Aba Aba Kemudi
Aba Aba Kemudi
Aba Aba Kemudi
As shown below
Never use large ruddder angels for a small course alteratiion, so do not use starboard 20 or starboard
15 if it is only 2 degrees to changes
To port (0-34) : bring the rudder at the angle ordered, in case 10 degrees, to port side, “port ten”
Ease to (0-30): “ease to 10” is a helm order to bring the rudder at the engle ordered,in this case 10
degrees, when the rudder is coming from “Hard Port” then bring it to “Port 10”
Steer course (0-359): simplified as “course (0-359), for example “course 292” is a helm order to steer
the course to course as ordered, in this case “292”, bring the vessel to heading 292 degrees.
Steady , is a helm order to stop the swinging, of the ships head at the quickest possible time and steer
on that course where you were able to steady the heading of the ship.
adalah perintah kemudi untuk menghentikan ayunan, dari haluan kapal secepat mungkin dan
kemudikan saat haluan dimana kamu mampu untuk mempertahankan haluan kapal.
Steady as she goes, is an helm order to stop the swinging of the ships head at the quickest possible
time and Note the course when the order was given to steer the ship on that course
1. Steady AS she goes was ordered-Note the Course then execute Hard Port
2. Bring back to the noted course when the order was given
3. Report steady as she goes sir, or report steady on course so and so
Steady as she going adalah perintah kemudi untuk menghentikan ayunan haluan kapal secepat mungkin
dan Catat arahnya ketika perintah diberikan untuk mengarahkan kapal di jalur itu
Bedanya steady dan steady as she goes, kalau steady itu kasihg berhenti ayunan kapal
secepatnya, kalau steady as she goes itu, lebih spesifik lagi, jadi saat steady as she goes sudah
diberikan , perhtikan haluan menunjukan berapa,kalau ada aba aba steady as she goes kapal lagi
cikar kanan , kasih kembali ke heading saat diminta steady as she goes tadi
1. Steady on range : the helsman need to steady the vessel on marked and/or lighted ranges found
inside the panama canal as an aid to the pilot especially on what course to follow in certain
Range means a series of things in a line
juru mudi perlu menstabilkan kapal pada jarak yang ditandai dan/atau menyala yang ditemukan
di dalam terusan Panama sebagai bantuan kepada pilot terutama pada jalur apa yang harus
diikuti di saluran tertentu