Hypnotism - Estabrooks, George
Hypnotism - Estabrooks, George
Hypnotism - Estabrooks, George
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B s A fâ .* K jebfnJiA vn. N .
Dedicated to
Former President of Colgate University
and an American pioneer
in tlie field of hypnotism
Chop*** jPocf
I TH E INDUCTION OF H Y P N O T IS M ....................................... 13
VI m e d ic a l u s e s o f h y p n o t i s m ............................................. 140
v ii h y p n o t is m in c r i m e ................................................................ 165
X CONCLUSIONS....................................... 228
Chapter 1
We will find that, on this first trial, roughly one half of the
subjects cannot open the eyes, while this percentage improves
as we repeat attempts at hypnosis. In the long run, after, say
a dozen trials, about ninety per cent of humanity will reach
the stage when they cannot open their eyes.
The remaining ten per cent will generally report that they
feel rested, relaxed, or sleepy, but will deny any real effects.
Probably this feeling of relaxation and general sleepiness should
be considered as one of the hypnotic phenomena at this very
early stage, but it is hard to demonstrate, whereas eye-closure
is quite definite.
However, we must note that whereas the hypnotist can get
this closing of the eyes in ninety per cent of humanity, this does
not necessarily mean that he can go any farther with his sug
gestions. He may and again he may not. That seems to depend
almost entirely on the subject. There are many of these in
whom it is easy to induce eye-closure, but quite impossible to
get any tests which indicate a deeper stage of hypnotism. No
matter how hard the hypnotist may try he can make no progress
beyond this very elementary state and psychology is quite at a
loss to explain why. Susceptibility to hypnosis seems to depend
on certain personality traits which we do not know and cannot
Should the hypnotist succeed in this first test with the eyes,
he may proceed at once to one which indicates a somewhat
deeper state, such as stiffening of the arm. H e will end eye-
closure and continue somewhat as follows.
“ Now, relax everything. Relax your eye muscles. They are
returning to normal. You are sound, sound asleep and will not
awaken until I tell you. Then you will awaken quietly and
easily. Relax everything. I am now about to make another test.
Your right arm is becoming stiff and rigid at your side. Stiff
and rigid. The muscles are tightening up. It is stiff and rigid
as an iron bar. Stiff and rigid. You cannot bend your right arm.
It is impossible to bend your right arm. You may try. I dare
eyes but you will not wake up. You are still walking in your
sleep. You wilt not wake up. You will see standing on the table
jn front oE you a very friendly black cat. You will go over, pet
the cat, then lift it up carefully and put it on the chair in which
you have been seated.” We repeat these instructions several
times, then say, "Now open your eyes. Open your eyes. There
is the cat.”
This test is more or less crucial. The subject must lie in deep
somnambulism if he is to be subject to these hallucinations or
visions. Should he not see the cat, then the shock of opening
his eyes will probably awaken him completely and the seance is
over. Should he really have a vision of the cat, his actions will
be characteristic. H e will pet the animal and play with it in so
convincing a fashion that the operator need have no doubt as
to what has really happened. The subject is in deep somnam
bulism and will remember nothing on awakening.
Actually there can be many a curious twist which will deceive
even a trained hypnotist. The writer was demonstrating hypno
tism before a group of medical students. The time was short,
so it was agreed that he would take one of the men and simply
go through the motions. The subject would cooperate and take
the tests to the best of his ability, simply to provide a demon
stration for the others of how hypnotism was produced.
We ran through the tests rapidly right up to hallucinations.
Here the writer said to the subject, "N ow open your eyes.
There is an apple in my hand. Take it and eat it.” The subject
promptly opened his eyes, grinned, and said, "There’s a worm
in it.” The operator took it for granted he was wide awake,
asked him to sit down and continued his talk.
But when he dismissed the group, his demonstration subject
remained seated, with his eyes wide open but unable to move.
"Wake me up, will you,” he said. " I can’t move.” So the
operator waked him up in proper fashion. The operator must
never take anything for granted in hypnotism, but must be quite
certain that his subject is wide awake before leaving.
The writer was hypnotizing a young man who gave all the
signs of being an excellent subject. Everything went very nicely
umil the operator said, "I am now going to ask you a few
simple questions which you will answer.” Immediately, the
subject was wide awake, trembling violently with every sign
of intense fear. This was odd, so the operator repeated the
seance with exactly the same result.
Then the explanation dawned on him. So the next time,
before asking any questions, lie said, ' ‘Listen carefully. There
is nothing to fear. I am in no way interested in your private
affairs. I wish to ask you a few very simple questions simply
to show that you are in touch with me, that you are listening to
me. If you do not wish to answer any particular question, just
shake your head, but I assure you that I am not going to ask
intentionally any question which could possibly embarrass you.
Is that clear ?”
He nodded his head and everything progressed in proper
order from that point. Obviously it was the proverbial case of
the guilty conscience. The subject feared the operator was
going to pry into his secrets and awakened in order to protect
The writer has described the hypnotic technique most used
in the psychological laboratory but there are endless variations
to this particular procedure, and several other entirely different
techniques which are equally effective.
W ith this particular attack, for example, many operators
prefer to start with die subject’s eyes wide open, waiting until
he closes them from natural fatigue. So far as the writer can
see, it makes very little difference if we start with the eyes open
or closed. He prefers to start with them closed.
Then the writer himself would not use the technique as he
has outlined it. H e awakens the subject after each test and
starts all over again. A much slower approach, to be sure, but
one which gives the operator ample opportunity to size up his
subject and adopt his attack to any peculiarities the subject
may have. We will see later that, on occasion, subjects do
technique to the record, plays this back to the subject and the
record will put the subject into hypnotism just as well as will
the voice of the hypnotist. A very neat example of how little
"will power," passes, and hypnotic eyes have to do with the
trance. About as nonmystic a procedure as anyone could wish.
The writer prepared one of the first of these records with
the assistance of the Victor people and it is now marketed
through tire Marietta Apparatus Company. Many others have
since made their appearance, all good and generally intended
for some specific purpose. It is now so very easy to record the
human voice that there will undoubtedly be a great future for
this technique. The operator will prepare a definite record for
a particular subject, instruct him how to use it and literally
apply absent treatment in the best sense of the word.
Yet we must bear in mind that this use of hypnotic records
has very definite limitations. The record is excellent for pur
poses of instruction, which was the reason for its first appear
ance. It is very useful for experimental work, where the psy-.
chologist in his laboratory wishes to be sure that his subjects
are receiving exactly the same instructions as are those in the-
laboratory of a colleague 1,000 miles away. It can even be used
to induce hypnotism the very first time.
But the operator should always be present, for very naturally
no record, no matter how skillfully devised, can meet the various
emergencies which arise when we induce the trance. Some
subjects tend to become hysterical, some even show a disposi
tion to go into convulsions and some others are difficult to
awaken. The victrola record cannot handle these situations.
However, there may be a real use for this technique after the
subject has been hypnotized several times. Then it might be
very useful from the medical angle, when the subject is being
treated for, say, alcoholism or stammering. The doctor might
very easily prepare a record for such a subject, aimed at re-'
in forcing and repeating suggestions already given in the hyp-’
notic trance. Such a record would, of course, be so arranged that
it would also awaken the subject from the trance. This could
of kerosene, tell him it is very fine wine, and have him drink it.
H e does so with great satisfaction. Or we can reverse the
process. We can give him a glass of whisky, tell him it tastes
vile and that he will be very sick to his stomach once he drinks
i t That probably will also work.
Such a technique was once in great favor for treating alco
holics. If the subject proved to be a somnambulist, he was as
sured in hypnotism that every time he took a drink in future
he would be violently sick. If it worked, and it generally would,
the cure became an endurance contest with everything in favor
of the hypnotist. After all, drinking îs not much of a pleasure
if every drink is only the prelude to a vomiting fit. G. B. Cutten
in his Psychology of Alcoholism deals in detail with this matter
of treating the drunkard.
Similarly it was once common practice to handle smoking by
the same method. The subject was assured that tobacco smoke
would in future taste very bad and a cigarette would be fol
lowed by an upset stomach. This was really hallucinating the
senses of smell and taste. A friend of the writer in a near-by city
tried this on a young man at the request of his parents but unfor
tunately he did not ask the consent of the subject beforehand.
Once his victim heard of the plan he was very indignant over
the whole thing, swore he would smoke in spite of any hypnotist
and went at it again. In six months time he was smoking with
reasonable comfort, but he almost ruined his digestion in the
Smell lends itself very nicely to hallucinations, one of our best
tests of hypnotism coming in this field. If we have any doubt
as to whether the subject is deeply hypnotized, we tell him he
is about to smell some very fine perfume. We then hold a bottle
of strong ammonia under his nose and tell him to sniff; if he is
in deep hypnotism he seems to enjoy the perfume, but if not,
or if he should be bluffing he will come out of the trance in
very short order.
W e also have some very curious cases wherein we can deceive
the skin senses. For example, we can take a pencil, hold it near
the subject’s hand, and tell him it is a red hot poker. If we
touch the hand, he will draw it away, sometimes shrieking
with pain. Actually, we have never been able to prove that the
elfin is really “burned” by this technique, although some of
the older authorities did report just this. Proof in science, as
we will later see, is no simple matter.
Since we are on the skin, let us report a very interesting
experiment by Liebeault, the real father of modem hypnotism.
H e had one exceptionally good subject on -whom lie reported
the following. H e was able to trace letters on this man’s fore
arm with the blunt end of a pencil. Later these letters would
appear as letters în blood! Not only that, but with this one sub
ject he carried the experiment even farther. The subject was
able to do it himself, suggesting to himself—autosuggestion—
that the blood letters would appear! Liebeault stresses the fact
that such remarkable phenomena could only be obtained with
the very best of subjects.
Liebeault did his work around the 1870’s and no other
operator since has been able to get these results. This tends to
cast a doubt on the experiment since Liebeault may not have
been careful enough with his subject. I t is quite possible that,
if left alone, he could have scratched his arm with a needle
along the lines of the letters and yet, strange as it may sound,
there is no reason why these results could not have been ob
tained. They would depend on the action of the autonomic
nervous system and we do know quite definitely that we can
influence this by means of hypnotism.
We really have two nervous systems in our bodies. All our
voluntary muscles are controlled by the central nervous sys
tem, composed of the brain and spinal cord, but our internal
organs also do their work by muscular action, in many cases.
The lungs, heart, stomach, even the arteries and veins could
never function if it were not for the activity of muscles and
these “involuntary” muscles are under control of the autonomic
50 h y p n o t is m
nervous system. This system lies outside the spine and, although
joined to it, acts in general quite independently of the other
For example, try and influence your heart beat as you read
this book. It is almost impossible. Yet strange to say, we can
influence the heart through hypnotism. We can make it beat
faster by mere suggestion, especially if we tell the subject he
has, say, just escaped from a bear and is very much excited.
