Astrophysics Inc Features - Brochure - RevB
Astrophysics Inc Features - Brochure - RevB
Astrophysics Inc Features - Brochure - RevB
Astrophysics Inc.’s X-ray Inspection Systems allow operators to use a wide array of standard features, alone and in
combination, to make quicker, better informed decisions, for a more efficient and effective screening process.
12-17 Light Metals Green Green Aluminum, Silicon Gunpowder, Trigger Devices
17-29 Heavy Metals Blue Blue Iron, Steel Guns, Bullets, Knives
6 Color Imaging
This feature analyzes the image and assigns colors to scanned
objects, based on the objects’ atomic numbers. 6 Color imaging
provides more information than 3 Color, and allows better visual
discrimination between items of similar composition. This helps
operators to more quickly and accurately recognize potential
threats, increasing both throughput and accuracy.
Similarly, the large cup, highlighted with a yellow ellipse for clarity,
appears green in 3 Color imaging, and yellow when viewed with
6 Color. Yellow is associated with glass and propellants, whereas
green is associated with aluminum and silicon, indicating the
possible presence of a triggering device and/or gunpowder. The
proper color will help the operator correctly identify a scanned
With minimal time to identify various threats, the utilization of 6 6 Color Image
Color Imaging enables operators to more easily and accurately
identify potential high security threats and avoid false alarms.
+1 909-598-5488
9 Quadrant Zoom
This function divides an x-ray image into 9 quadrants on the operator’s screen(s). Each quadrant corresponds to a
number on the AOCP keypad, allowing the operator to quickly and easily zoom in on individual parts of the scanned
Astrophysics’ new software creates a thumbnail of every zoomed image, allowing the operator to see the entire image
in the thumbnail while zooming in on specific parts of the main image. As the operator applies the image processing
functions to the main image, those functions are also instantly applied to the thumbnail.
Bag Counter
The system Interface Task Bar includes a baggage counter.
Bag Counter
Distortion Correction
The detector array of the
system is L-Shaped. This
geometry results in varying
distances between the x-ray
generator and individual
detector boards which may
cause images to be skewed. X-Ray Generator
Detector Assembly (Not to Scale)
+1 909-598-5488
This function allows operators to lighten or darken a
scanned image for improved image assessment.
Astrophysics’ Light/Dark mode permits much finer
increments of change, creating the effect of continuous
Multi-Tier Accessibility
The Astrophysics graphic interface features a separate
login for Operators, Supervisors and Administrators,
High Penetration including unique programmable passwords. This Multi-
Tier Accessibility allows clients to tailor each system
Image Annotation to their specific needs in terms of accessibility and
Operators use Image Annotation to draw a frame function.
around a suspicious area of a scanned image.
Operators can then enter a 3 character alphanumeric
code, such as: “GUN,” “WP,” (weapon), or “EXP”
(explosive). The annotated image can then be saved Multi-Tier Accessibility
and/or transmitted to a Secondary Review Network Ready
Workstation. In addition to being able to alert a All systems are network-ready via a standard Ethernet
supervisor of a potential threat, Image Annotation is connection.
useful for evaluating images for training purposes.
Operator Training Program (OTP)
At system installation, a Field Service Technician
will familiarize end-users with the system’s basic
components, common operation errors, use of the
AOCP, software functionality and image manipulation.
Clients will also receive an extensive User manual and
a complimentary Operator Training Program (OTP).
The OTP’s primary purpose is to train operators on
how to use the X-ray system. This feature is standard
on all Astrophysics X-ray Inspection Systems including
the XIS and VI series. With a limited image library, the
operator in training can focus on the various functions
of the x-ray machine using the Advanced Operator
Image Annotation Control Panel (AOCP).
Organic/Inorganic Imaging
This feature allows operators to emphasize organic or inorganic areas of a scanned image. In Organic mode,
organic objects are displayed in orange while other objects appear in grey. In Inorganic mode, inorganic objects
appear in blue while other objects remain grey. These complimentary functions are particularly effective in
targeting specific materials such as explosives and narcotics (organic) or triggering mechanisms and metal weapons
Picture Perfect
Picture Perfect analyzes image data in order to present a refined, high contrast, and more detailed image. When
activated, it will cause an image containing multiple, layered objects to become clearer and more defined for
increased object visibility. Picture Perfect can be used in color mode, black and white, or reverse black and white
mode and is often the best tool for enhancing overall image clarity and object identification.
