Neutrophil To Lymphocyte Ratio in Diagnosis of Complicated and Non-Complicated Appendicitis
Neutrophil To Lymphocyte Ratio in Diagnosis of Complicated and Non-Complicated Appendicitis
Neutrophil To Lymphocyte Ratio in Diagnosis of Complicated and Non-Complicated Appendicitis
Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in diagnosis of complicated Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2017; 46: 59-65
cost is also increasing. For this reason, more simple (haemoglobin, thrombocyte count, mean platelet
and trustworthy parameters like Neutrophil volume (MPV), white blood cell (WBC),
/Lymphocyte (N/L) ratio are necessary12. polymorphonuclear (PNL), lymphocyte count, CRP
and abdominal ultrasonography) of included
The main reason for this high interest in the topic is patients were investigated. The ultrasonographic
the aim of decreasing morbidity and mortality of evaluations of patients were performed by the
the disease. In early periods of the disease, with radiologists of the medical centres. Regarding the
hurried diagnosis of the clinician, there are negative complete blood counts, neutrophil/lymphocyte
appendectomies and with late decision, perforations ratios were calculated. The data were analyzed with
may take place6. These clinical pictures are the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS,
generally reported in atypical cases that comprise Inc., Chicago, IL) for Windows 15.0 statistical
31.7% of acute appendicitis cases13. In this study, programme. The data were expressed as mean
our aim is to test the utility of some laboratory ±standard deviation. In statistical evaluations,
methods and especially N/L ratio in rapid diagnosis student-t, chi-square (χ2) tests and ROC curve
of simple and complicated acute appendicitis and analyses were performed. The p value of <0.05 was
by this way in reducing the diagnostic delays and considered as statistically significant.
negative appendectomy rates in childhood period.
Method Totally 567 patients, who were admitted to the
After the approval of local ethics committee, the paediatric emergency, and paediatric outpatient
study was started. The records of patients who were departments of 2 hospitals in Turkey and
hospitalised in the paediatric surgery departments hospitalized with the pre-diagnosis of acute
of Abant İzzet Baysal University Medical Faculty appendicitis in paediatric surgery departments in
and Bolu Izzet Baysal Obstetrics and Paediatrics the study period were investigated; and 498 of those
Hospital in Turkey between years 2008 and 2014 patients with the comprehensive data in their
with the symptom of acute abdominal pain were records were included in the study. Among those
retrospectively evaluated. Among these patients, patients, 320 (64.2%) were children while 178
those who were diagnosed with urinary system (35.7%) were adolescents. Conventional
infection, respiratory tract infection, Familial appendectomy was performed in 352 (70.6%) of
Mediterranean Fever and acute gastroenteritis those patients with the diagnosis of acute
which may also cause the same symptoms were appendicitis. Among the patients who had
excluded. The patients included in the study were appendectomy, 214 (60.8%) were male while 138
divided into 2 groups as patients with non-specific (39.2%) were female. The mean age of the patients
abdominal pain (n=146) and patients operated for was 9.8±3.5 years (7 months-17 years).The features
acute appendicitis (n=352). The patients operated of patients with abdominal pain are summarized in
with conventional method with the diagnosis of Table-1.
acute appendicitis were also divided into 2 groups
as non-complicated (n=279) or complicated (n=73) In patients who had appendectomy, male gender
regarding the presence of phlegmon, abscess or (p=0.038), nausea (p=0.001), vomiting (p=0.002),
perforation cases. The patients with non-specific anorexia (p<0.001) and constipation (p<0.001)
abdominal pain were diagnosed with mesenteric symptoms were significantly more common. In
lymphadenitis, ovarian cyst, peptic ulcer or laboratory evaluation of patients who had
cholelithiasis after the follow-up of 12-24 hours and appendectomy, CRP (p=0.048), WBC (p<0.001),
performed tests. Patients with histologically proven PNL (p<0.001) and N/L (p=0.024) values were
negative appendectomy were not included in this determined to be significantly higher.
The characteristics of patients with complicated and
The clinical (location and duration of the abdominal non-complicated acute appendicitis are shown in
pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, anorexia, diarrhoea, Table 2.
constipation, and dysuria) and laboratory data
Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in diagnosis of complicated Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2017; 46: 59-65
Table 2: The characteristics of patients with complicated and non-complicated acute appendicitis
Characteristic Non-complicated Complicated appendicitis p
appendicitis (n=279) (n=73)
Age (years) 11±3.8 11.8±4.2 0.91
Gender (n)
Male 173 (62.1%) 41 (56.1%)\ 0.36
Female 106 (37.9%) 32 (43.9%)
Type of abdominal pain (n)
Localized 158 (56.6%) 51 (69.9%) 0.04
Generalized 121 (43.4%) 22 (30.1%)
Time of abdominal pain (hrs) 61.8±28.2 68.3±32.2 0.24
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 13.1±1.7 12.8±1.1 0.54
Platelet count (/μl) 313±87 297±66 0.62
MPV(fl) 8.1±1.1 7.5±0.7 0.13
C-reactive protein (mg/dl) Overall 39±27.1 50.5±64.3 0.59
<15mg/dl 128 (45.9%) 24 (32.9%)
15mg/dl or > 151 (54.1%) 49 (67.1%) 0.046
White cell count (x103/μl) 17.6±4.5 19.4±5.2 0.34
White cell count (/μl)
<12x103/μl 134 (48%) 25 (34.2%) 0.046
12x103/μl or > 145 (52%) 48 (65.8%)
Neutrophil (x103/μl) 14.2±4.2 15.3±3.1 0.49
Lymphocyte (x103 l) 2.3±0.8 1.7±0.6 0.052
N/L 6.7±3.3 10.9±7.2 0.04
In diagnosis of acute appendicitis, the cut off value diagnosed with complicated acute appendicitis.
