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Unit 3: General Fund & Special Revenue Funds

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3.0 Aims and Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1. General Fund
3.1.2 Special Revenue Fund
3.2 Accounting Characteristics
3.3 Budgets and Budgetary Accounts
3.3.1 Recording the Budget
3.4 Accounting for General Fund & Special Revenue Funds
3.5 Terminology and Classification of Governmental Fund Budget and Accounts
3.6 Inter Fund Transactions and Transfers
3.7 Summary
3.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Questions


In this unit, the two types of funds in the governmental funds category i.e general fund and
special revenue fund are discussed, it gives a clear detail how the two fund operate, how their
financial operations are accounted and recorded, theoretical as well as accounting illustrations
are given to give the reader a clear detail understanding of the two funds.


3.1.1 General Fund

As it can be recalled from chapter two, the general fund is used for general governmental
activities such as police, administration and the like. To distinguish the general fund
adversely, it can be said that the general fund should account for all financial resources for
which a separate fund is not required. All governmental entities have a general fund(GF).
Although it may be called the operating fund, the current fund or something similar, the
general fund will exist as long as the entity exists. a governmental entity will have only one
general fund. The general fund of a state or local government unit is the entity that accounts

for all the assets & resources used for financing the general administration of the unit & the
traditional services provided to the people.

3.1.2 Special Revenue Fund

Special revenue funds (SRF) in contrast to GF are used to account for resources, which are
collected for a specified purpose. Whenever a tax or other revenue source is authorized by
legislative body to be used for specific purpose, only a governmental unit availing itself of
that source may create a Special Revenue Fund in order to be able to demonstrate that all
revenue from the source was used for the specified propose, only separate special revenue
funds are established by governmental units, as mandated by legislative enactments to
account for the receipts and expenditures associated with specialized revenue sources that are
earmarked by law or regulation to finance specified governmental operations. Fees for
rubbish collection, state taxes on diesel fuel that is required to be used only for road
maintenance, tax on hotel rooms to be used to improve tourist facilities, traffic violation fines
are examples of governmental units revenues that may be accounted for in a separate special
revenue fund.

- Comparison:
The general fund should account for all financing sources for which a separate fund is not
required. Special revenue funds are necessary when they are required by law or contract. A
governmental entity will have several special revenue funds at any time & these funds are
opened & closed according to need.

The general funds and the special revenue funds have different purposes, but they are both
revenue funds, and the accounting and reporting procedure is the same for both. They are
similar in that all or almost all of their resources are expended each year. They are then filled
up (replenished) again for the next year.


Fixed assets are not capitalized in either fund. Their purchase is considered as expenditure,
the same as for salaries or utilities. Such fixed assets are not accounted for by these funds.
Because they are not normally converted into cash. Similarly the same categories of funds

account for only those liabilities incurred for normal operations that will be liquidated by use
of fund assets.

The arithmetic difference between the amount of financial resources and the amount of
liabilities recorded in the fund is called the fund equity.
equity. Residents of the governmental unit
have no legal claim on any excess of liquid assets over current liabilities. therefore the fund
equity is not analogous to the capital accounts of an investor owned entity. Accounts in the
fund equity category of general funds & special revenue funds consist of reserve accounts
established to disclose that portion of the equity are not available for appropriations. The
portion of equity available for appropriation is disclosed in an account called Fund Balance.
General funds & special revenue funds account for financial activates during a fiscal year in
accounts classified as Revenues,
Revenues, Other Financing Sources,
Sources, Expenditures & Other
Financing Uses.

Revenue: - is the increase in the fund financial resources other than from inter fund transfers
& debt issue proceeds.

Other financing sources-

sources- are classified as an increase in the fund financial resources as a
result of operating transfers into a fund and debt issue proceeds received by a fund.

Expenditure is defined as decrease in fund financial resources other than through inter fund
transfers, operating transfers out of a fund and debt issue proceeds are classified as other
financing uses. It is a term which replaces both the terms costs and expenses used in
accounting for profit seeking entities.

Other Financing uses - a decrease in the fund financial resources as a result of operating
transfers out of a fund.
An example of the use of transfer accounts occurs in those jurisdictions where a portion of the
taxes recognized as revenue by the general fund of a unit is transferred to a debt service fund
which will record expenditures for payment of interest and principal of general obligation
debt. the general fund would record the amounts transferred as operating transfers out: the
debt service fund would record the amount received as operating transfers in. Thus the use of
transfer accounts achieve the desired objective that revenues be recognized in the fund which
levied the taxes and expenditures be recognized in the funds which expends the revenue.

