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Match the Adobe Photoshop tool box diagram from the following: MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
(10x1=10) Diploma Course Examination, December, 2015
Certifcate in Computer Application
A. Healing brush tool - 2 Subject : COMPUTER GRAPHICS (CCA -105)
B. Magic wand tool - 6
C. Eyedropper tool - 9 Full Marks:40 Time: 1 hour
D. Lasso tool - 1
A. Write full form of the following:
E. Horizontal type tool - 8 1. GIF - Graphic Interchange Format
F. Viewing mode - 5 2. EPS - Encapsulated Post Script
G. Editing modes - 10 3. TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
H. Blur tool - 3 4. CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
I. Color box - 4 5. GEM - Graphics Environment Manager
J. Brush tool - 7
6. CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black
7. PDF - Portable Document Format
8. BMP - Bitmap
9. OCR - Optical Character Recognition
10. RIP - Raster Image Processor

B. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which one of the following components is not a component of
Photoshop window?
a) Menus c) Zoom tool
b) Title bar d) Palettes
Answer: b) Title bar
2. Which one of the following menus provides the option that enables
you to change the size and mode of the image?
a) Image menu c) View menu
b) Select menu d) Edit menu
Answer: Image menu
3. To delete a layers: Select a layer in the layer palette, then
a) Edit > Layer >Delete layer
b) Image >Layer > Delete d) History palette menu
c) Select >Layer>Delete Answer: Channel pallete menu
d) Layer>Delete>Yes
Answer: Layer>Delete>Yes 9. Filters are not used for?
4. To apply layer mask: Click the layer mask thumbnail in the layer a) Sharpening the image c) Liquefy an image
palette then b) Making the image blur d) Searching an image
a) Masking >Layer>apply Answer: d) Searching an image
b) Select Layer> Remove layer mask> apply 10. Which one of the following is not a function of Render filter?
c) Layer > apply> mask a) Create 3D shape
d) Layer > mask> confirm b) Create cloud pattern
Answer : Select Layer> Remove layer mask> apply c) Create refraction patterns
5. Which one of the following palette enables you to create new fill or d) Wrap the image with a plastic pattern
adjustments layer? Answer: a) Wrap the image with a plastic pattern
a) Paths c) Layers
b) History d) Color C. State True or false: (10x1=10)
Answer: c) Layers 1. The main components of Photoshop window are menus, Option bar,
6. Which one of the following options is used to convert the selection palettes and toolbox. F
into path palette menu? 2. The types of images supported in Photoshop are vector and raster image. T
a) Make selection c) Fill path 3. The adjustments or fill layers cannot be merged. F
b) Make work path d) Stroke path 4. By using pen tool you can make selection. F
Answer: Make work path 5. Layers are identical to non-transparent sheet stacked on top of each other. T
7. Which one of the following options of the adjustment submenu 6. In an image Red, Green or Blue color cannot be adjusted separately. F
allows you to modify a colour channel? 7. The quick mask mode enables you to create a temporary mask to edit a
a) Replace color c) Channel mixer selection without using a channel palette. T
b) Selective color d) Equalize 8. An action is a set of commands that can be played back on a single file or
Answer: Channel mixer a batch of file. T
8. Which one of the palette menu allows you to create spot channels in 9. Filters can change only saturation in relation to other pixels of the image. F
Photoshop? 10.Liquify filter is a set of painting tools that allows to distort pixels and
a) Histogram palette menu transform areas of the image. T
b) Channel palette menu
c) Swatches palette
Certificate Course Examination, December, 2016
Certificate in Computer Application
Subject : Computer Graphics (DCA-105)

I Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour

B A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)

