Questions 1-11 Are Based On The Following Passage: Benjamin Banneker: Marketing Time
Questions 1-11 Are Based On The Following Passage: Benjamin Banneker: Marketing Time
Questions 1-11 Are Based On The Following Passage: Benjamin Banneker: Marketing Time
Benjamin Banneker: Marketing Time B) their
C) it’s
Benjamin Banneker gained local fame for making a D) its
working clock in 1753, a time when few people owned
clocks, let alone understood 1. they’re mechanics. A
twenty-two-year-old free black man living in Maryland,
Banneker learned how to make the clock by examining
the inside of a watch a merchant friend had lent him. His
sharp skills in measuring the passage of time would
eventually lead Banneker to the job of determining the
official borders of the new United States capital.
his father pulled him out of school to help on the family B) sky. Charting
to pursue his education independently and lent him the D) sky, he also charted
3. When the wealthy Ellicott family built a flour A) In the 1770s, Banneker made a fortuitous
mill not far from his farm, Banneker befriended George friendship.
4. Ellicott. Ellicott’s knowledge about science and B) The 1770s were filled with social and political
flour mill and 5. Banneker’s home, where they met to C) Banneker’s life was significantly influenced by
borrowed books by authors such as James Ferguson, D) Banneker continued his studies in science
B) at Banneker’s home, meeting
C) Banneker’s home
D) Banneker’s home, meeting
B) for peak
C) of peaked
D) for peaked
B) is a particular means of storage that
C) constitutes a form of storage that
D) DELETE the underlined portion.
In 1747 the author Samuel 23. Johnson announced English-language dictionary and was encouraged
He did so with the encouragement of a group of London B) Johnson, announcing an ambitious plan for a new
authoritative guide to the language “by which its purity this by a group of London booksellers.
may be preserved.” The completed Dictionary of the C) Johnson announced an ambitious plan for a new
English language finally appeared in 24. 1755, its English-language dictionary; he was encouraged
release was every bit the publishing event that the writer in this by a group of London booksellers.
and his backers had 25. one’s laborious journey from D) Johnson, encouraged by a group of London
planning to publication, however, Johnson’s Dictionary booksellers, announced an ambitious plan for
had become a book with more humble ambitions—one a new English-language dictionary.
B) each one’s
C) it’s
D) its
handed the books off to six scribes he had hired to copy B) writers,
different writers at different times. When the Dictionary B) It is unknown precisely how much work
was published in 1755, Johnson’s preface 29. Johnson’s scribes did beyond copying down
noting that no lexicographer “shall imagine that his C) Johnson was not the first writer to create a
dictionary can embalm his language, and secure it from dictionary of the English language.
B) On the other hand,
C) For example,
D) Nevertheless,
B) could, at the very least—
C) could, at the very least,
D) could; at the very least,
The cost for better compensation for employees is Which choice most effectively combines the
lower than many employers may realize. A 2012 study by sentences at the underlined portion.
Demos, a public policy research and advocacy A) If stores increased their prices to make up for this
organization, noted that if retail workers’ annual earnings expenditure, the additional cost to consumers
were increased so that on average the lowest-paid B) Increasing their prices to make up for this
workers received a 27 percent raise, the additional cost to expenditure, stores could make an additional
employers would amount to only 0.5 percent of total cost to consumers that
retail sales. 36. Stores could increase their prices to make C) The additional cost to consumers to make up for
up for this expenditure. The additional cost to consumers this expenditure would be increased store prices
if they did so would average 30 cents per shopping trip— so that they
hardly enough to keep most customers away. D) If the additional cost to consumers made up for
this expenditure by increasing store prices, it
B) have highlighted
C) would highlight
D) highlights