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Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections in Brazilian Pediatric

Patients: Microbiology, Epidemiology, and Clinical

Carlos Alberto Pires Pereira1, Alexandre R. Marra2,3*, Luis Fernando Aranha Camargo2,3, Antônio Carlos
Campos Pignatari3,4, Teresa Sukiennik5, Paulo Renato Petersen Behar6, Eduardo Alexandrino
Servolo Medeiros3, Julival Ribeiro7, Evelyne Girão8, Luci Correa2,15, Carla Guerra9, Irna Carneiro10,
Carlos Brites11, Marise Reis12,13, Marta Antunes de Souza14, Regina Tranchesi4, Cristina U. Barata16,
Michael B. Edmond17, Brazilian SCOPE Study Group"
1 Instituto de Oncologia Pediatrica – IOP/GRAAC, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2 Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São
Paulo, Brazil, 4 Hospital 9 de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil, 5 Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 6 Hospital Conceição, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 7 Hospital de Base,
Brası́lia, Brazil, 8 Hospital Walter Cantidio, Fortaleza, Brazil, 9 Hospital de Diadema, São Paulo, Brazil, 10 Santa Casa do Pará, Pará, Brazil, 11 Hospital Espanhol, Salvador,
Brazil, 12 Hospital do Coração, Natal, Brazil, 13 Hospital da UNIMED, Natal, Brazil, 14 Hospital das Clinicas de Goiânia, Goiânia, Brazil, 15 Hospital do Rim e Hipertensão, São
Paulo, Brazil, 16 Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 17 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, United States of

Background: Nosocomial bloodstream infections (nBSIs) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality and are the
most frequent type of nosocomial infection in pediatric patients.

Methods: We identified the predominant pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibilities of nosocomial bloodstream isolates
in pediatric patients (#16 years of age) in the Brazilian Prospective Surveillance for nBSIs at 16 hospitals from 12 June 2007
to 31 March 2010 (Br SCOPE project).

Results: In our study a total of 2,563 cases of nBSI were reported by hospitals participating in the Br SCOPE project. Among
these, 342 clinically significant episodes of BSI were identified in pediatric patients (#16 years of age). Ninety-six percent of
BSIs were monomicrobial. Gram-negative organisms caused 49.0% of these BSIs, Gram-positive organisms caused 42.6%,
and fungi caused 8.4%. The most common pathogens were Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) (21.3%), Klebsiella spp.
(15.7%), Staphylococcus aureus (10.6%), and Acinetobacter spp. (9.2%). The crude mortality was 21.6% (74 of 342). Forty-five
percent of nBSIs occurred in a pediatric or neonatal intensive-care unit (ICU). The most frequent underlying conditions were
malignancy, in 95 patients (27.8%). Among the potential factors predisposing patients to BSI, central venous catheters were
the most frequent (66.4%). Methicillin resistance was detected in 37 S. aureus isolates (27.1%). Of the Klebsiella spp. isolates,
43.2% were resistant to ceftriaxone. Of the Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, 42.9% and 21.4%,
respectively, were resistant to imipenem.

Conclusions: In our multicenter study, we found a high mortality and a large proportion of gram-negative bacilli with
elevated levels of resistance in pediatric patients.

Citation: Pereira CAP, Marra AR, Camargo LFA, Pignatari ACC, Sukiennik T, et al. (2013) Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections in Brazilian Pediatric Patients:
Microbiology, Epidemiology, and Clinical Features. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68144. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068144
Editor: Nasia Safdar, UW Medical School, United States of America
Received November 28, 2012; Accepted May 26, 2013; Published July 4, 2013
Copyright: ß 2013 Pereira et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The study was funded in part by an independent medical grant provided by Pfizer, Inc. We also thank the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado
de São Paulo (FAPESP), Brasil (grant 2006/57700-0). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
Competing Interests: The study was funded in part by an independent medical grant provided by Pfizer, Inc. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to all
the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
* E-mail: alexandre.marra@einstein.br
" Membership of the Brazilian SCOPE Study Group is provided in the Acknowledgments.