1. EPS stand for
H C a) Encapsulated Public Script
b) Encapsulated Protocol Script
G D c) Encapsulated Post Script
d) None of the above
2. Which of the following contains visible and hidden tools?
a) image window b) menu bar c) toolbox d) option bar
F E 3. In a CMYK stand for
a) Cyan Yellow Magenta Black c) Cyan Yellow Mango King
b) Cyan Yellow Magenta Kolor d) None of the above
4. Photoshop which one is used to change the foreground and
background of a sample of an image?
a) color sampler b) eyedropper c) gradient d) dodge
5. Which one of the following enables you to view the tonal and color
information about an image?
a) Histogram b) styles c) history d) swatches
6. In order to hide a layer, which one of the icon has to be selected?
a) Eye icon b) hand icon c) lock icon d) key icon
7. Which one of the following in a Photoshop that enables you to copy
pixels and repair of an image?
a) gradient b) smudge c) dodge d) cloning
8. The images supported by Photoshop are
a) raster and JPEG c) vector and scaler
b) vector and raster d) TIFF and PNG
9. Which one of the following is not a selection tool?
a) Smudge b) lasso c) path selection d) magic wand
10. PPI means
a) Parts per inches c) Pixels per inches
b) Photoshop pixel image d) Photo printing image
11. Creating and exact copy of a layer is
a) cloning b) merging c) masking d) duplicating
12. ‘Magic wand’ in a Photoshop 25. GIF stand for
a) enables you to make a rectangular or elliptical selection in an image a) Graph interchange format c) Graphical interchange form
b) enables you to draw straight edged and freehand segments of a b) Graphical interchange format d) none of the above
selection border 26. The filter which make the image looks as if it were under water is
c) enables you to select path segment and path components in an image a) Ocean ripple b) wave ripple c) sparkle ripple d) mosaic
d) enables you to select consistently colored area without tracing its 27. Which one of the following adds low frequency details and produces a
outline by hand hazy effect?
13. To protect parts of layer from being edited is a) Gaussian blur b) motion blur c) blur more d) radial blur
a) layering b) locking c) masking d) grouping 28. Render filter creates which shape of the following?
14. RGB is the color combination of a) 5D b) 1D c) 3D d) 7D
a) Red Green Black c) Red Green Blue 29. The raster images are displayed on the monitor with a resolution of
b) Red Green Brown d) None of the above a) 72 to 96 ppi b) 32 to 64 ppi c) 80 to 102 ppi d) 40 to 96 ppi
15. The measure of distinction between two colors and saturation denotes the 30. JPEG stands for
purity of a color is a) Joint Photographic Expert Group c) Joint Photo Expert Group
a) hue b) balancing c) aliasing d) tolerance b) Joint Photographic Experts group d) none of the above
16. Channel that store spot colors in an image is
a) Spot channel c) color channel
b) Store channel d) image channel For question 31 to 40 refer the given diagram below
17. Tile filters breakup an image into
a) Cube b) triangle c) circle d) square 31. Move tool is
18. OCR stands for a) A b) B c) C d) D
a) Optical character reader c) optical code reader 32. Slice tool is
b) Optics character reader d) None of the above a) A b) B c) C d) D
19. 3D stands for 33. Pencil tool is
a) Three direction c) Three directional a) B b) C c) D d) E
b) Three dimensional d) None of the above 34. History brush tool is
20. TIFF stands for a) B b) C c) D d) E
a) Tag image file format c) Tag information file format 35. Burn tool is
b) Tagged image file format d) None of the above a) B b) C c) D d) E
21. Which one of the following palettes enables you to create new fill or 36. Sharpen tool is
adjustment layer? a) C b) D c) E d) F
a) Paths b) History c) Layers d) Color 37. Pattern stamp tool is
22. PNG stand for a) E b) F c) G d) H
a) Photoshop network graphic c) Portable network graphic 38. Red eye tool is
b) Pixel null grey d) Photoshop network group a) E b) F c) G d) H
23. Graphics package used to create, edit and modify images is 39. Lasso tool is
a) graphics b) toolbox c) Photoshop d) palettes a) H b) I c) J d) K
24. Which one of the following filter adds degrees or wiggliness to an image? 40. Rectangular marquee tool is
a) Distort filter c) glass filter a) H b) I c) J d) K
b) Destructive filter d) ripple filter
34. Which one of the following filter breaks up image into square? MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
a) Brush stroke c) Patch work Diploma Course Examination, December, 2017
b) Chalk and Charcoal d) Tile filter Diplomae in Computer Application Semester I
35. Which one of the filter creates 3D shapes? Subject : Computer Graphics (DCA-105)
a) Cloud c) Transform
b) Render d) Masking
Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour
Identify the names against the figure given below
A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
1. The image file format that is compressed without any loss of data is
a) TIFF b) JPEG c) EPS d) PNG
A B C D E 2. Protecting the element of an image is?
a) Preventing c) Blocking
b) Locking d) All of them
3. Images that consists of pixels in a grid is called?
a) Raster image c) Duplicate image
b) Vector image d) Original image
4. Masking stored the image as which one of the bit grayscale channel?
a) 16-bit b) 2-bit c) 4-bit d) 8-bit
5. Creating exact copy of a layer is?
36. A is………….. a) Duplicating c) Layering
a) Rectangular marquee tool c) smudge tool b) Cloning d) Copy
b) Gradient tool d) slice tool 6. Two types of images supported by Photoshop are?
37. B is …………… a) Vector and Raster c) Pixel and Grid
a) Lasso tool c) magic wand tool b) Duplicating and Original d) Vector and masking
b) Background eraser tool d) pencil tool 7. Which one of the following is a graphics package used to create, edit
38. C is…………….. and modify images?
a) Magic wand tool c) smudge tool a) Microsoft c) Photoshop
b) Pencil tool d) slice tool b) Pagemaker d) All of the above
39. D is …………….. 8. Which one of the following is used to store spot colors in an image?
a) Background eraser tool c) pencil tool a) Stored channel c) Spot Channel
b) Magic wand tool d) Rectangular marquee tool b) saved channel d) Solidity channel
40. E is ……………… 9. An image can consist up to how many channel
a) Lasso tool c) Magic wand tool a) 12 b) 24 c) 18 d) 26
b) Background eraser tool d) pencil tool 10. When you duplicate alpha channel between images then the channels
need to have…
a) Compressed pixels c) Different pixels dimensions
b) Cropped pixels d) Identical pixels dimensions
11. Which one of the following breaks up an image into square? 23. The command modifies the overall mixture of colors in an image is
a) Wind filter c) Mosaic filter called?
b) Tile filter d) Vertical filter a) Template c) Balancing color
12. Creating a layer set of an image refers to? b) Masking d) Command color
a) Image layering c) Setting 24. Which one of the following allows you to save a file with a file name?
b) Grouping d) masking a) Save c) Save with
13. Which one of the following enables you to specify a direction of b) Save as d) All of these
movement in angle from -360° to +360°? 25. Which one of the following is not a component of Photoshop window?
a) Layer blur c) Radial blur a) Zoom tool c) save tool
