Gary Transcript
Gary Transcript
Gary Transcript
Nilofer: We need to start again. I just got a message saying that we are on hold. So hello everyone! I’m
sorry I put you all on hold, and I was having a nice time in conversation with Gary, so let’s begin again,
welcome to the Illusion to Illumination Summit, and we have the amazing Gary Douglas on the line, and
I’m so grateful to have you here, Gary.
Gary: Thank you so much. It’s a great honor the be here with you and with all the people you have. It’s
you know, you have no idea how amazing you guys are. It’s been.. I’ve spent seventeen years of my life
trying to find a way to get people to see, that there is a greater possibility. And something has changed
in the last six months, because people are actually willing to be and have a greater reality than they
were ever going to have. And you know what? I’m very grateful for every person on the line willing to
listen and become that. Because you know what? I think if you all choose that, you will change the
Nilofer: So you know, Gary, like um .. we’ve had this conversation before, and I was planning my summit
on embodiment, and you said to go for this job creation from joy. Why do you think joy is still
importnant at this point of time?
Gary: Because what we’ve been taught is that …what’s important is all the sadness and the sorrow and
the badness, and that what we’ll have to overcome is the sadness and the sorrow and the badness, but
what we really have to do to overcome that is to choose the joy the possibility and the generation and
creation that can actually exist, if we choose to be.
Nilofer: So Gary, it’s like you know most people I know, they like to wait for the right time for things, and
then how does the generation and creation create the joy in our lives?
Gary: So when you plunge into generation and creation, you’re not trying to end a problem. What most
people try to do is they try to handle all those things that they had decided to be a problem, „I don’t
Nilofer: That’s so true Gary, I’ve been on the 12 steps of creating a business that works teleclass, and
since I’ve been on that series, I’ve been really creating and generating and creating and generating and
creating and generating. And what I’ve noticed is you know as before I would have all these so called
upsets, these drama going on in my life and the moment something hit I would be like „Oh my god, this
happened again”, and I would sit in that place of depression and I would not want to do anything. And
now that i’ve been creating and generating so much, when any of these things show up, I’m like, I don’t
have time for all this anymore, get out of my way, and just go on.
Gary: Yeah, and that’s the thing I love about it. It’s like the reality is, if you don’t plunge into the
unhappiness and the lack in your life, and you start creating from the joy of your life, it’s like all of a
sudden you have a different reality. Well, one if the things I would say is; „okay, so there is a good party.
And you’re inviting this person named money. And so, what’s your party gonna be? Well, we’re not
gonna do anything, we’re not gonna laugh, we’re not gonna have a good time, we’re not gonna eat
anything, we’re not gonna …, or not gonna …, so would you like to come?” Money looks at you and says
„No thanks!”, Or would you? It’s like money starts to come in your life, and everything starts to come in
your life, when you’re willing to have the joy, and the tragiccapacity to live greater than anybody else is
willing to live.
What stupidity are you using to avoid the joy of life and living you could be choosing? And everything
that is just destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC ALL 9 shorts boys beyonds.
You know, it’s like, I understand the money thing, but you know what? Just look around. There is a lot of
free stuff that you can access. We do everything we can to make it accessible to anybody no matter
what the current financial situation is. And we give you a tool to start creating something greater than
financial. And one of the things you gotta do is you gotta honor you. And like, to honor you is to take
10% of all your income and put it away, and never use it for anything else. Not even access. Put it away,
and so that is who you are, and what you are, and what is possible for you. And this is the tool you get
bacause. We don’t want take away your money, we want to create the place where you have so much
Nilofer: Thank you for that, Gary, and um, there is this other question, that is kind of related to this one,
to create this abundance i need to take all the classes with you and I want to take all the embodyment
classes with you and get the energy to feel the enegy that comes from being in your presence.
Gary: Ah yes, you can get our presence in a thousand different ways, you can do some of the online
classes, I mean it’s amazing, people all the time say „I can’t believe that I can actually feel the energy of
Dain doing an ESB while I was at my own home. That’s because there is no such thing as time and
distance. There is only the truth of space and its energy. That’s all there is!
Nilofer: And these classes are brilliant, Gary, I’ve taken a ton of the online classes, and I’m telling you,
they are just so amazing, and I’m just so grateful that I don’t have to be continuously traveling to be with
you guys, to be in your classes. Thank you so much for putting these out.