In few jurisdictions taxes must be collected in the year before the year in which they are
available for expenditure. In such jurisdictions tax collection should be credited, deferred
revenue should be debited & revenue should be credited.

Under accrual basis, expenditure is recognized when a liability to be met from fund asset is
incurred. It is important to note that an amount of a liability incurred whether the liability is
for salaries (an expense) for supplies ( a current asset) ,or for a long lived capital assets such
as land building or equipment.


The fact that budgets are legally binding upon administrators has led to the incorporation of
budgetary accounts in the general fund and in the special revenue funds and in all other funds
required by law to adopt a budget.

Budgeting is the process of allocating scarce resources to unlimited demands budgeting has a
great role in governmental accounting than in profit making business.

Budgeting is a key elements of legislative control over governmental units. The two
classifications of budget for governmental units are the same as those for business enterprises.
Annual budgets and long term or capital budgets. Annual budgets include the estimated
revenues & appropriations for expenditures for a specific fiscal year of the governmental unit.
Annual budgets are appropriate for the general fund & special revenue funds. They
sometimes are used for other governmental funds. An expendable trust fund also may have an
annual budget, depending upon the terms, the terms of the trust indenture. Capital budgets,
which are used to control the expenditures for construction projects or other plant asset
acquisitions, may be appropriate for capital projects funds. The annual or capital budgets
often are recoded in the accounts of all these funds, to aid in act for compliance with
legislative authorities.

The operations of the two proprietary funds are similar to those of business enterprises.
Consequently, annual budgets are used by these funds as a managerial planning & control

device rather than as a legislative control tool. Thus annual budgets of enterprise funds &
internal service funds generally are not recorded in ledger accounts by these funds.

In order to facilitate preparation of budgets and preparation of the combined statement of

revenues, expenditures and changes in fund Balance-Budget and Actual required for GAAP
conformity, accounting systems of funds for which budgets are required by law should
incorporate budgetary accounts. Only three general ledger control accounts are needed to
provide budgetary control; Estimated Revenue, Appropriations and Encumbrances.

1. Estimated Revenues – resources expected to be received

2. Appropriations – is both an authorization to spend and limitation of spending.
3. Encumbrances – Purchase orders (P.O.) in governmental entities have the function of
keeping track of coming expenditures so that the budget is not exceeded. this is done by
actually recording the P.O in the ledger account as an Encumbrance

All the three must be supported by subsidiary ledger accounts whatever detail is required by
law or by sound financial administration. Budgeted inter-fund transfers and debt issue
proceeds may be recorded in Estimated Other Financing Sources and Estimated Other
Financing Uses control accounts supported by subsidiary accounts as needed.

3.3.1 Recording the Budget

At the beginning of the budget period, estimated revenue control account is debited for the
total amount of revenues expected to be recognized, as provided in the revenues budget and
the limitation of spending or authorized expenditures will be recorded with a credit in the
appropriations control account. The amount of revenue expected from each source specified
in the revenues budget is recorded in a subsidiary ledger account so that the total of
subsidiary ledger detail agrees with the debit to the control account and both agree with the
adopted budget. The same way will also be used for the appropriation.
The entry to record the budget is simple. It is normally done on the first day of the fiscal year.
Estimated revenue is debited, Appropriations is credited, and fund balance is debited or
credited for the difference. Appropriation could be further subdivided- by month or other
periods; these subdivisions are called Allotments.

Recording encumbrance helps the one managing the finances to know that money has been
committed to some purpose and is no longer available for expenditure. There is often a delay
between placing the purchase order and receiving the goods ordered. Therefore it is possible
for the administrators to forget about the purchase orders that have been placed and to think
that the money is still available to be used. This is especially true in a large entity where
dozens of purchase orders are placed each week. To ensure that outstanding purchase orders
are not overlooked in the ongoing commitment of resources, purchase orders are recorded in
the Encumbrance account. An encumbrance differs from expenditure in that the
encumbrance is an estimate of liability to be incurred while expenditure is an actual liability
which has been incurred. the reason that encumbrance is only an estimate is that invoiced
amounts sometimes differ from purchase order amounts. for example a particular item may be
out of stock, and either backordered, or substituted by a similar item.

Example- when a purchase orders for goods or services is issued to a supplier by one of those
funds, a journal entry similar to the following is prepared for the fund.

Encumbrance 150,000
Fund Balance Reserved for Encumbrances 150,000
= to record encumbrances for purchase order no. 00 issued to X company.

