How Do Genes Affect Addiction
How Do Genes Affect Addiction
How Do Genes Affect Addiction
hy do some people become Researchers are studying the link blue eyes versus brown. You inherit
addicted to alcohol, tobacco, between genes and addiction to genes from your parents, which is
or other drugs while learn how to better prevent and why family members typically share
others do not? That’s one treat this potentially deadly illness. similar traits.
important—and complex—question Scientists have now identified
scientists are trying to answer. Genes and Heredity some genes that are linked to
Many different factors act All of your traits, from your addiction. They have found certain
together to affect a person’s risk hair color to your eyesight, gene variants that occur more
for addiction. Environmental are influenced by your genes. often in people who are addicted to
factors—such as stress, peer These segments of DNA contain alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.
pressure, and the strength of family instructions for making the proteins This means that a person who
relationships—play a role. The that are used to build the body’s has one of these gene variants is
risk for becoming addicted is also cells. These proteins also direct all at a greater risk for developing an
strongly influenced by biological of the processes that occur inside addiction than someone who doesn’t.
factors, including age and gender. your cells. Because people inherit genes from
Scientists now know that another Genes in the human body can have their parents, individuals who have
important biological factor is different forms, called variants. family members who struggle with
a person’s genes—the units of The slight differences between these addiction may be at a greater risk
hereditary material that are variants cause individuals to have for addiction. However, genes alone
passed down from parent to child. distinct characteristics, such as are not a cause of addiction.
From Scholastic and the scientists of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Risk Doesn’t
Equal Addiction
Most people with high-risk genes
will not become addicted to alcohol
or drugs. Likewise, a person without a
genetic risk can still become addicted.
Scientists estimate that genetics
accounts for roughly half a person’s
likelihood of developing an addiction.
Other biological and environmental Age: An Important
factors in a person’s life that influence
Risk Factor
the likelihood of addiction include:
One of the most important risk
• R
isk factors, such as having
friends who use drugs and
factors for addiction is the age at
which a person starts to use alcohol, FUTURE
experimenting with drugs during
adolescence when the brain is
tobacco, or other drugs.
The brain, which continues to
By studying how genes affect
still developing. Risk factors can develop until a person’s early to mid-
addiction, scientists hope
increase a person’s chances. twenties, is much more vulnerable
to improve how we prevent
to addictive substances while it is
• P
rotective factors, such as strong and treat the disorder. Much
developing. Studies have shown that
family relationships and getting research aims to understand
addiction is much more likely in
involved in after-school clubs and how a specific gene affects the
people who start using substances
hobbies. Protective factors can way a person’s brain responds
in their adolescence. to alcohol or drugs.
decrease a person’s chances.
One of the most important things Researchers have discovered
Individuals can help keep themselves you can do to decrease the risk of genes that affect how nicotine,
safe by trying to increase protective addiction is to protect your brain the addictive drug found in
factors and eliminate risk from addictive substances while it is cigarettes, changes the activity
factors in their environment. still developing. of the brain circuits that control
functions such as attention,
appetite, and habit formation.
People who have high-risk
TRACKING variants of genes that control
MORE INFO: For additional facts about genetics and addiction, visit and
How Do Genes Affect Addiction?
One of the keys to preventing negative consequences of drug and alcohol use is
determining what puts people at risk for addiction. In the article “How Do Genes
Affect Addiction?,” students will learn about the role of genetics in a person’s risk
Supplement to Scholastic magazines. Scholastic and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. NIDA 17–18; Insert 1—Upf, Sco, Cho, JS, SW.
for addiction, as well as learn that genetics isn’t the only factor that influences the
risk. Many other biological and environmental factors play a role, and students will
get tips about choices they can make to reduce their risk. By sharing the article
and skills sheet (see reverse side) with your students, and teaching the lesson
below, you can help them understand the risks and how to stay safe.
• Science Literacy Critical-Thinking Student Skills Sheet
• English Language Arts Questions The worksheet on the reverse side provides
• Health/Life Skills students with information about some of the
1) How might doctors use genetics to
different factors that can affect a person’s
prevent or treat addiction in the future?
Common Core risk for addiction and asks critical-thinking
(Answers may include that genetics
State Standards questions about the information. Possible
might determine if a person’s genes
answers include:
RST.6-8.1 / RST.9-10.1 put them at a higher risk for addiction.
• Cite specific textual People who may have an increased risk 1. A protective factor is something that
evidence to support analysis because of genetics could be provided reduces the risk for addiction, such as
of science and technical with counseling or other interventions. strong family bonds or having friends who
texts Doctors may one day be able to develop don’t use drugs. A risk factor is something
medications that can reverse the effects of that increases a person’s addiction risk,
.6-8.1 / W.9-10.1
high-risk genes.) such as a family history of addiction or a
• Write arguments to support
lack of parental supervision. (Examples are
claims, using valid reasoning 2) Do you think scientists will find a
found in the table.)
and relevant and sufficient single “addiction gene” that determines if
evidence someone will become addicted to drugs? 2. A person with no family history of
Why or why not? (Answers may include addiction and strong family bonds can still
Next Generation that it is unlikely that a single addiction be at risk for addiction. These two factors
Science Standards gene exists. There are many factors that alone do not determine whether or not a
determine whether a person becomes person will develop an addiction. Many
addicted to drugs or not. Genes might factors can come into play, and everyone
• Inheritance of Traits reacts differently to situations.