Gary: People said you have the game of facilitator. And now it’s like I’m in class, and all of a sudden
something comes up and I’m like oh, what would Dain, or Gary say? And all of a sudden there is this
download of information that just comes out of my mouth, and it’s exactly what you guys would say. It’s
like oneness includes all of us. It’s like we’re not interested in creating a separation between you and us,
we’re actually interested in creating an inclusion of you with us, so that the world becomes a better
place. It’s like the world kind of is in trouble. And it needs us dynamically. It’s doesn’t mean just me and
Dain, it needs all of us. Whatever you push through, you have to continue creating a greater world. You
can create it. You can be that. Create anew, create something greater.
Nilofer: Oh, that’s beautiful, Gary. There is this other question about, … can you offer any questions or
processes for shifting to creating joy from your own being rather than relying on another person to be
joyful. I realize I have expected my joy to come from my romantic relationships a lot, and it doesn’t
work. What can I ask that would unlock that and give me more consciousness and more joy?
Gary: I know, it sounds funny, but it’s reality. That’s what you’re doing when you’re looking to somebody
else to bring you joy or happiness when you you’re looking for somebody else to fulfill you and you’re
looking to anybody else. It’s like what you’re doing is, making their uncosnciousness more valuable to
you than your consciousness. And it’s like, that’s not gonna work. You know, that’s the place where you
have to start to ask: „Okay, what stupidity am I using, to create the stupidity I am choosing?” Because
Nilofer: And how would you respond to someone who is negative about everything. All they’re saying is
what’s wrong with the world, government, people, etc, etc.
Gary: Well I would say: You know what? You’re absolutely right. How do you not kill yourself from the
realization of how bad the world is.
Gary: I’ve done that. I had somebody saying: „Oh my god, my life sucks, everything’s terrible, it’s just
that…” And I’m like, „you know what? If my life was that bad, I would kill myself. How do you not kill
yourself?” And he went, „Oh, it’s not that bad..” You know, you change to that when you go on their
right and you say they need to kill themselves because its so miserable and they’re so right.
Nilofer: Gary, where does change take place first, our body, our beliefs, our thoughts, and asking for
who doesn’t belong to like unplugging from the matrix, and morphic fields around us when becoming
Gary: Well, the thing you gotta realize is, you’re .. you know, like this incredible psychic spongebob. You
suck up all the toxins and negative emotions of others all the time. You’re aware, so much more aware,
than you ever give yourself credit for. You keep thinking that awareness equals everything goes right.
No, awareness means you are always receiving everything that is out there in the world and you have
awareness of all of it. So what you guys need to start doing is plunging in from pre-awareness to
awareness that gives you choices. It doesn’t answer any questions. It is an enigma to me how many
people try to find an answer to their questions. Thinking if they all pick up the answer, than they’ll have
everything right. But if they would know right, what if there is no wrong. What if everything is just a
choice? Really, that is true. Choice is everything. What are you choosing? What are you looking at?
What are you interested in? What would you really like to create? Or what is possible that you have
never considered? And these are the questions I ask all the time. Because more than anything, I’m
Nilofer: That’s so brilliant Gary, and you know I have to say I’ve been using these two questions a lot
continuously, you know, „What else is possible what I haven’t yet considered?” and „What would it
take for this to show up?” And you know, like. There have been two huge things going on in my life,
which I never thought would have any direct solution, and I thought I would have to suffer over it all my
life, and suddenly the last few days it had changed, in a way that I look at it and I go „Oh my god, wow!”
Gary: You know, it’s amazing how that works. So you start out like, „Okay, so what’s available here that
I haven’t considred?” What is possible that I haven’t considered? What can we do or be to create
something greater? You ask these questions and all of a sudden, they show up in ways you never even
thought was possible. You know, I was trying to.. you know, I bought a piano. And like.. it’s a beautiful
thing. And I loved it. You know, it was so gorgeous. And I’m like okay, how can I find somebody who can
fix it? And so far, every direction I have turned turned out to be not possible, not possible, not possible.