Introduction the ICU setting children with BSI had crude mortality rates of
52% in an Israeli hospital [2] and 14% in a multicenter study of
Nosocomial bloodstream infections (nBSIs) are an important US hospitals [1].
cause of morbidity and mortality and are the most frequent type of In addition to an increase in incidence of nBSI, the proportion
nosocomial infection in pediatric patients [1–4]. The crude caused by multidrug resistant pathogens is also rising [5]. Despite
mortality is high, particularly for critically ill patients [2,3,4]. In advances in antimicrobial treatment, nBSI prolongs hospital stay,

PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 July 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e68144

Br SCOPE - Bloodstream Infection Surveillance

increases direct patient care costs and directly causes mortality The data that were routinely collected included the patient’s
[6,7]. age, gender, predisposing clinical conditions, species distribution
The rates of antimicrobial resistance among pathogens causing and antimicrobial susceptibility of causative pathogens and
healthcare associated infection are increasing, mainly among outcome. Predisposing clinical conditions that were routinely
gram-negative organisms (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter bau- recorded included neutropenia (defined as an absolute neutrophil
mannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae) [8]. Indeed this increase in count of ,1000/mL), peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis, and
antimicrobial resistance demonstrates a need for surveillance presence of intravascular catheters (i.e., central lines, arterial
programs to define the species distribution and the resistance catheters, or peripheral intravenous catheters). Secondary BSIs
patterns of pathogens that can cause a nBSI in order to help were regarded as those with a clear source of bacteremia other
physicians choose the most appropriate antimicrobial treatment than a central line. Sources of secondary BSI were identified by
for hospitalized patients [9]. cultures of samples (urine, tracheal secretions, intra-abdominal
There are differences in surveillance programs in different parts samples, etc.) obtained form distant sites that yielded the same
of the world with regards to methodologies and populations pathogen with an identical resistance pattern. Distant sites were
studied (e.g., ICU, neutropenic, or haemodialysis patients) sites where an infection was diagnosed other than a central line
[9,10,11]. There are only a few studies focusing on nBSI in (pneumonia, urinary tract infection, abdominal infection, etc).
pediatric patients [1,2]. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Crude mortality was defined as in-hospital mortality. We also
the epidemiological features of nBSI, the species distribution and compared pediatric patients hospitalized at private vs. public
the antimicrobial susceptibility of the pathogens in pediatric facilities.
patients, using the same methodology of prior studies (US and
Brazilian SCOPE Projects) [9,12]. Microbiological Methods
Blood cultures were processed at the participating hospitals.
Methods The identification of blood isolates and susceptibility testing were
done with the routine methods in use at the affiliated laboratories.
The Brazilian Surveillance and Control of Pathogens of All affiliated laboratories were Brazilian Society of Clinical
Epidemiologic Importance (Br SCOPE), based at Universidade Pathologists-certified, and all microbiological methods used were
Federal de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, was established to consistent with current CLSI recommendations [13]. Data from
identify the predominant pathogens and their antimicrobial all hospitals were used for analysis, and denominators for
susceptibilities of nosocomial bloodstream isolates [12]. The 16 individual antimicrobial agents may vary because not all hospitals
participating hospitals throughout the five different regions in test and report all drugs.
Brazil (North, Northeast, Middle-East, Southeast, and South), At the reference laboratory, Special Microbiology Laboratory
represent medical institutions of public and private hospitals. The from Universidade Federal de São Paulo, samples identified by
study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at manual methods were submitted to re-identification and antimi-
each participating site and it was submitted to the final approval of crobial susceptibility test by the Phoenix BD automated system.
the IRB from Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo. The require- MIC determination by E-TEST for oxacillin, and carbapenems
ments for informed consent was waived by IRB from Universidade and agar dilution for vancomycin were done to confirm resistant
Federal de Sao Paulo in accordance of the Code of Federal phenotypes.
Regulations and of the Privacy Rule. Molecular tests were applied to resistant strains as follow:

– For Staphylococcus aureus: mecA detection, SCCmec characteriza-

Study Design tion [14,15] and molecular typing by pulsed field electropho-
Clinical data and bloodstream isolates were prospectively resis (PFGE);
collected by local infection-control practitioners using a standard-
ized case-report form and forwarded to the coordinating center – Enterococcus spp: vanA and van B detection
along with each microbiological isolate. We did not perform any – Klebisiella pneumoniae: ESBL detection (blaTEM, blaCTX, blaSHV)
training or data validation as the local infection control and carbapenemase detection (bla KPC)
practitioners were experienced in performing surveillance. Patients
admitted between June 12, 2007 and March 31, 2010 to any of the
16 hospitals participating in the Br SOPE Project were eligible if Statistical Analysis
they were #16 years of age or treated on a pediatric service and The results were expressed as the mean6 SD or as a proportion
met the criteria for a nosocomial bloodstream infection (BSI). For of the total number of patients or isolates. For continuous
some descriptive analyses patients , = 1 year old and .5 years old variables, mean values were compared using two sample t tests for
were compared. independent samples. Differences in proportions were compared
A nosocomial BSI was determined to have occurred if $1 using a chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate. All
culture of a blood sample obtained $48 hours after admission to tests of significance are 2-tailed; a was set at 0.05. All statistical
analyses were done using SPSS software (SPSS).
the hospital yielded a pathogenic organism. If the bloodstream
isolate was a potential skin contaminant (e.g., diphtheroids,
Propionibacterium species, Bacillus species, coagulase-negative staph- Results
ylococci, or micrococci), all of the following criteria were required Study Population and Patient Characteristics
for the diagnosis: the presence of an intravascular catheter, the
During the study period a total of 2,563 cases of BSI were
initiation of targeted antimicrobial therapy, and at least one reported by hospitals participating in the Br SCOPE project.
clinical finding (temperature .38.0uC or ,36uC, chills, or systolic Among these, 342 clinically significant episodes of BSI (13.3%)
blood pressure of ,90 mmHg). BSI episodes that represented were identified in pediatric patients (#16 years of age). Patients
relapses were excluded. We analyzed the data from all eligible had a mean age of 4.765.1 (range, 0 to 16 years), but one-half of
episodes of BSI. the patients were , = 1 year old (172/342, 50.2%).

PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 2 July 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e68144

