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(B. Bell, B. Cowie) Formative Assessment and Scien

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Science & Technology Education Library


Ken Tobin, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Dale Baker, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Beverley Bell, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Reinders Duit, University of Kiel, Germany
Mariona Espinet, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Barry Fraser, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
Olugbemiro Jegede, The Open University, Hong Kong
Reuven Lazarowitz, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Wolff-Michael Roth, University of Victoria, Canada
Tuan Hsiao-lin, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Lilia Reyes Herrera, Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

The book series Science & Technology Education Library provides a publication forum for
scholarship in science and technology education. It aims to publish innovative books which
are at the forefront of the field. Monographs as well as collections of papers will be publis-

The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume.
Formative Assessment
and Science Education




University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand


eBook ISBN: 0-306-47227-9
Print ISBN: 0-792-36769-3

©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers

New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow

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Acknowledgements vii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 A review of the relevant literature 11

Chapter 3 A case study of formative assessment 25

Chapter 4 The characteristics of formative assessment 62

Chapter 5 A model of formative assessment 80

Chapter 6 Cameos of formative assessment 95

Chapter 7 Learning and formative assessment 113

Chapter 8 Doing formative assessment 130

Appendix 137

References 139

Index 145
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We wish to acknowledge and thank the following people for their help and support in
the writing of this book

• The teachers and students involved in the Learning in Science Project

(Assessment), who took the risk to have us in their classrooms, researching their
assessment practices, and who talked so openly and honestly about assessment.

• The New Zealand Ministry of Education for funding the Learning in Science
Project (Assessment).

• The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand for funding associated with the

• Those colleagues with whom we have discussed formative assessment, including

Fred Biddulph, Paul Black, Carol Boulter, Sally Brown, Margaret Carr, Terry
Crooks, Christine Harrison, Alister Jones, John Pryor, Phil Scott, Merilyn Taylor,
Harry Torrance.

• The following publishers for permission to reprint material:

Chapter 5 Cowie, B. and Bell, B. (1999). A Model of Formative Assessment
in Science Education, Assessment in Education, 6 (1) 101-116.
Taylor and Francis Ltd
PO Box 25, Abingdon
Oxfordshire, OX14 3UE
United Kingdom

Chapter 7.3 Bell, B. (in press) Formative assessment and science education; a
model and theorising. In R. Millar, J. Leach, J. Osborne (Eds) (in press) Improving
Science Education: the Contribution of Research. Buckingham, Open University
Open University Press
Celtic Court
22 Ballmoor
Buckingham MK18 1XU
United Kingdom



It was the last lesson on Monday. The students had already told the teacher they had
studied separating mixtures in previous years. The lesson started with a class
discussion on filtering, decanting, crystallising and distilling. The teacher introduced
these words by making links with the students’ everyday experiences. They talked
about ‘decanting’ cooked potatoes and compared filtering with sieving. Then she
introduced a ‘thinking exercise’. The students were to think about how they would
separate a list of mixtures. The class discussed how to separate the first mixture
which was broad beans and kidney beans. The next mixture was oil and water.
The teacher moved around the class talking with the students. One group called her
over to confirm they should filter the oil and water.
The teacher talked with them and then went to the prep room, returning with oil, water
and filter paper. She poured some oil on the filter paper, and mixed some oil and
water. The students asked questions and made suggestions.The teacher moved
towards the front of the class. As she did another group asked how big salt crystals
were and told her that they would separate sand and salt using tweezers. The teacher
stopped the class, showed them the oil and water mixture and said:
If you are not sure for oil and filter paper ....”. (Cowie, 1997)

This can be considered as an instance of formative assessment as it involved the

teacher gathering, interpreting and acting on information about the students’ learning,
in order to improve the learning, during the learning. This episode is one of many
which were observed during the research (Bell and Cowie, 1997) documented in this
Formative assessment is increasingly becoming a focus in policy documents on
educational assessment and in the professional development of teachers. The term
‘formative assessment’ is not new but is now being used in more detailed and
specific ways. And as this happens, there is a call for further research and theorising
on formative assessment (Black and Wiliam, 1998). This book documents research
that explored the current practice of some science teachers to describe, explain and
theorise about the formative assessment being done in some New Zealand science
But first some background to the term ‘formative assessment’. There have been
three trends in education that have highlighted the need for teachers to do formative


One of the trends in educational assessment that has put the spotlight on formative
assessment, is the development of more valid assessment procedures. In the 1970s
and 80s, there was much criticism of the validity of summative assessments used in
educational assessment, and in particular, of the limitations of the validity of
external testing and examinations (Keeves and Alagumalai, 1998). This included
criticisms of the validity of assessment tasks such as multiple choice questions and
criticisms of norm-referenced assessments such as those for national qualifications.
There was also criticism of the impact of high stakes, standardised testing on school

learning (Black and Wiliam, 1998). The responses to these criticisms can be
summarised as a need:
• to assess a wider range of science learning outcomes, such as performance of
investigation skills (Johnson, 1989) and multiple forms of intelligence (Gardner,
• to use a wider range of assessment tasks (other than multiple choice tests,
questions requiring short answers and essay questions), for example, portfolios
(Gitomer and Duschl, 1995, 1998; Duschl and Gitomer, 1997); and performance
based assessment (Erickson and Meyer, 1998).
• to integrate assessment with the curriculum and to assess in more authentic
contexts (Tamir, 1998)
As these recommendations could not be achieved through external examinations
or standardized testing alone, assessment by teachers (also called internal assessment)
was seen as a way forward. Hence, an early use of the term ‘formative assessment’
was to distinguish between continuous summative assessment by teachers in the
classroom and summative assessment by external examiners, such those who
develop standardized tests and those who set and mark examinations for national
qualifications. This continuous summative assessment by teachers was initially
called formative assessment as it did enable some information on learning to be
given to students and teachers in the course of the school year, although it was
relatively coarse feedback. This has been called ‘weak formative assessment’ (Brown,
1996). The questions often raised during discussions on continuous summative
assessment were those such as how many separate assessments have to be recorded
for the aggregated mark or grade to be reliable and valid; how best to store the
multiple assessment documentation; how to aggregate the marks or grades; the
problems with reducing many assessment results into one grade; and whether all the
achievement objectives in the science curriculum have to be assessed and how often.


Another trend, which has highlighted formative assessment, was the trend towards
multiple purposes for assessment. This trend was brought into sharp focus in the
1990s, when politicians, and others wanting to hold educationalists accountable,
looked to assessment to provide the information required for the accountability
process. This added to the existing demands for assessment information by people
who operate outside the classroom, for example, care-givers, principals, school
governing bodies, local or national government officials, awarders of national
qualifications, selection panels for tertiary education programmes, and employers. In
New Zealand and elsewhere internationally, this trend towards using educational
assessments for accountability purposes in addition to the existing purposes, has
highlighted the multiple purposes for assessment. These multiple purposes can
include auditing of schools, national monitoring, school leaver documentation,
awarding of national qualifications, appraisal of teachers, curriculum evaluation and
the improvement of teaching and learning.
An indication of this trend in New Zealand was evident in the late 1980s. In
1989, the government issued a discussion paper for national consultation called

‘Assessment for Better Learning’ (Department of Education, 1989). Submissions

were invited from professionals in education and the public on a range of assessment
issues related to accountability. The terms of reference included:
‘The working party shall:
1. recommend to the Government procedures for assessment which:
i. can monitor the effectiveness of the New Zealand school system on student
ii. assess the effect of individual schools on students’ learning achievements;
2. recommend ways of reporting on the above, talking into account different audience
3. within the context of New Zealand’s dual cultural heritage, advise the Government
on the possible effects of such assessment and reporting procedures for students,
teachers, the curriculum, schools, employers, and the wider community; ..’
(Department of Education, 1989, p5)

The report summarising the submissions to the ministerial working party on

‘Assessment for Better Learning’ was titled ‘Tomorrow’s Standards’ (Ministry of
Education, 1990). These two policy documents reflect the three cornerstones of the
accountability process – a prescribed set of standards, an auditing and monitoring
process to ascertain if the standards have been attained, and a way of raising standards
if low standards have been indicated in the audits. In New Zealand, the ‘standards’ are
contained in the New Zealand Curriculum Framework and associated documents,
including those of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (Ministry of Education,
1993a); the auditing is done by the Education Review Office and the monitoring by
the National Education Monitoring Project.
The ‘raising of standards’ was seen by policymakers in New Zealand as been
achievable by a number of methods, including school-based assessment (Ministry of
Education, 1993a). It is school-based assessment that is the focus of the research
reported in this book.
There is now a recognised need to clarify these multiple purposes for assessment.
In a recent example, in the USA, a working party (National Research Council,
1999) identified three purposes of assessment:
‘Assessment has multiple purposes. One purpose is to monitor educational progress or
improvement. Educators, policymakers, parents and the public want to know how
much students are learning compared to the standards of performance or to their
peers. This purpose, often called summutive assessment, is becoming more significant
as states and school districts invest more resources in educational reform.
A second purpose is to provide teachers and students with feedback. The teachers can
use the feedback to revise their classroom practices, and the students can use the
feedback to monitor their own learning. This purpose, often called formative
assessment, is also receiving greater attention with the spread of new teaching
A third purpose of assessment is to drive changes in practice and policy by holding
people accountable for achieving the desired reforms. This purpose, called
accountability assessment, is very much in the forefront as states and school districts
design systems that attach strong incentives and sanctions to performance on state and
local assessments.’ (National Research Council, 1999, pp1-2)

In New Zealand, the multiple purposes for assessment are acknowledged in the
Curriculum Framework (Ministry of Education, 1993a):
‘Assessment in the New Zealand Curriculum is carried out for a number of purposes.
The primary purpose of school-based assessment is to improve students’ learning and
the quality of learning programmes. Other purposes of assessment include providing
feedback to parents and students, awarding qualifications at the senior level, and

monitoring overall national educational standards. Assessment also identifies learning

needs so that resources can be effectively targeted. To meet these different purposes,
a range of assessment procedures is required.’ (p 24).

In New Zealand, these multiple assessment purposes were seen as being addressed
by using the multiple procedures of school-based assessment. The purposes of
school-based assessment are described as ‘improving learning, reporting progress,
providing summative information, and improving programmes’ (Ministry of
Education, 1994, p. 7-8). These multiple purposes of school-based assessment are
seen as giving rise to three broad categories of assessment: diagnostic, summative
and formative assessment.
Formative assessment is described in the policy document as:
‘Formative assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. It is
used to provide the student with feedback to enhance learning and to help the teacher
understand students’ learning. It helps build a picture of a students’ progress, and
informs decisions about the next steps in teaching and learning.’ (Ministry of
Education, 1994, p. 8).

While the above description of formative assessment could include continuous

summative assessment, the research documented in this book specifically explores
formative assessment as classroom assessment to improve learning (and teaching)
during the learning.
Multiple purposes for assessment means that there are multiple audiences, and it
raises the issue of whether one assessment task can provide information for several
assessment purposes and audiences (Black,1998). There is a need to re-evaluate the
appropriateness of procedures to meet these goals for specified audiences. There is
also a need to prioritise the different purposes. For example, the review by Black and
Wiliam (1998) asserts that the context of national or local requirements for
certification and accountability will exert a powerful influence on the practice of
assessment, to the detriment of formative assessment (p. 20). In New Zealand, there
is a growing recognition that school-based assessment needs to emphasise
assessment for improving learning, more than assessment for accountability


The third trend that has highlighted formative assessment is the development of
views of assessment to match the views of learning, which recognise that each
learner has to construct an understanding for her or himself, using both incoming
stimuli and existing knowledge, and not merely absorbing transmitted knowledge
(Gipps, 1994; Berlak, 1992a,b; Wiliam, 1994). These views of learning
acknowledge that both students’ existing knowledge and thinking processes influence
the learning outcomes achieved and therefore both need to be taken into account in
teaching (Bell, 1993a). In taking into account students‘ thinking in their teaching,
teachers are responding to and interacting with the students‘ thinking that they have
elicited in the classroom. They are therefore undertaking formative assessment whilst
teaching for conceptual development.

In science education, teaching for conceptual development arose from the 1980's
research on children's alternative conceptions ( Driver, 1989). A central part of this
teaching is dialogue (not a monologue) with students to clarify their existing ideas
and to help them construct the scientifically accepted ideas (Scott, 1999). Therefore,
giving feedback to students about how their existing conceptions relate to the
scientifically accepted ones, and helping them to modify their thinking accordingly,
is both a part of formative assessment and teaching for conceptual development.
Formative assessment is seen as a crucial component in teaching for conceptual
development (Bell, 1995). Consider this scenario (adapted from Tasker and Osborne,
The students are busy in a lesson doing an investigation into electrolysis of copper
chloride. The students are working in pairs and are following the instructions on the
whiteboard and which they had discussed with the teacher at the beginning of the
lesson. The teacher is moving between each group, listening to the students talking and
being available to answer questions if need be. She is stopped by a group who are
concerned that bubbles of gas are coming off one electrode only and not both. They
ask the teacher what is wrong with their circuit as one electrode seems not to be
working. The teacher spends time with the group to elicit their view of electric
current. All three students in the group think that the current comes from both
electrodes and clashes in the solution of copper chloride. They assume that gas would
be formed at each electrode if all was working well. The teacher interprets the
students as having an alternative conception about electric circuits (the clashing
currents model) and decides to spend the second half of the day's lesson addressing
this with the whole class.

This is an instance of formative assessment. The teacher created opportunities

(using the group work situation) to interact individually or with small groups of
students. She noticed and recognised that some of the students held scientifically
unacceptable ideas and responded to address the problem with some teaching later in
the lesson. It is also an example of teaching for conceptual development, which
takes into account students' existing thinking.
Research into teacher development to help teachers improve their practice to take
into account students' thinking, indicated that teachers are asking for more
information and professional development on how to elicit, respond to and interact
with students' thinking and knowledge in the classroom (Bell, 1993b). For example,
they are seeking more assistance to be able to respond to the student who says 'there
is no gravity on the moon because there is no atmosphere'. Responding to this
elicited information requires the teacher to identify that this view is not the
scientifically accepted one and that it is a commonly held alternative conception by
students of all ages. The teacher is also required to act in some way so the student
has opportunities and help to learn the scientifically accepted concept of 'gravity'.
This will involve providing learning opportunities for the students to explore their
own ideas of gravity, to have presented to them the scientific view of gravity, to
modify their own ideas, and to use the new ideas with confidence (Driver, 1989).
Formative assessment is a key part of teaching which takes into account students'
Likewise, research has also indicated that the greatest source of feedback to
teachers, when they are changing their teaching, is feedback that the new teaching
activity is resulting in 'better learning' (Bell and Pearson, 1992). 'Better learning' was
seen by the teachers in the research as both 'better learning' conditions and 'better

learning' outcomes. 'Better learning' conditions included increased enjoyment, social

co-operation, ownership, student confidence, and motivation. 'Better learning'
outcomes included the responses to teacher questions, debates and written work,
conceptual development and transfer of learning. The teachers in the research tended
to use 'better learning conditions' more than 'better learning outcomes' as a source of
feedback on the effectiveness of their teaching. The teachers requested further
professional help on how to elicit and act on information about student learning
outcomes, while the teaching and learning is occurring in their classrooms, so as to
improve their own teaching as well as the students' learning.


Due to these three trends in education, formative assessment is increasingly being
used to refer only to assessment which provides feedback to students (and teachers)
about the learning which is occurring, during the teaching and learning, and not after.
The feedback or dialogue is seen as an essential component of formative assessment
interaction where the intention is to support learning (Clarke, 1995; Sadler, 1989;
Perrenoud, 1998).
And assessment can be considered formative only if it results in action by the
teacher and students to enhance student learning (Black, 1993), for example:
The distinguishing characteristic of formative assessment is that the assessment
information is used, by the teacher and pupils, to modify their work in order to make it
more effective. (Black, 1995a)

Formative assessment has been defined as the process of appraising, judging or

evaluating students' work or performance and using this to shape and improve students'
competence. (Gipps, 1994)

It is through the teacher-student interactions during learning activities (Newman,

Griffin and Cole, 1989) that formative assessment is done and that students receive
feedback on what they know, understand and can do. It is also in these student-
teacher interactions during learning activities that teachers and students are able to
generate opportunities for furthering the students' understanding. As formative
assessment is viewed as occurring within the interaction between the teacher and
student(s), it is at the intersection of teaching and learning (Gipps, 1994, p. 16). In
this way, teaching, learning and assessment are integrated in the curriculum.
Therefore, the process of formative assessment always includes students. It is a
process through which they find out about their learning. The process involves them
in recognising, evaluating and reacting to their own and / or others' evaluations of
their learning. Students can reflect on their own learning or they may receive
feedback from their peers or the teacher.
Formative assessment is also the component of teaching in which teachers find
out about the effectiveness of the learning activities they are providing. It can be
viewed as the process by which teachers gather assessment information about the
students' learning and then respond to promote further learning. For example:
'Assessment should contribute to instruction and learning. ..Assessment after
instruction is over does not allow for the assessment to contribute to any instructional
decisions. All that can be said is the degree to which a student mastered some amount

of content. Assessment must be a continuous process that facilitates “on-line”

instructional decision making in the classroom’ (Gitomer and Duschl, 1995, p. 307)

Both formative and summative assessment influence learning. In other words, to

improve learning outcomes, we need to consider not only the teaching and learning
activities but also the assessment tasks. Gipps and James (1998) summarised the
ways in which assessment influences learning in four main ways. Firstly,
assessment can provide a motivation to learn by giving a sense of success in the
subject (or demotivation through failure) and through giving a sense of self-
confidence as a learner. Secondly, assessment can help students (and teachers) decide
what to learn by highlighting what is important to learn (it may not be necessary to
learn all that is taught) and by providing feedback on success so far. Thirdly,
assessment helps students learn how to learn by encouraging an active or passive
learning style; by influencing the choice of learning strategies; by inculcating self-
monitoring skills; and by developing the ability to retain and apply knowledge and
skills and understanding in different contexts. Lastly, assessment helps students learn
to judge the effectiveness of their learning by evaluating existing learning; by
consolidating or transforming existing learning and by reinforcing new learning.
Moreover, the extent to which formative assessment improves learning outcomes
is now being recognised. For example, Black and Wiliam (1998) in their review of
classroom assessment boldly state:
The research reported here shows conclusively that formative assessment does
improve learning. The gains in achievement appear to be quite considerable, and as
noted earlier, amongst the largest ever reported for educational interventions (p. 61).

While there has been much written on the importance of formative assessment to
improve learning and standards of achievement (Harlen and James, 1996), there has
been little research on the process of formative assessment itself. And, as Black and
Wiliam (1998) suggest, there is a need to explore views of learning and their inter-
relationships with assessment.


This book reports on the findings of a research project investigating formative
assessment in some science classrooms in New Zealand. This research – the
Learning in Science Project (Assessment) – is fully documented in Bell and Cowie
(1997). This research was done under contract to the New Zealand Ministry of
Education in 1995-96 to investigate classroom-based assessment in science education
in Years 7-10 (ages 11-14 years) classrooms where the teacher of science was taking
into account students' thinking (Bell, 1993a). Four key aims for the research were:
1. to investigate the nature and purpose of the assessment activities in some
science classrooms.
2. to investigate the use of the assessment information by the teacher and the
students to improve the students' learning in science.
3. to investigate the teacher development of teachers with respect to classroom-
based assessment, including formative assessment.
4. to develop a model to describe and explain the nature of the formative
assessment process in science education.

Formative assessment in this research was defined as:

the process used by teachers and students to recognise and respond to student learning
in order to enhance that learning, during the learning (Cowie and Bell, 1996).
The focus of this research was on formative assessment and not on assessment
for qualifications, reporting to parents and care-givers, school-leaver documentation
or assessment for inspection or audit agencies. While these latter aspects of
assessment in primary and secondary education cannot be separated off entirely, they
were not the focus of this research. And while continuous summative assessment
was seen as formative assessment in the past, in this research a distinction was made
between the terms 'formative assessment' and 'continuous summative assessment'.
Continuous summative assessment is a term used to describe the continuous
assessment of student learning, which is recorded over an extended period of time,
aggregated and reported to the student and others at some later date. This
accumulation of assessment information was often referred to as formative
assessment in the past. By the definition of formative assessment used in this
research, it would only be considered as formative assessment if some action to
improve learning during the learning was involved. As this is usually not the case
with continuous summative assessment, it has not been considered as formative
assessment in this research.
The research was mainly qualitative, interpretive, collaborative and guided by the
ethics of care. Multiple data collection techniques were used, including interviews,
surveys, and participant observation. A fuller documentation of the research
methodology is given in Bell and Cowie (1997, 1999).
The research had three strands:
• Ideas about assessment
In this strand of the research, the views of assessment of nine teachers of science
and one teacher of technology and some of their students were elicited at the
beginning of the project and monitored throughout the project. Data for this strand
were collected through interviews and surveys.
• Classroom-based studies
In this strand of the research, the classroom assessment activities, and in
particular the formative assessment activities, of the ten teachers and their students
were studied and documented in the form of eight case studies (the data generated by
teachers 1, 4, 6 were written as one case study). Case studies were chosen as one
level of analysis to investigate the multiple and integrated social and cognitive
processes involved in formative assessment. Data for this strand were collected by
participant observation, involving field notes, head notes, and documentary data such
as the writing on the board, student books, the wall displays, the teachers' plan' for
the unit and the teachers' record books.
• Teacher Development Studies
The research intentionally combined research and development activities (Bell and
Cowie, 1999), with one strand of the research being a teacher development strand
(Bell and Cowie, 1997, pp. 259-277). It was felt necessary to include a
developmental strand in the project for four reasons. Firstly, the researchers held a
view that the research process should have reciprocal purposes and gains for both the
teachers and researchers. However, the gains for the researchers and teachers may not

be the same. Whereas the main aim for the researchers was the creation of new
knowledge about classroom-based assessment, teachers in previous research projects
had indicated that they often got involved in major research projects for the
opportunities for professional development. The teachers valued these opportunities
for sharing ideas with other teachers, time for reflection, the input of new theoretical
ideas and classroom activities, the support for trialing new classroom activities and
for the information about wider educational developments (Bell and Gilbert, 1996).
These activities could best be fostered in the teacher development days although it is
also acknowledged that they also occurred in the data collection activities of
interviews, surveys and classroom observations.
Secondly, the researchers felt that the teachers did not necessarily have the
awareness and language to discuss the phenomenon being researched, that is,
formative assessment. It was felt that some professional development activities
would enable the teachers to develop their skills of and knowledge and language
about formative assessment so that they could discuss it in a way that would aid the
data collection and analysis for the research. The interviews also aided in this.
Thirdly, the teacher development days were included so that the teachers and
researchers could meet to discuss the emerging data analysis. The discussions
provided a secondary data generation and collection opportunity for the researchers
and further reflective opportunities for the professional, personal and social
development (Bell and Gilbert, 1996) of the teachers.
Lastly, data to inform future teacher development courses on classroom-based
assessment was sought.
In summary, the research was investigating the existing assessment practice of
the ten teachers. But on the other hand, it was investigating their developing
assessment practices over the two years of being involved in a research project. In
this strand of the research, teacher development activities were undertaken by the ten
teachers to develop the formative assessment activities they used in their classrooms
and to reflect on the data collected and analysed. This occurred on eleven days over
1995-1996 and was facilitated by the researchers. Data for this strand were collected
by audiotaped discussions, surveys and field notes.
Timewise, the research was also divided into two parts. The first phase was
undertaken in January - June, 1995 (Cowie and Bell, 1995) and researched the
teachers and students views on assessment at the beginning of the research. The
second phase started in July, 1995. From July to December 1995, classroom
observations and interviews with five teachers and their students were undertaken.
During this part, the framework for the data collection during the classroom
observations for all the case studies was generated. The remaining five case studies
were completed during January - October, 1996 and the development of the model of
formative assessment was undertaken.
The ten teachers, who volunteered to take part in the research, were primary
(middleschool) and secondary (junior high) teachers, women and men, beginning
and experienced teachers, and some had management responsibilities in the school.
Some of the teachers had had previously experiences of working in a research project
in science education. Where possible, the teachers came in pairs from each school
involved so that they would have a buddy to discuss the research with.

Each of the ten teachers chose a class to work with them on the project. For each
teacher, this class of students changed in January, 1996, at the start of the new
school year. In total, there were 114 student interviews done during the course of the
The data documented in this book are illustrative rather than representative, given
the constraints on space. Readers are referred to Bell and Cowie (1997) for a fuller
documentation ofthe research findings and data. The coding of the data is explained
in the appendix. In choosing quotations, no judgement was made as to whether the
transcript was indicative of ‘good’ teaching practice or not. The quotations were
chosen on the basis of the way in which they were illustrative of formative
While the research was conducted in the context of science education, the findings
and discussion of them in this book will be of interest to educators working in other
subject areas. We therefore, at times, discuss formative assessment in general – it
being very clear that these insights were derived from the context of science
education alone.


The theme of the book and our main argument is that formative assessment can
be viewed as a purposeful, intentional activity; an integral part of teaching and
learning; a situated and contextualised activity; a partnership between teacher and
students; and involving the use of language to communicate meaning. We argue that
formative assessment can be theorised as a sociocultural and discursive activity, and
hence linked to sociocultural and discursive views of learning.
The book aims to describe and explain the formative assessment activities
currently being used by the teachers involved in the research. It is hoped that this
documentation will aid other teachers, preservice teachers, teacher educators and
researchers to understand what formative assessment is and to further develop their
skills and knowledge of formative assessment. The book also aims to theorise about
formative assessment, not in relation to the accountability literature but with respect
to the literature on learning.
Chapter 2 reviews the relevant literature on formative assessment, while chapter
3 documents a case study of the formative assessment in one teacher's classroom
over the time of a unit of science work was being taught. In the next two chapters,
two summaries of the data across all the case studies are given, first in the form of
the characteristics of formative assessment (chapter 4) and secondly in a model of
formative assessment (chapter 5). Further examples of formative assessment are
given in chapter 6. In chapter 7, we theorise about formative assessment with respect
to current theoretical views of learning. In the final chapter, we summarise the
findings on teacher development to improve the practice of formative assessment.


This chapter briefly reviews the current literature on formative assessment. As

outlined in the previous chapter, assessment which is intended to enhance teaching
and learning is called formative assessment. Formative assessment is not a common
term (Black and Wiliam, 1998) but as indicated in the previous chapter, it is
increasingly being used in specific ways. The research documented in this book used
the following definition of formative assessment:
Formative assessment is defined as the process used by teachers and students to
recognise and respond to students learning in order to enhance that learning, during
the learning. (Cowie and Bell, 1996)

Other definitions include:

Formative assessment has been defined as the process of appraising, judging or
evaluating students' work or performance and using this to shape and improve students'
competence. (Gipps, 1994)

The distinguishing characteristic of formative assessment is that the assessment

information is used, by the teacher and pupils, to modify their work in order to make it
more effective. (Black, 1995a)

Within this research, diagnostic assessment, which aims to diagnose student

weaknesses, is viewed as a part of formative assessment (Black, 1993). All these
definitions emphasise that assessment is formative in its function only when action
is taken which is intended to improve student learning; that formative assessment
includes both the involvement of both teachers and students; and that formative
assessment includes the notion of feedback, that is, 'any information that is provided
to the performer of any action about that performance' (Black and Wiliam, 1998, p.
53). Formative assessment is that which supports learning.
Assessment to support learning is also referred to as educational or educative
assessment. Gipps (1994) identified Glaser (1963) as the first to propose attention
be given to 'educational assessment'. She argued that a shift from assessment to
prove learning to assessment to improve learning was signalled by Glaser's
suggestion of a move from norm to criterion referenced assessment. Educative
assessment was also described as integral to learning as a process of feedback and as a
dialogue between those actively participating in the learning environment
(Blackmore, 1988; Willis, 1994).
In the next sections, formative assessment is discussed with respect to:

2.1 the process of formative assessment

2.2 feedback and formative assessment
2.3 formative assessment and its relationship with learning and teaching
2.4 the role of students and teachers
2.5 the impact of formative assessment

2.6 the importance of context

2.7 the relationship between summative and formative assessment.
2.8 summary


Formative assessment is dependent on teachers' and students' mutual engagement in a

process which involves them in eliciting, interpreting and acting on assessment
information. The process is cyclic, all the aspects interact and are interdependent. The
eliciting of information is discussed first.

Eliciting information
When the intention of assessment is to improve learning, diverse information needs
to be gathered on how and what students are learning (Willis, 1994). The strategies
used need to be able to gather information on the outcomes of student learning, as
well as to gather the transient and ephemeral information which is produced during
the process of learning. As different students are prepared and able to display their
understandings in different ways, different modes for gathering information are
required (Crooks, 1988; Stiggins, 1991).
Teachers gather a large amount of diverse information on student learning during
informal interactions with them (Ministry of Education, 1994). They do this while
observing, listening to and questioning students during whole class, small group and
individual discussions and practical work. They also gather information by looking
at written work. Suggestions to enhance the quality of information elicited this way
include the use of open questions, probing and the use of increased 'wait times' after
asking questions (Rowe, 1987). Much of the information which is gathered through
informal interactions is not recognised by teachers or students as having a potentially
formative function (Harlen, 1995). Some writers suggest that comprehensive and
useful assessment information needs to be gathered more systematically (Black,
1995a; Harlen, 1995; Sutton, 1995). For example, Sutton (1995) suggested that
teachers gather information during informal interactions over three week cycles and
that during the fourth week they explicitly target those students about whom they
know little.
Recent research has focused on the development of new strategies to gather
assessment information and most of these new strategies foster student involvement
in the process of assessment. They aim to stimulate students to display their
thinking in a manner which serves as a focus for communication between teachers
and students (Black, 1993). Such strategies include, for example, concept maps,
portfolios, peer assessment (Sutton, 1995, White and Gunstone, 1992; Fairbrother,
Black and Gill, 1995).
Another way of eliciting formative assessment information is self-assessment,
which can be seen as a way to involve students in the assessment process itself
(Parkin and Richards, 1995). Increased student involvement in assessment is
consistent with constructivist views of learning (Bell and Gilbert, 1996, p. 44)
which emphasise student thinking and metacognition. Not involving the students
means there is only one perspective on any situation, and opportunities to clarify

interpretations and to generate suggestions are lost. Teachers have also found that
students' commitment to learning was strengthened when the students took more
responsibility, in collaboration with the teacher, for monitoring their own progress,
evaluating their own strengths and weakness and devising strategies for improving
their learning (Fairbrother, Black and Gill, 1995; Klenowski, 1995). These
researchers have found that an interactive dialogue between the teacher and the
students during the self-assessment process was important in order to ensure a full
analysis by the students. It is essential for students to have a clear overview of what
they are expected to learn and the criteria used to judge whether the learning had been
achieved, if they are to undertake self assessment and effectively focused action
(Black, 1995a; Klenowski, 1995; Harlen and James, 1996; Boud, 1995; Clarke,
1995). It is only when a learner assumes ownership of and values a learning outcome
that it can play a significant part in their voluntary self monitoring (Sadler, 1989;
Raven, 1992):
The indispensable conditions for improvement are that the student comes to hold a
concept of quality roughly similar to that held by the teacher, is able to monitor
continuously the quality of what is being produced during the act of production itself,
and has a repertoire of alternative moves or strategies form which to draw at any
given point. (Sadler, 1989; page 3)

Interpreting the information

The second part of the formative assessment process is that of interpreting the
information. This involves making judgements, and the criteria used in interpreting
formative assessment are an important consideration. Some writers argue formative
assessment needs to be criterion-referenced and student-referenced if it is to be able to
provide teachers with the information they need help students improve their learning
(Black, 1995a; Harlen, 1995).
In criterion-referenced formative assessment, students' understandings are
compared with a pre-determined set of criteria or descriptors which describe the levels
at which it is possible to perform or achieve an outcome. The criteria locate what a
student knows, understands or can do in relation to the desired learning outcome.
Criterion-referencing strengthens the links between teaching and assessment (Black,
1993). However, the exclusive use of pre-determined criteria does not necessarily
strengthen the links between assessment and what is learned because it assumes that
students learn only what is taught (Biggs, 1995). It can fail to acknowledge the range
of other learning and understandings which occur as the result of learning experience.
Some writers argue that in order to respond to student learning in a manner
which recognises and optimises it, student-referenced assessment is also essential
(Harlen and James, 1996). Student-referencing compares a student's learning with
their own prior learning. However, student-referencing alone may not provide the
information required to enable the teacher to provide effective feedback to guide
student learning. The two forms of referencing interact to do this.
'Convergent' and 'divergent' assessment have been identified as two approaches to
assessment used by teachers and which have links with student-referencing and
criterion-referencing (Torrance and Pryor, 1995). Convergent assessment is defined as
assessment which focuses on finding out if a student knows a predetermined thing. It
is associated with detailed planning, the systematic collection of data and the

'interpretation of the interaction of the child and the curriculum from the point of
view of the curriculum’ (Torrance and Pryor, 1995). The implications of convergent
assessment are essentially behaviourist. Divergent assessment is defined as finding
out what students understand and is characterised by less detailed planning; open
forms of recording; and an analysis of the interaction of the child and the curriculum
from the point of view of the child. Divergent assessment supports a constructivist
view of learning (Torrance and Pryor, 1995).
Torrance and Pryor's notion of divergent assessment shares some similarities
with Sadler's (1989) notion of qualitative judgement and Wiliams' (1992) notion of
construct-referenced interpretations. Sadler (1989) stated that qualitative judgements
are required when learning is considered multi-dimensional as are holistic judgements
of the quality of learning. He described qualitative judgements as holistic, invoking
fuzzy criteria which were context dependent rather than predetermined:
imperfectly differentiated criteria are compounded as a kind of gestalt and projected
onto a single scale of quality, not by means of a formal rule but through the integrative
powers of the assessor's brain. (Sadler, 1989, p. 132).

Hence, the salience of particular criteria depends on 'what is deemed to be worth

noticing' at a particular time. To use qualitative judgements, teachers need to possess
the concept of quality appropriate for the task and be able to judge students' work in
relation to this. Qualitative judgements are important when assessing students'
understanding of science concepts and for evaluating open-ended investigations or
work which requires an extended response. Wiliam (1992) claimed that construct-
referenced interpretations are required when assessing holistic and open-ended
activities such as investigations, projects, creative writing and art works. Quality
within these activities is not able to be completely encapsulated by a set of pre-
determined criteria for 'the whole is more than the sum of the parts'. In both of these
notions of qualitative judgement and construct-referenced interpretations, the criteria
are emergent. That is, the criteria emerge or develop during the process of
assessment. Judging quality requires connoisseurship and consensus is achieved
through negotiation. Claxton (1995) argued that true self-assessment:
must be embedded within a context that appreciates the intrinsic unspecificability of
quality, and sees the discussion of criteria as a stage on the road towards developing
an ability that is essentially intuitive.

Student-referencing, when interpreting information elicited in formative

assessment, also enables teachers to take into account students' learning approaches,
effort and progress, and their particular circumstances. It enables teachers to provide
feedback which is sensitive to and supportive of the students as learners. For
example, there may be a difference between the feedback given by a teacher to a
learner who perceives the gap between her or his understanding and the desired
understanding as so large that the goal of understanding seems unattainable, and the
feedback given to another student who may view it as so small that closing it is not
worth the effort.
Student-referencing enables teachers to support students' persistence, motivation
and productive attributions (Harlen, 1995; Tunstall and Gipps, 1995). Crooks (1988)
noted that assessment impacts on students' motivation and self-perception. Within
constructivist views of learning (Bell and Gilbert, 1996, p. 44), motivation and
persistence are relevant because learning is viewed as a process requiring conscious
and deliberate activity. Many writers have noted that cognitive development cannot

be separated from affective, motivational and contextual aspects (Berlak, 1992b;

Hargreaves, 1989). Current theories of students' achievement motivation relate to the
goals they have (Dweck, 1986, 1989), the attributions they make (Weinstein, 1989)
and the impact of rewards (Lepper and Hodell, 1985). Certain goals and attributions
produce more effective, sustained long term learning. Feedback can influence
students' motivation and attributions. For example, feedback which conveys the
message that mistakes are bad has been found to encourage competition rather than
co-operation and to reinforce performance goals. Students with performance goals
strive to successfully complete a task rather than to understand the underlying
concepts (Dweck, 1986). Grades can lead students to attribute failure to low ability
and reduce their motivation, confidence and effort (Black, 1993; Pryor and Torrance,
In summary, a combination of student-referencing and criterion-referencing
enables teachers to interpret formative assessment information to enhance a broad
range of learning outcomes.

