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Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes For SAW of Low-Carbon Steels

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Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for

SAW of Low-Carbon Steels
Ana Ma. Paniagua-Mercado and Victor M. Lopez-Hirata
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ESFM-ESIQIE)

1. Introduction
The submerged-arc welding of steels has been used since 1930. It is well known that the
mechanical properties of steel weldments depend on the chemical compositions of
electrodes and fluxes. The development of welding electrodes has been based on practical
experiences. The study of welding deposits by means of physical metallurgy permitted to
develop electrodes and fluxes for SAW process of steels. In contrast, the use of chemical and
physical properties of fluxes for the development of welding process started in the 70´s.
(Shah, 1986). Most of the works concerning with the fluxes for SAW process have been
focused on its effect on microstructure and mechanical properties. Likewise, it has been
interesting the study of the thermochemical and electrochemical reactions that occur at the
welding pool which are very important for the transferring of metallic elements to the
welds. In addition to the stated above, the electrode coverings is also a very important
aspect to obtain weld metal with good mechanical properties. The covering materials are
fluxes which are composed of different mineral chemical compounds such as, oxides,
fluorides and carbonates (Singer & Singer, 1979). The firing and sintering process of fluxes
during welding electrode processing promotes chemical reactions and phase
transformations of these minerals. All these factors determine the valence or electric charge
of the different elements which are deposited to the weld metal. All the oxides from flux
may contribute to the dissolution process of different metallic elements and oxygen in the
welding pool. These metallic elements can react with oxygen to form oxide inclusions which
can serve as nucleation sites for the formation of some benefit phases such as acicular ferrite
during the welding process (Davis & Bailey 1991). These events may improve the
mechanical strength and ductility of weld metal. Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to
show the effect of different fluxes on the chemical composition, microstructure and
mechanical properties of weld metals by the submerged-arc welding procedure.

2. Chemical and structural characterization of the crystalline phases in

agglomerated fluxes for SAW
The weld metal chemistry is affected by the electrochemical reaction at the weld pool flux
interface. The main characteristics of submerged-arc welds are a function of the fluxes and
their physicochemical properties (Indacochea et al., 1989). Submerged-arc welding (SAW)
fluxes are manufactured in three main forms; fused at temperatures exceeding 1400 o C,

282 Arc Welding

agglomerated from 400 to 900 o C and sintered from 1000 to 1100 o C from mineral
constituents, (Jackson, 1982). Reactions, which occur during firing of a ceramic oxide,
comprise phase transformations of minerals (Singer, 1963), reaction among the different
phases (Allen, 1966), formation of crystal phases from the melt and formation of a melt. The
phase transformation of the crystal phases predominates at the early stages of firing, before
a melt is formed. The formation of a melt can be observed at temperatures as low as 920 oC,
due to the presence of minor amounts of impurities such as, alkaline earth oxides (Dunham
& Christian, 1984). In this way, the agglomerated fluxes can be studied by the chemical
analysis of the crystal phases formed during the increase of temperature. This enables us to
quantify types of ions and their distribution, which is useful to predict their behavior when
they are dissociated in the submerged-arc welding process, (Indacochea et al., 1989). Thus,
this section shows a study of the crystalline phases and the chemical characterization of the
ions formed in agglomerated fluxes using Chemical Analysis, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and
Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). It is also intended to show the effect of ion content of
flux on the behavior of submerged-arc welding.

2.1 Composition, preparation and characterization of fluxes

Three agglomerated welding fluxes were prepared, using mixtures of mineral oxides in
different proportions (designated as A, B and C), as shown in Table 1. Each mixture was
weighed, mixed in a vibratory camera for 30 minutes and subsequently pelletized in a
laboratory machine of 80 cm diameter and 28 cm height at 40 rpm, using sodium silicate as
the agglomerate agent. The average size of pellets was 5 mm. They were dried in a stove at

crushed and then screened to a 240 m size. For comparison, a commercial agglomerated
200 oC for 24 hours, fired for 3 hours. at 950 oC in a gas kiln at a heating rate of 50 oC/h,

welding flux was also used, designated as T sample. The chemical analysis was determined
by X-ray fluorescence. The XRD analysis was conducted in a diffractometer with a
monochromated Cu K radiation. For all the samples, the DTA analysis was carried out in a
Al2O3 crucible from 25 to 1350oC at a heating rate of 10oC/min. Alumina was used as
standard reference for DTA analysis.