Br SCOPE - Bloodstream Infection Surveillance

At the time of diagnosis of BSI, nearly half of patients were species (15.7%), Staphylococcus aureus (10.7%), Acinetobacter species
hospitalized in a pediatric or neonatal intensive care unit (155; (9.3%) and Candida species (7.6%). Four percent of all episodes of
45.3%). Others were in a general pediatric unit (71; 21.0%) or a BSI (n = 13) were polymicrobial. In these, the most frequently
pediatric hematology-oncology unit (60; 17.5%). Underlying isolated pathogens (n = 15) were Klebsiella species (33.3%), Candida
conditions were classified as malignancy in 95 patients (27.8%), species (20.0%), Enterococcus species (13.3%) and Enterobacter species
followed by respiratory in 54 patients (15.8%), and gastroenter- (13.3%).
ology in 36 patients (10.5%). However, one-fifth of the patients When different age groups were compared, the proportion of
(n = 65; 19.0%) were hospitalized secondary to conditions CoNS decreased from 50% in patients ,1 year to 19% in patients
classified as ‘‘other’’. These could not be analyzed further because .5 years old. The same pattern was seen with S. aureus, Candida
of the lack of a classification of conditions seen in pediatric patients species and Enterococcus species in the same patient populations
only. Thirty-eight patients (11.1%) were neutropenic at the time of decreased from 18%, 13% and 13%, respectively, to 9% for each.
BSI diagnosis. The proportion of Acinetobacter species was higher in patients .5
Among the potential factors predisposing to BSI, intravascular years old.
devices were the most frequent. Central venous catheters were in In patients with monomicrobial BSI (n = 328), the crude
place in 227 patients (66.4%), followed by peripheral iv catheters mortality (Table 2) ranged from 14% (for Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
in 79 patients (23.1%) and arterial catheters in 9 patients (2.6%). A to 58% (for Candida species). Mortality in patients with polymi-
total of 61 patients were receiving parenteral nutrition (17.8%), crobial BSI was 38.5%. Considering facility type, 90.9% (298/328)
and in 20 (5.8%) dialysis was needed at the onset of BSI. had nBSI at a public hospital and 9.1% (30/328) had nBSI at a
Ventilator support was necessary in 130 patients (38.0%). Overall private hospital. There was no statistically significant difference
74 patients died during hospitalization, accounting for a crude with regard to gender (p = 0.44), age (p = 0.68) and potential risk
mortality of 21.6%. factors, such as the central venous catheter (p = 0.62), ventilator
(p = 0.16), or urinary catheter (p = 0.40) between pediatric patients
Microbiologic Features at a private or a public facility. There was also no statistically
During the study period 357 isolates were recovered from 342 significant difference in crude mortality in pediatric patients at
episodes of BSI. Of these, a total of 175 (49.0%) were caused by private (13.8%, 4/29) vs. public facilities (23.5%, 65/277;
gram-negative organisms, 152 (42.6%) by gram-positive organ- p = 0.24).
isms; and 30 (8.4%) fungi, of which 27 (90.0%) were Candida More pediatric patients acquired nBSI in ICUs in private
species (table 1). facilities (70%, 21/30) than public (48.3%, 144/298), p = 0.024.
The rank order of the major pathogens (Table 2) shows that Considering the organisms, in private facilities there were 66.7%
coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS), accounted for almost (20/30) gram positive nBSIs, 30.0% (9/30) gram negative nBSIs,
one-quarter of all nosocomial BSI (21.3%), followed by Klebsiella and only 3.3% (one case) of fungal nBSI, while in public facilities
there were 49.0% (146/298) gram negative nBSIs, 42.6% gram
positive nBSIs and 8.4% (25/298) fungal nBSI, p = 0.039.
Table 1. Epidemiologic and demographic data of pediatric
Of the 27 Candida isolates causing nosocomial BSI, Candida
patients with nBSI.
albicans was responsible for 37% of cases of Candida BSI, followed
in rank order by Candida tropicalis (26%) and Candida parapsilosis
(22%). Candida glabrata accounted for only 4% of cases of Candida
Patient demographics N (%)
Total pediatric patients 342
Mean Age (±SD), in years 4.7 (65.1) Antimicrobial Susceptibility
Gender Methicilllin resistance was detected in 37 S. aureus isolates (27%)
Male 176 (51.5%) and in 76 CoNS isolates (92%). S. aureus strains with reduced
Female 166 (48.5%)
susceptibility to vancomycin were not detected. Reduced suscep-
tibility to teicoplanin was reported in 1 CoNS isolate (3%) (table 3).
ICU setting 172 (50.4%)
Thirty-five CoNS were characterized at species level: Staphylo-
Monomicrobial infection 328 (95.9%) coccus epidermidis (62.8%), followed by Staphylococcus hominis and
Organisms (N = 357) Staphylococcus warneri (11.4%), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (8.5%) and
Gram-negative 175 (49.0%) Staphylococcus capitis (5.7%). The susceptibility profile revealed high
Gram-positive 152 (42.6%) resistance rate to oxacilin (80%).
Twenty isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were studied at the
Fungi 30 (8.4%)
reference laboratory and 5 of them were resistant to oxacilin.
Underlying conditions Molecular analysis was performed showing 4 mecA positive isolates.
Malignancy 95 (27.8%) The characterization of SCCmec revealed 2 SCCmec type III
Respiratory 54 (15.8%) isolates and one SCCmec type IVa.
Gastrointestinal 36 (10.5%) For enterococci, vancomycin resistance was found in 19 isolates
Other 65 (19.0%)
(21.0%), 80% of these were E. faecium isolates (N = 5) and none
were E. faecalis strains (N = 8). Eleven Enterococcus spp were studied
Potential risk factors
at the reference laboratory, 6 E. faecalis and 5 E. faecium. In only 3
Central venous catheter 227 (66.4%) E. faecium strains was the vancomycin MIC.256 mg/mL and the
Ventilator 130 (38.0%) vanA gene was detected in all 3.
Urinary catheter 76 (22.2%) Antimicrobial resistance levels for the most common gram-
Crude mortality 74 (21.6%)
negative organisms causing nosocomial BSI are shown in table 4.
Relatively high proportions of Klebsiella spp displayed resistance to
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068144.t001 ampicillin-sulbactam, piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidime, and

PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 3 July 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e68144

Br SCOPE - Bloodstream Infection Surveillance

Table 2. Rank order of nosocomial bloodstream pathogens in pediatric patients among 16 hospitals throughout Brazil.

