Naturalizing As An Error-Type in Biology: Douglas Allchin
Naturalizing As An Error-Type in Biology: Douglas Allchin
Naturalizing As An Error-Type in Biology: Douglas Allchin
Douglas Allchin *
Abstract: Biologists make mistakes – but they can also find them and remedy
them. I survey a series of cases where idealizations and assumptions about nor-
mality have shaped common erroneous biological concepts: male and female;
developmental abnormalities; competition in evolution; and laws of nature. Such
scientific interpretations of nature can have profound social consequences. Iden-
tifying such recurring errors thematically, however, can guide analysis that im-
proves the reliability of scientific claims. Here, I profile naturalizing as one such
error type and map the prospective solutions.
Keywords: error types; naturalizing; male and female; developmental abnormali-
ties; competition in evolution; laws of nature
What seems more natural than boy and girl, man and woman,
male and female? That, indeed, I think is a problem. And I want
to probe it, along with some other cases, to profile a thematic
At least such fish are male or female at any one time, one might
contend. Yet the sorting of male and female is not always neat and
simple. Properties are not so consistently aligned as the textbook
dichotomy seems to indicate. Consider the guevedoces of the Do-
minican Republic, investigated in 1974 (Imperato-McGinley,
Guerrero, Gautier & Peterson, 1974). A homozygous genetic
condition leads to an inactive form of 5-alpha reductase. Individu-
als cannot convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, and they
develop initially as females. At puberty, however, the role of tes-
tosterone becomes primary. The testes descend and penises, facial
hair and other male characteristics develop. Here, no gonads
change. But sexual morphology does. This is a case of intersex,
not uniformly male or female.
Many types of intersexes exist. Hormonal levels, ineffective
hormone receptors or alternative developmental trajectories lead
to various mosaics of sexual characters. As documented nicely by
Alice Dreger, human bodies may exhibit sexual anatomies in al-
most any combination: external genitalia, gonad position, urinary
plumbing, large breasts, facial hair, hair loss, invaginations and
protuberances, ejaculates and menses, and vocal timbre. These
traits do not correspond uniquely to either chromosomes or gonad
type. In other mammal species, some such “mixed” patterns are
actually typical. In spotted hyenas and bush babies, male and fe-
male both exhibit penises. Male fruit bats in Malaysia have milk-
producing mammary glands (Roughgarden, 2004, pp. 28, 37-38).
Intersexes illustrate that the concept of male and female, con-
strued as an unambiguous dichotomy, is problematic.
Still, male and female may seem concepts fundamental to char-
acterizing sexual reproduction: ultimately, the union of two gam-
etes, sperm and egg, one mobile, the other not. Yet some organ-
isms reproduce sexually without differentiated egg and sperm. The
gametes share the same form. For example: in Chlamydomonas or in
the sea lettuce Ulva. There is indeed sex, but no male, no female.
Accordinly, one may prefer conceiving sex as fundamentally about
recombina-tion and methods for ensuring genetic variation. Here,
male and females may be seen primarily as mating strains. But this
leads to other problems. For example, Charles Darwin noted how
some common garden flowers have different length styles and
stamens. He saw this as a mechanism that promoted outcrossing.
trenched in culture through “textbook” biology. Male and female
have been naturalized. That is, the concept shaped by bias has been
inscribed in nature. Moreover, any hint of bias is eclipsed. The
case of male and female illustrates nicely the problem of naturaliz-
ing, the error, or error-type, I am profiling here.
Let me turn now to another case of naturalizing, where the bi-
ology has been culturally, if not scientifically, obscured: a view of
nature as fundamentally competitive and selfish (for references,
see Allchin, 2007a, 2007b). The view seems rooted in Darwinian
concepts of evolution and natural selection, as expressed, for ex-
ample, in the popular phrase “survival of the fittest”. Charles
Darwin noted the great potential of organisms to reproduce and
of a population to increase in size. Where resources were limited,
however, there would inevitably be a “struggle for existence”, or
competition. Only some variants – the most fit – would prevail,
changing the heritable traits of the population over time. Natural
selection and adaptation may thus seem to rely on competition as
a selective force.