2.2 Chemical, structural and thermal characterization of fluxes

2.2.1 Chemical analysis
Table 2 shows the elemental chemical composition of the mixtures A, B and C, calculated
with the data shown in Table 1 and the stequiometric formula of each compound. Tables 3
and 4 show the elemental chemical analysis and oxide compounds, respectively, for the
fused fluxes A, B, C and T. By comparison of Table 1 with Table 3, it can be noticed that
there was an increase in the percentage of Al2O3, SiO2, and Na2O. These oxides increased at
the same proportion as they were present in the original mixtures. This can be attributed to
the evaporation of impurities such as alkaline oxides with a low melting point that were
present in the original mineral, (Dunham & Christian, 1984). The amount of CaO showed
the highest decrease because it came from the CaCO3 compound, in the original mixture,
which is decomposed at about 900 °C (Singer, 1963). The Na2O also is formed from Na2CO3,
but its proportion is a little higher than the original one because the sodium silicate,
Na2SiO4, was used for the agglomerating process. In order to be agglomerated, a higher
amount of sodium silicate was added to the flux B than that added to the fluxes A and C.
This fact explains the difference in Na2O composition.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 283

In the SAW process, the temperature of electric arc causes the dissociation of oxides and
these remains as ions in the plasma, (Belton et al. 1963). The temperature in the welding pool
reaches 1560-2300 °C. Christensen and Gjermundsen, (Christensen & Gjermundsen, 1962)
calculated temperatures above 2500 °C for the welding pool in mild steels. Apold (Apold,
1962) suggested that the heat energy provided by the electric arc is concentrated on a
circumference of 5mm diameter. According to the above information, most of the oxides are
melted, but oxides with high melting points such as MgO (2500-2800 °C), CaO (2572 °C) and
ZrO2 (2720 °C) are not melted. That is, it is important that the chemical formulation of fluxes
enables all the oxides to be melted in order to avoid the presence of inclusion in the

Compounds Flux A Flux B Flux C

Al2O3 2.6 8.00 8.0
SiO2 43.8 25.00 20.0
Fe2O3 6.0 2.0 9.0
K2O 0.11 0.07 0.07
Na2CO3 0.09 1.0 0.20
CaCO3 20.00 3.0 5.0
MnO 7.00 --- 11.0
MgO 6.00 1.0 5.0
TiO2 10.00 29.00 31.00

Table 1. Initial composition (wt. %) of fluxes.

Element Flux A Flux B Flux C Flux T

Al 3.85 12.17 12.00 9.71
Si 25.53 14.72 11.47 5.46
Fe 1.74 0.52 2.74 2.4
K 0.37 0.24 0.24 0.32
Na 1.05 10.4 2.36 0.9
Ca 8.1 1.21 1.88 4.85
Mn 4.11 - 6.38 9.2
Mg 2.8 0.37 2.49 4.47
C 0.46 0.53 0.03 0.08
S 0.08 0.028 0.06 0.016
Ti 5.3 15.5 16.7 21.6

Table 2. Elemental chemical analysis (wt. %) of fused fluxes.

284 Arc Welding

Oxide Flux A Flux B Flux C Flux T

Al2O3 7.29 23.00 23.00 18.36
SiO2 54.65 31.50 24.50 11.69
Fe2O3 2.48 0.74 3.92 3.43
K2O 0.44 0.28 0.28 0.38
Na2O 1.41 14.00 3.18 1.21
CaO 11.33 1.69 2.63 6.78
MnO 5.30 - 8.23 11.88
MgO 4.64 0.61 4.12 7.41
TiO2 9.00 26.00 28.00 36.31
Table 3. Oxide compound (wt. %) of fused fluxes.

