does not have its own RKLVLOG. This
component writes messages to the IBM System Display and Search
Facility (SDSF) Job Log. The User Response section of various ETE
messages requests that you collect systems information and memory
dumps before contacting IBM Software Support. How to collect this
information for ETE is documented in the IBM OMEGAMON and Tivoli
Management Services on z/OS shared documentation reference.
IBM Tivoli Management Services: TMS:Engine is a collection of basic operating system and communication
Engine (TMS:Engine) service routines built specifically for z/OS. All address spaces used by the
OMEGAMON XE monitoring agent on z/OS load and use the services of
Successful initialization of TMS:Engine is noted by this message:
For locations of log files for all the components of Tivoli Management Services and information about
enabling tracing for distributed components, refer to IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Problem Determination Guide.
RAS Messages
Messages are written to the console for some problems that occur in the NetView agent communication
layer. These messages are also written to the RKLVLOG. The messages are DWO746I, CNM217I, and
CNM273I. Additionally, DWO050E messages might be written to the log.
RAS Trace
The NVEMACMD TRACE command enables and disables the NetView agent communication layer trace.
There are three different trace types:
The BFR trace entries can have one or two lines. The first line always starts with BUFFER. Depending
on the return code, the buffer itself is displayed on the second line.
• action is SEND or RECEIVE
• module is the module doing the send or receive
• retcode is the return code
• buffer is the actual send or receive buffer
Defines module or function entry.
• module is the module name that has been entered
• function is the function within the module that has been entered
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 527
Defines module or function exit and shows the exit return code
• module is the module name that has been entered
• function is the function within the module that has been entered
• retcode is the module or function exit return code
Provides internal diagnostics for IBM Software Support
DEBUG text
DEBUG The ICB Address is x'1894B6A8'
Indicates the level of tracing that you want to see. This is a global setting that applies to all RAS1
filters within the process. If you set this global class by itself, it is global in scope and the trace cannot
filter on any of the other keywords. Separate combined classes with a space. The following are
possible values. Valid abbreviations are in parentheses.
• ERROR (ER): returns severe error messages only (this is the default for most applications).
• STATE (ST): records the condition or current setting of flags and variables within the process. If
state tracing is enabled, you can see the current state of particular variables or flags as the process
is running.
• FLOW (FL): causes a message to be generated at an entry or exit point of a function.
• DETAIL (DE): produces a detailed, verbose level of tracing.
• INPUT (IN): records data that is created in the execution of a particular API, function, or process.
• ALL: causes all available messages to be recorded, a combination of all the other forms of tracing.
Is the keyword that indicates this trace will include a component type. The COMP keyword is used to
trace groups of routines related by function (or component). Do not use this parameter unless
requested to do so by IBM Software Support.
Is the identifier for a component type. If an IBM Software Support representative instructs you to
perform a component trace, you are provided with a code for that component. Do not use this
parameter unless requested to do so by IBM Software Support.
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 529
Is the keyword used to narrow a filtering routine to a specific ENTRY POINT. Since multiple entry
points for a single routine are not common, this keyword is not commonly used and should only be
used at the explicit request of an IBM Software Support representative.
Is a variable representing the name of the entry point. If you are asked to specify a value for the
ENTRY keyword, an IBM Software Support representative can tell you what value to specify for
entry_point .
Is the keyword that indicates this trace includes collecting information using the compilation unit,
fully qualified or partially qualified. A match is performed between the compilation unit dispatched
and the compilation unit specified on the RAS1 statement. A match results in a trace entry.
Is a variable representing the name of the compilation unit. This name can be anything that is related
to the object file name or unit compilation name. In most instances, this name defines the component
that is being traced. This value will most likely be the three-character component identifier for the
monitoring agent (for example, kna for the NetView agent).
One of the same values specified for Global Class but, because of its position inside the parentheses,
the class is narrowed in scope to apply only to the unit_name specified. The following are possible
values. Valid abbreviations are in parentheses.
• ERROR (ER): returns severe error messages only (this is the default for most applications).
• STATE (ST): records the condition or current setting of flags and variables within the process. If
state tracing is enabled, you can see the current state of particular variables or flags as the process
is running.
• FLOW (FL): causes a message to be generated at an entry or exit point of a function.
• DETAIL (DE): produces a detailed, verbose level of tracing.
• INPUT (IN): records data that is created in the execution of a particular API, function, or process.
• ALL: causes all available messages to be recorded, a combination of all the other forms of tracing.
1. The default setting for all components is KBB_RAS1=ERROR, meaning that only error tracing is
2. You can specify any combination of UNIT, COMP, and ENTRY keywords. None of these keywords are
required. However, the RAS1 value you set with the global class applies to all components.
Some examples of RAS1 trace syntax follow.
Example 1 – Tracing requests to and answers from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
To show requests to and answers from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, specify this trace:
The unit values ST and ERR indicate that you are collecting state and error information for the agent
framework component (KRA).
This type of agent trace is used only if you are trying to debug a specific problem, because it greatly
increases the number of messages generated by agent. With this type of trace, messages include a
detailed memory dump of all rows of agent data that have passed filtering, which includes attribute
names and values, request names, table names, and collection interval. Remember to disable this
resource-intensive form of tracing immediately after you have completed your trace.
In this example:
• KUX is a component identifier provided to you by a representative of IBM Software Support so that you
can collect state and error information about this subcomponent.
• KRA is the unit name for the agent framework component. All trace information about this component is
being captured.
• KDS is the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server component and the flow (FL) of entry or exit points
through this component are documented with records written to RKLVLOG.
Setting trace levels dynamically using IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console
You can also use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console to set trace levels for the NetView agent, as
well as for a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS or a distributed system.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console enables you to read logs and turn on traces for remote product
diagnostics and configuration. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console is uniquely identified by its
service point name. All IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Consoles for a host are linked and presented on the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Index for that host. Point a browser to the HTTP port 1920 on a specific
host (for example, http://goby:1920) to launch the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Index. You can also
launch the service console by connecting via the https protocol and port 3661. You can perform
operations on a specific IBM Tivoli Monitoring process by selecting the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service
Console associated with a service point name.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Index has links to service consoles for the components installed on a
workstation. From the Service Index, you can access links to the Agent Service Interface. You can use the
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 531
Agent Service Interface to get reports for an installed agent (for example, the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
agent or the Tivoli System Monitoring agent). After logging in to the local operating system, you can
choose reports of agent information, private situations, private history, and attribute descriptions and
current values. You can also make a service interface request using provided XML elements.
Where hostname specifies the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server was installed. If the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console is not displayed, a system administrator might have blocked
access to it. Refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Troubleshooting Guide for information about blocking
access to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console.
3. Click the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console link associated with the desired process (service point
4. When the login window opens, click OK.
In secure environments, you need a valid user ID and password to proceed. Upon successful login, the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console opens with three areas:
• Header
• Command Results
• Command Field
You can now issue IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console commands in the command input area. For a list
of available commands, type a question mark (?) and click Submit.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console performs user authentication using the native operating
system security facility. If you use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console on z/OS systems, your user
ID and password are checked by the z/OS security facility (RACF/SAF). If you use the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Service Console on Windows systems, then you must pass the Windows workstation user ID
and password prompt. This is the rule except for instances of a null or blank password. The IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Service Console never accepts a null or blank password.
A password is always required to access the service console. Blank passwords, even if correct, cannot
access the service console. Even if a user ID is allowed to log in to the operating system without a
password, access to the service console is denied. To gain access to the service console, create a
password for the user ID that is being used to log in to the service console.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console supports the following commands, most of which are useful for
problem determination:
Manages BSS1 (Basic System Services). This command is paired with one of the following
• dumpcvt: Display KBBSS_cvt_t
• listenv: Display the resident CT variables
• getenv: Display environment variables
• setenv: Assign environment variable
• info: Display BSS1_Info() data
• config: Manage configuration variables
The setting of KDC_DEBUG can be restored to its original value using the following:
Displays HTTP server management
Displays the status of KDC (RPC Service) component
Manage RAS1 (Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability). This command is paired with one of the
following subcommands:
• dumpcvt: Display KBBRA_cvt_t
• log: Display RAS1 log capture buffer
• list: List the RAS1 filters
• interpret: Interpret the control string
• units: Display the registered compilation units
The RAS1 (with no operands) command can be used to view the current ITMS:Engine log capture
buffer. When operands are supplied with the RAS1 command, the operands are assumed to be
keywords applicable to the KBB_RAS1 environment variable.
The RAS1 command is especially useful for dynamically enabling and disabling RAS1 traces. Many
times you cannot recycle the agent in order to start tracing. The RAS1 command can be used to alter
KBB_RAS1 tracing parms dynamically without the need to recycle the product. For example, to enable
the standard IRA traces, the following Service Console command can be used:
The (single) quoted string is passed to RAS1 as operands of the KBB_RAS1 environment variable.
After this trace is captured, the IRA trace can be disabled with the following Service Console
command: RAS1 'error (unit:kpx error) (unit:kra error)'. This has the effect of restoring the RAS1
logging level from ALL to ERROR for units kpx and kra.
Displays the status of RES1 Logical Resource Manager.
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 533
Is the component prefix.
Is the component code (for example, NS Node Status).
Is the module name (for example mdg/mgr for Model/Manager).
– Initial command line settings
• Component summary, including the following:
– The name of the module
– Information about where the library was loaded from
– The date and time the module was compiled
– The version (if this detail was specified)
• Formatted output, including entry and exit points and text strings. Entry and exit points show flow into
and out of a given function. The exit shows the return code, if applicable. The text depends on the kind
of trace specified. Here is an example:
As noted earlier, not all functions are RAS1 enabled, and trace level might exclude some paths. Be
careful with granularity.
st taskname
Where taskname is the name of the procedure whose log you are trying to display and capture. For
example, entering st cansna on the command line would enable you to see the NetView agent job.
3. From the SDSF screen, enter ? next to the name of the started task to display a list of the output files
like the following. For example the output files for the sample cansn3 task noted above would look like
4. To print the RKLVLOG for this job to a data set, type an s next to the RKLVLOG output file. Then, on the
command line of SDSF, type:
print d
Press Enter. The d means that the file should be printed to a data set.
5. This action causes a panel similar to this one in Figure 75 on page 535 to be displayed:
On this panel, type the data set name and characteristics for the file you are printing and press Enter.
6. You are returned to the RKLVLOG output file. On the command line, specify the number of lines you
want to print by entering a range that would include the entire file, such as:
print 1 99999999
Then press Enter. A message in the upper right corner of the panel tells you how many lines have been
7. Type print close on the SDSF command line to close the file. The log is now saved in the data set
that was specified in Step “5” on page 535.
