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Fire Safety During Construction and Maintenance

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Chapter 12
Intent of the Chapter
In this Chapter:
 Provide minimum requirements to safeguard construction,
 Responsibilities of Building Owners,
modification or demolition operations from Fire accidents
Owner’s representative and Main
and ensure safety to life and property.

 Identifying the Risk factors in  To prescribe minimum requirements to maintain safe
construction sites work practices and safe site conditions to prevent fire
accidents during constructions, modifications and
 Implementing safe work practices, demolition operations.
providing means of egress and
providing Fire Systems during
construction phase

1. Definitions
1.1. General

1.1.1. Shall
It is a mandatory requirement by Civil Defence.

1.1.2. Should
It is a suggested requirement recommended by Civil Defence but not mandatory.

1.1.3. Listed
Approved and registered by Civil Defence Material Department.

1.1.4. Means of Egress

A continuous and unobstructed way of travel from any point in a building or structure
to a public way consisting of three separate and distinct parts: (1) the exit access, (2)
the exit, and (3) the exit discharge.

1.1.5. Means of Escape

It is a way out of a building or structure that does not conform to the strict
definition of means of egress but does provide an alternate way out.


1.2. During Construction

1.2.1. Under Construction

Any building, structure, equipment that is being built or installed or altered or being
demolished and is not ready to occupy or use, is defined as ‘Under Construction’.

1.2.2. Temporary
Duration of six months (180 days).

1.2.3. Hot Work

Work involving burning, welding, or a similar operation that is capable of initiating
fires or explosions.

1.2.4. Thermal Spraying

A group of welding or allied processes in which finely divided metallic or nonmetallic
materials are deposited in a molten or semi molten condition to form a coating. The
coating material shall be permitted to be in the form of a powder, a ceramic rod, a
wire, or molten materials.

1.2.5. Thermal Welding

A welding process that produces coalescence of metals by heating them with
superheated liquid metal resulting from a chemical reaction between a metal oxide
and aluminum, with or without the application of pressure. Filler metal, where
used, is obtained from the liquid metal.

1.2.6. Torch –Applied Roofing System

A bituminous roofing system using membranes that are adhered by heating with a
torch and melting an asphalt backcoating instead of mopping hot asphalt for

1.2.7. Thermite Welding

Thermite welding (TW), or exothermic or thermite welding, is a welding that
employs molten metal to permanently join the conductors.


2. Fire Safety during Construction, Modification,

Alteration and Demolition

2.1. Intention

2.1.1. Fire Safety requirements in this chapter are to accomplish the following; Provide minimum requirements and safety guidelines to be followed during

construction or maintenance, on site, to minimize construction and
maintenance related fire accidents that can claim life and property. To provide minimum prescriptions on safe work practices, safe storage

practices, safe equipment handling and operations procedures to prevent
fire accidents. Provide construction sites with minimum Did You Know?

features to enable workers to achieve
safe egress and evacuation during fire According to NFPA
emergencies during construction. survey, Fire fighters
injured in construction
2.2. General Requirements site fires are twice
more likely to be hit or
2.2.1. No construction activity shall be assumed small
scale and low risk. All construction activities shall struck by debris than
comply with this chapter. fire fighters at other
site fires.
2.2.2. No modifications, alterations, extensions and
change of usage to a building or structure shall be
carried out unless such proposals have been approved by Civil Defence.

2.2.3. No under construction buildings or structures shall be occupied in whole or in part

unless such proposals have been designed, approved, inspected and completion
certificate is obtained as per Civil Defence requirements.

2.2.4. It is the owner, owner’s representative and main consultant’s responsibility to comply
with this chapter by identifying the risk factors and preparing risk management and
emergency preparedness studies for the construction site from the design stage itself.

2.2.5. Every worker on site shall be briefed of the requirements of this chapter and shall be
trained to adhere to fire safety prescriptions of this chapter and usage of fire
extinguishers as first responders.

2.2.6. Guidelines of this chapter may not cover all risk factors of the construction activity. It is
consultant’s responsibility to evaluate risk factors involved in the type of construction
activity and prepare safety guidelines for such construction operations.

2.2.7. Guidelines of this chapter have been extracted from NFPA 241, IBC and HSE
3. Application of Fire Safety During Construction,
Modification, Alteration and Demolition
3.1. Responsible Entities

3.1.1. Implementation of fire safety during construction, modification, alteration and

demolition activities shall be the responsibilities of building owner and main consultant
per Table 12.1.

Table 12.1: Responsibilities of Owner and Consultant for Construction Fire Safety

1. BUILDING i.The owner shall designate a person (Program Manager) who shall be
OWNER’S responsible for the fire prevention program and who shall ensure that it
RESPONSIBILITIES is carried out to completion.
ii. Building owner shall emphasize the main consultant's role and
responsibilities in implementing the guidelines of this chapter and code in
his contract documents to the consultant.
iii. Such contract document between building owner and consultant shall
include a fire safety program to be implemented in all construction,
alteration or demolition contracts and the right of the owner to administer
and enforce this program, even if the building is entirely under the
jurisdiction of the contractor.
2. PROGRAM i. Program manager shall be responsible to ensure the fire safety plan is
MANAGE prepared by the consultant in accordance with Section 3.2, Section 3.3,
Section 3.4, and Section 3.5, Section 3.6, Section 3.7, and Section 3.8 of
this chapter and is implemented on construction site.
ii. The manager shall be responsible for ensuring that the written fire safety
plan is distributed to all contractors involved in the construction.
iii. The program manager shall ensure that the general contractor’s adequate
number of individuals is trained in the proper use of portable fire
extinguishers, which are first aid of firefighting.
iv. The manager shall be responsible for ensuring that proper training in the
use of protection equipment has been provided.
v. The manager shall be responsible for the presence of adequate numbers
and types of fire protection devices and appliances and for their proper
vi. The manager shall be responsible for supervising the permit system for hot
work operations.
vii. A weekly self-inspection program shall be implemented, with records
maintained and made available.
viii. Impairments to the fire protection systems or fire alarm, detection, or
communications systems shall be authorized only by the manager of fire
prevention program.
ix. Temporary protective coverings used on fire protection devices during
renovations, such as painting, shall be removed promptly when work has
been completed in the area.
x. Where there is Civil Defence or a private fire brigade, the manager shall be
responsible for the development of pre-fire plans in conjunction with such
fire agencies.
Table 12.1: Responsibilities of Owner and Consultant for Construction Fire Safety

i. The Consultant shall be the point of contact to owner and his appointed
representative, ’The Program Manager’.
ii. It is consultant’s responsibility to prepare all written fire safety strategies,
training programs, safety checklists and Fire Systems to be implemented during
construction, modification, alteration and demolition operations in accordance
with guidelines of Section 3.2, Section 3.3, Section 3.4, and Section 3.5, Section
3.6, Section 3.7, and Section 3.8 of this chapter.
iii. A written Fire Protection plan shall be developed for prior to proceeding
past foundation work for new buildings or commencement of demolition
work in alteration or modification projects. The written plan shall be
consistent with the Fire safety precautions as specified in this chapter and
iv. It is consultant’s responsibility to ensure that the general contractor is
implementing and carrying out provisions of the Fire Protection Plan.
v. The fire safety plan shall include but not limited to the following;
a. Minimizing hazardous and flammable storage in construction site.
b. Maintaining robust housekeeping practices to keep the site free of
combustibles and flammable rubbish.
c. Maintaining safe work practices.
d. Procedures for Hot work operations, management of hazardous
e. Floor plans identifying the locations of exits, exit stairs, exit routes and
portable fire extinguishers.
f. Site plans identifying required fire apparatus access roadways and on-site fire
g. Site plans identifying the designated exterior assembly areas for each
evacuation route.
h. The name and contact phone number of person(s) responsible for
compliance with the Fire Protection Plan.
i. Procedures for reporting emergencies to the Civil Defence.
j. Procedures for emergency notification, evacuation and/or relocation of all
persons in the building under construction and on the site.
vi. The overall under construction, modification, and alteration and
demolition work fire safety plan shall implement the following;
a. Good housekeeping practices.
b. On-site security.
c. Installation of temporary and new fire protection systems as construction
work progresses.
d. Preservation of existing fire systems in their good working condition
during building alteration.
e. Formation and training of an on-site, in-house fire brigade (as first
f. Communication with Civil Defence about fire safety plans and emergency
g. Protection of existing structures and equipment, protection of
neighboring structures and equipment.
Table 12.1: Responsibilities of Owner and Consultant for Construction Fire Safety