b) Motion blur d) Smart blur b) Hide tool d) print tool
14. Permanent mask can be created by storing in which channel? 26. The three lens shapes offered by lens flare filter are?
a) Alpha c) Palette a) 50-300mm zoom, 55mm prime, 105mm prime
b) Gray d) Mask b) 40-300mm zoom, 25mm prime, 105mm prime
15. The resolution of raster image is? c) 50-300mm zoom, 55mm prime, 205mm prime
a) 72 to 96 ppi b) 72 to 69 ppi c) 27 to 69 ppi d) 45 to 90 ppi d) 20-300mm zoom, 45mm prime, 105mm prime
16. The filter adds degrees of wiggliness to an image is? 27. The full form of TIFF is?
a) distort c) Gaussian a) Thick image file format c) Thine image file format
b) destructive d) ripple b) True image file format d) Tagged image file format
17. Which one of the following is not include in Artistic filter? 28. A curve path consists of two anchor points connected by a …..
a) Brush stroke c) Neon glow a) Node c) Line
b) Film gray d) Plastic wrap b) Converting path d) Curve segment
18. Once you have made some distortions, you can use which one of the 29. Which one of the following adds low-frequency detail over an image?
following tool to restore the image to initial state? a) Gaussian blur c) Smart blur
a) Undo tool c) Warp tool b) Palette blur d) Motion blur
b) Reconstruct tool d) bloat tool 30. PPI means
19. The tools moves pixels at 90 degree angle to the way you move through a) Pixels per inches c) parts per inches
the brush is? b) Pixel Photographic Information d) Picture per inches
a) Shift pixel c) Reflect tool 31. Which one of the following enables you to copy pixels and repair an image?
b) Bloat tool d) Twirl tool a) Duplicating image c) Masking image
20. Which one of the following redraws an image with fine narrow lines? b) Layering image d) Cloning image
a) Stylize and pixalte c) Spherize and polar 32. 3D refers to
b) Ink outlines d) None of the above a) Three directions c) Three dimensions
21. Which one of the following is used to lighten and darken area of an b) Three distinctions d) Three differences
image? 33. The filter used to change a selection from its rectangular to polar
a) Dodge c) Sponge coordinates and vice versa is?
b) Smudge d) Gradient a) Polar coordinates filter c) Mosaic filter
22. Which one of the following is used to straight-edge and free hand b) Stylize filter d) Spherize filter
segment of a selection border of an image?
a) dodge c) magic wand
b) marquee d) lasso
34. The process of converting a vector image into a raster image is called MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
a) Smudging c) Rasterizing Diploma Course Examination, December 2018
b) Cloning d) Dragging Semester-I, Diploma in Computer Application
35. Which of the following is not a tool that appears in the toolbox? Subject : Computer Graphics (DCA-105)
a) Pencil c) Smudge
b) Zoom d) Dodge
A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
Identify the names against the figure given below 1. Which one of the following enables you to monitor and modify
a) Image c) Pixels
b) picture d) palettes
2. Which one of the following contains various menu option?
a) Menu bar c) path selection
b) Lasso d) Magic wand
3. Which one of the following enables you to draw straight lines and
a) Pen c) Smudge
A B D E b) Lasso d) Eyedropper
4. Modification of the saturation area of an image is?
a) Color sampler c) Gradient
b) Eyedropper d) Sponge
36. A is ………………… tool 5. Which one of the following enables you to view the tonal and color
a) Notes c) Zoom information about an image?
b) Slice d) Magic wand a) Histogram c) History
37. B is ………………… tool b) Styles d) Swatches
a) Crop c) Zoom 6. The following tool enables you to move a selection in an image?
b) Hand d) Magic wand a) Image window c) Move tool
38. C is ………………… tool b) Menu bar d) Option bar
a) Default foreground/ background c) Healing brush 7. ‘Channel’ enables you to
b) Zoom d) None of these a) Save a file with a file name
39. D is ………………… tool b) Save the current opened file without providing a filename
a) Move c) Blur c) Create and manage channel
b) Slice d) Edit in quick mask d) None of the above
40. E is …………………. Tool 8. The following selection tools enables you to draw straight-edged and
a) Move c) Change screen freehand segments of a selection border to select an image
b) Dodge tool d) Magic wand a) Path selection c) Lasso
b) Shape d) gradient
9. TIFF image is saved with
a) .iff c) .tif
b) .tff d) tff.
10. Selecting the foreground and background colors with the help of the 22. RGB is the color combination of
eyedropper is called? a) Red green Black c) Red Green Blue
a) gradient c) Swatches b) Red green Brown d) None of these
b) Smudge d) Cloning 23. Which one of the following filters adds degrees of wiggliness to an
11. A group that consists of number of layers in sequences is called? image?
a) Clipping group c) Masking a) Distort filter c) Glass filter
b) Merging d) Duplicating b) Destructive filter d) Ripple filter
12. ‘Vector images’ are 24. Which one of the following is not recommended for high end output?
a) Non scalable c) Both (a) and (b) a) Hue c) Saturation
b) Scalable d) None of these b) Brightness d) Both (b) and (c)
13. Copy pixels and repair an image refers to 25. Render filter creates which shape of the following?
a) layering c) Cloning a) 5D c) 3D
b) Locking d) Copy paste b) 1D d) 7D
14. Creating exact copy of a layer is 26. The images supported by Photoshop are
a) Duplicating c) Sparkle ripple a) Raster and JPEG c) Vector and scalar
b) Wave ripple d) Mosaic b) Vector and raster d) TIFF and png
15. Eliminating layers from the layer palette is? 27. Brightness and contrast values ranges between
a) Rubbing c) Removing a) -100 to +100 c) -200 to +200
b) Erasing d) Deleting b) 0 to 100 d) 0 to 360
16. The measure of distinction between two colors and saturation denotes the 28. Pixel refers to
purity of a color is a) Picture elements c) Can be both
a) Hue c) Aliasing b) Picture-excel d) none of these
b) Balancing d) Tolerance 29. Graphics package used to create, edit and modify images is
17. Protecting the elements of an image is called a) Graphics c) Photoshop
a) Reserve c) Covering b) Toolbox d) Palettes
b) Saving d) Locking 30. Creating a layer set of an image refers to?
18. Channels that store spot colors in an image is a) Image layering c) Setting
a) Spot channel c) Color channel b) grouping d) Masking
b) Store channel d) Image channel 31. Masks are stored as how many bits?
19. Tile filter breaks up an image into a) 2 c) 8
a) Cube c) Circle b) 4 d) 16
b) Triangle d) Squares 32. The tools move pixels at 90 degrees angle to the way you move through
20. Modification of the overall mixture of colors in an image is called? the brush is?
a) Scaling c) Balancing a) Shift pixel c) Reflect tool
b) Changing d) Modify b) Bloat tool d) Twirl tool
21. Motion blur provides a distance in pixel between? 33. Which of the following is NOT include in Artistic filter?
a) 0 to 255 c) 100 to 200 a) Brush stroke c) Neon glow
b) 1 to 999 d) 8 to 288 b) Film Grain d) Plastic wrap
IV. Match the adobe photoshop adjustments diagram from the MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Certificate Course Examination, June, 2014
following :(10x1=10)
Certificate in Computer Application
Subject : Computer Graphics (CCA-105)

Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour

I. Write the full form of the following abbreviations

1. CFF - Compact Font Format
2. LED - Light Emitting Diode
3. PNG - Portable Network Graphic
4. CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key(black)

A. Curves -3 5. TIFF - Tagged Image File Format

B. Hue/Saturation -5 6. PPI - Pixels Per Inch

C. channel mixer -8 7. BMP - Bitmap

D. Posterize -9 8. GIF - Graphic Interchange Format

E. Brightness/Contrast -1 9. SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics

F. Vibrance -7 10. CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

G. Levels -2
II. Tick ( √ ) the correct answer from the list : (10x1=10)
H. Exposure -4
I. Gradient map -10 1. The typical size of graphic design is measured in
J. Color balance -6 a) mm b) cm
c) inches d) pixel

Ans : pixel
2. By changing the percentage of we can blend
multiple layers with one another.
a) Transparency b) Opacity
c) Thickness d) Dimension a) Ctrl+C b) Ctrl+M
Ans : Transparency c) Ctrl+R d) Ctrl+U
3. tool is used to magnify an area of the design. Ans : Ctrl+M
a) Zoom b) Layer 10. The default extension of photoshop file is
c) Histogram d) Hand a) jpg b) psop
Ans : Zoom c) psd d) gif
4. tool is used to cut certain area of the image. Ans : psd
a) Clone stamp b) Brush III. State True or False of the following statements : (10x1=10)
c) Crop d) Eye dropper
Ans : Crop 1) From shadow highlight we can adjust image for more realistic. T
5. A short cut key for editing keyboard short cut is
2) Resizing of smart object does not lost image quality. - T
a) Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K b) Alt+Ctrl+K
c) Ctrl+Shift+K d) Alt+Shift+K 3) Scroll bar display vertically on right side of the screen only. - F
Ans : Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K
6. To rotate the image 1800 4) We cannot draw a new image in photoshop. - F
a) Image>image rotation>1800 b) Image> transform>1800
c) View>rotate>1800 d) Edit>transform> rotate 1800 5) Multiply blend mode makes only black color transparent. F
Ans : Image>image rotation>1800
6) From channel we can adjust red, green and blue color separately.T
7. To open levels panel
a) Filter>adjustment>levels b) Window>levels 7) Different layers can be grouped together. - T
c) View>adjustment>levels d) Image > Adjustments > Levels.
Ans : Image > Adjustments > Levels 8) If tools does not appear, we can get it from image>tools. - F
8. Which of the following will be useful to fill layer as background
a) Gradient b) Lasso 9) Layer mask helps in hiding some portion of the image. – T
c) Marquee d) Mask
10) Gaussian blur is available in filter menu. - T
Ans : Gradient
9 .The short cut key for curve tool is
D. Match the following:
1. Hand tool - 4
2. Color Box - 5 Diploma Course Examination, June, 2015
3. Rectangle tool - 9 Certificate in Computer Application
4. Dodge tool - 8
5. Eyedropper - 10 Full Marks:40 Time: 1 hour

