COMP 307 Operating System
COMP 307 Operating System
COMP 307 Operating System
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre
Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to provide the fundamental design and
implementation of operating systems. Lectures are based on the linux operating system and
research papers. Topics include process scheduling, memory management, virtual memory, file
system, and an introduction to the distributed system.
Chapter [4 hrs]
Introduction: Introduction to Operating system, Simple batch system, multiprogramming batched
system, time-sharing, personal computer, parallel system, distributed system, real-time system.
Chapter 2 [4 hrs]
Operating System Structures: System Component, OS services, system calls, system programs,
system structure, virtual machine.
Chapter 3 [6 hrs]
Processes: Process concept, process scheduling, operation on processes, cooperating processes,
thread, interprocess communication.
Chapter 4 [8 hrs]
Scheduling: introduction, scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms, multi-processor scheduling,
real-time scheduling.
Chapter 5 [6 hrs]
Deadlock: introduction, deadlock characterization, handling deadlocks, deadlock prevention,
avoidance, detection, recovery.
Chapter 6 [6 hrs]
Memory Management: introduction, logical and physical addresses, swapping, contiguous
allocation, paging, segmentations.
Chapter 7 [4 hrs]
Virtual memory: demand paging, the performance of demand paging, page replacement and an
algorithm, allocation of frames, thrashing
Chapter 8 [3 hrs]
File system Interface: file concept, access method, directory structure, protection, consistency
Chapter 9 [2 hrs]
I/O system: introduction, I/o interfaces, Kernel I/O subsystem
Chapter 10 [2 hrs]
Distributed system structure: introduction, distributed OS
1. Operating System Concepts, 7/e, Silberschatz, Galvin.
2. Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Third Edition, Tanenbaum