The consultant shall ensure that constructor, general contractor or project

manager implement a fire safety and evacuation plan before work starts. The
plan should be prepared by consultant in writing and distributed to all workers
and contractors on project, including site visitors. The plan shall include but
not limited to,

i. Procedures for reporting emergencies to Civil Defence.

ii. Procedures for emergency notification, evacuation and/or relocation of all
persons in the building under construction and on the site.
iii. Procedure for hot work operations, management of hazardous materials
and removal of combustible debris and maintenance of emergency access
iv. Floor plans identifying the locations of exits, exit stairs, exit routes and
portable fire extinguishers and fire hose cabinets.
v. Site plan identifying the designated exterior assembly areas for each
evacuation route.
vi. Site plan identifying required fire apparatus access roadways and on-site fire
vii. Document and post the name and phone numbers of all personnel
responsible for managing the fire safety evacuation plan, including after-
hours contact information.
viii. Appointment of fire warden(s) to ensure that everyone evacuates work areas
when a fire alarm is activated.
ix. Post contact information for the security company that overseas “Hot
Work” requirements as part of the fire code. Ensure that all construction
employees are made aware of the “Hot Work” requirements.
x. Evacuation plan of already occupied portion of the building. Ensure
evacuation plan for occupied portion and portion under construction or
renovation are compatible.
xi. Records of all fire safety meetings with project management, workers,
foremen, subcontractors, suppliers and others who may be on site.
xii. Records of fire drills involving the existing alarm system or on alternative
such as compressed air horns, shouts of “fire” etc. Conduct a post-mortem
on response, performance and awareness of personnel.
xiii. Procedure in notifying the shutdown of a certain fire safety system to Civil
Defence and also measures to isolate it from the rest of the system which
must be in service.
xiv. Measures to provide a 24-hour fire watch until the system is fully restored
and in service.
3.2. Fire Risk Assessment

3.2.1. Fire Risk assessment of under construction operations shall be as per Table 12.2.

Table 12.2: Requirements for Fire Risk Assessment of Construction Operations

1. IDENTIFICATION Coming together of Ignition, Fuel and Oxygen is the recipe for any fire to start.
OF HZARDS Any RISK ASSESSMENT should start from identifying these sources. Sources of
Ignition, sources of Fuel and sources of Oxygen on construction site that need
attention are as follows;


i. Smoking, matches and cigarette lighters.

ii. Naked flames from fuel gas or liquid fired open flame equipment.
iii. Faulty Electrical equipment, over loaded electrical sockets and misused
electrical equipment, overcrowded electrical cables heating up.
iv. Hot work processes, welding, cutting and sand blasting.
v. Lighting fixtures installed close to flammable material or stored products.
vi. Air conditioning and heating installations.
vii. Heat sources such as cooking equipment.
viii. Friction generated heat and sparks from mechanical equipment and tools.
ix. Static charge from equipment.
x. Oxygen fuel fired equipment.
xi. Lightening.
xii. Arson.


i. Any material that burns is fuel.

ii. Stored packaged and cartoned new products.
iii. Plastic and wooden storage pallets.
iv. Flammable construction Material such as wood, plastic, rubber, Paint, Oil,
Lubricant, insulation etc.
v. Flammable chemicals.
vi. Wall panels, composite panels, timber.
vii. Protective covers and sheets.
viii. Stored fuel for vehicles and equipment.
ix. Liquid Petroleum Gas stored on site, used in cylinders for hot work.


i. Natural airflow through narrow gaps on tall wall systems and facades can
cause chimney effect and feed the fire.
ii. Oxidizing agents.
iii. Oxygen used in welding processes.
3.3. Preventive Actions

3.3.1. Once the responsible entities understand their role and responsibilities as per Section
3.1 and Identify the sources contributing to the fire accident as per Section 3.2,
preventive actions need to be taken.

3.3.2. Preventive actions to be taken at under construction or alteration or modification or

demolition sites shall be as per Table 12.3.

Table 12.3: Required Preventive Actions to be taken

1. SITE SECURITY i. Security Guard service shall be provided to the construction site to safeguard
the construction premises from arson, vandalism, unauthorized entries, and
uninformed people using equipment and tools that all can compromise
construction activity safety and could be causes of fire accidents.
ii. The guard(s) shall be trained in the following:
a. Notification procedures that include calling the Civil Defence, Program Man-
ager and Management personnel.
b. Usage of Fire Alarm, Notification and fire protection equipment.
c. Knowledge of various fire hazards.
d. Usage of construction elevators.
iii. Guards shall be informed of any special status of emergency equipment or
iv. Security fences shall be provided where required.
v. Entrances (e.g., doors and windows) to the structure under construction,
alteration, or demolition shall be secured.
vi. Provision of CCTV system should be considered to assist security guards and
enhance their efficiency.
2. SMOKING i. Smoking shall be prohibited at or in the vicinity of hazardous operations or
combustible/flammable materials. “NO SMOKING” signs shall be posted in the-
se areas.
ii. Smoking shall be permitted strictly only in designated areas, away from
storage, construction activity, garbage disposal areas, and flammable
iii. Where smoking is permitted, safe receptacles for smoking materials shall be
iv. Appropriate cigarette butt disposal ‘Ashtrays", ‘sand cans’ shall be provided at
the designated smoking areas.
v. Garbage cans shall not be used to dispose off the cigarette butts.
3. WASTE i. Accumulations of combustible waste material, dust, and debris shall be re-
DISPOSAL moved from the structure and its immediate vicinity at the end of each work
shift or more frequently as necessary for safe operations.
ii. Rubbish shall not be burned on the construction premises.
iii. Materials susceptible to spontaneous ignition, such as oily rags, shall be stored
in a listed disposal container.
iv. Trash chutes shall be used responsibly and for the purpose. Reactive
materials, reactive chemicals, oxidizers shall not be disposed into trash chute.
Table 12.3: Required Preventive Actions to be taken