In this case, we can effectively trace a close relationship be-
tween biological and cultural thinking (Young, 1975; Ghiselin,
1969, pp. 48-49, 59-61; Browne, 1995, pp. 542-543). Victorian
England exhibited widespread poverty and great disparities in
wealth. Envision Charles Dickens’ London: poverty, slums, child
labor and grim working conditions, all while others enjoyed a
comfortable lifestyle. The social inequities were considered justi-
fied (by the franchised, at least) as a “natural” outcome of compe-
tition. Thomas Malthus had expressed that view earlier in his 1801
“Essay on Population”. He portrayed food as inevitably limited
and social competition as unavoidable. When Darwin read that
essay in 1838, it helped him crystallize his unfinished thoughts on
natural selection. The same essay also prompted Alfred Wallace to
discover the same principle. Both Darwin and Wallace trans-
formed Malthus’s notion of a social “struggle for existence” into
an organic context. Darwin, in particular, seemed deeply im-
pressed by the “logic” of competition:
thrive through cooperation. Mutualisms abound. Pollination and
seed dispersal symbioses are widely known, but perhaps too often
remain in the shadows. Consider sea slugs: soft, slow and vulner-
able, the epitomy of non-competitiveness. Some host algae or
chloroplasts in their digestive glands, surviving for months with-
out food. In these cases, selection has amplified cooperative
strategies. Mutualisms may be intraspecific, as well, exemplified in
reciprocal altruism and other forms of sociality. Morality can
evolve (Ridley, 1996, de Waal, 1996, Boehm, 1999). When one is
open to analyzing the concept of competition in nature critically,
its limited scope is readily apparent.
Once again, the problem is not exclusively among biologists,
but even more in how biological “knowledge” (or what passes as
biological knowledge) circulates among non-biologists. Early sup-
porters of Darwin sometimes inappropriately resituated Darwin’s
concept into a cultural context. Herbert Spencer and the Ameri-
can capitalists who historian Richard Hofstadter misleadingly
called “Social Darwinists,” saw in natural selection a “natural”
justification for social competition. Contemporary culture seems
no different. “Survival of the fittest” rhetoric – or some surrogate
about inherent competition – seems to permeate culture – from
the World Cup to economic rhetoric, to American Idol and other
“reality” television shows. The impression that Darwinism entails
social competition is widespread, among both Darwinians and
their critics, whether or not they endorse it as ideologically accept-
The problem was evident in Darwin’s own time – at least given
certain perspectives. Socialist Frederich Engels commented on it,
virtually defining the naturalizing error, in an 1875 letter:
The whole Darwinist teaching of the struggle for existence
is simply a transference from society to living nature of
Hobbes’s doctrine of bellum omnium contra omnes and of the
bourgeois-economic doctrine of competition together with
Malthus’s theory of population. When this conjurer’s trick
had been performed… the same theories are transferred
back again from organic nature into history and it is now
claimed that their validity as eternal laws of human society
has been proved. The puerility of this procedure is so obvi-
Let us turn now to yet another case of naturalizing, where cul-
tural concepts are rooted in biological error: developmental
anomalies (for references, see Allchin, 2008a). Consider Petrus
Gonsalus. Born in 1556 in a remote tribe on Tenerife, he was
raised in the court of Henry II in France. As plainly visible here,
he was exceptionally hairy. Today, we call his condition hyper-
trichosis universalis congenita, Ambras type. To his contemporar-
ies he was simply a “monster,” an unsual body form, like giants,
dwarves or conjoined twins. As his courtly robe indicates, he was
also special. Gonsalus and other monsters at that time evoked a
widely appreciated sense of wonder. Such puzzling cases also
fueled a spirit of investigation and the emergence of modern sci-
ence, as documented by Lorraine Daston and Katherine Park
(Daston & Park, 2001).
For two centuries, monsters remained important cases for un-
derstanding nature’s patterns and for assessing theories of organ-
ismal development. Fontenelle, at the Paris Royal Academy of
Sciences, expressed the view well in 1703:
One commonly regards monsters as jests of nature, but
philosophers are quite persuaded that nature does not play,
that she always inviolably follows the same rules, and that
all her works are, so to speak, equally serious. There may be
extraordinary ones among them, but not irregular ones; and
it is even often the most extraordinary, which give the most
opening to discover the general rules which comprehend all
of them. (Daston & Park, 2001, pp. 204-205)
In the early 1800s, Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire continued
the search for those general rules, as exhibited through a proposed
“unity of composition”. “There is monstrosity”, he noted, “but
not, by virtue of that, suspension of ordinary laws”. Yet in classi-
fying the various developmental variants, Geoffroy also tended to
privilege an ideal type. “The normal state of humans may be con-
sidered like the abstract being, or generic being”, he wrote, “and
their different pathological deviations, like the species of this ideal
type” (Saint Hilaire, 1822, p. 106, 105, 15). Geoffroy supported
Etienne Serres’ theory that monsters resulted from various forms
of arrested development. “Normal” development had gone awry.
