The document reports on various train delays and infrastructure issues on a railway network on July 5th, 2021. It notes the detention of train E/BCN at station AGC due to a defective locomotive power, resulting in further detentions down the line. It also reports on the detention of train RRU at AGC yard due to the locomotive being attended to by fitters. The document lists other infrastructure failures like signaling issues and overhead wire tripping in different sections that resulted in train detentions.
The document reports on various train delays and infrastructure issues on a railway network on July 5th, 2021. It notes the detention of train E/BCN at station AGC due to a defective locomotive power, resulting in further detentions down the line. It also reports on the detention of train RRU at AGC yard due to the locomotive being attended to by fitters. The document lists other infrastructure failures like signaling issues and overhead wire tripping in different sections that resulted in train detentions.
The document reports on various train delays and infrastructure issues on a railway network on July 5th, 2021. It notes the detention of train E/BCN at station AGC due to a defective locomotive power, resulting in further detentions down the line. It also reports on the detention of train RRU at AGC yard due to the locomotive being attended to by fitters. The document lists other infrastructure failures like signaling issues and overhead wire tripping in different sections that resulted in train detentions.
The document reports on various train delays and infrastructure issues on a railway network on July 5th, 2021. It notes the detention of train E/BCN at station AGC due to a defective locomotive power, resulting in further detentions down the line. It also reports on the detention of train RRU at AGC yard due to the locomotive being attended to by fitters. The document lists other infrastructure failures like signaling issues and overhead wire tripping in different sections that resulted in train detentions.
FATO 05.07.2021 17- Detain of E/BCN loco no-31430 at AGC due to power defective at AGC.
E/BCN 27947 arrival at
1-VIP / Officer Movement AGC at 13.40 power no-31430 was planned for E/BCN was ordered for JAB then from JAB Train FROM DATE TO DATE GGC/LR, But due to power defective E/BCN was detain at AGC. This also resulted in detention of E/BCN at JAB. New power 31387 was planned for E/BCN EOT-15.55,RR-16.40,Dep.- CME(SE) 04863 BSB 06/07/21 JP 07/07/21 17.10,Detn.-155”. (DELC) 04854 JP 08/07/21 BSB 09/07/21 18- Detain of RRU 23693+23196b at AGC YD. RRU 31387 AGCYD G-3 arrival at 15.25 power 31387 CAO/C/NCR 01058 NDLS 06/07/21 AGC 06/07/21 planned for E/BCN loco no-23693+23196 planned for RRU loco attended by fitter up to 18.00 02404 AGC 07/07/21 PRYJ 08/07/21 ,RR-18.20,Dep.-18.35 Detn.-125”,Resulted 4 goods detain between DHO-AGC. (DELC) 2-Punctuality performance 19- Open door Train Loco no From Close Station. Arr. Dep. Type of door EX No of Wagon Schedu Non Slider Exceptional Reported NLT MKUP LT On Date PP% Cumulative PP% l 20- Failure:- S&T MAIL 122 1 120 0 3 1 99.16 97.67 S Section Duration Failure Detn HSP 12 0 12 0 0 0 100 96.15 N From To Det Total 132 1 132 0 3 1 89.64 96.51 HDL-KSV 05.1 07.1 119 UP AUTO-144530 DG 02904-3”,08238-2”,12002- 3-Trains Lost in Punctuality: 1 1 0 ASPECT FAIL 3”,02138-3” TOTAL – 1 ORL-01 NBI 13.1 13.1 5 DN M/L STR S-39 R/UP 2 0 5 BHD-10” M/EXP 1 HSP 0 GZKA-AWR 14.0 16.5 167 BPAC FAIL 3 5 2 