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Performance Criteria Checklist Soft Roll: Dimension Performance Level Points Earned 1. Use of Tools and Equipment

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Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Imp No Points
(4 points) Satisfactory (4 points) (4 points) Attempt Earned
(4 points)
1. Use of Uses tools and equipment Uses tools Uses tools and Uses tools and No
tools and correctly and confidently and equipment equipment attempt
equipment at all time equipment correctly and but incorrectly
correctly and less confidently and less
confidently sometimes confidently
most of the most of the
time time
2. Application Manifests very clear Manifests Manifests very Manifests very No
of procedures understan ding of the clear clear clear attempt
step- by-step procedure understandin understanding of understanding
g of the step- the step- by –step of the step- by
by –step procedures but –step
procedures sometimes seeks procedures s
clarification seeking
most of the
Works independe ntly Works Works Works No
with ease and confidenc e independently independently independently attempt
at all times with ease and with ease and but with
confidence confidence for assistance
most of the sometimes most of the
times time
3. Safety Observes safety Observes Observes safety Most of the No
work habits precaution s at al times safety precaution s time not attempt
precaution s sometimes observing
most of the safety
times precautions
4. Tasks is completed Tasks is Tasks is nearly Work No
Completeness following the procedures completed completed completed a attempt
of task in the project with following the following the head of time
improvement/innovation procedures in procedures in the
the project project
5.Time Work completed a head of Work Work completed _ Work No
management time completed ( min./ completed _ ( attempt
within hours/days) min./
allotted time beyond hours/days)
Score Sheet
Characteristics 5 4 3 2 1
External Characteristics
1. Shape: well-proportioned;
Symmetrical; rounded top
2.Size: large but not airy;
proportional to weight
3. Color: even, rich golden brown
4. Crust: Tender, Crisp; even
thickness; free from hacks
Internal Characteristics
1. Color: creamy white; free from
2. Grain: fine; thin-walled cells,
evenly distributed
3.Texture: tender; soft; slightly moist
4. Flavor: “wheaty” Sweet

http://imgkid.com/crust.shtm. Methods featured in Professional Baking, Sixth Edition by Wayne

Gisslen. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Fat and flour were cut in using pastry 1 2 3 4
blender until ingredients resemble a coarse

Cold water was gradually added.

Board and rolling pin were sprinkled with

flour lightly. Dough was place on the board
and shape into ball with hands.
Dough was rolled out from the center to
edges, releasing pressure near the edge to
keep thickness of the dough even.
Dough was rolled in all directions to
maintain perfect circle.
Dough was rolled over the rolling pin then
unroll over the pie plate.
Ingredients for fillings were thoroughly mix.
Baked at 350°F for 30 – 45 minutes.

10 pts  Scoring Rubrics
Very Satisfactory Excellent
Practiced good Shows leadership
Lack of effort, Satisfactory
teamwork skills, skills within group
improper behavior
completed all personal, and class, shows
or use of Participated with only
pre-prep, and prep professionalism,
equipment, minimal effort,
skills, completed mastered POINTS
DIMENSION wandered out of tendency to wander,
kitchen duties, shows techniques, shows EARNED
assigned group, minimal cleanup effort,
professionalism, good creativity,
or didn't do skill level needs
attitude, shows completes assigned
assigned kitchen improvement
creativity, practices jobs and kitchen
duties. 16 pts
good techniques duties.
14 pts
18 pts 20 pts
Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent

Did not Student completed Student completed Student

complete most of tasks, but all the steps but practiced
preparation, missed one or did not use time excellent time
such as hand more of steps  management  management in
washing, completing
Mis en Place wearing each
apron, preparation
gathering task
tools, successfully. 
and setting up

Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent

Students did Student only Student Student

not demonstrated some demonstrated demonstrated
demonstrate safety and sanitation proper safety and safety and
safety and practices.  sanitation sanitation
sanitation practices most of practices and
(using the time.  ensured they
equipment in were practiced
the by others in the
appropriate group. 
manner, hand
cleaning up
and dish

Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent

Student did Student helped Student worked Student worked

not work but with minimal within group, did within group
within his effort, partially all assigned tasks and
group, helped other team some prodding.  demonstrated
wandered members or exceptional
away from needed alot of teamwork by
group or prodding to stay taking initiative
showed little focus in the by working
group group.  together with
participation.  other

Baking Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent

Student did Student attempted Student showed Student
not focus on tasks but got proper baking demonstrated
task at hand distracted or did methods and proper baking
or did not not complete techniques, but technique,
follow assigned task, did not practice completed all
instructions.  followed only part good time instructions
of the management.  successfully,
instructions.  and finished on

Poor Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent

Pie crust was Pie crust was Pie was good and Pie crust was
burnt, tough acceptable, but students followed light, flaky and
or soggy. was tasteless. Pie recipe. tender. The
Filling had filling needed Presentation was filling was
lumps, runny, more flavor  minimal.  congealed
Pie no flavor  properly and
was tasty.
Product was
presented in a
creative and

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