Ea-6b Ejection Seat
Ea-6b Ejection Seat
Ea-6b Ejection Seat
Recommended Citation
Moore, Daniel D., "Incorporating the SJU-17A Naval Aircrew Common Ejection Seat in the EA-6B Aircraft. " Master's Thesis,
University of Tennessee, 2003.
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To the Graduate Council:
I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Daniel D. Moore entitled "Incorporating the SJU-17A Naval
Aircrew Common Ejection Seat in the EA-6B Aircraft." I have examined the final electronic copy of this
thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Science, with a major in Aviation Systems.
Dr. Frank G. Collins, Major Professor
We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance:
Dr. Uwe P. Solies, Mr. Richard J. Ranaudo
Accepted for the Council:
Dixie L. Thompson
Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
(Original signatures are on file with official student records.)
To the Graduate Council:
I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Daniel D. Moore entitled “Incorporating the
SJU-17A Naval Aircrew Common Ejection Seat in the EA-6B Aircraft.” I have
examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend
that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Science, with a major in Aviation Systems.
Anne Mayhew
Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies
A Thesis
Presented for the
Master of Science
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Daniel D. Moore
May 2003
and support.
I would like to thank the men and women with whom I have worked over the past
10 years of naval service whose dedication and professionalism have been a never-ending
source of inspiration.
I would like to thank the professors and personnel at the University of Tennessee
Space Institute for their instruction and guidance while earning this degree.
I wish to thank my parents, Daniel and Sharon Moore, who have always done and
Finally, I would like to thank my wife, EJ, for her love and patience through all
the long nights of studying and lost ski weekends. Thank you.
Aircraft Company (MBA) SJU-17A Naval Aircrew Common Ejection Seat (NACES)
Prowler aircraft. The EA-6B is a four seat tactical aircraft derived from the A-6 Intruder
airframe and flown solely by the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps. The mission of the
EA-6B is electronic warfare (EW), providing suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD)
by the use of electronic noise jamming and the employment of the AGM-88 High Speed
Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM). The current ejection system in the EA-6B uses the
MBA GRUEA-7 ejection seat combined with a gas sequencing command ejection
system, and has a 1.2 second delay before the pilot’s ejection sequence begins. This time
is excessive in a crashing aircraft and the loss of 3 pilot lives can be attributed to this
delay. Out-of-envelope ejections have led to the loss of 8 additional ECMO lives. These
two factors have caused the EA-6B ejection system to make the top-ten list of required
change priorities of the Operational Advisory Group (OAG) of EA-6B community. The
EA-6B will be the only aircraft in the U. S. Navy still using the GRU-7 series of ejection
seats when the F-14A/B model Tomcats are retired by 2008, placing a strain on the
maintenance and logistics systems to keep the seats in safe working condition.
SJU-17A NACES was used to determine feasibility of incorporating this new ejection
seat in the EA-6B. The basis of the research was the review of ejection seat publications,
EA-6B aircraft literature, interviews conducted with the enlisted personnel that maintain
the ejection seats, and the experience of the author as a Naval Flight Officer (NFO) in
both the EA-6B and the FA-18F. This thesis concluded that the SJU-17A NACES is
more capable than the GRUEA-7 ejection seat and feasibly adaptable to the EA-6B
airframe as both a stand-alone seat and part of an electronic command ejection system.
1. Replace the MBA GRUEA-7 ejection seat with the MBA SJU-17A NACES in the
EA-6B aircraft.
2. Replace the gas sequencing ejection system with an electronic command ejection
sequencing system in the EA-6B aircraft, and investigate the possibility of ejecting
more than 1 aircrew at a time after performing a structural analysis of the floorboards
and airframe to make sure the added reaction forces will be supported.
3. Replace the 21 foot diameter main parachute in the SJU-17A NACES with a 28 foot
diameter main parachute for incorporation into the EA-6B aircraft after investigating
the additional opening shock imparted to the occupant by the larger parachute
throughout the expected EA-6B flight regime and the impact on the five SJU-17A
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................... 1
HISTORY ....................................................................................................................... 7
DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................... 7
HISTORY ..................................................................................................................... 21
DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................. 21
CHAPTER 4: INTEGRATION..................................................................................... 33
REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................ 33
COMMAND EJECTION.............................................................................................. 34
CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................... 46
REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 47
APPENDIX...................................................................................................................... 50
Table 1. EA-6B Fatalities with the MBA GRUEA-7 Ejection Seat. .................................. 5
Figure A-3. GRUEA-7 Ejection Seat Pan Models RSSK-7 and SKU-2/A. ..................... 53
Figure A-6. EA-6B Command Ejection at 80 Knots with four 5 Percentile Aircrew. ..... 56
Figure A-7. EA-6B Command Ejection at 80 Knots with four 95 Percentile Aircrew. ... 57
Figure A-8. EA-6B Command Ejection at 80 Knots with 5 Percentile ECMO 1 and Pilot
Figure A-12. SJU-17A NACES Ejection Sequence from the FA-18E/F. ........................ 62
Figure A-14. Arm Reach Requirements. .......................................................................... 64
Safety Equipment
EW Electronic Warfare
Procedures Standardization
OAG Operational Advisory Group
The EA-6B Prowler is a four-seat, all weather, twin turbojet engine, tactical
Intruder. The EA-6B is operated by the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps from paved
runways ashore and aircraft carrier flight decks at sea. The EA-6B mission is electronic
warfare (EW), in which a pilot and three Electronic Counter Measures Officers
(ECMOs), Naval Flight Officers (NFO) trained specifically for the EA-6B, use the
ALQ-99 Weapon System on board the EA-6B to deny, degrade, and destroy the
capability of opposition Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS) to track and engage
friendly strike and fighter aircraft with surface and air radar using a combination of
electronic noise jamming and the AGM-88 High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM).
The need for a tactical, carrier based aircraft to specialize in the EW mission
became apparent during the Vietnam War, when aircraft losses to surface-to-air missiles
(SAMs) were very high. The Navy first received the EA-6B in January 1971, and
quickly sent the aircraft to its first combat deployment in Vietnam during 1972.1 The
EA-6B has undergone several upgrades over the airframe lifetime, improving airframe,
engine, and weapon system performance. The first major upgrade occurred in 1973 when
the extended capability (EXCAP) EA-6B increased the frequency spectrum covered by
the ALQ-99 receiver and jammer system.2 The next upgrade to the EA-6B happened in
1976 with the introduction of the improved capability (ICAP) aircraft. The next major
upgrade would not occur until 1985, where the ICAP II EA-6B was first deployed with
frequency spectrum coverage. The Block 89A aircraft debuted in the year 2000 and
featured an improved navigation system featuring a ring laser gyro inertial navigation
system (INS) integrated with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver that was tied
into the weapon system for improved navigation and weapon employment. The last
planned major upgrade to the EA-6B, known as ICAP III and planned to enter the fleet in
2005, is currently in test and evaluation. The ICAP III merges the Block 89A navigation
system with the ALQ-218 receiver set, new color displays, and improved computer
processing capabilities.