6. Notes Tool - 3 A. Write full form of the following:

7. History Brush - 7
1. PDF - Portable Document Format
8. Crop tool - 1 2. BMP - Bitmap
9. Move Tool - 6 3. SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
10. Eraser tool - 2 4. ICC - International Color Consortium
5. OCR - Optical Character Recognition
6. PSD - Photoshop Document
7. PNG - Portable Network Graphics
8. PPI - Pixels Per Inch
9. RIP - Raster Image Processor
10. CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black

B. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which one of the following menus provides the option that enable
you to change the size and mode of an images?
a) Image menu c) View menu
b) Select menu d) Edit menu
Answer: d) Image menu

2. Which one of the following palettes enable you to record, revert and
delete the changes made to an image
a) Info c) Histogram
b) History d) Color b) Duplicate a channel option d) Copy a channel
Answer: b) History Answer: a) Duplicate channel option

9. Which one is not a type of filter?

a) Construction filter c) Effects filter
3. Creating a layer from menu b) Destructive filter d) Fly filter
a) Edit>layer>new layer c) Select>new layer Answer: d) Fly filter
b) Image>Layer>new d) Layer>new>layer
Answer: d) Layer>new>layer 10. Which one of the following geometric shapes is not available in 3D
transform filter
4. A short cut key for editing keyboard short cut is a) Sphere c) Rhombus
a) Alt+Ctrl+K c) Alt+Shift+K b) Cube d) Cylinder
b) Ctrl+Shift+K d) Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K Answer: c) Rhombus
Answer: d) Alt+Ctrl+Shift+K
C. State TRUE or FALSE:
5. The short cut key for curvre tool is
a) Ctrl+C c) Ctrl+R 1. Filter are also used for searching an image. F
b) Ctrl+M d) Ctrl+U
2. Destructive filter effect cannot be altered after applying them. T
Answer: b) Ctrl+M
3. Quick mask mode enables you to create a temporary mask to edit a
6. Which one of the following menu provides the option of duplication
selection without using the channel palette. T
a) Image menu c) View menu 4. Swatches palette menu allow you to create spot channel in Photoshop.
b) Layer menu d) Select menu
Answer: b) Layer menu
5. Pen tool can be used to draw only straight line. F
7. Which one of the following options is used to convert a selection into
6. Masking can be used to protect parts of a layer from being edited.
a path using path palette menu?
a) Make selection c) Fill path T
b) Make work path d) Stroke path
7. Zoom tool is the component of photoshop window. F
Answer: b) Make work path
8. Posterize specify the number of tonal levels for each colour channel. T
8. Which one of the following options of the channel palette menu
9. Vector and Raster types of images are supported by photoshop.
allows you to duplicate channels in Photoshop?
a) Duplicate channel option c) Copy channel 10. Dodge enables you to lighten or darken areas of an image. T
D. Match the diagram from the following: (10x1=10) MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Diploma Course Examination, June, 2016
1. Notes tool -H Certificate in Computer Application
2. Art History -C
3. Set foreground color -I Full Marks:40 Time: 1 hour
A. Write full form of the following:
4. Move tool -A 1. CYMK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow And Black
5. Slice select tool -B 2. PPI - Pixels Per Inch
6. Sharpen tool -G 3. PNG - Portable Network Graphics
7. Eyedropper tool -E 4. 3D - 3 Dimensional
8. Change screen mode -J 5. JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group
9. Custom shape tool -D 6. GIF - Graphic Interchange Format
10. Crop tool -F 7. RGB - Red, Green and Blue
8. TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
9. OCR - Optical Character Recognition
10. EPS - Encapsulated Post Script