Consultant shall prepare drawings for temporary offices, accommodations,
sheds etc. as per Civil Defence regulations, drawing submission
requirements and submit to Civil Defence for formal approval as any other
ACCOMODATIONS, project. See Chapter 19. Drawing Submission Requirements.
STORAGE SHEDS ii. Temporary/Modular Housing/Manufactured Homes/Modular Offices shall
be made of noncombustible material and shall comply with Chapter 1.
(MODULAR/ Table 1.9.58.
MANUFACTURED iii. Separation distances between buildings under construction and
construction-related structures, such as modular offices, modular housing,
temporary offices, trailers, sheds, and other facilities for the storage of
tools and materials having combustible construction or contents, shall be
in accordance with Table 12.3.a.
iv. Adequate detachment between temporary structures shall be provided to
minimize spread of fire.
v. Adequate temporary fire detection, fixed fire protection systems, and
portable firefighting equipment shall be provided as required by the
consultant’s Civil Defence approved layout of temporary and modular
homes/ offices.
vi. Only safely installed and Civil Defence approved cooking appliances and
methods shall be used in temporary offices and sheds.
vii. Clearance shall be provided around stoves, heaters, and all chimney and
vent connectors to prevent ignition of adjacent combustible materials.
viii. Vertical Positioning of Manufactured Homes. Manufactured homes shall
not be positioned vertically, stacked with one over the other, in whole or in
part, unless the structure is designed and approved for such installation and
permitted by the authority having jurisdiction.
ix. The location of underground electrical cables, gas piping, water piping, and
sewer lines that are buried within 1.2 m of the perimeter of the site's larg-
est planned manufactured home shall be indicated by an aboveground sign
(s) or underground marker tapes identifying the proximity of the lines.
x. A plot plan showing the “as built” location of underground utility lines shall
be available for installations in multiple-site facilities.
xi. Installation of all manufactured homes, including the installation of the
support system and the connection of structural, electrical, mechanical, and
plumbing systems to the site utilities or between sections in the case of
multiple-section homes, shall be performed in accordance with printed
installation instructions provided by the manufacturer of the home.
xii. All manufactured homes, accessory buildings, structures, and community
buildings shall be located and maintained in such a manner that required
egress windows or doors are not blocked.
Table 12.3.a: Separation Distances for Temporary Modular Homes, Offices and Structures


1. Up to 6 m 9m
2. 9 m 11 m
3. 12 m 12 m
4. 15 m 14 m
5. 18 m 15 m
6. More than 18 m 18 m
Table 12.3: Required Preventive Actions to be taken

5. TEMPORARY i. Only noncombustible panels, flame-resistant tarpaulins or approved materials
ENCLOSURES of equivalent fire-retardant characteristics shall be used.
ii. Any other fabrics or plastic films used shall be certified as conforming to the
requirements of Test Method #2 contained in NFPA 701, Standard Methods of
Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films. See Chapter 1. Section
iii. Where used to enclose structures, forming equipment and similar items, the
enclosing material shall be fastened securely or guarded by construction so it
cannot be blown by the wind against heaters or other sources of ignition.
iv. Temporary enclosures shall be equipped with at least one fire extinguisher
suitable for all classes of Fires that are expected in that enclosure.
Extinguishers shall comply with Chapter 4. Fire Extinguishers.
6. EQUIPMENT/ i. Internal combustion engines and associated equipment, such as air
MOTORIZED compressors, hoists, derricks, generators, pumps and similar devices shall be
located so that the exhausts discharges well away from combustible
ii. Where the exhausts are piped outside the structure under construction,
alteration, or demolition, a clearance of at least 230 mm shall be maintained
between such piping and combustible material.
iii. Internal combustion engines and associated equipment shall be shut down
and allowed to cool sufficiently prior to refueling.
iv. Service areas for equipment shall not be located within structures under
construction, alteration, or demolition.
v. Fuel for internal combustion engines shall not be stored within structures
under construction, alteration, or demolition.
7. TEMPORARY i. Temporary heating equipment such as LPG fueled, Oil-fired heaters shall be
HEATING listed and shall be installed, used, and maintained in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
ii. Chimney or vent connectors, where required from direct-fired heaters, shall
be maintained at least 460 mm from combustibles.
iii. Heating equipment shall be secured properly and kept clear from combustible
materials. Refueling operations shall be conducted in approved manner.
iv. Heating devices shall not be used in areas where flammable liquids are being
sprayed. Propane and kerosene heaters are prohibited inside buildings.
Heating equipment shall not be kept unattended when it is operating.
v. Heating equipment shall be located a minimum of 1 m away from combustibles
and in an area where it is not likely to overturn.
vi. Temporary heating equipment, where utilized, shall be monitored for safe
operation and maintained by properly trained personnel.
8. CONSTRUCTION i. Construction materials (drop clothes, tarps etc.) shall be noncombustible or
MATERIALS fire retardant with a maximum flame spread of 25, as tested in accordance
with ASTM E-84.
ii. Plastic sheeting shall be fire retardant type.
iii. Wood used in temporary or permanent construction shall be fire retardant
pressure impregnated.
iv. All materials used for temporary or permanent construction shall comply with
SD410 requirements.
Table 12.3: Required Preventive Actions to be taken

9. ASPHALT TAR i. Asphalt kettles shall not be located within 6.1m of any combustible material,
KETTLES combustible building surface or building opening.
ii. With the exception of thermostatically controlled kettles, an attendant shall
be within 30m of a kettle when the heat source is opening.
iii. Ladders or similar obstacles shall not form a part of the route between the
attendance and the kettle. Kettles shall be equipped with tight fitting covers.
iv. Mops and rags soaked with tar have potential to ignite spontaneously and
therefore must be thoroughly cleaned and stored away from the structure
and combustibles.
v. A 10 pound ABC-type portable fire extinguisher shall be provided within 9.1m
of the kettle. Water extinguishers shall not be used.
vi. A minimum 20-B:C rated portable fire extinguisher shall be located within
9.1 m of each asphalt kettle when the heat source is operating.
vii. Minimum 20-B:C rated portable fire extinguishers also shall be located on
roofs during asphalt coating operations.
10. VEHICLE i. All vehicles shall be parked a minimum of 20 feet (6.1m) from new buildings
PARKING under construction with following exceptions.
ii. Vehicles that are parked temporarily for loading/unloading or other
construction related operations. However such vehicles shall not be left
iii. Private vehicles maybe parked in parking garages of construction site if the
automatic fire sprinkler system is in service and vertical openings are
Work Permit Culture

3.4.1. Every type of work conducted on construction site such as Hot Work, Cold Work,
Confined Space Work, Electrical Work etc. shall be through work permit procedure,
where authorized safety team and supervisor issues work permits to contractor team
leader upon enquiring nature of work involved and safety measures that are in place
and need to be taken, including personal protective equipment, associated equipment
shut-offs and work site inspection. Such work permit practices shall be followed as
required by Table 12.4.

