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Engineering Support

for the Design of

Drive Systems.

E 10.137.0/03.11
Engineering Support.
Designing electrohydraulic New demands require Our simulation
drive systems requires new development methods. know-how facilitates
optimum coordination
between hydraulic, electronic your development work.
The global competitive pressure in machine
and mechanical system building today demands new approaches
components. to solving a problem. These are increasingly
It is only through the linked to the exacting requirements of all
optimum interaction between functional components and subsystems.
all the technologies involved Positioning processes in the micrometer
that today’s requirements range, processes requiring split-second
for precision, dynamics, accuracy or very high acceleration with
stability and energy extreme loads are just a few of the challenges
efficiency can be which face the drive and control system
achieved in the drive. developers.
In numerous applications in Additional constraints arise from increasing
almost all sectors of machine energy costs, high safety requirements or
and system building, we the demand for robust and low-maintenance
at HYDAC have built up operation. Furthermore, the steadily Computer-aided simulation
extensive experience and rising rate of innovation requires ever technology today is one of the
expertise in drive and control shorter development times and minimal most efficient development
technologies. commissioning periods. These increasing methods and is constantly
demands can only be met by systematic opening up new opportunities –
We utilize the most modern use of the most up-to-date development not least as a result of the ever
simulation and engineering methods. This is the only way of guaranteeing advancing computer technology.
methods to continually extend the technological edge which protects
our system and application competitiveness in the long-term. We will be pleased to support
expertise. you with our simulation methods
when designing and optimizing
Hydraulic simulation, complex drive systems, machine
multibody dynamics, control functions or process sequences.
circuit optimization and virtual Success factors for Even in the early phases of
prototypes are just some of competitive drive systems. development, simulation models
the tools used daily in our provide deep insights into the
development work. operating behaviour which can
Technology Development be expected of electrohydraulic
These methods together drives. Simulated ranges can
with the experience of our
minimize expensive work in the
drive specialists are made test room and can often replace
available to interested Control quality Short it completely. This quick and
customers to support them development times cost-saving method allows
in designing competitive you to test new product ideas
systems, to provide new Stability Low
for feasibility and to exploit
momentum and to detect development costs
Energy efficiency potential for improvements
and eliminate possible at an early stage.
Prevention of
errors at an early stage. Reliability
development errors
The risk of development errors
Short is considerably reduced. In certain
Low-maintenance innovation cycles cases, the development of costly
prototypes can be dispensed
Service life Efficient with. When it comes to
Safety development developing orders, simulated
methods models help to convince
your customers of innovative
approaches to solving problems
right from the beginning.
Let us know what tasks are
facing you – we are happy to
E 10.137.0/03.11

Hydraulic Simulations.

Velocity [mm/s]

1 2 n

Position Position Position

controller 1 controller 2 controller n
Time [s]

Static and dynamic simulation of Synchronous

correction 1
correction 2
correction n
complex hydraulic systems, taking
into consideration the transmission
behaviour of valves, pumps, motors,
cylinders, accumulators, pipe
systems, etc…
All relevant condition variables
such as speed, acceleration,
pressure and flow can be displayed
by simulating the required process
event, and the effect of different
system parameters can be

Multi-body dynamics.
It is not unusual for drive forces in
hydraulics to be transferred to the
moving machine components via
complex kinematic mechanisms.
Examples of such transmission
structures can be found in moving
platforms with several degrees
of freedom, on robots, chassis
structures, presses and numerous
other applications in general
machine building.

Multi-body dynamics enables the

stationary and dynamic behaviour of
planar or spatial mechanisms to be
analysed, taking all the forces and
movement variables into account.

The interlinking of forces of

different drive units or the effect of
mechanical elasticities of the driven
machine structure can be taken into
E 10.137.0/03.11

Simulation of Control Systems.
Cylinder forces [MN]

Control technology has a central role

in designing hydraulically operated
machines and systems and is
crucial to the quality. By specifically
tailoring the control design to the
machine and drive characteristics,
not only does this guarantee a
process which operates smoothly,
but it also has a fundamental effect
on the precision and dynamics of
drive functions.

Take advantage of our experience

and development methods in the
area of controlled electrohydraulic
drives. We will be pleased to
work out proposals for the most
modern control designs and by
using simulated models, we will
tailor our design precisely to
your requirements and process

E 10.137.0/03.11

Fully Integrated System Analysis.

The machine or system can

however only be guaranteed to
operate perfectly if the subsystems,
mechanics, drives, control and
process-related loads and movement
sequences are systematically aligned
to each other. Only then can a strong
technological edge be maintained and
the competitiveness of your products
be protected long-term.

By interlinking different simulation

programs, we are able to reproduce
your machine with all the function-
defining subsystems as a fully Accumulator Station
Pressure Control
integrated virtual model. This brings
you accurate corroboration of the
expected machine behaviour and
allows you to optimize functions at
no risk, before entering the costly N2
implementation phase.
Secondary Unit y
+ Gearbox



Command Speed, Swash Plate Control
Motion Process Control n-Controller
Reference & HMI nset yset

Hardware-in-the-loop simulations (HIL).

The development of software for extensive process controls is often
expensive and it is not unusual if this forms a significant proportion of the
development costs of machines. Commissioning, trouble-shooting and
optimization of the software is costly and can usually only
be started once the target machine already exists.

HIL simulations can link the control hardware, including the implemented
software, with a real-time virtual machine model and can therefore permit
the software to be optimized “in the office” without needing a real machine
E 10.137.0/03.11

(virtual commissioning).

Application-Based Simulation Software.
Position [mm/s]

Time [s]

If you wish to use the simulation

technology tool in your own
company, but do not have access
to the highly specialized technical
departments, we offer to develop
simple-to-use simulation
programs for you which are
specific to your application and
where the function is tailored to
your everyday research areas
and products.

Virtual test rigs or machine-

specific simulation programs
are useful tools for development,
training or sales support.



mCyl_arm mLoad

unloading mBoom

E 10.137.0/03.11

Profit from
our Experience.
For many years HYDAC has been one of the leading suppliers of
hydraulic components, systems and drive solutions
in numerous fields of machine and system building.

You will find examples of our activities

in the following areas of technology

Automotive industry

Construction machinery

Agricultural machinery

Lifting and material handling


Machine tools

Plastics machinery


Iron and steel industry

Power plant technology

Wind power

Process engineering

Mining machinery


Paper industry

and in many
other sectors

Take advantage of
our industry experience,
our development
methods and our
first class products
and systems.

As your development
partner, HYDAC opens up
new ways of further extending
your development lead,
anywhere in the world.
E 10.137.0/03.11

Accumulators D 30.000
Global Presence.
Local Expertise.
Filter Range D 70.000
Filters for Ind. Processing D 77.000
Fluid Systems D 79.000
Compact Hydraulics E 53.000

HYDAC Headquarters
HYDAC Companies
HYDAC Distributors and Service Partners
Accessories D 61.000
Electronics D 180.000

Head Office Industriegebiet

E 10.137.0/03.11


GMBH Germany
Cooling Systems DEF 57.000

+49 6897 509-01
+49 6897 509-577
E-Mail: info@hydac.com
Internet: www.hydac.com

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