Total % of Isolates Crude Mortality*

Organisms No of isolates % of isolates Age ,1 yr Age 1–5 yr Age.5 yr (%)

Coagulase-negative staphylococci 76 21.3 50.0 21.1 19.0 26.3

Klebsiella species 56 15.7 – 19.6 13.8 17.6
Staphylococcus aureus 38 10.6 18.2 11.3 9.5 21.1
Acinetobacter species 33 9.2 – 8.3 13.8 25.0
Candida species 27 7.6 13.7 6.7 8.6 58.3
Enterobacter species 25 7.0 – 10.3 2.6 21.7
Enterococcus species 21 5.9 13.7 3.4 9.5 30.8
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 14 3.9 – 5.4 2.6 14.3
Escherichia coli 14 3.9 – 4.4 4.3 21.4
Streptococcus species 12 3.4 – 2.9 5.2 16.7
Serratia species 6 1.7 – 2.0 1.7 50.0

*Crude mortality of patients with monomicrobial BSI.


cefepime (60.7%, 40.5%, 38.3%, and 37.7%, respectively). Discussion

Resistance to imipenem and meropenem was seen in 2.0% and
1.9% of the isolates. National surveillance studies focusing on nBSI are important
Eleven out of 39 Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates were phenotypically tools that can detect specific issues related to antimicrobial
characterized as ESBL with the presence of genes blaTEM, blaCTX, resistance [9,10,11,12]. In addition, BSI surveillance studies are
blaSHV in 3 (28.3%), 7 (63.6%) and 5 (45.4%), respectively. One preferable because rigid and standardized clinical diagnostic
isolate, resistant to imipenem and meropenem (MIC = 8 mg/mL) criteria make data more reliable and realistic, avoiding the
was modified Hodge test negative. The molecular analysis by problem of confounding colonizing agents not directly related to
polymerase chain reaction did not reveal the presence of the clinical disease [9,12]. BSIs are also the most serious and
blaKPC gene. potentially life-threatening infectious diseases in the pediatric
For Acinetobacter spp, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and population and in the majority of cases antimicrobial therapy must
carbapenems were not active against almost 40% of the isolates be initiated empirically [1,2,3]. For these reasons accuracy in
tested. For Enterobacter species, nearly 40% were resistant to predicting the pathogens and the resistance profile is crucial for
piperacillin-tazobactam. All Enterobacter species were susceptible to successful therapy.
fluoroquinolones and carbapenems. Of the P. aeruginosa isolates, Brazil is a country with more than 150 million inhabitants and a
almost one-quarter were resistant to cephalosporins, aminoglyco- total surface area larger than 8,500,000 Km2. In addition to its
sides, fluoroquinolones, piperacillin-tazobactam and carbapenems. large geographic size, the country is heterogeneous in socio-
demographic indicators, with wealthier regions concentrated in
the southern part of the country. Although the majority of the
population depends on the public healthcare system, an increasing

Table 3. Rates of antimicrobial resistance among gram-positive organisms most frequently isolated from children with nosocomial
bloodstream infection.

Staphylococcus aureus CoNS Enterococcus spp

Antimicrobial drug No. of isolates % resistant No. of isolates % resistant No. of isolates % resistant

Ampicillin ND – ND – 19 36.8
Methicillin 37 27.1 76 92.1 ND –
Cefazolin 25 16.0 28 92.9 ND –
Vancomycin 37 0 76 0 19 21.0
Teicoplanin 7 0 34 2.9 7 0
Linezolid 26 0 70 0 16 0
Ciprofloxacin 24 16.7 41 56.1 5 0
Clindamycin 35 22.9 72 73.6 ND –
Gentamicin 36 19.4 73 60.3 17 11.8

CoNS = Coagulase-negative staphylococci; ND = Not done.


PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 4 July 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e68144

Br SCOPE - Bloodstream Infection Surveillance

Table 4. Rates of antimicrobial resistance among gram-negative organisms most frequently isolated from children with
nosocomial bloodstream infection.

Acinetobacter baumannii
Klebsiella pneumoniae Enterobacter species Pseudomonas aeruginosa

No. of No. of
Antimicrobial drug No. of isolates % resistant No. of isolates % resistant isolates % resistant isolates % resistant

Amp-Sul 28 60.7 24 33.3 ND – ND –

Pip-Tazo 37 40.5 18 55.6 22 36.4 12 25.0
Cefazolin ND – ND – ND – ND –
Ceftriaxone 44 43.2 ND – ND – ND –
Ceftazidime 47 38.3 27 55.6 24 29.2 13 38.5
Cefepime 53 37.7 28 50.0 26 7.7 12 25.0
Imipenem 51 2.0 28 42.9 26 0 14 21.4
Meropenem 52 1.9 29 37.9 24 0 13 23.1
Ciprofloxacin 52 15.4 29 37.9 25 0 14 21.4
Gentamicin 47 32.7 27 25.9 25 8.0 12 25.0

ND = Not done; Amp-Sul = ampicillin-sulbactam; Pip-Tazo = Piperacillin-tazobactam.


fraction is being managed by private facilities. Heterogeneity is respectively), whereas the US SCOPE found that only 24% of
also reflected in healthcare practices at the level of nosocomial infections were due to gram-negative bacilli [9]. Of note, in the
infection management. As a result, different patterns of antimi- adult Br SCOPE population, the proportion of infections due to
crobial resistance and antimicrobial use may emerge within the gram- negative bacilli was even higher (58.5%) [12]. This high
country [12]. Also, due to its intrinsic characteristics, etiologic prevalence of gram-negative bacilli in Brazil has a practical
agents and their respective antimicrobial susceptibilities may differ importance, especially when dealing with empiric treatment of
from those of other countries [9,10]. suspected BSI infection since our data suggest that an antimicro-
In this study, we analyzed 342 nBSI episodes in pediatric bial agent directed against gram-negative pathogens is mandatory.
patients that were prospectively collected at 16 Brazilian medical We observed a higher proportion of gram negative nBSI in public
centers between 2007 to 2010. This is the largest study done in the hospitals (49%) than in private hospitals (30%) in our pediatric
pediatric population in this country and it is important because population.
epidemiological and resistance data of the adult population are It must be emphasized that in our study, in children younger
frequently extrapolated to children. The knowledge of Brazilian than one year old, half of the nBSI were caused by coagulase
data is of paramount importance for determining regional and negative staphylococci (CoNS) with an associated elevated crude
national prevention and treatment strategies for nosocomial mortality (26.3%), unlike that observed in other studies [16,17]
infections. Different from other previous nationwide network and this fact may be related to the high severity of infections in this
surveillance studies, the Br SCOPE Study [12], similar to the US age group. In the US SCOPE [9] it also was observed that many
SCOPE Study [9], is representative of the whole country, infections were caused by these agents in children less than one
obtaining data from its 5 different geographical regions. Also, year old, but with only 10% mortality, which is what is expected
standardized criteria for BSI were applied, conferring reliability for these agents and has been reported by other authors [16,17].
for comparison with other studies. High levels of resistance were observed in Klebsiella pneumoniae:
The crude mortality was 21% in this pediatric cohort, half of 40% to cephalosporins (3rd and 4th generations) and piperacillin/
that observed in the adult population evaluated by the Br SCOPE tazobactan, when compared to data from US SCOPE [9], where
[12], but higher than that reported by the US SCOPE Project only 10% were resistant to ceftazidime and 30% to piperacillin.
(14%) [9]. However, US SCOPE (9) analyzed more ICU patients However, a high level of susceptibility to carbapenems was
and fewer oncologic patients. We suspect that the higher mortality observed in both studies. Although high, the resistance profile to
rate observed in our study was due to higher resistance levels in the cephalosporins was smaller than that observed in the Br SCOPE
gram negative bacilli. There was no difference in mortality rates [12]. In this study, no carbapenamase-producing organisms were
between pediatric patients with nBSI in public or private facilities. found and the majority of ESBLs were due to gen blaCTX.
When we analyzed by pathogen, higher mortality was observed Regarding Pseudomonas aeruginosa, US SCOPE [9] found a low
in Candida species (58.3%). This has been reported in other studies level of resistance (,10%) to the majority of antibiotic agents. In
and may be due to the severity of the illness and the greater time to our study, the resistance was greater than 20% for all antibiotics.
positive blood cultures, which accounts for a delay in the start of The worst resistance was observed with Acinetobacter baumanni:
therapy. Another important finding of this study is the high more than 55% were resistant to piperacillin/tazobactan and
mortality rate observed in patients with polymicrobial bacteremia cephalosporins (3rd and 4th generations), 40% were resistant to
(38%), possibly related to the difficulties in therapeutic manage- carbapenems and ciprofloxacin. However, a greater level of
ment. resistance was observed in the adult Br SCOPE population
Like other studies of nBSI and/or healthcare related infections (approximately 60% to carbapenems and 70% to cephalosporins
in Latin America [10,12], we observed a higher prevalence of and ciprofloxacin) [12]. These data confirm the high and
gram-negative bacilli over gram-positive cocci (49% vs 42.6%, worrisome level of resistance among gram-negative bacilli in

PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 5 July 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e68144

Br SCOPE - Bloodstream Infection Surveillance

Brazil, and the high prevalence of these agents may have a serious data from the US [9] and a larger proportion of gram-negative
impact on antibiotic management, creating a vicious cycle of bacilli with elevated levels of resistance. This finding may aid
heavy use and resistance development. Brazilian physicians in the empirical treatment of BSI in pediatric
Antibiotic resistance among the gram-negative bacteria is patients.
worrisome, especially regarding P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter
baumanii. Rates as high as 40% resistance to carbapenems for Acknowledgments
Acinetobacter and 23% for P. aeruginosa are among the highest in the
world’s literature in the pediatric population and have several The members of the Brazilian SCOPE Study Group are: Fabiane Carlesse
implications for clinical practice [15,18]. Since resistance to (Instituto de Oncologia Pediatrica), André Doi (Universidade Federal de
São Paulo (UNIFESP)), Soraya Andrade (Universidade Federal de São
carbapenems usually is associated with multi-drug resistance [19],
Paulo (UNIFESP)), Marinês Dalla Vale Martino (Hospital Israelita Albert
very few options remain viable. In some instances, polymyxins Einstein), Antônia Maria Machado (Universidade Federal de São Paulo
remain the last alternative [20] and these drugs already widely (UNIFESP)), Paulo Bispo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)),
used in Brazil [21] could be considered in empiric therapy for the Sérgio Barsanti Wey (Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)),
subgroup of patients prone to develop BSI due to these agents. Arnaldo Lopes Colombo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)),
Fungal nBSI has become more frequent. We found a prevalence Rodrigo Molina (Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro), Luciana
of 8.4%, a slightly lower than that found in US SCOPE (9.3%) [9] Scheidt Puga (Hospital Conceição), Gabriela Medeiros Dantas (Hospital da
and higher than that observed in adult Br SCOPE (6.1%) [12]. UNIMED), Andrea Moura (Santa Casa do Pará).
Possibly, it is due to a greater concentration of oncologic patients.
Moreover, 11% of these patients were neutropenic at the time of Author Contributions
BSI diagnosis. Conceived and designed the experiments: ARM LFAC ACCP. Performed
In this study, species of Candida represented 7.6% of nBSI, the the experiments: CAPP TS PRPB EASM JR EG LC CG IC CB MR MAS
majority caused by non-albicans species (63%), mainly C. tropicalis RT CUB BrSSG. Analyzed the data: ARM LFAC ACCP MBE.
and C. parapsilosis, similar to data from adult patients [12]. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ACCP ARM. Wrote the
In conclusion, our study describes the pattern of nBSI in paper: CAPP ARM LFAC ACCP IC MBE.
Brazilian children. We found a higher mortality in comparison to

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PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 6 July 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e68144

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