affect how a person reacts to drugs, but
they don’t guarantee that a person will or 3. A person can reduce his or her risk by
• Variation of Traits will not develop an addiction.) increasing the number of protective factors
National Science 3) Why is it important for people to in his or her life, such as spending time with
Education Standards understand the risk factors for addiction? people who are a positive influence and don’t
(Answers may include that knowing their use drugs; not taking drugs at a young age;
• Reproduction and Heredity and getting involved in after-school activities
risk can help people make healthy choices;
• Personal Health such as music, sports, or school clubs.
people can take actions that reduce risk
factors, such as not taking drugs during
National Council for
adolescence.) Interactive Activity
the Social Studies
• “PI: Pedigree Investigator, On the Case
• 4. Individual Development of Nicotine Addiction” (learn.genetics
and Identity Writing Prompts
• 8. Science, Technology, •G
rades 6–8: Explain how genes could
This activity gives more information about
and Society increase or decrease a person’s risk for
how pedigrees are constructed and has
Tiered Vocabulary Tools: students complete one to see how nicotine
• •G
rades 9–10: What are two reasons addiction runs in a family.
/teachers/how_do_genes genetics research is important in
riting Prompt: Does the family
_affect_addiction understanding and treating addiction?
described in the activity support the
Use evidence from the text to support
Additional theory that there is a genetic component
your answer.
Teaching Resources: to nicotine addiction? Use at least three
• •G
rades 11–12: Do you think individuals pieces of evidence to support your
/teachers can control their risk for addiction? answer. Explain how using a pedigree
• Why or why not? helped you determine your answer.
1. Explain the difference between a protective factor 3. Suppose a person has uncontrollable risk factors
and a risk factor for addiction. Give at least one for addiction, such as a genetic history of the
example of each. disease. How can the person reduce his or her
own risk? Explain at least two specific actions
2. Suppose a person has no family history of drug that can be taken.
addiction and has strong bonds with his or her
parents. Is it guaranteed that the person will not
become addicted to drugs or alcohol themselves?
Support your answer with evidence from the texts.
Dear Teacher,
The vocabulary list on the
following pages is drawn
from the “Do Genes Cause
Addiction?” student article and
“Who Is at Risk?” work sheet.
This vocabulary can be
previewed with students prior
to reading or reinforced with
students afterward. Encourage Supplement for: “How Do Genes
students to incorporate these Affect Addiction?”
words into their writing and tudent Article:
discussion of both the article
and the work sheet.
eacher’s Guide (includes work sheet):
The vocabulary list integrates
two different tiers of vocabulary _affect_addiction
words that would be used
across several content areas,
such as distinct, manipulate, and susceptible, and domain-specific words,
such as DNA, gene, and protein.
Sources: Unless otherwise noted, definitions below are sourced or adapted from
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary and Scholastic Children’s Dictionary
activate (verb): to make active or more active genetic (adjective): relating to, caused by, or
controlled by genes
addicted (adjective): having a compulsive
(uncontrollable) behavior, such as drug use, that genetics (noun): the genetic makeup of an
continues despite negative consequences organism, a group of organisms, or a condition.
Also, the scientific study of the ways that
addiction (noun): a brain disorder or illness personal characteristics are passed from one
associated with compulsive (uncontrollable) generation to another through genes.
behavior, such as drug use, despite negative
consequences hereditary (adjective): passed on or able to be
passed on from parent to offspring through
addictive (adjective): something, such as a drug, genes
that causes changes to the brain that result in
compulsive (uncontrollable) behavior despite heredity (noun): the process by which genes and
negative consequences traits are passed from parent to offspring
adolescence (noun): the period of life when a influence (verb): to affect or change the
child develops into an adult properties or development of something
analyze (verb): to study or examine something inherit (verb): to receive from a parent through
closely or carefully in order to understand it the transmission (passing on) of genes
bind (verb): to attach to something interact (verb): to act upon one another
characteristic (noun): a quality or trait that exists nicotine (noun): the addictive chemical found in
in a person, group, or thing tobacco
develop (verb): to grow or cause something to pedigree (noun): the history of a family’s genes
become larger or more advanced or traits. Pedigrees are represented in a chart and
indicate how traits are passed on from parent to
distinct (adjective): different or separate offspring.
DNA (noun): the molecule found in cells that potentially (adverb): possible; being able to
carries instructions for cell structure and occur or develop
processes in the body. DNA contains genes that
are passed on from parents to offspring and prevent (verb): to stop from happening
gives living things their inherited characteristics.
The letters DNA stand for deoxyribonucleic acid. protective (adjective): providing a shield or cover
from harm or damage
environmental (adjective): of or having to
do with the objects and conditions in a set of protein (noun): a substance found in all living
surroundings things that is made of amino acids, which are
composed mainly of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen,
factor (noun): something that helps to cause a and hydrogen. Proteins have specific functions
result and are involved in nearly all important cell
gene (noun): a small section of DNA that contains
the instructions for making a protein or proteins reduce (verb): to make smaller in size, amount, or
that control the processes that occur in the number
body’s cells.
risk (noun): the possibility of loss or injury; danger susceptible (adjective): open or particularly prone
to something
segment (noun): one of the parts into which
something is divided trait (noun): a quality or characteristic that makes
one person different over another.
slight (adjective): small
transition (noun): a change from one state, stage,
strategy (noun): a plan or method for reaching a or place to another
certain goal
variant (noun): something that shows a difference
substance (noun): a material with a specific from other things of the same type
chemical makeup
vulnerability (noun): the state of being exposed or
supervision (noun): the action of watching over open to danger or harm
and directing something or someone