When the suppliers invoice for the ordered merchandise or services is received by the
governmental unit, it is recorded and the related encumbrance is reversed as seen below:
Expenditures 180,500
Vouchers payable 180,500
= to record an invoice received from Wilson company under purchase order no. 001
Fund Balance reserved for Encumbrances 150,000
Encumbrances 150,000
=To reverse encumbrance for purchase order no. 001 issued To X company

Two journal entries are needed for encumbrances, one when the order is placed and another
when the goods are received. When the order is placed, encumbrance is debited and Reserve
for Encumbrance (a
(a fund balance account) is credited. When the order is received, the entry
is reversed. As indicated by the example above the invoice amount may differ from the

amount of the governmental units purchase order because of such items as shipping charges,
Sales Taxes, and price changes.

Regardless of which types of annual budgets are used by government unit, the final budget
adopted by the governmental unit’s legislative body will include estimated revenue other
financing sources, appropriations and other financing uses. If the estimated revenue and other
financing sources of the budget exceed appropriations and other financing uses (as required
by law for many governmental units), there will be budgetary surplus, if vice-versa, there will
be budgetary deficit.


Below is the Balance Sheet of town of X General fund on June 30, year 5 and the annual
budgets adopted for the year ended June 30, year 6.

Town of X General Fund

Balance Sheet June 30, year 5
Cash .................................................................... 1,600,000
Inventory of supplies............................................ 400,000
Total Assets 2,000,000
Liabilities and Fund Balance
Vouchers payable ................................................. 800,000
Fund balance:
Reserved for encumbrance 400,000
Unreserved and undesignated 800,000 1,200,000
Total liabilities and fund balance 2,000,000

Below is the approved budget by the town council for the fiscal year ended on June 30, year 6.
Estimated revenues:
- General property taxes.......................... 7,000,000
- Licenses and permits .......................... 400,000

- Charges for services ......................... 500,000
- Fines and for fits ............................... 300,000
- Miscellaneous revenues ........................ 200,000 8,400,000
Estimated other financing sources (transfer from EF) 100,000

- General government .......................... 4,700,000
- Public safety .......................... 1,900,000
- Health and welfare .......................... 1,100,000
- Culture and recreation ...................... 400,000 8,100,000
Estimated other financing uses (transfer to DSF) 100,000

* The journal entry to record the annual budget for the town of X General fund on July 1,
Year 5 was as follows:

Estimated revenues 8,400,000

Estimated other financing sources 100,000
Appropriations 8,100,000
Estimated other financing uses 100,000
Budgetary fund balance 300,000

An analysis of each of the ledger accounts in the forgoing journal entry follows:
1. Estimated Revenues and Estimated Other financing Sources ledger account may be
considered Pseudo Asset controlling accounts because they reflect resources expected to be
received by the General Fund during the fiscal year. These accounts are
Not actual assets because they do not fit the accounting definition of an Asset as a probable
economic benefit obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions
or events. Thus the two accounts in substance are memorandum accounts,
accounts, useful for control
purposes only, that will be closed after the issuance of financial statements for the General
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30 year 6.

2. The Estimated other Financing source ledger accounts includes the budgeted amounts Of
such non-Revenue items as proceeds from the disposal of plant assets and operating transfers
from other funds.

3. The Appropriations and Estimated Other Financing Uses Ledger Account may be
considered Pseudo Liability controlling accounts because they reflect the legislative body’s
commitment to expend General fund resources as authorized in the Annual Budget. These
accounts are not genuine liabilities because they do not fit the definition of a liability as a
probable future sacrifice of economic benefits arising from present obligation of a particular
entity to transfer assets to provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past
transactions or events. The appropriations and Other Financing uses are memorandum
accounts, useful for control purposes only, that will closed after issuance of year-end
financial statements for the general fund.

4. The Estimated Other Financing Uses accounts include budgeted amount of operating
transfers out to other funds, which are not expenditures.

5. The Budgetary Fund Balance Ledger Account, as its title implies is an account that
balances the debit and credit entries to accounts of a budget journal entry. Although similar to
the owners’ equity accounts of a business enterprise in this balancing feature, does not
purport to show an ownership interest in the General funds’ assets. At the end of the fiscal
year, the budgetary fund balance account is closed by a journal entry that reverses the original
entry for the budget.

The journal entry to record the town of X general funds annual budget for the year ending
June 30 year 6 is accompanied by detailed entries to subsidiary ledgers for Estimated
Revenues, Estimated other financing Sources, Appropriations and Estimated Other Financing
Uses. the budget of the town of X general fund purposely was condensed; in practice the
general fund estimated revenues and appropriations would be detailed by source and function,
respectively into one of the following widely used subsidiary ledger categories:

Estimated Revenues: Appropriations:

- Taxes - General government
- Licenses and permits - Public safety
- Intergovernmental revenues - Public works
- Charges for Services - Health and Welfare

- Fines and Forfeits - Culture - recreation
- Miscellaneous - Conservation of natural resources
- Debt service
- Intergovernmental expenditures
- Miscellaneous

Such details will be discussed in the next topic; Classification and terminology of
governmental funds budgets and accounts.

