Marcopolo:: The Making of A Global Latina
Marcopolo:: The Making of A Global Latina
Marcopolo:: The Making of A Global Latina
The cultural distance between Marcopolo and its subsidiaries, if managed through a
central coordination can have series of consequences:
● Business Failure of the subsidiary due to the vast cultural difference, as the
requirement in terms of the size or model of the bus.
● Lack of ability to customize product offering based on the cultural and social
belief system of the country.
● Inability to understand domestic labour, leading to poor people management
in the country.
What patterns can you observe in Marcopolo’s international process and
1. Verticalized Production
The initial expansion strategy was a two pronged strategy and the aim was to enter
neighbouring markets due to cultural similarities before moving to culturally distinct
countries/ markets.
● The focus was on producing in-house, exporting components, and doing final
assembly in the destination country, especially for the city buses, primarily to
reduce tariffs and cost. (Completely Knocked Down or Semi- Knocked Down)
● The production process focus for the intercity bus was more on customization
and exported as a fully assembled unit, as it had higher margins.
However, in 2006, fierce local market competition, higher cost of raw materials and
inputs, and increased export cost due to currency fluctuations of the Real led
Marcopolo to make strategic changes in its export processes. The focus then