The EA-6B in its many versions has a distinguished combat history including
service in Vietnam, Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Operations Provide
Comfort and Provide Hope, Operations Northern Watch and Southern Watch, Operation
Allied Force, and Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The EA-6B is
expected to remain in service until 2015 when the Navy plans to replace the aging aircraft
with an EW version of the two-seat FA-18F Super Hornet and the Marine Corp plans to
transition to an EW version of the single-seat Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). In 1998 the U.
S. Air Force retired the EF-111 Raven, which was the only tactical Air Force EW
platform.3 This placed a further burden on the Navy and Marine Corps EA-6B aircraft as
the only remaining airborne platform in the United States inventory capable of providing
tactical EW support. The last EA-6B produced rolled off the Northrop-Grumman
assembly line in 1989. The high tempo of operations supporting the various theaters
around the globe have required the majority of the EA-6B aircraft to remain deployed,
and with the addition of the requirement to support the Air Force, the aging EA-6B
airframes are being placed under constant stress. The ejection seat, the only single piece
of gear in the aircraft that must work the first time, every time, allows aircrew to escape
The ejection seat used in the EA-6B, the Martin-Baker Aircraft Company (MBA)
GRUEA-7 has performed well to date, but is aging along with the airframe. With the
retirement of the A-6 Intruder and the ongoing retirement of the F-14A and B model
Tomcats, the EA-6B remains the only aircraft using the GRU-7 series of ejection seats,
providing a strain on the training commands and the naval logistic system to maintain and
support the GRUEA-7 ejection seat since the remainder of the tactical fleet aircraft, such
as the FA-18A-D series Hornet, FA-18E/F Super Hornet, T-45 Goshawk, and F-14D
Tomcat use MBA SKU-17 Naval Aircraft Common Ejection Seat (NACES). Many
different models of ejection seats are available from manufacturers world-wide, and
although many of these seats may be compatible with the EA-6B, or a new seat designed
solely for the EA-6B might provide the best capability, the increasing pressure on the
combined with the current widespread use of the SJU-17A makes the SJU-17A NACES
the most favorable option. The EA-6B Prowler is scheduled to be replaced by a version
of the FA-18F Super Hornet, designated the EA-18G starting in 2008. As the EA-18G
will utilize the SJU-17A NACES, replacing the GRUEA-7 ejection seat with the
SJU-17A NACES will make the transition more seamless from the standpoint of aircrew,
There have been 30 EA-6B major mishaps with the MBA GRUEA-7 ejection seat
installed since 1 January 1980.4 There have been 88 EA-6B aircrew lives saved with no
more than major injuries by successful ejections in the MBA GRUEA-7 ejection seat.
There have been 18 EA-6B aircrew fatalities involved with 7 of the lost aircraft. Table 1
lists the details for each flight involving a fatality in the EA-6B aircraft equipped with the
MBA GRUEA-7 ejection seat. The 1.2 second delay for pilot ejection from the aircraft
can be considered a factor in the loss of the pilot in 3 ejection attempts. Out-of-envelope
ejections can be considered a factor in the loss of 11 aircrew total. These deaths caused
the EA-6B ejection system to make the top-ten list of required change priorities of the
EA-6B squadron commanding officers and executive officers that officially prioritize and
Table 1. EA-6B Fatalities with the MBA GRUEA-7 Ejection Seat.
Source: Aviation Database: EA-6B Ejection Database for the GRUEA-7 Ejection seat
1 January 1980 – 21 January 2003, Naval Safety Center, January 2003
recommend funding for the addition of newly available capabilities or correction of
The MBA Mark VII series of ejection seats resulted from the addition of a rocket
motor during the 1960s to the MBA Mark V series of ejection seats.6 A distinguishing
feature of the MBA Mark VII ejection seats was the separation of the catapult and rocket
charges into separate guns. Moving away from the combined gun approach allowed for a
more vertical ejection trajectory, which increased occupant survivability during ejections
at low altitudes and in out-of-envelope ejections. The U. S. Navy purchased the MBA
Mark VII series of ejection seats and modified them for use in three separate aircraft.
The MBA GRU-7 ejection seat was developed for the A-6 Intruder, the MBA GRU-7A
ejection seat was developed for the F-14 Tomcat, and the GRUEA-7 ejection seat was
providing each aircrew an emergency means of escape from the aircraft while on deck or
airborne. The four individual seats are labeled according to crew station, starting at the
pilot and proceeding clockwise around the cockpit. Figure 2 shows the labels for each
seat. Each ejection seat can safely initiate ejection at zero airspeed and zero altitude,
vertical beams and three horizontal beams. Figure A-1 shows the right side of the MBA
Pilot ECMO 1
GRUEA-7 ejection seat. Figure A-2 shows the left side. All figures labeled as “A-X” are
found in the appendix. The occupant is attached to the ejection seat at six points. The
occupant wears a torso harness that attaches to two lap belts and two shoulder harness
quick-release connectors, called Koch fittings. The shoulder harnesses connect the
operator to the parachute risers and fasten the occupant to the seat back. The lap belts
fasten the occupant to the seat pan. The occupant also wears a leg garter on each leg that
attaches to the leg restraint cords using quick-release clips. These leg restraint cords are
There are several key components integrated into each MBA GRUEA-7 ejection
seat. The first component is the seat-stabilizer drogue parachute, which provides initial
deceleration and stabilization of the ejection seat and occupant immediately after
ejection. The seat-stabilizer drogue parachute is located in the headrest of each seat.
is located in each ejection seat back. The occupant’s torso harness attaches to the
The face curtain handle provides the upper ejection activation method. When the
face curtain handle is pulled at least 7 inches by the seat occupant, the primary firing
mechanism is mechanically withdrawn, which then fires the primary cartridge initiating
ejection, and initiates the harness retraction unit. The face curtain also provides
protection to the occupant’s face and protection from arm flail injuries if the occupant
holds on to the face curtain handle with both hands during ejection. An
operator-activated safety handle can be positioned to lock the face curtain handle in place
The lower ejection handle provides a second means of initiating the ejection. The
lower ejection handle mechanically withdraws the primary firing mechanism which then
fires the primary cartridge initiating ejection, and initiates the harness retraction unit sear
when the lower ejection handle is pulled at least 2 inches by the seat occupant. Actuation
operator-activated safety handle can be positioned to lock the lower ejection handle in
place preventing the initiation of ejection, but this safety mechanism can be overridden
The personnel services disconnect is located on the left back side of each seat and
provides connections for supply lines from the aircraft to the occupant for oxygen,
communications, anti-“g” suit bleed air, and ventilation systems. A “g” is the measure of
the normal load factor of the aircraft, which is equal to aircraft’s normal acceleration
divided by the acceleration of gravity. During some aircraft maneuvers, the lift increases
but the weight remains constant, which causes acceleration in the direction of lift. This
acceleration causes the aircraft and occupant to experience an apparent increase in gravity
causing increased stress on the airframe and human body, commonly referred to as an
increase in “g’s”. Bleed air is provided to inflate air bladders in the anti-“g” suit worn
around the occupants legs and stomach to prevent blood from pooling in the lower
extremities under high load factors, which helps prevent the pilot from losing
consciousness due to loss of blood in the brain. Quick-disconnect fittings connect the
supply lines to the occupant service lines. A quick-release pin holds the personnel
services disconnect to the aircraft supply lines. When an ejection is initiated, a lanyard
pulls the quick-release pin that secures the personnel services disconnect to the seat
which releases the disconnect and causes the supply lines to be disconnected at their
quick-release fittings.
