The Garden Party Test
The Garden Party Test
The Garden Party Test
1 Who said what? Match a number from A with a letter 3 Match the following words with the correct story;
from B. doll, paddock, cart, creek, lawn, shearing, lily,
10 marks
6 The little governess is going to work in _____. 20 The lady’s maid is a _____ woman.
a □ Germany b □ Austria c □ Russia a □ hard-working, obedient b □ lazy, careless
d □ France c □ strange, silent d □ sad, miserable
7 At the ball, Leila dances with _____.
a □ nobody b □ her sister c □ a lot of 20 marks
different men d □ one fat man
8 The woman with blue eyes and yellow hair lives
at a store _____. Dialogue
a □ in a very lonely place b □ on the edge of
Who said or wrote this?
a busy town c □ on a small island d □ next to
21 ‘Excuse me, Mademoiselle. You dropped this.’
a beach
a □ Ian French b □ the man in the fish shop
9 Millie Evans learns that Mr Williamson has
c □ the girl in the flat d □ the girl’s mother
been _____.
22 ‘Is it true that you’re going to be a servant when
a □ punished b □ robbed c □ killed d □ hurt
you grow up, Lil Kelvey?’
10 The lady’s maid has worked for ‘my lady’ for
a □ Aunt Beryl b □ Isabel Burnell c □ Kezia
Burnell d □ Lena Logan
a □ a few days b □ a few weeks
23 ‘But we can’t possibly have a garden party with
c □ a few months d □ a long time
a man dead just outside the front gate.’
20 marks a □ Laura b □ Jose c □ Mrs Sheridan
d □ Mr Sheridan
24 ‘... there’s plenty of other people who would
Characters give me good money for a room like this.’
a □ Miss Ada Moss b □ Mrs Pine
Choose the best answer.
c □ Mr Kadgit d □ Mr Bithem
11 Ian French is a _____ man. 25 ‘Well, I’m not really an actress. I’m a trained singer.’
a □ cruel, dangerous b □ relaxed, cheerful a □ Miss Ada Moss b □ Mrs Pine c □ the
c □ talkative, confident d □ quiet, shy fair baby girl of thirty d □ the waitress in the
12 Lil and Else Kelvey are poor girls who _____. café
a □ everybody likes b □ everybody knows 26 ‘I wonder if you would let me show you a little
c □ nobody plays with d □ nobody knows of Munich today.’
13 Mrs Sheridan gives Laura a _____ to wear to the a □ Frau Arnholdt b □ the lady at the
party. Governess Agency c □ the waiter
a □ hat b □ dress c □ blouse d □ necklace d □ the older German man
27 ‘Yes, it really is the first ball I’ve ever been to. Plot
You see, I’ve lived in the country all my life …’
Choose the best answer.
a □ the fat man b □ Meg c □ Leila d □ Laura
28 ‘Six years I’ve been here and it’s broken me, 41 Ian French finally decides to _____ the girl in
living here. I told him, it’s broken me, taken the flat.
away everything I had.’ a □ paint b □ photograph c □ talk to
a □ Jim b □ Jo c □ the kid d □ the woman d □ marry
with blue eyes and yellow hair 42 Kezia asks Lil and Else Kelvey to _____ but
29 ‘I know who you are. I must have been blind not Aunt Beryl tells them to go away.
to see it from the start.’ a □ buy the doll’s house b □ see the doll’s
a □ Mr Williamson b □ Mrs Williamson house c □ have dinner d □ go on a walk
c □ Millie Evans d □ Willie Cox 43 Laura goes to see Mrs Scott’s _____.
30 ‘Take them all back. It’s all over. I’m not going a □ new house b □ new baby c □ sick
to marry you.’ mother d □ dead husband
a □ Harry b □ Ellen, the maid c □ ‘My Lady’ 44 Miss Ada Moss meets a man in the Café de
Madrid and decides _____ with him.
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
d □ Ellen’s grandfather
a □ to play cards b □ to go to the theatre
20 marks c □ to go to his house d □ to have dinner
45 The waiter at the hotel is angry with the little
governess because she _____.
Vocabulary a □ is rude and not polite to him b □ doesn’t
give him enough money c □ eats too much
Choose the best answer.
food d □ doesn’t eat any food
31 when something doesn’t happen very often
46 At his flat, the older German man starts to
a □ rare b □ frequent c □ basic d □ necessary
_____ the little governess.
32 a leather seat for sitting on a horse
a □ play music to b □ sing with c □ rob
a □ sofa b □ armchair c □ saddle d □ belt
d □ kiss
33 to write your details on a form
47 At the end of the ball, Leila suddenly feels _____
a □ fill in b □ fill up c □ put up d □ put
a □ happy b □ sad c □ hungry d □ thirsty
34 when you feel sad and tired
48 The kid at the store draws a picture of a woman
a □ delighted b □ weary c □ fortunate
_____ a man.
d □ thirsty
a □ dancing with and then kissing
35 a part of a railway train where passengers sit
b □ shooting and then burying c □ marrying
a □ car b □ room c □ carriage d □ cart
and then leaving d □ writing to and then
36 an area of short, neat grass in a garden
a □ lake b □ lawn c □ field d □ bush
49 Millie Evans tries to help Harrison by _____.
37 a toy that looks like a person, for children to
a □ giving him money b □ giving him a horse
play with
c □ hiding him under the bed d □ washing
a □ swing b □ farm c □ game d □ doll
and feeding him
38 a small simple house that you usually find in the
50 Ellen, the lady’s maid decided not to _____ and
continued working for ‘my lady’.
a □ flat b □ cottage c □ castle d □ block
a □ marry Harry b □ open a shop c □ go on
39 the first light of a new day; when the sun starts
holiday d □ work in London
to come up
a □ storm b □ sunset c □ dawn d □ dusk 20 marks
40 an animal which is like a horse, but it has short
legs and long ears
a □ sheep b □ giraffe c □ deer d □ donkey Total marks
20 marks