Acting on the information

The third part of formative assessment is acting on the interpreted information to

inform and improve student learning. Both teachers and students may take action but
it is the student's action which is critical as they do the learning. Promoting effective
action is not easy. Even when teachers have made distinctions between their
students, they may not provide them with differentiated learning experiences (Bennett
et al, 1984). Teachers may also have difficulty taking effective action when
formative assessment reveals a diversity of individual understandings (Torrance,
1993; Dassa, Vazquez-Abad and Ajar, 1993; Black, 1993; Bennet et al, 1984; Savage
and Desforges, 1995). Newman, Griffin and Cole (1989) raised questions about
teachers' ability to identify individual achievement when attention is usually focused
on groups or the whole class and when, as they claim, cognitive change is as much
social as it is individual. Much teacher action appears to be directed towards the
progress of the class through the curriculum, rather than individual development
(Bachor and Anderson, 1994; Savage and Desforges, 1995)
Teacher actions may be planned for, as well as on-the-spot interventions.
Planned actions can occur at a class, small group or individual level. When teachers
havejudged students as having different understandings, they have been observed to
provide students with different tasks and / or materials to work with (Sutton, 1995;
Savage and Desforges, 1995). They have also been observed to provide open-ended
tasks which permit differentiation by outcome (Sutton, 1995). Teachers have been
observed to hold an assessment part way through a topic and to provide differentiated
experiences for students after this (Black, 1995a). Sutton (1995) argued that if
teachers have made no provision for differentiated learning experiences, then the
demands on them during a lesson are very high, and this can result in some groups
of students going unnoticed. Planning for formative assessment and differentiated
learning experiences is essential and must allow for flexibility within the learning
programme so that teachers can respond to what they find out (Black, 1995a; Harlen
and James, 1996). Perrenoud (1991) stated 'There is a desire in everyone not to know
about things about which one can do nothing'. Black (1995a) also suggested the need

for and difficulty of flexible planning may be one reason why formative assessment
is poorly developed.
Teachers can also act on formative assessment information while interacting with
students. Such actions or interventions are essentially spontaneous and provide
studentswith on-the-spot feedback. Through on-the-spot actions, these teachers can
take action at different times. They may choose to act immediately or to delay their
action. Providing more practice, moving on to the next topic and re-explaining the
topic were common actions in this kind of formative assessment (Bennett et al,
1984; Gipps, 1994). Savage and Desforges (1995) categorised this form of
intervention as providing feedback in the form of general encouragement and social
support; questioning; and further information. Tunstall and Gipps (1995) described
teachers working with six and seven year olds as acting to provide social, evaluative
and descriptive feedback. They described one form of descriptive feedback as
essentially behaviourist in that it identified errors in relation to the teachers' goals.
They described another form as deriving from a constructivist view in that it was
interactive and used both pre-determined and emergent criteria. This form of
descriptive feedback provided feedback in the form of praise and included the
generation of possibilities for student action. Teachers have been observed to defer
action until a later stage (Harlen, 1995). Some teachers deferred their action until
they had more comprehensive, detailed and actionable information or until they
considered their action would be more effective. Teachers also used their knowledge
of the contexts in which their students could or could not do something to provide
them with additional information and to help them take more effective action
The use of student self-assessment is a planned action which has been found to
be effective in encouraging students to think about their learning and to generate and
act on ideas to improve their learning. Peer assessment is another way of providing
students with quick and frequent feedback. This action also supports the development
of students' social and co-operative skills. Studies of peer assessment indicate that
students find the feedback of peers to be useful and reliable (Falchikov, 1995).
Comments from students suggest that they perceive peer assessment as providing
them with insights into how others approach, think about and complete a task and
that the process of applying the criteria to others work helps them clarify the criteria
and to reflect on their own work. However, students are sometimes reluctant to
assign grades to their peers (Falchikov, 1995).
In summary, formative assessment is described in the literature as having three
main aspects: eliciting the information, interpreting the information and taking
action to improve the students' learning. Of these, the 'taking of action' is the most
important aspect to distinguish formative assessment from summative assessment.
In the following sections, different debates within the literature on formative
assessment are discussed.


As action is central to the definition of formative assessment, the need for feedback
and dialogue between teachers and students is essential. Much of the research on
feedback to-date has been based on stimulus-response learning theories (Torrance,
1993). In this case, the research has been on feedback providing information on
whether ideas were right or wrong and the impact of the timing of the feedback

(Torrance, 1993; Sadler, 1989; Tunstall and Gipps, 1995). Within a constructivist
framework, the notion of feedback is more complex as feedback has both
informational and motivational effects (Falchikov, 1995). The process of formative
assessment enables teachers to receive feedback on the effectiveness of the learning
opportunities they are providing so they can modify them to optimise student
learning. Teachers also provide feedback to students on what they know, understand
and can do (Biggs, 1995; Radnor, 1994; Clarke, 1995). Raven (1992) argued that
such feedback is important as people are often unable to perceive and identify their
own unique qualities and abilities. Feedback can also identify areas of
misunderstanding, through dialogue teachers and students can then generate
opportunities for furthering student understanding. Such feedback enables students to
direct their efforts more effectively (Sadler, 1989; Brown and Knight, 1994). When
speaking ofpromoting multi-dimensional learning, Sadler (1989) quoted Ramaprasad
(1983) in defining feedback as ‘information about the gap between the actual level
and the reference level of a system parameter which is used to alter the gap in some
way‘ (Sadler, 1989). An important feature of Ramaprasad’s definition is that the
information is only considered as feedback when it is used to alter the gap.
This view of feedback implies students take an informed role in their learning. It
implies teachers have a knowledge of the content to be taught, an understanding of
how students are likely to learn it, a knowledge of the progression of ideas within
the topic and are able to recognise where the students are in their development. It
also implies they are able to use strategies to find out and develop students’ ideas.
This view of formative assessment is consistent with Vygotsky‘s notion of the ‘zone
ofproximal development’ (Vygotsky, 1978) and with Bruner’s notion of ‘scaffolding’
The centrality of feedback in formative assessment is also highlighted in the
review by Black and Wiliam (1998). They discuss the need to address the
effectiveness of feedback and refer to the work by Kluger and DeNisi (1996), who
identified three levels of linked processes involved in the regulation of task
performance. These three processes indicate the factors which impact, either
negatively or positively, on the effectiveness of feedback. These three levels of
processes were:
• meta-task process, involving the self. Feedback interventions that cue
individuals to direct attention to self, not the task, tend to produce negative effects on
Teachers need to inculcate in their students the idea that success is due to internal,
unstable, specific factors such as effort, rather than on stable general factors such as
ability (internal) or whether one is positively regarded by the teacher (external).
(Black and Wiliam, 1998, p. 51).

• task-motivation processes, involving the focal task. This type of feedback

intervention draws attention to the task and is generally much more successful.
• task-learning processes, involving the details of the focal task. This type of
feedback intervention draws attention to the details or characteristics of the task.
Feedback appears to be less successful in heavily-cued situations and more effective
in situations requiring higher order thinking.
Perrenoud (1998), in responding to Black and Wiliam (1998), takes a broader
view on feedback by stating that:

all those evaluations are formative which contribute to the regulation of an on-going
learning process (p. 85).

What is required is regulation of learning (Perrenoud, 1998) and feedback is but

one source of regulation. Regulation differs from feedback in that the consequences
of the feedback is taken into account, not just the intent and practice of feedback. The
mere presence of feedback is not sufficient to improve learning. The effectiveness of
feedback is dependent on how the learner constructs and responds to the feedback. The
construction and response may not be as intended by the person giving the feedback.
Whilst it is simpler to observe the practice of assessment, it is more difficult to
discern its effects and consequences as is needed to research regulation of learning.
Perrenoud (1998) asserts that rather than being solely concerned with the formative
assessment practices of teachers, we need to conceptualise and observe more widely
the process of regulation at work in classroom situations. Such a regulation of
learning would be the regulation of cognitive processes, and the mediation and
interventions required to do so (Perrenoud, 1998). Perrenoud distinguishes two levels
of management of situations which favour the interactive regulation of learning
• the setting up of such situations through much larger mechanisms and
classroom management.
• the interactive regulation which takes place within didactic situations.
In summary, feedback and regulation are key aspects of formative assessment.


Formative assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. The current
definitions of formative assessment can support either behaviourist or constructivist
views of learning (and teaching) (Torrance, 1993; Sadler, 1989; Tunstall and Gipps,
1995). Behaviourist views of learning imply that knowledge can be divided into a
hierarchical set of discrete packages which teachers can teach sequentially and which
learners learn by mastering progressively more complex ideas. Mastery learning
practices are linked with this view. They assume that learning is improved if
students are aware of a teacher's goals and the outcomes which indicate they have
attained the desired knowledge. Within this view of learning, formative assessment is
a process of checking to see if students have achieved the lesson's goals and
providing feedback to students to help identify deficiencies.
Constructivist views of learning (Bell and Gilbert, 1996, p. 44) conceptualise the
learner as constructing their understandings from incoming stimuli and existing
knowledge. Therefore, learning can be seen as conceptual development (Osborne and
Freyberg, 1985, p. 82). A learner's prior knowledge is recognised as influencing the
development of their new understandings. This means that learning is not viewed as
proceeding along a single predetermined path to a pre-specified endpoint. Within this
framework, formative assessment is a process of examining the interaction between
the students' knowledge, skills and attitudes and the learning activity (Meltzer and
Reid, 1994). Further, when knowledge is viewed as socially constructed the roles of
the social context and social practices are important. Assessment processes are
viewed as social processes. In particular, the teacher's role involves providing
learning opportunities, introducing new ideas and interacting with students to
support and guide their learning. Learning becomes a process of appropriation and

negotiation of knowledge in a social context. Within this framework, the process of

formative assessment is one of teachers and students recognising what a student
currently understands and identifying what he or she could achieve next (Torrance,
1993; Meltzer and Reid, 1994; Clarke, 1995; Dassa, Vazquez-Abad and Ajar, 1993).
This form of formative assessment is integral with teaching and learning (Meltzer
and Reid, 1994; Harlen and James, 1996) and is more compatible with the notion of
'assessment while teaching', in which teachers routinely engage (Newman, Griffin
and Cole, 1989). Teacher-student and student-student interaction are an essential part
of the process, not separate from it (Torrance, 1993). Such assessment is jointly
accomplished by the teacher and the student (Pryor and Torrance, 1996) and
assessment information can be considered to contain information about the teacher
and the students (Filer, 1993). Communication, feedback or dialogue, between
teacher and student are essential in this case (Boud, 1995; Clarke, 1995; Filer, 1995;
Sadler, 1989; Tunstall and Gipps, 1995; Torrance and Pryor, 1995). These
communicative activities are not those found in traditional classrooms were learning
is viewed as a transmissive process. Rather the inclusion of these activities suggests
that to undertake formative assessment in the classroom, teachers must adopt a
substantial change in their classroom pedagogy (Black and Wiliam, 1998).

A third perspective on learning is that of the sociocutural views of learning,

which take into account the role of the social and cultural contexts in the learning
process. These views are increasingly being used to theorise about learning in
science (Driver, Asoko, Leach, Mortimer, and Scott, 1994) and form the
underpinnings used to theorise the research findings documented in this book. A full
discussion of sociocultrual views of learning and formative assessment are to be
found in chapter 7, based on the findings reported in chapter 3-6.


The conceptualisation of formative assessment discussed here implies different roles
for teachers and students than traditionally found in classrooms. It implies a more
active role for students. Clarke (1995) noted that what is assessed and how it is
assessed is an important indicator and determinant of the these roles. In particular, if
the teacher makes unilateral decisions about a student's learning, this sends particular
messages to the students. When exploring the use of an assessment 'conversation' in
the creative arts area, Radnor (1994) concluded that the position of the teacher as
'knower' needed to be temporality suspended if effective formative assessment was to
take place.
The use of student self-assessment as a form of formative assessment also
implies a shift in the traditional roles of teacher and student in the classroom. It
encourages students to 'become insiders rather than consumers' of assessment (Sadler,
1989). It supports greater student autonomy and responsibility for their learning
(Radnor, 1994; Willis, 1994). Fairbrother (1995) found that when students were
involved in self assessment they were able, and more prepared, to comment on a
teacher's assessment.
Two actions lie at the core of formative assessment, and both are student actions
(Black and Wiliam, 1998). The first is the students' perception that there is a gap
between the desired goal and her or his existing knowledge and skills. The second is

the action taken by the student to close the gap (Ramaprasad, 1983; Sadler, 1989).
Many factors can influence whether a student does or does not do these two
activities, including whether students have a task or performance goal orientation;
learners' beliefs about their own capacity as learners; the degree of risk taking
involved for students; students’ reflective habits of mind; and the degree of
engagement with learning tasks (Black and Wiliam, 1998)


Formative assessment, like other forms of assessment, has an impact on the

teaching and learning in the classroom. Therefore, formative assessment (as one form
of assessment) can be seen as influencing student learning in terms of the science
knowledge and skills learnt. The notion of assessment impacting on learning will
first be introduced with respect to summative assessment and then discussed with
respect to formative assessment.
The impact of external summative assessment on teaching and on what and how
students learn is well documented (Berlak, 1992a). Crooks (1988), in a survey of
international literature, noted that classroom assessment had direct and indirect,
intended and unintended consequences for learning. He found classroom assessment
influenced what students considered was important to learn, their approach to
learning and their motivation:
Classroom evaluation affects students in many different ways. For instance, it guides
their judgement of what is important to learn, affects their motivation and self-
perceptions of competence, structures their approaches to and timing of personal
study (eg. spaced practice), consolidates learning, and affects the development of
enduring learning strategies and skills. It appears to be one of the most potent forces
influencing education. (Crooks, 1988)

Others have found that assessment influences both what and how students learn
(Boud, 1995; Harlen, 1995). For example, assessment can encourage students to take
surface, deep or strategic approaches to learning (Crooks, 1988; Harlen and James,
1996). Deep learning approaches are considered desirable as they involve students in
seeking to understand concepts and in making connections. Assessment, which
emphasises understanding and the transfer of learning to new situations, has been
found to promote deep learning (Crooks, 1988; Harlen and James, 1996).
Assessment which emphasises the recall of isolated facts has been found to
encourage surface learning, that is, learning in order to successfully complete the
Assessment can influence students’ willingness and ability to engage in self-
assessment (Boud, 1995; Crooks, 1988). Many writers argue that an important aim
of education is to develop students‘ commitment to learning and their learning-to-
learn skills. An essential aspect of these skills and attitudes is students' ability and
willingness to engage in self monitoring (Sadler, 1989). Assessment can also
influence students’ willingness and ability to work and learn co-operatively (Crooks,
What science is being assessed impacts on the teaching and learning of science in
the classroom. The science to be taught and assessed may documented in national
curriculum documents or State ‘standards’. In New Zealand, The New Zealand

Curriculum Framework (Ministry of Education, 1993a) calls for the curriculum and
assessment to enable students to:
develop (their) potential, to continue leaning throughout life, and to participate
effectively and productively in New Zealand's democratic society and in a
competitive world economy. (Ministry of Education, 1993a, p. 3).

This policy rhetorical statement suggests that education is seen as assisting

students to develop the skills for life long learning and the knowledge, skills and
attitudes to become critical and active participants in society. This curriculum
document outlines areas of subject knowledge and essential skills and attitudes which
relate to this aim. These include learning-to-learn, motivational and social attitudes
and skills. The curriculum document Science in New Zealand Curriculum (Ministry
of Education, 1993b) explicates these aims in relation to the learning of science. It
details the science knowledge, skills and attitudes to be learnt, including those related
to recognising and using science in everyday life. Because assessment influences
what and how students learn, it is important that classroom assessment encompasses
the range of all those learning outcomes which are valued in the curriculum, in a
manner which supports those learning approaches considered most productive
(Stiggins, 1991).
The educational goals described in the curriculum (Ministry of Education, 1993a)
take time to develop and their sustained growth can be undermined by lack of
consistent support from teaching and assessment practices (Crooks, 1988; Boud,
1995). Boud (1995) noted that assessment is part of students' everyday classroom
experiences and so what they learn from one assessment is not interpreted in
isolation. The message about what is considered important to learn and how to learn
it, is interpreted in context, cues from the context provides students with clues:
Students are not simply responding to the given subject - they carry with them the
totality of their experiences of learning and being assessed and this certainly extends
far beyond concurrent and immediately preceding subjects. (Boud, 1995, p. 37)

Like all assessment, formative assessment needs to communicate to students

what is considered to be of value. It needs to encourage and support learning in a
manner which consistent with how effective learning is viewed as proceeding.
Claims for the value of assessment in improving learning are extensive but as
Torrance (1993) noted much of what is claimed is based on rhetoric rather than on
knowledge of what actually happens in classrooms. These claims derive from the
assumption that accurate and representative information on student learning can be
elicited if more effective assessment strategies are developed. They assume there is an
automatic and simple link between assessment and the capacity to promote learning
(Torrance, 1993; Savage and Desforges, 1995). Many of the studies which have
successfully explored this link have been small scale, involving small groups or
one-to-one interactions (Torrance, 1993). Studies into classroom life have suggested
that the process is not simple (Bennet et al, 1984; Donaldson, 1978; Mehan, 1979).
Torrance (1993) suggested that research into formative assessment should explore
what is currently occurring within classrooms:
It should enquire into what is currently happening and add to our capacity to act
intelligently in difficult circumstances. This would be more ambitious in terms of what
it sets out to accomplish, but more modest in what it might claim to achieve. (Torrance,


The attention given to assessment to promote learning has led to a recognition of the
importance of context in assessment (Berlak, 1992b). Research on assessment in
general has found that students' performance is affected by the nature of the
assessment task (Bachor and Anderson, 1994; Bachor, Anderson, Walsh and Muir,
1994; Crooks, 1988; Black, 1993). Formative assessment is also influenced by the
classroom (Cowie, 2000). That is, the formative assessment process and outcomes
are influenced by classroom factors such as how the students get on with the teacher,
the layout of the furniture and the opportunities provided by the teaching and
learning activities being used. Another classroom factor is that within a classroom
the teacher holds most of the power as he or she controls what counts as valued
knowledge and valued forms of interactions (Filer, 1993,1995; Radnor, 1994).
Teacher questions play an important role in establishing and maintaining teacher
dominance. The typical pattern of student-teacher interaction begins with the teacher
asking a question. A student responds, the teacher evaluates the response and either
probes further or moves on (Mehan, 1979; Edwards and Mercer, 1987). Other
researchers have found that students often respond to the question they consider as
implicit within a teachers' question rather than what is explicitly asked (Donaldson,
1978). Raven (1992) noted that peoples' actions are often determined by what they
consider should be done and what it is appropriate for someone in their position to
do. Students' perception of the teachers purpose for the task or interaction has been
found to influence how they respond (Perrenoud, 1991).
Many researchers have commented on the significance of the social context in
which assessment takes place. As the process of formative assessment often occurs
within student/teacher interactions, it must be acknowledged that assessment has
social functions and consequences (Hanson, 1993). Torrance and Pryor (1995) noted
that the teachers within their study were sensitive to whether their feedback was
private or public and to its impact on students' perception of self worth.


Summative assessment has dominated research and development because of its status
and the high stakes involved. As a result, the practice of formative assessment is not
as well developed as that of summative (Black, 1993; 1995a; Black, 1995b). The
current forms of external summative assessment do not provide good models for
effective formative assessment (Black, 1995a). Although assessment strategies can
serve formative or summative functions, it is the use of the information to improve
learning which makes an assessment formative. Wiliam and Black (1995) claimed
that all assessments have the potential to serve a summative function but some have
the additional capability of serving formative functions (Wiliam and Black, 1995).
Some writers argue that an assessment can serve both the purposes of summative
and formative assessment (Black, 1995a; Crooks, 1988). Given the need to ensure
that teacher and student assessment loads remain manageable, it can be seen as
desirable that assessment serve both purposes. It may be possible for teachers to
review the evidence they have of a students' learning as a result of their practice of
formative assessment in order to make summative judgements (Harlen and James,
1996; Wiliam and Black, 1995). Assessment practices, which have the potential for

both summative and formative function, attend to the need for known learning goals,
explicit criteria for judging success, feedback and for an opportunity to utilise the
feedback. Summative assessment information, if used by a teacher to modify their
teaching with another group of students, does have a formative function. If it is used
by students to inform their learning approaches, it has a formative function for them.
Black (1995a) noted that much of what is spoken of as formative assessment is in
fact repeated or on-going summative assessment as no action is taken to inform
Others claim that the formative and summative purposes of assessment are
incompatible as they imply different roles for teachers and students (Gipps, 1994).
Summative assessment requires the teacher to act as a judge of student learning and
so it often involves a teacher stopping teachng to measure progress. Summative
assessments tend to aggregate learning from disparate areas. Further aggregation
occurs when the results of these assessments are recorded as marks or grades. In
contrast, formative assessment tends to be continuous and informal, an integral part
of teaching and learning (Cowie and Bell, 1996). In this case, the information about
a student's understandings and skills does not need to be aggregated or recorded
Summative and formative assessment also differ on the issues arising in current
debates. Concerns, within summative assessment debates, are related to the
consistency of the shared meanings of the assessment. As summative assessment
results tend to be reported as grades, all students need to be treated in the same
manner and the impact of the context minimised (Wiliam and Black, 1995).
However, concerns within formative assessment debates are described as related to the
consequences of the assessment for learning. This is reflected in a progression from a
concern with technical issues to concern with the impact of the assessment on
student learning (Sadler, 1989). Within summative assessment, the need for shared
meanings has led to an emphasis on reliability and validity. Typically, reliability is
defined as consistency among independent observations and validity as the extent to
which an assessment measures what it sets out to measure. Within summative
assessment, reliability is usually said to be necessary but not sufficient condition for
validity because measurements may be reliable or consistent but still not be
measuring what is of interest. Within formative assessment, the focus is on validity
(Sadler, 1989; Harlen and James, 1996; Moss, 1994) and in particular on
consequential validity. Consequential validity relates to the consequences of
assessment on teaching and learning (Messick, 1989). Reliability is subsumed
within validity in this case as it depends upon the self-correcting nature of
consequent actions (Wiliam and Black, 1995). Essentially formative assessment
interpretations and actions are always provisional, discussed and negotiated as part of
the process of using the information.
A critical question in relation to the use of information for both summative and
formative purposes is the confidentiality and potential harm of the information
provided for formative purposes. If students are encouraged to take risks within the
learning process and to be honest and open in their self assessment, there needs to be
a clear and pre-arranged agreement about the possible summative uses of the

Formative assessment involves the exchange of information between teachers and
students about the students' learning. It is an essential component of effective
teaching and learning. As a process, it is interactive and contextualised and it
involves teachers and students eliciting, interpreting and acting on information about
student learning. Ideally, it should support the development of students' personal,
social and science development (Cowie, Boulter, Bell, 1996).
In the next chapter, one case study of formative assessment in science education
is documented.


The year was 1995 and one of New Zealand’s active volcanoes, Mount Ruapehu, in
the middle of the North island, was erupting. The timing could not have been better
as Teacher 5 was starting a unit of work on ‘Our Storehouse Earth’ in which she
planned for the Year 8 students to learn about the composition of the earth, tectonic
plates, the cause of volcanoes, the composition of soil, rock types, and how rocks are
formed. A case study of the formative assessment used by teacher 5 and her students
during the teaching and learning of this earth sciences unit is documented in this
chapter. It is one of the eight case studies in the research being reported in this book,
with all eight case studies being documented in Bell and Cowie (1997, pp. 48-245).
This case study was chosen to illustrate the data on formative assessment in the
classroom which informed our modelling (chapters 5) and theorising (chapter 7) about
formative assessment. Further illustrative data from the other case studies is given in
chapter 6.
This case study is detailed, and therefore, long. It is felt that the detail is
necessary to document, for the reader, all aspects of formative assessment: the actions
of the teacher and students, the contexts in which it occurred, and the purposes for
doing it. Hence, in this case study, both the social and cognitive aspects of formative
assessment are documented.
This chapter is divided into the following parts:
• teacher 5 and her students
• the role of the researcher
• the setting
• the teacher’s views of teaching, learning and assessment
• purposes for formative assessment
• the learning situations
• methods for eliciting formative assessment information
• interpreting the formative assessment information
• taking action
• summary
• three cameos of formative assessment
• summary and discussion


In this case study, the classroom observations and interviews with Teacher 5 and
seven of her students are described and discussed. Teacher 5 had had 17 years of
teaching experience at the time of the research. Her teaching qualification was a four
year BEd degree for primary (elementary) teaching. Her students were thirty Year 8
(aged 12-13 years) female students.


The researcher attended most of the lessons in this unit, with Teacher 5 and the
students. The researcher’s observations occurred over a period of six weeks with each
lesson lasting one-and-a-half to two hours. The sixteen classroom observations for
this case study took place between 12/10/95 and 24/11/95. An explanation of all the
data codes is given in the appendix.

Participant observer

When in the classroom, the researcher acted as a participant observer, recording her
interpretations of assessment in the form of field notes and noting documentary data,
such as posters on the wall, students’ workbooks and books used. The researcher did
not audio-tape the lessons.
After the first lesson, the researcher spent most of the lessons with one group. On
a few occasions, she was invited to join other groups, which she did for part of a
lesson. On other occasions, when she was shown items or asked questions by other
students, she went and worked with them in other areas. However, it was quickly
accepted that she was part of one particular group. This group organised a place for
her and commented to her that they enjoyed having her working with them.
During class discussion time, the researcher sat with her group and made field
notes. The students sometimes looked at these and asked if she had recorded anything
that they had said. She was included in looking at items which were passed around the
class and in side conversations with the students beside her. During small group
work, the students worked at their desks on the activities which had been assigned
during the lesson. At this time, the researcher sat with her group. She sat at the desk
of any student who was absent or she sat beside a student. She took an interest in
what the students were doing, read reference books with them, looked for information
for them, talked with them about what they were doing and enjoyed learning more
about the topic herself. The students sometimes asked her questions. On one
occasion, while she was discussing the requirements of a task with one student,
another student interrupted the discussion and told them they were both wrong. The
researcher made very few field notes at this time. When she did, she told the students
what she was writing. She loosely monitored where the teacher was but as the teacher
was often talking quietly to individuals, she was unable to field note the interactions

between the teacher and the students at this time. During the classroom observations,
the researcher was aware that she could only directly observe some of the teachers'
formative assessment actions. The end of lesson discussions provided an opportunity
to talk with the teacher about her assessment actions. The researcher's field notes are
coded for example (T5/FN11/95b) to indicate these were field notes of the 11th
lesson (FNll), taught by Teacher 5 (T5), in the second half of 1995, (95b).

End-of-lesson interviewer

The researcher was further informed by informal discussions with the teacher.
Initially, the researcher talked informally with the teacher at the end of each lesson.
These discussions often took place as or just after the students were leaving the room.
They had the advantage that the lesson was still fresh in the teacher's and the
researcher's minds. The structure of these discussions was informal, usually relating
to specific episodes and specific children who were of note to the teacher and the
researcher. The researcher's only planned question was to ask teacher 5 if she felt there
had been any assessment in the lesson and if anything that occurred had surprised her.
The discussions ranged in length from half to three-quarters of an hour, depending on
the teacher's time constraints and the richness of the lesson. The researcher came to
realise that these discussions were an important source of data on the teacher's
interpretation of the assessment, which had occurred during the lesson. Teacher 5
described what she had assessed. She also described how she had done this, some of
the judgements she had made about the students' learning and the actions she had
taken. Teacher 5 later described these discussions as times when she was 'thinking
aloud. The researcher gained the teacher's permission to audio-tape the later
discussions and it is these which form the basis for some of the data presented in this
case study. There were 6 end-of-lesson interviews. The end-of-lesson discussions are
coded, for example (T5/D11/95b) to indicate this was an end of lesson discussion after
lesson 11, with Teacher 5 (T5), in the second half of 1995 (95b).

End-of-unit / end-of-year interviewer

The researcher interviewed teacher 5 at the end of the year, which was shortly after the
unit of work had ended. During this interview, she briefly discussed the unit with the
teacher. The interview is coded (T5/I/95b). She was also interviewed at the end of
1996 (T5/EOY/96). Seven students were also interviewed at the end of the unit (S55-
57/I/95b) and these data are also reported in Cowie (2000).


The first aspect of formative assessment that is important to note, is the setting.
Teacher 5 taught all curriculum subjects (except technology) to the class in the same
classroom. She was responsible for the learning, assessment and reporting
programme used in the classroom. This programme included detailed written reporting

on the students’ science, personal and social development, a focus on student self-
assessment and ongoing parent involvement in student learning and assessment
The observed unit was just another ‘Unit Study’ - it was the researcher’s presence
that signalled the topic of study was science. Teacher 5 had taught the unit before and
expected the students to enjoy it. She planned for the students to learn about the
composition of the earth, tectonic plates, the cause of volcanoes, the composition of
soil, rock types, how rocks are formed and the use of materials from the earth and had
prepared worksheets to help with this. Activities for the unit were whole class
discussions, six written and two practical tasks.
When the researcher arrived for the first lesson of the unit its the title, ‘Our Store
House Earth’ was displayed on one wall along with posters and newspaper clippings
about earthquakes, volcanoes and oil. This display was updated throughout the unit.
Student interest was stimulated throughout the unit by the eruption of Mt. Ruapehu.
Many students and the teacher visited the mountain during the unit and the
mountain’s ash cloud was often visible.
Resources for the unit were displayed on a bench in front of the teacher’s desk.
This positioning maximised her opportunities to observe the students as they worked
with the resources (T5/D2/95b). Students brought books, photographs and artefacts
(photographs, gemstones, necklaces and crystals such as amethyst) from home and
added them to the resource table. The items brought in by the students provided the
teacher with a robust source of information on what the student were interested in and
the connections they were making (T5/D3/95b).
Classroom furniture and its arrangement both supported and constrained teacher
assessment. Student desks were grouped and this allowed the teacher to observe the
students at work. She considered this observation generated robust information
because the students ‘forgot’ she was observing them. Five of the seven interviewed
students indicated this was not the case. They claimed others worked harder and
pretended to understand what they were doing while the teacher observed them
(S53,53,55/I/95b). They did not like the teacher to look at their work when it was
‘half done’ because she might ‘see something you don’t want them to see’
(S53/I/95b). Their concern may also have been because the teacher used observation
as a summative assessment strategy and they were sensitive to what she might report
to others.
Some students limited the teacher’s incidental access to their written work by
lifting their desk lids (T5/FN2,5,6,8/95b). One student assured the researcher this
action was deliberate:
I showed my friend and I quickly put up my desk when she came over so she wouldn’t
see it. (S53/I/95b)

Students covered their books and talked with their peers in a manner which
restricted the teacher’s access to their books (T5/FN4,5,7,8,10/95b). However, it
seemed it was only the teacher’s random access to their unfinished work the students
disliked because they showed her their books and asked for her comments and help.

The desk arrangement facilitated peer and self-assessment through discussion, the
sharing of resources, and the comparison of written work (T5/FN 5-14/95b). Students
discussed ideas and then asked the teacher for help or looked at reference books
together. They compared book work and then worked harder and changed or added to
their work although the main focus of this assessment appeared to be the quantity -
how many pages they had completed - rather than quality of work (S53,58/I/95b;
The teacher’s planned assessment for the unit was a pre-unit questionnaire and
four summative assessment tasks - a knowledge test, a presentation to the class of
two of the questions they had explored, a student self-assessment and the marking of
student books for content, and presentation. The students’ presentations took place
over the last three weeks of the unit.

A typical lesson

The observed lessons lasted one and a half to two hours. The lessons always began
with a whole class activity followed by individual and small group work. During the
whole class activity, the students sat on the floor, on a sofa or on chairs in an open
space at the front of the classroom. The teacher sat on a low chair within the student
group. The discussions lasted for three-quarters-of-an-hour to an hour. The teacher
began the first lesson of the unit with discussion on ‘Is the earth getting bigger?’
based around photographs of ruins she had visited in Rome. Other lessons in the first
half of the unit began with the teacher posing a question or, more usually, students
talking about the artefacts they had brought from home. The discussions revolved
around the layers in rocks and soil, the composition of soil, the colour and texture of
rocks, the effect of light and water on the colour of rocks, crystals, gas, the nature of
earthquakes, volcanoes and gemstones. The discussions constructed a weak boundary
between the student’s interests and experiences and school science. For the final three
weeks, the students presented their answers to two questions they had explored to the
class as part of their summative assessment.
The students worked on the set tasks and any questions they were interested in
during the second half of the lessons. They moved freely around the room, working
by themselves, talking in pairs or groups, looking at resources and sometimes going
outside to complete a task. The teacher moved around the room. Sometimes she spent
most of the session with one group, sometimes she circulated around the class and
talked to most students.

The temporal context

A description of the setting also includes a description of the temporal context. The
teacher stated she had a formed a ‘picture’ of the class as a group with well developed
listening and questioning skills and that individual students had various levels of
confidence, ability to express themselves and typical depth of understanding. She
stated her perception that the students were able to discuss ideas, had influenced the

nature of the learning tasks she had selected for the unit (T5/D4/95b), and as is
evident later, the nature of her feedback:
They know the expectation is that they will listen and that they are welcome to speak
and ask questions. .... I suppose I know my class now. I have confidence that I and
they have developed certain skills and patterns. .... On the whole I find this class at
this point oftime is good at listening. (T5/D14/95b)

The seven interviewed students said they expected the teacher to value certain
behaviours and act in particular ways Their view was illustrated by the student who,
when asked how she worked out what teacher considered important, said: ‘I’ve sort of
got used to what she thinks is important and stuff (S58/I/95b). Knowledge of the
teacher’s usual actions was usedto interpretherinteractions and written feedback.
The interviewed students also indicated they considered some of their peers to be
‘bright’ and as likely to understand ideas, and others as able to be ‘trusted’ not to
make fun of them when they asked a question. These perceptions were reported to
influence their actions (S54/I/95b).



A further aspect of formative assessment is that of the teacher’s views of teaching,

learning and assessment. Teacher 5 described learning as an activity that involved
individual students ‘building’ on their ideas and as the ‘growth’ of collective or group
knowledge. Assessment was described as something done by teachers and students
but ‘on most occasions ... it’s a combination of pupil and teacher identifying these
The teacher’s description of her role as a questioner exemplified her attitude to
teacher assessment, she said:
... as a questioner I can generally find out anything I want to find out. ... If you take an
interest in what they’re doing, they are only too happy to explain and to share. They
want to. [The children] enjoy that process and it is good for (them). Children with an
idea are given the opportunity to talk about it. If they thought they had a problem, often
the solution comes to them as they talk about it out loud.... the moment they start talking
about it ‘Oh I do know. I can do such and such can’t I?’ ... (T5/I/95a)

She considered assessment as ‘something educators need to do to help with the

next stage in the children’s learning and meeting their needs’ (T5/I/95a). For this
reason, students were assessed at the beginning of a unit to find out what they knew,
so she that could ‘use what they know and build on that’, they were assessed during a
unit to find out if the teaching programme was promoting the learning she had
planned for and so she could follow-up student ideas. She noted there was ‘space
within my unit to actually shoot off if anybody comes up with an idea’ (T5/I/95a).
The teacher stressed assessment was a mutual responsibly. It was her
responsibility to provide students with a range of opportunities for displaying what
they knew and could do, and the students’ responsibility to tell her if she was not
meeting their needs (T5/D14/95b).
Assessment was also described as a process students needed to engage in for,
‘identifying areas that they need to work on, ... identifying areas they want to work

on and accepting areas they need to work on (T5/I/95a). It was one of her long term
goals for student to learn to assess themselves as she considered this would enhance
‘their own personal quality of life’ (T5/I/95a). She commented that student self-
assessment required her to ‘shift’ some of her power to the students so they could
‘build up a responsibility’ (T5/I/95a).
To summarise, the teacher’s comments suggested she saw teaching as using what
students ‘already know’ and ‘building on that’ (T5/I/95a) and assessment as integral to
teaching. Her description of assessment as a teacher-student responsibility indicated
she considered that teachers have limited access to student thinking. The importance
she placed on student self-assessment (for students now and in the future) suggested
she viewed students as active meaning makers. Her comments that students needed to
identify what they wanted to work on suggested she viewed motivation as an integral
to learning.


In documenting the formative assessment that occurred, the purposes for doing it,
need to be noted. Teacher 5 assessed her students with respect to their personal, social
and science development (Cowie, Boulter, Bell, 1996). In general, her students’
personal and social development were long term goals, while her students’ science
development goals were more likely to be short term ones associated with the unit or
a lesson. Hence, this teacher had short and long term learning goals for the students,
and therefore, long and short term purposes for the formative assessment she did in
the classroom. The formative assessment of the personal, social and science
development is detailed in the following sections.

Personal development

Within the classroom, personal development was conceptualised as those learning

outcomes which relate to the learner as an individual, for example, their learning-to-
learn, time management and self-assessment skills. Teacher 5 sought to promote
these learning outcomes and formatively assessed her students’ development of them.
Teacher 5 formatively assessed her students’ time management skills. Near the end
of the unit she systematically looked at the students’ books. She said she noted which
tasks they had completed and the quantity and quality of their work (T5/D14/95b),
thereby assessing the students’ time management of their learning activities.
Teacher 5 also formatively assessed her students’ learning-to learn-skills. Teacher
5 said she considered that the ability to gather information from a number of
resources was important. For this unit, ‘Our Storehouse Earth’, the teacher and the
students had collected a large number of books to act as a resource to help the
students answer the questions which arose within the unit. The teacher commented on
the students‘ ability to gather information from books. She said:
Some of these kids are really good at browsing through books. When you ask a
question, ... as questions have come up there have been a number of children who go
straight over there and they say, ‘I’ve seen that’. J is really good. ‘Look at this, that’s

the San Andreas Fault'. She found the picture of that the other day because she had
seen it before. It had gone in and it had stayed there when she had been browsing.

When she showed the class a video on volcanoes, she commented that she
intended this to be an opportunity for the students to gather information from another
source. She considered videos as an important source of information because of the
time students spend watching television:
... data gathering from another source. And there are lots of ways they can get
information. Video is an important one, ... they spend a great deal of time in front of a
television screen. (T5/D11/95b)

Teacher 5 intended for all the students to use a resource to research a question and
share their answer with the class. She explained that she considered explaining to
others was an effective technique for developing understanding:
So one of the things is, it's an organisational thing coming through at the moment, is
getting everybody to go and do some research and come back and share. When you
actually have to look something up and you have to put it in your own words when you
haven't got your notes in front of you ... that is often a way of internalising information.
The understanding begins to develop. It really does develop or else you make a break
through or something like that. (T5/D10/95b)

The researcher field noted that during this lesson that the teacher asked the class
who had researched the question 'Why is the top layer of soil darker? Only six
students put up their hands. She commented on the need for them to do their own
investigations and not rely on others (T5/D10/95b). She therefore publicly and
formatively assessed this aspect of her students personal development.
Teacher 5 also provided opportunities for her students to develop their self-
assessment skills. She included a self-assessment in her end of unit assessment.
During one lesson, she formatively assessed the students' ability to assess their own
contribution to the learning and development of the class. She asked those students,
who considered they hadn't made a significant contribution to the whole class
discussions, to try to link some of the ideas the class had been exploring. She
commented on the student who volunteered to do so:
I was pleased she acknowledged she had not said very much and was prepared to do

In this example, teacher 5 linked the skill of gathering data, a personal skill, with
the ability to share and discuss ideas, a social skill. These aspects of students'
personal, social and science development are conceptualised as interlinked, with many
opportunities for developing a student's personal development occurring in a social
context. The two aspects are interconnected and interdependent. In the instance above,
teacher 5 linked the development of her students' personal and social skills. She
commented on the variation in her students' research skills and their different
willingness to share their ideas:
One of the things that I think has come through is that we've got some very able
students who follow very well. They go home and they actually look things up. They
can't wait to come to school. They enjoy sharing what they've found. There are others
who go away and they look it up, but they come to school and they sit back and they
wait. Then there are others who think, 'No, so and so will do it and I'll just listen when
she tells us'. (T5/D10/95b)

On another occasion, she named students whom she considered possessed these
attributes. She stated she assessed her student's ability to gather data from different
sources and she assessed her students’ ability to speak in the whole class situation.
In another example, teacher 5 stated that she assessed her students' ability to
understand ideas:
When we are looking at the use of the video, the assessment is on two levels. The
information that they are getting, the understanding that's being developed and also
their skills. This is another skill, gaining the information. (T5/D11/95b)

Here, teacher 5's assessment of her students personal development was linked with
her assessment of their social and science development.