Especially as formalized by Geoffroy’s son, Isidore Geoffroy Saint
Hilaire, the study of monsters, or developmental anomalies, be-
came a science: teratology. At the same time, however, monsters
became pathological. The ironic cost of explaining their unusual
form was to separate the abnormal from the abnormal.
The development of statistics during the same period further
reinforced the concepts of normal and abnormal. Astronomers
and geographers had realized that their remeasurements of the
same stars or landmarks varied. The variation exhibited what we
now commonly recognize as a statistical distribution. But the stars
and land had obviously not moved. Some measurements must be
“wrong”. The desired figure, or ideal, was surely the mean. They
thus labeled the variation – today’s “bell curve” – as “the Law of
Error”. Statists found the Law of Error in all kinds of social phe-
nomena, as well. Those regularities became social laws. In the
1830s mathematician Adolphe Quetelet suggested that rather than
discuss variable groups, one could just refer instead to the mean,
or “average man” (l’homme moyen). Statistics thereby further privi-
leged the average, or common, as expressing a law. Statistics
seemed to justify a distinction between the “normal” and devia-
tions from it.
With teratology and statistics, monsters changed in the 1800s
from wonders, like Gonsalus, to pathological errors, or abnormali-
ties. Consider the case of Joseph Merrick, also known as “the
Elephant Man”. Merrick exhibited the Proteus syndrome, a ge-
netic condition of excessive bone growth. As visible here, bulbous
and pendulous folded tissue on one side was coupled with utterly
familiar body forms on the other side. Merrick’s movements were
uneven. He was a monster, too. But now he evoked disgust rather
than wonder. Eventually, Merrick reached the care of physician
Frederick Treves and was welcomed in London’s elite society. But
The shifting attitudes towards monsters were subtle, but in the
context of understanding naturalizing errors, also telling. The
difference between anomaly and abnormality is basically the dif-
ference between pattern and expectation. Similarly, the error with
male-and-female is primarily expecting intersexes, hermaphrodites
and polysexes to fit the male/female categories because those
categories are, or seem, pre-established. In our competitive cul-
ture, who is positioned to recognize competition as anything but
an expected foundational principle? The errors, then, are ulti-
mately not just about sex or development or natural selection.
They are all about expecting nature to adhere to strict rules. That,
in turn, is based on assuming a fundamental and enduring univer-
sal order. This expectation itself represents, I contend, yet another
naturalizing error: the very concept of laws of nature.
Let me describe just two examples, where laws have been in-
appropriately idealized. Perhaps the most well known laws in bi-
ology are Mendel’s Laws. The first is the Law of Segregation: allele
pairs separate equally in gametes. Segregation seems grounded in
the biology of meiosis. However, in the case of meiotic drive,
division is systematically biased, and one chromosome becomes
more highly represented in gametes. In other cases, segregator
distorter alleles alter the ratio of gametes once formed. Contingent
non-disjunction is also well documented. Segregation is not uni-
versal and hence not “law-like” in that sense. The second of Men-
del’s Laws is Independent Assortment: alleles recombine inde-
pendently. However, genes may be linked on the same chromo-
some – an exception noted even in introductory textbooks. Men-
del’s laws have sometimes also included dominance. However,
haplosufficiency is exhibited in less than half of human genes.
Dominance, too, draws on an inappropriate assumption of either-
or competition. Conceptually, dominance is problematic, at best
(Allchin, 2005). Exceptions to Mendel’s “Laws” are well know to
geneticists and other biologists, of course. Yet they continue to be
labeled as laws, when they plainly are not. Construing them as
inherent natural tendencies, always to be expected, is mistaken.
But in textbooks, etc., the lawlike status is preserved and with it,
the view of nature as fundamentally lawlike.
Perhaps the second most celebrated biological principle once
considered universal and inviolable is the Central Dogma. In 1958
Francis Crick proposed it as a theoretical guidepost: “Once in-
formation had passed into protein it cannot get out again.” Crick’s
“central dogma” became expressed in James Watson’s 1965 book,
Molecular biology of the gene, as:
DNA → RNA → protein
The formula gained widespread currency as expressing a family
of truths beyond doubt. First, cellular functions of information
and catalysis (inheritance and metabolism) were differentiated into
distinct molecular types. Second, only DNA could self-replicate.