The RSSK-7 and SKU-2/A survival kits contain a 15 minute emergency oxygen
supply and survival gear. Figure A-3 shows both versions of the seat pan. The
connects the emergency oxygen supply to the aircraft floorboard. When the ejection seat
leaves the aircraft, the cable pulls the survival kit oxygen release allowing oxygen to flow
through the occupant’s personnel oxygen regulator to the oxygen mask. The emergency
oxygen system can be actuated by pulling a green ring located on the inside left thigh of
the seat pan. There is no way to stop the flow of oxygen from the emergency oxygen
supply once it has been initiated. The survival kit is contained inside a two-piece
container which is stowed in the seat bucket under the ventilated seat pad. The survival
• An LR-1 one-person life raft with inflation cylinder and valve rations.
• A desalter kit.
• A bailing sponge.
• Sunburn ointment.
extraction of the sear. The harness retraction unit burn time is set to position the
occupant in an upright position prior to seat movement to prevent back and neck injuries.
The harness retraction straps are connected to both of the upper torso harness fittings,
The upper torso harness connects to the occupant’s torso harness through shoulder
harness Koch fittings. These Koch fittings have a parachute harness sensing-release unit
called the Seawater Activated Release System (SEAWARS). The SEAWARS provides
automatic separation of the occupant’s upper torso harness and the personnel parachute
risers to prevent the occupant from being dragged underwater if the occupant is
unconscious or injured. Figure 3 shows the upper torso harness Koch fittings and the
each seat bucket. When the emergency restraint release handle is in the normal forward
and locked position, the occupant remains attached to the ejection seat. When the
emergency restraint release handle is pulled up and back by the occupant, the occupant is
released from the ejection seat by means of the initiation of the parachute withdrawal line
guillotine which severs the personnel parachute from the ejection seat and the drogue
parachute, while simultaneously releasing the lap-belt harness locks, personnel parachute
container, survival kit attachment lugs and sticker clips, harness retraction unit straps, and
the dual leg-restraint cords. If the occupant actuates the emergency restraint release
handle before ejection, the face curtain and lower ejection handles will be locked,
providing an expeditious means to egress the aircraft during an emergency while on the
A time release mechanism is located on the right side of the ejection seat. An
altitude sensing barostat is integrated into the time release mechanism to prevent
premature deployment of the parachute at high altitudes that would cause an opening
shock to the occupant sufficient to cause injuries. As the ejection seat falls through
approximately 11,500 to 14,500 feet of altitude above mean sea level (MSL), the time
release mechanism is unlocked and after a two second time delay releases the drogue
parachute from the scissors shackle, which then pulls the personnel parachute withdrawal
line from the guillotine and deploys the personnel parachute. The shoulder harness
restraints, lap belt, leg restraints, parachute container, survival kit, and face curtain are
simultaneously unlocked. When the ejection is initiated below 11,500 feet MSL, the two
Ventilated parachute back pads and ventilated seat cushions provide conditioned
twelfth stage bleed air circulation through the cushions for occupant comfort.
A seat-bucket height adjustment actuator provides the pilot with seat height and
tilt adjustment and the other three seats with height-only adjustment to provide for
occupants of differing personal heights. All seats may be adjusted vertically by up to five
inches of travel, and the pilot’s seat may be adjusted by up to seven degrees of tilt.
The ejection sequence of the MBA GRUEA-7 ejection seats in the EA-6B aircraft
operates independently of the canopy operation. Either the back canopy or both the
forward and back canopies together may be jettisoned by independent aircrew initiation
of the canopy jettison system, but canopy jettison is not required for ejection. The
primary means of ejection in an emergency is through the closed canopy. Figure A-4
depicts the entire airborne ejection sequence of a single GRUEA-7 ejection seat from the
EA-6B aircraft.
When an individual seat ejection sequence has been initiated by pulling the upper
face curtain at least seven inches from its stowed position or by pulling the lower ejection
handle upward at least two inches, the catapult sear and harness retraction unit sear are
withdrawn, and the sequence gas generator sear is withdrawn at the pilot’s seat and at
ECMO 1’s seat if the command eject lever is set to the ECMO 1 position. The command
ejection sequence will be discussed after the single seat ejection sequence. The harness
retraction unit will pull the occupant against the seat to prevent back and neck injuries at
the initial onset of force. The catapult gun then fires and the expanding gases propel the
catapult tubes upward, ejecting the seat with the occupant attached through the canopy
and out of the aircraft. The catapult gun uses water-tight seals to allow underwater
ejection. As the seat rises out of the aircraft, the following events happen almost
• The leg restraint cords are pulled tight drawing the occupant’s legs close
• The radio, transponder, and GPS key codes are zeroized if aircraft
While the seat is rising out of the aircraft, the tension built up on the leg restraint
cords sheers the rivets that secure the cords to the cockpit floor, which frees the cords
from the aircraft. The occupant’s legs will remain secured to the seat until seat
separation. The rocket motor will fire when the rocket motor gas generator lanyard
reaches its limit, propelling the seat and occupant away from the aircraft. The drogue
gun will fire one half second after ejection, and the drogue piston will withdraw the
controller drogue parachute. The controller drogue parachute will then deploy and
withdraw the stabilizer drogue parachute. The stabilizer drogue parachute decelerates
and stabilizes the seat and occupant. The time release mechanism is denied activation
above 14,500 MSL by the barostat, keeping the drogue parachute retention shackle
locked to the seat by the restrain scissor. Once below 14,500 feet MSL, the barostat will
free the time release mechanism, which releases the drogue gun shackle restraint scissor
and allows the continued pull of the drogue parachute on the link lines to release the face
curtain restraint and the main personnel parachute. The occupant’s shoulder harness
restraints and leg restraints, and the parachute container and survival kit are all released at
this time as well. The occupant will remain attached to the seat by sticker clip retention
of the lower restraint harness on the seat bucket until the line stretch of the personnel
parachute pulls the occupant, survival kit, and lower restraint harness free of the sticker
clips. The seat will then fall free and the occupant returns to Earth by means of the
personnel parachute.
