HSBC SDG Bond and Sukuk Report 2019
HSBC SDG Bond and Sukuk Report 2019
HSBC SDG Bond and Sukuk Report 2019
Together we thrive
2 HSBC UN Sustainable Development Goals Bond and Sukuk Report
It has been four years since 150 world leaders assembled to selection, or performed retrospectively through portfolio
form the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, a reporting. Alternatively, the HSBC SDG bond was the first
collaborative action plan to address inequalities in global prosperity product of its kind to create direct access to SDG-related
and wellbeing by 2030. These 17 Sustainable Development Goals investments, opening up this area of the market. This bond is
(SDGs) represent the international community’s commitment to aligned to the related HSBC SDG Bond Framework, created
end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and mitigate alongside the 2017 Green Bond Principles, 2017 Social Bond
the impact of climate change. Principles and the Sustainability Bond Guidelines, as held by
the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA)4. This
framework allows for investors to align their portfolio with
Work has been underway since this time to begin to address
their investment mandate, which according to our research is a
these inequalities. However the UN’s 2019 update report calls
priority, with 61 percent of institutional investors having an ESG
for urgent collective action to help ensure its 2030 Action Plan
strategy to guide their investment decisions5.
goals are achieved. The financing of these will serve as a key
driver of progress.
In June 2018, ICMA established its Sustainability Bond Guidelines,
providing an external benchmark for quality, information and
Initial estimates for the funding required to meet the SDGs
expectation. Sustainability and SDG bond issuance totalled
were, and remain, varied. The UN Sustainable Development
$21bn in 2018, a 114 percent year-on-year growth.6
Solutions Network estimates $1.4tn per year of increased public
and private funding from low-income and lower-middle-income
countries being required1. Elsewhere, the Global Commission The development of green and sustainability sukuk provides
on the Economy and Climate estimates $6tn a year is required investors with access to funding sustainable infrastructure
to finance just the infrastructure needed to transition to a low without contravening Islamic Shariah law. This is particularly
carbon economy over the next 15 years2. The UN Conference on beneficial to help countries in Asia raise required investment to
Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2014 anticipated annual achieve SDGs in the region, as it can be used around the world.
capital expenditures of between $5-7tn – an additional $2-3tn Since the launch of the Green Sukuk and Working Party in 2012,
on top of standing investment levels at that time.3 Malaysia and Indonesia in particular have pioneered the launch
of green sukuk to finance climate-related projects.
The UN calls for governments, businesses and society to
collaborate on achieving the SDGs, and to mobilise the finance Market Opportunities
required. The UN’s 2019 progress update states that private Our position as an industry leader has been recognised through
investment flows are often out of sync with sustainable a number of awards and industry rankings. The HSBC $1bn
development, and that international cooperation is required to sustainable development bond was awarded second as Global
ensure that countries have the means to achieve the goals. Capital’s Most Innovative Green/SRI Bond at its Sustainable and
Responsible Capital Markets Awards 2018, where we were also
As a leading bank, we recognise our duty to support the awarded Most Impressive Financial Institution Green/SRI Bond
communities in which we operate and the impact our business Issuer and Most Impressive Investment Bank for Asia Pacific
has on the wider environment – and how we can contribute Green/SRI Capital Markets. HSBC Asset Management was
towards achieving the goals in the UN’s 2030 Action Plan. Having awarded an A+, the highest possible rating, for all categories
already established sustainable offerings through our range of except one in the latest Principles for Responsible Investment
green bonds, in 2017 we launched the world’s first bond that annual assessment.
specifically supports the UN SDGs. This $1bn bond is aligned to
seven of the goals, including a commitment to renewable energy, We are helping lead the development of the sustainable finance
building sustainable cities and improving access to fresh water market not only through enabling clients and creating capital
and sanitation. Furthermore, in 2018, through HSBC Group’s flows, but also through our own actions. In 2018 we launched
commitment to provide $100bn in sustainable financing and our Centre of Sustainable Finance to provide sustainability-
investment by 2025, HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad launched related thought-leadership and innovation and to support client
the world’s first United Nation’s SDG sukuk. engagement, with 25 reports published to date. The Centre
can be found at
We are committed to the disclosure of our investments and which homes all of the insight from our award winning team
the required transparency for this product. HSBC serves as a and industry leading partnerships.
corporate member of the United Nations Global Compact (UN
GC) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-led Action Platform
reporting on the SDGs, whose work aims to promote and
SDG Bond Report
facilitate corporate reporting on the SDGs. This Report details the framework, evaluation and selection
procedure, reporting criteria and use of proceeds of:
SDG Market Overview
Sustainable investment products have been in demand among HSBC SDG Bond (issued 15 November 2017)
investors for some time, though action to ensure that these HSBC SDG Sukuk (issued 2 October 2018)
align with the SDGs has accelerated since 2018. The SDG
development market can be less directly accessed without For further details on the projects funded, please visit:
specialist products through investors identifying relevant
companies identification, setting parameters for investment investors/green-and-sustainability-bonds
Solar farm/plants 5%
Businesses and projects may benefit the
environment and society in important ways but Dairy
also degrade it in others. HSBC has specific processing
Wind farm
facility 6%
sustainability risk policies covering various sectors construction
(see 11%
for further details) which seek to ensure
that the financial services we provide to our
customers to support economic development
do not result in an unacceptable impact on
people or the environment. HSBC’s assessment
of environmental and societal benefits will
consider the balance of impacts in determining
overall net benefit. Moreover, HSBC will exercise
its professional judgement, discretion and
sustainability knowledge in determining eligibility
of businesses and projects for the Use of Proceeds
of an HSBC SDG Bond issue.