Excitement, as we all know, tends to make the heart beat
faster and the scene we suggest to the subject is so real to him
that he behaves as if it were a real hear. Yet very few of the
readers could imagine such a scene vividly enough to get any
real reaction. The writer once saw a stage hypnotist suggest
to a subject that he was falling over a cliff. He was actually
falling from a table onto a pile of cushions. The subject gave a
wild shriek of fear as he fell and collapsed. That was genuine.
A doctor and heart stimulants were necessary to save his life.
Nor could any of my readers by imagining that they were
eating some very disgusting dish, make themselves vomit.
Here again the hypnotist can influence the autonomic nervous
system, as seen in the action of the stomach. As we mentioned
before, we have only to suggest to the somnambulist that liquor
tastes bad, that it is disgusting and in future he may find that
even the smell of liquor will turn him sick to his stomach. Not
only that, but we can influence the subject’s stomach in much
more subtle fashion. We can, for example, suggest to him that
he is eating a beef steak. Not only will his mouth water but
we wilt find that his stomach secretes the proper juices to handle
the meal in question. For a very sane and critical discussion of
all these rather unusual phenomena we refer the reader to the
work by Clark L. Hull of Yale University, Hypnosis and Sug
A Russian psychologist recently reported an even more in
teresting stomach experiment. He claims that in hypnosis he
was able to give his subjects large quantities of alcohol, with
the suggestion that they would not get drunk. And they did
not either in hypnosis or after the trance! We may add that
before such claims could be accepted they would have to be
checked on by many other operators.
A t this point a very natural question will occur to the reader.
Why all this doubt and uncertainty? If we are in doubt, then
why not clear the matter up at once and in short order. Unfor
tunately hypnotism of all subjects does not lend itself to this
offhand treatment. For example, let us take the question of
muscular strength in hypnosis. N, C. Nicholson investigated
this using the ergograph, an instrument designed to measure
the amount of work a subject can perform with one of his
fingers. It is easy to measure the work of a finger and what
applies to the finger should, in theory, apply to any other group
of muscles. Nicholson conducted a series of experiments and
concluded that “ during the hypnotic sleep the capacity for work
seemed practically endless.*'
But later P. C. Young repeated Nicholson’s experiments
and found, a t least to his satisfaction, that muscular strength
in hypnotism was no greater than in the normal waking state.
The results would have been far less disturbing had either of
these men been poorly trained and incompetent. Unfortunately,
Nicholson did his work at Johns Hopkins and Young did his
at Harvard. Both were very careful experimenters. The sharp
contradiction is hard to explain but, in the writer’s opinion,
was undoubtedly due to the attitude of the hypnotists. The
good subject co-operates in wonderful fashion. Nicholson’s sub
jects realized they were supposed to show an increase in
muscular strength and did so. The opposite applied to Young's
A great deal of our work in hypnotism must always be car
ried out with this fact in mind for the subject tends to give
what is expected. Returning to this matter of physical strength,
we are all familiar, at least have read about, the uncanny ability
of most subjects to rest with the head on one chair and feet
parts are there and capable of working. But they are not w ork'
ing or “functioning” because of this break at the synapses, so
we say that we have a “functional” anaesthesia in the arm.
And this “opening” of the synapses is probably due here to
This anaesthesia is very real, for all that. No amount of play
acting would enable any subject to lie quietly on the operating
table and have his arm amputated. Yet this can be done in deep
hypnotism. Similarly we can get the functional blindness we
have been discussing. In this case it is very difficult to prove
that the subject is not bluffing. W e have no easy, positive tests,
but we can argue from the analogy of anaesthesia in the arm.
This is very real, so anaesthesia in vision is probably just as
real. And, of course, there is no “structural” injury to the brain.
The trouble with this very neat synaptic theory is that it is
almost impossible of proof, though it seems highly probable.
We can see the synapse under the microscope, but we cannot
see its movement because this only takes place in living tissue
and would be difficult to get under the very best conditions.
W e cannot turn a microscope on the brain of a living animal.
Yet some day we may be able to actually observe these move
ments in the synapses. Several years ago Spîdell of the Univer
sity of Virginia won the highest award from the American
Association for the Advancement of Science by demonstrating
a very beautiful technique. He was actually able to see the
growth of nerves in the tail of a living tadpole! That may
strike the reader as very unimportant but science values curious
things. A year or two previous to this another man got this
award by showing that protozoa in the intestines of the termite
digested his wood diet for him and so allowed him to live on
pure wood! That solved many a problem that had puzzled the
zoologist. Only a year or two ago a psychologist, Maler, won
the coveted award by demonstrating that he could drive rats
insane by frustration, by continually puzzling them over the
location of their food. Silly? That experiment means a great
all sides, pointing out how ridiculous his claim is. H e defends
himself with a beautiful series of lies and finally becomes quite
indignant when we continue to doubt his word. Of course, here
again we run into the problem of whether he is just bluffing,
playing a part to please the hypnotist or really does believe he
was Captain Smith in the last war—a very difficult point to
So also are those curious cases which we call "regression’'
and which we can get in hypnosis. For example, we take a
subject of forty years old and say to him, “ You are now
a boy of five. You will behave and think exactly as you did
at the age of five.” He gives a very convincing demonstration.
We then say, “Now you are ten. Grow up to that age.” He does
so. Next we have him progress to fifteen.
Is it genuine? It certainly looks like a good case of faking.
But strange to say, if we try him out with the intelligence test
we find that He hits the proper mental age and intelligence
quotient with very considerable accuracy. Of course, he could
also fake this but it is very doubtful if any of the readers, un
familiar with intelligence tests, could give the proper answers
for a child of five, ten, or fifteen. It really looks like genuine
regression which we know does take place in actual life. Much
more work must be done on this subject, most up to the present
being in Russia and perhaps not too carefully supervised.
We hear much in some literature about the ability which
subjects have to reckon time in hypnosis. We can tell them
that they will be able to tell exactly when 4453 minutes have
passed and they will call the time exactly. Once again, not
proved to the satisfaction of science. F or example, one of the
older experimenters, Bramwell, working around 1895 found
that one particular subject could actually call the time to the
exact minute.
But unfortunately he had no control subjects. W hat guarantee
do we have that this subject or any of the readers could not do
the same thing in the normal waking state ? Ridiculous! Not at
So he goes to the phone and puts through his call, all the time
talking in a perfectly normal manner about his garden, his
auto or any other topic of conversation in which he may have
been engaged, Fowler, who knows what is happening, comes
over for a cup of tea. All the time he is in the room the subject
keeps playing with the dog and finally says good day to the pro
fessor and his phantom pet in quite normal fashion.
Such is the typical picture of a posthypnotic suggestion. Some
subjects act in a dazed condition while carrying out such orders
but this is easily corrected by the suggestion that they will be
wide awake and perfectly normal during the whole procedure.
Let us examine this type of suggestion more closely, for as we
will see later it explains a great deal in abnormal psychology.
It is a curious thing that the subject does not have to be in the
deepest trance or in somnambulism to get the posthypnotic
suggestion. To be sure it is much better if we start off from the
deep state, but not absolutely necessary. We say to a subject
in hypnotism, “After you awaken, I will tap three times on the
table with my pencil. You will then have an irresistible impulse
to take off your right shoe.” Then we awaken him and find out
that he remembers everything. Nevertheless we tap three times
on the table and at once there is dear evidence of an inner con
flict. He wants to take off that shoe but has made up his mind he
will not. Like one possessed of a devil, he runs his hands through
his hair, shakes his head, gets up and walks around the room
muttering to himself, “ I won’t. I won’t do it.”
Finally the strain becomes too great and he says, “Oh! All
right, then. Have it your own way.” He takes off the shoe and
sits down looking vastly relieved. While we can get this re
action in some subjects who do not enter somnambulism, în
general they can fight off the suggestion. They still show
evidence of a desire to carry out the order, but will sit still,
grit their teeth, smile triumphantly and say, “No,” And in
most of these cases “no” means “no.”
At this point, we should mention a very necessary precaution
which should be taken in all this work. The subject must never
leave the room until the suggestion has been removed. There
are two ways of doing this. Re-hypnotize the subject and re
move the suggeslion, or, far easier, have him c a r r y it out with
his own consent. Simply say, "Very well. That test failed but
I want to make sure that we have no trouble with it in the
future. Take off your shoe and put in on again, just to clear the
A doctor friend reports a very interesting case which
happened to him iwenty years 3go. A patient came complaining
that he was being followed by a big, black dog. The patient
knew quite well that there was no dog around, but for all that
he could not escape from the delusion that this dog was always
at his heels. The doctor worked with him for a week with no
success. Then the patient himself gave the answer. A stage
hypnotist had been in town. He had volunteered as a subject,
went into deep trance and remembered nothing of what
happened until he was awakened at the end of the show. But
the next day this dog delusion started and had been with him
ever since.
The doctor found the answer in short order. Inquiring
among his friends he found that the subject, the night of the
show', had kept the house entertained by running around the
stage for half an hour always pursued by a big, black dog. He
was one of several subjects and this was his "stunt." He was
hypnotized at once, the posthypnotic suggestion removed, and,
after a couple of seances, had finally got rid of his phantom
One of the real dangers of hypnotism lies right here. We may
easily instill in the subject’s mind some conflict, without in any
way intending the same. One of our best operators reports the
following case. The subject, in deep trance, was told to drink a
glass of whisky. He was a prohibitionist, had never tasted
liquor and refused. But the day after the trance, he told the
hypnotist that, for some unknown reason, he had developed a
the po sth y pn o ttc s u g g e s t io n and a u t o s u g g e s t io n 73
will hand me Mr. Jones’ coat, the one with the velvet collar.”
This time when we stand up, he immediately hands us Jones’
coat, then notices his mistake and apologizes profusely. We say,
"Fooled again! Another posthypnotic suggestion. See if you can
catch us.”
In hypnotism we then say, "W hen you awaken we will
mention the shipping losses caused by the submarines. You will
then reach for the N ew York Times and quote us the losses for
the last four weeks.”
He is awakened. Five minutes later the hypnotist mentions
shipping losses. H e promptly reaches for the Times and just as
promptly stops.
“No, you don’t. Not this time. That is a posthypnotic sug
gestion. I won’t carry it out.”
"How do you know it is a posthypnotic suggestion?”
“I just feel it in my bones. Sort of an urge to do it and a
very uncomfortable feeling when I resist That feeling would
never come from anything else.”