2.2.2 Structural analysis

Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 shows the X-ray diffraction patterns of agglomerated and sintered
fluxes. Here, it can be observed the presence of crystalline phases, such as Nepheline
(NaAlSiO4), Gismodine (CaAl2Si2O8.4H20) and Vesuvianite (Ca19AIIIMg2Si18O69(OH)9),
which were formed at low temperature, (Berry & Mason, 1959). These are equilibrium
phases and were formed due to the reaction at the sintered temperature between different
ions of the original mixture with the sodium silicate, added during the agglomeration
process. Other oxides, such as titanium oxide and manganese oxide showed practically no
reaction with other reactants at these temperatures; however, they appeared with a different
oxidation degree and crystalline structure. The silicon oxide, aluminum oxide and calcium
oxide did not react at all.
The Nepheline phase can be formed by replacement of the half of silicon atoms with
aluminum atoms in the sodium silicate compound, (Klein & Hurbult, 1999). The electric
balance is kept by the addition of sodium ions in the interstitial sites of the hexagonal
structure (Berry & Mason, 1959). Its quantification is shown in Table 4 and it was based on
the X-ray diffraction peaks with the highest intensity (Cullity, 2003). Table 5 shows the
quantification of ions calculated according to its disassociation reaction at the temperature
of electric arc, as proposed by Davis and Bailey (Davis & Bailey, 1991).
The Gismodine phase can be melted at low temperatures and has a monoclinic structure and
also appeared in the sintered fluxes. The quantification of compound and ions is shown in
Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
The Vesuvianite phase has a low melting point and tetragonal crystalline structure. This
could be formed by means of the replacement of aluminium with silicon. This phase has
also a low melting temperature and a tetragonal structure. Its quantification is also shown in
Tables 4 and 5.
The other detected phases were Quartz, Rutile, Anastase and -titanium oxide. Fluorite was
only detected in the flux T. All these compounds showed practically no reaction at the
sintering temperature. These were also stable at room temperature. Tables 4 and 5 show
their quantification as ions and compounds, respectively.
The formation of different oxides and silicates observed in fluxes A, B and C, but not in flux
T can be attributed to the addition of sodium silicate used in the agglomeration process of
the former fluxes, as well as the high sintering temperature.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 285

2.2.3 Thermal analysis

All oxides were stable during heating of DTA up to 1000 °C. Thus, the DTA curves are
shown in the range of 1000-1350°c for fluxes A, B, C and T in Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8, respectively.
Most of the reactions observed in DTA curves were endothermic type. Some of the
endothermic peaks are located at close temperature values for the different fluxes. For
instance, an endothermic peak is located at 1147.8, 1121.4, 1122.3 and 1161.6 °C for the fluxes
A, B, C and T, respectively. Another one is located at 1226.0, 1189.3, 1213.4 and 1228.6 °C for
the same fluxes, respectively. Finally, a peak located at 1288.4, 1267.9 and 1286.6 °C for the
fluxes B, C and T, respectively. The difference in temperature for these endothermic events
can be attributed to the difference in chemical composition of fluxes.

Fig. 1. XRD pattern of the flux A.

Fig. 2. XRD pattern of the flux B.

286 Arc Welding

Fig. 3. XRD pattern of the flux C.

Fig. 4. XRD pattern of the flux T.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 287

Name Composition A B C T
Corundum Al2O3 9.17 17.90 12.11 19.07
Quartz SiO2 51.10 17.05 18.38 6.90
Nepheline NaAlSiO4 12.65 19.95 17.12 -----
Gismondine 12.65 ----- ----- -----
Vesuvianite ----- 10.23 ----- -----
Hausmannite 5.24 3.80 6.10
Anatase TiO2 ----- 6.95 3.60 53.03
Rutile TiO2 9.17 ----- ----- -------
Ti3 05 ----- 20.32 ----- -------
Ti203 ----- ----- 25.65 --------
Mn2O3 ---- ----- 8.55 -------
CaO 3.56
Fluorite Ca F2 ----- ----- ---- 14.90
Table 4. Weight percent of compounds determined from XRD.

