At Codechef: Take U Forward
At Codechef: Take U Forward
At Codechef: Take U Forward
Only start doing these problems if you feel you are comfortable with solving basic problems
of DSA. Once you are, you can start preparing for these problems, because these problems
are solely interview based.
Day1: (Arrays)
2. Sort an array of 0’s 1’s 2’s without using extra space or sorting algo
WBQ1CaBkm2&index=2 (Problem link in description)
5. Kadane’s Algorithm
Day2: (Arrays)
1. Set Matrix Zeros
2. Pascal Triangle
3. Next Permutation
6. Rotate Matrix
Day3: (Arrays/maths)
1. Search in a 2D matrix
2. Pow(X,n)
Day4: (Hashing)
1. 2 Sum problem
2. 4 Sum problem
Day5: (LinkedList)
1. Reverse a LinkedList
1. Find intersection point of Y LinkedList
2. Check if a LinkedList is palindrome or not.
3. Reverse a LinkedList in groups.
4. Detect a cycle in Linked List
5. Find the starting point of the Loop of LinkedList
6. Flattening of a LinkedList
7. Rotate a LinkedList
Day7: (2-pointer)
1. Clone a Linked List with random and next pointer
2. 3 sum
3. Trapping rainwater
4. Remove Duplicate from Sorted array
5. Max continuous number of 1’s
Day8: (Greedy)
1. N meeting in one room
2. Activity Selection
3. Greedy algorithm to find minimum number of coins
4. Fractional Knapsack Problem
5. Minimum number of platforms required for a railway
6. Job sequencing Problem
Day9: (Backtracking)
1. N queens Problem
2. Sudoko
3. M coloring Problem (Graph prob)
4. Rat in a Maze
5. Print all Permutations of a string/array
6. Word Break (print all ways)
1. Combination sum-1
2. Combination sum-2
3. Palindrome Partioning
4. Subset Sum-1
5. Subset Sum-2
6. K-th permutation Sequence
Day12: (Bits) (Optional, very rare topic in interviews, but if you have time left, someone might
1. Check if a number if a power of 2 or not in O(1)
2. Count total set bits
3. Divide Integers without / operator
4. Power Set (this is very important)
5. Find MSB in o(1)
6. Find square of a number without using multiplication or division operators.
1. Next Smaller Element
2. LRU cache (vvvv. imp)
3. Largest rectangle in histogram
4. Sliding Window maximum
5. Implement Min Stack
6. Rotten Orange (Using BFS)
Day15: (String)
1. Reverse Words in a String
2. Longest Palindrome in a string
3. Roman Number to Integer and vice versa
4. Implement ATOI/STRSTR
5. Longest Common Prefix
6. Rabin Karp
Day16: (String)
1. Prefix Function/Z-Function
2. KMP algo
3. Minimum characters needed to be inserted in the beginning to make it palindromic.
4. Check for Anagrams
5. Count and Say
6. Compare version numbers
Day21: (BinarySearchTree)
1. Floor and Ceil in a BST
2. Find K-th smallest and K-th largest element in BST (2 different Questions)
3. Find a pair with a given sum in BST
4. BST iterator
5. Size of the largest BST in a Binary Tree
6. Serialize and deserialize Binary Tree
Day23: (Graph)
1. Clone a graph (Not that easy as it looks)
2. DFS
3. BFS
4. Detect A cycle in Undirected Graph/Directed Graph
5. Topo Sort
6. Number of islands (Do in Grid and Graph both)
7. Bipartite Check
Day24: (Graph)
1. SCC(using KosaRaju’s algo)
2. Djisktra’s Algorithm
3. Bellman Ford Algo
4. Floyd Warshall Algorithm
5. MST using Prim’s Algo
6. MST using Kruskal’s Algo
Day26: (DP)
1. Maximum sum path in matrix, (count paths, and similar type do, also backtrack to find
the maximum path)
2. Coin change
3. Subset Sum
4. Rod Cutting
5. Egg Dropping
6. Word Break
7. Palindrome Partitioning (MCM Variation)
1. Revise OS notes that you would have made during your sem
2. If not made notes, spend 2 or 3 days and make notes from Knowledge Gate.
1. Revise DBMS notes that you would have made during your semesters.
2. If not made notes, spend 2 or 3 days and make notes from Knowledge Gate.
1. Revise CN notes, that you would have made during your sem.
2. If not made notes, spend 2 or 3 days and make notes from Knowledge Gate.
1. Make a note of how will your represent your projects, and prepare all questions
related to tech which you have used in your projects. Prepare a note which you can
say for 3-10 minutes when he asks you that say something about the project.
Hurrah!! You are ready for your placement after a month of hard-work without a cheat day.