McGee - Counterexample To Modus Ponens
McGee - Counterexample To Modus Ponens
McGee - Counterexample To Modus Ponens
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Having learned that gold and silver were both once mined in his re-
gion, Uncle Otto has dug a mine in his backyard. Unfortunately, it is
virtually certain that he will find neither gold nor silver, and it is en-
tirely certain that he will find nothing else of value. There is ample
reason to believe
If Uncle Otto doesn't find gold, then if he strikes it rich, it will be
by finding silver.
Uncle Otto won't find gold.
Since, however, his chances of finding gold, though slim, are no
slimmer than his chances of finding silver, there is no reason to sup-
pose that
If Uncle Otto strikes it rich, it will be by finding silver.
It is true that, if that animal is a fish, then if it has lungs it's a lungfish.
It is true that that animal is a fish.
3There are, of course, familiar cases in which we see that an application of modus
ponens leads us from premises we reasonably believe to a conclusion we find utterly
incredible, and we respond by repudiating the premises rather than accepting the
conclusion. The present examples are not like this, since we do not renounce the
any more than I did. Thus our future linguist will be either in the
awkward position of believing the premises of the argument with-
out believing that those premises are true, or else in the equally
awkward position of not believing the conclusion of the argument
even though he does believe that that conclusion is true. Thus the
only way that we can hold on to the doctrine that modus ponens is
truth-preserving will be to accept an unexpected disparity between
believing a proposition and believing that that proposition is true.
In an attempt to supply truth conditions where nature provides
none, philosophers have settled upon material implication: Count
rIf 4 then qifl as true if either 4 is false or q, is true. Sometimes t
is intended as a proposal for linguistic reform, a suggestion that, at
least in our scientific discourse, we ought to use the "If-then" con-
struction in a new way, treating it as the material conditional
rather than the ordinary conditional. Our examples do not raise
any difficulties for this proposal, since if we reinterpret them this
way, our examples become arguments with true premises and true
conclusions. Sometimes, however, material implication is proposed
as an account of how we presently use the "If-then" construction.
This is surely wrong. If we have seen the polls showing Reagan far
ahead of Carter, who is far ahead of Anderson, we will not for a
moment suppose that
4The first horn of this dilemma would not be uncomfortable to someone like
Adams [The Logic of Condztionals (Boston: Reidel, 1975)] who doubts that condi-
tionals are either true or false. By hypothesis, this is not the situation of our future
to assert, accept, or believe the conditional rIf X and if, then 01. It
appears, from looking at examples, that the law of exportation.
11ro D qJ1, o} F qf
(Strlmp) Strict implication is as strong or stronger than either condi-
tional: If lo)} F , then 4)m r > 1 and 4 F r-D
(where 4) is the empty set).
(Taut) Ordinary Boolean connectives behave normally: If ? is a
tautology,6 then 4) F .7
Then the two conditionals " # " and "D" are logically indistinguisha-
ble. More precisely, if 0 and O' are alike except that' e' and 'D' have
been exchanged at some places, then {/l} F t' and {O'} F 0.
'It would appear that the law of importation, the converse of the law of exporta-
tion, is also valid.
6To see whether k is a tautology, apply the following test: First replace every sub-
formula of p of the form r i/ a> 01 that is not itself contained in such a subformula
by a new sentential letter. Then apply the usual truth-table test.
'We get an equivalent set of conditions by replacing (Exp) and (Strlmp) for '4'
by the principle
(Cond) If rP U toF /,, then F pro a *1
This rule reflects the way we customarily prove conditionals: Add k hypothetically
to our body of theory. If we can prove fr in the augmented theory, count rIf ; then
)I,1 as proved.
If Juan hadn't married Xochitl and Sylvia hadn't run off to India,
Juan and Sylvia would have become lovers.
If Juan hadn't married Xochitl, then if Sylvia hadn't run off to India,
Juan and Sylvia would have become lovers.
8This conclusion already shows us that ' a ' is not genuinely stronger than the
material conditional, as we would have hoped. Notice that to get it we need only
this very weak form of (Strlmp):
If q1 is a tautological consequence of ?, then b S r- Fa q i1.
9"A Theory of Conditionals," in Nicholas Rescher, ed., Studies in Logical The-
ory. American Phzlosophical Quarterly supplementary monograph series (Oxford:
Blackwell, 1968), pp. 98-1 12.
If Uncle Otto hadn't found gold but he had struck it rich, it would
have been by finding silver.
If Uncle Otto hadn't found gold, then if he had struck it rich, it would
have been by finding silver.
What does the Stalnaker semantics say? The closest world to the ac-
tual world in which Uncle Otto does not find gold-call it w-will
be a world in which the deposit of gold is located just on the other
side of Otto's property line, or perhaps a world in which Otto does
not dig quite deeply enough to reach the vein. The world closest to
is true. Therefore, in w,
If Uncle Otto had struck it rich, it would have been by finding gold
If Uncle Otto hadn't found gold, then if he had struck it rich, it would
have been by finding gold.
= 4 if 4 is an atomic sentence.
v rl* = v(?* V
F(g & *= F(*& g fr
Therefore if 0 then 0.
Therefore f 4 6.