B. Choose the correct answer:

1. An image can consists of up to how many channels?
a) 55 c) 32
b) 24 d) 16
Answer: 24

2. Which one of the following enables you to erase a portion of

a) Eraser c) Gradient
b) Magic Wand d) Lasso
Answer: Eraser
a) Smudging c) Rasterizing
3. Which one of the following enables you to protect parts of layers from b) Cloning d) Dragging
being edited Answer: c) Rasterizing
a) Duplicating b) Hiding 9. Which one of the following is image editing software?
c) Locking d) Masking a) Imageready c) Adobe Reader
Answer: Locking b) Microsoft Word d) Matlab
Answer: a) Imageready
4. Which one of the following contains tools for selecting, drawing and
painting, editing and viewing images? 10. Which one of the following enables you to modify color saturation of
a)Toolbox b) Image Window an area?
c)Lasso d) Menu bar a) Sponge b) Smudge
Answer: Toolbox c) Gradient d) Dodge
Answer: a) Sponge
5. The brightness slider enables you to adjust brightness from
a) 10% - 300% c)100% - 200% C. State True or false:
b) 10% - 270% d) 15% - 150% 1. Liquefy filter is a set of painting tools that allows to distort pixels
Answer: -100 to +100 and transform areas of the image. - T
2. Duplicating layers is a technique that creates an exact copy of a
6. The following enables you to take a sample of an image color to change layer. - T
the foreground and background color? 3. The brightness/contrast command is recommended for high-end
a) Eraser c) Notes output. F
b) Eyedropper d) Smudge 4. Locking layers protects the elements of an image. - T
Answer: Eyedropper 5. Hiding layers refers to eliminate layers from the layer palette. - F
6. The color balance command modifies the overall mixtures of color
7. Which one of the following represents channel that store selections as 8- in an image. - T
bit greyscale images? 7. Raster images are images that consist of pixels in a grid. - T
a) Color c) Spot color 8. The angle range of motion blur is from -270 to +270. – F
b) Alpha d) None of the above 9. Histogram enables you to view the tonal and color information
Answer: Alpha about image. – T
10. Mixing is a process in Photoshop that enables you to copy pixels
8. The process of converting a vector image into a raster image is called and repair an image. F
34. Which one of the following makes the image changes permanent? MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
a) Duplicating c) masking Diploma Course Examination, June, 2017
b) Layering d) cloning Diplomae in Computer Application Semester I
35. The filter used to create a cylinder anamorphosis-art is Subject : Computer Graphics (DCA-105)
a) Polar coordinates filter c) stylize filter
b) Mosaic filter d) spherize filter
36. Full form of EPS is? Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour
a) Extended postscript c) encapsulated postscript
b) Exchange page system d) enhanced paging system A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
37. 3D refers to 1. When you duplicate alpha channels between images then the
a) Three directions c) three dimensions channels need to have
b) Three distinctions d) three differences a) compressed pixels c) different pixels dimensions
38. PPI means b) cropped pixels d) identical pixels dimensions
a) Pixels per inch c) parts per inch
b) Pictures per inch d) pixel photographic information 2. represents
39. The full form of CMYK is a) Hand tool c) Pucker tool
a) Cyan magenta yellow kife c) cyan magenta yellow kind b) Warp tool d) Thaw mask tool
b) Cyan magenta yellow key d) cyan magenta yellow kay 3. Which one of the following in NOT type of filter in a Photoshop?
40. RGB means a) Reconstructive filter c) Constructive filter
a) Red green brown c) red green black b) Destructive filter d) Effects filter
b) Red green blue d) all of the above 4. The images that you want to merge using the merging channels
features need to be in which mode?
a) grayscale c) white
b) Red d) CMYK
5. Shperize filter gives object
a) A ripple effect c) a 3D effect
b) A 2D effect d) a blur effect
6. Lens flare brightness slider enables you to adjust the brightness from?
a) 10% to 30% c) 10% to 100%
b) 30% to 300% d) 10% to 300%
7. Which one of the following is used to store spot colors in an image?
a) stored channel c) spot channel
b) saved channel d) solidity channel
8. Which one of the following creates bell shaped curve over an image?
a) Gaussian blur c) smart blur
b) saved channel d) motion blur

9. represents
a) Thaw mask c) Pucker tool
b) Twirl clockwise d) Push left tool
10. How many channels are required in RGB?
a) three b) four c) two d) six
11. Which one of the following enables you to specify a direction of a) Zoom tool c) Bloat tool
movement in pixel from 1 to 999? b) Hand tool d) Thaw mask
a) Layer blur c) radial blur 24. Which one of the following pair includes in brush stroke filters?
b) Motion blur d) smart blur a) Stylize and pixalete c) spherize and polar
12. ‘Masking stored the images as which one of the bit grayscale channel? b) Crosshatch and ink outlines d) None of the above
a) 16-bit b) 2-bit c) 4-bit d) 8-bit 25. Which one of the following is not a component of Photoshop window?
13. Tile filter breaks up an image into? a) Zoom tool c) save tool
a) landscape b) square c) mirror d) vertical b) Hide tool d) print tool
26. The three lens shapes offered by lens flare filter are?
a) 50-300mm zoom, 55mm prime, 105mm prime
14. represents
b) 40-300mm zoom, 25mm prime, 105mm prime
a) Twirl clockwise c) Push left tool
c) 50-300mm zoom, 55mm prime, 205mm prime
b) Puckertool d) Mirror tool
d) 20-300mm zoom, 45mm prime, 105mm prime
15. Permanent mask can be created be storing in which channel?
27. Which one of the following is used to lighten and darken area of an image?
a) alpha b) gray c) palette d) mask
a) Dodge c) sponge
16. The filter adds degrees of wiggliness to an image is?
b) Smudge d) gradient
a) distort c) Gaussian
28. Once you have made some distortions, you can use which one of the
b) destructive d) ripple
following tool to restore the image to initial state?
17. An image can consist up to how many channels?
a) Undo tool c) warp tool
a) 12 b) 24 c) 18 d) 26
b) Reconstruct tool d) bloat tool
18. A software that comes with Adobe Photoshop is
29. The command that modifies the overall mixture of colors in an image is
a) Photoshop pro c) Photoshop plus
b) Photoshop image ready d) Photoshop file
a) Template c) balancing color
19. The resolution of raster image is?
b) Masking d) command color
a) 72 to 96 ppi c) 27 to 69 ppi
30. Which one of the following allows you to save a file with a file name?
b) 72 to 69 ppi d) 45 to 90 ppi
a) save c) save with
20. Which one of the following is not a file format of JPEG?
b) save as d) all of the above
a) .jpg c) .png
31. A curve path consists of two anchor points connected by a……
b) .tiff d) .avi
a) Node c) line
21. Which one of the following is not include in Artistic filter?
b) Converting path d) curve segment
a) Brush stroke c) Neon glow
b) Film grain d) plastic wrap
32. represents
22. Which one of the following is used to straight-edge and free hand
a) Zoom tool c) Thaw mask
segment of a selection border of an image?
b) Hand tool d) Refection tool
a) dodge c) magic wand
33. The tools move pixels at 90 degrees angle to the way you move through
b) marquee d) lasso
the brush is?
a) Shift pixel c) reflect tool
b) Bloat tool d) twirl tool
Identify the names against the figure given below MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Diploma Course Examination, June, 2018
Diplomae in Computer Application Semester I
Subject :Computer Graphics (DCA-105)