“I bet you can’t resist it.”
“Yes, I can. Much as I want to get my hands on that Times,
the thing is not irresistible.”
"Very well. Look up the figures any how just to ease your
This subject, highly intelligent and himself a psychologist,
could pick out the curious drive to carry out the suggestion and
so was able to identify it. The reader will note a point which is
very important for later discussion. The subject tends to carry
out these suggestions without any hesitation, especially when
they fit into the social situation in which he finds himself. How
ever, immediately he finds out the cause of his actions, he just
as quickly decides to resist. W hether this resistance will be
effective depends on many factors, especially the depth of the
trance and the attitude of the hypnotist.
Sidis in his Psychology of Suggestion brings out the impor
tance of operator attitude very clearly. H e quotes from his-very
work after a day a t the office. W e try the usual hypnotic sug
gestions with considerable success, then clinch the matter with
some very specific suggestions which are to take the form of
W e say to him, “ In the evening when you wish to concen
trate, you will prepare all your work so that you will not have
to leave your room. You will then put your watch on the table,
take a card and print on it ‘Concentrate until 10:30.’ You will
place this card beside the watch. From then on you will have no
difficulty whatsoever in attending to your work. Everything
will leave your mind except the determination to work hard
until 1 0 :30 or whatever time you may print on the card.” This
little trick seems to help very much in securing the much desired
ability to concentrate.
Here, of course, arises a very neat point. Is this actually
autosuggestion or posthypnotic suggestion? In this book we
will side-step the issue by saying that the question is only of
theoretical interest. We could argue indefinitely over many
such problems, as, for instance, is all suggestion autosuggestion
or is all suggestion hetero-suggestion, that is, suggestion with
the aid of an operator, real or imagined? The reader may feel
he has the answer but we can assure him that much ink has been
shed on this issue and it is still an open question. For our pur
poses we are entitled to avoid such problems on the plea that
we simply go “round and round the mulberry hush.” If the
professional psychologist can not find the answer, we can not
hope to do so.
As with the hallucination, we can obtain all other hypnotic
phenomena by means of autosuggestion and by using the same
technique. Paralyses, anaesthesias, even control of the heart rate
lend themselves to this attack. But its real practical use would
be in giving man command over himself, over his powers of
concentration, and over his personality, so that he could re
build himself along the lines of success and happiness. There
may be here a great future for autosuggestion.
the f o s t h y p n o t ic s u g g e s t io n and a u t o s u g g e s t io 85
tor, which has all the dangers this would imply if he were
allowed the run of a drugstore to treat his ills without previous
training. It is very hard for the average man himself to recog
nize trouble which may be the result of autosuggestion and just
as difficult for him to treat it.
The writer recalls the case of a very gifted lady who became
interested in spiritism. As we will see, the spiritistic phenomena
are largely due to autosuggestion. She became so completely
deranged through talking to the spirits— St. Augustine in this
case—that she had to retire to a sanatarium. She has since
regained a certain amount of her former mental balance but,
left to herself, she could never have handled the situation. This
was largely because she did not realize how very near she was
to complete insanity. St. Augustine was a very real person, she
valued his friendship immensely and resisted treatment until the
supposed spirit was ousted by hypnotism. W ith this aid she
recovered sanity enough to see how serious her situation was
and from then on could help herself.
The writer cannot become very enthusiastic about autosug
gestion. W e will see in later pages that it may easily result in
dissociation. In theory the subject should be able to guide his
own treatment and become the master of his own personality.
But it may just as readily encourage a tendency to dissociation
which is latent in so many people, and with this lead to the
development of neurotic traits which are far from desirable.
The reader will do well to read through the next two chapters
before he passes judgment on this statement. As yet we have
not talked enough on the theory of hypnotism to give us a
proper basis for discussion.
Anything which occurs in hypnotism or the posthypnotic
suggestion we can get in autosuggestion. Finally any of these
hypnotic phenomena may occur in everyday life, when we
refer to the individual as "queer,” an hysteric, a neurotic, even
as insane. For this reason hypnotism is of very great impor
tance, and we refer to it as the "laboratory” of abnormal
was suffering from a violent tremor all over his body, so violent
that he could not walk or even feed himself. The doctor, think
ing that he would try hypnotism, began explaining to the subject
just what he would want. In the course of the conversation the
subject volunteered the information that he had once been very
much interested in crystal gazing and had been quite successful
in obtaining visions. This seemed a good lead so the doctor
proposed he try it and report his experiences.
The patient did so, and saw in the glass the whole terrible
experience of a bombing attack in which most of his company
had been killed and he himself had bombed three of the enemy
in a dugout under very harrowing circumstances. Yet previous
to this vision he would not recall any details of the attack, his
mind being a complete blank for a period of roughly twenty-
four hours.
Another type of automatic activity which is not so generally
known but which further illustrates our point îs the phenomenon
of “shell hearing.” We are all familiar with the fact that if we
cover an ear with a shell we get a peculiar confused roaring. In
some people this roaring refines itself into voices and these
become a series of auditory hallucinations. Moreover, we do
not need the classic shell. A tea cup held over the ear does just
as well and as usual the voices heard tell of events with which
the subject is already familiar or which are in his unconscious
Both automatic writing and shell hearing naturally lend
themselves to another line of activity. The writer or listener is
able to express his own philosophy of life in such a way that he
may easily rank himself as a prophet. For some strange reason
the average man is very much impressed with these automatic
phenomena both in others and in himself. Consequently if he
has a vision, receives a message by automatic writing or hears
"voices” with or without the “shell,” he is very liable to regard
them as direct from the supernatural and act as if he were re
ceiving guidance from, the deity.
While science will not accept the claim that a spirit from past
years occupies the body of Mrs. Curran, science win admit that
the case is very complex, showing to a very high degree that
ingenuity of the unconscious so evident in hypnotism. This
unconscious, having assumed the title Patience W orth, has been
remarkably consistent, as shown by the fact that she always
uses a preponderance of old English words in all her writings.
We leave the reader the task of reviewing the evidence and
deciding for himself whether o r not she has proved her point.
This particular case illustrates another very interesting phase
of automatic activity. W ith practice it sometimes becomes far
more efficient, the unconscious itself becoming better organ
ized. Patience W orth began her communications with the
planchette, a crude form of ouija board. But this was a very
slow and clumsy method for such a brilliant personality so she
"graduated” to automatic writing. Even this proved too tedious
so she now does her work by automatic speech. Moreover, she
has the most remarkable control over this speech. She, Mrs.
Curran, sits down and relaxes. Immediately Patience W orth
comes to the surface and begins work on her latest novel or
book of poems, Mrs. Curran being conscious all the time and
literally attending to her knitting. Should the phone ring Mrs.
Curran immediately answers it, tabes over control of her throat
and talks as Mrs. Curran. A minute later Patience W orth is
dictating her book!
This evidence of unconscious ability is by no means as rare
as many of the readers may think. W e find it in many spirit
mediums, a group whom we discuss later in this chapter. And,
as would naturally be expected, we find it in certain hypnotic
subjects when we take the trouble to look, sometimes the evi- ■
dence of artistic ability approaching genius. After all, that is not
so unreasonable as it may sound. W e have repeatedly said that
the subject in hypnotism is not “asleep.” H e is very much
awake, but a different personality. We know that a great deal
of genius in humanity is held down by social pressure; the in
dividual does not dare give vent to his artistic talents for fear;
of making a fool of himself. But we also know that hypnotism
may lift these "inhibitions,” as we term them, in some casei!
freeing the subject in the sense that he cares very little for the',
opinions of his social group. Under these circumstances genius;;
if it exists, might have the cliance of pushing to the fore. For'-
instance, Coleridge claimed to have written Kubla Khan during";
his sleep, which was very probably a state of unconscious,
As we mentioned before, these automatic phenomena tend,
to merge into one another. Patience W orth, as the unconscious
of Mrs. Curran, is so well organized that we may regard her
as a separate personality, which brings us to the most curious ;
of all these automatic, these semi-hypnotic conditions, that of
multiple personality.
And with this field of multiple personality we find a gradual:
increase in complexity. The most simple cases we refer to as
the fugue or flight. William James, reported on such cases,
among the earliest in the literature. A man named Ansel Bourne
lived in Boston. Suddenly he vanished and after careful search
was given up as lost. Six months later a man in Philadelphia,
who had been running a grocery store suddenly “woke up,”
gave his name as Ansel Bourne and asked to know what he was
doing so far away from home. Apparently he had run his gro
cery business fairly well for six months while in this “uncon
scious” condition, his “secondary” personality taking charge and
giving the appearance of normalcy.
Such a case îs very simple. From here we can go to the type
of case represented by Rou. Here the reader will see the very
close resemblance between this particular type and somnam
bulism as seen in sleep walking. We have already pointed out
the very close relationship between somnambulism and hypno
tism. Rou was a poor boy of Paris, France, who lived with his
mother, a small storekeeper. But Rou was m the habit of fre
quenting saloons where he was fascinated by the tales of sailors.
He longed to become a sailor himself and escape from his un
interesting world. Then something very curious began to hap
pen. He would suddenly lose consciousness and start for the
seacoast, doing all sorts of odd jobs to keep himself alive and
fit. His unconscious had taken over control and decided to be
come a sailor. Then at the end of a day, a week, or a month, he
would suddenly come to himself or “wake up” without the
slightest knowledge of where he was or how he got there. He
would be sent back to Paris and would be quite normal for a
period, then once again he would have a fugue, would walk in
his sleep, and start out for the coast. This case we will see is
more complex than that of Ansel Bourne in that the subject
had recurrent attacks.
We could devote many pages to other cases by way of show
ing their growing complexity but will proceed at once to a very
interesting and complex example, which was carefully studied
by Professor Morton Prince of Harvard. W e refer to the
famous Beauchamp case of multiple personality.
Miss Beauchamp was a young lady, a nurse in training at
a Boston Hospital, when Dr. Prince was called in to take over
the case because of very peculiar actions on the part of the lady
in question. After long and careful study he made a very in
teresting discovery. H er body contained no less than four dis
tinct personalities. When he first met her she was under the
control of the personality he later called B l, or the Angel. As
such, she was a very sickly, nervous, highly religious, over-
conscientious type, easily tired and always worrying oyer the
sins of humanity and her own lost state.
Then he made a further discovery. Another personality
made its appearance, B ill, Sally, or the Imp. Sally was a totally
different proposition. She was a girl of eight or nine, absolutely
irresponsible, with tireless energy and apparently no conscience
whatsoever. Sally was always present but generally as an un
conscious personality, “squeezed” by the Angel, as she said.