4 HSBC UN Sustainable Development Goals Bond and Sukuk Report
Funds • Green Bond Committee tracks the Use of Proceeds via its internal information system
tracking • HSBC has established an asset register, recording each specific facility allocated
as Use of Proceeds for an SDG Bond by a unique position identifier.
• While any portion of the proceeds of an HSBC SDG Bond issue has not been
applied directly to finance or refinance eligible lending, proceeds may be invested
according to local liquidity management guidelines.
HSBC Holdings plc will provide a consolidated SDG Progress Report for all
issuances on an annual basis, until full allocation including:
Allocation Reporting:
• Aggregate amounts of funds allocated to each of the Eligible Categories (as
listed in Table 1) together with a description of the types of business and
projects financed;
• The remaining balance of unallocated SDG Bond proceeds at the reporting
period end; and
• Confirmation that the Use of Proceeds of the SDG Bond(s) issued conforms
with the HSBC SDG Bond Framework
Impact Reporting:
HSBC recognises investors’ preference for enhanced information on Use of
Proceeds. Where possible, HSBC will provide further information and examples of
eligible businesses and projects financed by an HSBC SDG Bond.
Overall, Sustainalytics is of the opinion that the
HSBC SDG Bond Framework creates meaningful
Nuclear power Weapons Gambling / adult
impact, is transparent, credible and aligns with the Alcohol Palm oil
Green Bond Principles 2017 (GBP), the Social Bond
Principles 2017 (SBP), and the Sustainability Bond
Guidelines 2017.
5 HSBC UN Sustainable Development Goals Bond and Sukuk Report
Reporting Evaluation
and Selection Procedure Key Stats:
The Green Bond Committee is co chaired by Group Treasury and the Sustainable
Finance Chief Financial Officer, membership consists of experts from HSBC’s Group Amount Disbursed to Projects
Sustainability, Risk, Sustainable Financing, Debt Capital Markets, and Project Export or Businesses by SDG Category
Finance teams, among others.
(based on full project)
This Green Bond Committee is now also appointed with the responsibility for governing
the HSBC SDG Bond Framework to align / streamline oversight processes and ensure 53%
consistency of approach. 3% 2% SDG9 –
SDG6 SDG3 Industry,
– Clean – Good innovation
Similarly to an HSBC Green Bond issue, the Green Bond Committee has responsibility health and
for the ratification of eligible business and projects, which are initially proposed by water
16% infrastructure
local banking teams and evaluated by Group Sustainability via disciplined, multi-step SDG7 –
process following clear and consistently applied guidelines. Affordable
1. A definition of sustainable finance/lending has been defined in the Eligible
Categories above and approved by the GBC for the purposes of identifying
and monitoring of potentially eligible business or projects , as well as
reporting on any HSBC SDG bond issue across the bank. As noted above, any
potentially eligible business or projects will have already been evaluated for
adherence to HSBC’s Sustainability Policies (see 26%
approach/risk-and-responsibility/sustainability-risk for further details) SDG11 –
Sustainable cities
and communities
2. Ultimately the project details, together with Group Sustainability review and
recommendation are submitted to the GBC for their ratification of inclusion
or exclusion as Use of Proceeds of the respective HSBC SDG Bond. The
recommendation will be made with consideration of net sustainability
benefit, including:
Sri Lanka
The HSBC SDG Asset Register forms the basis of the data in the table below, detailing the specific allocation of the
SDG Bond and SDG Sukuk.
HSBC has created various platforms to facilitate communications of its Sustainable Financing activities. These
are listed below:
For further information on Sustainable Finance at HSBC please use the above
websites. Additional disclosure in line with our TCFD commitments will be found
in our full year 2019 Annual Report & Accounts and our ESG Update.
1 UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Investment Needs to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (working paper), November 2015
2 Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, Better Growth, Better Climate, The New Climate Economy Report, August 2014
3 UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Move Humanity Report: Closing the SDG Budget Gap, February 2019
4 ICMA, “Green, Social and Sustainability bonds”. 2018
5 HSBC, Sustainable Financing and ESG Investing report, September 2018
6 Climate Bonds Initiative, Green Bonds: The State of the Market 2018, March 2019
A denotes Sustainalytics assurance on the allocation of the bond proceeds.