In summary, budgets of a governmental unit are often recorded in the accounts of the four
governmental funds. An expendable trust fund may also record a budget if required to do so
by the trust indenture. The recording of the budget initiates the accounting cycle of each for
each of the funds listed above. Recording the budget also facilitates the preparation of
financial statements that compare budgeted and actual amounts of revenues and expenditures.

Encumbrances and budgetary control-

control- because of the need for expenditures of
governmental units to be in accordance with appropriations of governing legislative bodies,
an a encumbrance Accounting techniques are used for the general fund and the special
revenue funds and sometimes for capital projects funds. The Encumbrance is a memorandum
method for assuring that total expenditures for a fiscal year do not exceed appropriations. The
encumbrance technique is used in accounting for governmental units have no counterpart in
accounting for business enterprises.

Assume that in addition to the budget illustrated earlier, the town of X general fund had the
following summarized transaction and events for the fiscal year ended June 30, 19x6

1. Property taxes were billed in the amount of 7,200,000 of which 140,000 was of
Doubtful collect ability.

Property tax receivable- current 7,200,000

Allowance for uncollectible current taxes 140,000
Revenue 7,060,000
= To accrue property taxes billed and to provide for estimated uncollectible portion.

Explanation- The modified accrual basis of accounting for a general fund permits the accrual
of property taxes, because they are billed to the property owners. The estimated uncollectible
property taxes are offset against the total assets billed in order to measure actual revenues
from property taxes for the year.

2. A total of 6,500,000 amount of Property tax were collected and a total of 1,020,000
Amount of cash from other revenue sources like licenses and permits, fines and forfeits,
miscellaneous sources were also collected.

Cash 7,520,000
Property taxes receivable-current 6,500,000
Revenue 1,020,000
= To record collection of property taxes and other revenues for the year.

Exp- Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues not susceptible to accrual are
recognized on the cash basis like self-assessment basis tax revenue (Eg. Income tax, Sales
Tax, Gross receipts Tax, ) and miscellaneous revenues (Eg. Annual business licenses,
construction and home improvement permits, Fines and forfeits etc.)

3. Property tax in the amount of 130,000 was uncollectible.

Allowance for uncollectable current taxes 130,000
Property taxes receivable- current 130,000
= To write off receivables for property taxes those are uncollectable

Explanation- The forgoing journal entry represents a shortcut approach. In an actual
situation , uncollectible property taxes first would be transferred together with estimated
uncollectible amounts, to the Taxes Receivable- Delinquent ledger account from the Taxes
Receivable- Current account. Any amounts collected on these delinquent taxes would include
revenues for interests and penalties required by law. Any uncollected delinquent taxes would
be transferred, together with estimated uncollectible amounts to the Tax-Liens Receivable

ledger Account. After the passage of an appropriate statutory period, the governmental unit
might satisfy its tax lien by selling the property on which the delinquent taxes were levied.

4. Purchase orders for non-recurring expenditures were issued to outside suppliers in the total
amount of 3,600,000.

Encumbrances 3,600,000
Fund Balance reserved for Encumbrances 3,600,000
= To record purchase orders for non-recurring expenditures issued during the year.

Explanation- encumbrance journal entries are used to prevent the over expending of an
appropriated amount in the budget. This journal entry to the encumbrances ledger account is
posted in detail to reduce the unexpended balances of each applicable appropriation in the
subsidiary ledger for appropriation. The unexpended balance of each appropriation is thus
reduced for the amount committed by the issuance of purchase orders.

5. Expenditures for the year totaled 7,600,000 of which 900,000 applied to the acquisitions of
supplies and 3,500,000 applied to 3,550,000 of the purchase orders in the total amount of
3,600,000 issued during the year.(assume consumption method).

a) Expenditures 6,700,000
Inventory of supplies 900,000
Vouchers payable 7,600,000
= To record expenditures for the year.