Ion Flux A Flux B Flux C Flux T

% Al+3 10.51 14.28 11.01 10.09
% Si+4 29.55 22.80 19.79 3.22
% Na+ 2.05 3.23 1.15 ---
% Mn+2 1.17 0.84 2.65 1.36
% Mn+3 2.60 1.88 5.90 3.03
% Mn+4
% Ti+2 5.5 6.95 2.15 31.79
% Ti+3 17.08
% Ti5/3 13.05
% Ca+2 2.34 2.57 2.54 7.64
% Mg+2 1.88
% H+1 0.12 0.03
% F-1 7.26
% O-2 46.16 42.21 32.47 35.61
Table 5. Ion content (mol %) of fluxes.
The endothermic reactions corresponding to the above temperatures can be compared with
the melting reaction of Gismodine, which has been reported to occur in a temperature range
between 965 and 1082 °C. Quartz transformation from Cristobalite to Tridimite occurs
between 1200 and 1650 °C. Na2O sublimation takes place at about 1275 °C. Fluorite and

288 Arc Welding

Vesuvianite melt at about 1200 °C. Nefeline melts at temperatures higher than 1248 °C. The
melting of corundum, rutile, anastase, hausmannite and quartz was not detected because it
occur above 1500 °C. The zigzag behavior of DTA curves reveals blistering or gassing of the
glass formation (Gordon & Chu, 1966).

Fig. 5. DTA diagram of flux A.

Fig. 6. DTA diagram of flux B.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 289

Fig. 7. DTA diagram of flux C.

Fig. 8. DTA diagram of flux T.

290 Arc Welding

2.3 Effect of crystalline phases and ion contents on the behavior of flux
Oxides and carbonates were used for manufacturing the different fluxes. These formed
different crystalline phases after sintering. According to the X-ray diffraction analyses, silica
(SiO2), manganese oxide (MnO) and titanium oxide (TiO2) were the compounds that reacted
during the heating of fluxes.
The silica reacted to form anionic species such as silicates. Three compounds with this
characteristic were identified in the sintered fluxes: Nepheline (NaAlSiO4), Gismodine
(CaAl2Si2O8.4H2O) and Vesuvianite (Ca19Al11Mg2Si18O69.(OH)9). The silicon
electrodeposition in the welding cathodic pool is not as favored as the deposition of volatile
calcium from flux. It has been found (Davis & Bailey, 1991) that a small amount of silicon
can be formed electrochemically, but most of it is formed by means of calcium evaporation,
which can reduce the SiO2 in the flux.
It was found that the hausmannite (Mn3O4) was formed in the sintered fluxes. This is a
spinel with electron valences, Mn2 and Mn3. Thus, it is possible to have different reactions
which permit the formation of several oxide compounds and oxide radicals from MnO,
forming inclusions.
The ion quantification determined from the X-ray diffraction results enables us to estimate
the amount of the ions from flux formed in the plasma of electric arc. These ions react with
oxygen and the oxides will be deposited on the weld. The most important reactions between
the electric arc and welding pool correspond to those where oxygen is involved.
Oxygen can react with any cationic component from the flux, as Na1, Ca2, Mg2, Al3, Si4,
Fe2, Fe3, Mn2, Mn3, Mn4, Ti+2, Ti+3, Ti+5/3 and probably SiO4-4 from the silicates formed in
the fluxes, the anions present are O-2 and F-1.
It is possible to make a prediction of the reactions with these cations and anions. Calcium
and magnesium are expected to react first with oxygen in the welding arc because its
corresponding oxides have the largest negative formation free energy Gf. Al+3 has the next
highest value for the formation of a stable oxide. Si+4 and Titanium reacts readily with
oxygen in the next order. Ti+2 almost react at the same time with Mg+2, and then Ti+3 and
Ti+4 react to form stable dioxides to give anions and cations with similar set of reactions.
Manganese too exhibit variable valency and may form many oxides and oxide radicals
when react with the oxygen in the next order Mn+2, Mn+3 and Mn+4 in agreement with the
corresponding Gf values (Davis & Bailey, 1991).
The silicates formed will be more soluble in the slag than in the weld pool. Transfer of Mn, Si
and Al from the flux to weld pool depends on the amounts in the flux (Davis & Bailey, 1991).
The oxygen can react with any available cationic species to give non-metallic inclusions.
The identification of phases in fluxes can be used to know the behavior of fluxes during
their depositing process, as well as the effect of them on the mechanical properties of welds.
In the fluxes A, B, C, and T, the presence of corundum can be observed, which has an effect
on the facility for slag removing (Jackson, 1982). The same effect has been observed for the
presence of rutile in fluxes.
Calcium ions in fluxes increase the stability of electric arc (Butler & Jackson, 1967). These
ions can come from either oxide or fluoride compounds. Significant calcium content was
detected for fluxes A, C and T but not for flux B. Thus, the latter might present an unstable
electric arc during welding.
It is also known that quartz and corundum increase the viscosity of fluxes, while the
additions of manganese oxide, fluorite and titanium oxide reduce viscosity (Jackson, 1982).