04172-5”,04726-5” Exceptional 1 MAIL-02439 BHA-AGC 19.4 19.4 2 LC-493 DID SIG GONE “G” 4- Detain 0ntion to Train for line clear: - 4 6 8 TO “Y” 00159-4” PWL TDL BKI DHO IZN MTI BXN MTJ 21.5 22.1 15 317T FAIL (UP H/S S1) 5 5 0 09020-10”,12001-10” Tns M/E G M/E G G G G G G NBI-KL 22.1 22.3 20 B/F 0 20 0 5 5 2 2 6 3 6 5 5 09411-8” 0 27 0 50 25 22 60 75 21 NBI-KL 23.0 23.3 30 B/F 7 5-Major failures – Nos. of Cases & Duration: -- 5 5 COMM INC ELEC LC DDSL DSL CREW ENGG 21- OHE Tripping: NoS Dur No Dur NoS Dun Nos Dur Nos Dur Nos Dun Nos Dur S.N Section Time of occurrence No of trains detain n n 1 AH 05.50-06.12 1 212 1 130 1 2 PTLI 05.51-06.57 M- 3 BHA 05.36-12.08 M- G-1 M- G-1 G- M-1 G- M- G- M- G- M- G- 4 MTJ 07.22-20.34 PBOL DCW DELC AC CREW CRO+MRO ACP S&T 5 CHJ 14.27-18.13-18.23 Nos Dur No Dum NO Dur Nos Durn Nos Dur Nos Dur Nos Dur 22- ACP 1 35 3 310 1 54 4 42 3 34 7 358 Date T No Block Sec Det Remark G- 1 05.07.2021 02617 CHJ 18 M- M- G-1 M-1 G-3 M- G-1 M-5 G- M-2 G- M-10 G-1 6- Unusual sound in MTSS loco no-24600 wagon no. SE 10079756005 BOXNL 3rd from brake 2 05.07.2021 03237 HAB-FAB 9 wheel-leading trolly leading both wheel. MTSS BFP th 23.56 ASM/BFP reported at 23.58 3 05.07.2021 03237 SSDT-BHA 7 unusual sound (flat tyre like) from wagon 3rd from brake RNKA arr.-00.10 C&W staff sent EX 23- loading & un-loading: AGC by 02447 Dep.-01.10,RNKA arr.-01.30,RR-02.12,Dep.-02.20 ECOR & C&W informed. TXR S Date Train STN Halt Extra Ldg U/Ldg R/SLR found old flat places within limit & wagon already isolated Detn.-130”. (INC) 1 05.07.2021 NIL 7- MDCC loco no-90002 CKP(TATA)16/08 IB due STS at CHJ M/L up road at 08.05 in loco trouble 24- M/E & Pass. trains RUN by Goods Loco:- 02888 pass via loop power P/R at 08.23 CHJ arr.-08.05,Dep.-08.35,Detn.-30”,Rep.-02888-7” via S/No Train no. AC LOCO Shed DSL LOCO Shed loop. (DELC) 8- CRO by 02403 between DEEG-BEDM at km 1441/13 DEEG-07.53,BEDM-08.07 extra-6”. (CRO) 1 9- CRO by 02988 between KL-NBI at km 92/08-09 KL passed th 16.50 two cow run over NBI th 25- Freight Trains signed-rest position at 00:00 Hrs:- 17.11 Detn.-10”.(CRO) S.No. Train no. Engine Station 10- CRO by 01911 between IDH-BCP at km 08/09-0, IDH Dep.-18.05,BCP arrived 18.24,Dep.-18.29 Detn.-11”. (CRO) 1 NIL 11- CRO by 04196 between BTE-IK at km 45/02 BTE Dep.-20.28engine no-22308(JHS) BP angle UO on date 05.07.21 cock broken IK arrival 20.48,Dep.-2050 Detn.-15”.Rep.-09410-15”.(CRO) 12- IDH LC gate-77 TFC opened for road TFC at 18.06 closed at 18.35 H/Road TFC RPF available at site,Rep.-09039-20”. (LC) 13- SFDE loco no-23937+23974 MSRP Dep.-18.27 DY SM MSRP reported 13th from engine open door planed to received MTJ yard arrived at 20.05 RR-21.25,Dep.-22.20 after pre 02001 Detn.- 212”. (COMM) 14- E/BCN loco no-12204 KL passing at 11.17 ASM/KL reported hanging part stopped at GOS at 11.33 found one iron SAB pull rod hanging ,Same tie Detn.-35”. (DCW) 15- At 21.30 ENGG/CTO reported watch man VRBD starter beaten by out siders RPF/CTO advised.(FOR DIV.) 16- Detain of TICD loco no-31319 at MTJ PF-4 since I/C driver +guard refused to go TKD. TICD 31319 MTJ PF-4 arrival at 11.12 O/G driver and guard refused to go to TKD S/ON at 03.10 driver and guard /HQ GGC no previous message received from KTT fresh crew arrived at 11.30 guard 12.00 RR-12.04,Dep.-12.06Total Detn.-54”. (AC CREW)
Malwa-Ii - Punch Point Status As On 04-May-19 SR No. Received From Uom Grand Total Balance Liquidated As On 27-Apr-19 Liquidated This Week Liquidated As On 04-May-19