Table 12.4: Work Permit Requirements


i. Hot work includes any work involving operations capable of initiating fires or
explosions, including cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, thermal
spraying, thawing pipe, torch applied roofing or any other similar activity.
ii. The use of hot work equipment shall be in accordance with the following
requirements, including a pre-site inspection, fire watch and post inspection
iii. Written permission shall be obtained 24 hours in advance of work from the
contracting officer’s technical representative or team leader and building
operation manager.
iv. Internal permit shall be issued on a daily basis for all welding, cutting, brazing
and other open flame producing operations when it is determined that the;
a. Work can be done safely at the requested location.
b. Combustibles have been separated from the work area.
c. The atmosphere is not flammable.
d. A fire watch is posted for the work period and 30 minutes thereafter.
v. An inspection of the hot work site shall be conducted by the general contractor
or his/her designee prior to hot work operations to ensure the following.
a. The hot work site is clear of combustibles or that combustibles are protected.
b. Exposed construction is of non-combustible materials or that combustible
materials are protected.
c. Openings are to be protected.
d. There are no exposed combustibles on the opposite side of the partitions,
walls, ceilings, floors etc.
e. Fire extinguishers are available, fully charged and operable.
f. Fire watch personnel are assigned, equipped and trained.
vi. The fire watch shall be maintained a minimum of 30 minutes after the
conclusion of the work to look out for leftover sparks, slag or smoldering
vii. “Work Permit” culture shall be strictly followed.
viii. The Hot Work Permit Tag shall be available on work location at all times.
Table 12.4: Work Permit Requirements


i. The sole duty of fire watch personnel shall be to watch for occurrence of fire
during and after hot work operations. Individuals designated to fire watch duty
shall have fire extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in
the use of such equipment. Personnel assigned to fire watch shall be responsible
for extinguishing spot fires and communicating an alarm.


i. In Thermite welding, the mold shall be dried thoroughly before the charge is
ignited and provided with a cover.
ii. Bulk storage of Thermite welding materials shall be maintained in a
detached shed at least 15 m from the main buildings.
iii. Storage sheds shall be maintained dry, posted as a “no smoking” area, and kept
iv. Containers for the starting material shall be closed tightly immediately after
each use.
v. The molds shall not be removed until sufficient cooling has taken place in
accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions.
vi. Smoking shall not be permitted in areas where Thermite welding material is
being used.
Safe Storage and Handling Practices

3.5.1. Safe Storage and handling Practices shall be followed by all the contractors and
suppliers as required by Table 12.5.

Table 12.5.: Safe Storage and Handling Practices

i. The following requirements shall apply to storage areas for flammable and
COMBUSTIBLE combustible liquids and flammable gases
LIQUIDS/ ii. Storage areas shall be kept free of weeds and extraneous combustible material.
GASES iii. Open flames and smoking shall be prohibited in storage areas.
iv. Storage of Class I and Class II liquids shall not exceed 227 L (60 gal) within 15 m
of the structure.
v. Storage areas shall be kept free of weeds, debris, and combustible materials not
necessary to the storage.
vi. Open flames and smoking shall not be permitted in flammable and combustible
liquids storage areas.
vii. Such storage areas shall be appropriately posted as “No Smoking” areas.
viii. Tanks and containers shall be marked with the name of the product and sign,
ix. Tanks (i.e. containers in excess of 60 gallons) shall also be labeled.
x. O v e r n i g h t storage of combustible paints and liquids inside or within 15m of a
building shall not exceed 10 gallons, unless stored within an approved
flammable liquids storage cabinet in a location approved by building


i. At least one portable fire extinguisher (10 pound ABC type or 20-B type) shall be
located no less than 3m and no more than 15m from the flammable liquids
storage area.
ii. Class I and Class II liquids shall be kept in approved safety containers.
iii. Metal containers for Class I or Class II liquids shall be in accordance with NFPA
30, 30A requirements or shall be of an approved design. Discharge devices shall
not cause an internal pressure on the container. Individual containers shall not
be interconnected and shall be kept closed when not in use.
iv. Secondary containment or means of spill control, drainage control and diking
shall be required for containers and tanks as approved by the Fire Department
and if applicable, local hazardous materials program agency.
v. Means shall be provided to dispose of leakage and spills promptly and safely.
vi. Class I liquids shall be dispensed only where there are no open flames or other
sources of ignition within the possible path of vapor travel.
vii. Plans for the installation/use of any aboveground storage tank (i.e. container
greater than 60 gallons) shall be submitted to the Civil Defence and if applicable,
to local hazardous material program agency for review and permit prior to
proposed tank arriving at the site.
Table 12.5: Safe Storage and Handling Practices



i. The storage, handling, and use of explosive materials shall be in accordance with
NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code and ‘Code of Practice for the Management
of Dangerous Goods in the Emirates’ issued by Dubai Municipality.
ii. All blasting operations shall be under the direct supervision of an individual who
is legally licensed to use explosives and who possesses the required permits.
3. COMBUSTIBLE i. Combustible construction materials shall be stored a minimum of 6m from
MATERIALS buildings under construction or undergoing remodel, except for;
a. Materials that are staged for installation on a floor level.
b. When approved by the Civil Defence, materials may be stored in parking gar-
ages of Type I construction if the automatic fire sprinkler system is in service and
vertical openings are protected.
ii. Wood, cardboard, packing material, forms lumber and similar combustible
debris shall not be accumulated within buildings. Such debris, rubbish and
waste material shall be removed from buildings on a daily basis.
iii. Oily rags and similar material shall be stored in metal or other approved
containers equipped with tight fitting covers.
i. Combustible materials shall be kept a minimum of 3m from gas containers.
ii. Cylinders shall be protected against physical damage.
iii. Cylinders shall be stored upright and secured to prevent falling.
iv. Cylinders shall not be placed near elevators, unprotected platform edges or
other areas where they drop more than 0.61m.
v. Cylinders shall not be placed in areas where they may be damaged by falling
vi. When cylinders are not in use, valve protective caps shall be in place.
vii. Ropes, chains or slings shall not be used to suspend gas cylinders, unless the
cylinder was manufactured with appropriate lifting attachments.
viii. When stored, gas cylinders shall be separated from each other based on their
hazard classes.
ix. Gas cylinders shall be marked with the name of the contents.
Table 12.5.: Safe Storage and Handling Practices


i. LPG Cylinder storage shall comply with Chapter 11. Liquefied Petroleum Gas
PETROLEUM Design and Installation of this code and NFPA 58. Liquefied Petroleum Gas
GAS) Code.


i. Heating elements (other than integral heater-container units) shall be located at

least 1.8 m from any LP-Gas container.
ii. Integral heater-container units specifically designed for the attachment of the
heater to the container, or to a supporting standard attached to the container,
maybe used provided they are designed and installed so as to prevent direct or
radiant heat application to the LP-Gas container.
iii. Blower and radiant type units shall not be directed toward any LP-Gas container
within 6m.
iv. Heat producing equipment shall be installed with clearance to the combustible in
accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
v. Cylinders shall comply with Civil Defence Material approval specifications as per
Chapter 11. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Design and Installation. Section 6 and
shall be secured in an upright position.
vi. Regulators shall be approved for use with LP-Gas. Fittings shall be designed for at
least 250-psi service pressures.
vii. Hose shall be designed for a working pressure of at least 350 psi (unless limited
to 5 psi) and shall be a maximum of 6 feet (1.8m) in length.
viii. Portable heaters shall be equipped with an approved automatic device to shut
off the flow of gas to the main burner and to the pilot in the event of flame
extinguishment or combustion failure. Portable heaters with an input of more
than 50,000 Btu/hr. shall be equipped with either a pilot that must be proved
before the main burner can be turned on or an approved electronic ignition
ix. In addition to the above, for LPG storage/use in buildings, undergoing alteration
and that are fully or partially occupied, specific approval must be obtained from
the Civil Defence prior to bringing LP-Gas containers on-site.
x. The maximum water capacity of individual containers shall be 45 kg and number
of containers in the building shall not exceed the number of workers assigned to
using the LP-Gas.
xi. LPG Containers shall not be left unattended and shall be stored in dedicated
lockable storage open space after the usage.