Social development

A second aspect of the teacher’s purposes for doing formative assessment was that of
promoting social development. Within this research, social development was
conceptualised as the students' development of their skills of interacting with and
working with others. The social development of her students was a long term
learning goal for teacher 5 and hence provided a purpose for doing formative
assessment. At this stage of the year, the teacher and the students had well defined
expectations of each other. For example, over the period of the observations, teacher
5 only reminded the students three or four times to listen to each other. It appeared
that the students very rarely failed to meet the teacher's expectations. At these times,
she commented on the importance of listening to learn and of being courteous. It is
interpreted from this and her previous comments that the teacher valued and
formatively assessed her student's listening skills. At this stage in the year, she
considered this skill was well developed and so it was not a main focus of her
assessment (T5/D14/95b)
She continued, explaining why she considered that listening was an important
I actually think that listening to people, following conversations, is something we get
better at. I think this is a way that we can help children, by giving them the opportunity
to practise these skills. (T5/D14/95b)

And on another occasion:

... I suppose I know my class now. I have confidence that I, and they, have developed
certain skills and patterns. .... On the whole I find this class, at this point at time, is
good at listening. ... The organisation stuff is critical. ... (T5/D10/95b)

Science development

Another purpose for teacher 5 doing formative assessment was to assess her students'
science development or science learning. Students' science development is
conceptualised as including the students' science content, science processes and
science context development (Cowie, Boulter and Bell, 1996). Within the unit
described in this case study, the teacher emphasised science content and contexts over
processes because of the topic.
When she spoke of the learning activities she provided (for example, whole class
discussion, a video, task sheets, handouts and investigations) to mediate the learning
of science within her classroom, she identified two aspects which she assessed. These
were whether the students were developing an understanding of the ideas, that is, she
assessed the science content, and whether they understood the task. For example,
during small group work she assessed her students' ability to distinguish between the
continental crust and the tectonic plates and their ability to complete the task of
colouring the plates. (T5/D11/95b)
Teacher 5 was concerned with formatively assessing the learning and progress of
the class as a whole, as well as the learning of individual students within it. She
spoke often of assessing the whole class for the level of knowledge and interest
within the class. She monitored this in order to time her input of new ideas. During
many of the informal discussions, she spoke of this formative assessment of the
learning of whole class:
... after the video, when we went through the questions. what I was doing with
that, was trying to get a feeling about where we were. Atthe beginning of the unit,
people would ask questions and we just didn't have answers to them. Now, those
questions are still there and lots of people are putting up their hands. That was a
general indication. (T5/D11/95b)

In the end of unit interview, she stated again that one of her main purposes for
assessment was to monitor and promote the growth of knowledge within her class
Teacher 5 also talked of assessing her students' ability to link what they were
learning with their everyday lives, that is their science context development. She
expressed her pleasure when she assessed that a number of students were linking their
everyday experiences with the science in the classroom:
The grouped work at the beginning ....We found they've got a lot of everyday
experiences which I don't think they would have related to science before this. I
thought that was quite valuable in that they talked about everyday things while here we
were talking in a science lesson. I think quite a few of them .... might have come a bit
closer to realising the relevance of what we were talking about to their everyday life.

Divergent and convergent assessment

Another purpose for formative assessment for teacher 5 was related to her planning
for her students to come to know and understand certain ideas, as well as planning for

them to pursue ideas which interested them. Her assessment of whether the students
had come to know and understand the ideas she intended constituted her convergent
assessment (Torrance and Pryor, 1995). Her assessment of what the students had
learnt by following up the questions they or other students posed, constituted her
divergent assessment.
Teacher 5 stated that she planned for the students to learn some specific concepts
and she planned to create the space and opportunity for her students to pursue
questions of their own. She indicated this during an end-of-lesson discussion and
during the end-of-unit interview. In the discussion she said:
... the children are interested, they are attentive, many of them are asking very good
questions and making excellent observations. They are following things that are
occurring to them which have come up from the study, things which haven't come
directly from me. (T5/D11/95b)

During the whole class discussions, the students in this class posed many
questions of their own. Teacher 5 identified some of these as 'good' questions,
focusing the students on them and recording them in her work book. Teacher 5
revisited these questions during a lesson towards the end of the unit (T5/FN11/95b).
For example, one 'good' question was 'Why are there more volcanoes in the pictures
of dinosaurs? Were there more volcanoes then?'. Teacher 5 and a group of seven
students investigated this question during one lesson (T5/FN3/95b) and two students
pursued this question during class time over a period of two weeks with occasional
help from the teacher. Teacher 5 stated that two other students had written up their
answer to this question in their books (T/I/95b).
Another example of a teaching activity that enabled teacher 5 to make divergent
formative assessments was towards the end of the unit, when the teacher asked each
student to present three tasks of their choosing to the class. The teacher intended that
this provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate to her and their peers what
they had learnt. Most students presented one of the set tasks, usually the volcano
activity. Two students presented more detailed information on the tectonic plates.
Another example of divergent assessment was the teacher's focus on the students
making connections and linking ideas to everyday contexts because her purpose was
to determine what sense the students were making of the learning tasks. As the
teacher planned for the students to do this, it was also a feature of her convergent
assessment. These two approaches to assessment were interlinked.
Teacher 5's divergent formative assessment tended to be of the science ideas her
students had developed as a result of pursuing questions which were posed by them or
other students in the class, and of how they linked their scientific ideas to their
everyday lives. Her convergent formative assessment tended to be of the students'
personal and social development. For example, she intended the students to develop
further their skills of locating information and she formatively assessed to see if they
were using these skills. Convergent formative assessment also included many of her
short term goals (for the unit or for the task) for the students' science learning, as she
assessed their engagement with a particular task and their development of an
understanding of a particular scientific concept.

Teacher 5 indicated that she thought that there was an impact on the learning of
the divergent and convergent formative assessment. For example, she considered that
specifying her summative assessment requirements too soon could affect the quality
and depth of her students' learning. Within the unit which was observed, she had
planned for her students to explore questions which interested them. She stated that
seeing her students happy to be doing science, asking questions and suggesting
answers was one of the joys of teaching. She considered that when she told the
students of her summative assessment requirements, they shifted their focus slightly.
They then wanted to know how, what and when she wanted them to learn:
What I did notice though ... there was, to me, a slight change in their attitude when I
issued the sheets about assessment. They have been really enjoying going through this
unit. The moment assessment is mentioned, there is a shift in their attitude, the way they
feel. All of a sudden they want to be specific. When is it due? What is due? They need
to know. ... it will be interesting to see if that happy, happy attitude, happy to be doing
science attitude, just shifts a gear, now that they know what the assessment is. This is
why ... I do always like to tell them the purpose of the study at the beginning of a unit
but I don't always like to tell them how it's going to be assessed. Not until they need to
know because I want them to get into it and start enjoying and gaining. I want to see
them growing with no, what they consider, ulterior motives. (T5/D11/95b)

Teacher 5 wanted to encourage divergent learning. She stated that she felt that
introducing her convergent assessment tasks too soon, albeit convergent summative
assessment, encouraged the students to become more convergent in their learning. Her
summative assessment consisted of requiring the students to complete the set tasks
and investigations, their presenting three items of interest to them to the class,
completing a self-assessment and a test on scientific content. The researcher observed
that the students in the group, of which she was part, became more focused on
completing the tasks after they learned of the teacher's requirements. They discussed
the number of tasks they had done and compared their work. However, it was difficult
to determine whether this was because they restricted the scope of their interest and
learning or because they had a time deadline to meet.
In summary, Teacher 5's purposes for learning and assessment related to the
students' personal, social and science development. Teacher 5's purposes for her
students' personal and social development tended to be long term, her goals for the
year. Her purposes for her students' science learning were usually associated with the
unit or lesson, although she intended that the students link their school science with
their everyday experiences within of all the science units. Teacher 5 used both
convergent and divergent formative assessments.


The fourth aspect of documenting formative assessment is that of the learning
situations in which formative assessment was done. The students in the class
observed in this case study were involved in three main learning situations. These
were the whole class discussions, small group work on tasks and questions, and
watching a video. Each of these learning situations produced a particular formative
assessment environment. Within each of these situations, teacher 5 gathered
information from the class and from individual students. She gathered the assessment

information using questioning, listening and observation, each of which provided her
with different forms of information. In these situations, she planned for and then
elicited information, she created opportunities which facilitated her gathering of
formative assessment information and she took advantage of opportunities as they
arose. In each of the three learning situations, how, what and from whom she
gathered information varied, In the following analysis, each learning situation will be
analysed using these features.

Whole class discussions

In the unit of work described in this case study, teacher 5 started each lesson with a
whole class sharing and discussion time. The whole class discussions provided the
teacher with the opportunity for informal, on-going formative assessment of the class
and individual students.
In the whole class situation, she was able to observe who contributed and listened
to the discussion and the range and depth of the ideas. She was also able to question
the students in order to probe their understanding. As the topics of the discussions
were determined by the what the students brought to class, it is interpreted that this
situation provided her with opportunities to collect information on the students'
interests and understanding. The students also questioned each other and this provided
the teacher with further insights into their thinking. As the students' existing
knowledge and the links they were developing were articulated, the teacher was able to
assess their understanding and learning. She was able to undertake divergent
assessment. For example, when the class discussed why the top layer of the soil is
usually darker, one student suggested that it was sunburnt (T5/FN10/95b). This
student returned to this explanation in subsequent discussions on soil layers. When
teacher 5 introduced a topic for discussion, for example the composition of soil
(T5/FN10/95b), she was also able to undertake convergent assessment of individual's
science explanations, their confidence and ability in speaking within a group.
The whole class situation also enabled her to formatively assess the scientific
understandings which were developing within the class. For example, on one
occasion, she put up on the board, a summary of the questions the class had generated
during previous discussions. She asked the students to indicate if they considered they
could now answer these questions. She stated she often used this technique to assess
the general level of understanding in the class:
...again I just asked some general questions. ... when you ask general questions you can
usually gauge, by the number of children who respond, how well the information has
gone in. I think that I use that quite a lot. (T5/D11/95b)

In this manner, she obtained a 'general impression' of the students' or class's

knowledge at that point.
Teacher 5's opportunity for eliciting information on all the members of a class of
thirty students, using whole class discussion, was constrained by many factors. One
of these factors, which was highlighted by this teacher on several occasions, was that
it was only possible to elicit information from students who contributed to the

discussion. Teacher 5 stated she considered that only highly motivated and confident
students spoke in this situation:
... not everybody will get assessed in the general stage. It is only those highly motivated
kids who are good at talking, the confident ones. (T5/D11/95b)
By using whole class discussion to elicit information on her students’ learning
and interests, the teacher appreciated that she only collected information on a random
sample of her students - those students who were confident and highly motivated. She
stated that if she felt it was essential for every child to speak, she used small groups:
... If I wanted every one to have a say I would use small groups. In a whole group,
there is a danger the dominant kids, the knowledgeable kids, the confident kids, will do
all the talking. If they’re giving good information, which is sensible, makes sense and
leads to further discussion then my job is to encourage as many different kids as
possible to take part in the discussion. There are some children who resist it absolutely.
L does. The resistance from her is amazing. (T5/D14/95b)

Teacher 5 described a strategy she used to complement the random gathering of

information by checking whom she had information on, and then systematically
eliciting formative assessment information on the other students :
So what I’ve got to do at this stage, is sit down ... and go through the roll and say: Right,
I’m happy about these people here. I know that they are good at talking, they’ve got
the words, the vocab, they’ve got sound, sensible ideas. I haven’t heard anything from
these children, this group of kids so I’ve got to get to them. And then there are other
children I’m not certain about and I’ll have to go to them. That’s what I intend to do.
... you’ve got to go to the groups, to validate it (the information) in a way. ... you go to
the groups to follow up on the kids who didn’t have any input in the general discussion
and find out where they are. (T5/D14/95b)

For teacher 5, the issue of ‘validation’ of the information gained through whole
class discussions involved another issue. When students were asked to volunteer to
answer questions in the whole class situation, it was not possible to determine
whether those who didn’t answer did so because they didn’t know the answer or
because they lacked the confidence or the desire to respond.
Teacher 5 used a formal written summative assessment at the end of the unit in
order to elicit information on all students:
These other less confident kids, the ones who are definitely gaining what I want them
to gain, I’ll pick up on them when I formalise my assessment. This is that each child will
present three tasks ... they will do a written assessment .... (T5/D12/95b)

Using a global, informal and random technique, such as formatively assessing

students‘ contributions during whole class discussions, was a technique which was
useful for gathering specific information about some students and a general
impression of student knowledge. Teacher 5 also elicited more detailed information
using more targeted techniques. She often discussed her technique of moving from
gaining a general impression to more detailed and specific information about
individual’s understanding withtheresearcher(T5/FN6, 11,12/95b).
In summary, teacher 5 was aware of the limitations of using whole class
discussion as a technique for gathering detailed and specific information on all the
students. However, it was a technique which enabled her to collect divergent and
convergent assessment information on student interests and ideas in the form of
explanations. She was also able to assess student confidence and speaking ability.

Watching a video

The second learning situation used by teacher 5 was watching a video. During this
unit, the students watched a video on volcanoes and the teacher spoke of the formative
assessment information she had elicited in this situation. For example, while the
students were watching a video she asked three students to move forward. She
described this episode during the end of lesson interviews:
... And there were three children who were really struggling. There were too many
distractions between them and the video. That's why I moved them forward. (Right, so
how did you pick that up, that they were struggling?) Because I watched them.

In this instance, she was observing the class and she identified individual students
who were having difficulty with the task. She moved these students, an action which
she considered would reduce the distractions for them.

Small group situations

The third learning situation, which teacher 5 used to elicit formative assessment
information, was small group situations. The class spent a part of most lessons
working in small groups on the assigned tasks and worksheets. During the small
group work, teacher 5 circulated around the class, talking to the students and looking
at their books. The atmosphere at this time was relaxed, with students working on
the assigned tasks or on questions which interested them. This created an environment
in which the students were responsible for their learning and were observed to
approach the teacher and show her their work or ask her questions. This situation
created many opportunities for informal, on-going formative assessment by the
teacher and the students. At this time, teacher 5 was able to undertake convergent and
divergent formative assessment of the students' learning by observing their work,
questioning them and listening to their answers and their questions. She was able to
deliberately assess some aspects of the student learning and to notice others. For
example, during one lesson she systematically assessed how close each student was to
completing the set tasks by looking at their books (T5/FN12/95b). During another
lesson, she handed out a task which involved the students identifying and naming the
tectonic plates. She then assessed the students' progress with and understanding of the
concepts in this task (T5/D10/95b). After another lesson, she told the researcher that
some students didn't understand the concepts associated with soil, land forms and ore
(T5/FN10/95b). The teacher assessed the students' understanding of concepts and the
requirements of the task by talking to them and looking at their books.
Teacher 5 observed the students during the small group work. For example,
during one lesson, the researcher worked on the floor with two students who were
endeavouring to classify rocks. The students had noticed a link between some types of
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. When teacher 5 came over to talk to them, they
explained their idea to the teacher. During the end of lesson discussion, teacher 5
asked the researcher if she had contributed this particular idea as presumably, she had
observed the interaction between the researcher and the students (T5/FN7/95b). On

other occasions, teacher 5 was observed by the researcher to identify students who
were looking unhappy and then to spend time with them.
Teacher 5 appeared to collect a considerable amount of formative assessment
information through informal observation and discussion with students during small
group work time. Some of it she planned to collect. Other information she collected
as the opportunity arose. She collected convergent and divergent assessment
information in the form of student questions and verbal and written explanations.
In summary, the learning situations and activities which teacher 5 provided
appeared to structure the type and scope of the formative assessment information she
was able to gather. Each of the three learning situations, used by teacher 5 within the
observed unit, enabled her to collect different formative assessment information using
questioning, listening and observation.


A fifth aspect of formative assessment worth noting is the methods used by the
teacher to elicit infomation. Teacher 5 used the methods of gathering assessment
information which were described by the ten teachers in the first phase of the research
(Cowie and Bell, 1995). In particular she used observations, questions and listening
to students.

Observing students

Teacher 5 used observations to collect formative assessment information in all three

learning situations. Observation appeared particularly useful for informally assessing
the social development of a class; how the class was working; and whom was
working with whom. The data in this case study also suggested it was useful for
formatively assessing who was contributing what ideas and for gaining a 'general
impression' of the level of scientific knowledge within the class. Looking at student
books, both systematically and in response to student requests, teacher 5 obtained
more detailed information on individual student thinking as the students were
recording their own ideas in their books. Through observation, teacher 5 was able to
deliberately collect particular formative assessment information and to gather other
information by creating or noticing formative assessment opportunities.
Teacher 5 consciously organised the physical environment to facilitate her
opportunity to observe the students during their learning. She positioned the
resources, which the students used during the unit, along a bench in front of her desk.
The students gathered at this bench to look at the resources and usually talked to each
other about their ideas while they were doing so. By positioning the resources in
front of her desk, the teacher maximised her opportunity for observing these
interactions. On one occasion, at the end of a lesson, she spoke with obvious
pleasure of observing one student helping another. She described this a something she
strove to promote but didn't often have the opportunity to observe:

K and A wandered to the books. K had asked the question 'What is an oil rig' She had
no idea what an oil rig was. A was picking up some books and saying 'There are some
books here about oil rigs K’. ..... It was really good that A helped her. ... it's not a
surprise that these kids do it, I mean, that's what I hope for all the time. I say to them,
help one another, ask one another questions. If you've got something that will help
somebody else, give it to them, tell them, let them have it. I say these things, but then,
sometimes I feel I'm waiting in vain to see it happen. ... I suspect that it does happen a
lot, more than I think it does. You've just got to be in the right place at the right time to
see it. ... And having the resources right in front of the teacher's desk helps ...

Teacher 5 was sensitive to and noticed what was happening within the classroom,
and was able to 'be in the right place at the right time' to gain insight into student
learning as it was developing. For example, she was fortunate to be watching one
student while she was replying to a question:
She volunteered some information to try and relate the stuff up there to 'The Storehouse
Earth theme. She was on the right track. She felt good about that ... I was standing
there beside her and I could see her face and reactions. (T5/D14/95b)

During this episode, she was also able to observe another student who indicated
by her body language that she also understood the ideas involved:
There are still some kids like A ... (she lacks) the confidence to speak up ... in a class
situation, I could see from her reaction ... that she was saying quietly, while J was
speaking, ... she was on the right track as well. She was feeling a bit more confident but
not confident enough. (T5/D14/95b)

Teacher 5's observation of student learning was often supplement by or occurred

concurrently with questioning and listening to students.

Listening to and questioning students.

Two other methods used by teacher 5 to elicit formative assessment information were
listening to and questioning students. These techniques were usually used in
conjunction with each other, although teacher 5 also spent time listening to the
student-to-student discussion during the whole class discussions. Teacher 5 was
observed to use listening and questioning to elicit formative assessment information
on both the class and on individual students. These methods provided general and
detailed information on the students' learning, what they know, understand and can do,
depending on the situation and the questions asked. These methods were used for the
convergent or divergent formative assessment of student learning. Their use was both
planned for or arose as a consequence of the structure of the learning situation or the
organisation of the environment. Either the teacher or the student was able to initiate
the interaction.
Formative assessment information was gathered by teacher 5 by listening to,
questioning and observing students. How the assessment information was gathered
was determined to some extent on what and why teacher 5 wanted the information.
Consideration needs to be given to how the quality of the assessment information
was affected by how it was gathered.

Influences on the quality of assessment information

Teacher 5 considered that many factors influenced the type and quality of the
formative assessment information she was able to gather from her students. When the
method of gathering the information involved dialogue between her and the students,
teacher 5 stated that she considered a students' motivation and confidence, their
mastery of the language of the subject and their ability to articulate their ideas could
influence the quality ofthe information she gathered. The first factor, that of student
confidence in speaking, was discussed earlier. The second factor was a student's ability
to articulate their ideas. For example, students were required to present to the class a
task which they had completed. One student volunteered to do this:
... So I think A was still on the surface of her piece of work. Maybe she had been
relying on having K being there to help her out and she had been encouraged to do it
by herself. Maybe A is just not very good at explaining her ideas sometimes. ... I need
to look further at her. ... to see what (she can do) and to take notice of the fact that
when those others tried to help her out, she said, 'Oh yes' and she tried to chime in over
the top of them. ... but if she was just left to her own devices she wouldn't do herself
justice. (T5/D12/95h)

On another occasion she said of this student:

There are still some kids, like A ..., (who lack) the confidence to speak up, ...
because A knows that she struggles with a lot of the technical stuff and she doesn't
want to use wrong words ... (T5/D14/95b)

Teacher 5 indicated that she was concerned that the student might not do herself
justice in these situations. It appeared that the teacher attributed this to the students'
confidence and ability to use vocabulary, and to articulate her ideas. She stated she
needed to be aware of these issues and to provide the student with other opportunities
to demonstrate their learning. She spoke of this again in terms of the variation in
confidence and learning styles of her students:
... So you see it comes back to learning styles doesn't it? ... some kids prefer to be in
small groups and we've been in a large group a lot of the time. You see that (being in
a large group)would have scared a lot of my Form 2 kids off. ... Some kids prefer to be
in small groups ..... it is very important to provide a lot of different sort of situations.

Student confidence was also associated with their opportunity to be assessed.

Teacher 5 commented on the necessity she felt to monitor the influence of a student's
confidence on the student's opportunities to be assessed and the impression the
student made on her as the teacher:
... The confidence thing is important because often children do know the answer but
they just do not have confidence to say it. It is very easy to over-rate children's
knowledge because they are very confident. I have one student who is very confident
but her knowledge is still very limited. On first impressions you might think 'Oh yes,
she's good, she has a lot to say and she's very interested'. But she wastes time when
speaking and doesn't say anything specific ... (T5/D14/95b)

Teacher 5 was aware that when she and a student were talking with each other, it
was necessary that both of them to construct similar meanings for questions and

answers, On one occasion, teacher 5 discussed an incident during which she had asked
a student a question and the student had not been able to respond, She said:
When I asked her a question, she didn't answer it. I later realised that she did know the
answer. Maybe she didn't realise what I was trying to get at. It wasn't until I said 'Was
the bottle this shape?'(she motioned with her hands) ... I've got to make sure that what
I'm saying is what they hear and what I mean is what they understand. Often we
assume they understand and they don't. .... I have done a unit on the responsibility of
the speaker and the responsibility of the listener. ... They (the students) don't consider
that the listener ... has got to concentrate, focus and imagine what the implications are
for them and then ask a question. (T5/D10/95b)

In this instance, although teacher 5 acknowledged her own responsibilities for

ensuring that the student understood what she required, she stated that both the
speaker and the listener had responsibilities. During a previous interview, she had
elaborated on what she considered her students' responsibilities for assessment:
They all have the opportunity of adding questions on there (on the board). ... they can
get somebody else to ask their question too. ... At other times of the day, I talk to the
kids about their responsibility. 1 tell them, 'I'm not a mind reader'. If they've got a
question, which I haven't answered ... and maybe 1 should have answered or I should
have had the question answered in some other way, if I haven't done that, they've got
a responsibility in the process, they've got to help me with this. (T5/D14/95b)

It is interpreted that she considered that any understandings were mutually

constructed and that both the teacher and the student(s) had a responsibly for ensuring
this was accomplished. Interpreting a question was problematic for this teacher as
well. During one lesson, the teacher and the researcher formed two different
interpretations of a question which a student asked (T5/D10/95b).
The influence on the assessment information of the techniques used to gather it,
suggested that formative assessment information is, in part, a product of the
techniques used to gather it. Teacher 5 suggested that what information she gathered,
particularly that which was gathered through her questioning and listening to a
student, was a product of the interaction between her and the student. This suggests
that the interaction or method of gathering the information would impact on the
honesty, accuracy, representatives and usefulness of the information to both the
teacher and the student(s). In the best case scenario, the teacher and the student(s)
would co-operate to produce the formative assessment information. This would help
ensure that the formative assessment information is accurate and useful to both,
something which is necessary if either are to effectively act on the information. In the
class observed during this case study, the students often volunteered information. For
example, teacher 5 spoke of finding out about student learning because the students
came and told her:
They are following things that are occurring to them that have come up from the study,
they haven't come directly from me. ...(So when you say they are following, how do
you know they are following?) Because they ask a question, they come back a little bit
later and say: 'Look what I've found about what I was asking you about'.

The following-up could be as a consequence of the climate in classroom, the level

of interest in the topic or the learning activities which the teacher used. There were
many opportunities for the teacher and the student to interact informally. The teacher
also actively encouraged students to take responsibility for their learning and to

contribute ideas. Teacher 5 thought that some students enjoyed sharing their ideas
(T5/D11/95b) and she considered that she gained insights into the students' learning
through this process:
(A) she had some input today. She has been quiet until today. I think this is a sign.
When you start to make connections you want to verify them and so you ask for this. I
think this was what she was doing. (T5/D12/9Sb)

The student was prepared to share her developing understanding. Hence, teacher
was able to gather a relatively accurate insight into what the student was learning and
how the student perceived her learning as progressing.
In this section, teacher 5's techniques for gathering different assessment
information have been linked to her purposes for gathering it. The possible
limitations and impact of some different techniques have been discussed. The
interpretation of assessment information will be discussed in the next section.


Another component in the formative assessment process to be noted was the

interpretation of any assessment information before action is taken on it. The
literature suggests that assessment is usually norm-referenced, criterion-referenced or
ipsative assessment (Wiliam, 1992) . Teacher 5 appeared to make ipsative and
criterion-referenced interpretations of the assessment information she collected during
the lessons. It is assumed that she made norm-referenced judgements when she was
planning the unit, as she would have taken into account what the usual, normal or
average group of students of this year group would be able to understand and learn in
the unit being planned. It is interpreted that at this time she made decisions about
what learning experiences and outcomes were appropriate for the class, based on her
knowledge ofyear 8 (aged 12-13 years) students. The teacher's ipsative and criterion-
referenced assessments are now discussed in turn.

Ipsative Interpretations

Ipsative assessment is when a student is assessed against her or his own previous
performance and is an important component of formative assessment when a teacher
wishes to interact with a student's thinking in order to better mediate learning.
Teacher 5's frequent, unprompted, use of the word 'expected' while talking to the
researcher was interpreted as a key indicator that she used ipsative interpretation on
the assessment information she gathered from the class and from individual students.
In order to expect something to occur, or to be surprised, it is necessary to have
established a basis for that expectation. It was interpreted that the teacher had
previously assessed her students and had arrived at a judgement about their level of
knowledge, skills or their attitudes. These previous judgements were what formed the
basis for her interpretation of new information. That is, she compared a student or the
class with their own previous performances. She used ipsative assessment. For
example, when speaking generally of individuals her comments suggested that she

expected that particular students would understand new ideas and be able to complete
tasks (T5/D10/95b).
She continued this comment by naming several students who had not met her
expectations. After another lesson, which included an extensive debate on whether or
not substances expand in the cold, she said:
Well, there was assessment in that it was great to know L didn't let me down and my
assessment of her is correct. (T5/D15/95b)

She also spoke of having expectations of the class and she appeared to interpret
the information she had gathered on the basis of her prior knowledge of the student or
class. Sometimes the new information matched with her prior knowledge in that she
found out what she expected. At other times, the new information did not match her
expectations and she was surprised by it (T5/D15/95b), She spoke of being surprised
that particular students were coping and others weren't:
... the surprise comes occasionally when I think so and so will have a problem and I go
over there and she's right on task, it's making sense to her. And then some other
person whom I think should be fine, I’ll just let her get on with it, asks me a question,
and says, 'Can you help me because I don't understand this kind of thing'. (So did that
happen today?) Yes it did. There ... was a student who I thought would have
understood, who wouldn't have had a problem interpreting the map, and she had to
clarify it. Over there (she pointed to where the student sat), she needed an extra
question to keep pointing in the right direction. A person over here whom I thought
might be confused by it, she was actually right onto it, ... she had seen there were two
lots of information and she was focusing on the plates which is the one that I really
wanted to focus on. And then this other person over here, she was struggling ... So that
was a bit of a surprise, I thought that she might have ... (T5/D10/95b)

For teacher 5 to use ipsative assessment, she must have previously formed an
impression of a student or the class. She must have had prior knowledge of a student.
Formative assessment is a process which is intended to assess and then inform
student learning during that learning. Within this process, the teacher's learning is
also promoted. Teacher 5 learnt about a student or the class and the effectiveness of
her teaching approaches. If it is assumed that the teacher's learning proceeds through
conceptual development, this raises the question of how teachers conceptualise their
prior knowledge of students. On one occasion, the teacher spoke of using new
information to refine the 'picture' she had of a student. This teacher stored her
knowledge as a picture of the student:
..... no I didn't find anything new about A ... what I did find out was, ... the picture I
have about A is a little bit clearer. On the surface of it, she looks like she's going OK
and understanding, but when you pin her down, so she in actual fact needs ....

It appears that the picture teacher 5 had of this student included her impression of
the depth of the student's understanding. Whether all teachers store their prior
knowledge of students in the form of a 'picture' is unknown, as is whether this
picture is linked with a teacher's gut feeling' judgements (Cowie and Bell, 1995).
By talking of being surprised by some students, teacher 5 highlighted the need for
on-going formative assessment. She stated that students do not always meet a
teacher's expectations and so on-going informal assessment is essential to ensure their

learning is maximised in every situation. She did not view the students as being
(So it was a surprise, yes she could. And then others, it was a surprise, no they can’t)
Imm, that’s right. ... that’s important because so often we group the children and we
have in terms of what we expect. We expect that some children won’t have problems,
they will follow what we say, because this is what they generally do most of the time.
... but it’s really important that we don’t do that all the time. That we do go and check
on these children. It maybe that the one time when they really need to be clearer on
what they understand, that’s when they are off the track. And you cannot just assume
that because most of the time they are on track that they will always be. (That they will
be then) and also I suppose, children who tend to have more difficulties following and
understanding, who take more time to develop an understanding, you assume that
they’ll take more time, every time. ... and there are times when it’s quite neat, because
in fact they’ve got onto it. (T5/D10/95b)

Here the teacher highlighted the need for on-going assessment.

In summary, teacher 5 used ipsative assessment as a basis for some of her
interpretations of the formative assessment information she gathered. In order to use
this form of assessment, she had to have made a prior judgement of the student.
Hence, interpreting the formative assessment information she had gathered involved
her in a process of conceptual development - conceptual development of her
knowledge of her students. She indicated that it was important that she undertook on-
going assessment of her students as they did not always meet her expectations.
While teacher 5 used ipsative assessment she also used criterion-referenced

Criterion-referenced interpretations

Criterion-referenced interpretations in formative assessment involve the teacher

comparing an individual’s or class’s performance on an objective with a predefined set
of criteria, which detail the levels at which the objective may be met. Such
assessments and interpretations are typically curriculum-referenced. In New Zealand,
The New Zealand Curriculum Framework (Ministry of Education, 1993a), details
the learning outcomes which the Ministry of Education considers should be promoted
within New Zealand schools. The Science in New Zealand Curriculum document
(Ministry of Education, 1993b) elaborates on these for a students’ science learning.
Teacher 5 was observed to use both task related criteria and concept-related criteria.

Task-related criteria
Teacher 5 formatively assessed whether the students understood the requirements of
the task being used to promote the learning. Such formative assessment was often
informal and on-going. Teacher 5 observed and listened to the students while they
were engaged in the task. It is interpreted that teacher 5 decided whether the students
understood the instructions, were able to use a piece of equipment or were able to
complete the task because they lacked the prerequisite understanding or knowledge.
Such formative assessment was seen as essential to ensure the students were able to
complete the task and for the smooth running of the classroom.

For example, teacher 5 assigned her students six tasks at the beginning of the unit
which was observed. She handed out additional material during the unit. On one
occasion, she handed out a map of the world with New Zealand and Australia in the
centre. The continental crusts, the tectonic plates and the sites of volcanoes were
marked on it. She asked the students to identify and colour the plates. During an end-
of-lesson discussion she said:
... I found out that the map was a little bit confusing for some students, not the ones that
perhaps I would have expected it. There were two lots of information on that map.
There were the crusts, the oceanic and the continental crusts, and also the plates. What
I wanted them to do was to fill in the key. And I don’t think I was that clear about that
... by the time I got to giving out instructions, I had given a few too many, ... and I
wasn’t clear enough on that. The ones who seemed to be confusing it, I knew they had
confused it, because they were colouring in the crusts, rather than the plates. .... I
talked with them about that and whether they could see the difference. ... It’s perfectly
obvious to some people, but to others was confusing. Yet if you choose another piece,
another map, those who were not confused might be and vice versa, so ... it’s a matter
of using a variety of things to get your point across, so that there’s something there for
everybody. (T5/D10/95b).

Here teacher 5 described formatively assessing the students by looking at their

work. She interpreted that they were confused because they were not colouring in the
map in the expected manner. Her criterion for the successful completion of the task
was that the students coloured in the tectonic plates. Through this criterion she gained
access to the conceptual criteria for the task. This was that the students could identify
the tectonic plates. In this case, the criteria for completing the task appeared to be
closely linked to the criteria for the conceptual learning within that task. It is
proposed that when the criteria for completing the task are simple, these may provide
easy access to evidence of a student’s conceptual understanding.

Concept-related criteria
When teachers plan their teaching to promote the understanding of a particular
concept, they are able to anticipate some of the criteria students will meet when they
are demonstrating their understanding of that concept. Teacher 5 emphasised
knowledge and the use of scientific vocabulary as criteria she used to make
judgements about the students‘ science content knowledge. For example:
J , E and B are very confident. What they think they know, they do know. Their
language is appropriate, they use the right words. These are the judgements I make
listening to them. (T5/D14/95b)

The use of appropriate vocabulary is one aspect of content. Depth of

understanding is another.
Teacher 5 also assessed the students’ ability to link the science they were learning
in the classroom to their everyday experiences. The data suggested that this ability
was also used as a criterion to assess the development of a student’s understanding of
science concepts. (T5/D12/95b)
In criterion-referenced assessment, it is common to detail four or five levels at
which a student may meet an objective. Formative assessment, often of necessity,
requires on-the-spot interpretation and action so it is possible that teachers would need
to use fewer levels in it (Bachor and Anderson, 1994). For example, teacher 5 spoke

of the two levels she used, general and specific knowledge. After questioning the
students as a group, she said:
... that showed me that, yes there's a lot of knowledge there now and that the next step
is perhaps to get children to make sure they are clear on this and start getting a bit more
specific. We've got a lot of general information coming through. Now we need to look
at some specific things, and I suppose that's why we launched into the worksheets
today, to sort of focus on specific things. (T5/D11/95b)

In this instance, teacher 5 used a two level criterion to judge the development of
student knowledge.

Other aspects of making interpretations

Teacher 5, like other teachers, was responsible for the progress and learning of the
class as well as that of individual students. Once a lesson had started, the need was to
assess the effectiveness of the learning activity in terms of the learning it was
promoting for the class as a whole. To do this, teacher 5 often interpreted the
formative assessment information to form a 'general impression' of the class based on
the number of students who were able to answer questions or complete tasks. For
example, when evaluating the video she had shown, teacher5 said:
... I just asked again some general questions. ... when you ask general questions usually
you can gauge how well the information has gone in by the number of children who
respond. ... I think that I use that quite a lot. If I only get one or two people, and I look
to see who it is, and if it's my really bright children, whom I know have the good skills,
good data gathering skills over a range of ways, then I think, ' OK this is maybe not
hitting the middle mark. ... And I've got to do something more. (T5/D11/95b)

In this instance, she not only noted the number of students who were responding
positively but also who those students were.
The teacher involved in this case study also interpreted a student's willingness to
offer suggestions during whole class discussions as reflecting the student's positive
self assessment of her own progress. For example, she said:
... the relevance of what we were talking about to their everybody life.(Was there
anything in particular that gave you clues to that some of them might be coming closer
to ...?)... She had some input today and she's been quite quiet up until today. ... I think
this is a sign. That when you start to make connections, you want to verify this and so
you ask. And I think that's what she was doing. I felt that E, she might have been
along the line a little bit further. (T5/D14/95b)

In summary, teacher 5 interpreted the formative assessment information she

gathered. To do this, she used norm-referenced, criteria-referenced and ipsative
interpretations. Ofthese, criteria-referenced and ipsative assessment were considered
most important for formative assessment. The interpretations teacher 5 made formed
the basis for her actions, which are discussed in the following section.


The next aspect of the process of formative assessment worth noting was the action
the teacher took. Teacher 5 had the possibility and choice of action once she had
gathered and interpreted the formative assessment information. It is proposed that
teacher 5 chose when she acted, with whom she acted and how she acted.