She knew everything that was going on and thoroughly hated
BII should awaken with the memories of both the Angel and
the Woman he finally succeeded in awakening BII as the real'
Miss Beauchamp. And Sally ? She could not be included in the
personality synthesis. By means of hypnotism she was robbed ■
of her power to control the body and “squeezed” back into her
comer until she would no longer trouble the real Miss Beau
champ. That involves a very neat question in ethics. Sally was
a real personality. To what extent was Prince guilty of psy
chological murder, so to speak ?
We would wish to make a point before we proceed, since we
wish later to show more clearly how and why hypnotism is of
such use in these cases; in reality they are caused by a form of
hypnotism in the first place! We will see that emotional shock
produces exactly the same results as hypnotism, that hypnotism
may in reality be a form of emotional shock. We are not clear
on this point, but we do know that shock gives us all the phe
nomena of hypnotism and vice versa.
If we read over the Beauchamp case or most other such cases
we will see that the condition has been caused by some severe
emotional strain. W hat actually happened in the Beauchamp
case appears to have been somewhat as follows. A very severe
period of fear in childhood ending about the age of seven in a
bad fright received from the father. This “ split” the personality
into the Sally, or B ill and the BII parts, Sally remained the
childish creature she was at that time as a “co-conscious” per
sonality, while B II continued her development. Then around
the age of eighteen came another great shock, this time in con
nection with her love life, when B II split into BI, the Angel,
and BIV, the Woman.
The reader will recall that BI or B IV hypnotized gave BII.
The cure consisted of binding these personalities together again
by means of hypnotism in the B II stage and then in being able
to make this personality strong enough so that it would still
remain BII on awakening and not return to BI or BIV. But
B ill or Sally had had too long and independent an existence.
It proved impossible to unite her personality with that of B II,
so the only way of solving this problem was to repress her com
pletely. Somewhat of a Chinese puzzle but a very interesting
study accepted as true in all psychological circles.
When Dr. Morton Prince was investigating the Beauchamp
case, a namesake of his on the west coast, Dr. W. F. Prince,
was unwittingly making a very important contribution to this
subject of multiple personality and its very close relationship
to hypnotism. The reader must be careful to keep these two
men separate for they were both friendly enemies during their
entire lives. W. F. Prince passed his later years in Boston so
that, with Morton Prince at Harvard, they could really quarrel
to their hearts’ content. Both, we should add, were men of the
very highest ability, names that are respected and honored in
the history of psychology.
Dr. W. F. Prince was probably America’s greatest authority
on psychic research or spiritism for the last ten or fifteen years
before his death. Yet he conducted his research în this very
difficult subject in such a way as to hold the respect of science.
This is the more remarkable when we bear in mind the fact that
his, of all fields, is open to suspicion of fraud, prejudice, and
poor scientific methods. His writings, found among the publica
tions of the Boston Society for Psychic Research as well as
the American and British Societies, are always characterized
by moderation and a keen sense of scientific judgment.
The unwitting contribution of W. F. Prince to this subject
of multiple personality came about somewhat as follows. Dr.
Morton Prince was receiving great publicity in scientific circles
for his excellent work with Miss Beauchamp, and in the early
1900’s very little was known about such cases. W. F. Prince
m his, ceaseless search for the one best spiritistic medium was
working with a girl, Doris Fischer. H e was astonished to find
that Miss Fischer was also a case of multiple personality and,
following the technique of the Harvard man, he used hypno-
■tism to investigate his very interesting subject. To his astonish-
ment and that of the world in general this case developed hi;
almost identical fashion to that of Miss Beauchamp. There w as;
a Sally, an Angel, and a Woman, although W . F. Prince did
not use these names. Moreover in the course of the treatment
he cured the condition in a fashion very similar to that used
by Morton Prince. His Angel and his Woman were brought
together as the real Miss Fischer through hypnotism, while hit
Sally was “squeezed" into oblivion. It is of interest to note that
he adopted Miss Fischer as his own daughter and after the cure
she gave every appearance of being a very healthy, well bal
anced personality.
The great significance of this case lies in the fact that W. F.
Prince, one of the most careful investigators almost certainly
created this case of multiple personality through the use of
hypnotism, and this result was quite unintentional on his part.
A striking example of the effects which operator attitude may
have. W e can visualize the process. Miss Fischer was an ex
cellent hypnotic subject and of more than average intelligence.
Morton Prince was just publishing his remarkable Beauchamp
case. Dr. W . F. Prince, later her adopted father, was very much
interested in this, doubtlessly the literature was lying around
and he probably discussed the case in her presence. He certainly
had in his own mind a very clear cut image of how the Beau
champ case was progressing.
When he began his work with Miss Fischer, somehow this
picture was conveyed to the subject’s mind, whether through
her own reading, his discussion or through unconscious hints
which he let drop. This is almost certain because these cases of
multiple personality simply do not follow a fixed pattern. The
many examples we have in the literature are extremely varied
a s to number and type of personalities. That these two most
complex of all cases should be identical is almost impossible.
The evidence is all in favor of the fact that the Doris Fischer
case was built up on the spot.
In fact there are some who will go even farther and claim
that the Beauchamp case itself was at least guided in its develop
ment by the use of hypnotism. Even as late as 1905 or 1910 we
did not know nearly as much of the importance which operator
attitude may assume. If two men of this capacity could be com
pletely deceived, the reader will see our reasons for questioning
a great deal of the experiments reported by older investigators.
The work of the two Princes carries us still farther into this
matter of hypnotism and multiple personality. It sheds some
very interesting light on the problems presented by spiritism,
their argument here centering around the famous spirit medium,
Mrs. Chenoweth. The reader will find her work discussed at
length by W . F. Prince and others in the proceedings of both the
American and the British Societies for Psychic Research. She
was probably the best “mental” medium in America outside the
famous Mrs. Piper, at the time of this investigation an old lady.
Mrs. Chenoweth gave the typical picture of the spirit medium
when in trance. She was controlled by the spirit of an Indian
girl “ Sunbeam” who had been killed by a fall from a horse in
the West many years ago. Mrs. Chenoweth would sit at her
table with the “sitter” on the opposite side. Then she would
pass into the trance state and Sunbeam would come to take
charge. She would chatter along at a great rate in a girlish voice
until the sitter interrupted by reminding her that he was there
for a purpose. Then she would suddenly come “ down to earth”
as it were and give the sitter information which was supposed
to come from the spirit world.
Some of this was very hard to explain unless we admitted
supernormal power on the part of the medium. For example,
one of the writer’s friends reports the following. Sunbeam
said that she saw standing beside him the form of his father,
now dead. The sitter naturally asked how he was to be sure it
was his father. T o this Sunbeam replied.
“He says for you to carry out the following directions as
proof. Go home, go to the cellar, look up his diary for April 16,
108 n Y P N O T isM
1896. There you will find that he bought five acres of land from
a Mr. Jones on Long Island.” The sitter went home, looked up
the date in the diary and found the entry as described. He sayg
he had never looked into his father’s diary.
Which proves that he was talking to his father ? By no means.
There are several other possibilities which might have explained
it. The medium may have been a fraud, have gotten hold of the
diary beforehand and so had the information, although this
seems very improbable. O r the sitter may have an hallucination
himself and have looked up the diary after the manner of post
hypnotic suggestion, rationalizing later as any good hypnotic
subject will.
Fantastic? Possibly, but let us see what Dr. Morton Prince
says. He was one of the world’s best and he also lived near
Boston, so that he could easily check up. And he did ( His con
clusions after investigating Mrs. Chenoweth were that she was
a most interesting case of multiple personality—nothing more.
“ Sunbeam” was a sort of Sally and the other controls—for
there were others—were merely the same thing he had already
seen in the case of Miss Beauchamp. Certainly they were not
visitors from the spirit world communicating with man through
the body of Mrs. Chenoweth.
His opinion was thus in flat contradiction to that of W. F.
Prince. To be sure, the latter was always very careful in his
statements but the writer, who knew both these men, is con
vinced that Dr. W. F. Prince felt Mrs. Chenoweth did have
supernormal abilities. Just how one would explain these abilities
was a different matter, whether by spirit-intervention, telepathy,
or clairvoyance, but he was convinced they existed.
Our point is this. Here we have possibly the two best men
in the world as to qualifications investigating the best medium
in America. Their conclusions were directly contrary, the one
leaning towards an explanation only in terms of multiple per
sonality, the other strongly inclined to see die supernormal in
the revelations oi the medium. If two men of this ability could
his own and literally bullies him into the hypnotic trance. Here
we have clear evidence of the emotional factor in hypnosis. Thfcj
psychologist in his laboratory also uses this prestige suggestion,
although in a quieter form. But whether it be the stage
notist, the laboratory psychologist or Hitler on the radio
are the same, so far as psychology is concerned. The sugge
tions fall on a highly sensitized brain and such suggestions hav
tremendous force, a force altogether out of proportion to an
value that the proposals, as such, may liave.
Let us now consider a few facts which we have gather
from our study of hypnotism in the laboratory. One in eve
five of the human race are highly suggestible, at least half a
suggestible to a very considerable degree. But here mere figur
do not tell the story. That one-fifth has a power far beyond i
numbers, for this type of man, acting under direct suggestion,1
no mere average person. He is a fanatic in the highest-
lowest—sense of the word.
The writer several years ago had a very unpleasant expert,
ence which illustrates the point. He wished to show the pow
of the posthypnotic suggestion so he suggested to Smith tha
on awakening he would go over and insist on sitting in Brown*
chair. Smith and Brown were relative strangers. When he
awakened, Smith paused a moment, then got up and walk
over to Brown.
“ Mind if I sit in your chair?”
“Yes. I like the chair myself.”
W ithout a word Smith reached down, took Brown by
shoulder, and literally hurled him across the room. Then
sat down, muttering savagely that if Brown so much
opened his mouth he’d send him through the window as w
And he meant just that. A few such experiences teach
operator to “take it easy.” On another occasion the writ
suggested to a subject in hypnotism that an individual he p?
ticularly disliked was standing in front of the door. Witho
an instant’s hesitation the subject strode up to the door an
drove His fist through the panel. The individual who is highly
suggestible, whether from hypnotism or from strong emotion,
reacts with a passionate fury which leaves us other mere mortals
staring in open-eyed wonder. But it is terribly real, as Europe
can testify today.