For more information about SDSF commands, see z/OS SDSF Operation and Customization (SA22-7670).
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 535
, CLASS= class
NO , MAXLINES= maxlines
, WTRNAME= wtrname
Is the keyword that dynamically allocates a new RKLVLOG file using the current values, begins
recording on the new file, and closes the current RKLVLOG file, releasing it for processing by JES.
Is the one-character JES SYSOUT class. CLASS=A is the ITMS:Engine startup value.
Is the copy count. The valid range is 1-254. COPIES=1 is the startup value.
Note: JES2 allows 255, but JES3 allows only 254.
Is the 1-8 character JES SYSOUT destination. DEST=() is the startup value.
Is the 1-4 character FCB name to be used. FCB=() is the startup value.
Is the 1-4 character form name to be used. FORM=() is the startup value.
Determines whether the SYSOUT is to be placed in a JES operator hold when spun off. Specify YES
(operator hold is requested) or NO. HOLD=NO is the startup value.
Note: If HOLD=YES is specified, you must issue the appropriate JES release command for the
SYSOUT data set to be processed by JES.
Is the maximum number of lines to be written to RKLVLOG, in thousands (for example, MAXLINES=2
means a maximum of 2000 lines). The valid range is 0 through 16000 (16 million lines). When this
number is reached, an automatic TLVLOG SWITCH is performed, closing the current RKLVLOG and
allocating a new one If the specified value is 0, there is no maximum; you must manually enter
TLVLOG SWITCH to switch log files. MAXLINES=0 is the startup value.
Note: Unlike the other values, MAXLINES takes effect immediately. If the new MAXLINES value is less
than the number of lines that have already been written to the current RKLVLOG, a switch is
immediately performed.
Specifies the 1 to 4 character UCS name to be used. UCS=() is the startup value.
This command causes RKLVLOG to be automatically closed and released to JES whenever nnn
thousands of lines have been written. If needed, you can add other installation-dependent values (for
example, CLASS) to this command.
4. Many diagnostic messages are recorded in RKLVLOG. If you set RKLVLOG to spin off automatically, or
if you explicitly switch RKLVLOG, you must ensure that the SYSOUT files are kept at least for the life of
the ITMS:Engine run, in case they are required for problem solving.
5. You might want to issue a TLVLOG SWITCH command after a problem occurs. This spins off the
RKLVLOG data relating to the problem into a separate spool data set, which can be included as part of
the ITMS:Engine standard problem documentation. Be sure to include all previously spun-off
6. Because RKLVLOG is managed with standard IBM data management routines, records are buffered
before being written. If you are viewing the currently active RKLVLOG with a product such as SDSF, you
do not see the latest messages. Issue the command FLUSH TLVLOG to force the current data
management buffer to be written. Do not use the TLVLOG SWITCH to spin off the current RKLVLOG for
this purpose, as it unnecessarily fragments the messages recorded in RKLVLOG.
7. Unless you explicitly set a non-zero MAXLINES value, RKLVLOG will never automatically switch.
8. If any error occurs when writing to RKLVLOG, ITMS:Engine issues a message and disable RKLVLOG
recording. However, messages are still written to VIEWLOG and all active operator interfaces.
Depending on the error, you might be able to restart RKLVLOG by issuing a switch request.
Here are some example of ways to use this command:
1. To list the current RKLVLOG destination and values:
2. To establish class X and destination SYSPROG as default SYSOUT attributes, and the maximum
number of lines as 20,000:
tlvlog switch
Chapter 32. Diagnostic tools for the Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 537
Flushing the log buffers
After a TLVLOG is switched, issuing an echo command can flush the log buffers and ensure that new
messages are written to the new RKLVLOG. The ECHO command echoes any text entered back to the
screen. The syntax of the ECHO command is shown below:
Is a character string to be echoed back to the operator screen where the ECHO command was
User Notes:
1. Use ECHO to verify that the ITMS:Engine operator facility is functioning properly and to force all
buffered messages to the log.
2. Even after an ECHO, log output might not be visible in JES3 systems. This is apparently a result of the
way JES3 manages spool buffers.
3. Enclosing string in quotation marks is not necessary unless you want to preserve leading blanks.
The following tables list some of the commands used for diagnosis.
DSI24TRC Enables you to limit NetView internal trace “DSI24TRC” on page 562
to 24-bit mode storage requests.
DSIMODQY Lists load modules and control sections “DSIMODQY” on page 564
located at the address (hexaddr1) or in the
range (hexaddr1 through hexaddr2).
DSIGTVBA Used to retrieve NetView TVB addresses “DSIGTVBA” on page 565
into CLIST variables for subsequent use in
the address operand of the DSIGV2VR
The RID DSIMSX command, which is in the NetView ESTAE/ESTAI routine, suspends a task at the point of
an abend. You can trap abends for one task by issuing a RID command from another task.
The RID DSIMSX syntax options are defined in the following list:
DSIMSX (identifies this as the abend ESTAE trap).
Name of the task that is being monitored for abends. This cannot be the name of the task entering the
RID command.
To use the RID DSIMSX command to stop a task:
1. Logon as an operator, for example, OPER4.
3. Any abend that occurs under the AUTO1 task is now reported to the OPER4 operator. The task remains
suspended until the OPER4 operator enters RID TASK=AUTO1,CONTINUE, at which time the abend
(for example, DUMP) proceeds.
The RID command initiates monitoring of a task to trap system and user abends, including program
checks. Note the amount of what-was-running data in the output. You can use the CSECT and OFFSET
data to tell you where in a listing of the program to look for the problem.
CLIST function commands can be used in CLISTs to display more data areas from the registers in the RID
display output. You can even write new CLISTs on TSO and run them while the diagnosis is being done.
CYL nnnn
TAKE nnn
TASKURPT is a REXX procedure that generates a report using the task resource data in the System
Management Facility (SMF) log. Task utilization data is normally written to the SMF log when a task ends.
You can display processor, storage, message queuing, and I/O utilization data from an active or archived
SMF log. Your output can be filtered by taskid or LU name. Your output is limited to the most recent
number of records. The default output limit is 1000. An example is when an operator logs off.
The following list describes the parameters for TASKURPT:
Displays data from the currently active SMF log.
Displays resource data from SYS1.MANsuffix where SYS1.MAN is the default prefix value and suffix is
a letter such as “X”.
Displays resource data that you created elsewhere to dsname using the IFASMFDP system utility.
Displays resource data from the SMF log named dsname.
Displays a list of SMF log data sets You can tab to any of them and display the resource data.
Provides command help online. This is easier to view using WINDOW TASKURPT HELP.
This column of keywords filters the records to the specified type. Only one type can be specified. If
none is specified, all resource records are viewed.
Do not use WINDOW TASKURPT, because TASKURPT automatically puts the output in a WINDOW, and
WINDOW TASKURPT is less efficient.
Following is the description of TASKURPT output columns:
The date the record was recorded in SMF record format
Return codes
The return code for TASKURPT is zero (0), meaning the command completed, successfully.
1 | Operator LU/Task Domain
2 |Date Time Event Name Name Name
3 |-------- ----------- ------------ -------- -------- --------
4 |2009.138 16:28:47.40 LOGOFF DSITRACE DSITRACE NTV98
5 |2009.138 16:28:48.11 LOGOFF AAUTSKLP AAUTSKLP NTV98
6 |2009.138 16:28:49.14 LOGOFF DSISVRT DSISVRT NTV98
7 |2009.138 16:28:49.80 LOGOFF NTV98BRW NTV98BRW NTV98
8 |2009.138 16:28:50.12 LOGOFF DSILCOPR DSILCOPR NTV98
9 |2009.138 16:28:50.20 LOGOFF NTV98LUC NTV98LUC NTV98
10 |2009.138 16:28:50.33 LOGOFF DSIAMLUT DSIAMLUT NTV98
11 |2009.138 16:28:50.73 LOGOFF ALIASAPL ALIASAPL NTV98
12 |2009.138 16:28:52.07 LOGOFF AAUTCNMI AAUTCNMI NTV98
13 |2009.138 16:28:52.51 LOGOFF NTV98VMT NTV98VMT NTV98
14 |2009.138 16:28:52.58 LOGOFF DSIQSD4A DSIQSD4A NTV98
15 |2009.138 16:28:52.90 LOGOFF DSIQRV4B DSIQRV4B NTV98
16 |2009.138 16:28:53.21 LOGOFF DSIQRV4C DSIQRV4C NTV98
17 |2009.138 16:28:53.50 LOGOFF VPDTASK VPDTASK NTV98
18 |2009.138 16:28:54.09 LOGOFF DSIQSD4B DSIQSD4B NTV98
19 |2009.138 16:28:54.38 LOGOFF DSIQSD4C DSIQSD4C NTV98
20 |2009.138 16:28:54.68 LOGOFF CNM01QSD CNM01QSD NTV98
21 |2009.138 16:28:55.01 LOGOFF DSIQRV4A DSIQRV4A NTV98
22 |2009.138 16:28:55.56 LOGOFF DSICRTR DSICRTR NTV98
23 |2009.138 16:28:56.29 LOGOFF DSIKREM DSIKREM NTV98
24 |2009.138 16:28:56.51 LOGOFF BNJDSERV BNJDSERV NTV98
25 |2009.138 16:29:05.35 LOGTSTAT MAINTASK SYSOP NTV98
26 |2009.138 16:29:05.35 LOGTSTAT NTV98PPT NTV98PPT NTV98
27 |2009.138 16:29:05.35 LOGTSTAT DSIMONIT DSIMONIT NTV98
28 |2009.138 16:29:05.35 LOGTSTAT DSITIMMT DSITIMMT NTV98
29 |2009.138 16:29:05.35 LOGTSTAT DSIDCBMT DSIDCBMT NTV98
1 | Maximum Session Used CPU
2 | CPU% seconds seconds
3 | ------- ----------------- -----------------
4 | 0.51 994.933358 0.059714
5 | 0.30 994.606067 0.039716
6 | 1.02 994.499822 0.131732
7 | 0.39 996.640239 0.040786
8 | 0.03 996.726691 0.004718
9 | 0.28 970.865641 0.017055
10 | 0.12 996.591360 0.019000
11 | 0.13 997.132887 0.024090
12 | 0.13 997.642773 0.025757
13 | 0.07 998.886562 0.014841
14 | 0.75 999.431784 0.134403
15 | 0.07 998.927449 0.006311
16 | 0.03 999.228930 0.003820
17 | 0.03 999.521794 0.003156
18 | 0.06 999.856236 0.008128
19 | 0.06 1000.437805 0.006264
20 | 0.07 1000.732072 0.005631
21 | 0.07 1001.033959 0.006353
22 | 0.03 1001.360682 0.006341
23 | 0.07 1002.385841 0.012224
24 | 0.35 1003.200227 0.039140
25 | 0.43 1003.325160 0.046776
26 | 0.35 7793.971973 2.839490
27 | 0.14 7691.891829 1.778795
28 | 0.03 7781.594283 1.780333
29 | 0.00 7781.469443 0.001038
30 | 0.00 7781.332946 0.094697
1 | Penalty Average Average Maximum DSIGET
2 | seconds CPU% Penalty Kbytes K/min.