But because I keep asking the question, I know, one day some strange thing is gonna happen, and
opening the door, finding the person who can do this would show up. A whole different universe when
you start asking questions. Because it’s about inclusion. Like this one guy said: „How come I saved so
much money while you got ripped off?” Okay, good, I got ripped off. Now what? He said, you’ll never get
this kind of money! Okay, good, let’s find another way to fix it. For this amount of money, would you fix
it? No! What if I turn it into a desk? What? I don’t need a desk, I need a piano. And, like that guy, if you
ask the questions, you always keep opening different possibilities, and even though I got into a lot of
„No!”s, I never take a „No!” as an answer. No is not an answer I wake up in the morning to have. What is
really possible that, I haven’t even considered yet. What is possible, I haven’t discovered yet. What
else is there I don’t know about? And in so doing, as I said things are begining to change. And I can feel
the energy building around the piano, that I couldnt say it was indefinite, that something will occur that
will change what’s going on. And this is how I operate with everyone. I’m giving you and example of my
own life, of how it’s not about conclusion. It’s about knowing that there is a possibility, and choosing,
and questioning, and creating the question, to create a possibility, to ask the fundamental thing that’s
important to you, and create what you’re asking.
Nilofer: So Gary, you know, then I have a question that is related to that. What if they, and it’s just
brilliant and it’s about to just continously keep going and keep asking questions and not stopping at a
„No!” but you know, sometimes you kinda hit an energy when you’re asking, you know if I choose this,
then what will my life be in five years’ time? And you’re not getting an expansive energy there. So what
is different between what you just said and that energy?
Gary: Well, it’s like, this is an example. I had a lady call me today and she was you know, a psychologist.
And she was working at a clinic, and she decided „you know, what? I’m gonna do access because I really
Nilofer: Aha!
Gary: What you’re asking for is showing up, and instead of indulging in it, you’ve gotta start over again.
Nilofer: So Gary, when everything you’ve been asking for starts to show up. And yo u start
acknowledging it, what happens then?
Gary: Then you have a new platform on, off of which you create something even greater.
Nilofer: So it’s not about any new questions, right? It’s like you ask the same questions, and they keep
leading you further and further.
Gary: This reality is supposed to be complicated and difficult! All we have is difficulty and now it’s
working. You hear that a lot. You know that’s a lie we all try to live by, the lie, that only if it’s difficult is it
worth having. It’s like you, know, I want two carrot diamond rings. It costs this much money. Oh my god!
So I ain’t gonna get that! Oh, I have no idea, you know, like I can’t afford that value. What if the fact that
you couldn’t have it didn’t have to mean that it was valuable. You know I’ve seen a lot of people who
have spent a 150 000 dollars getting their education. So then they try to do what they were educated to
do but they hate it. But they keep trying to do it because they don’t make enough money to pay off the
150 000 dollars they had spent on getting it. I say to them, „Do you really like it?” And they say „No.”
And then I say „Okay, so you know, what would you really like to do?” And they go „What I’d really like
to do is this!” Okay, so why don’t you do it? Because I spent so much money on my education. I say
„Okay, but it’s not what you really want to do, what makes you think that not doing it is really where
you wanna go?” What if you chose to do what you really want to do to pay off your education?” „Oh,
never considered that.” „Dain spent a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to be educated to be a
chiropracter. Then when he started to learn what he does, he gained in access, now he’s doing that, and
he can pay off his bills for the first ti me in his life. Was he trying to be a chiropracter to not be succesful
and not be making the money? Nothing was working well for him. Now everything is working really well
for him. When you start to do what you really want to do, money comes to the party, and pays off your
Gary: Sure. So what stupidity are you using to defend for and against the success you could be
choosing are you choosing? Because in order to not succeed you defend for it, „I will do this until I am
succesful, and you defend against it by making sure you don’t get there. And everything that is destroy
and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. So what stupidity
are you using to defend for and against the success you could be choosing are you choosing?
Everything that is destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys
Beyonds. So what stupidity are you using to defend for and against the success you could be choosing
are you choosing? Everything that is destroy and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC
All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. And one more time, what stupidity are you using to defend for and against
the success you could be choosing are you choosing? Everything that is destroy and uncreate it all.
Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. Now if you guys are smart, you would
put that on a loop and listen to it non-stop until you become as succesful as you’d actually like to be.