If the occupant believes the time release mechanism has failed to actuate at
14,500 feet MSL or high terrain projects into the 11,500 to 14,500 feet MSL window of
automatic seat separation, the seat separation can be manually initiated by pulling up and
back on the emergency restraint release handle on the right side of the seat pan. This will
release the occupant from the ejection seat by means of the initiation of the parachute
withdrawal line guillotine which severs the personnel parachute from the ejection seat
Table 2. Ejection Seat Trajectory Divergence from Vertical.
and the drogue parachute, while simultaneously releasing lap-belt harness locks,
personnel parachute container, survival kit attachment lugs and sticker clips, harness
retraction unit straps, and the dual leg-restraint cords. Manual activation of the
emergency restraint release handle disables the automatic deployment of the personnel
parachute, so the D-ring handle on the left shoulder harness strap must be pulled to
In the event of an ejection while on the ground, the GRUEA-7 ejection seat will
perform the same as at higher altitudes, with the exception that the time release
mechanism will actuate the personnel parachute deployment and seat separation with no
delay after the drogue parachute inflates. Figure A-5 shows an example of a ground
nozzles on the pilot, ECMO 1, and ECMO 3 seats. All rocket motor nozzles on the
ECMO 2 seat are the same size. Table 2 shows the degrees divergence from vertical for
each ejection seat. Permissible occupant weight range is given as a percentile range
based on nude weights from 140 pounds to 204 pounds based on the GRUEA-7 ejection
seat development and testing, assuming a male anthropometric model. (EA-6B NATOPS
Flight Manual, April 2002) The lightest occupant nude weights specific to the GRUEA-7
ejection seat are considered to be in the 5 percentile range and the heaviest occupant nude
weights are considered to be in the 95 percentile. (EA-6B NATOPS Flight Manual, April
2002) On the other hand, the minimum and maximum allowed aviator nude body
weights are 100 pounds to 235 pounds, so a gap exists both above and below the rated
The GRUEA-7 ejection seats use a total of seven pins to provide a backup means
of preventing inadvertent ejection. The pilot and ECMO 1 seats each have an eighth pin
that prevents the command ejection gas sequencer from discharging. A pinned seat will
not be ejected even during a command ejection. Seats that will not have an occupant
during a flight are left pinned to prevent the seat from ejecting during a command
The command ejection capability permits one aircrew to initiate ejection for all
four ejection seats. The pilot seat will always initiate a command ejection. A command
ejection selection handle is provided on the console between the pilot and ECMO 1 in the
front cockpit to allow the selection of “NORM” to allow only the pilot to initiate
command ejection, and “ECMO” which allows either the pilot or ECMO 1 to initiate a
command ejection. ECMO 2 and ECMO 3 can only initiate an ejection for their own
crew station. Each ejection seat has a preset automatic timing device that causes an
Table 3. EA-6B Command Ejection Sequence Preset Delays.
ejection delay which creates a separation between the individual ejection seats so that
external identification of the delay associated with the automatic timing device of each
ejection seat. Table 3 presents the color coding and preset delay for each ejection seat.
When a command ejection is initiated by the pilot, the pilot’s command gas
actuated piston fires the pilot’s command sequence gas generator which simultaneously
initiates ejection of all four seats according to their individual preset delays. When
“ECMO” is selected with the command ejection selection handle and ECMO 1 initiates
and ejection, ECMO 1’s command sequenced gas generator operates the pilot’s command
gas actuated piston which then fires the pilot’s command sequenced gas generator and
initiates ejection of all four seats according to their individual preset delays. If ECMO 1
initiates an ejection with the command ejection selection handle in “NORM” then
ECMO 1’s command sequenced gas generator on the ejection gun vents into the cockpit
and only ECMO 1’s ejection seat will exit the aircraft.
The timing for a command ejection is critical to allow proper seat and personnel
inadequate escape system sled testing. The nude weight of the occupants is of concern
for slow speed command ejections, especially when the front seat occupants are very
light and the back occupants are very heavy. The highest likelihood of collision from a
slow, stable aircraft is when the pilot is a 5 percentile nude body weight and ECMO 3 is a
95 percentile nude body weight. ECMO 3 may not proceed far enough from the aircraft
to prevent the lighter pilot from catching up to and colliding with EMCO 3. Figure A-6
shows a command ejection at an airspeed of 80 knots at ground level when all four
occupants are 5 percentile nude body weights. In this case there is little chance of
command ejection at an airspeed of 80 knots at ground level when all four occupants are
95 percentile nude body weights. Although the ejection seats do not project to as high an
altitude as the 5 percentile nude body weight occupants and do not spend as long in the
air prior to landing, there is still little chance of ejection seat collision or personnel
knots at ground level when the pilot and ECMO 1 are 5 percentile nude body weights and
ECMO 2 and ECMO 3 are 95 percentile nude body weights. In this case, depending on
winds and aircraft orientation, there is a significantly higher chance that the ejection seats
will cross paths and collide or the personnel parachutes will become entangled.
Company in May of 1985.9 As the name implies, the NACES was designed as a common
ejection seat for all U. S. Navy aircraft. The NACES was developed based on the MBA
Mark 10 ejection seat used in the earlier models of the FA-18 A-D model Hornets. The
NACES was first flown operationally in the F-14D Tomcat, and then was incorporated in
the FA-18A-D model Hornets and the T-45 Goshawk. The NACES was scheduled to
replace the GRU-7 ejection seat in the A-6 Intruder, but that program was cancelled. The
SJU-17/A NACES added an electronic sequencing system and was incorporated in the
providing each aircrew an emergency means of escape from the aircraft an any flight
condition ranging from zero knots to 600 knots of airspeed, and from ground level to
50,000 feet MSL, giving the MBA SJU-17A NACES a “zero – zero” capability10. The
SJU-17A NACES is qualified for use by aviators with nude body weights ranging from
136 to 245 pounds, which leaves a gap between the minimum allowed aviator nude body
weights of 100 pounds and the rated nude body weight approved. The SJU-17A NACES
is composed of two vertical beams in the back of the seat, with all of the NACES
subassemblies attached to the two vertical beams. Figure A-9 shows the right side of the
Figure 4. SJU-17A NACES Leg Restraint System.
SJU-17A NACES. Figure A-10 shows the left side of the SJU-17A NACES. The
occupant is attached to the ejection seat at eight points. The occupant wears the same
torso harness with the same fittings at the GRUEA-7 occupants. The shoulder harness
fittings are the same SEAWARS equipped quick –release fittings used on the GRUEA-7
ejection seat. The lap belts fasten to the lower fittings of the occupant’s torso harness to
the seat pan using the same quick-release fittings as the GRUEA-7 ejection seat. Each of
the SJU-17A NACES leg restraint garters are attached to the ejection seat by a single
quick-release connector, and are then connected to the aircraft floor at the floor bracket.