3 | ----------------- ------- ------- ------- ----------
4 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 73 6
5 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 89 6
6 | 0.000000 0.01 0.00 1524 101
7 | 0.951643 0.00 0.09 213 13
8 | 0.637185 0.00 0.06 16 0
9 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 98 16
10 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 94 6
11 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 73 5
12 | 0.575414 0.00 0.05 102 16
13 | 1.801088 0.00 0.18 295 19
14 | 1.966722 0.01 0.19 81 29
15 | 2.228434 0.00 0.22 59 3
16 | 2.499864 0.00 0.25 37 2
17 | 2.793850 0.00 0.27 37 2
18 | 3.089860 0.00 0.30 74 5
19 | 3.672162 0.00 0.36 59 3
20 | 3.966305 0.00 0.39 59 3
21 | 4.241932 0.00 0.42 59 3
22 | 4.536043 0.00 0.45 37 2
23 | 5.321668 0.00 0.53 85 6
24 | 5.829898 0.00 0.58 73 6
25 | 5.811196 0.00 0.57 85 10
26 | 50.986242 0.03 0.65 1033 106
27 | 37.159961 0.02 0.48 168 17
28 | 0.000000 0.02 0.00 4 0
29 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 3 0
30 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 3 0
31 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 3 0
32 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 4 0
33 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 3 0
34 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 5 0
35 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 3 0
36 | 136.000000 1.94 70.15 98 100
37 | 50.986242 0.03 0.65 1033 106
38 | 50.986242 0.03 0.65 1033 106
39 | 51.294330 0.03 0.65 1033 106
40 | 51.294330 0.03 0.65 0 106
41 | 37.159961 0.02 0.48 168 17
42 | 0.000000 0.02 0.00 4 0
43 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 3 0
44 | 0.000000 0.00 0.00 3 0
1 | DSIFRE 24-GET 24-FRE MaxQin Que In
2 | K/min. K/min. K/min. K/min. K/min.
3 | ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
4 | 5 3 3 0 0
5 | 5 3 3 0 0
6 | 70 3 61 21 0
7 | 12 3 10 2 0
8 | 0 0 0 0 0
9 | 16 10 10 6 0
10 | 5 3 3 0 0
11 | 5 3 3 12 0
12 | 15 10 10 0 0
13 | 18 3 15 7 0
14 | 25 18 18 1 0
15 | 3 1 1 0 0
16 | 1 1 1 0 0
17 | 1 1 1 0 0
18 | 4 3 3 0 0
19 | 3 1 1 0 0
20 | 3 1 1 0 0
21 | 3 1 1 0 0
22 | 1 1 1 0 0
23 | 5 3 3 0 0
24 | 5 3 3 0 0
25 | 7 5 5 17 0
26 | 100 62 61 0 0
27 | 18 5 5 26 3
28 | 0 0 0 0 0
29 | 0 0 0 0 0
30 | 0 0 0 0 0
31 | 0 0 0 0 0
32 | 0 0 0 0 0
33 | 0 0 0 0 0
34 | 0 0 0 0 0
35 | 0 0 0 0 0
36 | 99 59 59 7 0
37 | 100 62 61 0 0
38 | 100 62 61 0 0
39 | 100 62 61 0 0
40 | 100 62 61 0 0
41 | 18 5 5 26 3
42 | 0 0 0 0 0
43 | 0 0 0 0 0
44 | 0 0 0 0 0
45 | 0 0 0 0 0
46 | 0 0 0 0 0
47 | 0 0 0 0 0
48 | 0 0 0 0 0
49 | 0 0 0 0 0
50 | 99 59 59 7 0
51 | 100 62 61 0 0
52 | 18 5 5 26 3
53 | 0 0 0 0 0
<-- End Columns 158:212-->
1 | I/Orate MQI Pen
2 | IOs/min. Seconds
3 | ---------- -----------------
4 | 2 0.000000
5 | 1 0.000000
6 | 3 0.000000
7 | 1 0.000000
8 | 0 0.000000
9 | 7 0.000000
10 | 2 0.000000
11 | 2 0.000000
12 | 3 0.000000
13 | 1 0.000000
14 | 53 0.000000
21 | 0 0.000000
22 | 0 0.000000
23 | 2 0.000000
24 | 1 0.000000
25 | 9 0.000000
26 | 90 0.000000
27 | 12 0.000000
28 | 0 0.000000
29 | 0 0.000000
30 | 0 0.000000
31 | 0 0.000000
32 | 0 0.000000
33 | 0 0.000000
34 | 0 0.000000
35 | 0 0.000000
36 | 37 0.000000
37 | 90 0.000000
38 | 90 0.000000
39 | 90 0.000000
40 | 90 0.000000
41 | 12 0.000000
42 | 0 0.000000
43 | 0 0.000000
44 | 0 0.000000
45 | 0 0.000000
46 | 0 0.000000
47 | 0 0.000000
48 | 0 0.000000
49 | 0 0.000000
50 | 37 0.000000
51 | 90 0.000000
52 | 12 0.000000
53 | 0 0.000000
<-- End Columns 279:338-->
DSISTRLS is a storage list command. It can provide various NetView storage usage data through specific
request keywords.
DSISTRLS DETAIL provides detail about DSIGET storage allocation. It lists every individual DSIGET
storage allocation currently in use, in order of address. This request uses a large amount processor time
and needs memory for the amount of data produced.
DSISTRLS CELLHIST produces a storage request histogram. This is a cumulative count of the number of
requests for each 8-byte interval of storage in the range of 8—4096 bytes. This data can be used to
determine user loading of cell-pool areas and to assess if the cell allocations are optimal. Storage is
identified by a 24-bit versus a 31-bit request, and queued versus non-queued. Each line gives the count
of requests and a histogram scaled to its percentage of the largest value recorded. Sizes that have zero
usage are suppressed to eliminate useless information. The size of the request precedes the colon, and
the count follows; all are in decimal notation.
DSISTRLS SHOWSTOR provides storage usage details on a task and totals basis. Only storage managed
by DSIGET is shown. This is useful for tracking individual task storage problems. Detail is at the individual
byte level, so that small losses can be detected. Data is organized spreadsheet fashion.
DSISTRLS SHOWMQS provides running totals of the number of DSIMQS requests sent from one task to
another task. Both send and receive of a DSIMQS are tracked, making it possible to compute message
traffic rates and whether a task is a message source, message sink, or message neutral task. In
“Example: Output generated by DSISTRLS SHOWMQS” on page 561, note that the DSILOG is a message
sink and NTV98VMT is a message source.
DSISTRLS SHOWMQS ADDR=xxxxxxxx filters output by matching the address of a DSITVB control block
or a system TCB address. Because NetView calculates the length of the TVB, any value within the range of
a TVB will match.
DSISTRLS SHOWMQS NAME=nnnnnnnn filters DSISTRLS SHOWMQS output by matching the name in any
of DSITVB fields that have EBCDIC values.
The DSISTRLS <SUMMARY> command provides summary statistics about DSIGET/DSIFRE storage
The following list describes the fields in the DSISTRLS <SUMMARY> output:
DSIGET storage map
This output is suppressed. See DSISTRLS BLOCKS or DSISTRLS DETAIL.
Above 24-bit storage
This is the amount of DSIGET storage in use above address X'00FFFFFF'.
Mapped below 24-bit storage
This is the amount of DSIGET storage in use below address X'00FFFFFF' (includes the percentage of
DSIGET currently allocated below the line). This value is computed by counting the storage mapped
by NetView DSIGET storage integrity (built in) function.
The DSI24TRC command enables you to limit the NetView internal trace for storage to 24-bit storage
requests. It also displays the current trace options.
DSI24TRC HELP displays the syntax of DSI24TRC and the current trace options.
DSI24TRC ON, filters DSIGMN/DSIFMN to trace only 24-bit mode storage requests and displays the
current trace options.
DSI24TRC OFF sets DSIGMN/DSIFMN to trace all storage requests and displays the current trace
NTV98 DSI24TRCS NetView trace active
NTV98 DSI24TRCK Enable trace any mode storage
NTV98 DSI24TRCS NetView trace active
NTV98 DSI24TRCK Enable trace any mode storage
NTV98 DSI24TRCS NetView trace active
NTV98 DSI24TRCJ Enable trace 24-bit storage only
NTV98 DSI24TRCS NetView trace active
NTV98 DSI24TRC5 MODE=INT, size=250 PAGES (1000K)
NTV98 DSI24TRCJ Enable trace 24-bit storage only
- NTV98 DSI24TRC4 NetView trace inactive
- NTV98 DSI24TRCK Enable trace any mode storage
DSIMODQY hexaddr1
The DSIMODQY command lists load modules and control sections located at the address (hexaddr1) or in
the range (hexaddr1 through hexaddr2). NetView displays the result from high memory to low memory,
regardless of the order in which the addresses are entered. This command provides the location of
modules at given memory locations; complements the DISPMOD function. DISPMOD provides the
location of a specific module.
DSIMODQY output consists of the following items:
• CSECT address in hexadecimal
• CSECT name
• Compile date
• PTF level, if any
• Load module name containing the CSECT
• Start of load module address
• Load module length
If a large address range is specified, this module uses a large amount of processor time. It can be
canceled using the RESET command.
DSIGTVBA ptrvarname
oper_id typevarname
The DSIGTVBA command returns address and type information about the Task Vector Block (TVB)
belonging to a NetView task. For information and offsets in the TVB, see the DSITVB macro in
The DSIGTVBA syntax options are defined in the following list:
This is the name of a variable into which DSIGTVBA places the EBCDIC (readable) hexadecimal
address of the target TVB control block. This parameter is the name of a variable and will usually be
inside the quotation marks when the command is invoked from a REXX procedure. The value returned
is always 8 character EBCDIC with leading zeros as needed. It is suitable for use with the REXX
STORAGE function or with the DSIGV2VR command.
This is the operator ID of the task that is making the request. This is the default.
This is the user name (OPID) for which a TVB address is required.
This is the LU or terminal name associated with the task. This value is listed as the TERM value in the
LIST taskname command. For autotasks, the value is the same as OPID.
This indicates that the TVB you want is the one with that number in the internal chain of NetView
TVBs. Note that virtual OSTs (VOSTs) are not found on this chain. Your PPT task is always the value of
1 and your maintask is always the value of 0.