Retroactive, interactive and delayed forms of action

Teacher 5 acted retroactively, interactively and in a delayed way. In taking retroactive

action, the teacher and the student revisited the concepts or the learning task which
was being used to mediate the learning. For example, teacher 5 spoke of doing this
when she assessed that the students were having difficulty with identifying and
colouring the tectonic plates on a map. She talked with the student revisiting the
requirements of the task and the concepts involved:
There was lots of information ..... I don't think I made it clear ..... The ones who were
confusing it, I knew they were because they were colouring in the crusts rather than
the plates. I talked with them about that and whether they saw the difference and how
they could change it. (T5/D10/95b)

Teacher 5 also used interactive action. That is, she interacted with the student or
the class in the moment, on the basis of the understanding they were demonstrating at
the time. Teacher 5 often acted immediately, when information was collected during
on-going and informal interaction between the teacher and the student. The
information collected at this time usually indicated students were having difficulty
with a task or concept. For example, when interacting with another student over the
map in the example above, she suggested the student get out a simpler map, then she
and the student discussed this (T5/D10/95b). In this example, she used other materials
to help with the student's learning. At other times said she referred students to other
students whom she considered they would help or to books (T5/FN9/95b). For
example, when she assessed that the students were confusing the effects of heat and
cold, she asked some students to model particles being heated (T5/FN14/95b).
Teacher 5 also took immediate action when she assessed that individual students were
not meeting their expectations in the areas of personal and social development.
The students in the class involved in this case study appeared to interpret the fact
that the teacher was collecting and recording assessment information as an interactive
assessment action on her part. On one occasion, the teacher systematically assessed
how many tasks the students had completed. She recorded the names of those students
who were behind. It is interpreted that the students took this as an assessment action
because, when the teacher checked on them the next day, they had made considerable
progress with the tasks (T5/D12/95b). The teacher commented that with this
particular class the recording of names was sufficient to focus students on their work.
Teacher 5 also chose to defer the action she took - that is she took delayed action.
For example, on one occasion she interacted with individual students in the second
half of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, she told the researcher that the students

were confused over ideas to do with soil, land forms and ore (T5/D10/95b). She acted
on this information at the beginning of the next lesson, by leading a discussion on
soil and land forms (T5/FN10/95b). She did not consider she had sufficient time to
take action at the time when she collected the information.
Teacher 5 frequently stated that she tried not to give knowledge until there was a
reasonable level of interest and knowledge within the class. She referred to this as the
knowledge 'growing' within the class. She watched, listened and waited for this to
happen. On one occasion when she determined there was a general level of
knowledge, she handed out more specific photocopied information:
We've got a lot of general information coming through. Now we need to look at some
specific things. I suppose that's why we launched into the worksheets today, to sort of
focus on specific things. (T5/D11/95b)

It is proposed that the possibility of this type of delayed action often depends on
the time the teacher has available for the unit, the nature of the topic and how the
concepts and skills are connected within it. For example, this teacher followed up the
concept of the composition of soil on three occasions.
By waiting for knowledge to 'grow' within the class, the teacher was often able to
use students to input the information. For example, when students asked about the
nature and source of gases, she asked them to research this for homework. Those who
had followed this up shared their knowledge the next day (T5/D14/95b). On another
occasion, when the students debated whether substances expand or contract in the
cold, she facilitated sharing and interaction between the students based on their prior
knowledge and experiences of this. Her main contribution was to keep the discussion
focused and to draw it to a conclusion.

With whom did the teacher act?

Teacher 5 also had a choice of whom she acted with. Teacher 5 could gather and
interpret information from an individual or the class but she might then act with the
same student(s) or with others. For example, teacher 5 assessed that individual
students had misunderstood the concept of a land form and then discussed this with
the class. In this instance, the number of individuals with misunderstandings made it
more profitable for her to act with the group rather than with each individually. At
other times, she gathered information on the class's understanding and acted with the
class. For example, teacher 5 gathered information which confirmed that the majority
of the class did not have scientifically acceptable conceptions of the effects of heat on
solids. She included all students in the resolution of their confusion through the use
of a whole class discussion (T5/FN14/95b). Teacher 5 also gathered information from
individuals and then interacted with that individual (T5/D10/95b).

Factors informing the teacher's actions

Two factors were identified as informing the teacher's actions, namely knowledge and
experience, and finding out that the students had understood.

Knowledge and experience

How teacher 5 acted appeared to be informed in part by her experience and confidence
with the topic and the class. For example, when the class confused the effects of cold
on solids, teacher 5's main input was to ask questions which focused the class on the
issue of expansion. She also occasionally supported the students' examples with
personal anecdotes (T5/FN14/95b). During the end of lesson discussion, teacher 5
stated that she wanted to give her students an opportunity to put forward their ideas
on the topic (T5/D14/95b). She said she was confident that they recognised this as a
strategy she used. She also stated she considered the concept was one with which they
had many everyday experiences and that she was confident that she understood the
concept fully. It was significant to the teacher that there was a right and wrong
answer. She had prior experience in teaching this concept and was confident that the
class would negotiate an understanding that most substance expand with heat:
What might have been critical at one stage was that they all seemed, as a group, that
they were absolutely adamant they were right. At one point I thought to myself ... I
thought 'Have I got it wrong?' or 'Have I got it right but what I'm saying is wrong?' So
that it was right in my mind but what was coming out of my mouth was wrong. ... then I
thought 'No, I've been doing this for such a long time and it's an everyday occurrence'.
It isn't one of those scientific theories which gets talked about in science and never
again. It is an everyday thing, expansion (T5/D14/9Sb) (So was it important that it was
a right and wrong and it was very clear cut?) Yes because I knew that ... I was pretty
confident that the examples they were going to bring were going to fit or they wouldn't.

In this instance, teacher 5's knowledge of her class, her teaching style, the content
and her experience with teaching it all contributed to the action she took in this case.
Given her confidence and experience with this topic, her action was to allow the
students to resolve the matter for themselves.

Finding out that the student had understood

How teacher 5 acted also appeared to be informed in part by her finding out that the
students had understood. Teacher 5 described how she would find out that the students
were learning what she expected and then carrying on (as the action taken):
The general (information) is generally in the form of what I'm expecting to find out
and I do find out and this is why ... when nobody else is in the classroom, there's just
me in the class, I find it out and I think 'Yes', and I carry on. When somebody asks me
specifically about that, I've got to say, perhaps I'm finding out more at that time than I
thought. (T5/D11/95b)

During the end of lesson discussions, teacher 5 often spoke of finding out what
she expected to find out. As she stated in the last quotation, she was surprised by just
how much she had found out during the lesson. On another occasion when she found
out that learning was proceeding satisfactorily, she spoke of her mental picture of a
student, which was the accumulation of her year's interactions with the student and
she updated it when she gathered additional information:
A , ... I didn't find anything new about A but I did find out was, ... what I found is a
bit clearer, the picture I have about A__ is a little bit clearer. ... on the surface of it
she looks like she's going Ok and understanding but when you pin her down...

It is assumed that the teacher used her mental pictures of individual students as the
basis of her ipsative interpretation of the information she collected and any
individualised action she took with a student.
Teacher 5 had also formed general impressions of the class, which she used to
inform her actions. The maintenance and refinement of these pictures was therefore an
important action as a part of formative assessment which was responsive to either the
class or individual needs. For example, after the class watched a video, the teacher
asked some general questions. In order to decide what to do next, she observed how
many and who in the class could answer her questions. She then continued by stating
that she considered the video was meeting the needs of most of the students, but that
if it hadn't been, she would have supplemented this activity with other material
(T5/D11/95b). When teacher 5 spoke of being surprised, expecting students to do
something, or when she talked of the need to continually assessing students, it is
interpreted that she was aware of and continuously updating mental picture of the
students (T5/D 10,11,12,14/95b).

Evaluating the formative assessment action

Teacher 5 sometimes evaluated her formative assessment actions. For example, after a
discussion on what constituted a landform, during which time each student had
contributed their ideas, the teacher asked the class if they understood. The class
replied in unison that they did. In this instance, she evaluated her action by asking the
class. However, perhaps in recognition of the limitations of this strategy, she stated
to the researcher during the end-of-lesson interview that she doubted every student had
grasped this idea and that she would follow it up again later. Teacher 5 also asked
individual students if they had understood. For example, a student asked a question
and she answered. She then asked the student if her reply was appropriate:
I asked her, 'Is that what you meant?' and she said 'Sort of. (T5/D14/95b)

Teacher 5 sometimes moved through more than one cycle of the formative
assessment process to produce the intended change in student or class understanding.
For example, when a student told her that she didn't understand a map, the teacher
initially asked the student to ask her a question which would help. When the student
was unable to do this, they took out a simpler map and looked at it together.
In summary, the substance and form of the formative assessment action, which
was taken by this teacher, was complex. It was influenced by how she gathered and
interpreted the information which precipitated the action. It was informed by factors
associated with her knowledge of and experience with teaching the subject and with
her knowledge of and experience with the student or class. Within this framework,
teacher 5 chose when, with whom and how she acted.

The aspects involved in the process of formative assessment have each been explored
separately, namely the setting, the teachers' views of teaching, learning and

assessment, and the purposes for doing it. These aspects are interrelated and
interdependent in that each aspect has consequences for the next. By considering each
aspect in the process, it is possible to gain an insight into their individual
complexities. However, in order to appreciate the reality of a classroom and the
significance of their interaction, it is necessary to reflect on the complete process of
formative assessment as it affects the teacher and students. Three formative
assessment episodes or cameos from the classroom observations of teacher 5 will
now be presented.


Formative assessment in this classroom was characterised by its integration into the
teaching/learning process, a high degree of student choice and the teacher’s assessment
of students’ social and personal development as integral to and supportive of their
learning ofscience. Teacherand student formative assessment actions were supported
by the expectation that ideas would be shared and respected, and that there was a weak
boundary constructed by the activities and teacher feedback, between school science
and student’s everyday experiences.
Assessment in the case study classroom is illustrated through three cameos. The
cameos are considered to be episodes, where an episode is defined as all that happens
from the time when the teacher started collecting the assessment information to when
she or he had finished carrying out and evaluating her or his action.

Cameo: Soil composition

The time when the class discussed soil composition is presented as a cameo to
illustrate the integration between formative assessment, teaching and learning; the
influence of the weak boundary that had been constructed between school science and
the students’ and teacher’s everyday experiences; and the teacher’s waiting for the
knowledge of the class to ‘grow’,
The teacher’s response to finding a number of students had an alternative
understanding of the composition of soil through interaction during small group
work, was to pose a question to the whole class at the beginning of the next lesson.
The episode was field noted as:
The teacher asked the class: ‘Why is the top layer of soil darker?’ Students responded
by suggesting the soil became sunburnt in the same way people do, they described
burnt cakes, the colour of dry areas, the colour of compost, the top layer of the soil
when they were on camp (the class had gone on a class camp earlier in the year) and
the colour of damp soil. Twenty students contributed anecdotes from their experiences
to this discussion. The teacher also contributed anecdotes on the use of compost in her
garden, going on camp and the colour of the soil in the school quad. It was agreed that
the top layer of soil was usually darker but no consensus explanation of why emerged.
The teacher concluded the discussion by stating ‘I think we made progress on that
question. Are there any questions?’. No one replied. (T5/FN10/95b).

This episode illustrates the teacher’s typical response to finding out students’ held
alternative conceptions. The questions she posed elicited student ideas while
simultaneously providing feedback.

The episode was of interest because the patterns of discussion established during
the whole class sharing times at the beginning of each lesson, were crucial to the
viability of the teacher’s action. It was characteristic in that twenty students drew on
their experiences and contributed anecdotes. The students’ immediate contribution of a
wide range of ideas that suggested they viewed school science as linked to their
everyday experiences. The teacher’s own contributions during this episode also
supported this linking. Her action was consistent with the value she said she placed
on students linking what they were learning with their everyday lives (T5/D18/95b).
The teacher’s response to the students’ uncertainty about soil composition was
also characteristic in that she introduced this as a topic for discussion on two other
occasions. On each occasion, she encouraged students to contribute ideas and to seek
out more information for themselves. She only input information herself on the last
occasion. The development of the students’ ability to conduct research (a personal
skill) and share the results of their research with others (a social skill) was one of the
teacher’s long term goals for student learning (T5/D11/95b). She used this strategy
because she considered sharing their ideas developed understanding (T5/D10/95b).
Hence, the teacher’s assessment of her students’ personal and social development
was also linked with her assessment of their science development.
The teacher’s delay in inputting information was derived from the view that she
needed to wait for the development of collective knowledge (T5/D8/95b). She viewed
the class as an ‘organism’ whose knowledge and interest ‘grew’ and monitoring the
development of this knowledge was a particular focus during the discussions at the
beginning of each lesson. She explained this action when analysing a discussion of
rock types:
This morning we tried to talk on rock types but there was not sufficient knowledge to
sustain a conversation therefore I will seek to encourage knowledge in this areas and
wait until the collective knowledge and interest is great enough before we proceed. ...
In this case we will move out sideways and wrap back (T5/D5/95b))

As a number of students reported to the class on ideas they had explored, for
example the nature of alluvial soil (T5/FN4/95b), composition and use of natural gas
(T5/FN6/95b), it appeared this approach fostered the view that students were able to
contribute to each other’s learning.
Another example of the use of planned formative assessment occurred when the
teacher noticed that some students were uncertain as to what counted as a land form.
This next cameo illustrates the variation in the actions the teacher took.

Cameo: Land forms

One of the set tasks for the unit required the students to draw a map of the landforms
in the local area. The teacher noticed some of the students were confused as to what
constituted a landform, for example, were lakes and trees landforms? The next day,
during the whole class discussion time, she asked each student in the class to suggest
a land form and identified whether or not the student was correct. She elaborated on
some local examples, such as Hinuera stone. Next, she checked whether the students
could identify counter examples, for example, she asked, ‘Are forests a land form?’.

(This had come up as an example during a previous lesson.) (T5/FN9,10/95b). She

concluded the session by asking, ‘Any questions?’. The students assured her they
understood the idea.
This episode is of interest because the teacher’s actions contrast with those in the
previous Cameo: Soil Composition. The topic involved understanding a definition
and the teacher required every student to disclose their thinking. She used her
authority to legitimate some students’ examples as land forms. In addition, she
assessed the effectiveness ofher action by asking the students to differentiate between
examples and counter examples of landforms and concluded the lesson by providing
an opportunity for students to seek further help,
Another episode that illustrated the complex and situated nature of formative
assessment in this classroom occurred when a student presented her investigation of
weathering to the class.

Cameo: Expanding and Contracting

The students were required to present the results of their exploration two questions to
the class as part of their summative assessment. They were able to choose when and
what they presented. This cameo began as a student was presenting her findings
about the effect of freezing a piece of wet chalk. The researcher was absent from the
classroom when the episode began. The episode was field noted from the time the
teacher asked for a show of hands to confirm whether the students thought metals
expanded or contracted when heated:
Nearly all students indicated they thought substances expand in the cold. A student
explained this by recalling what happened to the metal teeth on bridges.

The teacher asked eight students to move to the comer and to jump up and down. She
asked them if they needed more room to move when they did this and what had
happened to their temperature. A discussion followed as to whether this showed
substances expand when they are hotter or whether it showed that particles move
around more when they are heated.

The teacher encouraged the students to contribute their ideas and experiences and to
make sense of all contributions. A student recalled a ball and loop experiment the class
had performed the year before. She explained this as the ring contracting when it was
heated. One student suggested that telephone wires sag in the heat. Another said she
had been in Christchurch when it was really cold and the wires were sagging then.

The teacher asked for another vote on the issue. All but four of the students voted that
substances expand in the cold. The class suggested their previous teacher be asked
what happened.

By coincidence their previous teacher arrived and the case study teacher explained the
situation to her. The students’ previous teacher was obviously surprised at their views.
She left.

The discussion continued. One student suggested that it was the water that had
expanded not the rock. More students contributed evidence of solids contracting when
they cooled. They stated cakes contract as they cool, hair is longer when it is wet,
sultanas shrivel as they are dried. The teacher focused the students on the question.
More students contributed explanations which suggested the water expanded when the

rock was frozen. Other students explained that the ball and ring experiment as the ball
expanding when heated.

The teacher concluded the lesson by asking the students what they thought. All but
three students indicated they considered cold usually caused solids to contract.

This episode was of interest because it illustrated the divergent focus of the
teacher’s assessment, that is, she responded to student ideas even though the notion of
expansion and contraction was not part of her planned unit. The topic of expanding
and contracting was not a focus of the unit but Teacher 5 assessed that a student and
then a large number of students had scientifically unacceptable understandings. Her
action of encouraging the students to share and make sense of their experiences was
made possible in part because she had the autonomy to extend the lesson to give time
for debate. This action drew on and utilised the already established social norms that
students would share their ideas and experiences and respect the ideas of others. These
norms were such that three students were prepared to disagree with the consensus
opinion at the end of the lesson.
The students’ immediate contribution of their own experiences was consistent
with the weak distinction the teacher had maintained between science and the students’
everyday experiences. Presumably, it was also a reflection of the topic.
Interestingly, although the students used empirical evidence (albeit recalled) to
persuade each other, they deferred to the authority of their previous teacher when she
arrived. During this episode, the teacher’s asking the students to share ideas and reach
a consensus, along with her action of asking students to model expanding, construed
them as thoughtful and having ideas and experiences to offer. It served to represent
students as meaning makers, science as linked to their experience, scientific
explanations as making sense and consistent with empirical evidence.

The teacher’s view of the episode

The teacher described the episode as one in which she had encouraged the class to
deconstruct the idea of expansion and contraction:
Is that what you call deconstructing? ..... Breaking it down and finding out what the bits
are. What bits have we got? I think the bits were all there but they just had them in the
wrong order. So we had to take the concept apart and see what is was we were trying
to find out. (T5/D15/95b)

And then to reach a consensus:

I’d given some sort of clue as to what we were going to do. We were going to have to
agree on something and it was either this or that. Nothing in between. (T5/D15/95b)

Confidence in her understanding of the science, pedagogical skills and knowledge

of the students played an important role in her spontaneous action. She was
confident she understood the science as ‘there is no doubt about .. what heat will do
to metals’. She was confident, based on her experience of teaching the topic (her
pedagogical content knowledge), that the students would have everyday experiences to

I know there are lots of really good examples and I felt sure we could bring those
example to light and the kids would be convinced. ... It is an everyday thing,
expansion. (T5/D15/95b)

Her choice of action was influenced by her confidence the class had the skills to
reach a consensus and would recognise she intended them to do so:
I have confidence that I and they have developed certain skills and patterns. I think
they recognise this technique of discussing around. I don’t say ’No’ to someone. I say
‘Ummm’ and I go onto the next person. That indicates to children ‘Well that person
might have Rad an idea, but it was a bit deep, it was a bit hidden, or they weren’t on the
right track‘. But who knows. So I go onto the next person to see if they can give
something. It maybe critical, in that the technique may not be an option if you don’t
know your class. It is something you have got to develop. (T5/D15/95b)

And, that she had the skills to help the students ‘agree on something’. Even so,
her confidence in her understanding and her communication skills wavered during the
discussion when the class had seemed ‘absolutely adamant they were right’. This
prompted her to question her own understanding and communication skills:
‘Have I got it wrong?’ or ‘Have I got it right but what I‘m saying is wrong?’ at this
time. So that it was right in my mind but what was coming out of my mouth was wrong.

Teacher 5 indicated she had been surprised by the thinking of some of the
Well, there was assessment in that it was great to know L didn’t let me down and my
assessment of her is correct. I was a bit stunned at J being on the fence and E begin on
totally the wrong track. ... (T5/D15/95b)

She reported she was satisfied that all but three students understood the ideas of
expanding and contracting at the end of the lesson.

Student perceptions of the episode

This episode was discussed with two students, who entered the room while the
researcher was talking with the teacher immediately after the lesson and with six
students a day later. The two students said their knowledge of the teacher’s usual
actions and reactions had confused them during the discussion. They associated
sustained teacher questioning with them not being ‘on the right track’. They told the
S51 I thought it was a bit strange because you kept asking questions.

S59 And YOU didn’t go ‘Yeah, that’s right’ or anything.

S51 This is strange, but I’m sure I’m right.

T5 Yes, is that a technique that I use, that when people aren’t on the right
track, I keep asking questions. But when people are on the right track ...

S59 You don’t say much.

S51 YOU don’t go like this, ‘Ooh right, and what do you think?’.

S59 And like if it’s right, you’ll say ‘Aahhh’. (T5/D15/95b)


Other students were also interviewed at the end of the unit of work. They were
ambivalent about whether the discussion had contributed to their understanding. Four
said they had become ‘mixed up’. Their view was illustrated by the student who said:
... well I got a bit mixed up with that hot and cold thing. Which got bigger? I thought
that the power lines actually drooped when it was cold, but it’s the other way around.
And I didn’t actually realise that liquid and um, solids are two different reactions.

However, they stated it was important to share ideas and that eventually the
discussion had resolved their confusion.
Student comments (and reactions) indicated they attributed their teachers with the
authority to legitimate answers as right. They would have preferred the teacher to
exercise her authority sooner as one student explained:
I think I wouldn’t have been confused if X [the teacher] had said like, told us the
answer. Then I wouldn’t have got confused. (S54/I/95b).

Teacher body language was reported as able to legitimate ideas. One student
reported it could have influenced the whole discussion, she said:
If T‘s face had gone [the student raised her eyebrows]..... as we’d started the discussion
we would have all changed our minds straight away. But she didn’t. (S51/I/95b).

Their previous teacher’s reaction to their assertion solids expand with the cold had
been crucial in ‘convincing’ them this was not so. A representative comment was:
At the start when I said that the cold makes it expand it kind-of felt, sounded funny. 1
thought ‘Oh, but I just kept saying it until I convinced myself that I was right. I then
unconvinced myself when I saw Mrs X’s face. (S54/I/95b)

In this case, the student ignored her intuition the answer was wrong and was
persuaded by the consensus view and then by the teacher as an authority on science.
The students indicated that some students were attributed with an authority
commensurate with that of a teacher. In this episode they claimed that if, ‘L’, a
student they (and the teacher) considered to be bright, had given the correct answer
early in the discussion ‘everyone would have agreed with her’ and the debate would
not have ensued (S51,59/I/95b).
Recalled empirical evidence was also reported as influential. One student said a
peer recalling snow on the telephone wires near Christchurch (a city in the south
island of New Zealand) had been particularly persuasive. She explained:
B said ‘I remember when I was in the South Island and it snowed heavily and the
power lines were really down low. It was really cold’. That swayed or slightly
convinced me because I thought, ‘No, she wouldn’t forget it, if they were down there,
they were down there. It isn’t something you make up or forget’ (S51/I/95b).

They also identified the ball and ring experiment from the previous year as
influential although it appeared that they had ‘remembered the experiment quite
clearly’ but forgotten ‘which way around it was’ (S51/I/95b).
The students were emphatic they needed to ‘find out whether the ideas are right or
not’. They identified teachers and text and empirical evidence as having the authority
- being trustworthy enough - to do this as was illustrated by two students who said:

S56 You have to eventually either read a book or do an experiment to find out.
Because otherwise you just have a whole lot of different ideas from
different people.

S55 And you don’t know what was right. (S55,56/I/95b)

Another point of interest in this episode was that the teacher and students spoke
of the discussion in terms of their ideas moving along a path or track. The teacher
reported her intention had been to ‘find out where this path may led and we’ll make it
come back to where we need it to be’. She had been surprised E was ‘on totally the
wrong track’. It had been critical that she understood what the students were thinking
and ‘where we have got to get to’ - the scientific explanation of expanding. The
challenge had been to ‘figure out a pathway there’. She noted the pathway had ‘come
right back to where we started but rather than to see expansion as with cold seeing it
with water’, This notion of learning as movement along a track was also used by the
students. A representative student comment was:
we had a discussion and we kind of, she said that, like put up your hand for ideas and if
we went off track she’d make sure that before we left the discussion we were on track,
sort of thing. (S51/I/95b)

This suggests both teacher and students had a sense of purpose or direction for
their engagement in the discussion.


Formative assessment in this case study classroom was shaped by the learning
activities and assessment practices utilised by Teacher 5, the time of the year, the
topic of the unit and the nature of the classroom. Lessons followed a set format of
whole class discussion and individual work on set tasks. During these activities her
assessment focus was on the students’ social, personal and science development and
included, for example, the ability to listen and share ideas, to manage the time and
undertake research and student understanding of the curriculum she intended them to
learn and the understandings and interests they were developing. Teacher 5’s
assessment practices were characterised by an integration between teaching and
assessing. She formatively assessed and responded to student learning when she
interacted with students while they were working on the set tasks. She followed up
some these informal assessments with a planned whole class discussion stimulated by
posing a question at the beginning of a lesson. That is, her planned and interactive
assessment interacted and informed each other.
The unhurried nature of the teacher’s management of the unit activities, made
possible by her autonomy and the institutional setting, seemed to be important. The
teacher revisited the same idea on a number of occasions, she encouraged students to
think about and find out about ideas. These actions construed understanding as
something which takes time, students as members of a community of learners who
were able to contribute to development of collective understanding and coherent

The weak boundary the whole class discussions constructed between school
science and student’s everyday knowledge and experiences, provided the teacher with a
rich source of robust information on student interests and the links they were making.
The discussions provided students with feedback on what counted as school science
and the standing of their own ideas
Assessment was shaped by, as well as shaping, teacher and student expectations
that ideas would be shared and respected. Teacher 5 utilised students’ ability to discuss
ideas to encourage them to contribute ideas and experiences to develop consensual
explanations to ideas when they were confused or held scientifically unacceptable
explanations. These expectations supported student disclosure to the extent that three
students were prepared to publicly state they disagreed with the consensus view of the
effect of cold on solids. In this way, the teacher’s assessment practices construed
school science as the coherent explanation of empirical evidence with the students
being seen as able to develop these explanations through debate and negotiation. The
students indicated they considered themselves in this way, as one student explained:
We were talking in the car, because we’re in a car pool, and [S51] said that it’s a
proven fact that children learn more if they find out for themselves. (S57/I/95b).

The students were active in the formative assessment process. They assessed their
own and each other’s book work and sought help and advice about ideas and how to
do tasks from peers and the teacher. These actions were consistent with the teacher’s
view that by the end of the year students should share the responsibility for their
assessment. However, the students’ responses in the discussion about the effect of
cold on solids indicated this had been only partially successful. Although the teacher
guided them towards a consensus view it seemed that they were persuaded by the
authority of their previous teacher and peers they considered knowledgeable, to the
extent they reconceptualised practical results in contradiction to their own sense of
what might happen.
A striking feature of this case study was the similarity between the students’ and
the teacher’s perception of what was learned. The teacher considered the students were
beginning to appreciate the links between school science and their lives and develop
more ‘specific’ understandings of geological phenomena (T5/D 12/95b). The seven
interviewed students agreed, one student said that whereas previously she known what
land forms were now she understood how they were formed (S51/I/95b). Another said
she had known about rocks and weathering but not the different types of rocks
(S54/I/95b). A third said she had known there were tectonic plates but not what they
were (S53/I/95b). The students said they had found out about things they had
previously taken-for-granted and now found fascinating (S51 -57/I/95b).
The teacher’s and students’ views of learning and assessment were also similar.
The teacher’s comments indicated she viewed learning as movement along a path or
track towards a predetermined destination. It seemed she tolerated divergent pathways
for student learning and that her assessment was aimed at guiding the students towards
her destination (the science) over time. A metaphor for learning as movement along a
path or track was also used by the students (S51/I/95b). Thus it appeared the teacher

and students viewed school learning as purposeful but not strictly controlled by the
teacher, so that the students were active participants in learning.
In summary, this chapter documents a case study of the formative assessment
done by a teacher and her students in a unit of work on earth sciences. The case study
illustrates key findings that are also collectively found in the other case studies. These
are that formative assessment is a highly contextualised activity, that is, exactly what
is done by way of formative assessment is influenced markedly by the context.
Formative assessment is a purposeful, intentional activity. It involves verbal and
non-verbal interactions between the teacher and students and the eliciting and
interpreting of information and taking action. These aspects of formative assessment
are elaborated on in the next two chapters on the characteristics of formative
assessment and a model, drawing on data from all eight case studies. Further
examples of formative assessment are given in chapter 6.



A summary of the characteristics of formative assessment was made from the data
from the eight case studies, including the interviews with teachers and students, the
classroom observations, and the discussions on the teacher development days. The ten
characteristics of formative assessment identified were responsiveness; the sources of
evidence; student disclosure; a tacit process; using professional knowledge and
experiences; an integral part of teaching and learning; who is doing the formative
assessment; the purposes for formative assessment; the contextualised nature of the
process; and the dilemmas (Bell and Cowie, 1997, p. 279). Each of these will be
discussed in turn.

The essence of formative assessment in the definitions cited earlier was the
component of action or responsiveness of the teacher and students to the assessment
information gathered or elicited. The different aspects of responsiveness discussed by
the teachers were:

Formative assessment is responsive in that it is on-going and progressive

The teachers involved in the research commented that they felt that formative
assessment was characterised by its on-going, dynamic and progressive nature. They
commented on the responsiveness:
If you do something to find out where they (the students) are at, and then you do
something from that to change your teaching or what you are doing, then its formative
(assessment) ... (TD5/96/14.13) [See the appendix for an explanation of the data

Comments were made that formative assessment was not tied to a specific
learning pathway and that the process was flexible and responsive:
A lot of the time you start off on one tack, and you think, no that didn't work so I'll try
another tack, as so its self-assessment (of our teaching) as you go along.

Formative assessment was seen as an on-going, everyday event:

Without formative assessment, teachers do not function effectively. So its your on-
going, day-by-day, every-day assessment (TD4/95/11.44)

Formative assessment is responsive in that it can be informal

The teachers referred to assessment as both formal and informal. In saying this, they
were usually referring to whether the information gathered was recorded and reported
in some way or whether it was used in the classroom activities, without a written
record being made. Formative assessment tended to be informal, with no written
record of the information gathered. The information was used in the teaching and
learning in the classroom and to build up a picture of the student learning by the
teacher. For example:
It may just be how much concrete we set it in .. I can go into a classroom and give the
kids a spot ten-question-test because I think they ... just need to do that, to refocus them
a bit... I dont record it anywhere, they'll do it in the back of their books. (We) mark it,
and I say who got.. this, who got that, 'Thats fine', and we carry on. And that's not set in
any concrete at all. (TD4/95/11.74)

Formative assessment is responsive in that it is interactive

The teachers stated that formative assessment was interactive. That is, the
information gathered was used in the interactions between teacher and student during
the teaching and learning. For example:
A lot of people haven't been aware .. that assessment can be done at other times .. a lot
of teachers .. have just tended to assess students at the end of units and have really not
been a part of that interactive process (TD4/95/11.69)

Formative assessment is responsive in that it can be unplanned as well as planned.

The comments by the teachers suggested that at times they planned to do formative
assessment but at other times they did unplanned assessments. A planned formative
assessment was often used at the beginning of the unit, for example, the eliciting of
students' prior knowledge before the teaching of the unit started. A planned formative
assessment could also be used to start the formative assessment process within a
lesson, for example, a quick ten question spot test at the start of a lesson to find out
if the students had understood the ideas introduced in the previous lesson.
The unplanned formative assessments arose from the students' responses, which
often could not be predicted and planned for in advance. For example, in taking into
account the student view that substances expand on cooling, teacher 5 responded by
undertaking some unplanned formative assessment. The words 'unanticipated' and
'incidental' were also used in this context. For example:

I find that certainly toward the end of the year, children will ask these sorts of
questions and so I planned for this to happen, but I never know what they are going to
ask (TD5/96/15.4)

The teachers commented that they planned or were prepared for the unplanned, for

Planned or unplanned ...Yes, sure you get the kids set up. You don’t know what you’re
going to get. And that’s the unplanned part. What comes back from the children. But
you get them set up in the first place. ...So you plan the opportunity, but don’t
necessarily plan the (response). The lesson was planned, this is what they were going
to do. But the unplanned part was, oh ...But that the most exciting teaching, when you
sort of go tangent-wise. ...I know in that, I’ve ended up calling it planned and
unplanned. I’ve now gone and changed it to planned and incidental, which just sort of
... cause unplanned makes it sound like you don’t know what you’re doing, but ... It is
the planned opportunity, but there’s also that stuff that just opportunistic or spontaneous
or some other word that I don’t ...Unanticipated. ...Ah, that’s better. ...Call it anticipated
and unanticipated. (TD5/96/14.16; TD5/96/14.17)

You have planned for the unplanned. I mean, you’ve left that opportunity for all those
incidental things that occur. (TD5/96/15.27)

Formative assessment is responsive in that it can be proactive or reactive

The terms proactive and reactive were also used to indicate the notion of
responsiveness inherent in formative assessment. That is, the teacher could be
proactive in deliberately seeking formative assessment information from students or
reactive, when they undertook formative assessment in response to other information
they had gathered about the students’ learning. For example:
I thought, it could be proactive where you actually go out and you seek, um, specific
times throughout a lesson to actually do the formative assessment. Or it could be
reactive. I find that a lot of teaching is, a great percentage is, reactive teaching
.(TD5/96/15.12) ... (for example, a) crisis, where students, for some reason, it may be
that they are off task, or not prepared or I just them around here, inattentive at
listening, or they’re all dependent on being followers, lack of ideas or just lost. Crisis
point where formative assessment comes in, you have to sort of step in there and take a
real lead. (TD5/96/15.14) ... And then, there was a refocussing because you get
students who tend to go off track, So by asking questions, on a fairly informal basis,
you find out that this kid is way off track and really not going to achieve the objectives
that I had planned for the unit. So then you have to get them to refocus again. Like
exploring alternative methods and backtrack, taking them back. (TD5/96/15.15)

Formative assessment is responsive in that it involves responding with individuals

and with the whole class

The teachers described the way they moved back and forth between the whole class, a
group and an individual in their interactions as a result of gathering formative
assessment information. For example:
But there is an interesting issue that’s coming up for us, and that is that the interplay
between the child or the student and the class and how infomation about the general
class feeds into what we do with the student and how information we find out about
from a particular student can then feed back into the whole class. That’s where the
interaction between those two.... Looking at the class or looking at the child are all
related. (TD5/96/14.26)

Formative assessment involves uncertainty and risk taking

As the formative assessment done by the teachers was often unplanned and
responsive, it involved uncertainties and taking risks. Formative assessment involved
the teacher finding out and responding to the diverse views of students; it had
indeterminate outcomes; it could not be planned in detail before the lesson; the effects
of the required actions were not usually known beforehand; and lnsually it required the
teacher to take action in the busy-ness of the classroom. Their confidence in their
professional knowledge and skills was seen by the teachers to influence the degree of
risk and uncertainty taken.

Formative assessment has degrees of responsiveness

The teachers said that they had to manage the degree of responsiveness when doing
formative assessment. They were aware that they had to manage the behaviour and
learning of the whole class as well as that of individuals. They also had to manage
attending to the students investigating their own interests and ideas, and to the
students learning what was listed in the curriculum. In both these situations,
responding to one aspect, meant that they could not respond to the other. They could
not always be as responsive to a situation as they wished or were able to.
In summary, the teachers felt that a characteristic of formative assessment was
that it was responsive. This responsiveness was discussed in terms of formative
assessment being on-going, dynamic and progessive, informal, interactive,
unplanned as well as planned, reactive as well as proactive, with the class, group or
individual, involving risk and uncertainty, and managing the degree of


The second characteristic of formative assessment was the sources of information and
evidence. Formative assessment, like summative assessment, may use student written
or oral work. But the teachers commented that formative assessment relies on
nonverbal as well as verbal information, for example:
(teachers will be) ... observing kids, in terms of ... facial expressions, body language,
listening, talking, writing, .. (TD4/95/12.7)

The sources of formative assessment information for the teachers included the
teachers' observations of the students working, for example, in practical activities; the
teachers reading student written work in their books, posters, charts, and notes; and
the teachers listening to students' speech, including their existing ideas, questions and
concerns, and the new understandings they were developing. The teachers set up
different learning situations to provide the opportunities for this information to be
gathered or elicited. For example, the teachers organised practical and investigative
work, brainstorming, spot tests, students recording their before-views, library

projects, watching a video, whole class discussions and student self-assessment

activities. There was acknowledgment that different learning situations enabled
different formative assessment information to be elicited.
An important aspect of this characteristic was that of student disclosure. Student
disclosure refers to the information disclosed by students which can be used in the
assessment process. Without this disclosure no assessment could happen.


A third characteristic of formative assessment was student disclosure (Cowie, 2000).
Disclosure was a crucial aspect of formative assessment that was highlighted in
student comments and actions. Disclosure relates to the extent to which a task or
activity produces evidence of student performance or thinking. In the classrooms, the
teachers used tasks and strategies to elicit student ideas and students voluntarily
disclosed their ideas by asking questions and discussing their ideas. Students’
perceptions ofthe disclosure, included teacher assessment strategies, the relationship
between teachers’ rights and disclosure, disclosure as a source of potential harm and
trust as mediating the disclosure.
Data from three sources was collated to map out the breadth of student views. The
sources were: (i) individual student interviews with 31 students during phase 1 of the
study, (ii) end-of-lesson and end-of-unit discussions with 41 students in phase 2 and
(iii) the researcher’s participant observations during phase 2. The student interview
data from phase 1 may be distinguished from the more contextualised end-of-unit and
end-of-lesson discussions in phase two through the coding: data from phase 1 is coded
(Sxx/I/95a) and data from phase 2 is coded (Sxx/I/95b or 96). Information on the
phases of the research was given in chapter 1, p, 9.

