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Integration of The Internet To Support Learning

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Nama:Maulfi Muhammad Yusuf 205180103



Integration of the Internet to Support Learning

In this chapter, we examined uses of the Internet to en-hance learning. Applications of the Internet
in educationcan be put into one of four broad categories; communication, information retrieval,
information publishing, and

application platform. Asynchronous forms of communi-

cation include e-mail and mailing lists, while synchronous

forms of communication include instant messaging and

chat. These technologies allow for rapid communication

between individuals or groups. Students and teachers canretrieve text, images, audio, and video
information from

the World Wide Web. Structured approaches for integrat-

ing information retrieval in educational lessons include

scavenger hunts and WebQuests. The Internet can also be

used for information publishing. Using Web authoring

software, blogs, or wikis, students and teachers can cre-

ate materials that can be accessed by others on the Inter-

net. Finally, Web-based applications make the Internet a

platform for cloing wvork of all kinds.

Teachers and stuclents need to be aware of issuesrelated to the use of the lnternet in the classroom.

right laws apply to materials on the Internet just as they

do to materials in Other melia. Security and information

Chapter 11

Integration of Distance

Education to Support


In this chapter, we examined education, any or-

ganized instructional program in which the teacher and

learners àre physically separated. Distance education

addresses problems of educational access caused by dis-

tance, disability, or work and family obligations, among

others. Technology is often used in distance education

to facilitate communication berween teacher and learn-ers. We examined the characteristics of

three categories

of distance education technologies: audio-based, video-

based, and computer-based.

Planning is especially important for successful dis-

tance education. When planning for a distance education

lesson, you should ake advantage of the benefits of the

technology, understand the characteristics of distance ed-

ucation learners, prepare for the experience, and avoid

problems and pitfalls. Examples of distance education

were presented, and strategies for implementing distance

education were described. Assessment of student perfor-

mance at a distance was considered, and utilization

guidelines for distance education were presented.

Issues associated with distance education were

also presented. These issues include copyright, the need

for support, and issues related to policy.

Chapter 12

Evaluation of Instructional

Materials and the

Assessnment of Student


In this chapter, we described evaluation as a "cycle of

continuous improvement" in which you can use a vari

ety of evaluation techniques before, during, and after a

learning experience. We discussed different techniques

to evaluate both how much students have learned (in-

cluding both standard and alternative assessment tech

niques) and the effectiveness of your instruction. For

each technique, we described its advantages and of-

fered a set of practical guidelines for its use.

Chapter 13

ntegrating Technology

Issues, Trends,

and Horizons

Today, instructional design, educational media, and ed-

ucational computing are all established disciplines and

are converging through the capabilities of the computer.

Media are becoming digital, and the computer offers

new capabilities for planning, implementing, and evalu-

ating instrnuction. \While the typical school of today has a

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