This is the name of a variable into which DSIGTVBA places a token indicating the task type. The value
returned can be one of the following values:
distributed autotask
hardcopy task
internet operator
main task
Return codes
Required input parameters are missing
Conversion error
OPID or LU name not found
Number specified is too large
Dictionary write error
The storage address is returned as 8 characters of hexadecimal data.
opid =NTV7EPPT
For an inactive TVB, the first byte of OPID is either X'00' or X'40'.
DSIGV2VR address offset length varname
DSIGV2VR retrieves data from the storage defined by the address, offset, and length values. The data is
converted to the character representation appropriate for the character (CHR), hexadecimal (HEX),
decimal (DEC), or binary (BIT) option. The result is placed in the CLIST or REXX variable named varname.
The DSIGV2VR syntax options are defined in the following list:
Must be specified as a hexadecimal value.
Must be specified as a hexadecimal value.
Must be specified as a hexadecimal value.
Will be resolved to the character string that results from CLIST substitution with an ampersand (&)
For this option, the data is moved, as it is, into the variable.
For this option, each byte of data is expanded to 2 characters in the range 0–9 and A–F.
For this option, the data is stored as a decimal number. The source data must be in the range of 1–4
bytes in length. Lengths of 1 and 3 denote unsigned decimal values. Lengths of 2 and 4 are
considered to be signed values.
For this option, each byte of data is expanded to 8 characters of either 1 or 0, denoting the binary
value of the data.
Return codes
Abend (recovered) accessing the data specified
DSIGADHX hexval1 hexval2 varname
DSIGADHX adds two literal hexadecimal values and stores in CLIST variable named varname. This is
useful for adding offset and address values together for use with DSISHWVR.
Return codes
An abend (recovered) occurred accessing the data specified.
The hexval1 parameter contained greater than 8 characters.
The hexval1 parameter contained hexadecimal digits that are not valid.
The dictionary update failed.
The required parameters are missing.
The hexval2 parameter contained more than 8 characters
The hexval2 parameter contained hexadecimal digits that are not valid.
The hexadecimal data was longer than 127.
A hexadecimal data conversion error occurred.
DSISHWVR address length
DSISHWVR displays dump format data in hexadecimal and character on the screen.
Use DSISHWVR to gain diagnostic information in real time on NetView program. This is useful for
diagnostic analysis of control blocks, or as an output display from a diagnostic CLIST using DSIGV2VR to
retrieve address and length information.
The following parameters apply:
Return codes
This command issues diagnostic messages for input conditions that are not valid. If the storage is not
addressable, the display is either truncated or not produced. Recovery logic is used in all systems to avoid
abends and program checks.
The recovery occurs only if the fields are set to nonzero values and a NetView product module has issued
DSIWAT. The equivalent function is not available using the assembler DSIWAT macro.
This appendix describes request unit flows and control blocks used by the NetView program.
Figure 78 on page 573 is a diagram of the RU flow that occurs when you start a cross-domain session
Figure 79 on page 574 is a diagram of the RU flow that occurs when you start a cross-domain session
that supports session monitor conversations for continuous sessions.
Figure 80 on page 575 is a diagram of the RU flow that occurs when an operator TAF session is started.
Control blocks
This section describes NetView control blocks and related fields.
The following list describes the fields that are found in the DSIMVT control block:
Pointer to domain qualification table.
Pointer to domain definition table.
Pointer to system command table. A system command entry (SCE) is built for each CMDDEF
Pointer to a chain of task vector blocks (TVBs). The number of TVBs equals the maximum number of
tasks (for example, OSTs, HCTs, NNTs) for this instance of the command facility.
One-byte indicator flag:
( 1... ....)
MVTINIT- Command facility initialization in progress
( .1.. ....)
MVTTERM- Command facility termination in progress
Pointer to the main task access method control block (ACB).
Pointer to the main task TVB.
The following list describes the fields that are found in the DSITVB control block.
Pointer to the next task vector block (TVB) on the TVB chain.
The following list describes the fields that are found in the CNMDMCT control block:
Control block header (4 bytes)
Pointer to TVB for CNMTARCA task (4 bytes)
Pointer to DSIMVT (4 bytes)
Pointer to CNMDPVT (4 bytes)
Pointer to CNMDIMT (4 bytes)
Pointer to RDAT (4 bytes)
STATMON main task name, for example CNM01VMT (8 bytes).
Pointer to SPO TPEND routine (4 bytes)
Pointer to SPO TPEND ECB (4 bytes)
SPO VTAM send ECB (4 bytes)
SPO VTAM receive ECB (4 bytes)
Control byte 1 (1 byte):
This appendix contains the format of RECFMS records 00 - 06 that are forwarded from NetView-
supported resources to the mainframe server.
RECFMS header
Bytes 00 through 13 are consistent for RECFMS record formats 00 through 05. These bytes form the
RECFMS header for each RECFMS record.
The RECFMS 00 record is created when an unsolicited alert is sent to the mainframe server. See “RECFMS
header” on page 591 for bytes 00 - 13, the RECFMS header.
16 X'06' Printer
16 X'09' Keyboard
16 X'0C' Display/printer
16 X'18' Channel
16 X'39' Thermal
16 X'3A' Paper
16 X'3B' Tape
16 X'3D' Card
16 X'4D' Controller
16 X'50' Diskette
16 X'51' Diskette/drive
16 X'FF' Undetermined
Bytes Description
17 Reserved
19 Reserved
After these fields, one or more RECFM4s can be appended. Text Vector, Detail Qualifier Vector, and
Name List Vector RECFM4s are retired (supported only for PUs not at the current level of SNA).
Bytes Description
00 Vector length in binary
01 Vector type X'0D'
02-n Detail qualifiers; this information is shown on the hardware monitor event detail panel.
from n Type: Meaning
to end Acronym
Null Vector
Bytes Description
00 X'00' (zero
length) indicates the end of RECFM4s.
RECFMS 01 records contain SDLC link test statistics. These test patterns are sent to a remote (link-
attached) resource. Statistics are then retrieved from the remote (link-attached) resource.
RECFMS 02 records contain a summary of error statistics generated by certain resources.
14 3-7 Reserved
Bytes Description
15-16 Reserved
17-18 Binary counter showing product-detected hardware errors (internal)
19-20 Binary counter showing communication adapter errors (internal or external)
21-22 Binary counter showing SNA negative responses
RECFMS 03 records show error statistics generated by certain remote (link-attached) SNA resources. The
exact contents of the statistical counters depends on the device type. The RECFMS 03 records can
contain counter sets.
15 0 1 = counter 1 is valid
15 1 1 = counter 2 is valid
15 2 1 = counter 3 is valid
15 3 1 = counter 4 is valid
15 4 1 = counter 5 is valid
15 5 1 = counter 6 is valid
15 6 1 = counter 7 is valid
15 7 1 = counter 8 is valid
16 0 1 = counter 9 is valid
16 1 1 = counter 10 is valid
16 2 1 = counter 11 is valid
16 3 1 = counter 12 is valid
16 4 1 = counter 13 is valid
16 5 1 = counter 14 is valid
16 6 1 = counter 15 is valid
16 7 1 = counter 16 is valid
Bytes Description
17 Reserved
RECFMS 05 records provide engineering change (EC) level information about SNA controllers to the
mainframe server systems. The following devices provide EC level data when requested by the hardware
See “RECFMS header” on page 591 for bytes 00 - 13, the RECFMS header.
IBM System/38
Bytes Value Description
14 X'02' Constant X'02' to identify bytes 15-18
15 X'02' Planar level number
16 X'02' SCA-ROS card level
17 X'02' Periodic EC level
18 X'02' OU level
Bytes Description
17 Release level
18 Suffix level
19-21 Maintenance level
22 X'00' 3174
22 X'01' Reserved
Bytes Description
23 Reserved
24 Reserved
Bytes Description
26 Reserved
29 X'04' Reserved
29 X'01' Reserved
34 Channel Configuration
Bytes Value Adapter Question
35 Channel Configuration
Bytes Value Adapter Question
Attention Value
37 X'08' Reserved
37 X'04' Reserved
Bytes Description
38, 39 Reserved
40, 41 Control unit model number
42 Reserved for host-attach mode
43 X'02' Remote
43 X'01' Local
Bytes Description
47-53 Reserved
Bytes Description
55 Reserved
Bytes Description
65-76 Reserved
Bytes Description
80-98 Reserved
Bytes Description
100-117 Reserved
Bytes Description
128-140 Reserved
Bytes Value 154 Response to Alert Function for SDLC, Configuration Question
X.25, and X.21 Switched
Bytes Value 155 X.25 Nonstandard Packed Size and Configuration Question
Modifiable Keypad Overlay
Bytes Description
156-173 Reserved
Bytes Description
176 Reserved
Bytes Description
178 Reserved
179 Reserved
Bytes Description
181 Reserved
Bytes Description
192-207 RPQ parameter list
208-223 Reserved
Bytes Description
226-233 RTM time boundary
21-22 Reserved
28-29 Reserved
35-36 Reserved
42-43 Reserved
49-50 Reserved
56-57 Reserved
63-64 Reserved
70-71 Reserved
77-78 Reserved
84-85 Reserved
186-193 Reserved
204-211 Reserved
222-229 Reserved
240-247 Reserved
248 X'00' or X'FF'X'00' = Continue sending Continuation character
format 2X'FF' = No more format 2 data
IBM 3274
3274 configurations C and D, besides providing EC level information, also provide a complete copy of the
configuration table.
