Two Minute Speeches
Two Minute Speeches
Two Minute Speeches
Folks, how many times has it happened that you have seen an advertisement
and have gone straight to a shop to buy it ? I do not remember any such incident but
indeed, advertisement do inform us about the product. But just for providing information,
why do companies spend so much on ads. In my opinion it’s a wasteful expenditure.
How ? Let’s find out …
Advertising multiplies the needs of the people by inducing them to buy even
those things which are not required by them. Since an advertisement is continuously
repeated, it creates a desire in the mind of the people to buy the advertised product.
The amount of money spent by an advertiser is added to the cost of the
product. Thus, actually it is you and me who pay for the ads.
Further, excessive advertising confuse the consumers. For instance, different
models of TVs, beauty soaps, detergents, tooth-pastes, etc. of a large number of brands
are advertised which make it difficult for a buyer to make a choice of the right product.
Advertising may lead to monopoly of a brand since big manufacturers can
afford large amount of money on advertising to create brand monopoly. Advertising may
also lead to other malpractices such as sale of inferior and dubious products like fat
reducing tablets and hair re-growth formula.
Moreover, advertising does not always increase the demand of the product. It
is the word-of-mouth that creates or reduces the demand depending on the quality of
product. That means a large amount of money spent on advertising by the
manufacturers goes waste.
Sometimes, advertising undermines ethical and aesthetic values due to use
of indecent language and objectionable photographs.
Despite its drawbacks, advertising inform about the availability of new
products which strengthens the freedom of choice. It sustains the press and gives
employment to people.
Lastly, while admitting that advertising has its uses, I think one should not
forget that it remains a wasteful expenditure.
Topic: Childhood is the happiest period of one’s life. Discuss.
Kailash Satyarthi, the Nobel peace prize winner, says “Childhood means
simplicity. Look at the world with the child's eye - it is very beautiful”.
I agree with this point of view that childhood is the happiest time of their
life. Childhood is full of fun and free from some responsibilities and challenges of
the adulthood.
The most important thing which makes childhood memorable is love and
care of the family and family members. A child has the purest heart any human
being can possess and all that heart desires is love; no matter what the
circumstances are.
Noted novelist Agatha Christie said “One of the luckiest things that can
happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.”
Childhood is in fact God’s best gift to any individual since the foundation
for a successful life is laid in childhood. Just as a potter moulds the pot, a child is
moulded in his or her childhood and they will help in the growth and advancement of
the society, nation and the world at large. It is thus essential for the parents that they
instil the values of good character, patriotism, respect for the elders, helping people
in need etc.
However, some children are not blessed with a beautiful childhood. There are
children who are abused and exploited and who suffer from dire poverty. In Ethiopia and
other poor countries, children are afflicted with many diseases and continually suffer the
pangs of hunger. They have to shoulder the responsibilities of adults, looking for food
and taking care of their younger siblings.
To sum up, childhood is the happiest time of a person's life.
Topic: Take risk : If you win you will be happier; if you lose, you will be wise ?
This quote is really about the true value of failure. In life, one often has to
make hard choices, take risks and face the consequences which may not always be
to our heart’s desires. We work hard but sometimes cannot achieve our goal. We
call this phenomenon our ‘failure’. We win some, we lose some. When we win, its
all roses for us. When we fail, our world goes upside down with disappointment and
regret of how things could have gone better.
We refuse to own our failures. We don’t want to be reminded of the times
we lost but instead we wish people to speak of our accolades. This consensus is
reached in our mind because we think that failures depict our inability to achieve
something and that one instant should better be forgotten .We don’t want our lives to
be described by our failing moments. We never let failures influence us consciously.
But sub-consciously, they always do influence us.
The wise say experience is what educates us in life. It teaches us how to
respond to a particular situation should it happen again. We form a mindset of what
to do in future scenarios. It widens our horizons and increases our tolerance. We
learn to survive, we learn to face our life’s problems. It is after all these experiences
that our true personality develops. Similarly failures however disappointing, always
alter us psychologically.
We must own our failures as much as we do our successes, no matter
how hard we try to deny. They help form who we are today. It is better to let failures
influence us positively, then shying away from them.
Failures are the pillars of success. And a failure is the new beginning. The
world does not remember those who fall down. Rather, it remembers those who get
up and start again till they succeed.
Topic: Suppose you were granted a wish, what would you wish for and why ?
Imagine that our wish will come true right away, what would we wish for?
Money and wealth, A successful career, or business, A loving relationship, A
beautiful house, Passing your exams, Being healthy and fit ?
My wish is to accept myself as I am – unconditionally which means:
Accepting my strengths, my weaknesses, my talents, and my flaws.
Taking both compliments and criticism gracefully.
Being okay with all the things I don’t like about myself—all of my imperfections.
Letting go of guilt about the mistakes I made in the past and accepting who I am
at this moment.
Not worrying about what others think about me, because I accept myself the way
I am.
Not reacting out of feelings of insecurity or the need to defend my views and
Accepting myself means that I accept everything about me. It’s not about
falling in love with myself since love is a notion that seems clingier than acceptance. It’s
not about feeling proud or overly happy with who I am. It’s not about feeling ashamed
and wanting to hide parts of my past or myself.
When I accept myself, I will,
Stop trying to fix what I perceive as flaws.
No longer strive to prove a point or seek validation.
Not care about what others think or say about me, since nothing will hit a nerve
of insecurity or lack.
Stop trying to look better or feel better. I will stop trying to improve and just be,
and grow organically with life.
Be at ease with my own company and not expect comfort to come from the
people around me.
I will realize that I’m not better or worse, not more or less deserving or
worthy, than anyone else. We are all equal, yet unique. And when I accept others, I will
accept the world and everything in it. I will trust life and surrender to reality.
When I accept myself, I will accept the rest of creation. I wish you all to see
the beauty within and without and to accept your flaws and shortcomings for what they
are—the unique imprint of life that is you.