There is still another line of approach which shows us the
very close relation between the suggestibility of hypnotism and
that arising from the emotions. Basic to psychoanalysis, as out
lined by Freud, is the so-called complex. Freud discovered that
many of our early childhood experiences are forgotten in a
curious sort of way. The forgetting is not passive but active;
they do not just fade away into oblivion, they are literally
thrown out of consciousness, they are “repressed” into the un
Such experiences are always unpleasant in nature and are
forced out of consciousness in accord with the pleasure prin
ciple we have already stressed. Not only will the body not un
dergo pain willingly, unless for a future pleasure, but the mind
also turns a way from painful thoughts. The reader can easily
think of exceptions, but we would again warn that many
apparent exceptions are not real. A person may brood over bad
treatment, which is unpleasant, but this in turn may bring up
the feeling of self-pity which is very pleasant. Or he may plan
revenge, thinking out various ways in which he will even up
the score. This also may be pleasant.
Actually, however, the pleasure principle does not work in
nearly as clear cut form in the mind as in the body. T o a great
degree we lose the power of repression after the age of five,
although under great stress, as in war, it may still act very
effectively. But it does work in childhood and Freud discovered
that many of the neuroses have their origin in these repressions.
They are “down’’ but not ‘‘out.’’ Why they are not out is be
side our discussion here, but once they become installed in the
unconscious they can cause a lot of trouble.
For example, a child is badly frightened by a cat. Later in
138 H Y P N O T I S M
into the structural and the functional. In the former the brain
itself is injured by syphilis, tumor, bursting blood vessel,
hardening of the arteries. Here it would seem natural to suppose
that hypnotism can be of no use.
We would expect something better, however, when we come
to the '‘functional” psychoses. There is nothing wrong with the
brain. If we examine, after his death, the brain of a patient with
dementia praecox or manic depressive insanity we find his brain
is quite as good as our own. It is a “ habit” psychosis; he has
learned the wrong habits of thought. He has pursued the
pleasure principle up the “wrong alky,” so to speak, the street
which leads to the asylum. Yet we can do almost nothing with
him for he is happy in his insanity. His condition is his own
choice. Not only, as a rule, can we not hypnotize him but he is
negatively suggestible. He does just the opposite from what
we wish.
Hysteria we wou[d class as a psychoneurosis. The subject is
in touch with reality. He is still living in a real world, as opposed g
to the psychotic, but in an unreal fashion. A grown-up child,
he uses childish devices to center sympathy on himself. Gen
erally the hysteric is a good hypnotic subject so we would hope
for a high rate of cure in these cases. And such is the picture
we get, but unfortunately these cures tend to be very temporary.
The hysteric is the world’s worst “backslider,” Basic to the
picture is that childish personality which cannot face reality,
which seeks pleasure on the five-year-level. W ith time and
great patience we may persuade the patient to grow up and
“act his age,” but he needs constant supervision.
The compulsions, phobias and obsessions we also class as
psvchoneurotics. Here the patient is also living in a real world
and we have a distinct advantage in dealing with him. H e
actually wants to get well. He doesn’t enjoy being sick, being
afraid of cats, having to set fires or being obsessed with the idea
that he is being poisoned. So we can generally count on real
co-operation, not the lip service we expect from the hysteric.
If the reader would review the literature he would find that
hypnotism was fairly successful in handling these cases, but
again much depends on the time factor. If the case is not of long
standing, that is to say if we begin treatment before the age of
twelve, the outlook is good; if not, it may be bad. But even here
success will depend on so many intangibles, especially the nature
of the original “hypnotic” trance on which this “posthypnotic”
suggestion is based. This is exactly what we would expect from
our knowledge of hypnotism. Some people, even if fairly good
subjects can resist the posthypnotic suggestion very nicely,
others cannot. And these neurotic symptoms are essentially
posthypnotic suggestions.
The world has heard a great deal of psychoanalysis. We have
already pointed out that, according to this school, many human
ills are caused by childish and very unpleasant experiences being
“ repressed,” forced into the unconscious, and that these so-
called complexes act in almost identical fashion to the post-
hypnotic suggestion. The cure in psychoanalysis is accomplished
when these forgotten experiences are dragged out of the un
conscious into the conscious mind. The subject then remembers
the childhood incident, reacts to it as an adult and it loses its
power. To accomplish this end the psychoanalyst uses two main
devices, free association and dream analysis.
There can be no doubt that the complex is a very real thing
and that it does cause a gTeat deal of trouble in adult life, even
as the psychoanalysts claim. We would expect this from our
knowledge of the posthypnotic suggestion. Also we agree that
it should be brought to the surface and "reintegrated” with the
conscious mind. W e know that the subject in hypnotism can
resist the posthypnotic suggestion much easier if he remembers
the suggestion having been given. All this makes very good
So the psychologist proposes the use of hypno-analysis and the
psycho-analyst immediately objects. W ith the use of hypnotism
we can explore the unconscious mind very quickly and effec-
case, may be drugs and the last state will be much worse than
the first.
So we do everything in our power to make the individual face
reality, and also to supply an “out” which meets with social
approval. This substitute retreat may take one of many forms,
depending on the nature of the case. Religion is excellent, but
we have to discover, if possible, some natural liking of the in
dividual which can be used. Then we try to make the patient
just as much an addict to, say, chess, as he was to alcohol. All
sorts of hobbies can be used to take the place of alcohol, but
always we must bear in mind that the individual really must
have some retreat and this retreat must be one which will i^ t
cause trouble. One patient became such a chess fan that he
would wake up at 2 a . m . and spend the rest of the night doing
problems. Not a very desirable situation perhaps, but certainly
better than reaching for a bottle.
We must never take the alcoholic for granted. Always in the
back of his mind will be the longing for some substitute which
may take the place of liquor. The great danger is drugs and
any move in this direction is very certainly one from the pro
verbial frying pan into the fire. Hypnotism supplies us with
a very effective weapon against alcoholism and illustrates neatly
the psychoanalysts great criticism of hypnotism. The doctor
cures the “symptom” and calls it a day, overlooking the fact
that alcoholism is merely a symptom, a sign of much more
serious trouble. Block the outlet here and we may very easily
have a much worse “symptom” with which to deal.
Hypnotism seems to lend itself also to the treatment of ex
cessive smoking and by much the same technique as that advo
cated for its use to combat alcohol. Here, of course, the condi
tion is by no means as serious and the treatment appears to be
much easier.
But, strange as it may seem, hypnotism is of very little use
in the treatment of drugs such as morphine, cocaine or hashish.
The public tends to confuse the action and nature of these drugs
•with alcohol, but in reality they are totally different. Alcohol is
not a “habit former,” in and of itself. It simply provides an
escape from the care and worries of this life, little more. If we
can substitute another escape the individual will accept this,
and in the long run will find it quite as satisfactory as was
Morphine, as an example of the other group, acts in quite
different fashion. To be sure, the individual generally starts
“dope” as an escape. The feeling of peace and relaxation which
comes from morphine compares very favorably with that ob
tained from alcohol. But once the individual has obtained the
morphine habit, is an “addict,” then morphine and only mor
phine or some other derivative of opium will satisfy the craving.
And this craving is a craving of the body itself, is physiological,
as we say. The body demands and literally must have the drug
in question.
This is well seen in the so-called tolerance which the body
builds for the drug, something quite foreign to alcohol. For
example, if we should take the average reader and give him by
hypodermic syringe one half grain of morphine, results might
be serious. One grain would probably cause death. But if that
same reader became an addict, then in a year’s time he could
safely take fifty grains a day. One hundred grains is quite com
mon with addicts and even daily doses of two hundred fifty
grains by no means unknown!
Now suppose we wish to “cure” the individual in question.
We put him in a sanitarium and take away the drug completely.
We at once have a very sick man on our hands. The “with
drawal” symptoms may be so severe as to cause death. As a
result the withdrawal of the drug has to be under very careful
medical supervision. Even after the subject is “off” the drug
the danger of a return is very great. There is always that con
stant craving for morphine which can only be met by one
particular brand of drugs, tire opium group.
This picture is quite different from that given by alcohol ot
tobacco. The body builds little, if any tolerance and there are
no withdrawal symptoms. We can take an alcoholic and cut off
all his liquor tomorrow. We will have a very unhappy in
dividual on oar hands but he is not physically sick; certainly
there is no danger of death. But with these other drugs the
craving for the specific “dope” is quite different.
We know definitely that three drug groups act in this fashion.
Opium and all its derivatives as morphine, codeine, heroin is
perhaps the best known. Cocaine and its relatives are equally
dangerous, while marihuana—the American version of hashish
—is only lately becoming known in this country. Hypnotism
can do very little against these. It can strengthen the will power,
the determination to resist, but the subject will literally go
through hell for the drug in question. We can suggest vomiting
and will succeed but it means nothing. The counter drive is far
too strong to be counteracted by the fear of a sick stomach.
It would seem that there would be a fertile field for hypnotism
in the bad character habits of childhood. Bad sex practices
naturally occur to us in this respect but there are many others.
The tendency to truancy, to bad temper, to stealing, even to
actual crime. We must bear in mind here that the child is far
more suggestible than is the adult. Bernheim found that about
four fifths of children after the age of seven could be thrown into
somnambulism. Very recent work such as that by Reymert and
Kohn would seem to uphold this claim. So we may safely say
that the child in general is a much better subject than is the
We must also remember that time is very much of a factor
in the establishment of all these bad “habits.” Healy gives us a
rule of thumb with reference to kleptomania, the compulsion
to steal. If we attack the problem before the age of twelve, we
will probably succeed, but if after this age we are probably
faced with failure. Very little work has been done in this field
and it is no fault of the doctor. Blind prejudice on the public’s
side is so strong that any medical man or educator who dares
come back one month later proudly flaunting another; and very
frequently it was a worse symptom.
We must admit a certain truth in these criticisms. But now
we can use hypnotism not only to cure the symptom but also
to clear up the underlying difficulty, provided of course this is
not organic. And hypnotism may be of considerable help in
treating some organic complaints, more from the angle of ob
taining proper co-operation from the patient. We are quite
certain that some organic diseases as gastric ulcer, exophthalmic
goiter, perhaps diabetes and even heart disease have a mental
origin. They result from the strain of our high strung civiliza
tion on body organs which were not evolved for such an
existence. While it seems very doubtful that we can reverse the
process, that we can cure gastric ulcer by mental means, we
can use hypnotism to aid în the treatment.
The hypnotist must guard against the subject becoming so
very susceptible to the trance that he can be hypnotized by any
one, but this is a simple matter handled by suggestion while in
hypnotism. Incidentally, as we mentioned in an earlier chapter,
the operator need never worry about “awakening” his subject.
He will rapidly find that the real problem is to induce sleep, not
dispel it. Possible criminal uses of hypnotism we discuss in a
later chapter. Blackmail, by the way, is always a danger. W e
have had some cases in which patients have even taken the
matter to court, suing for enormous damages under the advice
of some enterprising lawyer. This is a very real danger, and
the answer is insurance with any reputable firm. The enthusiasm
of this blackmailing type cools in remarkable fashion when they
find they are to do business with the lawyers of a great in
surance company. This form of protection can be written
cheaply, since it generally guards against pure blackmail and
as such will never call for court action.