Bytes Description
15-30 Installed patch ID values
31 Number of RPQs installed on 3274
32 Reserved
33 RPQ 1 ID
38 RPQ 2 ID
43 RPQ 3 ID
48-50 Control values for suffix numbers
51-60 Reserved
61 Feature disk level
62 Feature disk suffix
63 System disk level
64 System disk suffix
65 Language disk level
66 Language disk suffix
67 RPQ 1 disk level
68 RPQ 1 disk suffix
69 RPQ 2 disk level
70 RPQ 2 disk suffix
71 RPQ 3 disk level
72 RPQ 3 disk suffix
Bytes Description
16 Feature level (see bytes 127, 128)
17 System level (see bytes 129, 130)
18 Language level (see bytes 131, 132)
Bytes Description
20 Channel address (for models 1A, 21A, 31A, and 41A)
Bytes Description
24 BSC polling address
25 BSC or SDLC selection address
Bytes Description
44 EBCDIC BSC control unit ID
45 Language type
46 Extended function store response
47 'A' DCB count
48 Total DCB count
49 Print authorization matrix entry count
Bytes Description
51 Extended DCB count
Bytes Description
54 X.21 switched retry timing response
55-56 Validation number
57-75 Reserved
Bytes Description
77 Number of redialing attempts allowed
Bytes Description
79 Reserved
Bytes Description
81-96 Patch ID values
97 Number of RPQs installed
Bytes Bits 99-103 EC Level of First RPQ Installed Configuration D and Above
99-103 0-15 Last four digits of RPQ number
99-103 16-39 Six-digit EC level
Bytes Description
104-108 EC level of second RPQ installed
109-113 EC level of third RPQ installed
114 Feature diskette expected suffix
115 System diskette expected suffix
116 Language diskette expected suffix
117 Reserved
118-120 PU ID number
Bytes Description
123-126 Reserved
127 Feature diskette level
128 Feature diskette suffix
129 System diskette level
130 System diskette suffix
131 Language diskette level
Bytes Bits Value 133-134 EC and Suffix Levels of First RPQ Installed
133-134 0 X'0' EC and suffix levels
Bytes Description
135-136 EC and suffix levels of second RPQ installed (same conditions as bytes 99-103)
137-138 EC and suffix levels of third RPQ installed (same conditions as bytes 99-103)
Bytes Description
141-152 Reserved
Bytes Description
154-158 Reserved
159 EC level for load diskette
160 Suffix level for load diskette
161-165 ID for 3290 RPQ
166 First port with multiple interactive screen capability
Bytes Description
175 Reserved
Bytes Description
180-190 Reserved
191-206 RPQ parameter list
207-225 Category A port assignment table (32 possible ports)
IBM 3276
Bytes Description
14 Implementation-defined data describing hardware, microcode, and program levels. 3276s
have 48 fields. Each field is 4 bytes in length, is an unsigned packed decimal, and contains
a ROS chip 7-digit part number.
IBM 360X
EC level data is provided by 3601 and 3602 devices.
Bytes Description
14 6-digit current EC level of installed microcode plus a 2-digit patch level
IBM 3720
Bytes Description
14-23 Microcode level
24 Control program type and level
25-70 Customer identification
71-74 3720
75-76 01/02/11/12
77-84 Machine serial number
Bytes Description
85 Microcode historical data
• Last microcode fix (MCF)
Applied: MCF ID (8 characters) application date (3 characters)
• Number of most recently applied patches (binary)
• Most recently applied patches: 16 entries, each entry contains
– Patch ID (8 characters)
– Status:
Bytes Description
25 Customer identification
71 Machine type
75 Model identification
81-84 Reserved
Bytes Description
IBM 4701
Bytes Description
14 6-digit current EC level of installed microcode plus a 2-digit patch level
IBM 7426
Bytes Description
14 8-digit load module EC number (EBCDIC)
22 ROS Module-0 Chip-1 P/N (packed decimal)
26 ROS Module-0 Chip-2 P/N (packed decimal)
Bytes Description
Bytes Description
98-101 Reserved
Bytes Description
105-109 Reserved
Bytes Description
113-127 Reserved
Bytes Description
121-125 Reserved
Bytes Description
129-165 Reserved
IBM 8775
Bytes Description
14 8-digit hardware part number of the ROS module located at X'8000' and shown in the
format 4421XXXC where XXX is a variable
If the status monitor information is not in the right column when you look at the status monitor display,
looking at the DSINDEF file can be helpful. The CNMDPREC control block provides mapping of DSINDEF.
CNMDPREC is also known as the NetView status monitor run parameters input record.
DSINDEF provides the VTAM node control application input record containing the run parameters to the
NetView status monitor task. DSINDEF is built by the CNMNDEF (CNMSJ007) job, and resides on the
DSIPARM data set.
Each record in DSINDEF is 80 bytes long. Each record provides information about:
• Major nodes of the network
• Minor nodes of the network
• Comments
The records in DSINDEF must adhere to a hierarchy in which minor nodes follow major nodes; for
example, an NCP name followed by a LINE, followed by PUs, and then LUs.
Note: The status monitor accepts data created by CNMNDEF but does not support any logic to verify this
data. Therefore, take care when modifying or viewing this data to maintain the correct values for the
entries specified in DSINDEF.
The layout of the CNMDPREC control block is shown in Table 182 on page 637.
1 1 Reserved
2 8 PRVNAME Specifies an 8-byte VTAM/NCP resource name. This is
a required field when the PRCODE is R or O.
10 1 Reserved
29 13 Reserved
42 1 PR_GRAPHICAL_MONITOR No longer in use.
43 1 PRXCLUDE Specifies a 1-byte field that excludes application
nodes from activity recording. This is a required field.
The field is blank if the resource is not an application
node. The values for PRXCLUDE are as follows:
Specifies to collect activity detail for application
Specifies that activity detail is not collected for
application nodes or it is not an application node
44 1 Reserved
46 34 Reserved
* *
* *
R A50H801 PU TYPE 2 C21 C NETB
R A50H804 LINE 02 L C NETA
This section contains a table for cross-referencing message data block (MDB) fields to automation
internal function requests (AIFRs).
Table 183. Message data block field to automation internal function request cross-reference
MDB Control Block Description Decimal, BUFHDR,
Field Hexadecimal, IFRAUTO, or
Character DSIAIFRO
MDBGMID 4-byte ID field Decimal GOJGMID
MDBGSYID 1-byte system ID Decimal GOJGSYID
MDBGSEQ 3-byte sequence number Decimal GOJGSEQ
MDBGTIMH 8-character time HH.MM.SS Character GOJGTIMH
MDBGTIMT 3-character time .TH Character GOJGTIMT
MDBGDSTP 7-character date stamp in YYYYDDD format Character GOJGDSTP
MDBGMFLG(nn) 2-byte flags Decimal GOJGMFLG
MDBGMFLG(1) This is a delete operator message (DOM) IFRAUDOM
MDBGMFLG(2) Sound processor alarm GOJGALRM
MDBGFLG(3) Hold message until it is deleted GOJGHOLD
MDBGFGPA 4 characters of foreground presentation attributes Character GOJGFGPA
MDBGFGPA(1) Foreground control field GOJGFCON
MDBGFGPA(2) Foreground color field GOJGFCOL
MDBGFGPA(3) Foreground highlighting field GOJGFHIL
MDBGFGPA(4) Foreground intensity field GOJGFINT
MDBGBGPA 4 characters of background presentation attributes Character GOJGBGPA
MDBGBGPA(1) Background control field GOJGBCON
MDBGBGPA(2) Background color field GOJGBCOL
MDBGBGPA(3) Background highlighting field GOJGBHIL
Appendix E. Message data block to automation internal function request cross-reference 645
Table 183. Message data block field to automation internal function request cross-reference (continued)
MDB Control Block Description Decimal, BUFHDR,
Field Hexadecimal, IFRAUTO, or
Character DSIAIFRO
MDBCATTR(5) Reserved None
MDBCPRTY 2-byte message priority Decimal CPOCPRTY
MDBCTCB 4-byte task control block (TCB) address of issuer Hexadecimal IFRAUTCB
MDBCTOKN 4-byte DOM token associated with message Decimal IFRAUWID
MDBCSYID 1-byte system ID for DOM Decimal CPOCSYID
MDBCMISC 1-byte miscellaneous routing information CPOCMISC
MDBCMISC(1) Display UD messages CPOCCUD
MDBCMISC(2) Display only UD messages CPOCFUDO
Appendix E. Message data block to automation internal function request cross-reference 647
Table 183. Message data block field to automation internal function request cross-reference (continued)
MDB Control Block Description Decimal, BUFHDR,
Field Hexadecimal, IFRAUTO, or
Character DSIAIFRO
MDBCTOFF Offset in the message text field of the beginning of the CPOCTOFF
MDBCRPYB 4-byte binary reply ID CPOCRPYB
MDBCLCNT 2-byte count of the number of lines in the message. Decimal CPOCLCNT
CPOCLCNT and MDBCLCNT are not supported by the
NetView program. Use the count of buffers on the
IFRAUTBA chain instead. GETMSIZE provides this
Appendix E. Message data block to automation internal function request cross-reference 649
Table 183. Message data block field to automation internal function request cross-reference (continued)
MDB Control Block Description Decimal, BUFHDR,
Field Hexadecimal, IFRAUTO, or
Character DSIAIFRO
Note: Inferred means that the old field must be set by testing the values of other fields. For example, if at least
one route code is nonzero, set the route codes included with flag on.
Fields not in the MDB are set to zero (0). These fields show how the WTO SVC was issued, not to what the
message is about.