Third, information flowed irreversibly from DNA through RNA
to protein. All three principles later yielded to exceptions, each
recognized by a Nobel prize, a measure perhaps of the depth of
the errors. Awards honored the discovery of reverse transcriptase
(1975) – where RNA produces DNA; ribozymes (1989) – where
RNA can fold on itself and catalyze certain reactions; and prions
The ultimate consequences of naturalizing may be discernible
now, after several examples, even without much explicit com-
ment. The errors can bias research, of course. But more impor-
tant, the cognitive prejudices and idealizations subsequently ap-
pear culturally as inherent or privileged phenomena of the natural
world. Further, those interpretations are construed as facts, rati-
fied by science. But there is no justification. Only a cascade of
biased expectations.
The potential cultural consequences are profound. The scien-
tific errors allow mere prejudices to guide ethical and political
judgments. So, for example, intersex conditions are not typically
valued today as extraordinary, as they once were. Rather, people
view them as not fitting nature’s categories. They thus work to-
wards “correcting” them with surgery or hormonal therapy. Yet
the “problem” is not inherently in the condition. Surgery is not a
solution. Rather, the problem is the assessment of abnormality
itself – and the assumption that it is established scientifically.
Likewise, the role of competition in society escapes scrutiny be-
cause it is construed as an inevitable law of nature – or “law of the
jungle”, perhaps. Yet social competition has political overtones. It
disempowers those with fewer resources or those who do not
enter society with an already privileged status. Social inequities can
thus be perpetuated in part due to an erroneous biological per-
spective. –Similarly for other cases of naturalizing. Any medical
disorder – whether developmental, physiological or psychological –
idealizes the biology and makes an assumption about “normal”
humans: the unstated “order” behind every “dis-order”. The rare,
the exceptional, or the unfamiliar accordingly reflect unsanctioned
disorganization or chaos. Dis-order implicitly implies abandoning
order. In general, naturalizing tends to support a view that the way
we find things is the way things must be – whether one approves
or not. Naturalizing preserves the status quo and homogeneity –
the familiar, or frequent, on which the error is based. While scien-
tists can manage errors in the long term, the cultural costs of ill-
justified judgments and actions in the short-term are quite real –
as are any lingering misconceptions.
While the naturalizing error is a problem, we need not bemoan
the inadequacy of science, nor to discredit its ability to secure
evidence and interpret it reliably. Rather, if there is a problem, we
need to fix it. We need to analyze the error as a first step in being
able to remedy it. First, we can characterize thematic similarities in
the cases above and then seek appropriate epistemic strategies to
address them. This approach is part of a broader effort to analyze
error in science and, in particular, to identify characteristic error
types. Let me elaborate on this general program.
Researchers frequently talk about “sources of error” in their
apparatus or experimental design. The aim is to root out or reduce
untrustworthy elements, whether they be theoretical assumptions,
malfunctioning instruments, methodological uncertainties, or
confounding environmental variables, etc. The program of Error
Analytics shares this goal, but vastly expands the scope of the
possible sources of error. Errors may also be theoretical or social,
for example.
Error Analytics is not unlike lack-of-function studies in biol-
ogy. It is a classic research strategy (Bechtel & Richardson, 1992).
Spencer did, they are interpreting nature itself, not culture. The
error is fundamentally scientific.
So, too, for other cases of naturalizing. The error is not in add-
ing a layer of value or disvalue or further interpretation to descrip-
tions of sex or development or recurring patterns. Rather, the
error is implicit in how the very categories are framed. They be-
come natural, outside human interpretation and thus beyond the
realm of interpretation or justification (see Latour, 1987).
How, then, do naturalizing errors arise? Quite easily. Naturaliz-
ing reflects a common cognitive bias: the availability error – that
is, giving more significance (or salience) to familiar, or readily
available, experiences (Sunderland, 1992, pp. 15-35). That would
include foremost one’s personal experiences and one’s cultural
exposure. Living in a culture shaped by explicit competition, or
with sharp sexual division of labor, tends to shape ideas conso-
nant with those lived realities.
However, in the cases described here, frequency also matters.
Even when scientists are aware of exceptions, the most common
or most frequent – the “normal” – may be deemed especially
relevant or significant. Frequency may notably contribute to sali-
ence. Further, statistical and probabilistic perspectives seem to
reinforce (if not precipitate) this style of thinking. What is normal
(most common) becomes interpreted as “normal” (sufficiently
characteristic of all cases, representative of the whole). Rare cases,
however well known, are thus discounted or dismissed. One need
not contend conceptually with polysexes, conjoined twins or
“dominant negative” alleles. The path to homogeneity begins.