The leg restraint garters attach to the occupant with two adjustable buckles on each leg;
one wraps above each ankle, and one wraps above each knee. Figure 4 shows the
SJU-17A NACES Leg Restraint System and how the leg garters are worn and attach to
the ejection seat. These leg restraint cords are withdrawn when an ejection is initiated to
The single seat Super Hornet, the FA-18E, is equipped with one SJU-17A
NACES. The dual seat Super Hornet, the FA18F, is equipped with two SJU-17A
NACES, and is labeled according to the crew position; the front seat occupant is the pilot
and the back seat occupant is the Weapon Systems Operator (WSO), the NFO trained
specifically for the FA-18F. Figure 5 shows the labels for each seat. Discussion will
focus on the FA-18F to compare seat performance and command ejection capabilities
between the SJU-17A NACES and the GRUEA-7 ejection seat in multi-seat aircraft.
There are several key components integrated into each SJU-17A NACES, and
some of them are identical to those found in the GRUEA-7 ejection seat. The identical
components are the upper and lower torso harness Koch fittings, as well as the
disconnect, allowing an occupant to use the same torso harness and oxygen mask
equipment in either ejection seat The anti-“g” suit connection fitting is the same as on
the GRUEA-7 seat, except in the FA-18E/F Super Hornet the anti-“g” suit bleed air
connector is located on the left console panel instead of on the ejection seat.
of the ejection seat immediately after ejection. The drogue parachute is contained in a
canister mounted on top of each ejection seat The drogue parachute attaches to the back
of each ejection seat at three points by a stabilizing bridle, which causes the seat and
occupant to face into the relative wind providing increased stabilization. The drogue
deployment rocket. The main parachute has water deflation pockets to aid in dumping air
The SJU-17A NACES only has one ejection control handle located on the front or
the seat pan between the legs of the occupant. This is the only method an ejection can be
initiated other than by command ejection. Actuation of the ejection control handle
requires a pull of 20 pounds to 40 pounds of force to remove the handle from the ejection
withdraw the dual seat initiator sears. Operation of only one of the dual seat initiators is
required to initiate an ejection. The ejection handle remains connected to the seat after
The ejection seat safe/armed handle is located on the right forward side of the seat
pan. When the ejection seat safe/armed handle is rotated up and forward, a pin is inserted
into the ejection firing mechanism preventing withdrawal of the dual seat initiator sears
in order to prevent an inadvertent ejection. When the ejection seat safe/armed handle is
rotated down and back, the pin is removed, allowing the ejection command handle to
The personnel services disconnect is located on the left back side of each seat pan
and provides the connections for supply lines from the aircraft to the occupant for oxygen
freed by a quick-release fitting that connects the seat pan to the aircraft.
The SKU-10/A seat survival kit is composed of the seat pan, emergency oxygen
cylinder, and fabric survival rucksack. Figure A-11 shows top and bottom views of the
SKU-10/A seat survival kit. The emergency oxygen cylinder provides approximately 15
automatically activated during an ejection by a lanyard that connects both the emergency
oxygen cylinder and the AN/URT-33 survival beacon to the aircraft floor. As the seat
leaves the aircraft, the lanyard is pulled until both systems are activated, providing
emergency oxygen to flow through the occupant’s personnel oxygen regulator to the
oxygen mask and providing a homing beacon to assist in occupant rescue. The
emergency oxygen cylinder can also be manually activated at any time by the operator by
using a green looped handle located on the left front of the seat pan. The emergency
oxygen handle can be reset allowing the operator to stop the flow of emergency oxygen.
The survival equipment present is the same that is used in the GRUEA-7 ejection seat
pan; however the survival equipment in the SJU-17A NACES pan is contained in a fabric
rucksack that can be easily detached from the underside of the seat pan by releasing five
The shoulder harness inertial reel is mounted in the seat just below the main
parachute container. The shoulder harness connects to the occupant’s torso harness using
Koch fittings with the SEAWARS units attached. When an ejection is initiated, a
pyrotechnic cartridge is fired retracting the shoulder harness to pull the occupant into an
the GRUEA-7 ejection seat, is provided on the right side of the seat pan, just behind the
ejection seat safe/armed handle. When the manual override handle is in its normal down
and locked position, the occupant remains attached to the ejection seat. The manual
override handle is activated by pressing down on the thumb button on the forward part of
the handle and rotating the handle up and back. When activated before an ejection, the
manual override handle simultaneously releases the occupant’s leg restraint cords and
survival kit attachment lugs, unlocks the upper harness inertial reel lock, and
automatically rotates the ejection seat safe/armed handle up and forward to the “SAFE”
An electronic sequencer uses altitude, acceleration, and airspeed to control the
timing of all events after the rocket motor initiation including control drogue deployment,
thermal batteries are fired that power up the electronic sequencer. The electronic
sequencer then uses a built-in software lookup table to determine the optimum ejection
profile out of five possible modes of operation based on the altitude, acceleration, and
airspeed. Figure 6 shows the five modes of operation of the SJU-17A NACES as a plot
The high altitude mode of the electronic sequencer allows the seat to fall slowed
only by the drogue parachute until the seat and occupant reach 18,000 feet MSL when the
main parachute is deployed and seat/occupant separation occurs. The medium altitude
mode, between 8,000 and 18,000 feet MSL, and the three low altitude modes allow main
parachute deployment and seat/occupant separation after a delay of between 0.45 and
2.90 seconds, depending on the altitude and airspeed, to allow for seat stabilization and
electronic sequencer. The 4-second mechanical delay initiates the barostatic release unit
which frees the occupant from the ejection seat and deploys the main parachute between
14,000 and 16,000 feet MSL if the ejection occurred above that altitude range, or
immediately after the 4-second delay if the ejection occurred below 14,000 feet MSL.
A seat bucket position switch on the left forward side of the seat pan allows the
seat to be positioned vertically in a 6.1 inch range. A back pad adjustment mechanism
Figure 6. SJU-17A NACES Ejection Modes.
handle is located on the seat bucket next to the top left side of the back pad and is
connected to the back pad by a linkage that allows the selection of three positions,
full-forward, middle, and full-back, giving a total adjustment potential of 1.6 inches of
horizontal travel.
