Mutation: Gene or Point Mutation Chromosomal Mutation
Mutation: Gene or Point Mutation Chromosomal Mutation
Mutation: Gene or Point Mutation Chromosomal Mutation
Involves the alteration of the sequence of bases in a gene.
Since each gene codes for a specific polypeptide, then any alteration of the gene will result in a
different product (polypeptide).
The mutated product is usually harmful to the organism but not always.
Furthermore, a mutation may prevent the formation of any product at all.
2. DELETION- one (or more) nucleotide pair is removed from the gene sequence.
The base pairs may be added or deleted terminally or intragenic. Additions and deletions are FRAME
SHIFT MUTATIONS. The READING FRAME refers to the sequence of codons present in a gene, because
they are read from a specific starting point. Additions and deletions alter the sequence of nucleotides
and thus how the frame reads; hence the term: FRAME SHIFT.
For example- a part of a normal RNA frame reads : AUG CCU GGG UUU AGU CCA AAG
Addition of a G at codon 4 base 3 results in : AUG CCU GGG UUG UAG{stop}
*in this case the rest of the product is lost because a stop codon is formed. Thus the protein
structure will be incomplete.
Stop codon will be misread resulting in a longer or shorter polypeptide than the normal
Codon sequence will be altered so protein produced will be defective or unable to function at
3. SUBSTITUTION- the exchange or replacement of one BASE for/by another. There are two types of
substitutions :
a. Transitions- the replacement of a purine by a purine or pyrimidine by a pyrimidine.
b. Transversions- the replacement of a purine by a pyrimidine or vice versa
Substitution Mutations are NOT frame shift mutations. They still however may radically change the protein
Sickle cell Anaemia is a condition that results from a substitution mutation. The gene sequence is altered
such that the amino acid glutamate is replaced by valine.
MIS-SENSE MUTATION- substitution, addition or deletion that results in the placement of an amino
acid in a position that it should not be in the polypeptide chain. For this to occur a different codon
from the normal would have been formed at the position in question.
NON-SENSE MUTATION- substitution, addition or deletion that leads to the formation of a stop codon.
The stop codons are: UAA, UAG, UGA. The resulting polypeptide will be too long or short, will not fold
properly, and so will not be able to function properly, if at all.
SILENT MUTATION- substitutions that are not expressed in the phenotype. For instance, if UAC is
changed to UAU there will be no noticeable effect because both those sequences code for the same
amino acid- tyrosine; and both UGC and UUC code for serine. The product will not be changed.
Mutations involving the chromosome number or structure. Not just a gene along the chromosome, but
the entire chromosome is affected.
CHANGE IN CHROMOSOME NUMBER- mutation in which the number of chromosomes is not the
normal for the species in question. There are two types of chromosome number mutations:
1. EUPLOIDY—Mutation in which the number of chromosome sets differ from normal. Organisms
with such mutations are called euploids. For instance humans normally have 23 sets of
chromosomes; each set containing two chromosomes. A euploid individual may have 22 sets of
two instead. NB. This would be fatal from the embryonic stage.
PLOIDY refers to the number of times each chromosome set is present in the nucleus of an
organism. If ‘n’ is the number of chromosomes in a set, then
n--- monoploid eg. tobacco
2n—diploid eg. humans, tomato
3n—triploid eg. banana, sugar beets
4n—tetraploid eg. potato, grape
6n—hexaploid eg. wheat
8n—octoploid eg. strawberry
10n-decaploid eg. sugarcane
Polyploidy is when the number of chromosome in a set is more than 2n. There are two types of
AUTOPLOIDY- situation in which the same set(s) of chromosomes of the same species is
Eg. Where C is a chromosome: CC [diploid] is mutated to CCCC [tetraploid]
ALLOPLOIDY- situation in which the chromosome sets from two different species (hybrid)
Species 1—CC + Species 2—BB = Hybrid- BC which may mutate to BBCC
Polyploidy is more common in plants than animals. Polyploidy occurs if there is a mistake in
mitosis or meiosis. Polyploidy may be induced by exposing the species to a chemical named
colchicine that inhibits the formation of spindle fibres. In odd number polyploids (3n, 5n, etc),
meiosis is never normal.
Effects of Polyploidy
Chromosome numbers in a cell will increase, which causes an increase in the size of the plant.
We are thus able to achieve increased fruit size, increased flower size and flowers and fruits also
stay fresh longer.
XX ----------------------- XX -------------------------- X X
parent meiosis 1 meiosis 11 n+1 n+1 n-1 n-1
XX ----------------------------- X X ----------------------------- X I I
parent meiosis 1 meiosis 11 n+1 n n n-1
Various environmental agents such as radiation, can cause chromosomes to break apart.
Sometimes the broken ends of one or more chromosomes do not rejoin in the same pattern as
before and this results in chromosome mutations. The types of chromosomal mutations include:
DELETIONS – chromosome has missing segments. If the missing portion is at the end of
the chromosome, it is called a terminal deletion; if a segment in the middle of the
chromosome is missing, then an interstitial deletion has occurred. Even if only one
member of a homologous pair is affected, a deletion causes abnormality. If there is a
homozygous deletion, the organism will die - usually as an embryo.
Eg. in humans, the heterozygous deletion of chromosome # 5p causes the condition ‘cri-
du-chat’. Individuals with this condition have a small head, severe mental retardation,
cries like a cat and dies in early childhood (lives up to 10 yrs).
Eg. human cells have multiple copies of the gene that codes for haemoglobin
INVERSIONS – a segment of the chromosome is turned around 1800. The same genes are
present but in reverse order along the chromosome. This reversed sequence of genes can
lead to altered gene activity.
Eg. * 5% of Down Syndrome cases are the result of translocation between chromosomes
21 and 14.