Disclosure and teacher assessment tasks and strategies

In both phases of the study, students critiqued tests, whole class discussions, self
assessment and teachers looking at their books as restricting and/or causing them to
limit the disclosure of their thinking because of a range of cognitive, affective, social
and relational reasons. They indicated one-to-one or small group interaction
minimised the negative effects of many of these factors.
It was also suggested that various cognitive, affective and social factors limited
the disclosure provided by whole class discussions, observations, self assessment and
looking at student books. In whole class discussions, for instance, the social factors
ofaudience and anticipated audience response were identified by many of the phase 2
students as the reason they were reluctant to ask or answer questions. An
inappropriate question could, they considered, result in teacher and peer responses that
madethem feel ‘embarrassed’ and lead their peers and teachers consider them ‘stupid‘
or ‘slow to understand’. Two students explained the class response:
S54 If the majority of the class do know what they are doing and you don’t
then it is really hard because it is like ‘Ohhhh (sighs), I have to explain
it again’.

S95 You feel a lot dumber

S94 And all the other students look at you and you are going (shrinking
down in her seat) (SG91/L7/ 96)

The social organisation of self-assessment was identified by some students as

impacting on disclosure. In phase 1, two students queried whether self-assessment
was a genuine activity. They asserted that they were being asked to record for the
teacher what they already knew:
Well I find them a bit boring because I know that the teacher wants to find out ... about
what you’ve done and how you rate yourself, but it’s really just ... telling yourself what
you already know. (S51/I/95a)

It seemed that when students were asked to disclose their self-assessment to the
teacher, self-assessment, like tests, became a strategy teachers used to elicit
information for their own purposes. Moreover, six students said the teacher reaction
they anticipated influenced their student self-assessment grades. As one student
explained, when speaking about summative self-assessment:
For self-evaluations I have this little system, and when it says put your mark and it says
put your teachers mark, you put what you think is a little bit lower than you think is fair
and then when the teacher comes along and you see that she’s put ... if you put like, B-
and she put A or A- or something like that, you say, oh yay she thought I was worth an
A. But if you put somethmg really high and she put something really low, you go away
thinking ... hmmm. (S53/I/95a)

This quote suggested that the student tried to out-guess the teacher. This is
confirmed by the advice she gave a fellow student that when self-assessing teachers
liked students to state what they had done well and then add ‘but’ and describe what
they could improve (S54/I/95b). Self-assessment was observed and discussed with
the students of Teacher 2 (Bell and Cowie, 1997, p. 154). They indicated that the
need to disclose their assessment to peers and the teacher undermined the fidelity of
the recorded information.
The need to maintain their relationship with the teacher was the reason fourteen
students in phase 2 gave for the limited validity of teacher observation. They claimed
students ‘worked’ and/ or pretended to be able to do an activity when a teacher was
observing them during written work. One student explained:
Some kids just sit there and they struggle with these questions and the teacher just thinks
we’re doing OK, cause they act like it. I know heaps of kids ... they pretend

They also claimed they ‘pretended’ to be listening and understanding during whole
class activities. One student explained their actions thus:

And the teacher can’t tell [if we understand] because some of us just sit like this [sitting
up and paying attention}... even if we do understand it. ... Sometimes they can’t tell just
by looking at us ... if we understand it (SG72/L9/96)

Student book work was said to provide little information on individual thinking
by six students from the class of Teacher 5. They commented that, as they worked
together, their written class work reflected the group view. Altogether, fourteen

students in phase 1 questioned why teachers did not assess group understanding, given
they often encouraged students to work as groups.
In contrast to other strategies, the students in phase 2 asserted that talking with a
teacher individually or from within a small group minimised the negative affective,
social and cognitive factors they experienced with other assessment strategies. They
considered individual interaction was central to effective teacher formative assessment.
One student explained:
Sometimes she has got to come and talk to you individually because ... if they just say
‘Does everyone understand?’ , you are going to feel like an idiot saying ‘No, I don’t’.

They claimed that when they talked with a teacher they could clarify what she or
he wanted to know. Their comments suggested the social consequences of not
understanding were minimised when the audience was small - typically the teacher and
a group of friends. For example, one student said:
If someone hadn’t understood it, when they were actually doing it [an experiment or
other small group task] they’d speak up but when we are just sitting there listening [in
the whole class discussion situation] ...you don’t really. You can’t tell. (SG92/L10/96)

The students considered that their teachers provided them with more useful
feedback during one-to-one interaction because they were more explicit about what
they did not understand. One group explained that when the teacher ‘comes around’
they were prepared to ask her ‘to re-explain it, just to you personally or to the group’.
Three or four students (a sixth of the class) were observed to approach their teachers
as soon as small group work commenced. They also talked with the teacher when he
or she approached their work space.
In review, the students’ critiqued the teacher assessment tasks and strategies as
sometimes limiting their disclosure as sought by teachers to gather information on
their thinking. These limitations are important given that students need to disclose
their ideas before teachers can move through the assessment cycle. Furthermore,
student comments highlighted the cognitive, affective, social and relational effects
that assessment tasks and strategies have on students, even before the teacher acts to
provide feedback.

The relationship between teachers’ rights and disclosure

While the students critiqued teacher assessment tasks and strategies, they acceded to
teacher requests to participate in them. Only three students indicated that they were
unwilling to share their thoughts during whole class discussion, and they acceded to a
repeated request to answer a question, thereby highlighting their acceptance of the
teacher’s rights to require them to disclose their ideas. Teacher and student expectation
and acceptance that this was so, was a significant contributor to disclosure and hence
formative assessment in the classrooms.
The pervasive and taken-for-granted nature of teachers’ rights to require students to
disclose their ideas was illustrated by their looking at student books. Student books
belonged to the students but teachers looked at them as a matter of course in all ten
classrooms. The students described this action as problematic. They were concerned

the teacher might see and judge their work when it was ‘half finished’. One student
explained her feelings thus:
Well, it’s kind of nerve wracking. Cause she’s looking at your shoulder, and you’re
going ‘Oh, no, she’s reading this. Oh no, it’s wrong. It’s wrong, I’m way off. Oh, no,
oh no.’ And when she goes away you can go ‘Yes’. ... It’s like she’s looking at your
work when it’s just half finished. ... She’s not seeing it when it’s finished. (S53/I/ 95b)

The student noted this right differentiated between teachers and student - she was
not able to see her teacher’s work half finished.
Teachers looking at a student’s book was made more problematic by teachers’
tendency to do so while standing behind the student. The students particularly disliked
this because they were aware other students were able to see the teacher’s reactions to
their work and they were not. They described the practice as ‘scary’ (SG71/L12/96)
and, in the words of one student, as making students feel ‘little like a fly on the end
of a pin’ (SG91/MC/96). It described as ‘rude’ by the ten students who pointed out
it was usually unacceptable. In the words of one boy:
That’s rude. My dad, he doesn’t like it when he is reading the newspaper (SG81/L5/96)

Although the students did not like teachers looking at their books the twelve
students who were asked said the researcher’s suggestion that teachers ask to see their
books was ‘silly’. They considered teachers were entitled to see their work. One
student said her teacher would demand to see her book if she tried to withhold it:
You can’t really say, ‘No, you’re not allowed to look at my work’. She’ll [the teacher]
just say, ‘Yes I am.’ (S53/I/95b)

Only five students resisted this action - they lifted their desk lids and covered their
books with their arm.
Eight students contrasted their own inability to manage the disclosure of their
ideas with their teachers’ ability to choose not to ‘bother’ to put in sufficient time
and effort to find out about student ideas, This was viewed with concern as they
considered they benefited from teachers knowing about their learning. Two students
S94 Teachers could [find out if students understand] but they don’t bother.

S96 I think they’re got to look at their priorities. (SG92/L10/96)

Moreover, they claimed teachers’ decisions about whether to ‘bother’ were

influenced by the teacher’s perception of a student’s attitude. In a way that suggested
this view was long held, one student quoted her sister’s advice to her:

... that’s what my sister said to me. ‘Don’t get into the teachers’ bad books ,.,. if they
think that you don’t want to learn they won’t bother with you. ( SG92/L5/96)

These students considered teachers had opportunities to help them but that they
were able to choose not to do so.

Disclosure and confidentiality and potential harm

Another aspect of teachers’ rights in the classroom was their ability to disclose
student ideas to others without their consent, and thereby expose the student to
potential harm. The students considered this happened when teachers replied to a
private question in a public way. The significance of this action was pointed out to
the researcher by a student after she had approached a teacher for help and the teacher
had replied to the class (SG91/L5/96). The twenty eight students who were asked,
described this action as potentially harmful because of the possible responses of their
peers. They asserted the possibility of this action caused them to restrict the
disclosure of their ideas to teachers. In a manner that suggested this strategy had no
benefits, some students claimed they felt ‘shame’ even when the teacher’s comments
to the class were ‘good’.
The teacher action of replying to individual questions to the class highlighted the
differences inteacherandstudentperspectives andexperiences. The teachers considered
this action to be an efficient strategy for providing timely and effective feedback to all
students, including those who may not be prepared to ask for help (Cowie and Bell,
1995). In contrast, the students saw it as a breach of confidentiality, leading to
potential harm to their self esteem and relationships. They recommended that all
feedback on their learning be kept confidential. A representative comment was:
Well, if they’ve got a complaint, they should talk to you quietly. Cause I hate it when
they talk out loud and everybody laughs ...then I get smart comments later.

The students indicated that the possibility of the teacher disclosing their ideas to
others, influenced their willingness to ask questions, thereby disclosing their interests
and ideas.

Disclosure and expectations of peer and teacher actions

Student comments indicated that they often sought to limit the disclosure of their
ideas because of their prior experiences of teacher and peer reactions. Teacher and peer
reactions were viewed as unpredictable, in that they were said to act in ways that
undermined student self esteem, relationships with others and helping students
understand ideas. Expectations of harmful teacher actions appeared to be of long
standing as the students drew on the experiences of their parents and siblings to make
their point. For example, one student described how her mother’s teacher used to
embarrass her mother by asking her, in front to the class, to confirm she understood
an idea (S54/I/95b).
The students’ perceptions that interaction with teachers involved risks was
highlighted when Teacher 5 was explaining the comments she had written to the
class. She told the students she had asked some of them to, ‘See me’ (T5/FN3/95b).
The class told the teacher they ‘hated’ this sort of comment because they
automatically assumed they had ‘done something wrong’ and would ‘be in trouble’ or
be ‘yelled at’ (T5/FN3/95b). One student burst out, ‘Teachers are like sharks’. The

teacher asked the students if they could recall her or any other teacher within the past
two years shouting at them. Only two said they could but they all assured her, ‘You
never know what will happen.’ (T5/FN3/95b). The teacher commented to the
researcher that it was a student myth that teachers shouted at students, albeit a
powerful one.
Other students asserted that one of the difficulties with interaction was that
teachers did not always respond to the content of their questions, or to them, as if
they seeking help to understand ideas. They claimed teachers showed displeasure at
being asked, implied they were asking because they had not been listening and / or
were they were slow to understand. They reported teachers reacted to questions by
growling, yelling, shouting, by being grumpy or becoming angry. They described
these reactions embarrassing and ‘belittling’. One student explained their view
The worst thing is when you ask a questions and they [the teacher] belittles you in front
of everyone and goes ‘Weren’t you listening?’ or ‘Don’t you understand that by now?’

Another student explained:

Sometimes you ask them and they spend so much time growling you that they never
actually explain so you still left wondering ‘What are we doing?’. (SG91/L5/96)

Two others said:

S Teachers sometimes look at you as though your are stupid.

A You deaf or something? (SG71/L8/96)

The students indicated the possibility teachers would ‘bite your head off made
them, in the words of one student, ‘scared to ask them again’ (SG83/L7/96). That is,
it made them limit the disclosure of their ideas. Two students said that, given the
chance, one change they would make to teachers would be to make them ‘easy to
approach ... not get mad ... if you don’t understand it then not shout at you ... not
get frustrated and annoyed you have to ask them again’ (S56,57/I/95b).
A related influence on disclosure was the students’ perception that quick
understanding was valued. This inhibited them from asking questions because of the
possibly they would be judged as ‘slow’ and so restricted their teachers’ and their
peers’ knowledge of what they did and did not understand. Thirty students (all those
interviewed from three classes in phase 2) considered teachers expected them to
understand ideas and to complete tasks within a specific time. They were aware that
teachers valuing ofquick understanding may derive from teachers’ obligation to teach
what was in the curriculum but they claimed not understanding within the prescribed
time produced negative feedback from teachers. One student explained:

It’s kind of, they [teachers] set the work and ... if you can do it at the right pace they’re
doing it, you’re OK, but if you can’t, you kind of head back and then you get in trouble.

It seemed teacher actions, which valued questions to extend ideas, also led the
students to conclude quick understanding was valued and questions that sought further
clarification were not. One student described teacher actions thus:
... if you ask like an extended question, like thinking ahead to try and add something
more difficult into an experiment. The teachers say ‘Oh yes, that’s a good question’. If
you ask something that you didn’t understand from before, then that is not a good

The students were concerned therefore that their questions would disclose they
were ‘last one’ to understand and lead to their being judged as ‘slow’.
Interestingly, teachers taking time to ensure students understood ideas was
characteristic of three occasions which the students reported as being particularly
helpful (SG91/L5/96; SG71/L10/96). When asked, what feedback teachers should
provide, twenty of the thirty students recommended teachers provide feedback to
support effort and persistence. Such feedback has the possibility of countering the
myth that learning/ understanding should happen quickly and easily.

Disclosure as leading to help

In contradiction with the fears evident in the previous quotes, the students stated
teachers and peers could act in ways that helped them understand ideas and so
interaction with them was sought and valued. The students expressed the desire for
more opportunities to ask questions of teachers and considered it part of a teacher’s
role to answer their questions. They considered it would be like being away if a
teacher did not asses their ideas. In addition, twenty students recommended the main
way teachers could enhance their learning was for them to discuss ideas.
Their comments construed the decision involved in asking a question, as dilemma
driven. This dilemma was explained by a student after a lesson on the difference
between mass and weight. She said:
That is what it as like today. I kept on thinking that I would put up my hand [and ask a
question] but then someone else would put up their hand and they would understand it
perfectly and I thought ‘Well, everyone else probably understands it and I don’t’. ...
then I’d look stupid if I put up my hand and asked her to repeat it. She could have
already gone over it ten times since I didn’t understand it. I’d look like a X for making
her explain it once again because everyone understood it. (SG92/L9/96)

In this instance, as the students’ friend pointed out, the students asking the
questions did not understand the idea. However, at the time, the student the student
had not appreciated this and she had prioritised her academic status and relationships
with others, over her desire the understand the idea being taught.

Disclosure as mediated by trust

Trust was described by the students as a key interpersonal factor that mediated their
willingness to disclose their uncertainties. They preferred to seek help from trusted
peers and teachers. The trustworthiness of peers was considered crucial. A
representative comment was:

You need to be able to trust others, to be sure their reactions won’t be to make fun, talk
about or think I am stupid. (S56/I/95b)

Considerate students and friends minimised the threat of asking for help in the
social setting of the classroom, because they could be trusted to be well intentioned.
This was illustrated by as student who contrasted the research class with an option
class. She explained:
We know them pretty well but in some option classes you feel like you can’t really ask
questions because there are other kids who think they are real neat. They do put you
down. They look at you and go, ‘Why did you ask that?’. You sort of feel uncertain.

A number of girls elaborated on the extra support they gained from working with
friends. One group of four Year 10 girls claimed, and the researcher observed, that
they did not question the teacher as individuals. Instead they discussed their problems
as a group and one of them asked the teacher for help when an issue was unresolved.
This was illustrated by the girl who told the researcher:
We don’t normally like putting up our hand and saying ‘I got this answer’, we normally
say ‘Our group’. ... Because we do all our work, basically, together. ... if we put up our
hands and say, ‘We got this answer’ and she realises it is wrong she will come down
and talk to us as a group, not individually. (SG7 1/L9/94)

However, students asking their peers, rather than the teacher, does reduce the
teacher’s access to student thinlung.
The trustworthiness of a teacher’s reactions was described as influencing student
willingness to interact with teachers in ways that disclosed their thinking. The
students explained they formed impressions of teachers’ likely actions and reactions
‘over a period of time and from what you hear from people’. Three students,
interviewed at the beginning of the school year, actively assessed how their new
teacher interacted with students. They explained:
S95 In a way I kind of assessed X [the teacher]. It was ... the first lesson
where we actually did something and it was kind of like.

S94 Yes.

S95 And it was interesting to see how she was going to go about it and talk to


S94 I was just kind of sussing out ... how far you could go with

S96 And what her limit was.

S94 Yeah.

S95 If she was prepared to explain it again to you and not just say it once.

S94 And to treat the class all ... the same ... not certain people.

S96 Get certain treatment or.

S94 Or this one is really bright so she gets special attention and this one is quite
dumb so.

S96 ‘I won’t waste my time with her’, sort of.

S95 But that didn’t happen. (SG91/L3/96)

The students asserted they needed to feel ‘safe’ or ‘comfortable’ with a teacher
before they asked questions. One student explained how uncertainty about how a
teacher might react, led her to ask her parents:
... if you’ve been with a teacher for awhile, you sort of, you know their reactions and
stuff, if you feel comfortable asking them. But, like, if you’re not really sure, like, this
teacher I had in primary school ... he was sort of in and out and, you didn’t really know
if you were going to ask him at the wrong time or not ... so I sort of left it till home.

It seemed the expectations, which students developed of their particular teacher,

reduced the unpredictability of teacher-students interactions and if the teacher was
trustworthy, it could enhance student willingness to seek help, thereby disclosing
their ideas.
In summary, student disclosure was a crucial aspect of formative assessment.
Without it, formative assessment simply cannot occur. Formative assessment is
determined by the quality and quantity of student disclosure. Section 4.3 has described
those aspects of formative assessment, which determine the degree to which students
will take a risk and disclose what they know and don’t know, or can and cannot do.
These aspects are the students’ perceptions of the teachers’ assessment strategies, the
relationship between teachers’ rights and disclosure, disclosure as a source of potential
harm and trust as mediating the disclosure. The important and complex task for the
teacher is therefore to mediate the social context of the classroom to ensure that the
risk to students of disclosing is minimised. For this, the teacher’s ability to monitor
and use the power and authority relationships in the classroom is crucial.


A fourth characteristic of formative assessment was that it was often seen as a tacit
process. A frequent comment from the teachers was that they were not always
consciously aware of doing formative assessment, and in particular unplanned or
interactive formative assessment, for example:

I am still not recognising what I do in terms of unplanned (interactive formative


The teachers tacitly undertook formative assessment and were not always able to
explicitly describe it to the researchers. This unawareness was evident in the
discussion by the teachers on the use of ‘gut-feelings’, for example:

Because you can stay awhile with a group ... oh, I'll just listen to the kids. And that's
where you get your gut assessment. (TD5/96/15.24; TD5/96/15.25)

And you don't get a gut feeling sitting the night before thinking about ... It's when you're
there, so you are interpreting something that's happening in the room ... That's what
your gut feeling is. ...How many times do you actually change your teaching style or
whatever, during the lesson, because the gut feeling gives ..... You've said something
and you know exactly where you want to go with the kids, and something sort of
happens, and it's not working, so you sort of get that gut feeling. You think pretty fast
then. ... But you can't tell other people that you work by gut feelings, because they need
something tangible that they can actually ... think about and something you can
rationalise. You can't rationalise just in cold turkey gut feelings. (TD7/96/20.39)

The teachers also spoke of 'getting an impression' of the class, for example:
And the formative assessments .. could be .. more formal tasks or they could be just
impressions in the classroom .. we cant really identify what tells us that the majority of
the class know the first bit so we can go onto the second bit, but to me, that automatic
assessment is part of formative assessment (TD4/95/11.30; TD4/95/11.31)

The experiences of being involved in the research had made more visible to the
teachers what formative assessment information they were collecting and what they
were doing with it, for example:
I personally never really realised I was doing it (formative assessment) except that the
class was with me, or not with me. And since this experience, you sort of tend to focus
more on what am I actually taking in here. Or what is it actually telling me .. this
process is going on. And I think for most teachers it will still be subtle and not

The teachers stated that thinking about formative assessment had helped them
become more aware of their professional knowledge and skills and more able to use
these in the formative assessment process in the classroom.


A fifth characteristic of formative assessment was that it was seen to rely on a
teacher's professional knowledge and experiences. The professional knowledge and
experiences of the teachers were seen as important in attending to some sources of
information (rather than others), in interpreting the elicited information and in taking
action. This professional knowledge and experience included the teachers' knowledge
and experiences of the topic, of the students as learners, and from having taught the
unit of work before. For example:
Because the knowledge of how to teach is what makes that successful. ... you've got to
have confidence in your ability to teach.

And that's all your other skills ... those you actually can't do without.

...Yeah, it's knowing how to handle the students, isn't it?

I still think that the knowledge base of the subject has got a place, though. I mean,

... I think, too, if your knowledge is at a reasonable level, you can take advantage of
the one off situations that sometimes happen. Whereas if it's not there, you can't take
advantage at all.

And the more you teach, the better you become. (TD9/96/26.41)


Another characteristic of formative assessment was the action taken by the teacher and
the student as a result of the information gathered. Taking action to enhance learning
is an integral part of the definition of formative assessment. The teachers commented
on the variety of actions they took in response to the formative assessment
information as well as the way in which they evaluated their actions. For example:
I was thinking the teacher would get some information, interpret it, decide to act, they
would act, and then it may or may not work, and they would react to that. ... Deciding
on a new experiment, deciding to do a discussion, what sort of teaching reaction. ... To
make a decision where you go. Are you going to reteach it or are you going to have a
look at it from a different (perspective), go get some more information. ... Move on to
the next step, cause they've got it. ... you interpret information see, then you act on, then
you react.(TD7/96/20.44)

Taking the action involved the teachers making decisions and judgements, using
their professional knowledge and experiences. The action often appeared to the
teachers to be a part of teaching and the comment was made as to whether the action
was a part of teaching or a part of assessment. The overlap between the action
inherent in formative assessment and teaching was frequently acknowledged, for
I think formative assessment and teaching .. overlap really (TD5/96/14.9)

The teachers described their actions as those to facilitate students learning. They
spoke of actions that mediated the students learning of the science and actions which
enhanced the personal and social development of the students. The actions taken were,
for example, suggesting further questions, suggesting further activities, questioning
of a student's ideas, explaining the science, giving feedback as to the students
scientifically acceptable or unacceptable ideas. The notion of the teacher as a neutral
facilitator was not seen as part of formative assessment:
Being a neutral facilitator isn't what we're on about here. In terms of formative
assessment you (are) wanting to take action, you may choose to do nothing because
you want to leave the kids for a while to see if they can find their way through it, but if
they can't, you might want to then make another decision. (TD7/96/20.67)

A similar comment could be made as to whether the action taken by the students
was a part of learning or assessment. These comments highlighted that formative
assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning.


Another characteristic of formative assessment was both the teacher and the student
were doing the assessing. The teachers' comments highlighted the involvement of
students as assessors, in addition to the teachers. The following is part of a discussion
of the model of formative assessment, and in particular the cycle of gathering
information, interpreting, and taking action:
Think of it from the kid's point of view, the kid gathers information from what you've
given them already, they filter it, decide what's relevant to them, they interpret what
they need to do however they like, they act on that information, and then from
whatever you do or from whatever things happen, they gather more information and so

So it works exactly for them. It's just that our acting becomes their gathering

Whatever we do .... they get the information from (it).

And their acting is our gathering.(TD7/96/20.45; TD7/96/20.59)

Student self-assessment was seen as an important part of formative assessment:

Formative assessment isn't just for the teacher, it's for the students to know that they are
still moving, and going somewhere ... So its a decision making process for the student

Some teachers used the phrase 'self-assessment' to refer to the teachers evaluating
their own teaching:
I think it's self-assessment by the teacher as they go along. As well as the other side
which is helping the students assess themselves ... I think it's what we automatically do -
assessing ourselves as we go along .. and the kids ... assess themselves (TD4/95/11.40)


The eighth characteristic of formative assessment was the purposes for which it was
done. As documented in the case studies, the teacher development days and the
surveys (see Bell and Cowie, 1997), the teachers identified several purposes for
formative assessment. In particular, they identified that the two main purposes of
formative assessment were to inform the students' learning and to inform their
The purposes to support the students' learning included monitoring the progress,
learning or understandings of the students, during the teaching and learning, for
.. The teachers' purpose for the thing that they're doing at the moment, what they want
the children to learn, what they are trying to get out of them, the kind of thing that they
do (TD7/96/20.31)

The learning might be social, personal or science learning (Bell and Cowie,
Soin that purposes for learning, ... you do have science purposes ... You did have a
social purpose and a personal purpose (TD7/96/20.55)

The purposes to support learning also included giving feedback to students about
what learning was valued in the classroom, giving legitimacy to the students
scientifically acceptable ideas, supporting long or short term goals and finding out
whether an activity or task was 'working' or not, for example:
... Is there a case when you just check to see whether the activity is working or not?
Like, I mean, just thinking from my own teaching where you might set up a group
activity and you realise after visiting two or three groups that the instructions haven't
been clear enough, so you stop the class and say, look instruction number 3, I've
actually missed a bit out. It should read like this, and everyone nods and away you go.
So in this case you haven't actually checked that, you haven't gone right back to the
learning goals, you've just got to the level of 'is this activity working or not'.

I was just thinking on that train of thought too because it's sort of as if we're a trouble
shooter and just watching if things are moving in the right direction ... You have to
intervene in some way. It could be to the whole group or an individual.

But how do you do it. I suppose, like we said, do you stop the group or do you speak to
the individual on the side..... (TD7/96/20.71)

The purposes to support teaching (mentioned by the teachers) included planning

in the current lesson and unit; planning for future teaching; knowing when to input
new ideas and when to move on to the next topic; knowing when to introduce an
activity to maintain interest and motivation; evaluating the actions taken in previous
formative assessments and teaching activities; finding out if the students had
understood or not; providing information to report to students, caregivers and the
school; and providing assessment information additional to the quantitative marks on
achievement in reporting.


The ninth characteristic was that formative assessment undertaken by the teachers and
students was contextualised. In other words, the purposes, the information elicited,
the interpretations made, the actions taken depended on many contextual factors. For
example, the ways the formative assessment information was elicited, interpreted and
acted on was influenced by the learning situations used (whole class, small groups or
individuals); by the learning activities chosen (for example, brainstorms,
investigations, watching a video, library projects); the teacher's knowledge of the
students; the professional knowledge and skills of the teacher; the topic of the lesson
and the teacher's purposes for the lesson.

The tenth characteristic of formative assessment was that of the dilemmas faced by
the teachers when doing formative assessment. The interaction between these
characteristics in the processes of formative assessment presented the teachers with
dilemmas. The word 'dilemmas' is used as there was no obvious solution to the
situation and the decision made in response to each situation would depend on
contextual features and the teacher and students concerned. Unlike problems which can
be solved, dilemmas are managed and this management relies heavily on the
professional judgement of teachers. The nature of these dilemmas was evident in the
discussions on the teacher development days on the tensions between formatively
assessing the class or an individual; between formatively assessing the science or the
personal and social development; between formatively assessing the science in the
curriculum and the science outside the curriculum; and between the different purposes
for eliciting and taking action.

In summary, the ten characteristics of formative assessment that were identified by
the teachers and students were that formative assessment is seen as being responsive;
it is often a tacit process; it relies on student disclosure; it uses professional
knowledge and experiences; it is an integral part of teaching and learning; it is done
by teachers and students; it is a highly contextualised process; and it involves the
management of dilemmas. Important considerations are the sources of evidence,
including student disclosure and the purposes for which formative assessment is done.
All-in-all, formative assessment is a highly complex and skilled activity for both the
teacher and the student. Formative assessment is not something teachers are likely to
learn to do in a short session in an inservice course. It is a professional skill that
develops withincreasing professionalexperience, awareness andreflection.
Another way to summarise the data from the case studies and the teacher
development day discussions, was to model the process of formative assessment. One
such model is discussed in the next chapter.


In theprevious chapter, the data were summarised as ten characteristics of formative

assessment. In this chapter, the findings are summarised in the form of a model to
describe and explain the formative assessment processes as carried out by the teachers
(Cowie and Bell, 1999). The model presented here was developed from a
consideration of the data collected during the case studies, including the interviews,
classroom observations, surveys; the current literature; and the debates on the teacher
development days. In particular, the development of the model has drawn heavily on
the discussions by the teachers on the teacher development days, when they addressed
the task of developing a model for formative assessment (Bell and Cowie, 1997, p.
277) to describe what they were doing, to other teachers.


One consideration in developing a model for formative assessment was what was
assessed in the science classrooms observed. What was being assessed was related to
the purposes of formative assessment. The students' learning within the classroom
involved their personal, social and science development (Cowie, Boulter, Bell, 1996,
p.30). Students' personal development related to their learning about themselves as
learners ofscience, asking questions, self-assessment, behaviour, time management,
motivation and attitude. Their social development related to their interacting with
others (students and teachers), peer assessment, leadership skills, group work,
discussion and listening skills. Their science development related to the development
in the knowledge and understanding of science and their ability to do science - for
this was their unique purpose for being in a science classroom. These three aspects
were assessed by the teachers of science (Cowie and Bell, 1996). The three aspects
were not independent of each other, the complexity and richness of their interactions
was a contributor to the diversity and complexity of the classroom. The three aspects
are conceptualised as three intersecting circles on the left-hand side of figure 1:

Figure 1: What is assessed in science classrooms?

The aspects of science which were assessed in the science lesson are represented
on the right hand side of figure 1, namely science content (the body of scientific
knowledge - the concepts and ideas of science), science context (the contexts in
which the science is learnt and used) and science processes (those skills and processes
used by scientists to investigate phenomena).
The balance of assessment of personal, social and science development or
learning was discussed by the teachers (TD3/95/7.10). [A full explanation of the data
codes is given in the appendix]. It was acknowledged that the three aspects may differ
in weighting within a lesson and within a unit of work (TD3/95/7.11; TD3/95/7.17;
TD3/95/7.18); with different learning goals for a lesson (TD3/95/7.11) and with
different abilities and ages of the students (TD3/95/7.9). The analogy was made
between the circles and balloons that inflate and deflate (TD7/96/20.15).
The teachers commented that the way they assessed the social, personal and
science aspects was different. The secondary teachers felt that science assessment was
done more by formal methods and the assessment of the social and personal by more
informal means (TD3/95/7.24), for example:
I would tend to assess ... the three science areas quite formally over the year. You
know, there were things that you would look at specifically over time. The personal
and social skills, it's only an informal assessment ... apart from comments that I would
make to parents or whatever, or to the kids, I don't need to actually have some ...
formal assessment of those things. But I will be aware of how somebody is
developing, how that they are now discussing things or whatever, how they are
changing their attitudes to the way they are learning. So it's an informal kind of thing,
rather than specifically structuring some kind of assessment to do it ... To me it's
getting back to the gut feeling and just noticing things ....(TD3/95/7.19)

However, the primary teachers indicated that they assessed by formal ways both the
personal and social learning (TD3/95/7.22, TD3/95/7.25) as well as the science


The teachers within the project undertook two forms of formative assessment. These
• planned formative assessment
• interactive formative assessment
In the following sections, each of these is discussed in turn.

Planned formative assessment

The process of planned formative assessment was characterised by the teachers as

eliciting, interpreting and acting on assessment information. The purpose for the
planned formative assessment determined how the information was collected,
interpreted and acted upon. Hence, these four aspects are interrelated and mutually
determining. These aspects can be represented diagrammatically as:

Figure 2: Planned formative assessment

The planned formative assessment process was seen by the researchers and
teachers as cyclical or spiral. For example:
We decided it was a cycle, and the cycle starts with a student activity of some sort,
data gathering happens ... the teacher needs to be reflecting on what is happening..
the teacher and the students will formulate the direction that they're going, and then
you're back to the beginning with a student activity of some sort... there is feedback
going on ... (TD4/95/12.6)

Each of the four parts of the process are described in more detail.

The main purpose for which the teachers said they used planned formative
assessment was to obtain information from the whole class about progress in
learning the science as specified in the curriculum. This assessment was planned in
that the teacher had planned to undertake a specific activity (for example, a survey or

brainstorming) to obtain assessment information on which some action would be

taken. The teachers considered the information collected as a part of the planned
formative assessment was 'general', 'blunt' and concerned their 'big' purposes. It gave
them information which was valuable in informing their interactions with the class
as a whole with respect to 'getting through the curriculum'. This form of formative
assessment was planned by the teacher mainly to obtain feedback to inform her or
his teaching. The purpose for doing the assessment strongly influenced the other
three aspects of the planned formative assessment process.

Eliciting information as a part ofplanned formative assessment

The teachers planned in advance to elicit information on their students' science
understandings and skills learning, using specific assessment tasks. While the
teachers described their eliciting of planned formative assessment information as
purpose driven, their purposes for eliciting information often changed during the unit
of work.
At the beginning of a unit of work, the teachers frequently planned to assess
their students formatively to inform their planning and teaching during the rest of
the unit. For example, teacher 7 asked her students to write down, in a brainstorm
activity, all they knew about how hot-air balloons worked so that she could find out
what the students already knew about the area of science she was intending to teach.
During a unit of work, the teachers planned to elicit formative assessment
information, using specific assessment activities, on the understandings their
students were constructing during the teaching and learning. The formative
assessment tended to focus on the extent to which the students had learnt what the
teachers were intending the students to learn. They often did this at the beginning of
a lesson, and used the information during the lesson. For example, teacher 3 used
quick tests at the beginning of each lesson during a unit of work to find out what the
students had learnt and remembered from the previous lesson.
The teachers also planned to elicit formative assessment information at the end
of a unit. They used this information in a formative way to inform their teaching
when they taught the unit again. For example, teacher 7 had taught the hot-air
balloon unit before and was able to anticipate some of the students alternative
conceptions in her initial planning.
The teachers said the strategy they used to gather the information was determined
by the nature of the information they required (and therefore indirectly the purpose).
For example, the teachers used strategies such as asking quick questions to obtain
information on students' on-going understanding and recall; brainstorms to obtain
information on the scope and depth of the students' prior knowledge; asking the
students to generate questions to obtain an indication of what they were interested in
finding out; making physical models to elicit information which did not depend on
the students' knowledge of scientific vocabulary; and asking students to record their
explanation of how an event occurred to gain information on students' conceptions.
Within planned formative assessments, the teachers usually planned to use
assessment strategies to elicit permanent evidence of the thinking of each individual
student. For example, the teachers usually asked the students to write something on
paper or to make a physical model. This meant these assessment occasions tended to
be semi-formal.

Interpreting as a part of planned formative assessment

The second aspect of the teachers' planned formative assessments was that of
interpreting the information. The purpose for the planned formative assessment was
influential on the process of interpreting. As the teachers' planned assessments
tended to have a science curriculum focus, their interpretations were usually science
criterion-referenced. That is, the teachers wanted to know if the students had learnt
and understood the science they intended them to learn. For example, through spot
tests, teacher 3 elicited formative assessment information which he interpreted as
indicating some of his students not having understood certain ideas on electricity
from the previous lesson.
The teachers' interpretations of their planned formative assessments also had an
element of norm-referencing in that they were influenced by their expectations of the
understanding which was likely with students at a particular age or year of
schooling, For example, when teacher 5 interpreted her students' understanding about
the idea of tectonic plates on the earth's surface, she took the concept no further
given they were 12 year olds.
The teachers indicated that their knowledge bases (Shulman, 1987) were
important factors in their being able to interpret the information they had collected
in their planned formative assessment. They indicated that interpreting involved
using their content knowledge; general and content pedagogical knowledge;
curriculum knowledge of learners and their students in particular; knowledge of
educational contexts and a knowledge of educational aims and goals. The teachers
indicated that their experience of teaching a particular concept added to their
pedagogical knowledge and hence their ability to interpret student thinking when
teaching the concept on a further occasion.
As part of the interpreting, the teachers felt that they filtered out the irrelevant
information - information that was seen to be irrelevant to the purpose of that
particular formative assessment episode, for example:
The gathering of information ... it's a sifting activity, isn't it. To see if it's relevant to
what your goal. (TD5/96/15.32)

The ability to discriminate relevant from irrelevant and to recognise the

significance of something was important. Prior teaching experiences were considered
by the teachers to be important in the ability to discriminate in the process of
formative assessment. In other words, the teachers considered formative assessment
to be more likely to be undertaken by more experienced teachers, and later in the
teaching year, rather than earlier.

Acting as a part of planned formative assessment

Once the teachers had elicited and interpreted the information they had available, they
had the opportunity of taking action to enhance the students' learning. Action on the
interpreted information is the essential aspect of formative assessment that
distinguishes it from continuous summative assessment. To do this, the teacher
needed to plan to have a flexible programme and to allow for ways in which she or
he could act in response to the information gathered. It also helped to be able to act
in a variety of ways in response to that gathered information. Hence, the teacher's

pedagogical knowledge informed the taking of action as part of the process of

formative assessment.
The teachers acted on the assessment information they obtained in three different
ways: science-referenced, student-referencedandcare-referenced.Thatis, the purpose
for their taking action varied and was often broader than their purposes for eliciting
the information, which were mainly science based.
(i) science-referenced ways of acting
One way the teachers acted on the planned formative assessment information was
to mediate the students understandings towards those of scientists by addressing
students' alternative conceptions. For example, teacher 7 decided on the five quick
practical activities she would use once she had found out the students' alternative
In another form of the science-referenced way of taking action, the teachers acted
on the planned assessment information to ensure that the students performed the task
in the manner they had prescribed. The teachers considered which of the tasks they
had selected would mediate the students' understanding towards a particular science
concept. They also wanted to ensure the students had common experiences. For
example, teacher 7's five short practical activities provided the students with
opportunities to gain common experiences which could then be discussed in class.
A third way the teachers acted on planned assessment information in a science-
referenced way was to indicate what was valued as a learning outcome. For example,
teacher 7 legitimated the scientist's view of density by recording it on the board after
a class discussion.
(ii) student-referenced ways of acting
The second way of acting on the planned formative assessment information was
to act in a way that was referenced to the individual student. In particular, the
teachers used student-referenced action that built on how an individual student's
science understandings were changing over time. For example, teacher 8 provided
students who had finished a ray box activity, with an extension activity of using two
prisms 'to produce a rainbow and then combine the colours'. The action was given
with reference to these students' need for further focused activity and learning.
(iii) care-referenced ways of acting
The third way the teachers acted on the planned formative assessment
information was to act in a way to sustain and enhance the quality of interactions
and relationships between the students and between themselves and the students.
In summary, the teachers used planned formative assessments and in doing so
planned and undertook the eliciting of information. They then interpreted and acted
on that information. In this section, each of these four aspects of planned formative
assessment was discussed as a separate entity. However, in looking at the interaction
between these four aspects, three further points about planned formative assessment
can be made:
• The time taken for the process varied.
• The purposes for eliciting planned formative assessment information could be
different from those for taking action on that elicited information.
• Both the students and the teachers contributed to planned formative assessment
and in a reciprocal way- when the teacher was taking action, the students were
eliciting information and when the students were taking action, the teacher was able
to elicit information.