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Notices 653
654 IBM Z NetView: Troubleshooting Guide
Index 655
abend (abnormal end) (continued) application, RODM
RODM (continued) failure 249
9C5 (reason code 33) 256 loop 257
abends when SNA topology manager starting 256 archive data feature of Canzlog 63, 69
SNA topology manager array, allocate storage request, NetView trace 148
abend error condition 332 asynchronous method loop, RODM 257
abends after initialization 332 attribute error, RODM 191
abends during initialization 331 Automated Operations Network (AON) 447
FLBTOPO (task) 331 automation
subtask 53 not driven when expected 67
U0258 54 not occurring correctly 66
U0268 54 unexpectedly driven 66
U0269 54 automation internal function request (AIFR) 643
ABEND keyword 13
abend problems
NetView management console 174
abnormal reaction from RODM 259 BIND trace record, IP services 118
ACCEPT trace record, IP services 118 blank status history 346
accessibility xxiv BNH160I message 57
Active/Query Workloads BNH161I 58
Data Collection tower or subtower BNH162I 58
ActiveActiveSites subnode 509 books
activity (VY) trace record 139 see publications xxi
aggregate correlated objects business tree
cannot navigate between object and contained pop-up menu in — does not display on AIX platform
resources problem scenario and resolution 213
problem scenario and resolution 212
aggregate correlated objects with same object
problem scenario and resolution 210 C
aggregate correlated objects, information displayed
CANCEL trace record, IP services 119
cannot access VTAM CMIP services 328
problem scenario and resolution 211
cannot activate a resource 347
aggregate resource status incorrect 361
cannot deactivate a resource 347
AIFR (automation internal function request) 643
cannot navigate between
AIX problems
correlated aggregate object and contained resources
server window disappears
problem scenario and resolution 212
problem scenario and resolution 200
cannot obtain topology data 337
topology server does not complete initialization
cannot recycle a resource 347
problem scenario and resolution 200
archive data feature 51, 63, 69
no change in status 186
CUE command 41
not in hardware monitor history panel, NetView
log 67–69
management console 186
problem determination using 40
not in history at workstation, NetView management
CE (resource status change processed) 139
console 186
changed information for correlated aggregate object
alert adapter services, IP trace 494
problem scenario and resolution 211, 212
alert and alert history problems and resolutions
problems and resolutions 186
for status to resources not reflected in views
alert problems
problem scenario and resolution 196
alert not in hardware monitor history panel 186
lost for properties
alert not in history at workstation 186
problem scenario and resolution 199
alerts are not converted to EIF events 481
checkpoint processing fails, RODM 258
alerts are not forwarded 480
class index report, RODM dump utility 308
alerts do not change status 186
class listing report, RODM dump utility 305
continuously forwarded 482
classifying a problem
incorrectly cached 483
abend (abnormal end)
alert/message adapter, event receiver 497
allocate storage request, NetView trace 148
keyword ABEND 13
AON (Automated Operations Network), worksheet 447
NetView 13
API 257
SNA topology manager 15
building a keyword string 6
user API does not return from EKGWAIT 257
Index 657
commands, issuing (continued) Data Collection tower or subtower (continued)
case– sensitive text 439 DVIPA.DVROUT 510, 511
common asynchronous trace record, IP services 133, 134 DVIPA.DVTAD 510
component or connection status TCPIPCOLLECT.TCPCONN and TEMA.CONINACT 510
not properly reflected on topology console TEMA.CONNACT 511
problem scenario and resolution 194 TEMA.HEALTH 511
configuration initialization error, GMFHS 193 TEMA.SESSACT 511
CONNECT trace record, IP services 119, 120 database
connection status problem recording failure 34
problem scenario and resolution 194 dataspace, RODM dumping 302
control block used DB2 Replication Details
command facility initialization 575 Data Collection tower or subtower
hardware monitor initialization 587 DB2 Replication Details for Workload
operator station logon (TVB) 577 Data Collection tower or subtower
session monitor initialization 580 ACTIVEACTIVE.REPLICATION.DB2 512
status monitor initialization 588 debugging method, RODM 248
controlling resource status describing a problem 5
activating resource diagnosing a problem
using command tree facility 347 E/AS 469
using NetView management console pop-up menu Event/Automation Service 469
347 GMFHS 183, 469
deactivating resource NetView management console 183
using command tree facility 347 NetView program 51
using NetView management console pop-up menu RODM 245
347 SNA topology manager 323
recycling resource diagnostic tool, GMFHS
using command tree facility 347 Console Log window 219
using NetView management console pop-up menu trace
347 description 219
conventions event manager task tracing 223
typeface xxv IPC task tracing 223
correlated aggregate objects starting 220
cannot navigate between object and contained stopping 220
resources TRACE command 219
problem scenario and resolution 212 using in-storage trace table 222
correlated aggregate objects with same object viewing output online 221
problem scenario and resolution 210 diagnostic tool, NetView management console
correlated aggregate objects, information displayed Console Log window 219
changes trace, GMFHS
problem scenario and resolution 211 event manager task tracing 223
correlation identifiers, status monitor 140 IPC task tracing 223
COS (common operation services) starting 220
gateway error 190 stopping 220
CPU usage using in-storage trace table 222
diagnosing 99 viewing output online 221
cross reference, MDB to AIFR 643 diagnostic tool, NetView program
cross-product linking problems 516 first failure data capture trace 150
cross-product links, missing 514, 516 IPCS 75
customer support 3 message 96
network log
description 96
D identifying message origin 98
Data Collection tower or subtower in storage 98
DISCOVERY 510, 511 GTF output files 156
DISCOVERY.INTERFACES 511 locating oldest record 155
DISCOVERY.TELNET 511 trace anchor block 151
DVIPA 510 trace record 152
DVIPA.DVCONN 510 trace table 151
Index 659
dump utility, RODM (continued) Event Viewer
object listing report 308 alerts not in history at workstation, NetView
statistical report 310 management console 186
duplicate GMFHS resource Event/Automation Service
problem scenario and resolution 198 diagnosing a problem 469
DVIPA list of problem scenarios 469
Connection Routing 510 online help support 491
Connections 510 output log 491
Definition and Status 510 problem background worksheet 461
Distributor Targets 510 Event/Automation Service, IP trace 494
Server Health 510 Event/Automation Service, tracing 493
Sysplex Distributors 510 events
DVIPA management not received from z/OS instrumentation 194
A command returns incomplete data 159
Distributed DVIPA Connection Routing data is
incomplete in the workspace 159
no configuration changes received 158 failure
No data is returned from a DVIPA 3270 command 159 GMFHS status solicitation 193
no DVIPA statistics recorded 159 failures
DWO049W 60, 61 caused by RMTCMD errors 441
DWO090A 63 caused by RUNCMD errors 441
DWO158W 64 caused by timeouts 441
DWO627E 66 IP environment 440
object status update 442
E fault problems
NetView management console 174
E/AS FINA (force INACT) trace record 139
diagnosing a problem 469 first failure data capture trace, NetView 150
list of problem scenarios 469 fixes, obtaining 7
online help support 491 FLB300W 335
output log 491 FLB403I 337
problem background worksheet 461 FLB404I 343
E/AS, IP trace 494 FLB405W 342
E/AS, tracing 493 FLB407E 344
EKG_LogLevel value, RODM 262 FLB408W 344
EKG1101E 251 FLB409W 337
EKG1104E 258 FLB420I 337
EKG1105E 258 FLB421I 343
EKG1106E 258 FLB422W 342
EKG1111I 251 FLB424E 344
EKG1112E 258 FLB425W 344
EKG1113I 258 FLB426W 337
EKG1116I 260 FLB443I 343
EKG1117I 260 FLB481E 334
EKG1326D 256 FLB482E 329, 334
EKGPRINT 258 FLB485E 329
EKGWAIT 257 FLB486I 335
environment variable, KNA_ACTACT 509 FLB540I 337
environment variables, notation xxv FLB541W 342
EP/local error not recorded 70 FLB542E 344
error FLB544W 337, 344
reading file FLBSYSD 326 FLB584I 343
errors FLB600E 376
reason code 122 439 FLB601W 376
return code 12 439 FLB602I 376
RODM, FLC070E 439 FLB603I 376
RODM, FLC076E 439 FLB604I 376
event problems FLB610I 343
negative response from an event server 488 FLB677E 328
no reply from event server 487 FLB684E 334
not converted to alerts 487 FLB685W 337, 344
not forwarded to the hardware monitor 486 FLBEXV customization table 327
event receiver FLBOSIDS customization table 327
recycling 490 FLBSRT customization table 327
Index 661
hints, problem determination (continued) information required (continued)
XCF services (continued) for reporting problems to TSC (continued)
unexpected switch of master NetView 162 general information 177
Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 507 GMFHS-related information 177
HiperSockets problem classification 178
data collection tower or subtower 510 problem description 178
missing data 160 RODM applications 177
workspace data missing 511 RODM methods 177
hung, topology manager 335 system-related information 177
Information/Access IBM licensed program 3
informational message, RODM dump utility 311
I Init_Accept flows
I/O usage multiple received
diagnosing 99 problem scenario and resolution 196
IBM Software Support specialist 4 INITAPI trace record, IP services 125, 126
icon INITAPIX trace record, IP services 125, 126
for resource is missing from view initialization
problem scenario and resolution 204 topology server does not complete on AIX
IEC161I 052-084 258 problem scenario and resolution 200
IEC161I 203-204 251 initialization error
IEC161I 227-229 258 alert adapter 476
IEC340I 258 alert-to-trap service 479
IHSERROR.LOG 24, 216 confirmed alert adapter 476
image confirmed message adapter 477
partially painted in preview 213 E/AS 475
IMS Replication Details event receiver 478
Data Collection tower or subtower Event/Automation Service 475
ACTIVEACTIVE.REPLICATION.IMS 512 message adapter 477
incorrect trap-to-alert service 478
connectivity shown in view unwanted services are starting 479
problem scenario and resolution 207 initiating IP session, using NETCONV 188
tree view list initiating LU 6.2 session, using NETCONV 189
problem scenario and resolution 204 INITTOPO processing, improving 438
view layout installation exit (UX) trace record 112
problem scenario and resolution 205 instrumentation
incorrect NetView management console command profile (z/OS-based) problems and resolutions 193
347 instrumentation problems
incorrect output (z/OS–based) problems and resolutions
archived data 70 events not received from 194
diagnostic procedure 34 events not received from z/OS instrumentation 194
distributed mainframe server data not recorded 71 interactive problem control system 75
distributed mainframe server error 71 Interface Management 160
documenting procedure 34 internal trace, status monitor 139
EKGPRINT data set, RODM 258 Internet Protocol
EP/local error 70 missing objects from views 443
keyword (INCORROUT) 15 IOCTL RETARG TCxx Mapping 1, IP services 137
message origin using MSGMODID 98 IOCTL RETARG TCxx Mapping 2, IP services 137