FullMark : 40 Time : 1 hour

A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)

1. Small dots of individual colors that appear on the screen is
a) Image b) Picture c) Pixels d) dots
2. To protect parts of layers from being edited is
a) Layering b) Locking c) Masking d) Grouping
36. Ais………….. 3. Which one of the following enables you to view the tonal and color
a) Move c) Notes information about an image
b) Slice d) Magic wand a) Histogram b) Styles c) History d) Swatches
37. B is …………… 4. ‘Save as’
a) Crop c) Zoom a) Allows you to save a file with a file name
b) Slice d) History brush b) Allows you to save the current opened file without providing a
38. C is…………….. file name
a) History brush c) Zoom c) Both a) and b)
b) Healing brush d) Dodge tools d) None of the above
39. D is …………….. 5. Which one of the following in a Photoshop that enables you to copy
a) Text tool c) Blur pixels and repair an image?
b) Slice d) Dodge tool a) Gradient b) Smudge c) Layering d) Cloning
40. E is ……………… 6. The filter which makes the image look as if it were under water is
a) Eyedropper c) Shape tool a) Ocean ripple c) Sparkle ripple
b) Dodge tool d) Crop b) Wave ripple d) Mosaic
7. Which one of the following is not a selection tools?
a) Smudge c) Path selection
b) Lasso d) Magic wand
8. Channels that store spot colors in an image is
a) Color channel c) Spot Channel
b) Store channel d) Image channel
9. Render filter creates which shape of the following?
a) 5D b) 1D c) 3D d) 7D
10. The images supported by Photoshop are
a) Raster and JPEG c) Vector and scaler
b) Vector and Raster d) Tiff and png
11. Which of the following contains visible and hidden tools?
a) Image window b) Menu bar c) Toolbox d) Option bar 24. Which one of the following filter adds degrees of wig lines to an image?
12. RGB is the color combination of a) Distort filter c) Glass filter
a) Red green black c) Red green blue b) Destructive filter d) Ripple filter
b) Red green brown d) None of the above 25. Motion blur enables you to specify a direction of movement an angle
13. PPI means between
a) Parts per inches c) Pixels per inches a) -1200 to +1200 c) -3600 to +3600
0 0
b) Photoshop pixel image d) Photoshop printing image b) -180 to +180 d) -300 to +300
14. Creating an exact copy of a layer is 26. The following selection tools enables you to draw straight-edged and
a) Cloning b) Merging c) Masking d) Duplicating freehand segments of a selection border to select an image
15. Which one of the following creates tiny horizontal lines in the image to a) Path selection b) Shape c) Lasso d) Gradient
show a wind effect? 27. PNG stands for
a) Stagger b) Blast c) Wind d) Artistic a) Photoshop network graphics c) Portable network graphic
16. ‘Magic wand’ in a Photoshop b) Pixel null gray d) Photoshop network group
a) Enables you to make a rectangular or elliptical selection in an image 28. The raster image are display on the monitor with a resolution of
b) Enables you to draw straight edged and freehand segments of a a) 72 to 96 ppi c) 80 to 102 ppi
selection border b) 32 to 64 ppi d) 40 to 96 ppi
c) Enables you to select path segments and path components in an 29. A set of painting tools that allows to distort pixels and transform areas of
image an image is
d) Enables you to select a consistently colored area without tracing a) Render filter c) Lens flare filter
its outline by hand b) Liquify filter d) Cloud filter
17. The measure of distinction between two colors and saturation denotes the 30. The process of converting a vector image into a raster image is called
purity of a color is a) Smudging b) Cloning c) Rasterizing d) Dragging
a) Hue b) balancing c) Aliasing d) Tolerance 31. Which one of the following enables you to modify color saturation of an
18. In a Photoshop which one is used to change the foreground and area?
background of a sample of an image? a) Sponge b) Gradient c) Smudge d) Dodge
a) Color sampler b) Eyedropper c) gradient d) Dodge 32. An image can consist of up to how many channels?
19. In order to hide a layer, which one of the icon has to be selected? a) 55 b) 24 c) 32 d) 16
a) Eye icon b) Hand icon c) Lock icon d) Key icon 33. The brightness slider enables you to adjust brightness from
20. Alpha channel represents store selections of how many bit gray scale a) 10% - 300% c) 100% - 200%
images b) 10% - 270% d) 15% - 150%
a) 1 bit b) 4 bit c) 8 bit d) 32 bit 34. Which one of the following is image editing software?
21. Which one of the following adds low frequency details and produce a a) Image ready c) Adobe reader
hazy effect? b) Microsoft word d) Mat lab
a) Gaussian blur c) Blur more 35. Which one of the following enables you to erase a portion of image?
b) Motion blur d) Radial blur a) Eraser b) Magic wand c) Gradient d) Lasso
22. Graphic package used to create, edit and modify images is
a) Graphics b) Toolbox c) Photoshop d) Palettes
23. Tile filter breaks up an image into
a) Cube b) Triangle c) Circle d) Squares
a) Blur c) Healing brush Diploma Course Examination, June 2019
b) Dodge tools d) Slice Semester-I, Diploma in Computer Application