Explanation- the expenditure ledger account is debited with all expenditures regardless of
purpose except for Additions to the Inventory of Supplies, Principal and Interest
Payments on Debt, Additions to the Governmental Unit’s Plant Asset, Payments for
Goods or Services to be Received in the Future,
Future, - all are debited to expenditure or other
financing uses rather than to asset or liability ledger account. (Expenditure for debt principal
and interest and plant asset additions are also recorded on a memorandum basis in the general
long-term debt and general fixed assets account group respectively.

b) Fund Balance reserved for Encumbrance 3,550,000

Encumbrance 3,550,000

= To reverse encumbrances applicable to vouchered expenditures,

Explanation- Recording actual expenditures of 3,500,000 (included in the 6,700,000 total in

entry 5a above) applicable to purchase orders totaling 3,550,000 makes this amount of the
previously recorded encumbrances no longer necessary. Accordingly 3,550,000 of
encumbrances is reversed. Encumbrances of 50,000 (3,600,000 - 3,550,000) remain

6. Billings for services and supplies received from enterprise fund and internal service fund
totaled 300,000 and 200,000 respectively.

Expenditures 500,000
Payable (Due) to Enterprise fund 300,000
Payable (Due) to Internal Service fund 200,000
= To record billings for services and supplies received from other funds.

Explanation- Billings from other funds of the governmental unit are not vouchered for
Payment as are billings from outside suppliers. Instead billings from other funds are recorded
in a separate liability ledger account. The related debit is to the expenditure accounts if the
billings are for Quasi- external transaction,
transaction, such as providing services and supplies.

7. Cash payments on vouchers payable totaled 7,700,000. Cash payment to the Enterprise
fund and the internal service fund were 250,000 and 140,000 respectively.

Vouchers payable 7,700,000

Payable to Enterprise fund 250,000
Payable to Internal service fund 140,000
Cash 8,090,000
= To record payment of liabilities during the year
8. The town of X general fund made an operating transfer of 110,000 to the debt service
Fund for the matured principal and interests.
Other financing uses 110,000
Cash 110,000

= To record transfer to debt service fund for maturing principal and interest on General
obligation serial bond.
Explanation- The other financing uses ledger account is debited because the payment to The
debt service fund is an operating transfer rather than quasi- external transaction.

9. A payment of 400,000 in lieu of property taxes and a subsidy of 100,000 were Received
from the Enterprise fund.

Cash 500,000
Revenue 400,000
Other Financing Sources 100,000
= To record payment in lieu of property taxes (400,000) and subsidy (100,000)
Received from Enterprise fund.

Explanation-amounts transferred to the general fund from other funds are recognized as
revenues if they are quasi-external transactions,
transactions, such as payment in lieu of property taxes;
otherwise they are recognized as other financing sources if they are operating transfers,
transfers, such
as subsidies.

10. Supplies at a cost of 800,000 were used during the year.

Expenditures 800,000
Inventory of supplies 800,000
= To record cost of supplies used during the year.
Unreserved and undesignated fund balance 100,000
Fund balance reserved for inventory of supplies 100,000
= To increase inventory of supplies reserve to 500,000 to agree with
balance of inventory of supplies ledger account at end of year
(500,000 - 400,000= 100,000)

Explanation- the immediately preceding journal entry represents a restriction of the portion
of the fund balance account to or event its being appropriated improperly to finance a deficit
annual budget for the general fund for the year ending June 30, year 7. Only cash and other

monetary assets of a general fund are available for appropriation to Finance authorized
expenditures of the succeeding fiscal year.

11. All uncollected property taxes on June 30 year 6 were delinquent.

Taxes Receivable- Delinquent 570,000

Allowance for uncollectable Current Taxes 10,000
Taxes Receivable- Current 570,000
Allowance for Uncollectable Delinquent Taxes 10,000
= To transfer delinquent taxes and related estimated uncollectable amounts from the current

Explanation- The forgoing journal entry clears the Taxes Receivable- Current ledger account
and the related contra account for uncollectable amounts so that they will be available for
accrual of property taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30,year 7.

12. The town council designated 250,000 of the unreserved and the undesignated fund
balance for the replacement of equipment during the year ending June 30, year 7.
Unreserved and Undesignated Fund Balance 250,000
Fund Balance Designated for -
Replacement of Equipment 250,000
= To designate a portion of the fund balance for the replacement of equipment
during the year ending June 30, year 7.

Explanation- The fund balance designated for replacement of equipment ledger account is
similar to a retained earnings appropriation of a business enterprise. It indicates that the
annual budget for the town of X General fund for the year ending June 30, year 7 must
include an appropriation of 250,000 for new equipment and estimated revenue for the
proceeds from the disposal of the replaced equipment. The designated Fund balance of
250,000 will be closed to the unreserved and undesignated fund balance Ledger account on
July 1, year 6, when the annual budget for the year ending June 30 year 7 is recorded.