What if you’d be as succesful as you’d truly like to be? I think you have to be joyful about your life,
instead of being miserable about your life. And it’s much more fun to be miserable about your life
because everybody will tell you how wonderful it is that you’re miserable. And everybody wants to
know what drugs you are on, when you’re happy.
Nilofer: Gary, I have a bunch of questions which have to do with the past so I’ll just read them altogether
for you: How do I clear the past dissapointments in personal and business relationships so that I can
alow myself to dream again and I want to create something new? Then someone says „Been living a life
where I seem to react to everything as if I was PTSD; fearful, nervous, always running. What makes all go
wrong, will I ever be able to get anything right? Could you help me release and delete this kind of
harmful and restricting way of living?” And there is this other who says like „I experience fear and
contamination from harmless items such as the mail that manifests as fear and anxiety 24/7. I spend
many of my working hours obsessively cleaning to try and avoid the panic and anxiety. I even have fear
of contamination in dreams when I sleep. So it kind of seems to me to be similar to …
Gary: I’m sorry I … I have ten different solutions. Let’s go back the the begining and start with number
Gary: By recognizing, you know, this is the place where you’re gonna have to choose. So what stupidity
am I using to defend against the choices I could be choosing? And everything that is just destroy it and
uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. Okay the next one.
Nilofer: Am, „Been living a life where I seem to react to everything as if I was PTSD; fearful, nervous,
always running. What makes all go wrong, will I ever be able to get anything right?
Gary: PTSD is a result of a trifold sequencing system. And what that is, it’s like taking .. you know as a kid
you have this flat peaces of paper, and you twists them and connect them together again, and then you
go to the inside to the outside, to the inside, to the outside again again and again. So what stupidity am
I using to create the Möbius strip of reality I am choosing? And everything that is just destroy it and
uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. Okay, apparently a lot
of you have that Möbius strip, let’s have that one more time. What stupidity are you using to create the
Möbius strip of reality are you choosing? And everything that is just destroy it and uncreate it all.
Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. That’s the particular process that you
have to go over and over again that created a huge change in people who have PTSD.
Nilofer: Ah, the next one is the fear of contamination and anxiety attacks, and so on.
Gary: What stupidity am I using to defend for and against the environmental sensitivity I am choosing?
Everything that is just destroy it, and by the way it will help you with allergies and a whole bunch of
other stuff a lot. So what stupidity am I using to defend for and against the environmental sensitivity I
am choosing? Everything that is just destroy it and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD
POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. What would you do if we make ourselves environmentally sensitivity to
a whole lot of things would have no reality? But we do it anyway.
Gary: I’ve commited at least a seven different kinds of bankruptcy. I’ve already got out of the situation I
was in financially. In which I wasn’t really creating. And I didn’t realize it. It’s like you gotta guess that
you’re not creating. Okay? So the process is this. What stupidity am I using to defend for and against
the creation of infinite possibilities am I choosing? Everything that is just destroy it and uncreate it all.
Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. Put that on a loop and listen to it
non-stop for at least ninety days. So at night, you know, on low-volume, so it doesn’t wake you up,
except you might wake up, because you may have some insight, don’t worry about that part. So do it
over and over and over and over again until you no longer have a reaction to it and that will be the time
to give it up. But what you’ve got is… you have spent a whole lot of your life defending against the
possibilities of life. While actually having way too many talents and nobody every acknowledge you for
your talents. It’s like you have a gap. There’s talents you have available, and what would it take for you
to choose to have the talents you are and be. Everything that is just destroy it and uncreate it all.
Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. Okay listen next one.
Nilofer: What is the relationship between joy and the magic of creation?
Gary: Well, if you’re joyful, magic begins to happen. Joy is the source of all creation. But joy comes from
the recognition that you always have choice. You know, if like people say „I have no choice here.” „Yeah,
you do. You own that choice.” „But I have to go to work.” „Yeah, but you could choose not to go to
work.” „Yeah, but if I choose not to go to work, then I can’t live in my house.” „Well, you have the choice
to become homeless.” „No, I don’t wanna become homeless.” It’s always the danger of „not willing to
become” that creates the lack of joy, if you could have if you were willing to become them. What if
you are willing to be as succesful as you could be, what would you choose to do? Now that’s
something you need to ask over and over and over again until you understand what I said. And will I
explain them more? No!