NetView automation 66 IOCTL RETARG TCxx Mapping 3, IP services 137
reporting procedure 34 IOCTL RETARG TCxx Mapping 4, IP services 138
solicited remote device data not recorded 71 IOCTL RETARG TCxx Mapping 5, IP services 138
unsolicited remote error 71 IOCTL TAxx trace record, IP services 137
incorrect output problems IOCTL TCxx REQARG Mapping 1, IP services 126
NetView management console 176 IOCTL TCxx REQARG Mapping 2, IP services 126
incorrect resource status IOCTL TCxx REQARG Mapping 3, IP services 126
problem scenario and resolution 194 IOCTL TCxx REQARG Mapping 4, IP services 127
incorrect timestamps IOCTL TCxx REQARG Mapping 5, IP services 127
if topology server is on Windows platform IOCTL TCxx REQARG Mapping 6, IP services 127
problem scenario and resolution 200 IOCTL TCxx trace record, IP services 126
INCORROUT keyword 15 IP
information displayed for correlated aggregate object cannot initiate session with NETCONV 188
changes NETCONV, cannot initiate session 188
problem scenario and resolution 211 IP connectivity problems
information required recycling the event receiver 490
for reporting problems to TSC recycling the PPI 490
Index 663
keyword (continued) log entry, RODM (continued)
SAF 140 log-level value 262
SAFA 140 record format, formatted
STATOPT 637 record type 0 271
SUPPRESS 69 record type 1 273
TASK 138 record type 10 300
WAIT 20 record type 2 275
WQELBK 649 record type 3 278
KFWITM081E 514 record type 4 280
KNA_ACTACT environment variable 509 record type 5 282
record type 6 284
record type 7 286
L record type 8 291
layout of view is incorrect record type 9 297
problem scenario and resolution 205 record format, unformatted
links, cross-product 514, 516 record type 0 270
Linux on z Systems Workload Server Details record type 1 272
Data Collection tower or subtower record type 10 298
ACTIVEACTIVE.LIFELINE 512 record type 2 274
list record type 3 277
for tree view is incorrect record type 4 279
problem scenario and resolution 204 record type 5 281
list of problem scenarios record type 6 283
E/AS 469 record type 7 284
Event/Automation Service 469 record type 8 287
GDPS Continuous Availability solution 167 record type 9 296
GMFHS 183 log entry, SNA topology manager
MultiSystem Manager 437 description 376
NetView management console 183 displayed using message
NetView program 51 associated data (FLB603I and FLB604I) 376
RODM 245 error event (FLB600E) 376
SNA topology manager 323 informational event (FLB602I) 376
sysplex 157 warning event (FLB601W) 376
Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 507 event type 376
LISTEN trace record, IP services 127 format
Load Balancer Groups format of log data 377, 378
Data Collection tower or subtower major code, description 377
ACTIVEACTIVE.LIFELINE 512 minor code 377
Load Balancer Workloads probe ID 376, 378
Data Collection tower or subtower major code 78
ACTIVEACTIVE.LIFELINE 512 minor code 0 (78-0) 334, 385
Load Balancers minor code 173 (78-173) 408
Data Collection tower or subtower minor code 191 (78-191) 408
ACTIVEACTIVE.LIFELINE 512 minor code 20 (78-20) 385
load function, RODM minor code 23 (78-23) 386
error listing 312 minor code 25 (78-25) 339, 386
lockup problems minor code 26 (78-26) 386
NetView management console 175 minor code 27 (78-27) 387
log minor code 28 (78-28) 387
Canzlog log 67 minor code 30 (78-30) 388
network log 67 minor code 31 (78-31) 388
system log 67 minor code 32 (78-32) 389
log entry, RODM minor code 35 (78-35) 390
components that output data to log file 262 minor code 36 (78-36) 390
defining 261 minor code 37 (78-37) 391
description 261 minor code 38 (78-38) 391
EKG_LogLevel value 262 minor code 40 (78-40) 392
formatter minor code 41 (78-41) 392
customizing 265 minor code 42 (78-42) 392
description 265 minor code 43 (78-43) 393
invoking 267 minor code 44 (78-44) 394
message 267 minor code 46 (78-46) 395
return code 267 minor code 47 (78-47) 396
log file, components that output data to 262 minor code 48 (78-48) 397
Index 665
message, NetView management console (continued) message, SNA topology manager (continued)
GMFHS FLB600E (error log entry) 376
IHSERROR.LOG 216 FLB601W (warning log entry) 376
message log 216 FLB602I (informational log entry) 376
IHSERROR.LOG 216 FLB603I (partial log data) 376
message log 216 FLB604I (end of log data) 376
output logs 216 FLB610I 343
message, NetView program FLB677E 328
BNH160I 57 FLB684E 334
BNH161I 57, 58 FLB685W 337, 344
BNH162I 57, 58 online help 375
BNH163I 57, 58 range 17, 375
CNM983E 59 messages, routing 438
CNM998E 59 minimized windows
CNM999E 59 problem scenario and resolution 198
DSI124I 59 missing configuration
DSI625I 55 problem scenario and resolution 202
DWO049W 60, 61 missing resource
DWO090A 63 view does not contain
DWO158W 64 problem scenario and resolution 208
DWO627E 66 MODE=EXT 103
network log 96 MODE=INT 101
origin using MSGMODID 98 module entry (MENT) trace record 113
message, RODM module exit (MXIT) trace record 113
EKG1101E 251 MONIT (VMON) trace record 139
EKG1104E 258 MONOPER keyword to TRACE command 106
EKG1105E 258 more detail view does not exist
EKG1106E 258 problem scenario and resolution 202
EKG1111I 251 MQS (message queuing service) 111
EKG1112E 258 MSG (message) keyword 17
EKG1113I 258 MSGMODID, using to identify message origin 98
EKG1116I 260 multiple
EKG1117I 260 Init_Accept flows received
EKG1326D 256 problem scenario and resolution 196
IEC161I 052-084 258 multiple objects with same object
IEC161I 203-204 251 problem scenario and resolution 210
IEC161I 227-229 258 MultiSystem Manager
IEC340I 258 list of problem scenarios 437
incorrect output in EKGPRINT data set 258 problem background worksheet 433
range 17 MXIT (module exit) trace record 113
message, SNA topology manager
FLB300W 335
FLB403I 337
FLB404I 343 NETCONV command cannot initiate IP session 188
FLB405W 342 NETCONV command cannot initiate LU 6.2 session 189
FLB407E 344 NetView
FLB408W 344 Applications 510
FLB409W 337 Tasks 511
FLB420I 337 NetView management console
FLB421I 343 diagnosing a problem 183
FLB422W 342 diagnostic tools 215
FLB424E 344 list of problem scenarios 183
FLB425W 344 problem background worksheet
FLB426W 337 abend problems 174
FLB443I 343 general information 173
FLB481E 334 loop problems 175
FLB482E 329, 334 problem classification 174
FLB485E 329 problem description 174
FLB486I 335 system-related information 173
FLB540I 337 NetView program
FLB541W 342 diagnosing a problem 51
FLB542E 344 diagnostic tool 75
FLB544W 337, 344 list of problem scenarios 51
FLB584I 343 message 96
Index 667
problem (continued) problem classification (continued)
classifying problem worksheet
abend (abnormal end) 13 NetView management console 174
building a keyword string 6 processor traps
describing a problem 5 information required - reporting problems to TSC
documentation 15 178
INCORROUT (incorrect output) 15 wait problems
loop 16 information required - reporting problems to TSC
message 17 180
performance 19 problem description
RETAIN database 5 problem worksheet
search string 5 NetView management console 174
wait 20 problem determination
collecting data 23 Canzlog 40
documenting describing problems 4
abend 27 determining business impact 4
documentation 33 DVIPA management
documentation needed 23 A command returns incomplete data 159
INCORROUT (incorrect output) 34 Distributed DVIPA Connection Routing data is
loop 35 incomplete in the workspace 159
message log data 40 no configuration changes received 158
performance 37 No data is returned from a DVIPA 3270 command
wait 38 159
reporting no DVIPA statistics recorded 159
IBM Software Support 23 IP Management 157
IBM Software Support specialist 4 submitting problems 5
Information/Access IBM licensed program 3 using Canzlog 40
searching the database for a solution 3 XCF services
software support database, searching solutions 3 BNH067I message 162
worksheet BNH558E message 163
AON 447 BNH587I message 161
E/AS 461 discovery commands fail 162
Event/Automation Service 461 master NetView, unexpected switch 162
GMFHS 177 no data returned 161
MultiSystem Manager 433 PLEXCTL command fails 162
NetView 45 START XCFGROUP problems 162
NetView management console 173 unable to contact enterprise system 163
RODM 239 unexpected switch of master NetView 162
SNA topology manager 317 Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 507
Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 501 problem scenario
problem classification alert adapter initialization error 476
documentation problems alert is continuously forwarded 482
information required - reporting problems to TSC alert is incorrectly cached 483
181 alert-to-trap service initialization error 479
incorrect output problems alerts are converted to EIF events 481
information required - reporting problems to TSC alerts are not forwarded 480
180 confirmed alert adapter initialization error 476
loop problems confirmed message adapter initialization error 477
information required - reporting problems to TSC E/AS 474
179 E/AS initialization error 475
message problems E/AS task suspended 475
information required - reporting problems to TSC event receiver initialization error 478
179 Event/Automation Service 474
NetView management console Event/Automation Service initialization error 475
abend problems 174 Event/Automation Service task suspended 475
documentation problems 176 events are not converted to alerts 487
incorrect output problems 176 events are not forwarded to the hardware monitor 486
loop problems 175 GDPS Continuous Availability solution 167
message problems 174 IP connectivity problems 490
performance problems 176 message adapter initialization error 477
wait problems 175 message is incorrectly cached 485
performance problems message is not converted d to EIF event 485
information required - reporting problems to TSC message is not forwarded to event server 483
181 negative response from an event server 488
Index 669
problem scenario, NetView management console (continued) problem scenario, RODM (continued)
symptom (continued) abend (abnormal end) (continued)
view layout is incorrect 205 9C5 (reason code 0) 256
view shows incorrect connectivity 207 9C5 (reason code 33) 256
time-out error when topology manager starting 256
command 191 abnormal reaction 259
topology console application failure 249
hangs during sign-on 198 asynchronous method loop 257
unable to connect from, to topology server 197 checkpoint processing fails 258
topology console hangs during sign-on 198 debugging method 248
topology console hangs when accessing view 198 fails to complete checkpoint processing 258
topology display subsystem view problem 213 incorrect output
topology server 199 EKGPRINT data set 258
topology server does not complete initialization 200 list of problem scenarios 245
Views 202 loop
problem scenario, NetView program asynchronous method 257
abend (abnormal end) user application 257
0C4 56 message
301 56 EKG1101E 251
A78 received at NetView termination 54 EKG1104E 258
A78 received at task termination 54 EKG1105E 258
linearization processing 56 EKG1106E 258
RID (remote interactive debug) function 59 EKG1111I 251
subtask 53 EKG1112E 258
U0258 54 EKG1113I 258
U0268 54 EKG1116I 260
U0269 54 EKG1117I 260
automation EKG1326D 256
not driven when expected 67 IEC161I 052-084 258
not occurring correctly 66 IEC161I 203-204 251
unexpectedly driven 66 IEC161I 227-229 258
distributed mainframe server error not recorded 71 IEC340I 258
