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Md. Mahbub Hasan ID: 151012 Dept: EEE

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Mahbub Hasan
ID: 151012
Dept: EEE
 What is Time Travel

“Time travel is the concept of moving

between different points in time in a
manner analogous to moving between
different points in space, generally
using a theoretical invention known as
a time machine .Nature also allowed
us Time Travel through
Wormhole,Blackhole,Crossing speed
of light(theoretically).”
What Exactly is Time?
 Most people think time is constant.

 Physicist Albert Einstein showed that

it was merely an illusion.

 Time depending on one’s speed

through space.

 Einstein declared time as the fourth


 Time only provides the coordinate

direction, which only moves forward.
Einstein's Theory of Special & General

• Einstein's theory of special relativity describes that the speed of time

depends on how fast you are moving relative to something else

• Ex. If someone in a spaceship flies around the earth at the speed of

light, that person would age much slower than a person back on earth

• Theory of general relativity states that gravity can bend time.

Possibilities of Time Travel

One possibility of traveling

back in time would be to
travel even faster than the
speed of light, but even then
it is shown in Einstein's
equations that one's mass &
length must infinitely be 0.
However, other scientists are
optimistic about that it may
be done .
Through Wormholes
WORMHOLE a shortcut connecting
two separate points in spacetime that
could connect extremely far distances
such as a billion light years or more, in
theory, different points in time.

• Create a wormhole between

different points in space time
- Space-time is a four-dimensional
fabric that when bent, causes
gravity .

• But wormholes collapse fairly

quickly & would only work for tiny

• Technology to even create a

wormhole goes beyond anything
we have today.
Black Holes

• A black hole is a large amount of matter

squeezed into a small area; its gravitational pull is
so strong that even light can’t escape it
• Fly a spaceship quickly around the black hole to
make the big rotating structure
• Would have to travel at the speed of light for this
method to work
Black Hole from movie- INTERESTELLAR

But some physicist claimed that the machine used for time travel
can fall apart for the gravitational pull of the blackhole.

This picture shows that how light bend near a blackhole for
strong gravitational pool.
Time Machine

Time Machine from movie- Back to The Future

A machine in which people or objects can be transported into

the past or the future. Though, at present it’s only exists in
science fiction stories & movies. If a true time machine would
ever invented, it can only travel forward not backward.
Because if it is capable to travel back in past, it may create
some inconsistent loop(paradox). Which physics doesn’t
Grandfather Paradox
The main problem with Time Travel is the time
travel theory is unable to answer some
paradoxes. paradox is a statement or concept
that contains conflicting ideas. The grandfather
paradox is a proposed paradox of time travel.
Considering this paradox time travel can not
be possible.

Grandfather Paradox: If the time traveller goes

back in time and kills his grandfather before he
meets his grandmother. As a result, the time
traveller is never born. But, if he was never
born, then he is unable to travel through time
and kill his grandfather.

This creates inconsistent a loop. That can never

be answered by our theoretical physics.
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_trave

Image Courtesy-
 www.google.com/images

Back to the future Trilogy(1985,1989,1990)
Any Query?!
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