The writer feels that the real danger in hypnotism lies to the
operator himself, at least to the experienced operator. Never
has he as yet seen a case wherein the subject has experienced
• Ibid., p. 382.
>« Ibid., p. 393.
Chapter VII
you, yes. But the hypnotic subject may, probably does, have
much greater keenness of vision than does the normal in
He then referred to the type of experiment, mentioned in an
earlier chapter, wherein the subject picked out his “mother’s”
picture—from an earlier hallucination—from twenty perfectly
plain white calling cards by recognizing some trifling flaw in the
surface of the card. Such skepticism is pretty hard to meet
Asked how it would lie possible to have this experiment made
“air tight” he replied, “Take away the glass.”
“ In that case there might be a corpse in the laboratory.”
“ Exactly. But I see no other way to meet the objection.”
In other words, these experiments by Rowland would seem
to indicate that in ail probability a person will act in snch a way
as to injure himself or others as a result of hypnotic suggestion.
To prove this to the satisfaction of science, lie would literally
need a corpse in the laboratory.
W. R. Wells at Syracuse University has also experimented
along original lines in his investigation of the possible use of
hypnotism for criminal ends. He uses what appears to the
author as a much more promising line of attack in that he tries
to avoid too great a conflict on the subject’s part. His experi
ments have consisted mostly in having his subjects steal small
sums of money from various acquaintances. He eases the shock
by, for example, telling the subject that he himself left a dollar
bill in the friend’s room, thus producing a delusion that the
money is really his own. Then the subject is instructed to get
the same—and does so ! Moreover Wells finds it very easy to
remove all knowledge from these subjects of ever having been
This line of attack used by Wells seems to the writer excel
lent. H e does everything possible to avoid conflict, to obtain
the co-operation of his subjects, to “fool” them if you will by
assisting the operator in an important psychological experi
ment. This line of approach seems to offer greater possibilities
than the amazing “frontal” attack by Rowland. Every time
the writer has tried Rowland’s technique he has failed miserably,
which does not in any way cast reflection on that investigator’s
work. The writer did not believe it possible and that old prob
lem of operator-attitude carne in. The subject realized this and
behaved accordingly. On the other hand, the writer has suc
ceeded in having a wealth of bogus checks forged by subjects
who were merely co-operating in a psychological experiment.
Needless to say, the checks in question were torn up before
they caused any embarrassment.
Against this work of Wells, we can lodge that same type of
objection which always meets us like a stonewall. W hat guar
antee have we that the subject was not playing his usual farce,
that he had picked up from other students that he was supposed
to stage his “act” and that nothing serious would happen ? No
matter how carefully those Syracuse experiments are conducted,
the critic can always fall back on this line of defense.
And what guarantee have we that the subject, if brought to
trial, would not recall the whole thing and expose the operator?
After all, if the crime were really serious and the subject were
faced with ten years in prison or even death, the unconscious
would have every reason in the world to “talk.” The objection
here seems almost unanswerable. A genuine trial and a genuine
prison sentence would be about the only way to determine
whether or not, in football parlance, the line would hold. There
are ways around this danger, as we will later see, but those
means could only be used in the genuine commission of crime.
M. H. Erickson at Eloise State Hospital, in sharp contrast
with Wells, Rowland, and the author, finds no evidence what
soever that the subject will commit criminal acts. Moreover,
Erickson has probably had more experience with hypnotism
than any of the others. He works in a setting where popular
prejudice means nothing and he works hard. He finds that the
subject balks at every suggestion of criminal action. But the
writer feels this must be due to operator-attitude. The subjects
the delusions when we sat down at his table. They did not even
recognize Brown.
“ Mr. Brown,” he said, “ I wish to introduce two friends,
Smith and Black, both of Oxford. We are driving through.
W hy not come with us ?”
From then on everyone was happy. Later in the evening
Brown asked, “Where have you fellows been all day?”
“Oh, just driving around,” said Black.
“You know,” said Brown, “your friend here has a reputa
tion as a hypnotist. Has he ever tried it on you fellows?”
“ Between ourselves,” said Smith, “that’s what it is. A repu
tation. He couldn’t hypnotize a cat. As for hypnotizing us, he’s
never been so foolish as to try. All pure bunk.”
“ Yes," said Brown, “T hat’s what 1 thought a few hours ago.”
“ W hat’s that?”
“ Oh, nothing. Just thinking.”
This silly episode really illustrates a great deal. H ad the
delusions not been removed Smith and Black would have in
sisted on their original story; namely that they had been playing
cards in London all afternoon. Now, if we care to translate
that into the field of crime, we see the ease with which we could
prepare a watertight alibi. Needless to say, the subjects would
have to be prepared well before hand and we could leave none
of the loopholes which are so very evident in this silly experi
ment. But it could be done and would be a relatively simple
trick. It would have three great advantages. First, the witnesses
in question would believe absolutely in what they said. They
would have nothing to cover up and, with careful preparation,
their stories could be made to agree on all essentials.
Secondly, we would not have to depend for these alibis on
shady figures from the criminal world. Any two or three good
hypnotic subjects would be suitable, and these could and would
be chosen from honorable and law abiding citizens.
Thirdly, there would be much less incentive for them to go
back on their word and for the unconscious to expose the hypno-
him commit one. No "fake” setup will satisfy the critics, for
the hypnotised subject is not “asleep.” He is very wide awake,
willing to co-operate in all kinds of fake murders with rubber
knives. But with a real knife or a loaded revolver? No one
knows, for the simple reason that no one dares find out. The
police would not see the point when they viewed the corpse and
were told it was the result of a “scientific” experiment. Nor
would the jury. Sing Sing and the electric chair would prob
ably put an end to the career of the particular “scientist.”
But warfare may, undoubtedly will, answer many of these
questions. A nation fighting with its back to the wall is not very
worried over the niceties of ethics. If hypnotism can be used to
advantage we may rest assured that it will be so employed. Any
“accidents” which may occur during the experiments will sim
ply be charged to profit and loss, a very trifling portion of that
enormous wastage in human life which is part and parcel of war.
Let us glance at certain aspects of hypnotism with which the
general reader may not be familiar. He probably is familiar with
the general picture of the hypnotic trance, whether this be pro
duced in the quiet of the laboratory or the glare of the stage.
He knows that people can be thrown into this trance and while
in it will do weird things. On the stage they will, at the sugges
tion of the operator, hunt elephants with a broomstick or fish
for whales in a goldfish bowl. They will prance around the stage
on all fours, barking like a dog or give a good imitation of
Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address. They will strip off most
of their clothes at the command of the hypnotist or stiffen out
between two chairs while he breaks rocks on their chest.
The reader knows of this. To be sure he may suspect that
it is all “bunk,” but he at least realizes what is supposed to take
place. Suffice it to say here that it does take place and can be
quite genuine. The psychologist in his laboratory may not favor
quite so flashy performance, but he can duplicate the tricks of
the best stage “professional.”
There are other sides to hypnotism far more important than
working state. This is sheer nonsense. The writer has seen more
than one stage performance wherein respected members of the
community have made fools of themselves in public, an exhibi
tion they would almost certainly never give if normal. On at
least three occasions these subjects have later tried to "beat up”
the hypnotist for hi a part in the affair. It is simply a question of
degree. We also have cases in the records of hypnotism wherein
subjects have given fraternity secrets or talked of very private
love affairs.
A great deal also depends on operator attitude. If the subject
suspects that the operator doubts his success or expects the
experiment to be a failure, it will fail. But if the operator is
himself convinced he will succeed, then he will succeed, at least
in some cases. We must bear in mind that success is neither
necessary nor to be expected every time. If the hypnotists
isolated twelve good subjects in one day,, and if only two of
these would “tatk" freely, his efforts would have been amply
repaid. We do not for one moment claim that hypnotism is a
“sure file’’ method of getting information from prisoners of
war. We simply claim that with certain subjects it will be highly
successful. The weight of evidence points in this direction.
But this matter of receiving information from prisoners of
war is only one of many possible uses of hypnotism in the war
situation. There is also the possibility of spreading false in
formation. This, to be sure would not be as useful as the first
proposal but it would have its place in the military setup. For
example, we take a subject and say to him. "Yesterday after
noon you were at Floyd Bennett Field, You saw there three
anti-aircraft batteries. Here is a map of the field and here are
the exact locations of these batteries. You will remember this
very clearly after you wake up. Moreover, you will take* the
first opportunity to escape and give this news to your friends.”
Then w t awaken him and make sure that he has every possible
opportunity to escape. We even help hirn on his way.
This, of course, is only a trifling example for the purposes of
illustration. But in actual warfare it might easily lead to dis
aster. Suppose we hypnotize a captured officer of high rank.
We show him a map of our front, pointing out to him that the
weak point is between the cities of Utica and Syracuse. W e
have just withdrawn four divisions to reinforce the line further
south. A heavy attack here may hreak the entire line. Then we
take care he is allowed to escape with this information. If die
trick worked it might easily turn the tide of a whole campaign.
Again we do not say it will work in all cases. Nothing so
foolish. We do say that, in our opinion, it will work with some
subjects and that such subjects can be picked out and trained
very carefully before the crucial test is made. This idea that we
hypnotize Colonel Smith today, then expect him to win the war
for us tomorrow is folly. W e might have to test, train and work
with him for six months. Then he might be a very important
aid in winning the said war. And we are not talking about a
prisoner but hundreds of them.
May the writer point out that no one knows the answer to
these proposals. No satisfactory experiments have yet Iteen
done on the subject. To be sure, M. H. Erickson has done
excellent work, proving to his satisfaction that such uses of
hypnotism would be quite impossible. But W. R. Wells and
L, W. Rowland have done excellent work, proving just the
opposite. So we may cancel them out with a strong scientific
presumption that in certain cases at least it is possible. It would
seem to the writer that this conflict in results is largely due to
operator attitude, a fact, largely overlooked up to now, which
has a strongly clouding effect on many experiments. So ij any
brother psychologist should make the dogmatic statement that
the uses we here propose for hypnotism are quite impossible, we
are quite justified in saying that, as a scientist, he also is quite
inipossible. We must admit that no one knows the answer, but
we at least contend that the weight of evidence is in our favor.
That leaves the subject wide-open.
Then we have a further possible use for hypnotism in warfare.
h y p n o t is m in w a rfare 195
literally blowing him into “kingdom come” with his own device.