Points to Ponder
Several fires engulfed fully constructed and ready to occupy buildings. The fire
load in ready to occupy buildings and negligence in putting the Fire Detection
and Protection Systems in service costs the building owners huge losses.
Electrical Safety

3.6.1. Electrical Safety during construction shall be as per Table 12.6.

Table 12.6.: Electrical Safety Requirements

i. All construction-operation electrical wiring and equipment for light, heat or
power purposes shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of NFPA
70, National Electrical Code.
ii. Electrical devices shall be maintained in a safe condition.
iii. Extension cords shall be maintained free from damage.
iv. Damaged equipment and cords shall be removed from service until rendered


i. All branch circuits shall originate in an approved power outlet or panel board.
ii. Conductors shall be permitted within multi conductor cord or cable assemblies
or as open conductors.
iii. All conductors shall be protected by overcurrent devices rated for the ampacity
of the conductors.
iv. Runs of open conductors shall be located where the conductors are not subject
to physical damage, and the conductors shall be fastened at intervals not
exceeding 3 m.
v. Each branch circuit that supplies receptacles or fixed equipment shall contain a
separate equipment grounding conductor where run as an open conductor.
vi. Wiring, junction boxes, electrical devices, electrical equipment, panel boards etc.
shall not be located where water flooding is a possibility.


i. Temporary lights shall be equipped with guards to prevent accidental contact

with the bulb unless the construction of the reflector is such that the bulb is
deeply recessed.
ii. Temporary lighting fixtures, such as quartz, that operate at temperatures
capable of igniting ordinary combustibles shall be fastened securely so that the
possibility of their coming in contact with such materials is precluded.
iii. Temporary lights shall be equipped with heavy-duty electrical cords with
connections and insulation maintained in safe condition.
iv. Temporary lights shall not be suspended by their electrical cords unless such
cords and lights have been designed for that purpose.
v. Splices shall have insulation equivalent to that of the cable.
vi. Temporary wiring shall be removed immediately upon the completion of the
construction or purpose for which the wiring was installed.
Safe Work Practices

3.7.1. Construction work shall be performed by various contractors involved in a professional

and safe manner as required by Table 12.7.

Table 12.7.: Safe Work Practices

1. SCAFFOLDING, i. Accumulations of unnecessary combustible forms or form lumber shall be
SHORING AND prohibited.
ii. Combustible forms or form lumber shall be brought into the structure only
when needed.
iii. Combustible forms or form lumber shall be removed from the structure as soon
as stripping is complete.
iv. Those portions of the structure where combustible forms are present shall not
be used for the storage of other combustible building materials.
v. During forming and stripping operations, portable fire extinguishers or charged
hose lines shall be provided to protect the additional combustible loading
vi. Yard storage of equipment to be installed or combustible construction materials
shall not be stored closer than 9 m from the structure under construction or
2. LPG AND i. The installation of gas piping for construction purposes, or modifications to
NATURAL existing gas piping, gas utilization equipment, or accessories, shall be
performed only by a qualified company with certified people.
ii. All such work shall be in accordance with Chapter 11, Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Design and Installation of this code, NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
and NFPA 54, National Fuel Code.
iii. All modifications to existing gas piping systems shall be performed with the gas
turned off.
iv. Hot taps shall be permitted to be made, provided they are installed by a trained
and experienced crew utilizing equipment specifically designed for such
3. COMPART- i. Fire resistance rated walls and exit stairways, where required for the completed
MENTATION building, shall be given priority for execution.
ii. Fire doors with approved closing devices and hardware shall be installed as soon
as is practicable and preferably before combustible material is introduced.
iii. Fire doors, after installation shall not be obstructed from closing.
iv. Protection shall be provided to separate an occupied portion of the structure
from a portion of the structure undergoing alteration, construction, or
demolition operations when such operations are considered as having a higher
level of hazard than the occupied portion of the building.
v. Walls shall have at least a 1-hour fire resistance rating.
vi. Opening protectives shall have at least a 45-minute fire protection rating.
vii. Nonrated walls and opening protectives shall be permitted when an approved
automatic sprinkler system is installed.
i. Table 12.7: Safe Work Practices


i. Asphalt and tar kettles shall not be located on roofs.

ii. A lid that can be closed by means of gravity shall be provided on all roofing
iii. The tops and covers of all kettles shall be close-fitting and constructed of steel
having a thickness of not less than No. 14 manufacturer’s standard gauge 2 mm.
iv. Used roofing mops and rags shall be cleaned of excessive asphalt and stored
away from the building and combustible materials.
v. Discarded roofing mops and rags shall not be in contact with combustibles.
vi. Kettles shall be constantly attended when in operation by a minimum of one
employee knowledgeable of the operations and hazards. The employee shall be
within 7600 mm of the kettle and have the kettle within sight.
vii. Roofing kettles shall not block exits, means of egress, gates, roadways, or
entrances. In no case shall kettles be closer than 3000 mm from exits or means
of egress.


i. Single-ply and torch-applied roofing systems shall be installed using extreme

ii. Torches or hot-air guns used to secure roofing membranes shall be used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
iii. In order to prevent smoking or ignition of roofing membranes, they shall not be


i. Caution shall be used where working near roof openings, penetrations, or

ii. The flame of the torch shall not come in direct contact with wood nailers, cant
strips, or metal flashing.
iii. Small torches shall be used to heat the underside of the membrane at a distance
from these areas before securement.
iv. Hot trowels shall be used to feather seams at laps and flashings.
v. The torch shall not be used in areas where the flame impingement cannot be
fully viewed.
vi. Open flames shall not be left unattended.


i. The torch flame shall not be applied to a combustible substrate for the
ii. Base ply shall be used to cover wooden decks, combustible insulation (such as
foam plastic, kraft-faced glass fiber, or wood fiber), small crevices, cant strips,
plastic fastener plates, or any other combustible surface.
iii. Base ply shall be permitted to consist of either glass fiber felts or minimum 18 kg
(40 lb.) organic felts.
Table 12.7.: Safe Work Practices


i. The installation of torch-applied roofing and, in some cases, single-ply roofing sys-
tems is hot work and shall comply with Section 3.4., of this chapter, except where
otherwise noted.
ii. Torch-applied roofing shall be exempt from the requirement in NFPA 51B, Standard
for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work, that combustibles
shall be kept 11 m from hot work, commonly referred to as the “35 Foot Rule.”


i. Proper equipment shall be used to heat roofing membranes.

ii. Torches shall be equipped with a pilot adjustment, a flame height adjustment, a
minimum of 7600 mm to a maximum of 15 m of listed hose, a pressure gauge, and a
iii. A spark igniter shall be used.
iv. Torch trolleys and multiple torch head machines shall be equipped with listed safety
v. Equipment shall be inspected thoroughly and repaired or replaced as needed prior
to use.


i. Fuel gas cylinders shall not be hoisted by their valves.

ii.Straps placed around the cylinders shall be utilized.
Carts used to transport fuel gas cylinders shall be stable.
iv.Safety caps shall be attached to all fuel gas cylinders and installed on the valves
whenever cylinders are not in use.
v. The fuel gas cylinder shall be sized for the torch used .


i. If frost buildup occurs on fuel gas cylinders and the rate of vapor withdrawal is no
longer adequate for operating conditions, the cylinder shall not be placed on its side
or heated with the torch flame.
ii. The hose shall be disconnected and a larger cylinder shall be used.