Trial balance at end of fiscal year for a General fund

After all the forgoing journal entries (including the budget entry) have been posted to the
general ledger of the town of X General Fund, the trial balance on June, 30 year 6 is as
illustrated below.

Town of X General fund

Trial Balance
June 30, year 6
Account title Debit Credit
Cash 1,420,000
Taxes Receivable- Delinquent 570,000
Allowance for Uncollectable Delinquent Taxes 10,000
Inventory of Supplies 500,000
Vouchers Payable 700,000
Payable to Enterprise Fund 50,000
Payable to Internal Service Fund 60,000
Fund Balance Reserved for Encumbrances 50,000
Fund Balance Reserved for Inventory of Supplies 500,000
Fund Balance Designated for Replacement of Equipment 250,000
Unreserved and undesignated fund balance 450,000
Budgetary Fund Balance 300,000
Estimated Revenues 8,400,000
Estimated Other Financing Sources 100,000
Appropriations 8,100,000
Estimated Other Financing Uses 100,000
Revenues 8,480,000
Other Financing Sources 100,000
Expenditures 8,000,000
Other Financing Uses 110,000
Encumbrances 50,000 .
Total 19,150,000 19,150,000
Financial statements for a General Fund

The results of operation (i.e, net income or net loss) are not relevant for a General Fund.
Instead, two financial statements- a Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund
Balance and a Balance Sheet are appropriate.

Assuming that the total revenue for the town of X is composed of the following sources,

General Property Tax 7,060,000

Licenses and Permits 450,000
Charges for Services 470,000
Fines and Forfeits 310,000
Miscellaneous Revenue 190,000

Also assume that the total expenditures is composed of the following items.
General Government 4,590,000
Public safety 2,000,000
Health and Welfare 1,200,000
Culture and Recreation 210,000

Town of X General fund

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Change in Fund Balance
For the Year ended June 30, 19x6
Budget Actual Variance-
General Property Tax 7,000,000 7,060,000 60,000
Licenses and Permits 400,000 450,000 50,000
Charges For Services 500,000 470,000 (30,000)
Fines and Forfeits 300,000 310,000 10,000

Miscellaneous Revenue 200,000 190,000 (10,000)
Total Revenues 8,400,000 8,080,000 80,000

General Government 4,700,000 4,590,000 110,000
Public Safety 1,900,000 2,000,000 100,000
Health and Welfare 1,100,000 1,200,000 (100,000)
Culture and Recreation 400,000 210,000 190,000
Total Expenditures 8,100,000 8,000,000 100,000

Excess of Revenue over Expenditures-

Other Financing sources (Uses):
Operating Transfers in 100,000 100,000
Operating Transfers Out (100,000) (110,000) (10,000)
Excess of Revenue and O.F.S.-
Over Expenditures and O.F.U. 300,000 470,000 170,000
Add: Fund Balance, July 1, 19x5 1,200,000 1,200,000 .
Fund balance June 30,19x6 1,500,000 1,670,000 170,000

Town of X General Fund

Balnce Sheet,
June 30, Year 6
Cash 1,420,000

Taxes Receivable- Delinquent 570,000
Less: Allowance for Uncollectable Taxes 10,000 560,000
Inventory of Supplies 500,000
Total Assets 2,480,000
Liabilities and Fund Balance
Vouchers Payable 700,000
Payable to Enterprise Fund 50,000
Payable to Internal Service fund 60,000
Total Liabilities 810,000

Fund Balance:
Reserved for Encumbrance 50,000
Reserved for Inventory of Supplies 500,000
Designated for Replacement of Equipment 250,000
Unreserved and Undesignated 870,000 1,670,000
Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 2,480,000

Closing Entries for a General Fund

After the financial statements have been prepared for the town of X General fund, the
budgetary and actual revenues, expenditures and encumbrance ledger accounts must be closed
to clear them for the next fiscal year activities.

Unreserved and Undesignated Fund Balance 50,000

Encumbrances 50,000
= To close encumbrance ledger account
Appropriations 8,100,000
Estimated Other Financing Uses 100,000
Budgetary Fund Balance 300,000
Estimated Revenues 8,400,000
Estimated Other Financing Sources 100,000
= To close budgetary ledger Accounts

Revenue 8,480,000
Other Financing Sources 100,000
Expenditures 8,000,000
Other Financing Uses 110,000
Unreserved and undesignated Fund Balance 470,000
= To close Revenues, Expenditures, Other Financing Sources and Uses
Ledger Accounts