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 291

The latter compounds were detected in the fluxes A, C, and T, but only a small content, may
be as impurity, and were observed in the flux B. Thus, a problem of flux fluidity might be
present in this flux.
The manganese oxide and quartz have been observed to have a beneficial effect on the
mechanical properties of welds (Lancaster, 1999). Manganese oxide and quartz were
included in the formulation of fluxes A and C, but not for flux B.
Titanium oxide has been observed to promote the formation of acicular ferrite, which is less
susceptible to cracking (Evans, (1996). Fluxes C and T are expected to produce the better
weld since they contain quartz, manganese oxide, titanium oxide, and the content of oxygen
ions (calculated by X-ray diffraction) is smaller than A and B.

2.4 Influence of chemical composition on the microstructure and tensile properties of

SAW welds
The mechanical properties of welds are determined by the microstructure developed during
the submerged-arc welding process (Joarder et al. 1991). It was suggested that the acicular
ferrite provided a good toughness and tensile strength to the welds because its fine size has
a higher resistance to the crack propagation (Liu & Olson, 1986). Thus, it seems to be
convenient to increase the volume fraction of ferrite in welds. Widmanstätten, equiaxial and
acicular ferrite can be developed by the welding process. A method for promoting the
formation of acicular ferrite consists of the additions of oxides into the flux, such as boron
oxide, vanadium oxide and titanium oxide (Evans, 1996). The oxides in the flux may
contribute to different metallic element dissolution and oxygen into the weld. These
elements may react to form oxide inclusions, which are trapped into the weld and facilitate
the nucleation of acicular ferrite during the weld cooling (Dowling et al. 1986) and (Vander
et al. 1999). The main factors that determine the microstructure of a weld are: chemical
composition, austenite grain size and cooling rate (Lancaster, 1980). The chemical
composition comes from the composition of base metal, electrode and flux (Davis & Bailey,
(1991). In order to increase the mechanical properties of welds for low-carbon steels, the
selection of an appropriate flux composition plays a very important role to obtain a fine
acicular ferrite, which has been shown to improve the properties in this type of welds. The
objective of this work is to study the effect of different fluxes on the chemical composition,
microstructure and tensile properties of weld applied on an AISI 1025 steel by the arc-
submerged welding process.