33. Creating an exact copy of a layer is Subject : Computer Graphics (DCA-105)
a) Cloning c) Merging
b) Duplicating d) Masking SET - B
34. Permanent mask can be created by sorting in which channel? A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
a) Palette c) alpha 1. Motion blur enables you to specify a direction of movement an angle
b) Mask d) gray between
35. PNG stand for a) -360° to +360° c) -180° to +180°
a) Portable Network Graphic c) Photoshop Network Graphic b) -120° to +120° d) -30° to +30°
b) Photoshop Network Group d) Pixel Null gray 2. RGB is the color combination of
36. Label E in the figure represent a) Red Green Blue c) Red Green Black
a) Move c) Dodge tool b) None of these d) Red Green Brown
b) Lasso tool d) Zoom 3. Channels that store spot colors in an image is
37. ppi means a) Color channel c) Spot channel
a) Pixels Per Inches c) Parts per inches b) Image channel d) Store channel
b) Photo Printing Image d) Photoshop pixel image 4. ‘Magic wand’ in a Photoshop
38. Label B in the figure represent a) enables you make a rectangular or elliptical selection in an image
a) Crop c) Slice b) enables you to select a consistently colored area without
b) Path selection d) Zoom tracing its outline by hand
39. Which of the following contains visible and hidden tools? c) enables you to draw straight edged and freehand segments of a
a) Toolbox c) Image window selections border
b) Option bar d) Menu bar d) enables you to select path segments and path components in an
40. Which one of the following is not a selection tools? image
a) Path selection c) Smudge 5. Which one of the following adds low frequency details and produce
b) Magic wand d) Lasso a hazy effect?
a) Blur more c) Gaussian blur
Figure for Reference b) Radial blur d) Motion blur
6. To protect parts of layer from being edited is
A B C D E a) Masking c) Layering
b) Grouping d) Locking
7. ‘Save as’
a) Allows you to save a file with a file name
b) Allows you to save the current opened file without providing a
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
8. Which one of the following enables you to view the tonal and color 20. Which one of the following creates tiny horizontal lines in the image to
information about an image show a wind effect?
a) History c) Histogram a) Wind c) Stagger
b) Swatches d) Styles b) Artistic d) Blast
9. The following selection tools enables you to draw straight-edged and 21. Which one of the following filter adds degrees of wiggliness to an image?
freehand segment of a selection border to select an image a) Distort filter c) Destructive filter
a) Lasso c) Path selection b) Ripple filter d) Glass filter
b) Gradient d) Shape 22. The filter which makes the image look as if it were under water is
10. Small dots of individual colors that appear on the screen is a) Sparkle ripple c) Ocean ripple
a) Pixels c) Image b) Mosaic d) Wave ripple
b) Dots d) Picture 23. The process of converting a vector image into a raster image is
11. A set of painting tools that allow to distort pixels and transform areas of a) Rasterizing c) Smudging
an image is b) Dragging d) Cloning
a) Render filter c) Lens flare filter 24. Which one of the following enables you to modify color, saturation of an
b) Cloud filter d) Liquify filter area?
12. The raster image are display on the monitor with a resolution of a) Smudge c) Sponge
a) 80 to 102 ppi c) 72 to 96 ppi b) Dodge d) Gradient
b) 40 to 96 ppi d) 32 to 64 ppi 25. Tile filter breaks up an image into
13. In order to hide a layer, which one of the icon has to be selected? a) Cube c) Triangle
a) Lock icon c) Eye icon b) Square d) Circle
b) Key icon d) Hand icon 26. Label A in the figure represent
14. Creating a layer set of an image refers to? a) Hand tool c) Move
a) Image layering c) Masking b) Magic wand d) Slice
b) Setting d) Grouping 27. In a Photoshop which one is used to change the foreground and
15. The measure of distinction between two colors and saturation denotes the background of a sample of an image?
purity of a color is a) Color sample c) Dodge
a) Aliasing c) Hue b) gradient d) Eyedropper
b) Tolerance d) Balancing 28. the images supported by Photoshop are
16. The tools move pixels at 90 degrees angle to the way you move through a) Raster and JPEG c) TIFF and png
the brush is? b) Vector and scaler d) Vector and Raster
a) Reflect tool c) Shift pixel 29. Label C in the figure represent
b) Twirl tool d) Bloat tool a) Zoom c) Eraser
17. Graphic package used to create, edit and modify images is b) Healing brush d) None of the above
a) Photoshop c) Graphics 30. Which of the following in a Photoshop that enables you to copy pixels
b) palettes d) Toolbox and repair an image?
18. Alpha channel represents store selections of how many bit gray scale images a) Gradient c) Smudge
a) 8 bit c) 1 bit b) Cloning d) Dodge
b) 32 bit d) 4 bit 31. Which one of the following is NOT include in Artistic filter?
19. Render filter creates which shape of the following? a) Neon glow c) Brush stroke
a) 3D b) 7D c) 5D d) 1D b) Plastic wrap d) Film gray

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