i. There shall be at least one portable fire extinguisher having a rating of not less than
20-B no closer than 1500 mm and no more than 7600 mm of horizontal travel dis-
tance from every kettle at all times while such kettle is in operation.
ii. Fire extinguishers shall be located in an accessible, visible, or identified location.
iii. There shall be at least one multipurpose 2-A:20-B:C portable fire extinguisher on
the roof being covered or repaired, or other fire protection shall be provided as de-
termined by the authority having jurisdiction.
iv. There shall be at least one multipurpose 2-A:20-B:C portable fire extinguisher within
6100 mm) of horizontal travel distance from torch-applied roofing equipment.
fire extinguishers.
Table 12.7.: Safe Work Practices


i. Fuel containers, burners, and related appurtenances of roofing equipment in

which liquefied petroleum gas is used for heating shall comply with all the appli-
cable requirements of NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code.
ii. Fuel containers having capacities greater than 0.45 kg (1 lb) shall be located at
least 3000 mm from the burner flame or at least 600 mm there from where
properly insulated from heat or flame.
iii. Solid fuel or Class I liquids shall not be used as fuel for roofing kettles.
iv. LP-Gas cylinders shall be secured to prevent accidental tip over.
v. Where in the opinion of the authority having jurisdiction, there is danger of
physical damage to the fuel containers, protection shall be provided.
i. Special precautions shall be taken where demolition work is performed in areas
where floors are soaked with oil or other flammable liquid; where dust accumu-
lations are present; or where combustible insulation is present in floors, walls,
or ceilings/roofs where hot work is being performed. In these situations,
charged fire hose lines of an adequate number shall be provided.
ii. Flammable and combustible liquids shall be drained from tanks and machinery
reservoirs in a safe manner and removed from the building immediately.
iii. Particular attention shall be paid to the removal of residue and sludge accumu-
lations if hot work operations are involved.


i. If explosives are used in demolition work (implosion), fire hose lines at least two
of 38 mm (1.5 in.) diameter or one 64 mm (2.5 in.) diameter] shall be provided
in the immediate vicinity of the demolition site during the actual detonation.
ii. The required fire hose lines shall be of sufficient length to be capable of extin-
guishing any small fire anywhere on the demolition site after detonation.


i. Prior to demolition, gas supplies shall be turned off and capped at a point out-
side the building.
ii. Gas lines within the building shall be purged after capping.
6. FIRE i. Where construction site fire protection systems are provided as per Section 3.8.
PROTECTION and building is equipped with sprinklers, the sprinkler protection shall be re-
tained in service as long as the condition requiring the use of sprinklers exists.
ii. The operation of sprinkler control valves shall be permitted only by properly
authorized personnel and shall be accompanied by the notification of designat-
ed parties.
iii. Where the sprinkler protection is regularly turned off and on to facilitate remov-
al and capping of segments, the sprinkler control valves shall be checked at the
end of each work shift to ascertain that protection is in service.
iv. Standpipes shall be maintained in conformity with the progress of construction
activity in such a manner that they are always ready for fire department use.
Table 12.7.: Safe Work Practices

i. In addition to the specific requirements of this section, the provisions of all the
sections of this chapter shall apply to the underground operations unless other-
wise modified by this chapter.
ii. Drainage systems shall be properly designed and installed to remove water from
sprinkler discharge and fire hose streams.
iii. Fire safety for existing, operating, fixed guideway underground transportation
systems undergoing alteration or renovation shall be in accordance with NFPA
130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems.
iv. Means of egress for existing, operating, underground structures shall be in ac-
cordance with Chapter 3. Means of Egress.


i. At each aboveground entrance, underground operations shall have a check-in/

check-out system, supervised by a qualified individual at all times, that provides
an accurate record of each person who is underground.
ii. The location of the check-in/check-out system shall be within 7600 mm of the
entrance and shall be easily identified.
iii. Completed or unused sections of the underground facility shall be barricaded,
properly marked and made off limits.
iv. Compartmentation by means of the installation of fire and smoke barriers shall
be at intervals that limit the extent and severity of the fire and that provide are-
as of refuge for occupants.


i. A fire protection water supply system shall be provided as per Section 3.8.
ii. No minimum water supply can be specified due to the wide range of construc-
tion types, sites, and sizes. However, unless combustibles are essentially nonex-
istent in the completed structure and occupancy, a minimum of 1893 L/min (500
gpm) should be provided. In most instances, the required supply is greater and
the consultant’s proposal shall be submitted to Civil Defence for approval.
iii. The fire hose outlets shall be provided so that travel distance does not exceed
46 m.


i. A written fire prevention, fire suppression and emergency evacuation plan shall
be developed, maintained and kept current.
ii. Special attention shall be given to rescue and smoke-venting procedures, to
means of ingress/egress and to training and orientation of employees and visi-
iii. All personnel, including visitors, shall be trained in emergency and evacuation
procedures and informed of the hazards prior to going underground.
Table 12.7.: Safe Work Practices

i. Underground operations shall conduct disaster and evacuation drills for each
shift at least once at the start of underground operations and every 6 months,
or more frequently as appropriate.
ii. A record of such drills shall be maintained.


i. Fire protection extinguishing equipment applicable to the hazard shall be pro-

vided at the head, tail, drive, and take-up pulley areas of belt conveyors and at
intervals along belt conveyor lines that shall not exceed 91 m.
ii. Belt conveyors installed in underground locations, other than belts that carry
the load of the belt on a low-friction metal deck without rollers, shall meet the
following minimum requirements.
a. Conveyor belting shall be approved.
b. Entrances in which belt conveyors are installed shall be kept free of accumu-
lations such as muck, debris, and combustibles.
c. All belt conveyors shall be equipped with an approved slippage switch system
designed to shut down the belt when sliding friction develops between the drive
pulley(s) and the belt.
d. The slippage switch system shall be tested weekly.
e. On each new installation, the slippage switch system shall be tested before
the conveyor is used.
iii. All conveyor belt systems shall be equipped with approved interlock systems
that shut down belt conveyors when any conveyor in the system stops or reduc-
es its normal speed or upon activation of any required fire protection system.
iv. Fixed combustible materials such as posts, cribbing, and roof supports shall be
either guarded from contact by the belt using metal or located at a distance of
at least ½ the width of the belt from any idler or pulley.
a. An alternate method for minimizing potential frictional ignition is the use of
alignment switches at intervals sufficient to prevent the belt from contacting
such materials.
b. Guarding for machinery in the drive area and at other points along the belt
shall be of noncombustible material.
v. New installations of belt conveyors shall utilize a structure that does not provide
a deck between the upper and lower strands of the belt.
vi. Suitable fire extinguishers shall be installed so that travel distance from any one
point in a tunnel does not exceed 91 m (300 ft.) on a horizontal plane.
vii. Audible and visible alarm and emergency lighting for safe evacuation shall be
viii. Two means of communications with the surface shall be available at all times
from all areas of the underground facility.
ix. All communications systems shall be tested weekly.
Table 12.7.: Safe Work Practices

i. Electrical cords and plugs shall be heavy duty and suitable for use in damp loca-
ii. Conductors shall be located or guarded so as to be protected from physical
damage. Multiconductor portable cable shall be permitted to supply mobile
iii. An equipment grounding conductor shall be run with circuit conductors inside
the metal raceway or inside the multiconductor cable jacket.
iv. The equipment grounding conductor shall be permitted to be insulated or bare.
v. Oil-filled transformers shall only be used underground where located in a fire-
resistant enclosure suitably vented to the outside and surrounded by a dike to
retain the contents of the transformers in the event of rupture.