Interactive Formative Assessment

The second form of formative assessment was interactive formative assessment.
Interactive formative assessment was that which took place during student-teacher
interactions. It differed from the first form - planned formative assessment - in that a
specific assessment activity was not planned. The interactive assessment arose out of
a learning activity. Hence, the details of this kind of formative assessment were not
planned, and could not be anticipated. Although the teachers often planned or
prepared to do interactive formative assessment, they could not plan for or predict
what exactly they and the students would be doing, or when it would occur. As
interactive formative assessment occurred during student-teacher interaction, it had
the potential to occur any time students and teachers interacted. The teachers and
students within the project interacted in whole class, small group and one-to-one
The process of interactive formative assessment involved the teachers noticing,
recognising and responding to student thinking during these interactions and can be
represented diagrammatically as:

Figure 3: Interactive formative assessment

The main purpose for which the teachers said they did interactive formative
assessment was to mediate in the learning of individual students with respect to
science, social and personal learning. Hence, they said they formatively assessed a
wider range oflearning outcomes than the science and this is in line with the New
Zealand Curriculum Framework (Ministry of Education, 1993a). The teachers'
specific purposes for interactive formative assessment emerged in response to what
sense they found the students were making. The purposes for the interactive
formative assessment were an important part of noticing, recognising and
responding. Interactive formative assessment was therefore embedded in and strongly
linked to learning and teaching activities.

The teachers indicated that through their interactive formative assessment, they
refined their short term goals for the students' learning within the framework of their
long-term goals. For example, teacher 5 changed her purposes for learning, within a
unit of work on earth sciences, from learning about weathering to learning about
contracting and expanding when she noticed some of the students had scientifically
unacceptable conceptions about heating and cooling.
The teachers indicated that their purposes for learning could be delayed. For
example, teacher 7 delayed the learning about separating mixtures until the students
had learnt about the properties of the substances to be separated. The purpose of
student learning was negotiated between the teacher and the students through
formative assessment feedback. Teacher 9 described it as linking students into her
agenda. The teachers described interactive formative assessment as teacher and student
driven rather than curriculum driven. They said the focus of their interactive
formative assessment, was 'finer tuned with 'lots of little purposes to support the
major picture or purpose'.

Noticing as a part of interactive formative assessment

Noticing was a key part of the interactive formative assessment. Noticing in
interactive formative assessment differed from eliciting information in planned
formative assessment in that the information gained was ephemeral, not recorded,
and the noticing was faster than the eliciting. The ephemeral information the
teachers gained was verbal (student comments and questions) and non-verbal (how
they did practical activities, how they interacted with others, the tone of discussions,
their body language). This information was of thinking and actions in progress. If
the teachers were not present when the information was noticeable, the information
was rarely available to the teacher at some later time. The teachers were able to
access some permanent evidence of the students' thinking by reading their written
work. Some student comments, questions and actions were relatively transparent in
that what the students said or did implied a particular way of thinking. For example,
teacher 3 asked his students to connect a light bulb, wires and a dry cell to make the
light bulb glow. By watching the students, he could see how the students used the
wires and thereby gain some insight into how the students viewed electric current.
However, it must be acknowledged that not all thinking of the students was
accessible to the teacher. Through their interactions with the students, the teachers
were able to notice information on some but not all of the students. The teachers
noticed different information from different students at different times.
The information they noticed was related to the students' science, social and
personal development (Bell and Cowie, 1997). The teachers noticed information
about the students' science learning. During practical and written work, the teachers
noticed whether or not the students were performing the task according to the
scientific procedure, and if they were making the intended sense. For example,
teacher 5 noticed that some of her students did not have a scientifically acceptable
concept of heating and cooling; teacher 9 noticed that some students did not
understand the notion of controls; and teacher 7 noticed that some of her students did
not know about the properties of the substances she had asked them to separate. The
teachers also noticed information on what sense the students were making (whether
it fell within their intended learning or not). For example, teacher 7 noticed that
some of her students requested equipment to filter oil and water to separate them.

Their request gave her information about the understandings these students were
developing from an activity on separating substances. The teachers also noticed
aspects relating to the students' personal and social development. For example,
teacher 9 noticed when a student began to work more co-operatively with others.

Recognising as a part of interactive formative assessment

The second part of interactive formative assessment was that of recognising. The
teachers commented that while they were observing, talking to or listening to a
student(s) they would notice something and recognise its significance for the
development of the students' personal, social or science understandings. Recognising
may be differentiated from noticing in that it is possible to observe and note what a
student does without appreciating its significance. At times, the teachers only
appreciated the significance after the event. For example, teacher 3 was confused by
how one of his students used the word 'fuse', seemingly with understanding. It
occurred to the teacher later that the student was using the term 'fuse' in the context
of a bomb fuse, rather than to the teacher's meaning of the fuse in a household
The teachers also said their noticing and recognising was strongly influenced by
their pedagogical knowledge and experiences from previous teaching. Noticing and
recognising required the teachers to use their prior knowledge of the individual
student, their pedagogical content knowledge, and their knowledge of the context.
The teachers discussed how they might not notice and recognise the significance
of students' comments and actions because they lacked the experience and knowledge.
The teachers mentioned that interactive formative assessment was difficult for
beginning teachers and for experienced teachers with a new class, say at the
beginning of the year (Bell and Cowie, 1997). The teachers said their awareness of
student thinlung (what they noticed and recognised) was often triggered if a student
response was unexpected, incorrect or a number of students indicating that they held
a similar view.
Wiliam (1992) identified two issues, disclosure and fidelity, which may limit the
information teachers have to notice and recognise. The disclosure of an assessment
information eliciting strategy is the extent to which it produces evidence of
attainment from an individual in the area being assessed. Within this project, this
definition is extended to include the extent to which it produces evidence of students'
non-understanding in the area being assessed. Wiliam (1992) defined ‘fidelity’ as the
extent to which evidence of attainment, which has been disclosed, is observed
faithfully. He claimed that fidelity is undermined if evidence of attainment is
disclosed but not observed. For example, the teacher may not hear a small group
discussion in which the students demonstrate they understand a concept. Fidelity is
also undermined ifthe evidence is observed but incorrectly interpreted, for example,
if the teacher did not understand the student's thinlung, a possibility if there is
insufficient commonalty in the teacher and the students' thinking. The compromise
to fidelity through lack of opportunity to observe student thinking and the inability
to interpret students thinking, are critical issues in interactive formative assessment.
To recognise the significance of what is noticed, teachers must be able to
interpret the information they have and to understand its implications in terms of
what sense the students are making. The two parts of interpreting and appreciating
implications constitute recognising. From a constructivist view of learning,

recognising the significance of what students say and do, requires teachers to make
'qualitative judgements' (Sader, 1984). Sadler (1989) claimed the use of qualitative
judgement required a concept of quality appropriate for the task and the ability to
judge work in relation to this. In the case of students' science learning, teachers must
understand the science concept (have the science content knowledge) and be able to
judge the students' comments and /or actions in relation to this (have the appropriate
pedagogical content knowledge). Hence, the teachers must be able to make science
criterion-referenced judgements.
Sadler (1989) also argued that qualitative judgements are holistic and invoke
fuzzy criteria which are context dependent rather than predetermined. In his view, the
salience of particular criteria depends on 'what is deemed to be worth noticing' at a
particular time. Wiliam (1992) argued that some forms of understanding can not be
completely encapsulated by a set of pre-determined criteria. He claimed that
'construct-referenced interpretations are required when assessing holistic and open-
ended activities such as investigations, projects and creative writing for in these 'The
whole is more than the sum of the parts'. Sadler (1989) and Wiliam (1992) both
stated that the criteria required to judge or recognise what students are learning as
emergent rather than completely pre-determined.

Responding as a part of interactive formative assessment

The third part of interactive formative assessment was the teachers responding to
what they had noticed and recognised. The responding by the teachers was similar to
the acting in plamned formative assessment except that the time frame was different -
it was more immediate. Hence, the teachers’ responses to student learning were
typically care, student and science referenced. A single response might have one or
more of these aspects in it.
The care referenced response was a response related to nurturing the teacher's
relationship with the students or the students' view of science. The teachers often
indicated they would not wish their response to damage their relationship with a
student or to damage the way the student viewed science, and at times acted to
nurture these relationships. The student referenced response was a response related to
enhancing the students' development, with reference to the students themselves.
These two were often identifiable in the one response. For example, teacher 7 noted
and recognised one student's reluctance to accept her advice on how to separate two
substances. He had suggested separating sand and salt with a pair of tweezers.
Knowing he would not accept her word on the practicality and preciseness of this
proposed method, she gave him a pair of tweezers which he used over two lessons to
find out for himself if his technique 'worked' or not.
The science referenced response was a response to mediate a students' learning
towards that of a scientist. For example, teacher 5 questioned students and suggested
further activities to get them to engage them in thinking about their ideas of heating
and cooling.
On some occasions, the teachers responded to interactive formative assessment
information by changing from interacting with a random sample of students to
acting with all the students. This occurred when a student had a particular
scientifically unacceptable conception or when a number of students displayed
similar alternative conceptions of the science or of the purposes or requirements of
the task. They described this action as being an efficient use of their time and as

enabling them to provide feedback to all students including those who might be too
shy to ask or unable to formulate their concern into a question. The interactive
formative assessment response that they took often involved repeating an
explanation or activity, which had been successful with a student or a small group.
Another response by the teachers was deliberately to elicit information from all
the students. For example, this was observed during a whole class discussion when
teacher 7 responded to the information she had by deliberately eliciting information
from all the students by asking for a show of hands. She described the decision to do
this as spontaneous. In order to respond to interactive formative assessment in this
way, the teachers had to be familiar with a number of assessment strategies and with
the forms of information they were able to elicit. When a teacher moved from
randomly noticing information from a student in one lesson to eliciting it from all
students in the next lesson, this was considered as a move to planned formative
Responding involves 'reciprocity and empathy' (Learvitt, 1994, p. 73) and
spontaneity and flexibility (Goodfellow, 1996). It also involves using prior
experiences. Peterson and Clark (1978) found that experience provided teachers with
more alternatives for action and Jaworski (1994) suggested that experience can
improve teachers' ability to decide which alternative is the most appropriate in a
Within the process of interactive formative assessment, the teachers often had to
make quick decisions in circumstances in which they did not have all the necessary
information. As these decisions were made in context, the teachers were able to use
their knowledge of individual students and the context to help them 'fill in the
missing bits of information' (Denscombe, 1995, p 177). Jaworski (1994) claimed
that 'teacher wisdom' rather than intuition or instinct is what a teacher brings to this
moment of decision making.
In summary, eight points can be made about interactive formative assessment.
• Unlike planned formative assessment, which elicited information mainly on the
students' science learning, interactive formative assessment focused on the whole
student as it enabled the teacher to focus on all three aspects of students' learning -
the students' personal, social and science development (Bell and Cowie, 1997).
• The teachers' pedagogical knowledge bases (Shulman, 1987) were used in all
four aspects of interactive formative assessment.
• The teachers indicated that they were prepared to do interactive formative
assessment in a lesson. They prepared for it by planning to increase the number of
interactions between them and their students. They prepared by providing
opportunities for students to approach them. They prepared for interactive formative
assessment by rehearsing their responses to possible student alternative conceptions.
They also planned to increase their opportunities for observing students interacting
with each other.
• Interactive formative assessment depended on the teachers' skills of interaction
with the students and the nature of the relationships they had established with the
• The teachers viewed interactive formative assessment as an integral part of
teaching and learning, not separate from it. The responding as an action could be
viewed as a part of formative assessment or a part of teaching from this perspective.

• The degree of awareness of being engaged in the process of interactive

formative assessment varied amongst the teachers. And the degree of awareness of
the teachers was influential in the processes of noticing, recognising and responding.
• Another aspect of interactive formative assessment was that the process of
interactive formative assessment was typically 'over in the moment'.
• The students were not treated equally as they were within planned formative
assessment. Typically, only some students were involved in interactive formative
assessment at any one time.


In this section, the two forms of formative assessment are discussed together. The
two kinds of formative assessment and the links between them, can be represented
diagrammatically as:

Figure 4: A model of formative assessment

In a meeting in November, 1996, the teachers discussed the relationship between

and the interaction of the two kinds of formative assessment (for a fuller account, see
Bell and Cowie, 1997, p. 314). They commented that the two kinds of formative
assessment were linked through the purposes for formative assessment (see the
dotted line in figure 4); that some teachers used interactive formative assessment
more than other teachers; and that a teacher moved from planned to interactive and
back. The link between the two parts of the model was seen to be centred around the
purposes for doing formative assessment.
The teachers confinned that they changed from planned to interactive formative
assessment by noticing something in the course of planned formative assessment.
They may have suspected that things may not have been okay and wanted to check
things out, they may have noticed a student's or a group of students' alternative
conceptions or misconceptions, they may have wished to follow up a hunch, or
monitor the learning occurring. This change was usually in response to focusing

from the class to an individual. They usually switched back from interactive to
planned formative assessment in response to their responsibility for the whole class'
They also commented that under stress (for example, implementing a new
curriculum or when ill) they tended to do less of the interactive formative
assessment. In particular, heavy emphases on summative assessment procedures for
leaving qualifications (for example, Unit Standards in New Zealand) or for review
and monitoring procedures (by the Education Review Office in New Zealand) were
seen by the teachers as influencing the amount of interactive formative assessment
they felt they were able to do.


There are five key features of the model. Firstly, the model of formative assessment
developed consisted of two kinds of formative assessment: planned and interactive
formative assessment. Planned formative assessment involved eliciting assessment
information using planned specific assessment activities, interpreting and acting on
the information. It was used mainly with the whole class. Interactive formative
assessment involved noticing in the context of the learning activities, recognising
and responding. It was used mainly with individual students or with small groups.
Further similarities and differences are given In table 1. Of importance was the use
of and the switching between the two forms by the teachers in the course of a unit of
work. The main distinction between them was the degree and type of planning done
by the teachers.
A second significant feature of the model is that formative assessment is
described as a complex, skilled task. The formative assessment done by the teachers
in the research reported here (when considering both forms of formative assessment)
was either planned for or prepared for, contextuaiised, responsive, on-going, done
during the learning to improve the learning, and relied on the teacher's pedagogical
The third key feature of the model is the central role given to purpose in both
forms of formative assessment. The purpose of planned formative assessment was
perceived as obtaining information from the whole class about progress in learning
the science as specified in the curriculum to inform the teaching. The purpose of
interactive formative assessment was perceived as mediating in the learning of
individual students with respect to science, personal and social learning. Purpose
influenced each of the aspects of planned formative assessment (eliciting,
interpreting and acting) and interactive formative assessment (noticing, recognising
and responding). The purpose underlying each aspect of one form of formative
assessment could differ. For example, the purpose for eliciting and noticing might
not be the same as that behind the acting and responding. The purposes were the link
between teachers switching between planned and interactive assessment.
A fourth significant feature of the model is the action taken as part of both
planned and interactive formative assessment. The action means that formative
assessment can be described as an integral part of teaching and learning and that it is
responsive to students. The teachers in the research made the claim that they did not
think they could promote learning in science unless they were doing formative
assessment (Bell and. Cowie, 1997).

Table 1: Planned arid interactive formative assessment

Planned formative assessment Interactive formative assessment

the parts of the process were the parts of the process were
eliciting, interpreting, acting noticising, recognising, responding

tended to be done with all the tended to be done with some individual
students in the class students or small groups

could occur over an extended happened over a short time frame

time frame

purposes were mainly science purposes were science, student and

referenced care referenced

responsive to 'getting through the responsive to student learning


what was assessed was mainly science what was assessed was science,
learning personal and social learning

the assessment information obtained was the assessment information obtained

product and process was product and process but ephemeral

interpretations were norm, science and recognising was science, norm and
studentreferenced studentreferenced

actions were science, student and care responses were science, student and care
referenced referenced

relied on teachers' professional relied on teachers' professional

knowledge knowledge

The fifth key feature of the model is that the detailed data generated by the
research and underlying the model is a valuable contribution to the existing literature
on formative assessment. Knowing about the details of the formative assessment
process raised the awareness of the ten teachers about what they do by way of
formative assessment in their classrooms (Bell and Cowie, 1997). That is, the
teachers were doing formative assessment but they were not always aware of exactly
what they were doing that could be called 'formative assessment'. The increased
awareness enabled the teachers to reflect in new ways on their practice. The increased
awareness was perceived by the teachers to be the main aspect of their teacher

development during the two years of the research project (Bell and Cowie, 1997). As
one might expect, the teachers also indicated that eliciting and noticing were easier
to do in the classroom than taking action and responding! Any future teacher
development would need to focus on the taking action and responding. And in doing
so, would focus on the more risky and crucial aspects of the teacher's role and
relationship with the students. It is the taking action and responding that determines
whether the assessment is in fact formative or not. It is the taking of action and
responding that gives the students feedback as to how to improve their learning.
The feedback obtained to-date suggests that other teachers and researchers are also
interested in this clarification of the formative assessment process. The research
findings lend themselves to the development of workshop materials for use in
teacher education programmes to develop teachers' skills of formative assessment,
both with respect to knowing about formative assessment and to being able to carry
it out in the classroom.
In the next chapter, additional examples of formative assessment are given in the
form of additional cameos to further illustrate the ten characteristics and model of
formative assessment.


In this chapter, a further six examples or cameos of formative assessment from the
data are reported, having been selected to provide an illustration of the formative
assessment observed within the classrooms in a holistic way, to highlight the
complexity, and to illustrate the contextualised nature of the process. The cameos are
considered to be episodes, where an episode is defined as all that happens from the
time when the teacher started collecting the assessment information to when she or
he had finished carrying out and evaluating her or his action. Each cameo starts with
a brief description of the context of the episode. Then the researcher’s representation
of the teacher’s story of the assessment episode, as obtained through the end-of-
lesson interview, is presented. Next the researcher’s field notes of the episode are
presented to confirm and complement the interview data. In some cases, these add
detail to the teacher’s account. The researcher’s analysis and interpretations of these
episodes is presented last. Three cameos have already been given in chapter 3, the
case study. The complete documentation of all thirteen cameos, as a part of the eight
case studies, is given in the research report (Bell and Cowie, 1997, pp 48-245)


This episode is documented to illustrate ‘noticing’ as a part of interactive formative

assessment. It occurred during a sorting exercise. Teacher 9 had provided the students
with a set of statements about types of washing powder and washing conditions.
They had to select those which would allow them to set up a controlled experiment
to test the claim: ‘Sprite washes cleanest in cold water and better than any powder
cleaners if used in hot water’. The teacher had assumed incorrectly that the students
understood the notion of ‘control’. Teacher 9 said her awareness of the students not
understanding the idea of a ‘control’ arose during a whole class discussion when she
couldn’t make sense of the students’ comments. She described deliberately checking
on individual students’ understanding by going around and talking to them:

I was going to check though really quickly that they had done the card exercise and
.... knew what control was, but I found that they had interpreted the question very
differently. Naturally the next thing to do is to see how many other people have got
that same (idea) ...

(Did it become more conscious?) Oh, yes. From that group onwards I was looking for
where they were going. Like J, with the soluble thing. . ... (T9/D4/96)

[A full explanation of the data codes is given in the appendix].


The researcher observed this pattern on another occasions and discussed it with
the teacher. Teacher 9 indicated this was a pattern which she often followed:
(To) go around and see what everyone else had done. That is probably a pattern with
me. It is matching. There’s formative assessment. It is matching in my head where I
think they’re going and whew I think, they think, they’re going too. I don’t know that
it’s just what I think. It is also where they have given me the impression ... they are
going. When 1 started talking about the control stuff it sounded like it was boring, they
knew it. (T9D 5/96)

The informal process of interactive formative assessmentdescribedhere required

teacher 9 to attend to student comments and questions. It required her to be sensitive
to and to notice the implications of what the students were saying, in terms of the
sense they were making relative to the science understandings she was specifically
hoping to promote.
Teacher 9’s descriptions of the lessons suggested she was very interested in and
noticed students thinking, and was particularly sensitive to students’ alternative
conceptions. For example, she described the diversity in students’ ideas (T9/D2,
D3/96), how they transferred and linked ideas from one context to another (T9/D3,
D11/96) and she referred to the scientifically unacceptable conceptions they held
(T9/D4/96). Her noticing of students’ thinking was consistent with her expressed
interest in their thinking and desire to foster it within her classroom (T9/FN1/96;
T9/D 1/96).
In addition, teacher 9 noticed the students’ body language, the tone of their
discussions and the comments they made about their own understanding
(T9/EOY/96). For example, after one lesson she described her impression that the
students were making links and feeling more confident:
They were beginning to see the patterns and they were not as stressed. On Friday
they were quite stressed about ‘There is no pattern to this’, ‘I can’t see where this is
going’. When I went around (today) and looked at what they were doing, they were
ok. ... (T9/D 10/96)


This cameo is presented to illustrate the process of interactive formative assessment.

The teacher set the scene for this episode during the second lesson of the year. The
purpose of the second and third lessons was to revise scientific ways of investigating
and the teacher posed two questions for the students to solve: ‘Which is the most
common letter on a page of newspaper?’ and ‘Which black pen in this class contains
the most colours?’ Students worked on these questions in self-selected groups while
they formulated and tested their hypotheses for each question. The students worked
on the first question during the second lesson and completed their analysis for
homework. They discussed their results and methods at the beginning of thud
lesson. This episode started when the teacher asked the students if they remembered
the second question: ‘Which black pen in thls class contains the most colours in its
The researcher field noted this episode as:

The teacher told the students that she was using this activity were to revise the
scientific ways of investigating and to provide an opportunity to assess the students’
practical skills. She wrote the question on the board: ‘Which black pen in this class
contains the most colours?’ She explained that to get the answer the question they
would have to carry out an experiment. She told the students she could provide them
with boiling tubes, filter paper and water to help them do this. She said the students’
task was to design, carry out and evaluate an experiment to answer the question. One
student asked if they should use more than one black pen. The teacher replied they
should and asked for a show of hands from those students with black pens. A large
number of students had black pens. The students moved into groups.

The teacher moved around the class talking to different groups. During this time the
researcher observed one group of three students. These students and those around
her discussed doing a similar experiment in the third form. They recalled they had
used meths and a petri dish. The students in the group the researcher was observing,
pooled their black pens and then two students discussed the method they should use
while one student wrote in her book. This student and one of the others discussed
their hypothesis. The three students recorded the same hypothesis and method in their

The teacher approached the observed group. One of the students read her hypothesis
to the teacher. The teacher stated this was an acceptable scientific hypothesis. The
teacher left.

One student collected a piece of filter paper and a petri dish. She and one of the
other students folded the filter paper in half and placed dots of the different inks 2 cm
up from the folded edge. All three students watched when the water was added.
They decided that only the NY (a tradename) pen ink had separated and discussed
the need for meths.

Two of the students moved to another group. One student repeated the experiment.
The teacher approached her and she told the teaches that only the NY ink had more
than one colour. The student looked more closely and then said one other ink showed
some movement. The teacher asked the student if she thought the time she had waited
or the solubility of the inks were factors which might have influenced the experiment.

The group sat together while they wrote up their conclusion which was that the NY
ink contained the most colours.

Near the end of the lesson the teacher called the class back together. She held up
three different experimental set-ups. She emphasised that all three used water, ink
and paper and that these were essential. She concluded this episode by stating: ‘I
guess the answer to the question is that the NY ink has the most soluble colours’.
(T9/FN 3/96)

The researcher discussed this episode with the teacher immediately after the
lesson. Teacher 9 described her formative assessment as:
The formative thing was ... I didn’t know they had already done chromatography
because my third form hadn’t done it. That brought out the extension conversation
down the front here. ... I found it really interesting that when I gave them that gear
they immediately came down to the front and said ‘Where’s the meths?’ and
‘Where’s the petri dishes?’. ... the newspaper experiment was fresh ... the second
(black pen) experiment was very coloured by their previous experience. ... That was
unexpected. (T9/D 3/96)

Later in the discussion, the researcher asked teacher 9 about the group she had
worked with:
R Thinking about that group I ended up in, did you notice anything about
them within this lesson?

T That they had got themselves a range of things to work with. (The
teacher asked the researcher if she had anything to do with this and the
researcher stated that she hadn’t) ... it turned out that their method was
the most interesting compromise between what they knew they had to do
and being innovative ... actually doing it another way. I found it
fascinating that they borrowed the petri dish and used the boiling tube

R Was there any formative assessment action for you, with them?

T For them or for me?

R For you with them as a team.

T I didn’t observe them as a team. I observed J doing most of the work. ...
Most of my assessment today came from these front benches rather than
down the back. ... I went around and saw what everyone was doing ... I
saw that they (the innovative group) were transferring from here to their
everyday life. ...

R Was there any ‘What shall I do?’ or doing things today?’

T Oh yes. There was choosing what the focus would be today ... I hadn’t
done that before for either of those experiments. ... as we went through,
that the focus would be different methods rather than the best method. I
felt the same with the chromatography ... If I was doing
chromatography .. I would going into that solvent only works with these
ones ..... so it appears that only one of these has any other colours in. Is
that true or is there another story? ... if it was to do with pigments and
colours ... I would ... (T9/D 3/96)

The researcher asked teacher 9 about a specific events:

R I would like to ask you ... when you were talking to J, she said something
like ‘Only the NY has worked’ and then she noticed the little bit of
yellow coming off the top of another one. You talked to her and said
‘that’s if we’re talking about time’ and you mentioned the ink being
soluble in water. I noticed that when you wrapped up you mentioned ...
that perhaps the answer to the question was that we’ve got very few

T Yes. This class, now I know that they’ve done that before and should be
comfortable with the word soluble ... that should have created a picture
in their minds that it’s not what’s there, it’s whether or not it’s dissolving.
... My question was ‘Which had the most colours and we haven’t really
answered that question. They’ve found out we can answer things in
different ways but that’s a very false question ... I had not given them
sufficient gear to answer the question ...

R ... when I was listening I interpreted that perhaps you assessed that J
thought that only the NY moved and you wondered and fed back to her
’Was it to do with the water?’

T It wasn’t based just on J. It was based on the whole class. That’s the
first time that thought came up but as I went around I kept meeting it, I
kept thinking... I do not want to give them the wrong message here. I do
not want them to go away thinking that only the NY contains other
colours ... which is what I was setting them up to do if I didn’t say
anything more. (T9D 3/96)

This episode was presented in detail as it is interpreted as illustrating several

features of the process of interactive formative assessment:
• teacher 9 gathered information from all the students as she had talked with all
the students.
• teacher 9 considered she had detailed information on the thinking of only some
of the students as she had spoken most to a group on the front bench.
• teacher 9 noticed those aspects the students’ learning which she found
unexpected. She had not expected the students to have done the black ink experiment
before because she had not done the practical activity with her own third form in the
• teacher 9 noticed the students’ thinking as it was represented by the diversity
and ingenuity of their solutions to the problem. Her noticing of student thinking
was consistent with her belief that thinking is important (T9/FN1/96; T9/D1/96).
• teacher 9 noticed and recognised a scientifically unacceptable idea (only NY
black ink contained more than one colour). Enhancing the students’ science
knowledge was important to the teacher. Her interaction with one student, who held
this idea, sensitised her to this view and so she was attuned to it in later interactions
with the rest of the class.
• a scientifically unacceptable idea triggered her awareness of the process of
interactive formative assessment. The teacher was concerned not to leave the students
with scientifically unacceptable conceptions. It is possible that her interaction with a
number of students, all with same idea, raised her awareness of this as an issue.
Whichever was the case, teacher 9 was able to identify the student with whom she
first became aware of this idea and to name the other groups who also held this idea.
She described her awareness as culminating in an incident, in which a student
concluded that black ink contained no colours.
• teacher 9 used information about what sense the students were making of the
practical activity to refine her purpose for the activity. In this case, she told the
students her purpose for the activity was to check they were able to generate an
hypothesis, then design and carry out an experiment to test it (T9/FN3/96). She
said she considered the activity would provide her with an opportunity to assess their
practical skills. After the lesson, she said that once she had seen the diversity of
solutions the students had generated, she had decided ‘the focus would be different
methods rather than the best’. This focus enabled her to validate and encourage a
diversity of thinking within the class, which was one of her stated long term goals.
The interplay of her long term and short term goals was important on this occasion.
Her formative assessment information enabled her to use the activity to promote one
of her long term goals, within the framework of a short term goal. The flexibility
of her purposes for the activity meant that the criteria she used to judge the students’
thinking and actions were both pre-determined (could they use scientific ways of
investigating - a short term goal) and emergent (being able to generate a number of
solutions to a problem was valuable - a longer term goal associated with promoting
student thinking and appreciating the limitations of a science activity)

• teacher 9 generated a number of possible actions, but she selected the one
which she considered would most effectively meet her final goals for the lesson.
• She took generalised action with the class when she considered other students
would benefit from feedback on a particular idea, and when she was not sure if she
had provided every individual with the information during her interactions with
them. Teacher 9 also acted with the class in an attempt to correct the students’
perception that only one ink contained more than one colour.


This cameo is included as it illustrates the process of interactive formative

assessment. The lesson which is described was the first for the new term. Prior to
the lesson, teacher 7 stated she intended to review the techniques used for separating
mixtures, to get the students to complete a written task, and to evaporate a salt and
water solution. She began by telling the class that separating mixtures was the last
topic in the unit they had been working on the previous term and that once this was
completed there would be a test. The researcher field noted the lesson:
The teacher introduced the topic of separating mixtures and commented that ‘some of
these you have done before so we should be able to rattle through it’. She asked the
students what they would do if she asked them to separate out the red smarties from a
jar full of smarties. When the students stated they would pick them out on the basis of
their colour she linked their comments to separating:

‘the principle for separating components of mixtures .... is to find something different
and use that property to separate them’.

A textbook was distributed and the teacher read through and discussed the techniques
of filtering, distillation, decanting, crystallising with the class.

The first technique was filtering. The teacher commented to the class that they had
already used this technique and asked if anyone could explain the principle of
filtering. A student volunteered that ‘when a filter had tiny holes only water and tiny
objects can get through’. The teacher replied ‘Exactly’, restated this and linked
filtering to sieving.

The second technique was decanting. The teacher asked the class how many had
decanters at home. One student asked what they were. The teacher described a wine
decanter and how it worked. She stated decanting consisted of ‘pouring liquid from
the top of a solid’. She linked this with pouring the water from boiled potatoes.

Crystallising, distilling and fractional distillation were covered in a similar manner.

That is, the teacher described the technique, sought ideas from the students, answered
their questions and made links to their everyday experiences.

Next, the teacher introduced a ‘thinking’ task. She explained that she wanted the
students to think about how they would separate out the two substances from each of
the mixtures she was writing on the board.

How would you separate‘ technique property

kidney beans from broad beans

oilfrom water

iron filings from sand

salt from sand

dirt from water

meths from water

gold specks from sand

She discussed what techniques could be used to separate kidney and broad beans.

The teacher moved around the class and spoke to a number of groups. She moved to
the front of the class and said:

M has said ‘What am I doing? I don’t understand.’ If she doesn’t understand I am

sure there will be lots of you who don’t.

The teacher read out ‘How do we separate kidney beans from broad beans?’. A
student asked what a kidney bean was. The students and teacher discussed the shape
of kidneys, and the shape and colour of both kidney beans and broad beans and linked
these features to how the beans could be separated.

The teacher moved around the class taking to groups of students. One group
checked that the two beans looked and tasted differently. A student asked if they had
to use the techniques in the book. The teacher stopped the class and said: ‘C. has
made a good point,...’. She stated could use techniques other than those in the book.

A group asked the teacher if they could use filtering to separate oil and water. The
teacher went to the prep room and returned with oil and filter paper. She poured oil
on the filter paper and discussed whether filtering was appropriate. She moved to the
front of the class and demonstrated the effect of oil on filter paper, saying ‘If you are
not sure of oil and filter paper ......’ While she was doing this another group asked
about sand and salt. She collected these from the prep room and invited the students
to come and look at them so they could ‘compare the size’.

She moved around the class talking to students. The teacher stopped that class and

A few things have become obvious ... you need to know the properties of the different
things and you need to know what happens when you put them together. ... What
about broad and kidney beans?

She discussed this example with the class and asked for suggestions about to how to
separate oil and water. One student asked if she could decant the liquids. She
explained that as oil floats on water, she would be able to pour the oil off first. A
number of students queried whether the oil would be on top once the jug was tilted.
The teacher drew two diagrams on the board.

One student suggested that the water would also come out. She explained her
reasoning and at the teacher’s invitation she modified the teacher’s diagram. There
was a general discussion of the shape and position of the boundary between oil and
water when the jug was tilted. The teacher noted that the lesson was nearly at an end
and concluded the discussion by saying: ‘Maybe we need to try this ... tomorrow’.

She asked the students to complete the task for homework.


As they left the laboratory the group beside the researcher asked the teacher what a
technique was, whether they could use techniques not in the book and if they could
separate gold and sand using a magnet. (T7/FN1/96)

Teacher 7 and the researcher discussed this lesson. Teacher 7 stated she had
expected the students to find the principle of separating substances a simple topic:
I expected that they would have that sort of down. I suppose I expected that this is a
really simple topic that everyone would ... get just like that. (T7/D1/96)

Teacher 7 highlighted the fact that her expectations were not realised. She had
expected the students to be familiar with the techniques for separating substances,
the properties of the substances she had selected for them to separate, and the way
these substances reacted when they were mixed. For example, she spoke of expecting
the student to have had experience with filtering:
I expected them to have done something like that before. They’ve said that. When ...
we did filtering, some of them said, ’Oh we’ve done this’. ... some of them have done
various topics. They’ve done water, they’ve done this, they’ve done solids, liquids and
gases, according to them. ... they seem to touch ... on the ideas, but they obviously
haven’t gotten the ideas that I’m hoping to bring out of them. But they think they’ve
done it because they’ve covered the topic before or they’ve mentioned these things
before. (T7/D1/96)

The teacher spoke of being surprised that the students did not have a ‘general
knowledge’ and experience of the substances she was asking them to separate:
... they didn’t know what kidney beans and broad beans were. ... I thought they were
going to be really obvious things to use. But they didn’t actually know what they
were. ... it became obvious that they didn’t actually know enough about these things to
be able to separate them. ... there were quite a lot (of students) who didn’t know what
oil did. To me it was obvious it was going to float but it wasn’t to them because they
didn’t have the experience of that. (T7/D1/96)

The students’ comments during her introduction of the principle of separation

and the possible techniques for separating mixtures, had led the teacher to conclude
that the students understood both the principle and its application within the different
techniques. So their response to the activities was unexpected.
When asked what formative assessment she considered she had undertaken during
the lesson, teacher 7 spoke of becoming aware of her use of formative assessment
when she was introducing the task. Her awareness was triggered when she,
unexpectedly, needed to ask a number of direct questions in order to obtain the
information she needed:
When I was trying to explain the idea ... why you can separate things using the
different properties ... I was just aware of asking a lot questions. ... I was hoping
more was going to come spontaneously. ...They were going to think, ‘Done this.
Know it’ and it was going to come. (T7/D1/96)

Teacher 7 said how she had become aware that the students had a limited
knowledge of the properties of the substances she had included in the mixtures,
through their questions and comments:
T G’s bald ‘what on earth are kidney beans like?’. She had no idea. ...
They were asking me, ‘What’s this like? What happens if this? ... they
were asking me questions.

R So it was lots of questions?

T Yeah, ... just hearing the things that they were saying which were
obvious nonsense. Like ‘We could decant them, kidney beans and broad
beans’, ... things like that which meant they didn’t understand the term.
Or they hadn’t looked. ... And they needed to come to grips with what
the properties were. ... they were asking questions like ‘What does oil
do? ‘What will oil do if you filter it?’ (T7/D1/96)

The teacher identified the students’ lack of prior knowledge as a misconception

she had held. She said she had expected that ‘they would know what salt and sand
are like and be able to apply that theory’. As a consequence of what she found out,
she said ‘... we needed to do something about the properties of salt and the properties
of sand and then mix them and see’ (T7/D1/96).
The actions the teacher took were to revisit the principles of separation, focusing
on the use of a difference in the properties of the substances:
It became obvious that they didn’t know. I had to show them what oil did when you
put it on paper. Because they didn’t realise it would soak in. ... they wanted to know
if it would go through or if it would sit on the top. And I said you know what happens
if you put oil into water. No. (T7/D1/96)

Teacher 7’s actions are interpreted as reflecting a review of the time frame for her
goals. She stated her initial intention was to move quickly through the task and
focus on separating salt and water through evaporation. On finding out the students’
level of prior knowledge, her goal became one of increasing the students’ knowledge
of the individual properties of the substances she wanted them to separate and the
relevance of these to the mixture. She began the next lesson by demonstrating the
separation of oil and water, the students then separated meths and water, and sand and
iron filings. She also demonstrated the non-magnetic nature of gold.
During this lesson, the teacher’s interaction with the students also ‘required‘ her
to generate additional goals. For example, the discussion on what happens when a
mixture of oil and water are tilted, generated a high level of interest and diverse
student opinion. Teacher 7 said ‘I’ve got to show her ...’ when she spoke about one
student’s view of what would happen when a mixture of oil and water is tilted.
Clarifying this student’s ideas became an additional goal for her. She addressed this
questions with the whole class at the beginning of the next lesson. It is unknown if
she would have acted with the whole class if there had not been general interest and
The main points illustrated by this cameo are:
• teacher 7 used interactive formative assessment (noticing, recognising and
• teacher 7 became aware of undertaking interactive formative assessment when
the unexpected nature of the students’ responses to the task necessitated her asking a
number of questions. Questions and suggestions from the students while she was
moving around the groups alerted her to the nature of the students’ scientifically
unacceptable ideas.

