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Essay 3

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Name: Myca Ramos

Year and Section: BSE-SCI 1-1

1. Cite teaching strategies and explain how these teaching strategies consider student
2. Choose a particular learning style and intelligence of students. Plan learning
activities that match the particular learning styles and multiple intelligences of
3. Cite at least 5 teaching guidelines or tips on how to work with students with
exceptionalities and explain briefly on how you will implement them in your classroom.

1. There are two teaching strategies that I can share that consider students diversity in
classroom. First, getting to know my students and the second one is, exploring
methods and resources to meet the needs of my students while considering their
Personally, knowing one person is difficult already. How come if there’s hundreds
or thousands even, of people to know what’s their origin and history. It’s indeed
challenging however as a future educator this is important for me to understand.
Because, it is my duty and mission to satisfy the needs of my student. I can only
satisfy it right when I know my students individually. Considering their socioeconomic
background, lifestyle, ,culture and of cause their learning style that may draw apart
from the students. In my point of view, this teaching strategy will be the reference of
your game plan for your students. While browsing in the internet searching different
teaching strategies promoting classroom diversity. I have notice that all strategies boil
down to knowing your students. I realized that you can’t completely do the other
strategies without knowing and learning much about your student. Thus, it’s absolutely
important to do this strategy first. According to Kampen (2019), when you know your
students and understand their strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be better equipped to
promote diversity.
Now, after knowing the weaknesses and strengths of my students. My next
strategy is to explore different methods and strategies that would be be appropriate for
them. I believe as a teacher we should always be equipped and ready to any
possibilities. I personally do actually this with my students in ESL online tutoring. I
search online about different methods and strategies how can I properly teach with a
specific kind of student. For an example, I have a student that learn more when he is
doing activities. He doesn’t like reading books or writing or else he will be bored
immediately. What I do is we learn through games. I sometimes make games like
when we learn about phonics, we do like in Wowowin. I make him raise his arm then if
he want’s to answer he will put his hand on a specific part of his body. Then, every two
or three questions we change what body part he’s going to put his hand on. In this
way, he learn much better and he is having fun. This is just an example how as a
teacher can satisfy the academic needs of a specific student. In a classroom, there will
be various students with different learning style and background. This is why, it’s
important for a teacher to be flexible and resourceful. We have to be adaptive with
situations, like the pandemic, and innovative with the materials and resources that we
only have.

Reference link:

2. The learning style that I can make activities very well I think is the ‘Verbal/Linguistic
style’. It’s because this is the same learning style that I do when I study. I usually like
to write then report it to myself. In this way this it’s much easier to understand and
remember the terms and topics that I’ve learned.
In my perspective, the best activity to give a student with verbal/linguistic style is
doing reporting. As a person with the same learning style, this is the easiest way to
learn the lessons. Because, in reporting you have to write the topics for the visual aid.
It can be in traditional way or in the modern method which is in PowerPoint. Then,
report it to the class. This activity is very similar to how a student studies with a
linguistic style Thus, I believe that through this activity they can do very well and also
share this method with their class who haven’t explored yet their learning styles.

Reference link:
3. Exeptionalirities are inevitable in classrooms. Thus as a teacher, I should be able
how to handle and guide a child with exeptionalities. In this item I will share few
guidelines how to handle students with exeptionalities.
In high school there will always be a student that can’t properly express
themselves in their written works. I remember in my high school, there’s always a
person who is like this. This is actually can be an expressive language disability. A
student that has this disability may find following tasks requiring with written languages
difficult like expressing themselves clearly and precisely, using variety of sentence
structure, using correct punctuation, and etc. As a teacher we should know how to
handle this kind of students. Especially, that based in my observations, this kind of
student is very common in classrooms. In this type of student support and
encouragement is very important. We should cheer them more instead of just noticing
the wrongs and mistakes of the student. Or else the student might be discouraged and
stop trying at all. Instead, try to have different assessment in this type of student. In
written works, just assessed them based on the content and the technical skills. Also,
in doing a written activity with a student that has expressive language disability,
always make sure they’ve understood the directions and provide a guide for them. So
when they pass their papers, you can compare their work to the guide that you
provided. Check if the student is able to follow then if not approach the student and
give them guidelines and corrections. Repeat this strategy then at the end of the
quarter you can have records as well if there’s improvement in the student.
Another common exeptionalities in the classroom are students that have blurry
vision. The usual strategy that teachers do is they let the student sit in front of the
board so they can see the lectures better. However, in the modern age, this strategy is
already outdated although it’s still applicable. The other strategy that we can do is
through the modern technology that we already have. We can utilize soft wares or
applications that can provide recordings and taped lectures for this type of student. In
this way, they will see the lectures clearly and understand it better. Also, we can do it
in the whole class so they won’t bother to write on the boards anymore.
Mobility impairments are another exeptionalities that I believe as a teacher should
know how to handle. A student with this kind of exeptionalities are not very common
but not rare as well. It’s important as a student preparing to be an educator to know
these kind of exeptionalities and how to work with these students. Mobility disabilities
refer to a wide range of disabilities that limits functions of moving of the body. As well
as the respiratory disorders like asthma may not visible, but may consequently affect
mobility. These students usually have assistive devices like crunches or wheelchairs. I
think the best way to guide and help these students is to let them have partners to
help or assist them when they need. Also the most important tip here is to be
considerate and understanding. Understand that these students will have a hard time
to keep up with the students without disabilities. We have to give them ample and
enough time to keep up in activities and exams. Know what are the things that can
also make them comfortable in classrooms. Like giving them enough space for their
crunches or wheelchairs.
The bottom line of the guidelines and tip here is as a teacher we should always
strive to satisfy the student’s needs despite of their exeptionalities. It shouldn’t be
hinder for them to achieve what’s their right as a child and a person. As a teacher we
should always learn how to extend our help and guide these children whether they are
exceptional or not.

Reference link:

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