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Pre-Qualification Documents

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January 07, 2021

Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited.

Page 1
Sr.No Index Page No.

01 About Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited. 03

02 Scope 03

03 Procurement Process 03

04 Evaluation Criteria 04

05 Documents to be Submitted 05

06 Submission Instructions 05

07 Contact Information 05

Page 2
1. About Pakistan Expo Centres Private Ltd.
Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited is a corporate entity with the shareholding of
Federal Government and Provincial Governments of Pakistan. The mandate of the
company is to develop and manage Expo Centres in major cities of Pakistan with the
objective to promote various sectors of economy through trade exhibitions, consumer
fairs and conferences. Lahore International Expo Centre was the first project of the
Company, which is successfully doing its operations since 2010 and now the company is
engaged in the development of another Expo Centre at Peshawar whereas the working
for Expo Centre at Quetta has also been started.

2. Scope
Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited is intend to prequalify the entities in the various
categories for its development and operational activities. The selection of entities will
be on the basis of technical and financial evaluation as per defined criteria.

3. Procurement Process
The below mentioned flowchart describe the process of procurement.

Advertisement in the

Receiving of Proposals

Evaluation as per

Award of “Technical Pre-qualified” status

to technically compliance entities

Call of Financial Bids from

Technically Prequalified Entities

Award of Contract on The Basis of Technical and

Financial Evaluation

the lowest bidder

Page 3
4. Evaluation Criteria
The proposals / bids will be evaluated on the following basis.
Technical Competency: 50%
Financial Cost: 50%

i) Criteria for Technical Evaluation

Technical evaluation will be based on the following process.

a. Prequalification Criteria

The prequalification criteria of entities in the relevant category will be considered on the basis of
following basis.

Sr. No Areas Marks


1 15
(In term of infrastructure and discipline of construction works)

2 (It includes registration with Pakistan Engineering Council, 15

detail & value of equipments, number of employees
performing management & operational function and any other
related capabilities)
3 (This will be based on last three years revenues, number of 15
verifiable clients & projects, testimonials from clients,
information about litigations & any other related factor)

4 (This will be evaluated on the basis of last three years audited 5
financial statements)

Total 50

Only those bidders who will secure 50 % marks in prequalification will preferably be called for
bidding process.

ii) Criteria for Financial Evaluation

The financial evaluation will be based on bid price. In financial evaluation, maximum marks will
be granted to the lowest bidder. Financial bids will be called only from technically compliant
bidders and bids will be opened in the presence of bidders at given time and date.

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5. Documents to Be Submitted
For the participation in the prequalification, it is compulsory for the interested entities that
they submit the following information along with supportive documents.

Sr. No. Documents

1 Request for Pre-qualification on Prescribed format

2 Profile of the Organization (If any)

3 Copy of Registration Certificate with SECP / PEC any other authority

4 Copy of National Tax Number (NTN) & Sale Tax Number (issued by FBR)

5 Copy of Registration Certificate with Provincial Sales Tax Authority

6 Last three years Audited Accounts or Tax Return

7 Any other Relevant Documents in support of Pre-qualification

6. Submission Instructions
i. Sealed prequalification documents should be submitted along with clearly marked
on the envelope "Pre-Qualification For (Category Name)”. The documents have to
be submitted latest by February 02, 2021 no later than 11:00 PM and submittals will
be opened in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives at 11:30
AM on the same day, at the office of Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited, 1- A,
Johar Town, Lahore. Any documents received after the closing date for submission
of proposals / documents shall not be entertained.
ii. Bids will not be considered in case of non-provision of desired information or
incomplete information. Further information provided by the bidders, if found to be
false at any stage, may result in immediate disqualification.

7. Contact Information:
Pakistan Expo Centres Private Limited.
1-A Johar Town, Expo Centre, Lahore.

+92 42 111 092 042

+92 42 35298005-7

+92 42 35298004



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