Gary: You have to ask the question over and over and over again until you actually get to the point that
you recognize what this is, and you have that awareness, and its yours for friggin’ ever. It’s not mine, it’s
then yours. I want you to have this as your awareness forever. I want you to never have to be obsessed
with anybody else as long as you live.
Nilofer: Brilliant, that’s so brilliant, Gary. Amm, yeah… The next one.
Nilofer: How do you deal with medical diagnosis, what are some good questions to ask that assist in
healing the body.
Gary: Well, it’s like .. first of all it’s a medical diagnosis, my first question is „what did you wanna do?” …
So if I told you what you gotta do is, you gotta go „okay, like … why did you wanna do this? Like.. For
instance, at one point, I had a real lot of trouble with my knees and my joints, they hurt all the time. So I
went to a clinic, where they did diagnoisis of what was going on. And they said, okay, you have the
growth hormone of an 80 year old man. And I said „Wow, that’s not acceptable.” I said, „I don’t wanna
be 80 years old, forget that shit!” So I said „What do I do about that?” and the doctor said, „Oh well, you
need to get yourself injection of growth hormones.” I said ”Okay, what’s that, how do I do that, how
much do I pay what are the costs, etc, etc?” and he said „Okay, it’s gonna cost you five hundred dollars a
month, and once you start it, you have to do it forever, because your body doesn’t know how to create
growth hormones.” And I said „Okay, body, do you wanna do this?”, and it said „Yeah.” So I bought the
growth hormones, I did it for two months, I gave myself injections in my life for two months, on the third
month I started to give myself injection, and my legs moved so fast that I couldn’t inject myself. And I
went „Eh, what the hell is going on here?” And I kept trying for three days to inject myself, and I could
not get my legs to stand still long enough for me to inject myself. I”m like „Okay, so what’s going on?” I
said, „Body, you need this!” and he goes „NO!” and I said „What, can you grow? Can you build
Gary: Yeah, and to me what I do is go to the doctor to find out the information I don’t have, so I know
what’s up with my body in order to create what’s going on. So interestingly enough I had stopped taking
the growth hormone, but I have been getting better and better and better and looking better and better
and better and I have more suppleness in my body than I’ve had in years. So my body doesn’t need
growth hormones anymore. What else is possible?
Gary: So it’s like, it’s like if you have a problem with your body, go find out what the doctor says. Like I
had a man who called me from Australia. He says, you know, my blood pressure was low, so I went to
the doctor. And he gave me this medicine. And when I met him I went „Okay, why did you wanna take
it?” and I put it in my pocket the way you’d see with my feet together so I could get an answer to wether
he wanted to take it or not, and it threw me across the room away from the medicine. And he said
„What do I do?” I said „Go to a doctor, and see what else is possible.” And he went to another doctor
and he found out that he actually had a blockage in the heart. Had he taken that medicine, he would’ve
Gary: You know it’s like, the body knows what it needs. And it’s like, you gotta ask it. I always ask my
body everyday. „Do you want to take it?” „No.” „Okay, fine, I don’t.” Next day, „No.” next day, „No.”,
next day, „Yes.” Okay, fine. I take anything according to when I want it and what I want, and not
according to anybody else’s point of view. Who’s the authority in your life? You? Or you and your body?
Gary: Yeah.
Gary: Okay, so the only person who knows everything about you, is you and your body. So you should
trust you and your body because you’re the only one who has every single piece of information about
what’s gonna work for you. Your body is an inseparable part of you. It’s like, you know it’s like I ask
people all the time. „close your eyes, go outside your body, and find the outside edges of you.” And then
I ask „Because if you do that, everywhere you look, are you there?” And they go „Yeah.” So you’re an
infinite being and you think you are in this little body? Or is your body inside of you, are you inside of
your body? The body is inside of you, your not inside of your body. So for you to have this point of view
that you and your body are separate, is a lie, because your body is inside of you, the infinite being, who
knows, everything is necessary, and creates every limitation in your body. What would it be like if you
didn’t have to have limitations in your body? Everything that is just destroy it and uncreate it all.
Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds. Okay, any questions?
Nilofer: Gary, there is someone, who talks about you know, running clearing processes, going to classes,
and she says she always falls sick after coming back.