Picture Perfect
Print Function
The system features a print function that allows operators to print the current scanned image at the push of a
button. The system is compatible with most printers. Astrophysics can provide compatible printers for your XIS
system upon request.
+1 909-598-5488
Pseudo Color
This feature applies multiple color pallets to a screened image, creating additional color differentiation. An operator uses
the contrast button on the Advanced Operator Control Panel (AOCP) to scroll through available color options.
Real-Time Diagnostics
Astrophysics Real-Time Diagnostics continuously monitors
system components, including power supply input voltage,
x-ray generator, e-stop status, entry/exit sensors, temperature
and more. The Real-Time Diagnostics screen is available to
Supervisors and Administrators, allowing them to review
overall system health and to print status reports.
Custom Paint
Customers can specify a paint scheme to customize the exterior appearance of their x-ray machines. Customizing
the paint allows the x-ray system to blend into its surroundings and/or to reflect the client’s corporate color
Density Alert
Density Alert draws an operator’s attention to potential threat objects by highlighting material that is too
dense for x-rays to penetrate. In regular imaging mode, such objects appear black. Astrophysics offers two
different types of Density Alert:
Both Density Alerts can be configured to sound an alarm and/or stop the conveyor belt when a potential
threat it detected.
+1 909-598-5488
Entry/Exit Roller Tables version of the program is applicable to both single and
The XIS system can be enhanced through the addition dual view machines, whereas IAP – LITE only trains on
of entry or exit roller tables. single view.
Extended Conveyor
Customers can choose extended conveyors for their
XIS systems, allowing longer clearance, larger objects
and more baggage loading. Image Analysis Program (IAP)
The Image Analysis Program (IAP) is essentially the same Radiation Meter
program as the Image Analysis Program – LITE, but with a Customers may choose from a range of optional
few differentiating factors. The Image Analysis Program radiation meters in order to perform on-site safety
features an extended image library for an operator checks and to ensure compliance with radiation safety
to analyze in an attempt to identify potential threats. regulations.
Unlike the LITE version, this program is installed on a
standalone PC with a single license. The single license
limits the program installation to only one PC, but allows
for multiple operators to train with the program. This
Remote Workstation
The Remote Workstation connects to the XIS system Supervisor Workstation
via an Ethernet cable, and allows the screener to The Supervisor Workstation allows Supervisors and
operate the machine at greater distances, providing Administrators to monitor multiple x-ray systems.
flexibility when designing the overall layout of a This helps to ensure that screening is efficient and
screening area. The Station comes equipped with an effective. Supervisors have access to all systems
AOCP, Monitor*, Computer, and Work Table. and can modify the permission levels of users, add
or remove operators, as well as create or change
passwords. The Supervisor can also adjust the
percentage and variation of TIP utilized on the
System. Included in the Supervisor Workstation is a
Supervisor Workstation
Remote Operator Station monitor*, keyboard, mouse, work table and computer.
Secondary Review
Remote Workstation
Supervisor Workstation
*Size and quantity of monitor varies by system.
Sloped Conveyor
Customers can add sloped conveyors to their XIS
system(s). Slopped conveyors can facilitate the loading/
unloading of objects.
Threat Image Projection
Test Case
Test cases enable customers to perform on-site checks
for consistency, performance, and reliability of the system. Wireless Barcode Scanning
Customers may choose from a variety of test kits, including: Barcode scanning allows the operator to attach a
-Astrophysics Steel Stepwedge package’s barcode data to its corresponding image.
-Astrophysics Wire Resolution Case Should the image need to be recalled, the Image
-EW STP Test Case Archive can easily be searched by inputting the
-ASTM F792-08 Test Case barcode.
-ASTM F792-88 Test Case
-Standard Test Piece (STP) Test Case
Test Case
P/N 05-00-PB53-00 Rev B