The SJU 17A NACES has only one ground safety pin, the ejection handle safety
pin, which pins the ejection control handle as a secondary safety measure to prevent
inadvertent ejection in case the ejection seat safe/armed handle is positioned incorrectly
The ejection sequence of the SJU-17A NACES in the FA-18E/F Super Hornet is
sequenced with the jettison of the canopy, although canopy jettison is not required for
ejection. Figure A-12 shows the entire ejection sequence for the SJU-17A NACES from
When an individual seat ejection sequence has been initiated by pulling the
ejection control handle up, the dual seat initiator sears are withdrawn and immediately the
automatic canopy jettison initiates, the transponder squawks the emergency code of 7700,
and the pyrotechnic cartridge is fired retracting the shoulder harness to pull the occupant
into an upright position. Pyrotechnics then pressurize the telescopic catapult ejecting the
SJU-17A NACES out of the aircraft. As the seat travels upward the occupant’s legs are
withdrawn against the lower ejection seat pan by the leg restraint cords and the
emergency oxygen supply and emergency locator beacon are activated by their combined
lanyard. The leg restraint cords are released from the cockpit floor by tension as the seat
exits the aircraft. When the ejection seat passes the end of the catapult the rocket motor
ignites further accelerating the ejection seat and occupant away from the aircraft, and the
drogue catapult is fired deploying the drogue parachute to stabilize and decelerate the
The electronic sequencer is activated and determines which of the five modes to
utilize for drogue parachute release and main parachute deployment based on altitude,
airspeed, and acceleration. If the electronic sequencer fails in part or in whole, then the
4-second mechanical delay initiates the barostatic release unit which frees the occupant
from the ejection seat and deploys the main parachute between 14,000 and 16,000 feet
MSL if the ejection occurred above that altitude range, or immediately after the 4-second
mechanical delay, the drogue parachute is released, the main parachute rocket fires to
extract and deploy the main parachute, and the harness and leg restraints cords are
released. The opening shock of the parachute separates the occupant from the ejection
If the occupant believes the electronic sequencer and the 4-second mechanical
delay have failed or that high terrain projects above 14,000 to 16,000 feet MSL, then the
occupant can pull the manual override handle. After ejection, pulling up and back on the
manual override handle will release all restraints and fire the operator override initiator
cartridge activating the parachute deployment rocket motor. The main parachute will
deploy and the opening shock will separate the occupant from the seat.
In the event of ejection while on the ground, the ejection sequence will remain the
same as an airborne ejection and the electronic sequencer will use the appropriate mode
initiated from either seat. A command ejection mode handle is provided in the back
cockpit to determine if an ejection initiated from the back cockpit is a command ejection
by the “AFT INITIATE” position or an individual ejection of the back seat by the
“NORM” position. The front seat ejection always initiates a command ejection unless
the “SOLO” position is selected by the mode selector handle. The “SOLO” position can
only be selected by using a special mode selector handle pin to prevent inadvertent
selection which would prevent the back seat occupant from ejecting. The “SOLO”
position is to be used only when the back seat is empty to prevent seat collision on
Preset delays are programmed into the command ejection sequence to prevent
collision between the canopy and either ejection seat. Table 4 lists the preset delays for
Table 4. FA-18F Command Ejection Sequence Preset Delays.
author in order to provide a viable replacement for the GRUEA-7 ejection seat in the
EA-6B aircraft. These requirements are based on interviews with the enlisted personnel
that maintain both types of ejection seats, information provided by the researched
references, and the experience of the author as a NFO in both the EA-6B and the FA-18F.
1. The ejection of all four aircrew must take less than or equal to 1.2 seconds.
4. The EA-6B gross weight and center of gravity changes must be small.
6. The airframe must require only minor changes for SJU-17A NACES fit.
7. The SJU-17A NACES must require minimal training for aircrew and maintainers.
9. The transition cost must be as small as possible based on the total costs of all
listed requirements, and must not make replacing the GRUEA-7 ejection seat cost
10. The SJU-17A NACES must contain the standard naval aircrew survival
The electronic sequencer on each SJU-17A NACES unit provides a very precise
ejection sequence for each ejection seat. Combining this precision with five possible
modes of ejection allows each seat to follow a precise timeline for ejection that can be
programmed to maximize each occupant’s survival. This precise timeline can be utilized
or becoming entangled after an ejection. The electronic command ejection sequencer can
also have a parameter lookup table to use airspeed, altitude, acceleration, and which
ejection seats are armed for ejection to determine which command ejection mode of a
series of modes would be most appropriate to ensure the survival of the occupants. The
electronic command ejection sequencer could also reference ejections seats that are
pinned and therefore not occupied, bypass that crew station, and allow other ejection
The ejection sequence time could be reduced by allowing ECMO 2 and ECMO 3
to simultaneously eject, and then after a short delay allow the pilot and ECMO 1 to
determine if the current floorboard and airframe in the EA-6B could handle the additional
reaction forces of two seats ejecting vice one seat ejecting. Any additional reinforcement
of the floorboards or airframe will increase the cost of incorporation of the NACES in the
EA-6B aircraft.
prevent collision between the ejected seats or parachute entanglement, whether the seats
ejected simultaneously or not, and would have to be provided on the NACES by
diverging catapult rails, additional outboard weights, or oversized inboard rocket motor
nozzles. Re-designing the NACES will require additional modeling and simulation,
rocket sled testing, maintenance training, and documentation changes which will increase
sequencer in each NACES to determine the individual delay for drogue parachute and
low altitudes when the time for the pilot to exit the aircraft is critical. By allowing the
main parachute of ECMO 2 and ECMO 3 to open earlier, initial separation after ejection
will be increased.
combined with the electronically sequenced NACES and the improvements listed
previously, the ejection time for the pilot after command ejection initiation could be
reduced to as little as 0.8 to 1.0 seconds. This 0.2 to 0.4 second margin may have saved
the lives of the 3 pilots who have died due to late ejections.