Nilofer: My fourteen-year old daughter lied to her school principal, she says because she hates the
school principal. My daughter shows no remorse, or showing this is wrong, how should I approach this?
Gary: Okay, honey, what’s right about this, I’m not getting. So what is it that you hate about this
principal? There is one thing you gotta do with your kids, its support them, and trust them. There’s
something going on, that you’re not aware of. And you’ve gotta be willing to look at it and say, „okay, so
what is it? How do I go about it? How do I deal with it?” It’s like, you know, the kid is unhappy with
school, what is not being accomplished or done that if it was done would change that reality? There is
a whole universe out there, there is an problem your kid is extremely aware of. One of the things we talk
about it, kids who are highly aware, they hate hypocryisy in the school system. The teacher says one
thing, and then does another. And so they get upset with it, because they don’t see how a person saying
one thing and doing another is right. Well, it’s like school principal may have one point of view, but the
reality is, he can’t have his point of view, he has to have the school system’s point of view. So it’s like,
oftentimes that creates a disparity and people who are really aware, they’re gonna pick up the disparity
and find out what the truth is and what is being said and done in school. And you’ve gotta be willing to
see these differences and create something better. All you gotta do is ask the kid „What are you aware
of here that I’m not aware of?” If you ask the kid what they’re aware of that you are not aware of, one
of a few things will occur. Either you will have them tell you what it is that they’re aware of, or you help
Nilofer: Am, hmm. It’s a long time that I’m asking for more money in my life. What process can I do for
having it quickly, and the amount of money that will allow me to live the living that I would like to?
Gary: I don’t want more money. Say it ten times in the morning, and ten times in the evening. Because
everytime you’re saying „I don’t want more money.” Your saying I don’t lack more money so you’ll get
more money.
Nilofer: Gary, there is another question wich is about the transition for two years so what processes can
he use to move forward quickly?
Gary: Ask the question: „What else is possible?” What’s right about me that I’m not getting, and
what’s right about this I’m not getting, and what energies, space and conscious can I be for all of this
to come to fruition with total ease? And that will start to change the way things work. And when you
ask „What energies, space, and consciousness can I be? What will allow all of this to come to fruition
with ease?” Everything that is just destroy it and uncreate it all. Right, wrong, good and bad, POD POC
All 9 Shorts Boys Beyonds.
Gary: Well, you can’t. What you have to do is do what we call the energy ball, well, I don’t call it energy
ball, other people call it energy ball. What you look at is, okay, so what would I like my life to be like in
the next ten years? Would I like to travel? How much money would I like to have for a minimum per
year? You know, what would I like to do that would create something that I thought was valuable? It’s
like those are the primary elements. It’s like I did that myself. Okay, so what would I like to do in the
next five years? I’d like to travel for like two week out of a month. I’d like to make a minimum of a
$100.000 a year. I’d like to do something that changes people’s lives and makes the world a better place.
Nilofer: Wow, that’s brilliant, Gary, I mean you’ve done such amazing clearing on the call, and normally
I’d be typing on the computer, I haven’t been able to do that. Thank you so much for all of this. And
you’ve put together this brilliant package for us, and Gary, you know, I’d like you to share a little bit
about this. You have the one call from the Kindness with Money Teleclass. Can you talk a little bit about
Gary: You know, it’s like most people torture themselves with the money they don’t have. It’s like if you
get kind with money, what you start to see is where you can create more, instead of saying, I don’t have.
If you come out of the judgement of what you don’t have, and move into a place where you can create
and generate more, greater possibilities show up. Isn’t that what you really want? Kindness to money is
about being kind to you about money. The other thing is, you know, I talked about putting 10% away as
tithe for the church of you, when you start doing that, pretty soon money starts growing in your life all
by itself. And that’s where you really wanna be, this kindness with money, put yourself first on the list of
who receive, not as last, because most people are last.
Nilofer: So the second thing you have in this package is one call from Creating Greater Possibilities with
Money Teleclass.
Gary: Yes, because what people really do is they tend to rather than saying they have to create
something with money. Like for instance, I always look at everything I spend on, I go „Okay, if I buy you,
will you make me money?” „If I buy this, will it make me money?” It’s like money is, you know, it’s like
your dog. It’s like if you ask it to create something, it will. So most people don’t ask their money to make
money for them, they wonder what’s wrong with it because they don’t have it. What if, you could have
anything you wanted in life, what would you choose? So if we talk about creating greater possibilities
Nilofer: Then you also have included 8 videos from the Gold Club Video Collection about Money and
abundance. So what are the main elements of that?