Explanation- The forgoing journal entries do not close the Fund Balance Reserved for
Encumbrance Ledger account. Thus, the reverse represents a restriction on the fund balance
on June 30 year 6 brcause4 the town of X General fund is committed in the fiscal year 7 to
make estimated expenditures of 50,000 attributable to budgetary appropriations carried over
from the fiscal year 6. if the fund balance reserved for encumbrance account had been closed ,
the unreserved and undesignated fund balance account would have been overstated by 50,000.
The unreserved and Undesignated Fund Balance Ledger account balance must represent the
amount of the General fund’s Assets that is available for appropriation for a deficit budget in
fiscal year 7. When expenditures applicable to 50,000 outstanding encumbrances on June 30
year 6 are vouchered for payment in the succeeding fiscal year, the fund balance reserved for
encumbrance ledger account is debited for 50,000, the vouchers payable is credited for the
amount to be paid, and the balancing debit or credit is entered in the unreserved and
undesignated fund balance account.

The budgetary accounts are closed at the end of the fiscal year because they are no longer
required for control over revenues, expenditures, and other financing sources and uses. the
amounts in the journal entry that closed the budgetary accounts were taken from the original
journal entry to record the budget at the beginning.

After june30, year 6, closing entry for the town of X general Fund are posted, the unreserved
and undesignated Fund Balance Ledger Account appears as shown below.

Unreserved and Undesignated Fund Balance

Date Explanation Debit Credit Balance

Year 5
June 30 Balance 800,000
Year 6
June 30 Increase in the amount reserved 100,000 700,000
for Inventory of supplies

30 Designation for replacement

of equipment 250,000 450,000
30 Close encumbrances ledger
Account 50,000 40,000
30 Close Excess of Revenue and
Other Financing Sources over
Expenditures and Other Financing
Uses 47,000 87,000


I. Classification of Appropriations and Expenditures

The term, appropriations and expenditure, both have to do with resources, which are used
by a governmental entity. The relation between the two is that an appropriation is the
authorization to make expenditure. In reality, an appropriation is actually both an
authorization to spend and at the same time a limitation on spending. An appropriation,
when enacted by law is an authorization to incur on behalf of the governmental unit
liabilities for, goods, services and facilities to be used for purposes specified in the
appropriation ordinance, or statute, in amounts not in excess of those specified for each
purpose. The budgeted appropriations are often called estimated expenditures,
expenditures, and the
appropriation budget is called expenditure budget.
According to GASB’s Principles, Expenditures should be classified by: -
1. Fund
2. Function or program
3. Organization unit
4. Activity
5. Character
6. Object
1. Classification by Fund
The primary classification of governmental expedition is by fund, since funds are the basics
fiscal & accounting entity of governmental unit.

2. Classification by Function or Program

Functions are group related activities that are aimed at accomplishing a major service or
regulatory responsibility. Program are group activates, operation on organizational units that
are directed to the attainment of specified purposes or objectives generally speaking, function
refers to what is done program refers to the means by which it is done.
E.g. The G.F. may –have the following program or functions.

-General Governmental
-Public safety
-Health & welfare
-Culture & recreation

3. Classification by organization unit

To carry out the broad functions or program, responsibility is divided to smaller units or
departments. This helps with affixing specific accountability.
E.g. - Police dept.
- Fire dept.
- Public works dept.
- Parks & recreation dept.

The key distinction between the classification of expenditures by organizational unit &
Classification by programs or functions is that responsibility for a dept. is fixed; where as a
number of depts. may be involved in the performance of a program or a function.

4. Classification by activity
An activity is a specific & distinguishable line of work performed by an organizational unit to
fulfill the overall goals of the program or function. For example, within the police dept.,
activities such as the following may be performed.
- Crime control by -- Foot patrol
Car Patrol
- Traffic control by -- Traffic

5. Classification by character
This classification has to do with the expenditure itself than the department or fund in which
it is incurred. The character of expenditure is either.
- Current expenditure – meant to benefit the current period only.
- Capital expenditure – benefits the current period plus other periods the future.
- Debt service expend – includes payment of interest or debt & payment of debt
principal that arises from past period benefits which may also be expected to benefit
the current and future period.

6. Classification by object
Object of expenditure is the thing for which the expenditure was made. It is mainly a
concern of current period expenditures.
E.g. Personal services
Other services & charges
Capital outlays

Addis Ababa city council G.F

Public safety programmes /function
Police dept organization unit
Crime control activity
Current expend. Character
Supplies object

II. Classification of Estimated Revenues & Revenues

Revenues are defined, as all increases in fund net Assets except those arising from inter fund
transfers and from proceeds of long-term debit. A governmental unit and the funds thereof
may raise revenue only from sources available to them by law.