2.4.1 Weldment preparation and mechanical tests

The chemical composition of fluxes used in this work are given in Table 6. It also includes
the composition for a commercial flux to be used for comparison purposes. The
compositions were selected in order to analyze the effects of SiO2, MnO and TiO2 on weld
properties. The base metal was a 250 x 60 x 13 mm plate of an AISI 1025 steel, with a
chemical composition as given in Table 7. The joint preparation was a 45° single V-groove.
The welding fluxes were dried at 200 °C for 24 hours. The welding conditions were 600 A,
30V and a welding speed of 0.118 ms-1, and kept constant for all cases. All welds were
carried out in one pass. Tension specimens were extracted from welded plates and prepared
according to the E8M-86 ASTM standard. Tension tests were conducted at room
temperature and 3.33 x 10-4 s-1 in a universal machine and on 10 specimens for each flux.
Vickers hardness measurements were carried out on the base metal, heat affected zone and
weld site with a load of 10 kg. The chemical analysis of welds was performed by an X-ray

292 Arc Welding

fluorescence spectrometer. Weld samples were prepared metallographically and etched

with Nital to be observed in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) at 20 kV and a light
microscope. Microanalysis were also carried out on the inclusions of welds using an EDX
equipment attached to the SEM. Macroetching was also carried out with Nital reagent.

wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.%

SiO2 Fe203 MnO MgO K2O Na2O CaO Al2O3 TiO2
A 54.65 2.48 5.30 4.64 0.44 1.41 11.33 7.29 9.00
B 31.51 0.74 --- 0.61 0.28 14.00 1.69 23.00 26.00
C 24.55 3.92 8.23 4.12 0.28 3.18 2.63 23.0 28.0
T 11.69 3.43 11.88 7.41 0.38 1.21 6.78 18.36 36.31
Table 6. Chemical composition of fluxes.

2.4.2 Chemical composition

As is well known, the reactions between liquid weld metal and fused flux in the SAW
process are similar to those between molten metal and slag in the steel making process. As
shown in Table 7, the manganese, silicon, calcium, titanium and aluminum contents of the
weld metal increase as the content of the corresponding oxides for the initial flux also
increases. It was reported (ASM, Metals Handbook, 1989) that a rapid pick up of manganese
and silicon might occur until its corresponding oxide content of the flux was about, 10 and
40 %, respectively. The fluxes T and A have the highest contents of MnO and SiO2,
respectively. The highest contents of manganese and silicon were also detected for the weld
metal of fluxes T and A, respectively.
The lowest carbon content was detected for the weld metals of the fluxes B and C. This is
attributed to the higher contents of Al2O3 and SiO2 for those fluxes, which give a higher
content of O-2 ions that react with carbon (Davis & Bailey, 1991). Additionally, these fluxes
also have the lowest content of metallic cations.

2.4.3 Mechanical properties

Table 8 shows the average values of tensile properties, yield strength (Sy), ultimate tensile
strength (Suts), elongation percentage and area reduction percentage. The Vickers hardness
at the center of weld is also shown in this table.
The tensile strength and hardness of a steel can be related to the equivalent carbon, given by
the following equation (Zhang et al. 1999):

Cequivalent = C + Mn/6 + Si/24 + Ni/40 + Cr/5 + Mo/4 + V/4 (1)

Where C, Mn, Si, Ni, Mo and V represent the metallic content, expressed as a percentage. As
expected, the highest and lowest tensile strength and hardness were obtained for the weld
metal with the highest and lowest equivalent carbon, respectively. It was reported,
(Lancaster, 1980) that an equivalent carbon higher than 0.45 had a high susceptibility to cold
cracking after welding. Besides, the formation of martensite is facilitated during cooling of
welds. The equivalent carbon of welds for all fluxes is lower than 0.45. The highest
toughness, detected by the largest area under the engineering stress-strain curve,
corresponded to the weld metals of fluxes T and C. This can be attributed to their higher
content of manganese, which is known to improve the steel toughness (ASM, Metals
Handbook, 1989 ). Table 8 also shows the yield and ultimate tensile strengths calculated using

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 293

a computer program based on a non-linear multiparameter regression of the strength versus

the composition (Material Algorithms Project, 1999). The calculated values are higher than
the values determined in this work. The differences can be attributed to the fact that the
regression program considers neither the cooling condition of the weld nor the
microstructure constituents. Nevertheless, the highest and lowest calculated yield and
ultimate tensile strengths also corresponded to the welds for fluxes T and B, respectively.

