Advanced PHP and Mysql: Course Syllabus
Advanced PHP and Mysql: Course Syllabus
Advanced PHP and Mysql: Course Syllabus
Professionalism has conquered the job scenario and companies seek for
well qualified, professional and skilled manpower. Keeping in view this demand
of companies we groom students in such a way that they will be second to none.
Quality Education and Performance Oriented Training is our motto.
Course Overview
This course provides the necessary knowledge to design and develop
dynamic, data-driven & interactive web pages using PHP . It introduces
students to PHP framework and syntax, most important techniques used to build
dynamic web sites and perform hands on practice with a MySQL database to
create database-driven HTML forms. It is interspersed with step-by-step
exercises illustrating the concepts as they are explained.
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Section 3: UML
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Need of UML
3.3 Use Case Driven Object Oriented Analysis
3.4 Use Case Model
3.5 Use Case Diagram
3.6 Activity Diagram
3.7 Sequence Diagram
3.8 Collaboration Diagram
3.9 Class Diagram
Section 4: Project Development Models
4.1 Waterfall
4.2 V model
4.3 Prototype model
4.4 Spiral model
Course Description:
The contents of this course are a comprehensive solution that moulds you
to a PHP specialist by providing a combination of on hand labs and the training
provided in the class. It helps the trainee to learn and develop various php
technology applications that definitely meets the current industry needs.
Development Stages:
1. System Conception
Conceive an application and formulate tentative requirements. It
deals with genesis of an application.
2. Analysis
Analysis focuses on creation of models. It specifies what must be
done, not how it should be done. Developers must fully understand the
problem before addressing the additional complexities of design. During
analysis developers consider the available sources of information and
resolve ambiguities.
3. System Design
During system design, the developer makes strategic decisions
with broad consequences. The system designer must understand how a
new system interacts with other system, and the system must support
future modifications
4. Class Design
Developer expands and optimizes analysis models, there is a shift
in emphasis from application concepts toward computer concepts.
Developers choose algorithms to implements major system functions.
5. Implementation
Implementation is the stage for writing the actual code.
Developers map design elements to programming language and database
6. Testing
During testing, Testers once again revisit the original business
requirements and verify that the system delivers the proper functionality.
It also uncovers the accidental errors that have been introduced.