DSIFRE message 60 incorrect output in EKGPRINT data set 258
DSIGET message 61 return code
EP/local error not recorded 70 12, reason code 121 251
linearization processing problem 56 12, reason code 122 251
list of problem scenarios 51 12, reason code 194 252
logon/bind problem with command facility 52 12, reason code 20 250
message 12, reason code 211 254
CNM983E 59 12, reason code 212 254
CNM998E 59 12, reason code 213 254
CNM999E 59 slow response 260
DSI124I 59 troubleshooting reference 249
DSI625I 55 user API does not return from EKGWAIT 257
DWO049W 60, 61 user application loop 257
DWO090A 63 problem scenario, SNA topology manager
DWO158W 64 abend (abnormal end)
DWO627E 66 after initialization 332
MS transport cancels 66 during initialization 331
NetView operator cannot browse archived data 70 error condition 332
not attempting to archive Canzlog data 69 FLBTOPO task 331
return code automatic monitoring does not work 336
U0258 abend code 55 blank status history 346
U0268 abend code 55 cannot find LU with locate resource 346
U0269 abend code 55 cannot issue resource control command
RMTCMD RUNCMD response on MVS console 72 generic commands fail 347
security problem 73 cannot obtain topology data 337
solicited data not recorded 71 hung (not processing requests)
unsolicited remote error not recorded 71 RODM checkpoint 335
problem scenario, RODM incorrect view
abend (abnormal end) aggregate resource status incorrect 361
0C1 253 class of node object is incorrect 350, 367
0C4 253 multiple subnetworks in same view 366
0C8 255 resource not in view 340, 350
Index 671
Replication Servers RODM (Resource Object Data Manager) (continued)
Data Collection tower or subtower message 251
ACTIVEACTIVE.REPLICATION.DB2 513 problem background worksheet 239
ACTIVEACTIVE.REPLICATION.IMS 513 reason code 122 439
Replication Workloads return code 12 439
Data Collection tower or subtower trace, internal 301
ACTIVEACTIVE.REPLICATION.VSAM 513 information required for TSC 177
reporting a problem RODM methods
IBM Software Support 23 problems
IBM Software Support specialist 4 information required for TSC 177
Information/Access IBM licensed program 3 routing
searching the database for a solution 3 messages 438
software support database, searching solutions 3 RUNCMD errors 441
request unit (RU) flows 571
duplicates for GMFHS
problem scenario and resolution 198 SAF (security authorization facility) trace record
exists but status is not updated AUTH 141
problem scenario and resolution 195 description 140
icon is missing from view EXTRACT 142
problem scenario and resolution 204 FASTAUTH 144
status change processed (CE) trace record 139 LIST 145
resource status, incorrect STAT 145
problem scenario and resolution 194 TOKENMAP 146
resource, missing TOKENXTR 146
view does not contain VERIFY 147
problem scenario and resolution 208 search string 5
resources searching the database for a solution 3
status changes not reflected in views security authorization facility trace record 140
problem scenario and resolution 196 security problem
RETAIN 3 NetView program 73
RETAIN database 5 Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 517
return code SELECT exit trace record, IP services 129
NetView program SELECT trace record, IP services 128
U0258 abend code 55 SEND trace record, IP services 129
U0268 abend code 55 SENDTO trace record, IP services 129
U0269 abend code 55 service point error, GMFHS 191
RODM Session Data 511
12, reason code 121 251 session monitor
12, reason code 122 251 control block
12, reason code 194 252 AAUTGLOB 581
12, reason code 20 250 AAUTKCT 585
12, reason code 211 254 AAUTMST 584
12, reason code 212 254 AAUTPCT 585
12, reason code 213 254 AAUTSTAT 584
return code 12 KCLASS definition table 585
RODM 439 MAPSESS table 584
RID (remote interactive debug) function 59 performance class table 585
RID DSIMSX 546 NLDM command, trace status 78
RMTCMD errors 441 status, trace NLDM command 78
RMTCMD RUNCMD response on MVS console 72 SETSOCKOPT TCxx Option Value Mapping 1, IP services 130
RODM (Resource Object Data Manager) SETSOCKOPT TCxx Option Value Mapping 2, IP services 130
abend 255 SETSOCKOPT TCxx Option Value Mapping 3, IP services 131
diagnosing a problem 245 SETSOCKOPT TCxx Option Value Mapping 4 IP services 131
diagnostic tool 261 SETSOCKOPT TCxx Option Value Mapping 5, IP services 131
dump utility 302 SETSOCKOPT TCxx Option Value Mapping 6, IP services 131
errors 439 SETSOCKOPT TCxx Option Value Mapping 7, IP services 131
FLC070E 439 SETSOCKOPT trace record, IP services 130
FLC076E 439 short-of-storage abend 30
list of problem scenarios 245 SHUTDOWN trace record, IP services 131, 132
log entry 261 sign-on problems
Index 673
symptom (continued) symptom (continued)
EP/local error not recorded 70 message (continued)
hung, topology manager FLB403I 337
RODM checkpoint 335 FLB404I 343
incorrect output FLB405W 342
EKGPRINT data set, RODM 258 FLB407E 344
keyword (INCORROUT) 15 FLB408W 344
incorrect view FLB409W 337
aggregate resource status incorrect 361 FLB420I 337
class of node object is incorrect 350, 367 FLB421I 343
multiple subnetworks in same view 366 FLB422W 342
resource not in view 340, 350 FLB424E 344
resource status incorrect 357 FLB425W 344
resource status unknown 354 FLB426W 337
unexpected resource in view 347, 368 FLB443I 343
view cannot be displayed 350, 362 FLB481E 334
view disappears 350, 362 FLB482E 329, 334
initialization failure, topology manager FLB485E 329
cannot access RODM 329 FLB486I 335
cannot access VTAM CMIP services 328 FLB540I 337
error reading customization table 327 FLB541W 342
error reading file FLBSYSD 326 FLB542E 344
not enough storage 326 FLB544W 337, 344
severe error 327 FLB584I 343
warning error 327 FLB610I 343
wrong autotask 326 FLB677E 328
linearization processing problem 56 FLB684E 334
list of problem scenarios FLB685W 337, 344
E/AS 469 IEC161I 052-084 258
Event/Automation Service 469 IEC161I 203-204 251
GDPS Continuous Availability solution 167 IEC161I 227-229 258
MultiSystem Manager 437 IEC340I 258
NetView management console 183 incorrect output in EKGPRINT data set, RODM 258
NetView program 51 keyword (MSG) 17
RODM 245 monitor operation unexpectedly ended
SNA topology manager 323 lost connection with agent node 344
sysplex 157 monitor completed 343
Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 507 stopped by TOPOSNA STOP command 342
logon/bind problem with command facility 52 topology manager ended 343
loop VTAM CMIP services ended 343
asynchronous method, RODM 257 MS transport cancels 66
keyword (LOOP) 16 NetView operator cannot browse archived data 70
user application, RODM 257 not attempting to archive Canzlog data 69
message object missing attribute value, RODM
CNM983E 59 agent not reporting attribute 339, 340
CNM998E 59 log entry 78-25 339
CNM999E 59 not monitoring correct type of topology 339
DSI124I 59 unsupported attribute 339
DSI625I 55 object not purged
DWO049W 60, 61 error purging object 349
DWO090A 63 log entry 78-71 349
DWO158W 64 object being monitored 347–349
DWO627E 66 object unexpectedly purged
EKG1101E 251 by a topology update (link object) 353
EKG1104E 258 by a topology update (node object) 350, 367
EKG1105E 258 by a topology update (TG object) 353
EKG1106E 258 by TOPOSNA PURGE command 350, 362
EKG1111I 251 performance problem
EKG1112E 258 keyword (PERFM) 19
EKG1113I 258 problem scenario, NetView program 57
EKG1116I 260 resource control requests do not work
EKG1117I 260 incorrect NetView management console
EKG1326D 256 command profile 347
FLB300W 335 return code
Index 675
trace, NetView program (continued) trace, SNA topology manager (continued)
internal trace GTF record format (continued)
IP services 117 multi-record event 415
status monitor 138 internal trace buffer
table example 102 description 418
internal trace dataspace 109 format 418
IP services, internal trace 117 record header 418
locating when MODE=INT 100 NetView trace
MONOPER keyword 106 allocate storage request 148
NetView TRACE command 100 array, allocate storage request 148
PPI trace facility free storage request 149
description 151 reallocate storage request 149
GTF output files 156 storage request 148
locating oldest record 155 record format
locating table 155 4000-0002 (CENT) 420
trace anchor block 151 4000-0003 (CEXT) 420
trace record 152 4001-0008 (LOGS) 421
trace table 151 4002-0007 (MSGS) 421
printing record 4003-000E (CMIP) 422
when MODE=EXT 103 4004-0019 (RTIB) 423
when MODE=INT 100 4004-001A (RARY) 423
record 4005-0015 (RCLS) 424
constant for option byte (DSIPSS) 115 4005-0016 (RON) 424
description 108 4005-0017 (ROBJ) 425
DSIGET/DSIFRE 114 4005-0018 (RATR) 425
DSIPSS 115 4007-001E (UPDT) 426
DSIWAT/DSIPOS/DISPATCH 114 4008-0000 (GET) 426
installation exit (UX) 112 4008-0001 (FREE) 427
lost 114 4009-0006 (FSM) 427
LUC macro invocation 110 400A-0004 (NEW) 427
LUC receive exit 110 400A-0005 (DEL) 428
message queuing service (MQS) 111 400A-001B (CBEG) 428
MODE=EXT 103 400A-001C (CEND) 428
MODE=INT 101 400A-001D (XMOG) 429
module entry (MENT) 113 CBEG (400A-001B) 428
module exit (MXIT) 113 CEND (400A-001C) 428
presentation services (DSIPSS) 115 CENT (4000-0002) 420
TIME record 117 CEXT (4000-0003) 420
trace table header 109 CMIP (4003-000E) 422
VPDTASK trace record 112 DEL (400A-0005) 428
SAF (security authorization facility) trace record 140 FREE (4008-0001) 427
SNA topology manager FSM (4009-0006) 427
allocate storage request 148 GET (4008-0000) 426
array, allocate storage request 148 LOGS (4001-0008) 421
free storage request 149 MSGS (4002-0007) 421
reallocate storage request 149 NEW (400A-0004) 427
storage request 148 RARY (4004-001A) 423
starting 100 RATR (4005-0018) 425
status monitor, internal trace 138 RCLS (4005-0015) 424
stopping 100 ROBJ (4005-0017) 425
TRACE command 100 RON (4005-0016) 424
when to use 100 RTIB (4004-0019) 423
trace, RODM UPDT (4007-001E) 426
description 301 XMOG (400A-001D) 429
internal 301 starting and stopping 415
trace, SNA topology manager tracing, E/AS 493
category tracing, Event/Automation Service 493
performance consideration 20 trap problems
GTF event ID 415 NetView management console 174
GTF format ID 415 trap-to-alert service
GTF record format recycling 490
data format 416 tree view list is incorrect
example 416 problem scenario and resolution 204
header 415 troubleshooting
Index 677
Workload Sites
Data Collection tower or subtower
Data Collection tower or subtower
worksheet, problem
AON 447
E/AS 461
Event/Automation Service 461
MultiSystem Manager 433
NetView management console
abend problems 174
documentation problems 176
general information 173
incorrect output problems 176
loop problems 175
message problems 174
performance problems 176
problem classification 174
problem description 174
system-related information 173
wait problems 175
NetView program 45
RODM 239
SNA topology manager 317
Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent 501
wrong autotask, topology manager 326
XCF services
BNH067I message 162
BNH558E message 163
BNH587I message 161
discovery commands fail 162
master NetView, unexpected switch 162
no data returned 161
PLEXCTL command fails 162
START XCFGROUP problems 162
unable to contact enterprise system 163
unexpected switch of master NetView 162
Z NetView Enterprise Management Agent
diagnostic tools 519
list of problem scenarios 507
problem background worksheet 501
problem determination 507
instrumentation problems and resolutions 193
z/OS Workload Server Details
Data Collection tower or subtower