• the identity of the students who asked questions was significant. Some of the
students who asked questions were among those she considered ‘thoughtful’ and the
most likely to understand (T7/D1/96).
• it was important that she was asked similar questions by more than one
student, especially more than one thoughtful student. This helped focus her attention
and raised her awareness of the problems. In this instance, the student question about
kidney and broad beans would have been sufficient to alert her to the students’ ideas.
• teacher 7 acted with both individuals and the class as a whole. For example, she
showed a group the effect of oil on filter paper and then she demonstrated this to the
whole class. This was a deliberate and considered action. She provided a number of
reasons for this. She considered that the students who asked questions tended to be
thoughtful, with a good understanding of ideas and said that if they were having
problems, others would be too. She considered there were students who ‘do not like
to display their uncertainty to the teacher’ (T7/D1/96). She said some students who
knew they could not do the task, could not formulate a question to ask her in order
to obtain help. She acted with the whole class to provide feedback to all these
• teacher 7 acted to address the students’ scientifically unacceptable conceptions.
She revisited the task requirements, the meaning of properties and techniques and she
provided the materials for the students to look at. During the next lesson, she
provided the students with the materials and they separated the mixtures themselves.


Within this cameo two episodes are compared and contrasted. The concept of density
was the focus of both episodes. The first episode is described in the section called
‘Density’. It illustrates the processes of planned and interactive formative
assessment. The second episode is described in the section ‘The tower’ and is more
summative in nature. The two episodes are compared and contrasted in the third
section of this cameo.


The episode described here took a whole lesson. The students had spent the previous
two lessons doing practical work to explore the ideas of floating and sinking, density
and the mass of air. They had spent time reviewing their conclusions to the practical
activities. The teacher intended to discuss the students’ ideas of density during the
lesson. A brief summary of the researcher’s field notes for the lesson is provided,
followed by the teacher’s and students’ comments on the lesson.
The teacher started the lesson by reminding the students they had started to talk about
density during the previous lesson. She asked for someone to tell her what it was. A
student said it was ‘mass or volume’. The teacher rephrased this as: ‘It is the mass of
a certain volume’. She emphasised that the certain volume was important and
recorded on the board:

density = mass of a certain volume


She asked the students how they thought density, floating and sinking were linked. No
one answered. She reminded them of the experiment in which they checked to see if
cubes of different materials floated or sank. A student siding beside her spoke to her.
The teacher said:

T Z has a thought. Z?

Z All those which weighed less than water floated and all those which
weighted more than water sank.

The teacher restated Z’s idea and asked if someone could put it in a sentence using
density. A student offered an answer:

S Whether or not something floats depends on its density

The teacher asked if someone could provide another phrase which ‘tells us a little bit
more?’ A student discussed lead floating and sinking. The teacher asked for a general
statement. A student offered:

Things which are more dense than water sink and things that are less dense float.

The teacher asked the class:

Does that make sense to you all? If not put your hands up.

There were nods and ‘Yeahs’ around the room and she wrote on the board:

to compare the weight of materials we must use afair test.

J gave the formula p = m/V.

She continued writing on the board:

The rule offloating and sinking is

If it is denser than water it

If is less dense it

She moved around the class and then added to the board:

Ifit is the same density it will

Commenting that the last question opened up a whole new area of floating and sinking
and drawing a diagram on the board showing substances floating at different levels. A
student asked about the last questions and she discussed displacement.

She said:

The next question is .... Why do hot air balloons float?

She asked for someone to answer, suggested she would pick someone at random and
naned N. Me replied ‘the gases they use are lighter than air’. The teacher asked
what gases were used. Students introduced helium and hydrogen. The implications of
using these gases were discussed. The teacher concluded balloonists use hot air as
they are able to control the ascent.

She then asked ‘What is inside the balloon?’. The teacher talked with some students
and then moved to the front bench and said:

Don’t forget about the other stuff.

She indicated that the student needed to remember about the mass of the basket and
the burners. She drew particles in the balloon.

A student asked:

S Why doesn’t the room fly when we turn on the heater?

T OK, good question.

The students offered suggestions such as the room was too heavy and stuck to the

She posed a series of ‘questions for experts’

What happens to air as you go up?.

Up high will you need to fire the burner more of less?

What difference will hot and cold days make?

She concluded the discussion by saying:

There have been lots of ideas from different people ...

some of you have still not spoken ...

but I think that you’ve got it OK ...


Teacher 7 initiated this episode with a question - a planned formative assessment.

It was followed by a pattern of question from the teacher or a student, discussion and
the teacher recording a statement on the board. During this lesson, teacher 7’s focus
was on the concept of density but her plan for achieving students’ understanding was
flexible. She said she had planned ‘to ask a few questions’ (T7/D8/96). Her flexible
plan allowed her to respond to student comments by appropriating their ideas and
building on them, weaving them towards the learning she wanted. Hence, she
undertook interactive formative assessment. The diverse range of comments and her
appropriation of some of them provided all students with a range of different
acceptable explanations for density. The students said they found it helpful to hear a
range of explanations (SG71/L8/96). They said that the teacher’s explicit validation
of some of explanations by recording them on the board, helped them to confirm
that they did understand (SG71/L10/96). This episode is viewed as an illustration of
formative assessment in that the teacher provided the students with feedback on the
appropriateness of their explanations. She also acted to provide opportunities for the

students to test out their ideas. Some students took advantage of these and received
individual feedback on their thinking in the whole class situation. By recording some
ideas on the board, she provided explicit feedback to all the students on what counted
as an acceptable scientific explanation of the concept of density.
In the next section, another episode in which the whole class focused on the
concept of density is described.

The Tower

The episode described here took place two lessons after the episode discussed above
as ‘Density’. Teacher 7 had set up a measuring cylinder containing six liquids with a
solid floating at each interface. At the end of the previous lesson, she had asked the
students to explain ‘What is happening here and why?’ for homework. This episode
started when she asked for students’ answers to the question at the beginning of the
next lesson. The researcher field-noted this episode (the students who were involved
are coded S1, S2, S3 and S4):
The teacher told the students she wanted to hear ‘the views of those students who
might not usually answer’ and that she would randomly select some students. She did
this by pointing at the roll and then naming a student. She asked four students for their
answers. The first said:

S1 The top is less dense than the bottom ... in the middle it’s the same

T ... Can you explain the middle with the grape and the sea and usual

S1 Is the water different?... the grape is the same density as water and salt
water. ... Are you trying to confuse me?

T I am trying to understand how you think. If I ask a question ... I am

trying to understand how you think ... to clarify the question ... I
expected you to talk about the materials in there ... I am not sure you

S1 The grape is less dense than sea water ... but not as dense as water is. Is
that what you wanted?

T That makes sense ... now I think you understand what I wanted.

S1 was awkward and defensive during this sequence.

The second student said:

S2 ... things denser than water sank ... things in the middle floated

T ... Do you think the bung is sunk?

S2 spoke very quietly and other comments were not heard. The third student said:

S3 I am not sure ... I guessed


T That’s OK

S3 I really have no idea. It might be because ... (she described the layers of
liquid, then the materials using the words lighter)

T Sounds to me you have got it redly straight. Can you say that about

S3 Aluminium is heavier than ... but lighter than mercury so it stays above it.

T Instead of lighter we can say denser.

The fourth student said he had not done his homework but he said:

S4 ... is heavier than water ... then there are grades of heavy ... salt water is
not as dense as glycerine ....

T OK ... good. What about the things?

S4 The material less dense than the substances are floating and those denser
than the substances are on the top.

The teacher asked the students to write down the material in order of density. She
moved around and looked at their books and talked with some students. Some students
discussed what glycerine was. At this time C asked ‘How dense are we?’ so the class
heard. The teacher asked the class What makes people float and sink?’. The
students talked about breathing in and out while floating. The teacher said that ‘we
are about the same density as water’ and then asked:

T Could we float on mercury? ... Hands up. Make a decision. You can’t
sit on the fence. ... Who thinks we would float? (most students put their
hands up). Who thinks we would sink?

Only two students indicated they thought they would sink. She asked each student
‘Why?’. They both responded quietly and their replies were not recorded. The
teacher did net press for further explanation. The teacher then asked a student to read
out what he had written down as the order. He read these out from heavy to Light. The
teacher asked who had a different answer but no one responded. The teacher said the
substances could also be listed in the other order. A student suggested that the lightest
substance was air. The teacher replied ‘Good one ....’.

The teacher stated she considered the students understood the idea of density and
introduced the next activity. (T7/FN 10/96)

The researcher considered the students were tense during this lesson, especially
while the teacher was selecting a student to answer. They appeared attentive while
other students were replying. When they were writing down the order of the
substances, they talked quietly together. The teacher considered most students had
been able to order the substances (T7/D10/96).
The researcher interviewed S1 and S3 at the end of the lesson as they were
members of her interview groups.
After this lesson, teacher 7 described the episode as one of formative assessment.
She said she had focused on ‘a smaller bit of knowledge’; she was:
‘seeking confirmation the students understood what had gone before ... checking up
that they could transfer the ideas ... I expected them to have got it ... I hoped they

would use the right language to show they understood about different densities. ..I
said ‘Here’s a situation, explain it’ (T7/D10/96).

One student group indicated they were aware that the tower question had links
with density but this was a new situation. They considered the teacher was interested
in whether they could transfer ideas, saying they thought she wanted them to ‘figure
out’ another situation:
S1 She hasn’t really taught us. She has but ..

S6 She has but we still didn’t. I suppose she was trying to see what
knowledge we knew ourselves.

S3 What we knew.

S1 Without her teaching us.


S1 To see if we could do it ourselves.

S4 You said she has but. Did you mean she hasn’t taught you that tower

S1 Sheonly..

S3 Explained it briefly.

S6 She just told us what’s in it.

S5 But she wanted us to figure out. (SG71/L10/96)

Teacher 7 said she was surprised at the vagueness of the first student’s response.
She said :
... I expected them to be spot on, straight away (T7/D10/96)

In this case, teacher 7’s expectations formed her pre-determined criteria for what
counted as an acceptable response to her question. These criteria were implicit for
she did not disclose them to the students until after the first student had answered her
question. The first student had to predict what the teacher’s criteria for a correct
answer might be when formulating his answer. In her response to his answer,
teacher 7 made her criteria for a successful or relevant answer more explicit. This
effectively ‘funnelled’ (Bauersfeld, 1988) the student’s subsequent answers so he was
able to display the knowledge she was seeking. This procedure might be viewed as
providing the student with the opportunity to display the knowledge the teacher was
interested in. It might also be viewed as limiting the student’s opportunity to
display what he knew. Teacher 7’s funnelling of the student’s answers was
consistent with her ‘confirming’ or ‘checking’ purpose for this activity and was

therefore a convergent formative assessment. However, it was also effectively a

summative assessment activity as it replaced the test at the end of the unit. Teacher
7 wanted to check the student had the scientific understanding she was interested in,
not what he understood, which had been her focus in ‘density’ lesson. Towards the
end of the discussion of the tower lesson, she described it as a ‘summative activity
which included formative assessment’ (T7/D10/96). She explained that she was
using the activity to check that the students understood the idea of density, that is,
she was using it to sum up the students’ learning. She said she was also responding
to and trying to build on the answers she received. (T7/D10/96).

Comparing the density lesson and the tower lesson.

It is significant that the student’s responded very differently to these two lessons
during class time and during the interview, depending on whether the students felt
the assessment was to be for formative or summative purposes. When teacher 7
compared the two lessons, she said that her intention in the first one had been to
pull together three or four ideas. She indicated she considered all but two students did
this. Her intention for the second lesson, was to ‘check out’ and ‘confirm’ the
students understood density.
The students described the two lessons differently during the end-of-lesson
interviews. During the interview after the tower episode, the students focused on
being questioned, rather than on learning. They considered the teacher was expecting
a specific response and viewed this episode as ‘like the end’ and ‘this is the
conclusion, sort of thing ... a summary’. They described the situation as ‘harder’.
They perceived the teacher’s purpose had changed, for example, one student said:
... but when it is specific, then it is harder ... like that tower thing. We had to write

The students viewed the tower episode as a summative assessment activity even
though the teacher did not tell them it was. She only recognised the extent to which
her purpose was summative towards the end of the discussion of the lesson. The
targeting of students to answer a closed question, her indication that she was seeking
a particular form of answer and her probing for this indicated to the students that this
was a summative activity, that is, her intention was to sum up their learning. This
was evident in the contrast between their views of the tower and the density lessons.
They described the discussion on density as a time in which they were negotiating,
with the teacher’s mediation, an acceptable definition of density:

S6 Everyone in putting in their ideas. A discussion is different.

S3 Because everyone had different ideas....

S6 In a class discussion everyone puts forward their ideas. ... I do in class

discussions but not in (SG71/L10/96)

During a report back interview two months later, the researcher described these
two lessons to the students and asked them how they decided whether a teacher was
checking on their ideas or discussing them with them. One of the groups
differentiated between these two activities in terms of how the teacher asked
questions. Of discussion they said:
S4 How do you work out the difference between the discussion time and the
checking time? What tells you?

S7 In discussion time it is not as much, she is asking you questions. You are
giving more answers and she is not asking as many questions. You are
giving her thoughts and stuff.....

S4 I have sort of got this but 1 still don’t understand, I’m sorry. In discussion
time it is different, she is asking fewer questions?

Ss Yeah

S1 But not of, you have got to use your head

S7 She is giving more ideas ...

S4 She is asking fewer questions and they are, are they sort of different?

S8 Longer.

s7 Some are a bit longer than

s1 Quick questions

s7 If she says the question then someone ... will answer it. Then some else
will give their view and someone else. (SG72/MC/96)

Of checking they said:

S4 In checking?


S1 Giving us a whole lot of original questions.

S8 ... she will ask one particular person.

s7 And she just goes (on) until someone gets it right, really.

S1 She just goes ‘You’, ‘You’, ‘Yes’.

S7 And if it is right, she just goes onto the next one (question).

The students said the teacher asked longer questions which required them to think
during discussions. They said they volunteered ideas and the teacher contributed more
ideas during discussions. When talking about the teacher’s actions when she was

‘checking’ on their understanding they described an ‘initiate, respond, evaluate’

sequence. They said she asked more and ‘quicker’ questions, naming students to
respond until she got the ‘right’ answer. They indicated that they considered they
were supposed know to the answers to these questions so they did not usually learn
anything. One student said if he was unable to answer he listened to others’ replies.
One student commented that the teacher was also checking on their ideas during the
She does both. ... I think the checking time cuts in with the discussion. (SG72/MC/96)

The comments made by these students suggested they were able to determine
when a teacher’s intention was to sum up their learning, that is, to find out if they
understand, and when it is to inform their learning, that is to find out what and how
they undersand. Their comments suggested they were able to differentiate between
formative and summative assessment occasions even if the teacher does not make
this explicit. In this case, the students differentiated between the two on the basis of
the teacher’s questions and responses. What is critical in this distinction from the
teacher’s perspective, is that the students indicated they were reluctant to volunteer
and reveal their thinking when they considered the teacher was checking on their
understanding. The risks were too high.
In summary, these cameos further illustrate what formative assessment involves
for both the teacher and students. It is a complex, highly skilled action that has both
individual and social aspects. These cameos illustrate that formative assessment is a
highly contextualised, purposeful, intentional, responsive, linguistic action by
teachers and students and that it is integrated with teaching and learning.


In this chapter, we wish to build on the summaries and overviews given in

chapters 4 and 5. We wish to theorise on our research findings, which suggest that
formative assessment can be viewed as a purposeful, intentional, responsive activity
involving meaning making; an integral part of teaching and learning; a situated and
contextualised activity; a partnership between teacher and students; and involving the
use of language to communicate meaning.
Our purpose for theorising about formative assessment, is to account for
formative assessment within the current debates on cognition, learning and language
in the classroom, rather than within the current debates on accountability in
education. If formative assessment is considered to be a part of learning, then
theorising about learning should be useful in theorising about formative assessment.
Nuthall (1997), in his review of recent studies of student thinking in the classroom,
identified three broad categories. Firstly, there are those studies (the cognitive
constructivist perspective) that incorporate learning and thinking into a broad
conception of cognition and students are seen as creating or constructing their own
knowledge and skills. A second category (the sociocultural and community focused
perspective) contains those studies that are primarily sociocultural in their
orientation. Learning and thinking are seen as social processes or social practices,
that is, practices occuring in social contexts, - between, rather than within,
individuals. The third category ( the language focused perspective) contains studies
that have a primarily language or sociolinguistic orientation. ‘Here, the language of
the classroom is both the content and the medium of learning and thinking. What
students acquire are the lingusitic “genres” of the disciplines’ (Nuthall, 1997, p. 1).
These three categories are evident in the following discussions of learning and
formative assessment.
As discussed in chapter 2, previous debates on learning and science education,
have involved discussions on behaviourist and constructivist views of learning.
More recently, sociocultural views are being used to theorise learning in science. We
argue here that sociocultural views of cognition and learning can be used to theorise
about formative assessment and in this chapter we attempt to theorise the findings of
the research project, using sociocultural views.
Within the science education, education and other literature, current debates on
learning cluster around sociocultural views of cognition and learning which are
variously described as social cognition (Resnick, 1991; Augoustinos and Walker,
1995; Salomon and Perkins, 1998); social constructivist view of learning (Bell and
Gilbert, 1996; Driver, Asoko, Leach, Mortimer and Scott, 1994); situated learning

(Lave and Wenger, 1991; Hennessy, 1993); apprenticeship, guided participation,

participatory appropriation (Rogoff, 1995); distributed cognition (Salomon, 1993b;
Carr, 1998); mediated action (Vygotsky, 1978; Wertsch, 1991; Wertsch, del Rio,
Alvarez, 1995) and discursive activities (Harré and Gillett, 1994). These categories
and associated descriptions are not mutually excluding, there is much overlap and
lack of clarity. This is due to various categories having been developed from within
different disciplines, for example, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and
education. Different and similar words are used, different meanings are constructed
and different emphases highlighted. In this chapter, we are not summarising these
sociocultural views of learning per se, but rather we are theorising about formative
assessment by drawing upon a number of sociocultural views of learning. In
particular, we wish to account for the research findings and broadly theorise
formative assessment as a purposeful, intentional activity involving meaning
making; an integral part of teaching and learning; a situated and contextualised
activity; a partnership between teacher and students; and involving the use of
language to communicate meaning.



For formative assessment to occur, students and teachers have to disclose to each
other the meanings that they are making in the lesson, and negotiate a shared
meaning. The feedback that the student receives about the ‘gap’ between her
constructed meaning and the teacher’s, will enable her to take action to bridge the
‘gap’. The meanings constructed during formative assessment can be viewed as the
mental representations of an object, event or idea, developed when an individual
(such as a student or teacher) experiences and interacts with the environment. As a
way of theorising about constructed meanings, constructivism has been a powerful
and fruitful theoretical perspective in science education (Duit, 1994).
Taken in its most general form, constructivism asserts that all learning takes
place when an individual constructs a mental representation of an object, event or
idea. Mental representations are used as a basis for mental and physical action, and
both enable and constrain an individual's process of meaning making (Resnick,
1991). A personal constructivist view of learning in science was developed in the
1980’s (for example, Osborne and Wittrock, 1985; Osborne and Freyberg, 1985;
Driver and Bell, 1986; Driver, 1989). The findings of this research suggest that
students and teachers had to co-construct a shared understanding during the formative
assessment process.
One of the main criticisms of personal constructivism is that this view of
construction ignores the socially and historically situated nature of knowing. It gives
‘primacy to abstract mental structures and rational thought processes at the expense
of the historically and socially constituted subjectivity that learners bring to the
reasoning process' (O'Loughlin, 1992, p. 800). In response, there has been a

growing recognition of the role of the social and cultural aspects in learning in
science as well as the personal, constructivist aspects, and science educators have
sought to develop a social constructivist view of learning (Driver, Asoko, Leach,
Mortimer and Scott, 1994; Bell and Gilbert, 1996). A social constructivist view of
learning was proposed by Bell and Gilbert (1996, p. 50), recognising these
• Knowledge is constructed by people.
• The construction and reconstruction of knowledge is both personal and social.
• Personal construction of knowledge is socially mediated. Social construction of
knowledge is personally mediated.
• Socially constructed knowledge is both the context for and the outcome of
human social interaction. The social context is an integral part of the learning
• Social interaction with others is a part of personal and social construction and
reconstruction of knowledge.
Bell and Gilbert (1996) supported a view of learning (with respect to teacher
development) which considered both the development of the individual's construction
of meaning towards the socially agreed to knowledge and the reconstruction and
transformation of the culture and social knowledge itself. In other words, such a
view of learning would acknowledge the partially determining and partially
determined characteristic of human agency - the interaction of the individual with the
social can change both. The personal construction of knowledge was seen as
mediated by socially constructed knowledge and the social construction of knowledge
was seen as mediated by personally constructed knowledge. As indicated in chapters
3 and 4, formative assessment, as researched in this project, is a highly
contextualised activity. The social context mediated the process of formative
In addition, in focusing on how students individually constructed understanding
from experiences and interactions with the physical environment, personal
constructivism was also criticised in that it did not address the affective and
intentional aspects of thinking and learning (Pintrich, Marx, and Boyle, 1993;
Gilbert, 1997, p.228) and that its epistemological basis was flawed (Osborne, 1996).


Since the mid-1990s, there has been considerable theorising on learning with respect
to sociocultural views of learning in education and in science education, with the
goal of considering both individual and social aspects in the process of meaning
making. In other words, the mental activities of individuals and an individual's
meaning making are considered along with their socially and historically

Salomon and Perkins (1998) in arguing the case for something called ‘social
learning’, distinguished six meanings of social learning for the sake of conceptual
clarity. The first three are of interest in the context of this chapter:
i) socially mediated individual learning. For example, a teacher (the facilitating
agent) teaches reading to a student (the individual learner); peer tutoring,
collaborative, cooperative and reciprocal learning. This approach views the social
system enhancing the individual’s learning as an individual, striving to improve
mastery of knowledge and skill.
ii) social mediation as participatory knowledge construction, that is, learning is the
participation in a social process of knowledge construction. An example would be
students participating in the construction and validation of scientific knowledge by
the science community. In this view, it is impossible to examine mental processes
independently of the sociocultural setting in which individuals and groups function
(Wertsch, 1991). Hence, the study of learning must take into account the social
contexts in which it occurs (Lave and Wenger, 1991 ; Resnick, 1991; Wertsch, del
Rio and Alvarez, 1995). It becomes unreasonable to separate cognition or
motivation (or affect) from the socially mediating context or to separate individuals
from their activities and the contexts in which they take place (Salomon and
Perkins, 1998).
iii) social mediation by cultural scaffolding. That is, the learner is helped in some
way by cultural artifacts, for example, tools such as computers, and sign systems
such as speech genres.
These three meanings of ‘social learning’ underpin sociocultural views. In this
chapter, sociocultural views of learning: situated learning, distributed cognition, and
mediated action, will be used to theorise about formative assessment.

Learning and formative assessment as a situated activity

One sociocultural view of learning is that of learning as a situated activity. ‘Situated

activity’ is a phrase used by Lave and Wenger (1991) to locate learning (and its
formative assessment) in the processes of social interaction, not in the heads of
individuals. In other words, learning (and formative assessment) is seen as a process
that takes place in a co-participation framework, not in an individual mind. Lave and
Wenger (1991) made a case for focussing on the relationship between learning and
the social situations in which it occurs. Rather than defining learning in terms of
acquisition or internalisation of structure, they viewed learning as the increased
access of learners to participating roles in expert performances (Hanks, 1991).
Learners are seen as 'participating in communities of practitioners and that mastery
of knowledge and skill requires newcomers to move toward full participation in the
sociocultural practices of a community' (Lave and Wenger, 1991, p. 29). Hence,
learning is seen as a integral and inseparable aspect of social practice or, in other
words, the process by which newcomers become part of a community of practice.
Lave and Wenger (1991) used the term ‘legitimate peripheral participation’ to denote

this learning through apprenticeship: ’legitimate peripheral participation is proposed

as a descriptor of engagement in social practice that entails learning as an integral
constituent’ (p. 35). The novice comes to think and perceive as well as behave like
the expert (Nuthall, 1997), in a process labeled ‘appropriation’ (Rogoff, 1993).
Nuthall (1997) distinguished between the ‘appropriation’ of an expert’s knowledge
and skills from the concept of ‘internalisation’ that cognitivist theorists use to
. describe the acquisition of mental skills:
Whereas internalisation refers to the incorporation of behaviour and knowledge into
the cognitive processes of an individual mind, appropriation is the process by which
two people come to understand each other and work effectively together. They each
appropriate the product of their mutually evolving partnership in the activity. The
process is inherently mutual, creative and situation specific (Rogoff, 1993) (Nuthall,

The term ‘enculturation’ is also used to describe the process:

. . . learning is a process of enculturation or individual participation in socially
organised practices, through which specialised local knowledge, rituals, practices,
and vocabulary are developed. The foundation of actions in local interactions with the
environment is . . . the essential resource that makes knowledge possible and actions
meaningful. (Hennessy, 1993, p. 2).

In other words, social processes can be seen as an integral part of cognition

(Resnick, 1991), including formative assessment,

Learning and formative assessment as distributed cognition

Another sociocultural view of learning is that of learning as a distributed

cognition and it is discussed here for its value in theorising about formative
assessment. Situating cognition in social practice leads to a view of cognition as
distributed across the context in which it occurs- hence the term ‘distributed
cognition’. When studied in real life situations (for example, in planning the family
holiday), people appear to think in conjunction or partnership with others and with
the help of cultural tools and artifacts (for example, language, maps and computers).
A distributed view of cognition has been largely developed by those interested in the
use of technology (for example, computers) in learning. Cultural tools and artifacts
are used in cognition as a part of formative assessment, for example, language,
computers, pens, paper.
A strong version of distributed cognition is that while ‘individuals’ cognition are
not to be dismissed, cognition in general should be examined and conceived as
principally distributed (Salomon, 1993a, p. xv). The weaker version is that solo and
distributed cognition are still able to be distinguished from each other and are taken
to be in a dynamic relationship. It is this weaker version that is primarily discussed
in this section, for Salomon (1993b, p. 113) reminds us that not ‘all cognitions,
regardless of their inherent nature, are distributed all the time, by all individuals
regardless of situation, purpose, proclivity or affordance’. Also, different writers in
the field of distributed cognition, have differing views on the degree of distribution
of cognition.

Hence, thinking can be considered to involve not just 'solo' cognitive activities
but also distributed ones - distributed across other people and the sociocultural
situation. Cognition (for example, learning and its formative assessment) is not seen
as merely in-the-head activities, decontextualised tools and products of the mind
(Salomon, 1993b). Nor is cognition seen as residing in the heads of individuals,
with the social, cultural and technological factors relegated to the background.
Distributed cognition can be summarised as referring to:
'1. the surround - the immediate physical and social resources outside the person -
participates in cognition, not just as a source of input and a receiver of output, but as a
vehicle of thought.

2. the residue left by thinking- what is learned- lingers not just in the mind of the
learner, but in the arrangement of the surround as well . . .' (Perkins, 1993, p.90)

The social and artifactural surrounds, alleged to be 'outside' the individual's heads,
are not only sources of stimulation and guidance but are actually 'vehicles of
thought'. Distributed cognitions do not have a single locus 'inside' the individual.
Rather they are said to be 'in between' and are jointly composed in a system that
comprises an individual and peers, teachers or culturally provided tools. 'Distributed'
is used in the sense of 'stretched over' (Salomon, 1993b) rather than just divided up.
While not all cases of distributed cognition can be viewed as the same, they are seen
as having one important quality: 'the product of the intellectual partnership that
results from the distribution of cognitions across individuals or between individuals
and cultural artifacts is a joint one: it cannot be attributed solely to one or another
partner' (Salomon, 1993b, p. 112).
Our environment provides social, physical and artifactural support for cognition.
Artifacts that help us think may be tools such as calculators, computers; symbolic
representations such as language, mathematical symbols, graphs, diagrams; or the
physical environment, such as work benches (Pea, 1993). Human cognition can be
seen as distributed 'beyond the compass of the organism proper in several ways: by
involving other persons, relying on symbolic media, and exploiting the environment
and artifacts' (Perkins, 1993, p. 89). The social, artifactural and physical support in
the surrounds can enable a person to deal with complex concepts that would be
unmanageable for one person.
Cognition is also shaped by the situation with respect to affordances (Pea,
1993). Some technology affords greater opportunity for higher order kinds of
thinking and learning (Perkins, 1993; Carr, 1998). 'Affordance' refers to 'the
perceived and actual properties of a thing, primarily those functional properties that
determine just how the thing could possibly be used. Less technically, a doorknob is
for turning, a wagon handle is for pulling' (Pea, 1993, p. 51). In the educational
setting, we hope that we can get a learner to attend to the relevant properties of the
environment or object or text, such that the learner can join in. There will be
variation in the ease with which a social, cultural, technological or environmental
tool can be conveyed to and used by a learner in activities which contribute to
distributed cognition.

In summary, distributed cognition is one way of viewing socially constructed

learning and knowledge - knowledge that is 'socially constructed, through
collaborative efforts toward shared objectives or by dialogues and challenges brought
about by differences in persons' perspectives' (Pea, 1993, p. 48). Distributed
cognition is also one way of viewing formative assesment. The definition of
formative assessment given earlier in chapter 2, p. 11, can be viewed as being
included in the above description of distributed cognition.

Learning and formative assessment as a mediated action

A third sociocultural view of learning and cognition (including formative

assessment) is that they are mediated actions (Vygotsky,1978; Wertsch, 1991). A
mediated action is a human action that employs mediational means, such as
technical tools -forexample, a computer, and psychological tools – for example,
signs such as languages. As with situated and distributed views of cognition and
learning (and its formative assessment), the focus is on human action in context.
Again, the basic goal of this (and the other) sociocultural approaches to the mind is
to create an account of human mental processes that recognise the essential
relationships between these mental processes and their social, cultural and
institutional settings (Wertsch, 1991).
A fundamental assumption of this sociocultural approach to the mind is that the
unit of description and analysis is 'human action'. To understand mental functioning,
one cannot begin with the environment (as in a behaviourist approach) or a human
agent in isolation from the sociocultural settings (as in the cognitivist approach).
Instead, a sociocultural view assumes that the notion of mental functioning is not
limited to processes of the brain of the individual, and that it can be applied to social
as well as individual forms of activity. In a sociocultural view of the mind, what is
discussed and explained is human action and interaction. Wertsch (1991) asserts that
in studying human action, one sees a close relationship between social
communicative processes and individual psychological processes. Hence, to
understand the individual, it is necessary to understand the social relations in which
the individual exists.
'Mediated action' is a term used by Wertsch (1991) to emphasise that human
action typically employs 'mediational means' such as tools and signs (including
language). He gives support to Vygotsky's (1978) claim that the higher mental
functioning and human action in general are mediated by tools (or technical tools)
and signs (or psychological tools). For example, he cites the psychological tools of
language, counting systems, mnemonic techniques, algebraic systems, writing,
diagrams, maps and sees them as being part of the tool kit available to humans in
the meaning-making process. A defining property of higher mental functioning is
the fact that it is mediated by tools and by sign systems such as natural language.
The incorporation of the mediational means does not simply facilitate action that
could have occurred without them (Wertsch, 1991); instead, as Vygotsky (1978)

noted, by being included in the process of behaviour, the psychological tool alters
the entire flow and structure of mental functions. Hence the agent and the means
become inseparable. ‘The action and the mediational means are mutually
determining’ (Wertsch, 1991, p. 119). For example, Wertsch (1991) gives the
example of the blind person‘s stick. The stick is a particular shape and colour due to
its use by a blind person. One cannot separate the stick and the blind person to make
sense of it.
In summary, mediated action rests on assumptions about the close relationship
between social communicative processes and individual psychological processes. The
processes and structures of mediation provide a crucial link between historical,
cultural and institutional contexts and mental functioning. It is the sociocultural
situatedness of mediated action that provides this essential link between the cultural,
historical and institutional setting on one hand and the mental functioning of the
individual (for both learning and formative assessment) on the other.


The above sociocultural views of learning and thinking – situated, distributed and
mediated action- all have in common, aspects that are useful in theorising about
formative assessment. These are now summarised.
The main goal of a sociocultural view of learning, thinking and the mind is to
create an account of human mental processes that recognise the essential
relationships between mental processes and their social, cultural and institutional
settings (Wertsch, 1991). In terms of the classroom, the goal is to account for the
way social practices, including language, determine how and what children think and
learn. Sociocultural views of learning (and its formative assessment) inform us that
it is the whole of what goes on in classrooms that determines the learning, not just
what is happening inside an individual’s head. Overall the:

‘sociocultural perspective was developed from a desire to see school learning within
a larger cultural context. This led to a focus on the culturally embedded nature of the
classroom processes and the central role that cultural norms and artefacts play in
structuring the learning and the way we view learning’ (Nuthall, 1997).

Likewise, formative assessment is a highly contextualised and situated activity.

In understanding formative assessment, we need to consider not just the meaning
making by an individual, but the context in which it is occurring.
Secondly, meaning is central to a sociocultural approach to mind. A
sociocultural view emphasises the ‘mind’ rather than the ‘brain’. If thinking is
viewed as situated, distributed, or mediated action, then the mind is more than
cognition or brain processing. It includes a wide range of psychological phenomena,
such as, mental processes, self, emotions, intentions. Mind, in this view, goes
beyond the skin and so we call it ‘socially distributed’ as mind and mediated action
cannot be tied to an individual acting in vacuo. Mind, as it is used by Wertsch
(1991), is defined in terms of its inherently social and mediational properties. When

theorising about formative assessment, it is useful to consider the mind rather than
just the workings of the brain. Emotions and intentions are as much a part of
formative assessment as cognition to co-construct meanings.
Thirdly, sociocultural approaches consider both the individual and the social
aspects of learning and thinking, given that the goal of a sociocultural approach to
learning is to 'explicate the relationships between human mental functioning, on one
hand, and cultural, institutional and historical situations in which this functioning
occurs, on the other' (Wertsch, del Rio, Alvarez, 1995, p. 3). There is a need for
such a sociocultural view as previous views of learning saw the learner as
internalising knowledge, whether 'discovered, 'transmitted' or 'experienced in
interaction' or 'constructed' (Lave and Wenger, 1991). These previous views
established a dichotomy between inside and outside, and between the individual and
the social, especially in individualistic, reductionism psychological debates. In
contrast, sociocultural views focus on the 'mind' (rather than just the 'brain'); human
action (rather than behaviour); and meaning making (rather than linguistic structure
or mental/conceptual representation) (Bruner, 1990; Wertsch, 1991; Wertsch, del
Rio, Alvarez, 1995). Sociocultural views of learning then specifically address the
issue of the distinction between the 'individual' and the 'social' in past psychological
debates. Learning (and formative assessment) is seen as involving both individual
and social aspects.
For example, Cobb (1934) asserted that ' mathematical learning should be
viewed as both a process of active individual construction and a process of
enculturation into the mathematical practices of wider society' (p. 13) - the
description could also be applied to learning science. Cobb views the two
perspectives - constructivism and the sociocultural as each telling half the story.
Each perspective implies the other but foregrounds one aspect only. Salomon and
Perkins (1998) also see the need to consider both, stating that one cannot be duced
to the other. Rogoff (1995) addressed the social and individual issue by proposing a
sociocultural approach 'that involves observation of development in three planes of
analysis corresponding to personal, interpersonal, and community processes' (p.
139). These are described as 'inseparable, mutually constituting planes comprising
activities that can become the focus of analysis at different times but with the others
necessarily remaining in the background of the analysis' (p. 139). One can become
foregrounded, whilst the other two are not ignored, but backgrounded. She asserted
that the development of children (for example) occurs through a process of
participation and collaboration in social activities. These social activities can be in
personal, interpersonal and community processes. The use of activities as the unit of
analysis enables the social, the individual, and cultural environments to be described
in relation to each other, for none is seen to exist separately (Rogoff, 1995). The
activities which she focuses on in each plane are : apprenticeship in the community
plane; guided participation in the interpersonal plane; and participatory appropriation
in the individual plane. Hence, sociocultural perspectives on human functioning
emphasise the relationship between mental processes and the sociocultural setting.

