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(C) Dindi

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Eo G- ERS G- cn Tlove you more each day, yes* Ido, yes 1 D6 F- Db, F7 Td let you go a- way—— if you take me with you. Don't DINDI 513 Jot bert 1005 Eber ; bar BMT :. pba Se ans See en ee ca7 . AT? D-9 Gi3 whe do they gio? Oh 1 don't kom, dont know Eba7 e ‘Dba? + Eba7 + Dba7 Wind that speaks to the Jeaves,____ tell - ing stor- ies that no-one be- _ lieves, ca7_ Ao D-9 Gi3 nore of tebe mga ad ome. A ‘BbAT Dba? Bba7 Bb-7 Eb79 Oh, Din di, if I on- ly hadwords I would say all the beau-ti - ful Oh, Din di, like the song of the wind in the trees,that’show my heart is know Din di, Td be run-ning andsearching for you like a ri- ver that Aan Bb6 [= Bh things thar Tee, whenyou'e within Oh omy Dine te sing- ing Din- di, hap - py Din- di, when you're with me. can’ ind the sea, tht Weald be me.without your "my Dine a

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