1. The test cases check for expected results from various user registration, login, data processing, and audio playback functions on a website.
2. Key tests include verifying successful user registration and login when details are correct, checking that data preprocessing starts properly from the server, and ensuring audio files play as expected based on browser compatibility.
3. Tests also validate access key verification, viewing stored speech data files, admin login and activation of registered users when user IDs are found. Failure reasons are provided such as existing email addresses or invalid login details.
1. The test cases check for expected results from various user registration, login, data processing, and audio playback functions on a website.
2. Key tests include verifying successful user registration and login when details are correct, checking that data preprocessing starts properly from the server, and ensuring audio files play as expected based on browser compatibility.
3. Tests also validate access key verification, viewing stored speech data files, admin login and activation of registered users when user IDs are found. Failure reasons are provided such as existing email addresses or invalid login details.
1. The test cases check for expected results from various user registration, login, data processing, and audio playback functions on a website.
2. Key tests include verifying successful user registration and login when details are correct, checking that data preprocessing starts properly from the server, and ensuring audio files play as expected based on browser compatibility.
3. Tests also validate access key verification, viewing stored speech data files, admin login and activation of registered users when user IDs are found. Failure reasons are provided such as existing email addresses or invalid login details.
1. The test cases check for expected results from various user registration, login, data processing, and audio playback functions on a website.
2. Key tests include verifying successful user registration and login when details are correct, checking that data preprocessing starts properly from the server, and ensuring audio files play as expected based on browser compatibility.
3. Tests also validate access key verification, viewing stored speech data files, admin login and activation of registered users when user IDs are found. Failure reasons are provided such as existing email addresses or invalid login details.
S.no Test Case Excepted Result Result Remarks(IF Fails)
If User registration If already user email exist 1. User Register Pass successfully. then it fails. If User name and password Un Register Users will not 2. User Login is correct then it will getting Pass logged in. valid page. Data preprocess will start Itd depend upon bandwidth, 3. Start Data Pre process Pass from sharp server no bandwidth its failed Sending Post Request FPT Server must be in active 4. Sending POST Request Pass Server mode Entering Text data and User data will send to FPT If voice name not identify 5. Pass selling voice Server Data then failed Html5 tag must be play the Its depends on the browser 6. Play the audio Pass audio file compitable
FPT Server checking the Key fail then response will
7. Verify The Access Key Pass key not send
All view mp3 files location
8. View All speech Data View all mp3 files Pass from cloud and stored in db Admin can login with his Invalid login details will 9. Admin login login credential. If success Pass not allowed here he get his home page Admin can activate the Admin can activate the If user id not found then it Pass 10. register users register user id won’t login.