i. Bare terminals of transformers, switches, motor controllers, and other equip-

ment shall be enclosed to prevent accidental contact with energized parts.
ii. Enclosures for use in tunnels shall be raintight, rainproof, or watertight as de-
fined in NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, where necessitated by the environ-
mental conditions.
iii. Special attention shall be given to maintaining clear access and adequate work
space around electrical equipment in accordance with NFPA 70E, Standard for
Electrical Safety in the Workplace. Proper housekeeping shall be maintained to
avoid fire hazards.
iv. All nonenergized metal parts of electrical equipment and metal raceways and
cable sheaths shall be effectively grounded and bonded to all metal pipes and
rails at the portal and at intervals not exceeding 300 m (1000 ft.) throughout the


i. Hot work operations shall be in accordance with NFPA 51B, Standard for Fire
Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work.
ii. A suitable fire extinguisher or other fire control device shall be ready for instant
use in any location where hot work is performed.
iii. Acetylene, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied oxygen (LOX), and methyl
acetylene propadiene stabilized gas (MPS) shall be permitted to be used under-
ground only for welding, cutting, and hot work and only if the quality of air is
within permitted limits in accordance with the ACGIH Threshold Limit Values
and Biological Exposure Indices for 1992–1993.
iv. The quantity of combustible materials to be used underground shall be kept to a
minimum. Advance planning shall provide for the use of materials having the
most favorable combination of high ignition points, low rates of combustion,
and low emissions of smoke and harmful gases.

Table 12.7.: Safe Work Practices

i. Class I flammable liquids shall not be taken, stored, or used underground or
within 30 m of a tunnel portal or shaft opening.
ii. Class II and Class III liquids shall be transported and stored in approved closed
containers, safety cans, or tanks.
iii. Quantities shall be limited to those necessary for one work shift.
iv. Lubricating oils, greases, and rope dressings taken underground shall be in
closed and reclosable approved containers that do not allow the contents to
leak or spill.
v. Oil, grease, and diesel fuel stored underground shall be kept in tightly sealed
containers in fire-resistant areas located at least 30 m from shafts and inclines.
vi. Storage areas shall be positioned or diked so that the contents of ruptured or
overturned containers cannot flow from the storage area.
vii. Areas within 7600 mm of major electrical installations and unburied tanks for
storage of combustible liquids shall be free of transient combustible materials.
viii. No combustible structure shall be erected and no combustible materials shall be
stored within 30 m (100 ft.) of an access shaft, shaft hoist, or other entry.
ix. Metal containers with self-closing lids shall be provided and used to store com-
bustible waste and debris and shall be removed and taken to the surface daily.


i. Less hazardous hydraulic fluids that are listed shall be used in underground ma-
chinery and equipment unless the machinery and equipment are protected by
an approved fire suppression system or by approved multipurpose fire extin-
guishers rated at least 4-A:40-B:C.
ii. Wherever self-propelled equipment is used underground, a fire suppression sys-
tem or a fire extinguisher rated at least 4-A:40-B:C shall be provided on the


i. Where single-entry shafts/tunnel ventilation systems are used, they shall be re-
versible from a location outside and in close proximity to the shaft/tunnel.
ii. The ventilation system shall be sufficient for the number of personnel and
equipment underground.
iii. Air-sampling logs shall be maintained. Air tests shall be conducted before or
after each shift.
iv. Air-sampling logs shall be available to the authority having jurisdiction.
v. Fan houses, fan bulkheads for main and booster fans and air ducts connecting
main fans to underground openings shall be constructed of noncombustible ma-
3.8. Fire Access, Means of Egress, Fire Detection and Fire Protection System

3.8.1. Fire access road for Civil Defence approach, Means of Egress for evacuation, Fire Detec-
tion and Alarm Systems and Fire protection Systems for under construction, alteration,
modification or demolition sites shall be as per Table 12.8.

Table 12.8.: Fire Access, Means of Egress, Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Requirements

1. FIRE ACCESS i. All construction sites shall be accessible by Civil Defence apparatus by means of
roadways having an all-weather driving service of not less than 6.1m of unob-
structed width.
ii. The roads shall have the ability to withstand the live loads of fire apparatus of
80 tons of distributed load and have a minimum 4.5 m of vertical clearance.
iii. Fire access shall not be through basements, underpasses of the building under
iv. Dead end fire access roads in excess of 45m in length shall be provided with
approved turnarounds in accordance with Chapter 2. Fire Access.
v. A suitable location at the site shall be designated as a command post and pro-
vided with plans, emergency information, keys, communications and equip-
ment, as needed.
vi. The person in charge of fire protection shall respond to the location command
post whenever fire occurs.
vii. Where access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of
secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-
fighting purposes, the Civil Defence personnel shall be permitted to require a
key box to be installed in an accessible location.
viii. Access for use of Civil Defence apparatus shall be provided to the immediate
job site at the start of the project and maintained until completion.
ix. The required width of access roadways shall not be obstructed in any manner,
including obstruction by parked vehicles, storage material and assembly points.
x. Signs or other appropriate notices, or both, prohibiting obstruction shall be
installed and shall be maintained.
xi. The access roadway shall be extended to within 46 m of all portions of the ex-
terior walls of the first story of any building under construction.
xii. Where an access roadway cannot be provided, an approved fire protection sys-
tem or systems shall be provided and approved by the Civil Defence.
xiii. Where a bridge is required to be used as access, it shall be constructed and
maintained using design live loading sufficient to carry the imposed loads of
the fire apparatus in accordance with Chapter 2. Fire Access.

xiv. See Chapter 2. Fire Access for more details on Fire Access road requirements.
Table 12.8.: Fire Access, Means of Egress, Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Requirements

i. All new buildings under construction shall have at least two unobstructed exits.
EGRESS All exits shall be identified in the Fire Protection Plan.
ii. Where stairs and exit routes of the building are under construction, exterior
temporary steel stairs and exits shall be provided which lead directly to ground
floor to the safety of outside the building.
iii. In multi-story constructions, each level above the first story shall be provided
with at least two usable exit stairs after the floor decking is installed. The stair-
ways shall be continuous and discharge to grade level.
iv. Stairways serving more than two floor levels shall be enclosed (with openings
adequately protected) after exterior walls/windows are in place. Exit stairs shall
be lighted and maintained clear of debris and construction materials at all
times except when one of the required exit stairs is under construction (i.e.
installation of gypsum board, painting, flooring etc.), but not more than two
continuous floors.
v. All exit stairs shall be provided with stair identification signs to include the floor
level, stair designation, and exit path direction as required to provide for safe
vi. Night time construction work shall not be performed without adequate lighting
in exits, exit stairs and escape routes to safety outside the building.


i. Where hoists and elevators provide the only efficient means of transporting
hose and other cumbersome fire-fighting equipment to upper floors, they shall
be available to the Civil Defence at all times.


i. Designated exterior assembly points shall be established for all construction

personnel to relocate to upon evacuation. The assembly points shall also be
identified in Fire Protection Plan.
Table 12.8.: Fire Access, Means of Egress, Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Requirements

i. Where the building under construction requires Yard Fire Hydrants as per Civil
SYSTEMS Defence approved consultant’s drawings, the Hydrants either temporary or part
of the permanent hydrant network shall be installed based on the hazard evalua-
tion of the construction site, in compliance with Chapter 9, Section 3.11.
ii. Fire Pump and water tanks are permitted to be non listed when they are tempo-
rarily installed to safeguard construction activity.
iii. Temporary Fire pump capacity shall be permitted to be 500 gpm.
iv. Permanent fire pump capacity shall be as per Civil Defence approved consultant
v. Temporary fire water tank shall be permitted to be of 60 minutes duration.
vi. Permanent fire water tank shall be as per Civil Defence approved consultant
vii. Free access from the street to fire hydrants and to outside connections for stand-
pipes, sprinklers, or other fire extinguishing equipment, whether permanent or
temporary, shall be provided and maintained at all times.
viii. Protective pedestrian walkways shall be constructed such that they do not im-
pede access to hydrants.
ix. No stored material, debris or construction activity shall interfere with access to
hydrants, Siamese connections, or fire extinguishing equipment.