Element Weld Weld Weld Weld

Base Metal Electrode
(wt. %) (Flux A) (Flux B) (Flux C) (Flux T)
C 0.248 0.082 0.124 0.103 0.098 0.171
Mn 0.785 1.312 0.640 0.710 1.000 1.380
Si 0.218 0.762 0.610 0.300 0.470 0.530
P 0.024 ---- 0.008 0.008 0.10 0.019
S 0.037 0.008 0.0044 0.034 0.046 0.033
Mo 0.016 --- 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.012
Ni 0.118 ---- 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.090
Cu 0.345 ---- 0.175 0.130 0.134 0.285
Sn 0.048 ---- 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.022
Al ---- ---- 0.004 0.027 0.001 0.010
Ti 0.002 ---- ---- --- 0.020 0.023
As ---- ---- 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.007
Ca ---- ---- 0.0031 ---- 0.002 0.0007
Cr 0.0054 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.090
V 0.004 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Table 7. Chemical composition of steel, electrode and welds.

Calc. Calc.
Sy Suts Elongation Vickers Sy Suts
Flux Reduction Cequivalent
(MPa) (Mpa) (%) Hardness (MPa) (MPa)
A 208 410 22 47 167 0.28 446 572
B 197 418 23 51 163 0.24 407 507
C 330 551 19 36 179 0.30 565 583
T 345 569 20 43 192 0.43 586 662
Table 8. Tensile properties, hardness an equivalent carbon of welds for the different fluxes.

2.4.4 Macrostructure and microstructure of welds

The macrographs of the as-deposited region of welds corresponding to the fluxes A, B, C

for most of the welds. In the case of HAZ, the ferrite mean grain size is about 5-9 m.
and T show a dendrite structure. The width of the heat affected zone (HAZ) is about 0.4 mm

Figures 9 (a)-(d) and (e)-(h) show the light and SEM micrographs, respectively, of the welds
corresponding to the fluxes A, B, C and T. Table 9 summarized the microconstituents and its
volume percentage observed in the welds corresponding to the fluxes A, B, C and T. Pearlite
and equiaxial ferrite are observed for all welds. No Widmanstätten ferrite is detected for all

294 Arc Welding

welds. The acicular ferrite was only detected for the welds corresponding to the fluxes C
and T. This can be attributed to the TiO2 content of flux because this type of oxides favored
the nucleation of acicular ferrite at the interface between austenite matrix and inclusion
(Zhang et al. 1999) and (Babu et al. 1999). Table 9 also shows the calculated microstructure
constituents using a computer program based on the weld composition and welding
conditions (current, voltage and welding speed), (Material Algorithms Project, 1999).
According to the calculated results, no Widmanstätten ferrite is predicted to be formed for
these weld compositions, which is in agreement with the results described above. However,
the calculated results indicated no presence of Pearlite, which can be observed clearly for all
welds in Fig. 9. The calculated microstructure results also show the increase in the volume
percentage of bainite + acicular ferrite for the fluxes C and T, compared with microstructure
results for fluxes A and B. This fact shows a good agreement with the presence of acicular
ferrite observed for the welds corresponding to fluxes C and T.
The volume percentage of inclusions is show in Table 10 for the welds corresponding to
fluxes A, B, C, and T. The lowest and highest contents of inclusions are detected for the
welds of fluxes C and T, and those of fluxes A and B, respectively. Table 10 also shows the
content of oxygen ions, calculated from the flux composition. The lower the content of
oxygen ions, the lower inclusion content in the weld steel is resulted. The elongation and
area reduction percentages are shown to have a dependence on with the inclusion volume
percentage. This seems to be reasonable since the ductility is drastically decreased with the
increase of inclusions in steels (Liu & Olson, 1986).