Salomon (1993b), in the debate on the relationship between and the relative roles
of the individual and distributed cognitions, proposed a model for the interaction
between individual and distributed cognitions. He described the components as
interacting with each other in a 'spiral-like fashion, whereby individuals' inputs,
through their collaborative activities, affect the nature of the joint, distributed
system, which in turn affects their cognitions such that their subsequent
participation is altered, resulting in altered joint performances and products'
(Salomon, 1993b, p. 122). This spiral-like development allows for distributed
cognitions and one's own 'solo' competencies to be reciprocally developed. Hence,
the relationship will develop over time.
This position of the sociocultural views of learning, that are accepting of both
social and individual learning and that differentiate between thinking and language, is
appealing to theorising on formative assessment because the teachers and learners do
attend to the social aspects of learning in the classroom, even though the education
system as a whole (and in particular, assessment) focuses on the individual.
The fourth aspect in common between the three sociocultural views of learning
is that of the methodological concern of the unit of analysis. One way to study both
aspects (of individual and social aspects of learning and formative assessment), is to
adopt the unit of analysis of human action (Wertsch, 1991), rather than focussing on
the unit of analysis of concepts, linguistic and knowledge structures, attitudes, as
often found in psychology, although they might be used in an analysis of human
action. In his analysis, Wertsch (1991) sees mediated action as the irreducible unit of
analysis and the person-acting-with-mediational-means as the irreducible agent
involved. In a similar way, distributed cognition recognises that some activities are
so highly contextalised, and dependant on the situation, that we cannot easily make
the distinction between cognitive knowledge and skills, the context and the activity a
person is engaged in. In effect, the unit of analysis for research and theorising on
learning has changed from the individual alone to the individual plus those parts of
the surround that may be supporting the cognition. Or as Perkins (1993) described
it, the unit of analysis has changed from the 'person-solo' to the 'person-plus (the
surroundings)'. Likewise, Pea (1993) takes the 'person-in-action' as the unit of
analysis. That is, the unit of analysis is the person plus the 'resources that shape and
enable activity are distributed in configuration across people, environments and
situations' (Pea, 1993, p. 50). In other words, cognition (for learning and formative
assessment) emerges or is accomplished, rather than being possessed. In using the
'person-in-action' as the unit of analysis, we need to consider the role of intent,
desire and conation which shapes both their interpretation and use of resources for
the activity. In this way, sociocultural views of learning address the integration of
cognition, affect and conation, in a way that constructivist approaches do not.



Another aspect of formative assessment is the central role played by language in

meaning making; the partnership between the teacher and students, and
communication. The role of language is theorised by a sociocultural view of
learning and mind that considers learning as a discursive practice. Discursive views
of learning, in contrast to the other three sociocultural views already discussed,
theorise on only the social aspects of learning and give no functional value to a
consideration of the individual aspects (Bell, in press). If we view learning (and
formative assessment) as discursive activities, we are predominantly giving attention
to language-in-use. In the classroom setting, we are giving focus to the ways
language is used to promote thinking, learning and formative assessment. . The role
of language (and other symbol use) is central to discursive psychology, in which we
are examining human functioning in actual social and cultural settings. A discursive
activity or practice is:
..the repeated and orderly use of some sign system, where these uses are intentional,
that is, directed at or to something ...Discursive activities are always subject to
standards of correctness and incorrectness. These standards can be expressed in
terms of rules. Therefore, a discursive practice is the use of a sign system, for which
there are norms of right and wrong use, and the signs concern or are directed at
various things. (Harré and Gillett, 1994, p. 28 -29).

In short, a discursive activity is an intentional, normative action, using sign

systems. The focus of discursive psychology is what talk and writing is being used
to do, that is, what language is being used to achieve, rather than language been seen
as an abstract tool to state or describe things. Language is seen as functional and
used by people for example, to justify, explain, blame, excuse, persuade and present
an argument. Hence, the notion of language-in-use relates to that of communication.
As with the other sociocultural views of learning, meaning is central when
considering learning and formative assessment as discursive practices. Knowing what
a situation means to a person, means we are able to understand what that person is
doing (Harré and Gillett, 1994). We understand the behaviour of an individual when
we grasp the meanings that are informing a person’s activity:
[Wittgenstein] came to realise that understanding and the phenomena of meaning or
intentionality in general could only be approached by loolang at what people actually
do with word patterns and other word signs. He formulated the doctrine that meaning
is the use to which we put our signs. He studied the use of language in ‘language
games’, by which he meant complex activities involving both the use of language and
the use of physical tools and actions, where they are ordinarily encountered ... [he]
came to see that mental activity is not essentially a Cartesian or inner set of processes
but a range of moves or techniques defined against a background of human activity
and governed by informal rules. These rules, unlike the rules-laws at work in
supposed inner, cognitive processes, were the rules that people actually followed.
They are most evident when we consider the correct and incorrect ways of using
words.. . .This understanding of human activity requires us to interpret the behaviour
of another according to some appreciation of the self-positioning of the subject within
the complex structure of rules and practices, within which that individual moves.
(Harré and Gillett, 1994, p. 19 - 20)

Language and other semiotic (sign) systems play an important part in producing
meaning, especially meaning as it shapes human action (Wertsch, 1991). Meaning
here is viewed as being produced only in a social setting, and as a process, not a
fixed entity inherent in a linguistic package:
Wittgenstein emphasised the interactive and conventional nature of language. As a
social practice, language has no fixed meaning outside the context in which it is used.
Our perception of the world is shaped by the language we use to describe it: objects,
activities and categories derive their epistemological status from the definitions we
create for them. Within this view, thought and language are no longer separated.
When we think in language, there are not “meanings” going through our mind in
addition to verbal expressions. The language itself is the vehicle of thought
(Augoustinos and Walker, 1995, p. 264).

It is usual to think of concepts as the basis of meaning, understanding and

thinking. But concepts are expressed by words and words are located in languages.
Thus, the discourses constructed jointly by persons and within sociocultural groups
become an important part of the framework of interpretation and meaning. The
communicability of thoughts is secured by the mutual intelligibility of a shared
symbolic system, such as a common language (Harré and Gillett, 1994). The grasp
of the use of a word/concept is an active discursive skill, rather than an inner
cognitive skill, and learning is seen as the increasingly skilled use of social
Therefore, the discursive view differs from the other sociocultural views in its
non-mentalistic view of ‘cogniton’ and ‘mind’. If priority is given to languages in
defining what are psychological phenomena, then to present and understand
cognition, it must be done in terms of the ordinary languages through which we
think, rather than looking for abstract representations of them (Lemke, 1998; Harré
and Gillett, 1994). Discursive psychology considers thinking, not as a mental
activity, but as the activity of operating signs (for example, language). Hence,
discursive approaches to thinking and learning differ from the sociocultural views in
that they see no distinction between thoughts and language. Discursive approaches
see problems in the assumptions that cognitive phenomena such as ‘attitudes’,
‘emotions’, ‘categories’, can be identified and located in an internal cognitive world –
inside the head. Attention is given to the discourse itself and not the assumed
underlying internal, static, mental states and processes. Instead, discursive
psychology is more interested in how people discursively constitute psychological
phenomena to do certain things. Psychological phenomena are ‘discursive actions’
which are ‘actively constructed in discourse, for rhetorical ends’ (Wetherell and
Potter, 1992, p. 77). The social processes are the cognitive processes. For example,
categorization, as a psychological phenomena, is ‘something we do, in talk’, in
order to accomplish social actions (persuasions, blamings, denial, refutations,
accusations) (Edwards, 1991, p. 94). Because ‘some constructions are so familiar,
pervasive and common-sensical that they give an effect of realism or fact. People
therefore come to regard some constructions not as versions of reality, but as direct
representations of reality itself.’ (Augoustinos and Walker, 1995, p. 269). Any
internal cognitive realm is conceptualised as a form of situated practice. There is no

notion of internal representation or model to assume cognitive mediation.

(Augoustinos and Walker, 1995). Discursive (as post-structuralist) psychology is
critical of social cognitive concepts such as representations, schemas, attitudes,
categories which are hypothesised to be stable mental categories located within the
mind. The position taken by Lemke (1990) and O’Loughlin (1992) is to deny the
functional significance of individual mental processes (Nuthall, 1997). Their
position is a relativist one, rather than realist, and as such may be unacceptable to
many in the science education community. However, their denial is not a denial of
the ‘reality’ of mind and cognition so much as a denial of the value of talk about
mind and cognition (Nuthall, 1997).
Hence, a discursive approach questions the notion of a knowable reality by
emphasising the socio-historical and political nature of all knowledge claims. Such a
post-structuralist view of psychology stresses that words do not have independent,
objective meaning outside the social and relational context in which they are used:
Language is viewed as reflexive and contextual, constructing the very nature of the
objects and events as they are talked about. This emphasises the constructive nature
and role of language. ... As people are engaged in conversation with others, they
construct and negotiate meanings, or the very ‘reality’ which they are talking about
(Augoustinos and Walker, 1995, p. 266).

People live in two worlds: the physical world and the symbolic world. The
physical or material world, is structured by causal processes. The symbolic world
(the world of symbols) is organised by the norms and conventions of correct symbol
use. It comes into being through intentional action. The relationship of a person to
both these worlds can be understood through the idea of skilful action (Harré and
Gillett, 1994), using complimentary manual and discursive skills. To operate in the
physical world, we use manual skills. To operate in the world of symbols, we need
to be adept at using discursive skills. As Harré and Gillett explain:

There could not be a world of symbols unless there was a material world. But these
two realms do not reduce to each other. We cannot explain the world of symbols and
how it works by reference to physical processes. .. there could not be language and
discursive processes unless there were brains buzzing with electrical and chemical
processes and there were vibrations in the air and marks on paper. But those
vibrations and those marks and buzzings do not constitute the mind. They cannot
explain the intentional character of symbol use and the normative constraints under
which symbols must be used. A buzzing in the brain cannot be correct or incorrect. It
can only be. (Harré and Gillett, 1994, p.100)

A discursive approach to learning (and formative assessment) enables all three

aspects of ‘mind’ (cognition, affect and conation) to be taken into account, rather
than each being studied in isolation. A discursive view of mind asserts that to
understand the mind is to study social interaction, not the biological brain operation
of an individual. Harré and Gillett (1994) state that we need to move away from a
focus on the individual as a rational subject and to look at a broader framework to
understand meaning and rule-following.
To add emphasis to the notion that communication, mental processes, and
conation are linked, Wertsch (1991) uses the notion of ‘voice’ (after Bakhtin, for

example, 1986) meaning the speaking personality, the speaking consciousness. The
notion of 'voice' is concerned with the wider issues of a speaking subject's
perspective, conceptual horizons, intentions and world view. It always exists in a
social milieu, that is, not in isolation from other voices. Voices produce utterances -
a notion used by Bakhtin to focus on the situated action of language-in-use, rather
than on objects that can be derived from linguistic analytic abstractions. Bakhtin's
notion of utterance is linked with that of voice as an utterance can only be produced
by a voice.
Considering how voices engage with one another is important to a discursive
view of mind (Wertsch, 1991) for it is only when two or more voices come into
contact (for example, when the voice of a listener responds to the voice of a speaker)
that meaning comes into existence. And during formative assessment, the teacher
and students share their meaning making and respond through their actions to
improve learning. Taking into account both voices, reflects a concern for
addressivity - the quality of turning to someone else. In the absence of addressivity,
an utterance does not exist. Addressivity is not inherent in the unit of language (for
example, word or sentence) but in the utterance. The notion of addressivity means
that 'utterances are not indifferent to one another, and are not self-sufficient; they are
aware of and mutually reflect one another' (Bakhtin, 1986, p.91 as quoted in
Wertsch, 1991, p. 52)
Therefore, utterances involve both a concern with who is doing the speaking and
a concern with who is being addressed. A teacher in giving feedback to a student
about their learning, is concerned about speaking the voice of the scientist and how
to phrase it for a learner of science. Utterances are inherently associated with at least
two voices - the speaking voice may indicate an awareness of the addresse's voice.
Bakhtin's concept of 'dialogicality', meaning more than one voice, is useful to
Wertsch (1991). Human communicative and psychological processes are said to be
characterised by a dialogicality of voices. That is, when a speaker produces an
utterance, at least two voices are heard simultaneously. If human communication is
characterised by a dialogicality of voices, then understanding is dialogic in nature.
That is, to understand another's utterance is to orientate oneself with respect to it.
There are different sorts of dialogues: face-to-face, inner dialogue, parody, and social
languages within a single national language. Dialogicality is illustrated in the work
of Scott (1997, 1998, 1999) who analysed classroom talk in terms of authoritative
and dialogic nature of the discourse in the classroom. Authoritative functions of
discourse are those that convey information and which emphasise the transmissive
function of teacher talk. The dialogic function of teacher talk is that which the
teacher encourages students to put forward their ideas, to explore and debate points of
view. In a classroom, both functions of discourse are realised - the discourse has
functional dualism. The situation is dynamic as the discourse shifts between
authoritative and dialogic functions. Scott (1999) suggests 'that individual student
learning in the classroom is enhanced through achieving some kind of balance

between presenting information and allowing opportunities for exploration of ideas;

that is, a balance between the authoritative and dialogic functions of the discourse.
Bakhtin (1986) also made a distinction between social languages (for example,
teen speak) meaning discourses specific to a given social system at a given time, and
national languages, for example, English, French. Another notion used by Bakhtin
was the notion of ‘speech genre’, giving examples such as military commands,
everyday greetings and farewells. He saw the ‘speech genre not as a form of language
but as a typical form [a type] of utterance’ (Wertsch, 1991, p. 61). Wertsch
distinguished between social languages and speech genres in that social languages
relate to the different social groupings, whereas speech genres relate to ‘typical
situations of speech communication’ (p. 61).
Social languages and speech genres are good candidates for the tools in the tool
kit of mediational means for meaning making, for it is through these that utterances
take on meaning (Werstch, 1991). Therefore, Wertsch would view social languages
and especially speech genre, as a mediational means or tool for thinking and
communication. Speech genres are seen to provide a crucial link between
psychological processes as they currently exist and their cultural, historical and
institutional settings. In classroom talking, the voices appropriated by the children
can be fully interpreted only if one goes beyond the individual speakers involved. In
order to interpret what it is that they have said and to identify ‘who‘ it is that is
doing the talking, one must look to the speech genre appropriated in speakers
Social languages and speech genres (as mediational means) appear to be
hierarchically used. Wertsch (1991) uses the term of ‘priviledging’ to refer to ‘the
fact that one mediational means, such as a social language or genre can be viewed as
being more appropriate or efficacious than others in a particular social setting’(p.
124). For example, in the science lesson, ‘curriculum science’ is priviledged over
‘children’s science’. Formative assessment plays a role in giving students feedback
as to acceptable social languages and speech genre. And as Nuthall (1997) states,
‘classrooms are language communities that develop their own forms of language’.
In summary, the mind, in a discursive approach, is seen as a social practice,
rather than something to be sealed into its own individual and self-contained
subjectivity. It is seen as a domain of skills and techniques that renders the world
meaningful to the individual, rather than just the biological brain operation of an
individual. The whole point of discursive psychology is to get away from ‘mythical’
mental activities (Harré and Gillett, 1994), the mind being considered as a non-
mentalistic entity. This position is in contrast to the behaviourist tradition which
views the mind as a private area, not available as a source of data. It is also in
contrast to cognitive psychology which has a view of mental mechanisms and the
existence of inner mental states and processes such as rule-following (for example,
the scripts of Shank and the grammars of Chomsky). Cognitive science assumes
that aspects of cognition (sensation, perception, imagery, retention, recall, problem
solving, thinking) are mental entities, that is, have substance. Discursive

psychology is not interested in mental representations but in meanings. Thoughts

are not seen as objects in the mind but the activity and essence of mind. Thoughts
reside in the uses we make of public and private systems of signs. To be able to
think is to be a skilled user of these sign systems, that is, capable of using them
correctly. Whilst, the usual meaning of ’cognition’ is pertaining to thought, Harré
and Gillet (1994) have found it useful to redefine cognition as pertaining to brain
processes only. Hence, in their view, the study of mental processes (such as learning
and formative assessment) can be seen as the study of discursive practices, rather
than the study of internal brain functioning.
One of the main criticisms of a discursive approach is its inability to explain
retention and memory, for it does not focus on mental activity (Augoustinos and
Walker, 1995). In highlighting or foregrounding the social, the individual mental
aspects are hidden or backgrounded. While teachers and students may attend to the
social situatedness of formative assessment in the classroom, assessment regimes in
most education systems focus on individual achievement and cognitive development.
However, Harré and Gillet (1994) explicate a neural network model of mental
activity, which they assert accounts for both the abstract representations of structures
and functioning in the brain and nervous systems, and the metaphorical presentations
ofthe ‘grammatical’ structure and relationships of intended, goal directed and norm-
constrained human action (that is, discursive activities). In addition, Augoustinos
and Walker (1995) argue it would be difficult to deny that cognition is taking place,
for example, in reflection, learning, and deductive reasoning
A strength of a discursive view of learning and meaning is that it allows us to
more readily, than the sociocultural views, give consideration to the notion of
‘power’. If language is seen as a form of social practice and if meanings are seen as
socially constructed, then what counts as coherent or meaningful depends very much
on the power relationships, rather than on an absolute truth (Drewery and Winslade,
1997). Seen in this context, power is not the ‘possession’ of particular persons but
is constituted in positions occupied by subjects in discourses. ‘Discourse’ is taken
here to mean ‘a set of ideas embodied as structuring statements that underlie and give
meaning to social practices’ (Monk, Winslade, Crocket and Epston, 1997, p. 302).
This is important in assessment tasks where the power relations between teacher and
student are influential on pedagogical and learning outcomes, such as in the issue of
student disclosure, as discussed in section 4.3. Foucault’s notion of surveillance and
other techniques of power (Gore, 1998) might be a useful start from which to
theorise about power in formative assessment as a subtle form of social control.
In conclusion, if formative assessment is theorised in terms of a sociocultural
view of mind, the implications (Gipps, 1999) include that:
• formative assessment can only be fully understood if the social, cultural and
political contexts in the classroom are taken into account
• the practices of formative assessment reflect the values, culture of the
classroom, and in particular, those of the teacher

• formative assessment is a social practice, constructed within social and cultural

norms of the classroom
• what is assessed is what is socially and culturally valued
• the cultural and social knowledge of the teacher and students will mediate their
responses to assessment
• formative assessments are value-laden and socially constructed
• a distinction needs to be made between what a student can typically do
(without mediational tools) and best performance (with the use of mediational tools).
• formative assessments need to give feedback to students on the assessment
process itself to enable them to do self and peer formative assessment
• teachers and students negotiate the process of assessment to be used, the criteria
for achievement, and what counts as acceptable knowledge.

The implications for viewing formative assessment as a discursive practice can

be seen as:
• the relationship between the teacher and student is seen as important if the
issue of power is to be acknowledged.
• the teacher’s use of power be shared and negotiated in the assessment task so
that she or he uses ‘power with’, not ‘power over’, the student (Gipps, 1999).
• the language of formative assessment, and the language of science are seen as
determining of the learning outcomes in the science lesson.
• students understanding the use of language in the science classroom to make
assertions, argue a case, or demonstrate supporting evidence (Driver and Newton,

Throughout this book, we have described, modelled and theorised formative

assessment as a purposeful, intentional, responsive activity involving meaning
making and giving feedback to students and teachers, to improve learning. We have
viewed it as an integral part of teaching and learning; a situated and contextualised
activity; a partnership between teacher and students; and involving the use of
language to communicate meaning.


Black and Wiliam (1998) concluded in their review of the relevant literature, that the
practice of formative assessment does improve learning. But what have the findings of
the research reported in this book, got to say to teachers and teacher educators about
improving the practice of formative assessment? In this chapter, we wish to consider the
research findings in terms of what teachers (of science) can do differently in the
classroom and what teacher educators can do to promote the professional development
of teachers in the area of formative assessment.


One way to promote the use of formative assessment in the classroom, is through
changing the activities, actions and interactions of the teachers and students in the
classroom. As indicated in the model in chapter 5, doing formative assessment means
eliciting, interpreting and taking action as a part of planned formative assessment and
noticing, recognising and responding as a part of interactive formative assessment. To do
these actions often requires teachers and students to be engaged in different teaching and
learning activities. It requires that the teaching and learning activities are planned and
organised to provide the opportunities for the teacher and students to do formative
assessment. A lecture-type of teaching activity for 60 minutes does not allow many
opportunities for formative assessment. Small discussion groups or small groups doing
investigative work provide many opportunities for the teacher and students to undertake
formative assessment. Online teaching, using discussion groups in a ‘chat-room’ or
‘class forum’ format allows for more opportunities yet again, for doing formative
Doing formative assessment also means encouraging specific kinds of interaction in
the classroom, in which feedback and feedforward is given. We use the term ‘feedback’
to refer to a response during formative assessment on information elicited about the
student’s learning. For example, in reply to a student’s response, a teacher may say ‘yes,
a bee is an animal’. Feedback is given to the student about the correctness of their
learning, that is, whether they have reached the desired learning goal. We use the term
‘feedforward’ (Beckett, 1996) to refer to a response that indicates what a student might
do in addition, to close the gap between what they know and what is required of them.
For example, the teacher may also add ‘a bee is an animal as it is a consumer’. The
feedforward is indicating to the student that they must also know the criteria on which
we decide whether something is an animal or not.

But to do these activities, actions and interactions, other changes must also occur
in the classroom. For many teachers (and students), it also means a change in the way
they think about teaching and learning, and about teachers and learners. This may
require a change in the teachers’ conceptions about the learning process and their role as
a teacher in it, especially the integral nature of teaching, learning and formative
assessment. It may require accepting that both teachers and students will have a
perspective on the formative assessment process and that these may differ. It may
require the development of a new understanding of the proactive role of students in
formative assessment. It may require knowledge of how to teach the students to take a
more active role in their formative assessment.
To do formative assessment, teachers also need to be confident in their content
knowledge, their knowledge of the students in the class, their knowledge of common
alternative conceptions held by students, their knowledge of the progression of
understanding of students in a particular curriculum area, and their knowledge of how to
develop the student’s conceptions. Knowing these will give a teacher more confidence
toundertake formative assessment,
Hence, when a student says ‘there is no gravity on the moon because there is no
atmosphere’, a teacher needs several types of knowledge to undertake the formative
assessment. Firstly, she or he is helped if they know the scientific understanding of
gravity on the moon to be able to judge that this student’s comment is scientifically
unacceptable. Secondly, she or he is helped if they know that this is a commonly held
alternative conception and therefore other students in the class will probably also hold
this idea. Thirdly, she or he is helped if they know of a learning activity that will mediate
the students’ learning towards the scientifically acceptable ideas of gravity. In other
words, a teacher’s knowledge of and confidence to do formative assessment depends on
their content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge.
Another aspect of a teacher’s confidence is her or his disposition or orientation to
uncertainty. Changing one’s teaching and doing formative assessment, both require
teachers to tolerate uncertainty, to be flexible and to take risks. For example, if a teacher
does find out in the busyness of a lesson, that half of the students already know the
concepts to be learnt in the lesson, what is he or she to do? Being responsive as a part of
formative assessment involves the teacher in risk, uncertainty and flexibility. This may
be an uncomfortable position for a teacher who is inexperienced or under stress or
lacking in confidence.
We feel that an important prerequisite to doing formative assessment in the
classroom is the establishment of a relationship of trust between the teacher and
students. With trust, the disclosure by the students will be greater and more helpful for
giving feedback and feedforward to teachers and students. As indicated in chapter 4,
students take a risk when disclosing what they know and can do (or do not know or
cannot do) to the teacher. They risk having the gaps in their learning exposed to other
students, recorded and reported to others if the information elicited is also used for
summative purposes, being ridiculed or put-down, or feeling uncomfortable and not-cool
when they get feedback about their non-learning. The degree to which students disclose
is mediated by cognitive, affective, social and relational factors. Developing a sense of

trust in the classroom is crucial before any significant degree of formative assessment
can be done.
Other changes required for the undertaking of formative assessment in the classroom
include the enabling of students to be not just involved but proactive in formative
assessment; the negotiation of assessment criteria between teacher and students; and the
willingness of the teacher (and students) to be responsive to formative assessment
To make these changes in the classroom, professional development and curriculum
development may be required. These are now discussed.


Curriculum development is another way to promote the practice of formative assessment
in the classroom. By ‘curriculum development’ is meant the development of curricula,
both nationally (or state-wide) and in the classroom. Curricula that promote the practice
of formative assessment are those that enable those teaching and learning activities,
during which the teacher can do formative assessment if appropriate. Such curricula are
also those that enable the planning for specific formative assessment activities, such as a
brainstorm; that allow for flexibility for the teacher to make teaching decisions is the
busyness of the classroom; that allow students to negotiate the criteria upon which they
will be formatively assessed and given feedback on their learning; and that allow
students to be proactive in being involved in formative assessment. A model of
curriculum development that is useful here is that by McGee (1997) as it is based on the
notion of curriculum development as teacher decision making.


The professional development of the teachers was also monitored during the research
documented in this book. As part of the research project, eleven teacher development
days were held over the two years of the project (see Bell and Cowie, 1997, appendix 1).
These teacher development days were included in the research design so that the ten
teachers and two researchers could meet:
• to reflect on past and to reflect for future assessment practices in science
• for the input of new ideas for assessment in science classrooms from each other or
from guest speakers
• to discuss the trialing of new assessment activities in their classroom in between
• to discuss the data analyses and emerging model of formative assessment.
These four activities had been shown to promote teacher development (Bell and
Gilbert, 1996) and the format of the eleven meetings was based on these research
findings. Details of the actual teacher development activities are documented in Bell
and Cowie, 1997, pp 260-261.

The teachers indicated that several key activities had facilitated their professional
development on formative assessment and they are reported here as possible activities
for other teacher educators to use.

Discussing concerns about assessment in general.

In the discussions on the teacher development days, the teachers were able to raise and
discuss their concerns about assessment in science, including formative assessment. In
1995, the teachers' main concern was how formative assessment interfaced with the
other assessment developments and issues in schools at the time. This acknowledges that
we cannot consider formative assessment in isolation from other purposes of assessment
or from national, state and school policies on assessment. Formative assessment is
integrated and highly contextualised. At their request, speakers from the Ministry of
Education and the Education Review Office were invited to clarify, for the teachers, the
policies and developments in assessment, which affected what they as teachers did in the
classroom. The main concerns about assessment (in general) were recording and
reporting, especially to parents; assessments used for the purposes of the Education
Review Office's auditing and accountability reviews; some of the Ministry of
Education's policies on assessment; and assessment of learning with reference to the
(then) new science curriculum. In discussing these concerns, the teachers were able to
clarify the multiple purposes for assessment, including the purposes for formative

Discussing the nature and purpose of formative assessment.

In the second year of the research project, the discussions in the teacher development
days tended to be more focussed on formative assessment, once their concerns about
assessment in general had been acknowledged and addressed. The main concerns raised
were that of the confusion about what formative assessment is; the difficulty in defining
formative assessment; and the different meaning for formative assessment depending
whether the teacher is checking to see if the intended learning has been learnt, or what
actual learning has occurred (Bell and Cowie, 1997, pp263-265)
The concern of the different purposes for doing formative assessment for teachers
and students is also pertinent here. For many teachers, the manageability of assessment
in the classroom may mean that they collect data that can be used for both formative and
summative purposes. But for students, using the same data for different purposes
(formative and summative), places them in a situation of risk, as indicated in cameo 6.4
Density and the Tower. Do they disclose their confusion or lack of understanding if the
formative assessment information is also to be for summative purposes?

Teachers’ knowledge
In the course of the eleven teacher development days, many topics connected with
formative assessment were discussed. As a result of these debates, the professional

knowledge of the teachers was developed. We feel that the most important of these was
that ofviews oflearning and the role of the teacher in mediating the students’ learning.

Making the tacit, explicit

Whilst the teachers were already doing formative assessment, they mentioned that it was
largely a tacit part of their teaching. They valued the opportunities to develop a language
to talk with each other about formative assessment and to articulate what it was they
were doing that could be called formative assessment. In doing so, the teachers shared
activities that they had done in their classrooms which might be called ‘formative
assessment’. Whilst, this sharing of classroom activities helped clarify what was meant
by formative assessment, the sharing of professional ideas was also a valued part of the
professional development (Bell and Cowie, 1997, pp 266-267). The activities shared
included specific formative assessment activities; learning activities that created
opportunities for the teacher to carry out formative assessment; and ways to introduce
flexibility into the school scheme. The ideas shared also included ways to explain
formative, self- and peer assessment to students and in particular, the students’ role in
formative assessment.

Reflection and anticipation

As a part of their professional development, the teachers did both reflection on teaching
and anticipation of what they might do differently. Like Beckett (1996), we see teachers
needing to do both reflective and anticipative action in the process of changing what
they did in the classroom. Being able to visualise and conceptualise the new teaching
and assessment actions helped the teachers to do the new practices in the classroom.
Whilst the model (in chapter 5) helped the teachers to reflect on their actions in the
classroom, the anticipation was helped by the sharing of their classroom experiences.

The sharing of concerns and problems with doing formative assessment in the
The sharing times in the teacher development days helped the teachers to collectively
discuss what they were doing that was formative assessment, and to find solutions to the
difficulties they were having in doing formative assessment in the classroom. The
concerns raised during these discussions included the difficulty in planning for formative
assessment as planned formative assessments do not always fit into the flow of the
lesson; the unstructured nature of formative assessment; the difficulty in assessing each
student in-depth each lesson; the problem of too much information being collected; the
length of time needed to record anecdotal notes for formative assessment; the time
needed to consider the formative assessment information obtained; the need to have a
range of formative assessment strategies; the problem that formative assessment is not
able to be done effectively if the teacher is under stress or tired; the concerns that the
demands to increase summative assessments may decrease the responsiveness of

formative assessments; the recording of formative assessments – is it needed?; the

need for students to know about formative assessment and the need for students to be
taught self- and peer-assessment (Bell and Cowie, 1997, pp 263-265). In summary, the
main concerns about doing formative assessment were the difficulty in planning and
preparing for formative assessment; the need for a greater range of suggested formative
assessment activities to use in the classroom; the demands on the teacher of the
interactive and responsive nature of formative assessment; and the issues surrounding
the recording and reporting of formative assessment information. Giving time for the
discussion of these concerns was an important part of the professional development of
the teachers,

Feedback on the changes in their teaching

The teachers also valued receiving feedback on the increased students’ learning as a
result of their doing formative assessment. Teacher development is helped if there is
perceived value in the new practice or knowledge (Bell and Gilbert, 1996, p. 70). The
teachers indicated that the main value of formative assessment to them was to find out
what learning and thinking was occurring during the learning episodes; to monitor
progress by students and teachers; to aid the planning and re-planning of their teaching;
and to provide qualitative information to supplement the quantitative marks on
achievement reported to students, caregivers and the school. The teachers indicated that
their main uses of formative assessment were to obtain information that indicated what
learning had occurred; information that could be used in planning and evaluating of the
teaching and learning in their classrooms; and information about the teaching, learning
and assessment processes themselves (Bell and Cowie, 1997, pp274-275).

Other professional development activities

The teachers also indicated that other activities helped their understanding of and use of
formative assessment in their classrooms. These were learning about the research
findings, having a colleague or the researcher to discuss classroom events with, the
reading material handed out in the project, the input of the facilitators, listening to others
in the group, the guest speakers, and learning about assessment activities from teachers
in another level ofschooling.
Activities outside of the project were also mentioned: personal reading, being
involved in writing a school policy on assessment or the development of assessment
activities for the school, other curriculum development courses, performance appraisal
workshops and implementation, strategic planning workshops and implementation,
quality management work, and visiting and observing in other schools (Bell and Cowie,
1997, pp267-269).
In the second to last teacher development day, the teachers were asked for their
recommendations for activities for future teacher development workshops that might be
run for other teachers on formative assessment. The main recommendation was activities

that would raise teachers' awareness of the nature of formative assessment and what
formative assessment they were currently doing. Such activities would include:
• planned formative assessment activities for the teachers to try in their classrooms
and discuss as a group
• observers (the facilitator or another teacher) in the teachers' classroom
• videotaping lessons for group discussion
• discussing video clips to illustrate parts of the model of formative assessment
• discussing transcripts or other data (for example, the cameos) from the research
• discussions on the importance of the interactive formative assessment
• discussion with students about formative assessment in the workshops
• reflection on the teachers' own and other teachers' practice
(Bell and Cowie, 1997, pp269-270).
The teachers in the research project suggested that planned formative assessment be
first addressed in the workshops, then interactive formative assessment, and that
formative assessment be looked at in a number of curricular areas. And as already
documented, the teachers found it helpful to have guest-speakers to clarify and address
their concerns about assessment policy in general.
In conclusion, we wish to comment that while this research was not designed to
research if formative assessment improves learning or not, we are excited by the
research or others (for example, as reviewed by Black and Wiliam, 1996) that indicates
that this is so. We hope that the contribution of this book is to make a largely tacit
process, more explicit, so that other teachers can promote the use of formative
assessment in their teaching.


All data collected and reported was coded to provide a reference to the data and to
protect the anonymity of the data sources.

The case study interviews

In the case studies reported in this book:

The teacher end-of-lesson interviews are coded, for example (T2/D8/96) where T2
represents teacher 2, D 8 the discussion after lesson 8 with this teacher, in 1996.
The teacher end-of-unit interviews are coded, for example, T2/I/96, where T2 is
teacher 2, I an end-of-unit interview, in 1996.
The teacher end-of-year inierviews are coded, for example, T2/EOY/96, indicating
the 1996 end-of-year interview with teacher 2.
The student individual interviews are coded, for example, (S24/I/95a) which is the
code for an interview with student 4 of Teacher 2 in phase I in 1995. Individual student
end-of-unit and end of lesson discussions in phase 2 in 1995 and 1996 are coded
(Sxx/I/95b) and (Sxx/I/96).
Student end-of-lesson group discussions are coded, for example, (SG75/L3/96)
which is the code for a discussion with group 5 d Teacher 7 after lesson 3 (L3) in 1996.
The student member checks are coded for example (Sxx/MC/96).

The classroom observations

The field notes are coded, for example (T2/FN4/96) which indicates the item is a field
note (FN), taken during lesson four of teacher 1, in 1996. The head notes and
documentary data were recorded in the field notes and had no separate code.

The surveys

The quotations from the two teacher surveys, recorded in this book, are coded with an
'Su' for 'survey', the number of the survey, the year, the number of the teacher and the
question number. For example, code Su1/96/2/T8 indicates that this was a response in
survey 1 in 1996 to question 2, by teacher 8.

The teacher development day discussions

The analysis of the audiotaping transcripts was done by coding each distinct segment of
discussion. Hence, the quotations documented may represent the speech of more than
one person as it is of a segment of talking, rather than the contribution of a single person.
A segment might be the ideas of one or several teachers. The code used to identify the
quotations is, for example, TD10/96/28.2, referring to the second data segment, on tape
28, recorded on the tenth teacher development day which was held in the second year of
the project, 1996.
Field notes were also taken at these days and used to inform the data analysis. No
coded data from these field notes is recorded in this book.

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INDEX Interpreting 44-48, 84
Ipsative formative assessment 44-46.

Learning and formative assessment

Behaviourist views of learning 18-19, 30, 60, 76, 116-131.
18, 115, 129. Learning in Science Project
(Assessment) 7-10.
Cameos of formative assessment
soil composition 53 Mediated action 121-122.
landforms 54 Model of formative assessment 80-94
exapanding and contracting 55
washing powders 96 Norm-referenced assessment 44
the colours in black ink 97 Noticing 54, 86, 87, 96.
mixtures 101
density and tower 105 Personal development 3 1, 80-8 1.
Care referencing 85 Planned formative assessment 63-64,
Contexts and formative assessment 82-85, 92-93.
22, 55, 78,. Power 130
Continuous summative assessment Professional knowledge 75, 84, 92,
2, 8. 133, 135.
Convergent assessment 13, 34-36, Purposes for formative assessment
40. 31-36, 77, 82, 86, 92
Constructivist views of learning
18, 115, 116-117, 129, Recognising 86, 83.
Criterion referenced formative Regulation of learning 17- 18
assessment 13, 44, 46-48 Responding 86, 89-90.
Curriculum development 134 Responsiveness 62-65
Risk taking 65, 133
Diagnostic assessment 11 Role of students, teachers in
Dilemmas 79 formative assessment 19-20, 30,
Disclosure 66-74, 133 60, 133.
Discursive views of learning 125-131
Distributive views of learning Science development 34, 80-81
119- 121. Self-assessment 12, 14, 19, 32
Divergent assessment 13, 34-36, 40, Situated cognition 118-1 19.
56 Social development 33, 80-81
Social views of learning 117-1 18.
Educational assessment 11 Sociocultural views of learning 19,
Eliciting 40-44, 83 117-124.
Student referenced formative
Feedback 11, 16-18, 132, 138. assessments 14-15, 85
Feedforward 132 Summative assessment 22-23,
Formative assessment 108- 1 44.
definitions 6, 8, 11
process of 12-16 Tacit process 74, 136
weak 2 Taking action 49-52, 84
Teacher development 132, 134-139.
Interactive formative assessment
63-64, 86-91, 92-93, 97-101, 101- Unit of analysis 124
105, 107
Science & Technology Education Library
Series editor: Ken Tobin, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

1. W.-M. Roth: Authentic School Science. Knowing and Learning in Open-Inquiry
Science Laboratories. 1995 ISBN 0-7923-3088-9; Pb: 0-7923-3307-1
2. L.H. Parker, L.J. Rennie and B.J. Fraser (eds.): Gender, Science and Mathematics.
Shortening the Shadow. 1996 ISBN 0-7923-3535-X; Pb: 0-7923-3582-1
3. W.-M. Roth: Designing Communities. 1997
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4. W.W. Cobern (ed.): Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Science Education. An Interna-
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ledge. The Construct and its Implications for Science Education. 1999
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7. J. Wallace and W. Louden: Teacher’s Learning. Stories of Science Education. 2000
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8. D. Shorrocks-Taylor and E.W. Jenkins (eds.): Learning from Others. International
Comparisons in Education. 2000 ISBN 0-7923-6343-4
9. W.W. Cobern: Everyday Thoughts about Nature. A Worldview Investigation of
Important Concepts Students Use to Make Sense of Nature with Specific Attention
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10. S.K. Abell (ed.): Science Teacher Education. An International Perspective. 2000
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11. K.M. Fisher, J.H. Wandersee and D.E. Moody: Mapping Biology Knowledge. 2000
ISBN 0-7923-6575-5
12. B. Bell and B. Cowie: Formative Assessment and Science Education. 2001
ISBN 0-7923-6768-5; PB: 0-7923-6769-3


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