The existing command ejection selection handle in the EA-6B can be used to
input the handle position to the electronic command ejection sequencer so that no
The SJU-17A NACES has 5 separate modes of operation while the GRUEA-7
ejection seat only has 1 mode of operation. The 4 extra modes of the SJU-17A NACES
focus on the low and medium altitudes where the aircrew that ejected in the GRUEA-7
ejection seats have been lost. The SJU-17A NACES takes airspeed, altitude, and
acceleration into account, while the GRUEA-7 ejection seat only operates in one mode
without reference to these parameters. The SJU-17A NACES would increase the
survivability of the aircrew throughout all phases of flight, and provide a more reliable
alternative to the GRUEA-7 due to fewer moving parts, the addition of an electronic
sequencer, and fewer maintenance requirements. The SJU-17A NACES would increase
model must be examined to ensure the proper interrelationships exist between the three
types of resources and the environment. Figure A-13 shows the three resources of
software (S), hardware (H), and liveware (L) of the SHEL model and how they interact
with and are surrounded by the environment (E).11 The software resource consists of
performance charts, and maps. The hardware resource consists of the aircraft and its
systems, including the ejection seats. The liveware resource consists of the aircrew and
every person that the aircrew interacts with on the ground and in the air. The
environment is the actual physical environment that the aircraft and aircrew operate in
such as weather or the battlefield. The primary concerns of integrating the SJU-17A
NACES in the EA-6B aircraft are the liveware-hardware interface; the interaction
between the aircrew and the aircraft controls and systems and how the ejection seat
affects this interaction, and the hardware-hardware interface; the interaction between the
The SJU-17A NACES must meet the requirements for vision, reach, and ejection
clearance for all aviators from the 5 percentile to the 95 percentile12. Figure A-14 shows
the standard arm reach requirements and how the ejection seat may affect the arm
requirements. Figure A-15 shows the bended knee reach and vision requirements and
how the ejection seat may affect the bended knee reach and vision requirements. Figure
A-16 shows the ejection clearance requirements. The SJU-17A NACES must meet the
(EMC), especially considering the primary mission of the EA-6B Prowler is EW through
The addition of another inch of vertical seat adjustment and 1.6 inches of
horizontal seat adjustment by the SJU-17A NACES will provide greater flexibility for all
permitted occupant body types and will increase the ability of the occupant to adjust the
ejection seat into a position allowing the maximum reach potential. This will allow the
occupant to more comfortably see and manipulate controls and displays and increase the
mission effectiveness of the occupant. The additional inch of seat travel will not place
the SJU-17A NACES in violation of the ejection clearance requirements, and will not
environment caused by powerful air-to-air radar and other systems that utilize the
electromagnetic spectrum. The electronic sequencer and other systems associated with
the SJU-17A NACES have shown no susceptibility to EMI, and should be fully
The integration of the SJU-17A NACES in the EA-6B aircraft must require only
minor airframe changes to mitigate the expense and to preclude additional structural
analysis and aerodynamic testing. The front and back canopies must remain unaltered,
the pilot’s control stick must remain unaltered, the ECMO 1 radar pedestal must remain
unaltered, the ECMO 2 and ECMO 3 digital display indicator control (DDIC) pedestals
must remain unaltered, and all controls and displays in the front and back cockpits must
remain unaltered. The gross weight and center of gravity of the aircraft must not change
The weights and dimensions of the both the GRUEA-7 ejection seat and the
SJU-17A NACES are approximately the same, with the NACES weighing about 50
pounds less per seat, so few if any airframe modifications would be required, and the
controls and displays of all four crew stations can remain unaltered. The aircraft’s gross
weight and center of gravity will also not change significantly, and no additional
two ejection seats requires additional strengthening. The ejection seats are approximately
the same height, so the front and aft canopies will remain unaltered.
The SJU-17A NACES would require that the new telescopic catapult rail be
installed. This could directly replace the previous telescopic catapult rail with little
airframe modification. An anti-“g” suit quick release fitting would have to be added to
the SJU-17A NACES personnel services disconnect or installed in the aircraft at the four
crew stations. The leg restraint cord connectors for the GRUEA-7 ejection seat would
have to be removed and the SJU-17A leg restraint floor bracket would have to be
installed. All of these changes are minor, but would require the aircraft to be placed in a
non-flying status for a period of time, which could be offset by performing the
modifications while the aircraft was not flying due to other modifications, such as night
All pilots trained by the U. S. Navy fly the SJU-17 equipped T-45 Goshawk, and
all naval NFO’s will soon be taught the final phase of training in the T-45 as the T-2
Buckeye and TA-4 Skyhawk are retired from service. The difference between the
SJU-17 and the SJU-17A is the electronic sequencer and is transparent to the aircrew for
training and operation. Since the aviators are already qualified in the use of the NACES
before they arrive for EA-6B specific training, time and money would be saved by not
having to teach the aircrew the new GRUEA-7 ejection seat. Some EA-6B aircrew
would require initial NACES training, but this training is minimal and the cost will be
Initial maintainer training would require some added cost for current EA-6B
(AME) profession, but once complete the AME personnel would then be qualified to
work on any NACES seat in the Navy. When an air wing, the naval unit comprised of
the individual squadrons, deploys on an aircraft carrier with all versions of the FA-18, the
F-14D, and the EA-6B, then any AME personnel will be able to help the other squadrons.
The SJU-17A NACES requires far less maintenance than the GRUEA-7 due to fewer
parts and the addition of the electronic sequencer.14 The decreased maintenance time per
ejection seat would allow AME personnel to concentrate on other facets of their job and
learn more aviation related maintenance skills making them more valuable to the Navy.
The AME personnel would then be more versatile for transfer to other aviation
commands, to include the aviation training commands, requiring less training for all
The incorporation of the SJU-17A NACES in the EA-6B aircraft would place less
strain on the logistics support system over time. With the EA-6B becoming the only
remaining aircraft to use the GRU-7 series of ejection seats, there will be less spare parts
available, requiring more time, effort, and expense to find and send the parts to the
required locations. With fewer GRU-7 series ejection seats in aircraft on the airfields and
aircraft carriers, there will be less spare parts to immediately have access to, which may
cause lost flights when ejection seats are broken and awaiting parts. Incorporating the
SJU-17A NACES in the EA-6B will increase the spare parts carried on board the airfields
and aircraft carriers increasing the readiness of all the attached naval tactical aviation
squadrons. Initially, purchasing four NACES units for the 123 EA-6B aircraft in the
U. S. inventory, along with the initial parts to support these additional seats, will incur a
significant cost. (Global Security, 2003) These costs will be offset over time by the
reduction of cost due to the retirement of the GRUEA-7 ejection seat and the required
spare parts, the increased availability of NACES parts to all tactical naval aircraft, and the
The incorporation of the SJU-17A NACES in the EA-6B will remove the
necessity to maintain the training and documentation programs for the GRUEA-7
ejection seat, which will save time, effort, and money for the naval logistics, training, and
publications programs. The initial cost of implementing new training for EA-6B aircrew
and maintainers and the documentation for the NACES modified specifically for the
EA-6B, will increase the initial start-up cost of incorporation of the NACES. The
potential savings over time caused by all naval aircrew and maintainers training to a
single ejection seat, combined with single source training and maintenance
The SJU-17A NACES carries the same survival equipment required of the
GRUEA-7 ejection seat which will have no impact on the training of aircrew and
The EA-6B Prowler will continue to be an important tactical and strategic asset to
the defense interests of the United States. As the airframe continues to age, the
importance of the ejection seat and ejection system to save aircrew lives will only
increase with time. The GRU-7 series of ejection seats, although reliable to date, use 30
year old technology, providing limited ejection capability in low altitude ejections,
especially when a command ejection is used. The expense of operating, maintaining, and
supporting the GRUEA-7 ejection seat will only increase as more aircraft that use the
The SJU-17A NACES provides a low cost, low risk solution to replace the
GRUEA-7 ejection seat in the EA-6B aircraft. The operating, maintenance, and support
systems are already in place, and the widespread use of this common ejection seat is only
growing with time. Table 5 lists a side-by-side capabilities comparison of the GRUEA-7
ejection seat and the SJU-17A NACES. The only degradation of capabilities are the
reduction of main parachute diameter, which would cause less drag during parachute fall
and increase the speed and the chance of occupant injury, and the lack of a seat tilt
function for the pilot. The main parachute used in the SJU-17A can be replaced with the
28 foot diameter parachute, although this will require a slight modification to the
SJU-17A NACES main parachute container which will affect the size and weight of the
seat and possibly change the installation requirements due to airframe modifications.
shocks between the two parachute sizes, and the difference that the opening shock of a
Table 5. Comparison of GRUEA-7 and SJU-17A NACES.