Gary: Well, actually, what we did is, we had about a year’s worth of stuff about money. The very first
year we did the gold club we did everything about money. It was an amazing series in which we did
videos about how to create money, how to look at money and how to query issues about money. And it
had such dynamic effects on the people on there. But this is not old, it’s current and it’s right now. But
you have to be willing to look at this and see a different possibility. And it’s great stuff. It’s great stuff
about money that will create greater possibilities for you about money.
Nilofer: And then the other thing you have in this package which is just brilliant, I just love it, is your Deal
and Deliver call.
Gary: Yeah, that alone is worth $450. Okay? Because that is the best thing to create relationships, to
create you know, how you deal in business, and how you get people to actually commit to you and
commit to what you’re actually gonna do. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done in my entire life. And
it came out as somebody, you know, they had a different point of view aobut what they were saying.
And what I realized is, you know, people think that they are communicating when they say you know,
„It’s gonna be like this.” And what happened was, Dain actually had somebody do this for him, and he
asked how much will it be? And he said „It’ll be approximately $2500.” And she said „Okay.”, but about a
month later she said „I’m not done with you yet, but I’d like to do the class you’re doing, can we trade
Nilofer: That’s brilliant, Gary, such a beautiful package, which you have put together and it is also for our
listeners just for $97, which would be covering this many elements of the package. So how does it get
any better than that? Thank you so much for that, Gary.
Gary: Thank you. The gold club itself was $57 a month for 12 months, so you guys have one hell of a
deal, let me say.
Nilofer: Absolutely, absolutely. So, Gary, we really only have about four minutes remaining and I really
wanna be respectful of your time, so what are some last things you want to leave our listeners with?
Gary: Please get, that you’re not as fucked up as you think you are. Okay? You’re really not as bad as you
think you are. Number two, if you don’t have a clue about what’s wrong with you, then I can’t get that.
Something’s wrong with it. Please change it at that moment and go to „What’s right about this I’m not
getting?” Because it’s „What’s right about me I’m not getting?” You see there’s nothing wrong with you.
You’re a brilliant being, who has spent a whole lot of a lifetime trying to make yourself stupid enough to
live in this reality. Unlock yourself from that stupidity now, become the brilliant being you are, and
change the friggin’ world because that’s the value of you. Don’t give up on you, you’re more valuable
than anybody.
Nilofer: Gary, thank you so much, I mean really, to have you on the call today has been like a dream
come true to me, and it’s like I started asking this question about a year back „What would it take to
Gary: Thank you, you’re awesome, thank you for creating this. You take care, sweetheart! Bye-bye!
Nilofer: Thank you Gary, bye! So, for everyone else am, you know what I’m going to do is, for one, I
wasn’t typing anything. I was just being with Gary, and there were all these questions which was coming
through the webcast, and I was just making sure that we could get the maximum questions, the
maximum out of that one hour that Gary has been with us. So what I’m going to do is, I’m actually going
to get this interview transcribed, and I’m actually going to send it via email to everyone. And this is my
gift to you. So for everyone who is on my e-mail list, you are going to get it. And if you are not on my e-
mail list and if you would like to get this transcription of Gary’s interview, I would suggest that you sign
up to the illusion to illumination summit, And I would like to
remind everyone about the Facebook contest that we are doing, so if you go on Facebook today, I’ve put
up a blue image which says Gary Douglas, Creation from Joy. Share your thoughts inside about today’s
interview, so please go and type in your insights there, and I’m going to select two winners, one person
is going to get the entire 22 mp3-s of this series, and the other person is going to get Gary Douglas’s
brilliant interview. I also invite you to check out the brilliant package that Gary Douglas has put together
for us, and it is available on the live page as well as the replay page. So I mean thank you everyone for
being here, and I’m going to join everyone and I’d be happy to hear what you have to say. So hi guys,
wasn’t that a brilliant interview?
Everyone: Cheering.
Nilofer: I mean we had lamost 350 people online, how does it get any better than that? So thank you
everyone for being with me, and does anyone have any comments that they would like to say?