Acicular Calculated Calculated
Equiaxial Widmast. Pearlite Acic.
Weld Ferrite Widmanst. Ferrite (%)
Ferrite (%) Ferrite (%) (%) Ferrite+Bainite
(%) Ferrite (%)
83 0 17 0 0 1.85 98.15
Flux B 88 0 12 0 0 1.97 98.03
69 0 20 11 0 1.86 98.14
Flux T 68 0 8 24 0 1.24 98.76

Table 9. Microstructure of welds.

Weld O-2 ion % Basicity Index Inclusion vol. %

Flux A 46.16 0.35 24.40
Flux B 46.21 0.30 21.60
Flux C 32.47 0.32 15.00
Flux T 35.61 0.60 15.11

Table 10. Content of inclusions.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 295

Fig. 9. Light and SEM micrographs of welds for (a) and (e) flux A, (b) and (f) flux B, (c) and
(g) flux C, and (d) and (h) flux T, respectively.

296 Arc Welding

The microanalysis on inclusions indicated that most of inclusions are aluminum and silicon
oxides, manganese and calcium sulfides; however, the presence of round and bright
titanium oxide inclusions is observed only for the welds of fluxes C and T, Fig. 10. This type
of inclusions were mainly composed of Ti, Al, Mn and Si. This fact suggests that the
acicular ferrite seems to be nucleated at the interface between austenite matrix and titanium
oxide inclusions welds. We believe that almost no TiO2 inclusions are formed for welds of
fluxes A and B because these fluxes have the lowest content of MnO. MnO was reported
(Davis & Bailey, 1991), to react with SiO2 to form silicomanganates. However, the absence of
MnO causes SiO2 to react with TiO2 to form silicotitanates. Thus, this may explain the
absence of acicular ferrite for welds corresponding to fluxes A and B. The titanium-
containing welds corresponding to fluxes C and T have the highest yield and ultimate
tensile strengths. This fact is in agreement with the formation of acicular ferrite observed for
these welds.

Fig. 10. SEM micrograph of Ti-Inclusions and it corresponding EDS spectrum.

3. Conclusion
The determination of phase in fluxes enables us to identify the different type of oxides and
radicals formed during sintering of the initial materials. This quantification makes possible
know what anions and cations will be present in the electric arc. The most reactive reacts
quickly in the weld pool and might be either absorbed in the slag or retained in the weld as
inclusions. In summary, this work shows the importance of the selection for flux
composition in order to improve the mechanical properties of steel welds.

Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels 297

4. Acknowledgment
The authors wish to thank financial support from SIP-IPN-CONACYT.

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Arc Welding
Edited by Prof. Wladislav Sudnik

ISBN 978-953-307-642-3
Hard cover, 320 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 16, December, 2011
Published in print edition December, 2011

Ever since the invention of arc technology in 1870s and its early use for welding lead during the manufacture
of lead-acid batteries, advances in arc welding throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen
this form of processing applied to a range of industries and progress to become one of the most effective
techniques in metals and alloys joining. The objective of this book is to introduce relatively established
methodologies and techniques which have been studied, developed and applied in industries or researches.
State-of-the-art development aimed at improving technologies will be presented covering topics such as
weldability, technology, automation, modelling, and measurement. This book also seeks to provide effective
solutions to various applications for engineers and researchers who are interested in arc material processing.
This book is divided into 4 independent sections corresponding to recent advances in this field.

How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:

Ana Ma. Paniagua-Mercado and Victor M. Lopez-Hirata (2011). Chemical and Physical Properties of Fluxes
for SAW of Low-Carbon Steels, Arc Welding, Prof. Wladislav Sudnik (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-642-3, InTech,
Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/arc-welding/chemical-and-physical-properties-of-fluxes-for-

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