for N/L was determined as 5 (p=0.003) (95% CI Among those cases, 41 (56.1%) were male while 32
(0.6-0.94)). For that cut off value sensitivity was (43.8%) were female. The mean age of the patients
72.7%, and specificity was 67.8%. Seventy three was 11.5±3.5 years. Localized abdominal pain was
(20.7%) of the appendectomy performed cases were significantly more common in complicated acute
Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in diagnosis of complicated Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2017; 46: 59-65
appendicitis cases (69.9% vs. 30.1%, p=0.04). In appendicitis while Gronroos19 suggested just the
those cases, N/L ratio was significantly higher opposite.
(10.9±7.2 vs. 6.7±3.3, p=0.04). When compared
with the simple appendicitis group there was not a In 10-20% of people, appendix may be located
significant difference in complicated appendicitis atypically20,21. Despite the evolutions in diagnostic
group regarding CRP values; but in complicated methods in recent years, the perforation rate of 19%
group the number of patients with CRP value and mis-diagnosis rate of 10% in acute appendicitis
greater than 15 mg/dl were significantly higher in children still could not be improved22. Especially
than the non-complicated group. When compared keeping atypical cases may increase the perforation
with the simple appendicitis group there was no possibility while operating them may cause the
significant difference in the complicated negative appendectomies. On the other hand, Saraç
appendicitis group regarding WBC and CRP et al23 defined the most common cause of
values; but in complicated group the number of perforated appendicitis as not distinguishing the
patients with WBC greater than 12x103 /μL and clinical picture by the doctors. Especially in
CRP value greater than 15 mg/dl were significantly children younger than 5 years of age, the causes of
higher than the non-complicated group (65.8% vs. perforation were determined as barely expression of
34.3%, p=0.035 and 67.1% vs. 32.9%, p=0.046, children themselves, and difficulty in performance
respectively). In diagnosis of complicated acute of physical examination24. In that aspect, N/L ratio
appendicitis, the cut off value for N/L was seems to solve these problems. In diagnosis of
determined as 7.2 (p=0.017) (95% CI (0.6-0.94)). acute appendicitis, N/L by itself is a better
For that cut off value sensitivity was 83.6%, and parameter than CRP, WBC and absolute neutrophil
specificity was 69.6%. count25 but different cut-off values were determined
in previous studies. In our study, the best cut-off
Discussion value of N/L that can differentiate the inflamed
To decrease the morbidity and mortality rates appendix from the normal one was determined as 5
caused by acute appendicitis; its prompt and (75.2% sensitivity and 67.8% specificity). This
definite diagnosis is warranted. Performance of obtained value was between the values of 3.5
some different hematological and radiological tests reported by Yazıcı et al12 and Białas et al26 and 6
is not enough every time for the exact diagnosis in reported by Markar et al25.
children. For those cases, simple parameters are
required for prompt and correct diagnosis13. As in Complicated acute appendicitis pictures due to
our study, acute appendicitis is more common in phlegmon, abscess or perforation are still important.
males4,14. The exact cause of this is still not defined. Generally these situations take place due to the
However, there are some studies more commonly delay in interventions with a rate ranging between
reporting acute appendicitis in females15. 21.5%27 and 28%28. In our study, we have
determined that localized abdominal pain in right
The diagnosis of acute appendicitis in childhood is lower quadrant was significantly more common in
mainly suspected by doctors with the admission this condition. In those conditions with more severe
symptoms. Together with the abdominal pain; inflammation, higher CRP and neutrophil counts
nausea-vomiting and anorexia are the most were determined29. Nevertheless, N/L ratio is more
commonly determined admission symptoms16. In valuable in diagnosis of complicated acute
our study, along with those symptoms, constipation appendicitis compared with WBC,26 and moreover
was also determined as significantly higher. In it may reach higher values compared with the non-
complete blood count, a simple test, WBC, absolute complicated appendicitis25,29,30.
neutrophil count and N/L ratio can be obtained and
these parameters were investigated in many other In our study, the most appropriate cut off value of
studies as inflammatory determinants8,9. Low cost is N/L in differentiating complicated acute
the main advantage of these parameters. With the appendicitis from non-complicated one was
augmented inflammation, increase in those determined as 7.2 (83.6% sensitivity, 69.6%
parameters is another advantage. On the other hand, specificity). This obtained value was between the
there are also studies reporting low sensitivity and values of 5.7 reported by Kahramanca et al13 and 8
specificity rates of especially WBC and absolute reported by Ishizuka et al29. In early periods of
neutrophil count in inflammatory conditions17. In acute appendicitis, due to the consumption of PNL
our study, we have determined significantly in marginal pool, PNL increases more than WBC
increased CRP, WBC and N/L ratio in acute which is the reason of increase in N/L ratio in early
appendicitis cases compared with the cases periods. In complicated appendicitis, PNL
admitted with non-specific abdominal pain. production intensifies while lymphocyte count
Dueholm et al18 defined that normal WBC, N/L and decreases in bone marrow and this alteration is an
CRP values excludes the diagnosis of acute
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