i. Where the consultant design NOC requires dry risers with hose reel system for
the completed building, the building under construction shall be provided with
temporary dry risers with hose reel system as per Chapter 9, Section 3.3., with
50 gpm non listed pump and 60 minutes duration fire water tank.
ii. Where the consultant design NOC requires wet risers for the completed building,
the temporary Wet riser shall be installed when the progress of construction is
not more than 10.7 m in height above the lowest level of Civil Defence access.
iii. Fire Pump and water tanks are permitted to be non listed when they are tempo-
rarily installed to safeguard construction activity, when building height is less
than 23 m from fire access level.
iv. Temporary Fire pump capacity for wet risers shall be permitted to be 500 gpm,
with single wet riser serving two hose outlets located near the exit stair.
v. Temporary fire water tank shall be permitted to be of 60 minutes duration.
vi. When the under construction building height crosses 23 m, permanent wet riser
system, as per consultant’s approved drawing, shall be in place and in working
vii. Permanent fire pump capacity and number of wet risers shall be as per Civil De-
fence approved consultant drawings.
viii. Permanent fire water tank shall be as per Civil Defence approved consultant
ix. Standpipes shall be provided with breeching inlets, Civil Defence hose connec-
tions and outlets at accessible locations adjacent to usable stairs.
x. The standpipe system shall be extended as construction progresses to within one
floor of the highest point of construction having secured decking or flooring.
xi. Each floor shall be provided with 2 ½ in. (64mm) valve outlet for Civil Defence
xii. In all new buildings in which standpipes are required or where standpipes exist in
buildings being altered or demolished, such standpipes shall be maintained in
conformity with the progress of building construction in such a manner that they
are always ready for use.
xiii. All the hose outlets shall be in hose cabinet as per Chapter 9, Section 3.3 and
Figure 13.1: Fire Protection Systems for Under Construction Buildings

Points to Ponder
Because of the huge occupant load of workers on construction sites, under construction
exit stairs and accumulation of large quantity of construction materials in exit ways, the
emergency evacuation by workers is not always easy.

Alternative methods of escaping from higher floors such as escape chutes, escape lad-
ders and escape slides should be considered and provided as per manufacturer’s
guide- lines and safety precautions along with training workers of their usage.
Table 12.8.: Fire Access, Means of Egress, Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Requirements

PROTECTION i. Where temporary automatic sprinkler systems are considered to be provided for
SYSTEMS under construction buildings, 500 gpm temporary fire pump with 30 minutes op-
eration fire water tank shall be permitted.
ii. Where permanent automatic Fire Sprinkler systems are required to be installed
in new buildings as per consultant’s approved drawing from Civil Defence, the
system shall be placed in service as soon as it is feasible and before interior finish
work commences.
iii. Immediately upon the completion of sprinkler pipe installation on each floor lev-
el, the piping shall be hydrostatically tested and inspected. After inspection ap-
proval from the Civil Defence, each floor level of sprinkler piping shall be con-
nected to the system supply riser and placed into service.
iv. For system activation notification, an exterior alarm bell can be installed and con-
nected to the sprinkler water flow device prior to installation of the monitoring
v. For buildings equipped with fire sprinkler systems that are undergoing altera-
tions, the sprinkler system(s) shall remain in service at all times except when sys-
tem modifications are necessary.
vi. Fire sprinkler systems undergoing modifications shall be returned to service at
the end of each workday unless otherwise approved by the Civil Defence.
vii. The general contractor or his/her designee shall check the sprinkler control valve
(s) at the end of each work day to confirm that system has been restored to ser-
viii. New building or building undergoing modifications shall not be occupied until the
sprinkler installation has been entirely completed, tested and in service as per
Chapter 9, Section 3.5.
ix. The provision of Table shall not prohibit occupancy of the lower
floors of a building, even where the upper floors are in various stages of con-
struction or protection, provided the following conditions are satisfied:
a. The sprinkler protection of the lower occupied floors is completed, tested and
in service.
b. The sprinkler protection of the upper floors is supplied by entirely separate
systems and separate control valves so that the absence or incompleteness of
protection in no way impairs the sprinkler protection of the occupied lower
c. Where the sprinkler protection is regularly turned off and on to facilitate con-
nection of newly completed segments, the sprinkler control valves shall be
checked at the end of each work shift to ascertain that protection is in service.


i. Portable Fire Extinguishers shall be provided and shall be mounted on a wall or

post at each usable stairway, such that the travel distance to any extinguisher
does not exceed 23 m.
ii. Mounting height to the top of the extinguisher shall not exceed 1.5m. Extinguish-
ers shall not have less than a 2A10BC rating or as per Chapter 4. Fire Extinguish-
iii. Wherever a tool house, storeroom, or other shanty is located in or adjacent to
the building under construction or demolition or where a room or space within
that building is used for storage, a dressing room or a workshop, at least one ap-
proved extinguisher shall be provided and maintained in an accessible location.
iv. At least one approved fire extinguisher also shall be provided in plain sight on
each floor at each usable stairway as soon as combustible material accumulates.
v. Suitable fire extinguishers shall be provided on self-propelled equipment.
vi. Free access to permanent, temporary or portable first aid Civil Defence shall be
maintained at all times.
Table 12.8.: Fire Access, Means of Egress, Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Requirements

AND ALARM i. Temporary Fire Detection and Alarm System, with same features as perma-
SYSTEM nent Fire Detection and Alarm System as per Chapter 8, to cover the floors
that have been constructed is highly recommended.
ii. Manual Fire Detection and Alarm System as per Chapter 8, Section 3.10.
shall be permitted.
iii. Wireless/Low powered Radio frequency based Fire Detection and Alarm
System as per Chapter 8, Section 3.11. shall be permitted and shall com-
municate with 24X7 signaling of Civil Defence, where available.
iv. Wireless/Low powered radio frequency based fire Detection and Alarm
System are best suited for construction sites, as they can be installed on
temporary basis without wiring.
v. Alarm notification shall be such that affected area construction site shall be
notified with sound and visual devices. audio devices shall have sound level
of 15 dB more than the ambient sound level.


i. Fire alarm systems shall be maintained operational at all times during

building alterations. When an alteration requires modifications to a portion
of the fire alarm system, the portion of the system requiring work shall be
isolated and the remainder of the system shall be kept in service whenever
ii. When it is necessary to shut down an entire fire alarm system, a fire watch
or other mitigation approved by the Civil Defence shall be implemented by
the Consultant and Program Manager until the system is returned to full
iii. Where the automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System is regularly turned
off and on to facilitate connection of newly completed segments, the Sys-
tem shall be checked at the end of each work shift to ascertain that com-
pleted are Fire Detection and Alarm System is in service.

5. TELEPHONE AND i. There shall be a readily available public fire alarm box near the premises,
telephone service to the responding Civil Defence, or equivalent communi-
COMMUNICATION cations facilities.
SYSTEMS ii. Instructions shall be issued for the immediate notification of the Civil De-
fence in case of a fire emergency.
iii. Where telephone service is employed, the Civil Defence number (997) and
site address shall be conspicuously posted near each telephone.

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