The primary classification of governmental revenues is by fund. Within each fund, the major
classification is, by source. Major revenue source classes are: -
1. Taxes
2. Licenses & permits
3. Inter-governmental revenues
1. Charges for services
2. Fines & forfeits
3. Miscellaneous revenues

1. Taxes

Taxes are a forced contribution imposed on the citizens by the government. There are a
number of different kinds of taxes possible, including property (land use) sales, excise,
income, customs, and capital gain etc….

Giving a formal notice of a tax to be paid is called a levy. A tax levy, especially on goods or
property also typically creates a Lien, which gives the taxing authority, the power to
confiscate the goods or property in the event of a non- payment of the tax.

Incorrect calculation of taxes by the tax payer may result in penalties. Taxes, which are not
paid on time usually, include accrued interest on any unpaid balance. These penalties &
interest create an additional revenue source for the government.

In addition to revenue accounts, the following accounts may also be needed to account for tax
collections; Taxes Receivables Current, Taxes Receivable Delinquent, Tax Lien Receivable,
Interest & Penalties Receivable on Delinquent Taxes (all four are assets), Deferred Taxes,
Trust for property owners (Both are Liabilities), Allowance for Uncollectable Taxes (contra-
Asset). any uncollected taxes are accounted for as a reduction of revenue.

The deferred taxes account is credited for taxes, which are paid in a year before they may
legally be used for expenditure. The Taxes Receivable Current account is used to accrue
taxes, which are due in the current year. The taxes receivable Delinquent account is used to
accrue taxes, which are due in the current year. The Taxes Receivable Delinquent account is
used to record any taxes, which are, past due. The Taxes Lien- Receivable account is used to
record taking possession of goods on which an owed tax has not been paid. If those possessed
goods are sold in an attempt to cover the tax & any additional cost incurred in collecting it,
The Trust for Property Owners account is used to record any balance remaining from the
selling price after the tax & collection cost are deducted. The Interest & Penalties Receivable
on delinquent taxes account is used, obviously, to record interest & penalties due on unpaid

2. Licenses and permits

Licenses and permits may be divided into two categories.
a) Business - like merchants licenses, customs clearing Agency licenses, professional
(physician, attorney)
b) Non business - like driving licenses, hunting license, Residential permits
Revenue from licenses & permits are accounted on the cash basis.
3. Intergovernmental Revenue
Intergovernmental revenues include Grants, Entitlements & Shared Revenues.
a) Grant is money, which is given for a specific purpose & it should be classified
according to both its source & it purpose. A grant could be given from the federal
governmental to regional state government (called a subsidy) or from a foreign
government to the federal government. Grants can be divided into two types.
b) Shared revenues is a revenue levied by one government but shared on a predetermined
basis, often in proportion o the amount collected at the local level, with another
government or class of government. it should be accrued unless there are matching or
specific spending requirements.
c) Entitlement is the amount of payment to which a state or local government is entitled
as determined by the federal government pursuant to an allocation formula
4. Charges for services
Charges for services include revenue from charges for all activities of a Governmental unit,
except the operations of enterprise funds.
E.g. court costs, special parking meters.
It should be recognized as revenue when earned, if that is prior to the collection of cash.

5. Fines & forfeits

Fines & forfeits are penalties, which are paid to governmental unit, usually as punishment for
violating the law. It is accounted thorough cash basis.

6. Miscellaneous revenue
Any revenue types that do not fit one of the above five classifications.E.g. interest income on
investments – should be accrued
- Sales of fixed assets
- Insurance claim

- Contribution from private individuals

Check Your Progress

1. Compare and Contrast General Fund and Special Revenue funds.

2. Discuss the reservation and designation of the fund balance account of the governmental
unit’s General Fund and special Revenue fund.
3. What are the principal differences between the financial statements of the governmental
unit’s general fund and the financial statements of a business enterprise?
4. What does a budget include in a governmental units general fund and special revenue
5. Describe the classification of Governmental funds revenue and expenditures?
6. What revenues of general fund generally accrue?
7. Discuss the use of Encumbrance as a budgetary control account.

8. Describe how expenditures are recorded and exceptions which are recorded separately.

9. Describe accounting for supplies in governmental entities general fund and special
Revenue fund.
10. Describe the inter-fund transfer and transactions in the governmental funds?


Even though the General fund and the special Revenue fund have different Purposes, they are
both revenue funds and the accounting and reporting procedure is the same for both. They are
very similar in that all or almost all of their resources are expended each year and then filled
up in the next year. Understanding the accounting and characteristics of General fund with an
exception of few points will enable us to have a clearer understanding of both funds.


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