Sources: EA-6B NATOPS Flight Manual, April 2002, and FA-18 NATOPS Flight
Manual, March 2001
larger parachute will have on the 5 modes of the NACES. This additional analysis will
increase the cost of the NACES incorporation into the EA-6B aircraft.
The SJU-17A has a one inch increase in vertical travel and the capability to adjust the
back pad in a 1.6 inch range, compensating for the loss of the seat tilt and gaining a
The SJU-17A NACES has been concluded by the author to be a more capable seat
and feasibly adaptable to the EA-6B airframe for the following reasons:
1. The ejection of all four aircrew from the EA-6B aircraft can be reduced to less than
1.2 seconds using a combination of the SJU-17A NACES and an electronic command
the modes of operation of the NACES and the electronic command ejection sequencer
2. The SJU-17A NACES will provide a safer and more reliable option due to the
electronic sequencer and its five modes of operation, and the simpler design and
3. The SJU-17A NACES will be more compatible with the wide range of operator sizes
and shapes due to an increased nude body weight capability and range of adjustment
4. Incorporation of the SJU-17A NACES will require only a few minor airframe
changes, the aircraft gross weight and center of gravity will not significantly change,
and the front and aft canopies will remain unchanged. Further structural analysis will
5. The SJU-17A NACES will require initial training for aircrew and maintainers, but as
the U. S. Navy continues to transition to this ejection seat as the standard, the training
for aircrew and maintainers will actually decrease since the GRUEA-7 ejection seat
6. The SJU-17A NACES is already fully logistically supported by the naval logistic
system, and the GRUEA-7 is placing a strain on the naval logistic system, so
incorporating the SJU-17A NACES into the EA-6B aircraft will reduce the burden on
the naval logistic system and save time, effort, and money while increasing readiness.
7. The transition cost to the SJU-17A NACES in the EA-6B aircraft will be small as
current widespread use throughout the U. S. Navy leading to future cost savings, and
the ease of maintenance. As the airframe and GRUEA-7 ejection seat age, the cost of
maintaining the GRUEA-7 will exceed the initial investment required to incorporate
8. The SJU-17A NACES contains the standard naval survival gear required for occupant
Based on the research performed by the author while writing this thesis, the
1. Replace the MBA GRUEA-7 ejection seat with the MBA SJU-17A NACES in the
EA-6B aircraft.
2. Replace the gas sequencing ejection system with an electronic command ejection
sequencing system in the EA-6B aircraft, and investigate the possibility of ejecting
more than 1 aircrew at a time after performing a structural analysis of the floorboards
and airframe to make sure the added reaction forces will be supported.
3. Replace the 21 foot diameter main parachute in the SJU-17A NACES with a 28 foot
diameter main parachute for incorporation into the EA-6B aircraft after investigating
the additional opening shock imparted to the occupant by the larger parachute
throughout the expected EA-6B flight regime and the impact on the five SJU-17A
Naval Historical Center. “EA-6B Prowler.” Naval Historical Center Home Page
15 Nov 2000. 9 Feb. 2003. <http://www.history.navy.mil/planes/ea6.htm>
Global Security. “EA-6B Prowler History.” Global Security.org 2003. 1 Feb 2003.
Taylor, Michael. J. H. “Brassey’s World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1999/2000
Edition.” Brassey’s Inc. 1999.
Naval Safety Center. “Aviation Database: EA-6B Ejection Database for the GRUEA-7
Ejection Seat 1 January 1980 – 21 January 2003.” Letter from the Naval Safety Center.
21 January 2003. (Used with permission).
VAQ-141 Commanding Officer’s Brief to Squadron Aircrew. February 2000.
Carey, Christopher T. “Achtung! Schleuder-Sitzaparat! A Brief History of the
Development of Western Aircraft Ejection Seat Systems." AeolusAero Online.
10 January 2003. <http://www.lanset.com/aeolusaero/Articles/seat_history.htm>
EA-6B NATOPS Flight Manual. NAVAIR 01-85ADC-1. 15 April 2002.
NATOPS General and Flight Operating Instructions. OPNAVINST 3710S.
15 November 2001.
Martin-Baker Aircraft Company. “Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat (NACES).”
Martin-Baker.com. 25 July 2002. <http://www.martin-baker.com/eject_naces.html>
FA-18E/F NATOPS Flight Manual. NAVAIR A1-F18EA-NFM-000. 1 March 2001.
Collins, F. G. “Aviation Systems 501: Introduction to Aviation Systems Class Notes”.
11 September 2002.
MIL-STD-1333B. “Military Standard Aircrew Station Geometry for Military Aircraft.”
9 January 1987.
MIL-STD-18471G (AS). “Military Specification; System, Aircrew Automated Escape,
Ejection Seat Type: General Specification For.” 8 June 1983.
Interview conducted with Petty Officer Second Class R. Finey, AME day-shift shop
supervisor. 7 February 2003.
Figure A-1. GRUEA-7 Ejection Seat Right Side.
Figure A-2. GRUEA-7 Ejection Seat Left Side.
Figure A-3. GRUEA-7 Ejection Seat Pan Models RSSK-7 and SKU-2/A.
Figure A-4. GRUEA-7 Airborne Ejection Sequence from the EA-6B.
Figure A-5. GRUEA-7 Ground Ejection Sequence from the EA-6B.
Figure A-6. EA-6B Command Ejection at 80 Knots with four 5 Percentile Aircrew.
Figure A-7. EA-6B Command Ejection at 80 Knots with four 95 Percentile Aircrew.
Figure A-8. EA-6B Command Ejection at 80 Knots with 5 Percentile ECMO 1 and
Pilot and 95 Percentile ECMO 2 and ECMO 3.
Figure A-9. SJU-17A NACES Right Side.
Figure A-14. Arm Reach Requirements.
Figure A-16. Ejection Clearance Requirements.
Lieutenant Daniel David Moore was born in Muncie, Indiana on the first of June,
1970. He moved to Richmond, Indiana a few months later where he spent the next 13
years. He then moved to Columbus, Indiana where he graduated from Columbus East
Engineering. Following his graduation from college, he enlisted in the United States
Navy and completed the Naval Nuclear Power program in Orlando, Florida and
immediately began flight training as a Student Naval Flight Officer. After earning his
wings and then completing initial qualification as an EA-6B Prowler Electronic Counter
squadron, where he deployed the Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf on board the USS
Lieutenant Moore is married to the former Elspeth Jane Shook and currently
resides in China Lake, California where he serves as an EA-6B operational test director