Let us cite a laboratory experiment by way of illustration. The
writer would guarantee to take a good hypnotic subject and
defy the best man in America to detect that he is acting under
posthypnotic suggestion. That sounds like a large order but h
would probably succeed.
For example, we choose a very good subject and then let him
in on the plot. We disclose to him that he is an excellent hypnotic
subject and we wish to use him for counterespionage. We
suspect that in the near future someone is going to try hypnosis
on him. He is to bluff, to co-operate to the very best of his
ability, fake every test that is made and stay wide awake all the
time. The test we fear most is that of an analgesia—insensi
tivity to pain. So we coach him carefully with posthypnotic
suggestions to the effect that even when wide awake and
bluffing he will be able to meet every test which may be made
here, be it with ammonia under the nose, a needle, or, worst of
all, the use of electricity, which can be made extremely painful,
and is easy to use.
Under these circumstances it will be virtually impossible to
tell whether this man is bluffing or really in trance. W e take a
subject so trained and allow another operator to try his hand.
So the operator “hypnotizes” his victim and has him see the
usual dog, produces anaesthesia to pin tricks, and is very well
satisfied with himself. Then he “awakens" the subject.
We say to the operator. “That chap is a very good subject.”
“ He certainly is.”
“ He wouldn’t have been fooling?”
“ Not the least chance of it.”
We turn to the subject, “W hat do you say?”
“I ’m afraid I was. I remember everything perfectly. I was
bluffing you.”
The other operator now realizes he was “ taken for a ride.”
So he returns to the attack. “ Let’s see you fool me this time.”
He hynotizes the subject, stretches him out between two
and the British said so. Now they and we are trying to out-
parachute the original parachutists.
W ar is brutal in its very essence. Even should we still regard
it as a glorified cricket match and refuse to use such a novel
device as hypnotism we must at least protect ourselves against
its use by others. For those others may have no such scruples,
and in the last analysis hypnotism is no more unethical than
gas, bombs—or than war as a whole, so far as that goes.
The British are paying a terrible price for refusing to look
reality in the face. We might easily do the same if we became
over squeamish in our determination to protect ourselves
ethically. We may rest assured that certain world powers will
not hesitate one moment to use hypnotism directly they are
convinced of its value. Then it will be incumbent on us to beat
them at their own game, but under these circumstances the hand
of the military must not be tied by any silly prej udices in the
minds of the general public. W ar is the end of all law. When
we speak of keeping within the rules of the game we are childish,
because it is not a game and the rules never hold. In the last
analysis any device is justifiable which enables us to protect our
selves from defeat.
Chapter I X
"beat up” two policemen and raged through half a mile of that
town smashing and looting according to very best mob tra
ditions. Only a detachment of regular troops finally got the
situation in hand. The next morning both the town, the authori
ties and the mob members were completely puzzled as to what
had really occurred.
In another city the writer was present when a lynching
occurred. It was the usual story of a white woman insulted by
a negro. The crowd went wild, wrecked the negro quarter and
finally hanged the culprit to a lamp-post. Unfortunately, it was
not the culprit but a man who, as later investigation showed,
could not possibly have been associated with the crime in ques
tion. But the mob had its way and the man was dead as might
have been anyone, white or black, who interefered with that
group at the height of its fury.
Restriction of the field of consciousness and emotional con
tagion undoubtedly are very important factors in determining
the high suggestibility—hypnotizibility, if you will—of the
mob. It is difficult to say which precedes the other, whether the
high emotion tends to restrict the field of consciousness or vice
versa. But once we have our mob well under way there are
two other factors which tend to give it that irresistible fury
so characteristic of these groups.
One of these we term social sanction. Man is a social animal.
As one authority puts it, every situation is a social situation.
We simply must conform to some group somewhere. That group
may even be an ideal one and have no real existence, but to the
average man the group is not ideal but very real. His religious
sect, his political party, perhaps his secret fraternity command
his loyalty. He is very dependent upon the opinion of this group
and will go a long way to have his conduct conform to its
In the mob he suddenly finds himself in another group and
here, as a member of that group, he acts under group sanction.
He has the feeling of omnipotence. Everyone within sight
sound asleep. You are going deeper and deeper. Your limbs
are tired, your elbows and knees feel tired. You are falling
sound asleep.” He repeats this formula world without end, trust
ing that his voice will monopolize the subject’s attention and
restrict the field of consciousness.
Thus we see another point of close resemblance between the
psychology of the mob and the psychology of suggestion or
hypnotism. The reader will bear with us as we follow through
this line of attack, for once we have established the very close
relationship between the two we will be in a position to really
understand the secret of Hitler’s power or of most other great
public figures either of our own day or as described for us
in history.
Emotional contagion we find in hypnotism as we do in the
mob although it is not quite so evident from one viewpoint.
From another, however, it is even more so. We can deliberately
suggest to a subject any emotion whatsoever and, in many
cases we will have it faithfully reflected. The writer saw one in
stance where this had very sad results for one of the spectators.
An hypnotist in the army was giving a very good demonstration
before a group of officers. His subject, a sergeant, was a power
fully built chap with a perpetual grouch. This sergeant was
particularly allergic to a certain Major X. So the hypnotist,
to add a touch of comedy, selected one of the group, a lowly
lieutenant, and whispered in the subject’s ear that it was the
hated Major X.
The result was dramatic if not comic. The sergeant stepped
up to the lieutenant and let loose a barrage of profanity which
caused even the hard-boiled Canadian officers to gasp. More
over, the aggrieved sergeant showed every intention of follow
ing the verbal attack with assault and battery before the hypno
tist again had the situation under control.
It is a well-known fact that in hypnotism we can influence
the heart beat. This is most easily done by suggesting to the
subject some strong emotion, such as fear or anger. We always
suspect the individual in trance of bluffing, of putting on a show
to satisfy the operator. But it is difficult to see how this play
acting could effect heart beat, rate of breathing, or perspiration
as shown on the psycho-galvanic reflex. It would seem much
more reasonable to assume that the emotions suggested are
genuine, a very excellent example of emotional contagion.
In fact, the writer doubts very much if even a Hitler can
produce the savage anger he has seen obtained in some
hypnotic subjects as a result of suggestion. It can be done very
convincingly with the posthypnotic suggestion. We take a sub
ject, a violent anti-Nazi, and suggest to him that Jones of the
group belongs to the Bund. However, we also point out that we
are having tea with Jones and he must behave like a gentleman.
This he does, within very broad limits. H e îs coldy dis
courteous, takes every possible opportunity to slur the Nazi
and is obviously spoiling for a fight. But he does keep himself
within bounds until the party breaks up. Then he is quite
determined that he is going Jones’ way, whichever way that
may be. A t this point, we remove the delusion and have Jones
leave. For all that, the subject still has a “hang-over” and leaves
the house breathing fury against everything that is not one
hundred per cent American.
We also see in hypnotism as in the mob that feeling of omnipo
tence which comes from the social sanction, the approval of the
crowd. Its origin to be sure is a little different when seen in
hypnotism. Here the crowd is the hypnotist, for he is the only
communication which the subject has with his surroundings.
He is the only stimulating factor, at least the only one to which
the subject gives any obvious attention.
And the hypnotist can, within certain broad limits, twist
the subject around his finger as successfully as can any mob.
These limits may be broad with some subjects, narrow with
others, but within them the subject obviously feels that he has
adequate social sanction. We see this reflected as a sort of
mellowing of viewpoint when we talk to certain subjects.
many or Ita!y at the present day who dared raise his voice
against the leader. Ten years ago foreigners travelling in Italy
always referred to Mussolini as Mr. Brown. So thorough were
the secret police, so omnipresent that even the mention of the
Italian fascist's name might very easily lead to an Interview
with the police. This was not so serious in the case of the
tourist but was a very bad thing indeed for any native Italian.
It was a well known fact that many people who dared voice
open criticism of Mussolini simply vanished.
The Nazi has improved on this technique. If he wishes to
instil genuine fear a concentration camp is much more effec
tive. Death is a sudden thing and tends to be forgotten but the
living death of a political prisoner is a constant reminder to all
that discretion is preferable to courage. The stories we hear in
such books as Out oj the N ight (Jan Valtin) seem to be sub
stantially correct. It is difficult for the American to imagine
such happenings and at first we simply dismissed them with
that very useful word “propaganda.” However, we in this
country are gradually learning that we have to learn a lot.
Nothing is more difficult than the education of the educated,
and our high standard of education told us that the dark ages
ended some four hundred years ago. That seems to have been a
But fear, while a powerful emotion, is largely negative in its
actions. It is a useful device with which to silence opposition,
but a far more useful foundation on which to build. For hatred
can have no better basis than fear, real or imagined, and hate
is dynamic. W ith hatred of the Jews, of the French, of all de
mocracies, we have an emotion which makes a people blindly
open to all sorts of suggestion, and with which we can “go
places.” Add to this a myth of Nordic superiority, a fervid
patriotism to the fatherland and we have that peculiar brand of
dynamite we call Nazi Germany.
Let us not underestimate its power. The fanatic has cut a
bloody path through the pages of history. The voice of reason,
T H IS MAN H IT L tH 219
brighter the lights, the bigger the crowd, the better the success.”
W e point out that Adolf Hitler haranguing his audience in
the glare of stage lighting has more in common with the “pro
fessional’' than this latter has with the laboratory psychologist
W e simply have not, up to now, realized how very similar were
the two techniques.
If the reader will recall the various pictures of Hitler in his
speeches, he will note that on more than one occasion the Ger
man leader has resorted to an excellent hypnotic device. He
stages the meeting at night in the o pe^ He himself is in the
glare of lights, is above his audience, forcing the listeners to
look up and at a bright object. Braid in the 1840’s discovered
that this simple concentration on an object was quite enough
to get hypnotism and was the first to popularize the technique.
It is very important that we realize the close resemblance
between the technique of giving suggestions—in other words,
hypnotism as used by a mob leader and that employed on the
stage. The writer recalls a boyhood experience. Very frequently,
when we recall such early events they shed light on more adult
problems and cause us to investigate farther. He was attending
one of those old fashioned revival meetings which were, if
nothing else, an emotional workout. One of his friends was quite
carried away by the oratory, the singing and the emotional
atmosphere. He was converted, went up to the “sinners’ seat”
and was numbered among the lowest. It afterward struck the
writer as curious that his memory for the whole thing seemed
very hazy. He had to be told what happened from then on.
Later when the writer became more interested in hypnotism
he did some further inquiries on the subject. In a considerable
proportion of these cases, such as those seen at the famous
“camp meetings” the convert does seem to be in more or less
of a trance during the whole procedure. His memory is hazy
and his conduct certainly irrational as in “treeing the devil”
wherein the penitents chase hts satanic majesty up a tree and sit
barking around the base. In fact there are few better examples
appearance, the truck folded up and the whole outfit was gone in
five minutes. They were taking no chances on that mob suddenly
wak ing up and discovering what it was all about. As neat an
example of group hypnotism as one could wish. Bright lights,
high emotion, restriction of the field of consciousness. Even
Hitler could not have done better.