The conceptual slurring is further promoted, I contend, by the
concept of laws of nature. Laws of nature, as noted earlier, mark
the difference between pattern and expectation, or between ob-
served regularity and fundamental, inviolable order. What is
“normal” (experientially or statistically) becomes “natural,” or
ordained by inherent tendencies of the world. Laws involve ideali-
zation. Idealizations may be fruitful to investigation, of course, so
long as the idealization does not eclipse the concrete realities –
just the case in naturalizing. Shifting from Mendelian models to
“laws,” or framing common development as an ideal paradigm (to
the exclusion of monsters), or male and female as the universal
standard (eclipsing intersexes, etc.) transfers any latent bias from
boundary conditions, their ceteris paribus clauses, etc.); concepts,
without their exceptions or complexities. The cost of such simpli-
fication, however, may be the habituated belief that nature itself is
indeed simple. Thus, no one thinks to question such simple con-
cepts as male-and-female, normal development or a single cause
for natural selection.
In summary, naturalizing as an error-type is a conceptual error,
a form of unchecked cognitive bias amplifying the familiar
(whether culturally standard or observationally frequent). But the
error is compounded, as many errors are, by being passed “down-
stream” – again, unchecked – through longer communication
networks into cultural settings (Latour, 1987), nurtured by belief
in natural order and simple laws of nature.
How, then, are naturalizing errors found and fixed? As a cogni-
tive bias, naturalizing is best regulated by alternative or “critical”
perspectives. Ideally, those might arise with imagination and active
self-criticism. A full taxonomy of error-types might well serve as a
template or guide. But cognitive bias is a problem largely because
it tends to escape such checks. We may be reminded that, histori-
cally, sexism and racism receded in scientific discourse only when
women and different ethinic groups became more fully repre-
sented in the scientific community (Fee, 1979; Barkan, 1992).
Epistemically, diversity of participants fosters diversity of perspec-
tive (in particular ways), which optimally leads to fruitful critical
discourse about the evidence or its completeness – social epis-
temic methods nicely articulated by Helen Longino (1990) and
Miriam Solomon (2001), among others. Ultimately, the naturaliz-
ing error is prospectively regulated by diversity in a scientific
community, diverse especially with regards to the concepts being
developed, and where “dissenting” standpoints are also acknowl-
edged and engaged responsibly. For example, discourse on male
and female should include at least some intersex individuals – and
such interchange has occurred recently with clinical health profes-
sionals. Evolutionary biologists should at least heed the contribu-
tions of socialists or anarchists, such as Petr Kropotkin, frequently
dismissed as renegades or crackpots. Medical concepts may profit
tions may be well known in the fields where they are relevant. –
And any remaining error seems easily subject to further research
in due time. Yet the problem of naturalizing is hybrid: it is the
downstream cultural effects that matter most. There, the harm
from misinformation cannot afford the luxury of academic for-
bearance. Naturalizing is a scientific error, and scientists are re-
sponsible for addressing it, especially in communicating science to
the public. Of course, biologists can become better informed
about the potential for naturalizing errors by historians, philoso-
phers and sociologists of biology.
Finally, perhaps the most important locus for addressing natu-
ralizing errors is in the science classroom. There, students learn
the view of nature apparently sanctioned by science, with all its
aura of authority. Textbooks are not just tools for understanding
concepts. They become an official “voice” of the nature of sci-
ence. Textbooks writers, often scientists themselves, need to be
especially aware of the cultural dimensions of what they present.
In biology, exceptions ironically need to be the “norm”. Students
need to learn about intersexes, polysexes, developmental variation,
genetic diversity, non-competitive evolution and, throughout, the
nature of scientific models and methods, their virtues and limits.
Fortunately for teachers, perhaps, all the complexities and excep-
tions in biology fascinate and engage students. Ideally, they also
learn about cases of historical error in science, as a cautionary
lesson about how science actually works in practice. Here again,
historians and philosophers of biology have a special role. They
can educate educators. Ideally, history and philosophy of science
and science education are close allies. It is certainly a tribute to
Brazil that its science education standards so prominently include
history and nature of science, and that collaborations between
HPS and education thrives. Brazil may well be leading the way in
the science education of the future.
My ultimate hope, then, is that through education and aware-
ness, boy and girl, man and woman, male and female, and other
culturally biased concepts of nature will seem a little less “natural”.
Through HPS collaborations with biologists and biology educa-
tors alike, we will be more effectively equipped to address, and
thereby minimize, naturalizing as an error-type in biology.
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