Finally let us note the last two phenomena characteristic of
mob psychology and of hypnotism. These are the feeling of
omnipotence largely due to the social sanction and the release
of inhibitions. The dictator can build up th;s illusion of the
social sanction in splendid form through his controlled radio
and press. The Nordics are the only superior race, they are
being hemmed in and persecuted by all other groups but it is
their God-given duty to rise superior to these circumstances
and rule the world.
Such a line of attack gives tire individual the necessary social
sanction for his actions, also supplies that feeling of omnipo
tence so necessary to group action. He is acting with the full
approval of Ids group, the only group which is worthy of any
consideration. Therefore, any action he undertakes at the be
quest of this group is-justified. This gives him sanction for the
release of all inhibitions. Nothing succeeds like excess, to quote
Cutten. The amazing thing through all this rise of Hitler and
his fellow dictators ia the lengths ta which people can go.
Great emotional storms, examples of group hypnotism have
swept this world many times in the course of its history. Mo
hammed was one of those great leaders who could arouse man
and send him forth to do or die and the Christian answer to
Mohammed wa3 the Crusades. These we can more or less
understand, but the famous Children's Crusade lacks even the
vestige of reason. The bitterness with which man will fight his
brother when once aroused is without parallel in the animal
kingdom for no where else do we have even an approach to
war among all nature's millions of species.
The Reformation is a classic and terrible example, not only
in the bitter strife between Protestant and Catholic, but the
equally deadly hatred among the various Protestant sects. It
would be childish to claim that all this strife was on reasonable
and logical ground. Invariably it can be traced to the dynamic
leadership of some one individual who doubtlessly was in most
rases quite convinced that his interpretation of God’s will was
correct. Unfortunately in most of these cases, as modern psych
ology could point out, the leader was definitely abnormal,
neurotic or even insane. But that cannot recall to life the thou
sands who died as the result of his teachings.
If, now we examine Hitler, we will see that his fatal genius
holds to the line of most great leaders who have led humanity
nowhere through a sea of blood. His basic appeal is absolutely
non-Iogical. The thesis of Nordic superiority is pure trash if we
consult science. Many fine boohs have been written on the races
of man by careful scholars. Some of these races, such as the
native Australian, the Ainu or the Andamanese are being rapidly
exterminated. Research shows us that it is the disease germ
which is largely responsible. It has been demonstrated more
than once that these people are just as “intelligent” as the white
man, but immunity to smallpox, diphtheria or cholera lias little
to do with intelligence.
Hatred of the Jew is another keystone of Hitler’s emotional
appeal. But the Jew was highly civilized when the illiterate
Germans, English and French were settling their endless feuds
with their stone clubs and spears. Moreover, for the last two
thousand years the Jew has been pretty much international. The
Romans were never particularly gentle when it Came to dealing
with dangerous minorities. They spent three centuries, off and
on, in a savage arid ruthless slaughter of the Christians. Strange
to say, they got on very nicely with the Jew, as have most other
nations up to this present century. To be sure, there has been
a certain amount of persecution. Sometimes, as in the case of
Spain, it does not make very pleasant reading. The Jew has
no army, does have money. When a government needs a scape-
goat to cloak its own inefficiency it has always been safe— and
prolitable—to single out the Jew. But for all that, we doubt if
the Jew has led as miserable a life as has the average French
man. German or Italian. The wars of the ages have mostly
passed him by and his economic position has on the whole
been above the average.
The Treaty of Versailles,-—we might say that here Hitler
did have the basis of a just complaint. But he tore up that
treaty with the consent of both France and England. At the
time of his invasion of Czechoslovakia every point in the treaty
was either settled or on its way to solution. The Polish corridor
was no fighting matter and England under Chamberlain the
appeaser, would doubtlessly have given him satisfaction on
the matter of colonies. In fact, we may safely say that at the
time of the Czech invasion Hitler had unwritten the Treaty of
Versailles. He might easily have become Europe’s greatest
statesman, executing both a United States of Europe and a
new world order without shedding a drop of blood.
But, as one writer puts it "that sort of genius does not have
that sort of genius.” The mob leader rapidly learns that he must
appeal to emotion, not to reason. Moreover, it is much easier
to use hate and fear as the hypnotic, than love and understand
ing. For, if we appeal to love, as did Christ, reason is the
necessary correlate. If we appeal to hate or fear, then reason
becomes our worst enemy. The mob leader gets caught in a
hopeless and vicious circle. He achieves his end by playing on
man's lowest emotions. These “cruel, brutal and destructive”
instincts cannot be satisfied. Their very nature must become
more and more all consuming, the fires must bum ever more
fiercely. Hitler and his followers can no more restrain their
thirst for power and revenge than can a hungry tiger restrain
himself in the presence of a lamb.
All this we can best understand by a close study of the taws
of suggestion, in other words, hypnotism. The psychologist in
his laboratory, the "professional” on the stage, the demagogue
haranguing the mob all use essentially the same technique,
attack by direct or prestige suggestion on a mind sensitized by
emotion. W e must learn to recognize the fact that, from the
psychologist’s point of view, many successful orators are simply
high grade hypnotists.
Chapter X
very conflicting. Can we, for example, obtain blisters and skin
bleeding by means of suggestion? Certainly not proven to the
satisfaction of science and yet the production of bleeding would
come under the action of the autonomic system. We see genuine
examples of this in cases of stigmata reported in church history.
This leads us to suspect that it would be possible, but would
probably occur with only the very best subjects.
W e should note also that there is no relation whatsoever
between hypnotism and spiritism, at least în so far as hypnotism
aids in producing such phenomena as talking with the dead,
clairvoyance or telepathy. There is, however, a very close rela
tionship between hypnotism and the tnediumistic trance when
this is genuine. Induced by autosuggestion, the trance is really
a very fine example of self-hypnotism and gives us our intro
duction to those weird cases of multiple personality which are
again produced by a form of autosuggestion, can be obtained
by genuine hypnotism and can in turn be cured by the same
Psychologists would also agree that anything which we can
obtain in hypnotism we can also get by means of the curious
posthypnotic suggestion. This enables us to provoke the phe
nomenon at any future time, five minutes, five months, possibly
five years. Frankly we do not know just how far into the future
we can project these suggestions but we have some reason to
believe that the time can almost be indefinite.
W e also notice here some other very curious phenomena. By
the combined use of hypnotic and posthypnotic suggestion we
can get such control over the trance that it can be induced at
a moment’s notice and so subtly that even a good operator can
not note the change from the normal to the trance state. The
fact of whether the subject is “awake” or “asleep” can be deter
mined by certain tests, especially by his ability to resist pain.
But without such tests the determination is almost impossible.
Another very interesting point not realized by the general
public is that with this combination technique we can remove
ways vital information for its own ends but also to protect itself
against possible use of this device by others. It may be that this
war will answer many questions concerning the use of hypnotic
subjects for criminal ends because its use in warfare would be
very close to its use m crime, both in the commission and the
detection of crime. Needless to say, this phase of the subject is
receiving intensive attention at the present moment and no one
îs in a position to say just what has happened or what is pos
sible. That may make fascinating reading once the present
international situation clears up.
There is undoubtedly great use for hypnotism in the field of
medicine, but popular prejudice against it is so strong that the
great majority of doctors simply dare not make use of hypno
tism in their practice. This is a great loss because it was the
medical man who first gave the subject respectability, who used
it with great effect and who stilt does so in European countries
where the stage "professional” has not turned the general pub
lic against it.
It would seem that hypnotism might have its greatest use in
those mental troubles which the general public is inclined to
regard as bad habits, in fact in that whole field of medicine we
term mental hygiene. Also in the treatment of such other habits
as alcoholism, excessive smoking, but not in the direct treat
ment of the narcotic drugs. Hypnotism has undoubted use in
the cure of hysteria and hysterical symptoms. Also as a sedative,
superior to any drug, but more difficult to administer and of use
only with subjects in which we can induce at least a moderate
degree of hypnotism, say one-tbird of all adults, practically all
children over the age of eight years.
Our first step in making hypnotism available to the doctor
is one of general education of the entire botly politic. First we
should prohibit the public exhibition of hypnotic subjects for
purposes of entertainment, which we now see in our various
theaters. This would remove the chief center of infection which
has lead to the violent prejudice we have to the subject in the
A Crusades, 224
Abbe Faria, 124 Crystal gating, 94
Ability to resist hypnotism, 187 Cutten, G. B.. 48, 97, 153
Ability to resist suggestions, 42, 47,
72, 167, 187 D
Alcoholism, 48, 153 Dangers of hypnotism, 160
Amnesia, 55 Delusions, 63
See Somnambulism, Post-hypnotic See also crime, warfare
suggestion Diethelm, O., 153
Anaesthesia, 54 Disguised technique, 29, 30, 187
Animal hypnotism, 34, 223 Dissociation, 91, 94, 129, 233
Animal magnetism, 121, 125 Distribution, statistical, 171, 234
See Mesmerism, Charcot Drug addiction, 154, 159
Automatic Movements, 19, 92 Drugs and hypnotism, 33, 134
Automatic writing, 90
Autonomic nervous system, 50, 153, E
235 Emotion and hypnotism, 104, 131,
Autosuggestion, Chapter 3 211, 224
Awakening from hypnotism, 22, 150, Emotional contagion, 209, 214, 219
238 Erickson, M. H., 76, 166. 169, 178,
B 193
Esdaile, J., 54
Bemheim, 83, 125, 145, 162-164 Eye closure, 16
Binet, A., 127
Blisters, 44, 53 F
Braid, 124 Fear reaction and hypnotism, 23, 72
Brain sensitivity, 131, 141, 211 Ferenczi, S., 134
Brown, William, 109, 128, 144 Franklin, Benjamin, 24, 120
Freud, S., 137, 151
C See also psychoanalysis
Charcot, J, M., 126 Functional and structural ailments,
Chenoweth, Mrs., 107 58. 140, 148
Clairvoyance, 67
Clarke, T. W , 133
Complex, 73, 115, 137 Glossolalia, 97
Compulsions and hypnotism, 73, 88, Group hypnotism, 37, 39
146, 148
Consent of subjects, 29, 238 H
Coue, E., 82, 85 Hallucinations, 20, 45, 47
Crime and hypnotism, Chapter 7, 31, Healy, William, 115, 146
64, 239 History of hypnotism, Chapter 5